. - aaaMai aaa r- i " l THE PLAINDEALER, fuMtihrJ Mondays ni!Thnt UKNJAMIN V. HKSJAMIS ... .Kilttor. ..Manasrr. Mutmcrlpttou One Wat.. t( Ninlh Thtv Month nntv. iMcKINLEY AND WAGE-EARNERS. w mi . . ...... t 00 M AUGUST 24. 1SJS. OUR STANDARD BEARERS. For rreideat, VM. McKlNLKY. For ic-Pnsdent, GARRET A. IIOBART. Wr lYtdeatial Electors, T. T. GKKR, of Marion County. M. YOKAN. of Ucc K. L. SMITH, ot Wasco. J. F.OArLKS. of Mallnorualu The discussion of rolitios oo the street i rlnc carried oa itl ranch acerKty and vum ho nowiidayj, owixK t fWt interest the jvorje taking in the issues uor forced upon them by r1- Undoubtedly the managers of the re publican campaign know their business. While the democratic maungiui; commit to is "runnm a show" with Bryan ns tho chief Attraction, McKiuley dubs tue belnc formed wherever there is tin in dustrial plant or other business enter prise that give employment to men. U ts doubtful if such enthusiasm was over before seen in labor circles this early in the campaign, wnd what is more, the re quest tor orgauiaation comes from labor, "McKiuley clubs," numbering a thou sand or more members each, are being organised in all the Eastern and Middle states business centers. There is nobeatine ol utuuis or l m bound to blow my horn if I don't sell fish," but simply a burning tlestre ou the vvut of wage carueis to help bung about conditions that will secure to them steady employment at satisfying wages It is business with them. They have had a hard, time to live during the last two and a hall years, and they are satis fied that tlsere can U no change for the better uutil tho cause which has brought all their troubles upon them is removed For two and a half years the Wilson Gorman tariff act has been a good school teacher, and business and labor hav been very apt students. It Is doubtles true, as has been asserted, that more people have informed themselves on the tariff question since Ctevelr.nd's election than in all the previous history of tlx country, and unfortunately for Bryan candidacv the people are now trior oucblv convinced that protection is tin basts of prosperity in this country. We said it is unfortunate for Bryan that the people are now so well in formed on the tariff uuestiou, but we do not mean Bryan regrets that he is free-trader, for however much or little sincerity there may be in bis advocacy of free-silver cotnag. there is no douM bHSt his friendship for free trade There i no deobi at all that Brytrn be lieves it to be the dulr l tae govern- SfH and Watsoa are in the yoUon of two wea Uo have met oa narrow path along a precipice where they can neither pass oae another nor turn back. Oa must lie down acd let the other walk over him or both must go to des truction together. Tbe national democratic convention wiW meet at iBdiaaapoIts, Sept. to make a presidential ticket. So we will rir a third carte ia the field. Whoso wiU u aars to lead dearevracy out cf the wademese, ts the cjoestkva now be fore the peopJe. Ah , who will it be? CRITERION OF VALUE Wall Street Uneasy. New York, Aug. 21. Considerable TRIUHPH OF LOVE. Our political atsayists aie commenting uneasiness prevails on Wall street tcday pro and cou upon tho staudard of value, on account of a report of distress amoug Some tit o claiming that gold has appro- tho merchants and tho urgent need of eiated white others claim that silver has tluancial