The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 10, 1896, Image 1

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The Plaindealer i
The Plaindealer
; :
i You Dok't Gbt tub News, ?
No. 55.
(Successor lo J. JASKCLEK. i
Practical : Watchmaker, : Jovciei" : and : Optician.
.. ......DEALEK IS :
ICO1.c'1.aiA D- !Sjcelatll jr.
,Uouulmi lJrxiv.iliiin Ulyis Glasses uml ftipcctuclcw
a cosii'urrx stock of
. Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars and Smokers' Articles.
.Vlso Proprietor and Uanuser of Uosobuis Fatuous Usirgain Store
only 15c
per box
of 3 cakes.
Toilet Soaps S
iv nno wiNnnw.
lilcvcntn Year lie-ins Sepleirilier 7:11, iSy6.
Three Distinct Courses: Normal, Academic and Music.
Stale diplomas, conferring th dorew of Bachelor of Scientific Didactics,
warded to those ho complete the Normal corns, and pay the required fee.
Oiplcmss from the school to thoee ho finish the other courses.
Thorough work and teaelwrs trauaiag department. Ki pentea low.
A limited amount of work will be given time who wis!i to thus pay a part of
their way through school.
Driin la a quiet, hcdthfti! little town, aitaaied 34 wile north of Roseburg,
and has no saloons or other places of vi.e. The people are tn -r aud trne friends
f the student. The year jot: cioiod h a prosperous one for the school.
For full particuiarst tenJ for no rata crco. which will be promptly mailed to
you. Loi :s Bab. Et, 1). S , President.
luullr-, Vlnli mid Ciituc, a
lu Sen-ton. 2
Propr.eior of
The City Meat Market,
Depot Grocers
AaJ lKz:i la
Roseburg, Or.
' Orders taken tad Delivered Tree
to any pus 01 tie City.
"Wa.ll Papers-
A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell
Sacrifice Sale
Now in Progress.
Goods delivered to any part of the City in Ehort order.
Corner Lane A Sheridan Streets, KOSEBURG, OREGON
Give its a caii.
Editok I'laisdealek: Perhaps you
will find space for a few words in reply to
Messrs. "Sook Nik" and "New Deal."
I mentioned Blaine's name as having
been an advocate of the free coinage of
silver because in a speech delivered in
the U. S. Senate he spoke as follows :
"I believo gold and silver coin to be
the money of the constitution; indeed
the money of the American people an
terior to tho constitution which the great
organic law recognized as quite inde
pendent of its own existence. No power
was conferred cn congress to declare
that cither metal should not be money.
Uongrets has, therefore, in my judg
ment, no power to demonetize gold; no
power lo demonetize either, than to de
monetize both. If, tberefoie, silver has
been demonetized, I am in favor of re
iDonetiz'iDg it. If its coinage has been
prohibited, I am in favor of ordering it
to be resumed."
Does that sound like "Bound money"
or freo coinage? But now listen to John
A. Logan :
"By a trick, and I use that word be
cause it is a proper word in this in
stance, by a trick of legislation in 1S73
the people of this country were deprived
of tho right of paying their debts in sil
ver dollars." And then the lion-
bearted veteran went on to explain how
that "trick" tras accomplUbed. He
called it a tuck. Populists call it a
1 lime. And still further on General
I-ogan raid :
'I know that it is sometimes the case
that the yoice of the people of this coun
try is stifled by legislation, Etifled by
their own representatives. Now, when
the people of this country demand that
the silver dollar that we produc? in our
country 6hall bo restored as it stood up
to 1S73 or 1874, they are not to be allowed
that either. Why? Not becauEu they
do not think it 13 right; not because tbey
do not demand it; not because it is not
right; but because, if I may make such a
remark, a minority, a few men in this
country demand nothing out gold, so
that they may enrich themselves upon
the distress and poverty of the people of
this country."
That sounds rather populistic, don't it,
friend "Nik?" But now let us turn to
the living, foremost among whom i
John M.Thurston, United States Sena
tor from Nebraska and chairman of the
St. Louis republican convention which
nominated McKinley. In a letter ad-
flPOCFPIF J6. dressed to the Hon.J. Burrows, secre-
The Collins House
flnt Slice: c: at Depot, one b'.ocfc uortb,
First Class $1.00 per Day House.
Kerently refolded, rcnoTatcJ nJ refurnished.
i-i-:ki and livery stadli: in connection
Successor to G. V. NOAlI.l g
General Blacksmithing
Htiup on Corner Wnnlilugton nncl Knuc 8t., Iloneburj;.
Marble and Granite Works.
