M M,i,iii j i i miTingaB MBMaaaetiyi in 11 nil mi i 1 n I 1 1 1 b h 1 1 inn PMaP MPBaB """gS i IF YOU SEE IT Hi i 1 IF YOU DOiTT READ ! Tlie Plaindealer The Plaindealer j i i 1 You Don't Get the News. IT IS SO. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1896. No. 54. Vol. XXVII. , A. SALZMAN, (Successor to 3. J.VSKULEK.) Practical : Wakhuiakcr, : Jeweler : ami : Opiiciau. DEALKR IS W ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND J'ANCY GOODS. "Coi:B.ar,-B-3e.a BijKsJL--''a'"- ismiiLio UrxxailHaii ISyo GrlnsscH' mill SpootucleH A COMTLETK STOCK OP Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor and 31imascr of Itoscliurg's Famous Itargaln Store. i - - v.- !-. t .-r . i i RAPP'S DRUG STORE. :S b 111 AAAASAMMMAMa I 5 REPLY TO M.'.LEMnER. III. Swiss Buttermilk only 15c per box of 3 cakes. TAKE A LOOK AT Till! DISPLAY OP PINE I Toilet Soaps S Sir, let mo compliment you for your honesty in declaring that you lavor a de preciated dollar a 75-cent dollar. Eight-tenths of the free silver advocates assert that freo coinngo will bring all of would jou? And yet, you elionld do so to ho consistent. As well might you at" tribnle jour loss in sheep to your horse as to bold the preamt condition of sil ver, for the low prices of farm produce that now unfortunately prevail. The real and main causo of low prices ia the loss of our European markets and our dollars up to par, or 100 cents, and in consequence, tiiereot, over-prouueuon kp.n n.pm ilmrp. Ynnr nlnn is to call in our homo market. We have been are looking, that a pueak tbief carries away the box with the $5 in it, and nono of the five men has any more money. What are those chips worth then? Tbey aro worth jnet as much as a piece of eel lulcid of that size is worth. What are chips worth in the box when no game is going on? Are they worth money to anyone? Chips are worth money jost so long as them 75-cent dollars and they will al- supplanted in tlie European market oy mere is money ucuuuy pun up ..iD: ifnoBn-lniii. Australia, uanaaa. Jiex-" ineui. xuey aro worm uiuuev iubi nu IN OUR WINDOW. ways remain eo. is, "that would mean 75-cent wheat, 30- ico, and tho South America states, not, o-,.-.t mm ir. font wnnl. in. Arcentine especially. In tbeso countries cent cotton. 8-cent Iiopb and G-ccnt U day's work ia from 12 to M hours, and nork." Well, you say 'that these prices wages S RAPP'S DRUG STORE one-half down to one-lourth of what they were in this country under the protective laws. The shipping of tho grain cost them less than does ours, for tho same reason lower wages to sea men. Oar crops of 1893 were unn3ually heavy, especially corn, cotton and wheat . . . i . ., I n n .1 r.nifiitn (n.Ainn mirVAT 1 MV IIUVR on." h nca trio t rices oi all tnese com- "". v.nUii ''"6" -i j . modoties arc regulated by tho law of de- glutted our home market, which bad mn.,.! nnd Rimnlv and tho tariff. I don't been previously weakened by enforced seo or understand how calling a dollar idleness and lack of employment, brought 7.'. centa will affect Hum. Will you about by tho operations of the Wilson the free trade taritl law. xo verity me state- will result from the adoption of your 75 cent dollar, and a brain that can evolve such a simple settlement "of a question that has troubled the commerce of the world for a hundred years or more, must bo riuht. but. somehow, I don't "catch TBros'. . STHTE -f NORMHL - SCHOOL. Eleventh Year Uenliis Septeruhcr ;tli, 189G. Three Distinct Courses: Normal, Academic and Music. State diplomas, conferring ihedere of Bachelor of Scientific Didactics, awarded to those who complete the Nornir.l course, and pay the required fee. Diplomas from the school to those who finish the other courses. Thorough work and teachers,training department. Expenses low. A limited amount of work will be given those who wish to thus pay a part of their way through school. Drain is a quiet, healthful little town, situated 3C miles north of Koicbnrg, nr nthor nlaees of vice. The people are moral and trne friends of the student. The year jus. do3ed baa been a prosperous one for the school. r-.,. fn ..rfM.'r: fn- roir mLiIovne. which will be promptly mailed