assistance The estimates of a depreciated in value. If we use gold aa reduction of $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 in criterion, silver has depreciated. But " tomorrow's reserve in tho bauk etate- ve ueo silver as tho criterion, then gold ,nent nnj a corresponding heavy shrtnk- has appreciated. That is their argu- acn 0( deposits, eucour.tgeil the expects ments. Wo-claim that neither should h;on 0 HU cary -,ssuo of clearmg-houso bo used as a standard of value. These I certificates hthe banks. It was re- metals have no intrinsic value of Buch a I ported that a meeting of the clearing- character, as their value is regulated by houso compauv had been called to take the commodities which enter into man's action. A careful canvass of the leading necessities, such as food, raiment and bank officials elicited the uuanimous ex shelter and tho labor which produces nreasiou of opinion that there was no them. Thus, a bushel of wheat, a suit netH (or jMUa 0f certificates at pres et clothe and tho number of days labor I ent and that Buch issue will only lo ifoulted to furnish him and family, a I made in case of extreme necessity. No comfortable houso to live in, should bo, 1 meeliog has Jjeen called to consider the and are tho same in intrinsic value, the laue of certificate. world over. A pound of bread, meat, A banker in close tench with the uier sugar, or a day's labor in and of them-1 cantile situation says that undoubtedly selves, are worth for sustaining life and I eome merchants need money, but moat comfort always tho same. That is, a 1 0j jj,0 luturities passed off all laborer can do as much at one dollar as richt with the first of the mcnth aud at two dollars a day. Money metals ulMt 0 n,e woker concerns hava al teittgonly a medium of exchange, its I readv been weeded out. A limited mar value is always variable and per so can-1 et i3 reported toilsy for choice grades of not be a standard ol -alue. The are, merchantile iuier at S per cent. Ttme only by their peculiar fitness, used as a I ruouey is an unknown imantiiy at G per wfiwurr cJ vaults, just as a fool rule is a I eent unl commissions. unit measure of length, a gallon a unit measure of capacity, an hcur a unit measure of time, etc. These units of measure are absolute. The bushel of wheat will sustain life no longer when worth in the market, two dollars than when it is worth only one dollar. No: will it sustain life a less period of On Thursday evening of this week, 27th o( August, the fairy Operetta, Triumph of love, will bo presented at tho Opera House, by sixty youug people of Kosehurg. "uch a crowd of pretty children, lovely girls and gallant youths, aro seldom seen on the stage. The affair promises to bo the most brilliant, musical ao-.l dramatic event, which Ucsebtirg has over enjoyed. The high refutation of Mrs. Xenmayer as a suc cessful manager, and of tfie ladies of tho Koscburt: Kebekah Lodge, who never uudcrtakcanvthint: that is not a success, iq :i i-iiriniiitci! to the luiblic that the en tertainment next lnuruay evening, win bo a graud success, pleasing to old and young, hollowing is tbe CAST Of CHARACTEES. i Great Times At Astoria. Amckia, Aug. 21. The weather for the dosing day of the Astoria regatta was all that could be desired, a s rang breese from the northwest making vsi ble greater speed on the river, and con tlme seouentlv more exciting contests. All