E. W. AGHISON k CO., Proprs.
Dcaleraia all klliitiot
Marble and Granite Monuments
and llendstones,
Portland Cement
JtTot- Cemetery JL,otH
estimates luiruishcd ou all kinds of Cemetery Work
Office aud Hnlenrcom. :7ii Onk Street.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Kauecs. Limber .Lands and Aliimii' Properties,
Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable aud
the most succrulul
EncciallM lu Ban Fran
ci6Co. (till continues to
euro all Sexual aud
5mlnal Diseases, nucb
as Gonnorrhcra. Oleet
Stricture. Syphlllls iu
all Its forms, Skin Di
seases, Nervous Debil
ity. Impotency. Semi
nal Weakness aud Loss
ol flanhood. tho conkc-
quciico ul Mil ahuec aud excesses producing tho
lollowiiiR symptoms; fallow couutcnancc. dark
IoU under tho eyes, palu lu tho head, ringing
in the cars, lots ol commence, uiiniicncc in ap
pronchlngbtrnugcrs, pulpctallou ot the hearts
weaknessol thcUmbsnnd back, loss ol memory.
pimples on tho face, coughs, consumption, etc,
DIl. GIUUON has iractlccl In Bau Francisco
over thirty years aud thee troubled should not
fall to consult him mid rccclru tho benefit ot
his great skill and experience. Tho doctor
cures when others lall. lryhlin. Cures cu
antccd. 1'crsuus cured at liumc. Cha
reasonable. Call or rtrllc.
Or. J. I', Gibbon, 6tt Ktarnty Street, fan
rrantii-o, vai.
Notice is herebr elYen to all whom it
tern that I h re appointed D, V. SUarns uf CaU
pools precinct Deputy inspector cf Stock for said
predsct; poslomee address, Uakland; also A. J.
unapman or tviiDur, ana naipn Bmith. at Hoa
burg, to act Jnrlng ay absence, and others nil
be added as parties inspected make their desln
known to ins.
Boaebars;, May th, I8S7.
Inraetsnr of Htock lar DongUs ennntr. Or
Executor's Notic
Notice la hereby given to all venous inter
csted that the undersigned, W. L. Wilson and
Abuer Kiddle, has licen by tho county court ol
Douglas county. ap)oIutcd executors of tho
ulllol Kichard Oncus, deceased, and nllicr
sous having claims against tho estate of said
deceased must present thu samoulth proper
vouchen duly icrlticd to said executors at
their residence iu Rlddlo precinct, Douglas
county, uregon, or to ineir attorney at Hoc
btirg, Oregon, within six months from tho date
oi thisnoucc. Daica juiyz7, isss.
Kxcciitors of tho hstato ol Uicbard Owen,
lllA 11. KlODLK,
Attorney for Exvculuis.
tary Nebraska Bimetahc League, Lin
coln, Neb., among other things he wrote
aa follows :
I am a profound believer in the ute
of both gold and silver as money. I ad
vocate the restoration of free coinage be
fore any of tbie who are now the self
elected champions cf silver in Nebraska
had ever opened their lips on the sub
ject. At tbe opening cf tho corn palace
in Sioux City four years ago, 1 said :
" 'At tho risk of being tedious I ask
your careful attention to the presentation
cf another grave question, which in my
judgement, is of euch momentous im
portance to the entire west that all cur
people should join in vigorous elTorts to
secure its early and favorable solu
We of the west must have cheap
money. ot money intrinsically cheap,
but cheap in interest charges for its uso
We are money borrowers and we
need vast sums with which to hasten
the development of our wonderful resources.
"We have good security to give, and
neither repudiation nor bankruptcy is to
be feared.
But the amount of money iu circula
tion is becoming inadequate for the
daily commercial necessities of the
countrv. It is almost impossible today
for our local banks to accommodate their
regular customers at 10 per cent. They
have not a dollar to loan on the best pa
per to anyone else.
In popular parlance, "money is
Tho country glows eo fast that the
demand increases almost by multiplication.
"An inadequate circulating medium
adds to the relativo yalue of the dollar
and cheapens the relative value of every
thing else.
"Every debtor must work harder or tell
mnrrt nrnnprlv to tiippl ma rhi!7.iimns
Curbing than he otherwise would.
"The borrower is compelled to pay a
higher rato of interest, and, worst of all,
capital is withdrawn from trade, manu
facture and all kinds of enterprise, for
the capitalist will not risk his moucy in
uncertain ventures, when he can safely
loan it where it pays better.
"At such times, too, the millionaire
gamblers on AVall street can so "corner"
all the cash in eight ns to jeopardize the
credit of everybody else.