to yoa. bacntice sale Now in Progress. nlcaso elucidate analyze r.ivo ua modus operandi of that conclusion? I quote again, "Most farmers forever remain in tho purjatory cf debt and in mortgage to the money lords, etc., etc.?" Why should a'farmor, who has lived in Oregon any length of time, have a inortuace cn hia farm? Did the money lord elap it on without his'consent? Did tho farmer take and use tho money lord's money when the mortgage wai given? Has an Oregon farm ever failed to give 1 a fair return to itsiwuer when honestly and economically tilled? If not, why should there be a mort gage on it? Wasn't it place 1 there through laziness, idleness, mismanage ment of over-production, I quote from the records, the production as compared between 1S75 and 1805. 1875. 1895. Wheat . . .281.255.000 407.103,000 Corn 932,274,000 2,151,139,000 Oata 270,340,000 824,444,000 Barley 32,044,000 87,473,000 Total 3,530,059,000 1,515913,000 Here we have a surplus of over 132 per cent while the increase in our population was less than 75 per cent. In this you have, in part, the real cause of the prea ent low nrices of farm prodnce. A few words in reference to tho closing part of vrmr fiffasion in inv next and I will I remain voura for cood wages and Hook XlK. THE MONEY QUESTION. ment,'.hiring others to do the work that prices to all, steady employment and an he should have done, living Uyond his honest, lOU-cent collar. means so as to "show off" with his wealthier neighbor, borrowing money to speculate with, prompted by a desire to become suddenly rich, or baying too many farm implements on credit? If so, why lay the.blame on the cur- reccy 01 tlie country, msieau o: on tue aonidual? 1 fail to see any connection Lous Baezee, B. S., President. xr T DI HMD Poultry. Came, s li. T. BLUiVlD, !u scroti. g Proprietor oi The City Meat Market, A ul Dei!er in PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH .MEATS OF ALL KINDS. e : s e s ! : e ZIGLER & PATTERSON,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY . GROCERIES. ESS'Xt'iESi'S: unle3 it be a desire to release himself irom the pit that he digged himself, and voluntarily entered, by defrauding tho creditor out of a part of hij jast dues, throueh debasing the currency of the country. There are a few cafes where sickness or other misfortune has brought debt COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Give ua a call. Goods delivered to any part of the City in short order. Corner Lane & Sheridan Streets. KOSEBURG, OREGON. Orders Uien tad Delivered Free to tar ptrt ox tae City. Roseburg, Or. Sif COLLINS HOUSE atiat ul Depot, one block north. A. C. M AR5TER5 & Co First Class $1.00 per Day House. l:..Cvaf'yr i.cl' !,r a- JBJ rcIam;sSicJ-Klil-.D AM) I.IVERV STAI1L.I-: IN CONNECTION. WYLIE PILKINGTON, Sjcccssor lo O. W. NOAH. General Blacksmithing rROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, KEl'AIRINU OF ALL. KINDS I'ROMITLY DOSE. Corner WuhliHiKtoii ana Knnc 8tf., uoncpnri.. Sliop ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. E. ff . AGH1S0K k CO., Proprs. Dealers In all kinds oi Marbic uiu! Gnuiite 9Inuiuciits and Headstones, W"a,ll Paper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIME PLASTER AND CEMENT. A FULL LlttE OF" WINDOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROiMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Alining Properties Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms, inquire 01 d. s- sz. bxjiok:, Portland Cement Curbing xTx Ccniet;i-y X-otN. Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work Oflice unci Hnlcnreotii. t7ii Oiik Street. Dr. Gibbon Tills old tho mo reliable and 1 1 MICCCSMUl Bnccinllst lu Han Fran- Cisco. BtlU continues to euro all Sexual and Seminal Diseases, finch flonnorrhcra, (lleet Stricture, Syphims in ..11 ... .... .cm. ni. w. ,,. n.hii. .ltBM3 I Ik I . WH0 I" Wlty, Impotency. Seml-i-K nal Weakness and Loss ol HanhooJ, tuo consc- queiice oi self abuse anil excesses iiriucing 1110 foUowinc symptoms; sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in tlio head, ringing In the cars, losiof conlldencc.dlfllilciicc in ap mnniliiflrnniriTii. nalrctat!o:i ot