wnen the price is only tilty cent per the boats made letter showings during bushel. Coosniuently, there is no in- irnvMo of ihc various races than on previous cocasions, and the mot fas idi trinsic value to anv money, whether gold, stive, copper, brass or nickle. Those things of fixed value are those wbicli will sustain liuuiau lite a given lengtli of time ous of boatmen were satUticd. The Uist event on yesierdaj s pro- cram was a tontoai race wiui uouoie sculls, in which there were eight entries ever variable m its purchasing power. Today the do!lar. gold or silver, will purchase, say a sack of Hoar, but in a ment to place the nation upon as near j year hence it may purchase only half, free trade as possible. In fact, Mr. Btyaa believe any kind or form el pro tection is contrary to the spirit of the religion he proiejs : that it is better for the nations to have tree and unrestrained trade relations, sd that the law of the survival ol the fittet should prevail. Mr. Bryan is a sincere believer in the right of every man to buy and sell in aaycouatrv without paying tribute to any one. and no doubt his well-known publk utterance oo the tarid" jttesiioa are having much to do with psrsnadiag wase-earcers all oxer the country to or- gaaue McKtntey cJchs. ttt. any way. industrial operatives are cettins ia Use for protection and good wage. IVepersty will cease oaly with in creased bcj4JHs- Increased besistas wiH coaie oaly with increased revenue. Incxtased revesue wui ccsse oaly with preitctKa. rrotectka xiH case only with repabScasisa- KerKcaitai wcoaseoary with McKtnleT. Jf Y. Tbe assicry o tbe U aired Satws shows taatwbea we have had proJectrca we hare had pcoepsritr, acd that when w hare beckea do a cur rreiertire sys lesa we have Vrckea dawn our industry, aad it is in the IsM keowJedge oi that Uci the ?Of " 5 Noveasber. j F. CaS. Ore seareacs ol Mr. Bryaa"? svwa Trodeotrcc ei weha paes beJcoe x caaafeol weaJta' Icrajsae evesriete jastiaca&a ol Ma.vr MciOalej theory thai "is ss better ta opes the tB of tbe Taited State to the USjc of Aaterica thaa Ks o?ea the suats cf the Uaited Stae ta the sslver of the wved"' A Few Facts. Total Tiejtjxrry receipts daring the first t3 months cf the Wilson la, cca- rared with the first 23 months o the McKialey law Receipts, McKialey law V.O' WtUoa Uw . icH,256 IVaKVxaiic decrease JlW,tSS5,lSS Mooey ta circciiUv-o. per capita. Jose 1, ISfi fit U Mcoer ia circnlatxts, per capita, Aa;. I. IS 21 IS Moaey, as a dollar, for t sample, is ami which was on by Johns-n and Lyman, of Elmore's cannery. Then fol loved a twc-mtle doubJe-scull pleasure boat race, a doable scull Whitehall race a steamer race, a creaseJ pore walaii g a fishing-boat race, a sloop race. S-footer race, and last but by no means least an exhibition drill by the Fort Steven crew, during which a man was bfoccbt ashore from the ship Anttope ia breecbee boor. From first to last the regatta proicd most enjoyable to tSe spectators, aad this year's regatta is generally coaivdtd to have been the roost suvooeful yet held at Astoria. IVorccraltc decrease Interest beartegdebt.Acfs 1. lSfe ? Interest be&rtadebt, March co,40 l. JS5S Increase aader deaucraiic adsucistratkc - . . -$2r2S20 Tit tsta! catiosj reonrCs lor the ars: 3 aiiatlss erf tke McKiaJerlaw . B55.MjN WSscc Uw . 