A stringent money market closes many
a shop door and rob3 thousands of hon
est men of an opportunity to earn their
daily bread. It fostrrd combinations
and trusts, it destroys competition, it
makes tho rich richer and the poor poorer.
"On tho other baud, with plenty of
money iu circulation, tho interest rate
falls, debts can be more easily paid,
credit is restored, trade revives, manu
factuics increase, communities flourish
and labor is in demaud. All this hap
pens without injury lo anyone.
"Money ought to bo so plonty in tho
United States that it can bo borrowed
for any legititualo purpose at 3 or 4 per
cent. The man who has more of it than
he can profitably use ought not to com
plain of either of those ratrs.
"Think what 4 per cent money would
mean to the west! It would build a
manufactory by every waterfall, double
the cultivated acreage of every county,
put new life into every entci prise, aston
ish the census of every city, lower every
transportation rate, add to price of eyery
farm product and kindle the fire of
happiness on every hearthstone.
"When tli3 greenbacker declared that
tho government should provide money
enough to supply every demand for its
use ho was right.
"When he insisted that an irredeem
able paper currency was money and
would answer the same purpose as gold,
he was wrong; and the popular intelli
gence sodu discovered the error.
"But our mountain ranges produce a
metal, which, until a few years ago was
money the wide world over. Silver was
one of the standard coins of the United
States from the birth of independence
until its demonetization crept into the
statutes of congress, either by mistake
or fraud.
"I cssert that the American people.
and especially tho33 of the west, de
mand the free and unlimited coinage of
This letter was written by Mr. Thurs
ton in July, 1SI'3. You will notice that
he too asserts that silver "as demone
tized by either a mistake or a fraud. I
can give you the volume, part and p3ge
of the Congressional Record to prove
that Blaine, Allison, Voorhees, Beck,
Howe, Garfield, Ilolman, Cannon and
others, all claiming that the bill demon
etizing silver was passed by trickery,
fraud, ora3 Congressman Ilolman said,
"a colossal fiwindle." Yet when popu
lists asjert the same "it i3 all bosh." as
Mr. Tongue expressed himself in hia
courthouse spjech. Now, who was at
the bottom of the conspiracy? Who
benefitted by it?
But "Sook Nik" in claiming that the
present gold standard currency in con
junction with a protective tariff will
raise the wages of "so they
can afford to pay the farmer a high price
for the necessaries of life" is treading on
dangerous ground. Because when yon
talk about a high price for the necessaries
of life you are advocating a scheme that,
according to "Sound Money" parlance,
is going to rob savings bank depositors,
life insurance iolicy holders and pen
sioners of oce-half the value of their
dollars by compelling tbem to part
with their dollars for less than they can
buy with them at present. Siys Mc
Kinley, "If under free coinage the dol
lar is worth just as much a? at present,
it will be just as hard to get possession of
it as now. If it is worth only 53 cents,
or any per cent less than 100 per cent
v meaning present valuel then it is a dis
honest dollar designed to cheat some'
bauy. I quote Irom memory. Anu as
your dollar won't buy as much labor or
farm products as the present dollar, it
would not stand gold standard muster,
Higher wages aud farm prctlucts neces
sarily imply cheaper dollars, because a
certaiu number of dollars will then not
buy as much labor and farm products as
at present. Isn't that sound logic'
John Sherman in his Columbus speech
didn't want high-priced necessaries of
life. He said, "That is the best dollar
that will buv the greatest quantity of
fcod and clothing." Now, a great quan
titv of lood and clothing for a dollar
means food aud clothing "dirt cheap,"
and cheap fco.1 and clothing is insepar
ably connected with cheap labor.
Bourk Cochran iu his sound money
speech entitled "In opposition to repa
diation" used this sentence: "There is
no way in which I can be admitted to
share of (.iod's bounty except through a
fall in the prices of the necessaries of
life." That's plain! Up with the dol
lar, down with tho prices, is tho sound
money slogan. Givo us20-cent wheat,
10-ccnt oats, 5-cent potatoes, 3 cent wool,
2 cent hops and 1-cent pork and the
sound money millenitim is at hand
Mr. "Sook Nik, it you really are in
favor of higher prices, you had better
get out of that sound money crowd, be
cause they'll bounce you it ever you ad
vocatc high prices for anything except
the dollar. Their tariff cry is only
sham. Youra for cheaper dollars, dearer
labor and farm products 3nd Watson
and Bryan, M. Lemmeu
Our populist and free silver friends
have a great deal to say about "the
crime of 1S73" which act of that date,
they say, demonetized silver by lestrict
ing the legal tender power of silver to
five dollars in auy one payment. They
never mention the act of 1S53 which
limited the legal lender of subsidiary
silver and reduced the number of grains
in the half-dollar to 192, thus making
the dollar by halves ouly 3S4 grains
whereas the dollar coin hud 412,' grains,
a difference of 41.5 grains. This was
done for the purpose of keeping subsid
iary coins at home. Its bullion value as
an articlo of conuncrco was above its
coinage value and it was m consequence
leaving the country. So congress re
dttced its ratio and made it a legal tender
for live dollars in one payment. This
was tho crime of 1833, but our freo sil
vcritea have no words of eoudouumtiou
of that crime.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powde;
World's Fair Highest Award.