tho hearts weakness oi the limbs and back. losof memory, Temples on tho face, couchs, consumption, etc. 1)K. aiBHON has practiced In Ban Kranchco over thirty years and those troubled ihould not f.,ii in rr.t1.11IL him and receive tho bcucllt ol his creat 'skill and experience. Tliu doctor cures when others fall. Try him. Cures guar anteed, l'ersons cured at home. Charge reasonable. Call or write. Dr.J. P. Olbbon, 635 Kearney Street, San NOTICE. XnLtsw l liiTbT riven to all whom it mar con cern that I hve appointed D. V. Bttarns of Cala. pooli precinct uepuiy mspeciur oi otocs iur uiu prtcinct; postotflce address, Oakland; also A. J. Oharmaa of Wilbur, and ltalpb Bmitli, at Hose burn, u act daring my aDsence, pnu uiucia wu boaadot as parties inspected make their desire nownto me. Roseburir, May 1th, 1SS7. TH08.8MITU. Inpuctaor of Btoek to Douglas eiinntr. Or. Executor's Notice. individual and hia family aboald.be held respanaible, not tlie currency. If your plan of calling car dollars 75 cent dollars is a remedy for existing evils, why .are not presentconditionp, nnder which they are not only called go, but are ICO-ceat ' dollars 2( and can be maintained to) better, far better? Won't it renuire the same amount of labor to coruire ouc of your 7o-cent dollars as it now does to acquire one of our 100-cent dollars? If so, will not the laborer be a loser by the change? You say free coinage and 75-cent dol lars would mean 75-cent wheat, 30 cent oats, 25-cent corn, 15-cvnt wool, 0 cent pork, etc. IIow much would his condi tion be bettered by changing from pres ent conditions, under which he can pur chase wheat at 50 cents, oats at 0 cents, pork at 3 cents, etc., with a dollar that has a purchasing jhjw.t of ICO centa? If it requires the same amount ot Ubor to acnuire vour cheap dollar as it now decs to posfess au honest dollar, cculd not tho farmer whose land is mortgaged, get out of the "purgatory of debt and-in mortgage to the money loruV" much sooner and easier with the present 100 cent dollar than with your debased 75 cent coiu? You certainly do net rate either of them among your "sensible people." You answer me, "admitting tfor argu ment's sakel that the mechanics and laboreis uro bettered under present con ditions of coinage, does not the farmer stiller when he can get only 30 cents for wheat. 0 cents for o.Up, 15 cents for corn and 3 ceuls for dressed pork?" I answer you, yee, unfortunately yes, ho does suffer financially, b'lt theso prices nre not caused or brought about by the coinage of silver, nor the non coinage of silver, nor silver in any shape; just here lies the fatal stumbling block of honest advocates of free and un limited coinage I emphasize the word "honest," because many of the leaders amongst them are not honest as I shall prove- to voti by their own words before I conclude this article. Impress this unchangeable commercial law on your minds namely: Tlie prices of all commercial products, tho precious nnd all other metals, all products of tho farm, factory, mill, forge, furnace, laud, water, etc , to sum up, everything that is exchanged, bought or sold lor a consideration, aro regulated by the universal law of den.and and sup ply Hence, tho condition or shape of tho silver belonging to Htewart, Jones or Teller, or any other silver mine owner, whether as rock in the ground, or bullion in Iho brick, or coin with th bearing these Now, then, a3 to the mam question How comes it that our present dollar which baa reallv only 53 cents of silve: in it. circulates as if it waB a real 100 cent dollar? How is ita value main tained? And why, under free coin3gc: could not similar dollars be similarl maintained ? Let us try to explain this so that no oiio can fail to understand. Supposing yon are a locomotive engi- encineer and earn $100 a month. You have been on the same road for 10 years, Everybody in your neighborhood knows you and knows ycu to ba an honest, re putable man. Suppose now that yon want to use your next month's p3y b' fore it is due and for your own reasons you decide to borrow the money among the boys and your other friends, and you further decide to do it by asking each man to lend you