3.sSS,S? or, perchance, double that amouat. But whatever the amount of money the sack of dour may cost, the intrinsic value of the tiour has not chanced It will sus tain life jast as kag whether it costs less or more than one dollar. Hence, money of whatever it u made, is cot and cannot re a standard ot value. It is onlv a k nwis r m.'jkj on exchange. A government can only fix the unit measure oi value, not the valoee. and when two metals are used for money purpose? it cm say how ranch of ach shall omsiitnte that unit. In practice there can be bat one unit of measure. Bat neither can be a standard of valce It can only be a tasdard i y tewtut ol valoee. Mark the distiactiOQ. Bat a bushel of wheat is ot standard value. cevaas hs real intrinsic value never changes. And so w ith a pound of aeat, ssar. or the labor iccirtxi to prcdace them. Remember saoaey is not the value but a aeasare oi value. n ciiscirsisjag tais sestroa o raocey, we too cftea foose sight of the criteiiea ci value aad treat the measure cf a thiac for the lh.ee itsel: thus the dollar is regarde-i as the value instead of tbe ter-Y of value. txjrre we caa lateUKeally easeass thb oae st iee is iu trse relaiicas to hsaiaa uses we aa.. ahaadoa the i5ea that either gcJd or silver has a fixed vatae as Has icoi aad cKKhiac aad the labor reqwred to prvxiace thea: The Pres Association. Art5U., Aug. 21. The .Orecoa lYes. Associalioa met m thb city lis: iiicht npoc the occasioa ol its leatn aaaoa coaventwa. Erery coealy ia ti.e state was represented, there tiag T editors present. The meeting aas called to order V FresSdent l C. Pjughty, and after the reading cf svveral minor ccasrausica tioas the aaaual address was defivered bT A. . rattersoa. inner eoctai re ports vere thea made, and the JMt'.w adjocrced till tiay. This morale r the members of tbe assocaiicxi stirtsd for aa excursioii to j Clatsop t-each, the ase cf tie sieaoer T. j J. Potter having beea tendered theai icr , this parpctii. At tht evec;'s sesse i the aaaual eJeciioa of oScecs wui take place. PETITION. onvnRABLE. THE COUNTY T0 THE CanlOTTnte PMcteet: Dtai Conn . Oregon StSSffniir PUtlon your Honorable todrto Court ol DousUa County, ataieoioirgvu. Tho undenignM iai to an. l ano Tinuiu - rioiielaa one quart m aaia y"J ""'-. -,'-""2 r" FIELD SPORTS! AT ROSEBURG, August 24th and 25th. n'STnnn. for the term ol one year. tn r.i.'irr. will oolv to roar nonoraoie ZtrZld &wob the nth day ol Septem ber, 1?.6, at 10 o'clock A.M. SICSID. John l'erdue.Jr Alfred Wollenbcrg, Wm. Leom G S. Eaater, K. Detucn, I. J. d""-"Vj r v 'p. J. d. coriler. 8. f t Jim i. Li. x aaaa 51. Morgan, ell j. i- vnatMt w- L . Arxner.y.W.Biorne. Jo. Andria. H. Bollen baugh. C. A. Glajgpw, Johnnie Armer, Z. v.. Balf. J. S. BensonTchaa E. Tlndall, J. A- Me Cully, Wm. Blalock, K. L. Coocler. L. Ball, E. AtbroVB. aL SwaxCGeoI M. Hale, W. H. De- 2. tttrtiVi. J- n. Gibh. Samuel SI'Cm iTa Kiri KlmiaeL W. E. Bnt- i Jo r d ri v n Wnriir. Frank Don 1 rxnnt-'uic Boris. Jo. A. Snyder, Jaa. W. Bro- ! rasn. Frank Sarrent. W. H. Graham, PROCRHM. FIRSr DAY, Street I'arade and March to Grounds' U o'clock, A. 31. (At Rotthurg Cycle Track.) at I. '1 50 2 50 'J 50 2 50 11 CO i . . . MISS BL.I.XCHE aWkSKIETH I Baiter. K-S. Stewart. J Foole. Jas. Den- Ansority.lUwMe-j, ol Ive Mr C Mlakler , inan.C E. Robert. J. W . Kamwy, J.u fonutia. itoiucs tn n vaiui. .jv ikhc m u rtiuur, juuu .rkr " ..Zi' J, IllUlUta. twuj? ui huuui . Mas. a - a- " it uj k . . QuuoJtsht Mbs'Lcona Shape i riiaa.H- Meaxbr, J.CFortti.N-H.BereTj Hore Mrs. E. E. Richards I Perdne. J. W. TlUer.Thociaa Tiller. Abe GUlbo, fh.Tiir Mi lJllia wollenbere I r r i-l,mrh. Chas. Beaunan. . - isc. X ...k Alt.. I . II. n . V t r ( I. ttW. J 1 1 1 1 II . LVJi UI. IVUkU - -J AUW - , r .. T, ... IK-autv -Mis Delia urown i Frank McCnne. ueorge nonej, u. measure. - -MiwLena Hodaon , Albert Bolenbaush. J. G. Barker, . A. Barker. t., v.t.Tio wni f Ehm i i v n.