Shasta Water at Slow Jerry'n cigar
and drink emporium.
Good goods in shoes are tbe cheapest.
Call at tho Novelty Store.
Do you want a good pair of shoes? If
so, call at the Novelty Store.
Boots and shoes at the Novelty Store,
lowest prices and best goods.
Large line of booU and sboe3 in our
j new department at tho Novelty Store.
36 inch box stove, suitable for drying
hops, for sale cheap, at Wead's Hardware.
Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the
llome Bakery, corner Oak and Bcec
District No. 76, school shoe3 at tbe
Novelty Store, the beet to be had for
the money.
The school in district No. 4 Itoseburg
public school will open Monday, Sep
tember 21st.
Private lunch room at the Home Bak
ery, corner Oak and Rose street. Also
lunches put up.
Ginger ale, Aristaa Water, soda, and
other soft drinks at Slow Jerry's drink
emporium, now on draft.
Fresh home-made bread at the Home
Bakery, corner Oak and Rose streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
Save money by doing your own horse
and boy shoeing. Horse shoes and half
soles and nails for each at U. M. Wcad'a
One extra large box stove for sale at
H. 31. Wead's Hardware Store. Suit
able for dry house or large store room,
price $15. Takes three foot wood.
Go to M. F. Rice's Second Hand store,
Hendricks' block, for late improved
Singer Sewing machines, needles, oil,
etc. W. C. Mo-vboe.
Say! Ifjouwanta stoye somebody
else has not used the life out of and that
isn't made by convicts in the Salem
Penitentiary, you want to call at Wead's
Hardware. No convict trash there.
If you have hay, grain, bacon, beef
cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of
first class dr or cedar lumber, yon wil
save money to call on Otto A. Axladp
Com8toclc, Oregon.
From all accounts Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the
atllicted. There is no advertisement
about this; we feel just like saving it.
The Democrat, Carroliton. Kv. For
sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Mr. C. D. Yonker, a well known drug
gist of Bowling Green, Onio, in speaking
ofChamberlain's Remedy, says: "I take
pleasure in recommending it to my cus
tomers, for I am certain that it will al
ways please them. I sell more of it than
all other kinds put together." For sale
by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Boys Mavbk Had (and sometimes
girls) for il) ordinary service at wages;
(2) upon indenture, lo work, attend
school, and be broncht up somewhat as
your own; and (3) children may be
had for legal adoption. Address, W. T.
Gardner, Supt. Oregon Boy6' and Girls'
Aid Society, Portland.Or.
Several years ago I was taken with a
severe attack of flux. I was sick in bed
about ten days and conld gel nothing to
relieve me until I used Charaberlain'a
Co'.ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which cured me and has been a house
hold remedy with us ever since. J. C.
Marlow, Decalurville, Mo. For sale by
A. C. Marsters & Co.
Dried prunes, apples and apricots,
green fruits of all kinds. Oregon hams
and shoulders, also Eastern hams.
Everything guaranteed. Groceries of
all kinds, and best qualities. Flour and
feed. Flour 75 cents por sack. 10
pounds of lard 75 cents. Coos Bay
cheese, full cream, large or small, in
any quantity. H. Easton defies all com
petition. Competition never worries us, because
we "buy right" hence "sell right."
The facts are these; every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.23 and upwards, Cno
shoes in proportion. If you donbt us,
come and sec us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. Wa don't
care to do a!i the business in town, but
want to get a share of it. "We firmlv
believo that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good valnes in
every instance is bound to go ahead
year by year. This idea prevails
throughout our entire business. Every
dollars worth of goods must eiva the
wearer satisfaction, even the all wool
absolutely fast color $8.00 suits.
J. Abraham's Clothing House.
The undersigued uppohite 1 aa his
deputy, W. S. Britt, who will attend to
all business at tho surveyors otlicc during
hia absence from the city.
Will l. Hbydox,
County Surveyor.
A Snap For Some One.
A small business paying 100 per cent
in the city of Roseburg, for sale cheap
for cash. Good location, good building
have private reasons for selling. Ad
dress S, cans of Plaixdealek, Roseburg.