five dollars and in ex chance vou cive each man an order on the paymaster for the same amount Yoa will then have to borrow from 20 men (at five dollars each) lo make up the J100 and yoa will e 20 orders on the paymaster. Now. yonr friends know you. They know that those f 100 are coming to you They are willing to accept those, pay inaatet'a orders a3 being as good as money. They know they will get their money on them. Hone of them, later on in the month, needs his five dollars at once, he will be able to sell your order to someone else. He might give it to the grocery for toad ; or to his boarding house. It is us good as money and practically would bo money until it was presented and cashed. Now, why is tins? It 13 because your credit isgood because, that is, there is known to be in the paymaster's hands, and coming to jou, a real dollar for every dollar that is marked on ono of these orders. But let us suppose that word got around that instead of issuing twenty of those or ders ou had quietly iseued '-'.OCO. In stead of promising to pay $100, you bad momised to nav J10.000. What would happen? Would the men who had those orders still regard them as worth their face value? Would the store keepers and boarding-house men con- tinue to accept those orders as the equal of good money? Ot course they would not. There would be $100 comiug to vou or lets if you bad "skipped out" in the middle of the month and those $100 would have to meet $10,000 of debt. Tho orders miclit be worth live cents apiece, becauso when the $100 was di vided up to pay the $10,000, there would be just one cent on every dollar. Most probably, however, the ordtrs would be worth just the value of tho paper they were written on or what they -might be worth to frame and hang up as enriosi ties. They would no longer be money at par. That is certain. Suppose live men sit down to piay cards and each man bnvs 103 chips at Notice is hereby Riven to nil persons inter ested that the undcrsiKneil, V. U Wilson and Aimer Kiddle, has U-en by the county court ot nHl.if ItlKlinnl fiui-ii. di-ccased. and nil nor. invirimieut Slump il If uaa HO sons having claims iisainst tho cslnto of said :ii,,p on tho nrices of deceased must present tho same with proper Or lnllUeilCO Oil uiu pritca ui vouchers duly veril led to sain execmore at artieleB 0f commerce llilir UMIIVIIVU 111 Jll'"'u .nnin,i, uwiihiu" county, OreKon, or to their attorney nt Kosc burc, OroRou, within six months Irom the date ol this notice. Hated July 27, lS-sfi. W. U WIION nnd AHKKIl RIDDLK, Executors; of the Estate of Itichard Owen, Deceased. I II A II. ItlDDI.K, Attorney for Executors. What would you say to me, if 1 were to advise you to kill your own horso be causo your neighbor's dog had killed imn of vour sheep? You wouldn't class mo wilh your "sensible people' long as every man knows that he can at any time get money for them. If he can. get a cent they are worth a cent to him. If he can get a dollar they aro worth a dollar to him. When lie can no longer get money for them they are worth just celluloid. Now to apply this to the situation in the present silver dollar. The present silver dollar contains only 53 cents worth of silver and yet we all accept it as worth a dollar of 100 cnts. Why do we do this? We do it simply for th9 same reason as your friends (yon engi neer, who are issuing the paymaster's orders) are willing to accept those or ders, because the credit cf the govern ment ia good, because we know that it is not issuing any more of those 53-cent dollars (or paymaster's orders) than it can redeem, because we know that there is an actual gold dollar coming and to begot at any time that we want it, for every silver dollar in circulation. The number of those silver dollars ia strictly limited. Tho government has cot issued $10,003 of orders against only $100 coming to it. Every dollar ia a paymaster's order and the government is good for the dollar it represents. The present eilver dollars were coined, firstly, under the Bland act of 1878, which ordered the government to buy from $2,000,000, to $4,000,000 a month of silver bnlion and coin it into dollars; secondly, under the Sherman act of 1S90, which repealed the above and ordered the government to purchase 4,500,0(30 ounces of silver a month and coin 2,000, 000 ounces of it into dollars. When the Sherman act waa repealed in 1S93 this coinage was Etopped. Why? Because the government was rapidly getting into the position cf the engineer who issued paymaster's orders for more than he could take care of. The coin age was stopped at a point where the government was still able to pay a gold dollar for eveiy silver dollar that waa out. It was stopped at a point where it was still able to maintain the parity (which onlyjneana the eqnaUtyofha two metals. We all ot ua know this or are supposed to know it. We know that there ia a good dollar to be got at any time we want it for our 53-cent dollar, and just so Jong as this is the case we are all perfectly willing to accept the 53-cent dollar as good enough. If the government had gone on coin ing silver dollars indefinitely there would soon have come a time when there were more chips iu circulation th'an there were cents in the bank to take care of them. The United Sta!e3 treasury is only the bank in the great game of poker which we call commercial life. The chip3 which come from the bank are 53 cent dollars. The; arc worth a dollar to us o3 long as there is a real dollar be hind every chip. If once there ceases to be a real dollar behind evrey chip; if once, that ia to say, the bank is bankrupt whether from sneak-thieving or any thing else from that moment the chips are worth only precisely the yalue of the material that ia in them, whether that material is celluloid or 53 centa worth of ilver. Now, what is that the silver men ask for? They demand the free and unlim ited coinage of silver at a certain ratio the free and unlimited coinsge cf 53 cent dollars. Today these dollars are good for 103 cents each only - because they are strictly limited in number five dollars worth of chips for five dollars of good money in the bank 100 dollars of orders on the paymaster for 100 good dollars which are coming. Eat once let ua start on unlimited coinage and there is no un limited shpply of good dollars in the bauk or m the paymaster's office. The unlimited dollar will na longer have 100 good cents behind it. It will be impos sible to maintain the parity oi the metals. No one wiil givj a gold dollar for a silver one, and the silver dollar will be worth jast what is in it 53 cents worth of silver. No mere. It will be just a celluloid chip after ilia bank is empty and the game at au end. Ihis is why we uon t, want tree and unlimited coinage of silver. This ia why the silver dollar today Is good and why the same dollar later ou might not be good. Railway Age. cent apiece from the box and puta iu $1 Thero aro then $5 worth of chips out am' there are $5 iu tho box to redeem them with. Iheu every chip is worm one cent. Any oue of the five will accept chin as ono cent. If onyono is short of chips and needs one chip to make out bet, ho will just as readily put a copper cunt into tho pot as a chip, or a nickel instead of live chips. That is to say. that for tho time taiug tliu chips are ab solutely as good .n coat?, anil in fact, for tlm limited circulation round that table actually aro cents. Suppose, then, while none of the men Bjv oratory at Springfield, O., yester day made to the country this exhibition of intellect and wisdom, to-wit: If the farmer complains he is not making much out of his potato crop, they tell him it is due to the potato bug ; If he is not making much out of corn, they tell him it is due fo the chintz bug; if he is not making much out of wheat, they tell him it is duo to the army worm; Irat'let me tell you the goldbug is de stroying more crops than all ot them. (Great lauchter.) Beyond power of description, or char acterization, is not this pitiful and con temptible? The man is a candidate for the presidency of the United States who uttera ihis stuff. It ia tho otatory of the leaders of the Coxey rabble; it ia a rov elation cf the spirit of the Bryan move ment ; it ia an insult to the intelligence and self-respect of every decent citizen of Ihe United Statea. Oregonian. FrancIto, Cal.