-v.- li. nmm. ueorze aioto, j. a Merer Laik ot the Crt as zjmn uiwsiu I nice. . U. "-.f riZTti .Miss Macd Bast ' i.v Rnlfenhieib. if. Bollenbaazh. Call Dubell. f MUs Grace Shaiclj B.Coot.J.F Gaaley Jr., S- M. Fanley. C- - Mrs.G. W. Bales i stMri. O. H Berer. J. T. MeLaln. John Jack- t . . Jirs- ai yroiion f joa, g. jramn?, reier t vua. . jius Aua.c , . ; - r . . . C-.4I.K Wl1u-in i . in m.ku Hon.. "sSS? '. EAST AND SU U Xia t. Miss XellWUsoa TLA ulvan .1 " 55 . rm a WWmTI F-.l Vftlibrsr ' OF THE Running broad jump Running bib jump Hammer throwing'. Shot putting. Tag of war AFTERNOON. Bicycle race, M-mile and re peat novice, three prizes, pants, atockfnz" and ghcea. Foot race. 100 yards Bicycle race, mUe daah, ama teur?, open, three prizes, sweat er, lamp and cyclometer. Bicycle race, 5 mile, amateors, opsn, $10 scold medal All under L. A. W. rntea. fcn- trance to bicycle race 50 cents. EVKS1.SO. (On Jack' Strut at 7:0O tcUjck.) 1. Clarinet solo 2. Cornet solo. . 3. Baritone soio. . 4. Slide troiarxw; ofe . . SECOND DAY. 5 iJ 5 00 5 10 5 CO Frol olieabers: HORTALS. KOBLKT. Daio ot BaKnady . .GEO. CAKPi lpello.vlettotlieiute. ia LaiCTnwrE EvvUna A Fea-Niat liirl Ml Re Bajhey DEMONS AD I.MP5. Yh E. l-rtneeoJ Parkaes. -F M. ZIGLES Kecar . Walter iaitaer , urea teiiEes? - t.aaie x.iccte Ambiuan . - . -Bert BenjaIa ' The Koc.r Man Georte Laaceabersr Htd .. NalHas rureraa Southern Pacific Co. Exprwa traisa leart PortUaA iafly. soaih I Sorth -ll. C Y. Beaiaala briar. Eareae. Cresweil. Uraai, aaa an niaca Gena W olntfir. C. H. Cl. G. BJishadl troai Roeebart Ail'ary: lseicarre nosebaiT atoll Daily. ?ts:an Boall lap- FAIRIES. Fau'.iae Wliiber;. Hael Parry. Eloy Hocs- W, Haltsc Barter. Veil Barter. Merta Sales Etrwi ?h-jj. Edith srosa. eiue sarier, Maud t.tro9". PxaUae Thomrn. Miaaw KjL-tvM. Bertha ltv-ixie. Fat CarroU. Eaai jrhlbmie Hek-a Willi-. Sertha Et-s laiy Maa- loa. U'.i Crilxrr. Vera HTtjN trerlw Rail. Matri Moifeaterr. Kale Fallen ce. Ora MoCe. Haict .1Bets. Kdilh Clejaenls Maa-1 iberi- tta . Maod Kelly. it fid . Floy Horro.v Tina. . Haze'. Fury Fair Rtfpalx . . .eraHayae norcst -Gertie Ral Fin- . v. Bertha yehlbreiJe StarEje .Kk-i Sefc'.brtde U-'.sta . Sia Fa'iersos its.'. Lily 5-aat a OKTa .atrr, Uar-ls Elc. sar.i. Lr. - Portlaad - Ar. I :I3a- 5i3i.x. Lr. - Rcaebcrs .- t-T.Il:JDr.: 10:iSa.M.t At. - San rraacaco Lt. I t:00r.. Abore trains slop at Ta,t Fcctlasd. Oregpa Gty, WocJbcra. Saien, Turaer, Vtr'nri. JtSez--T aih3T Jr-.-tlnn. Tanreat Parry I Shedda, Haitey, Harriibcrg, JanciJon City, i-it-! ! t-ri-i- Trr.CresTeILDrai3.aadaIlaUScna sasr.x. Lr. , Ar. - PorUaasl Rosebcrz Ar. Lt. U40T. X 5:00 a-it- Sal em raen sex Daily. Lt. Ar. - Portlar sales - Lt. B-J4 a. sao a. a. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, -j- DIM?iG CARS OH OCDE5 KOITTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers xsu SECOSIVCLAJSS SUEEPISG CARS A .Uged all Tarocxa Traiaa. West Side Division. Bctima Ponl&ad sad CorjTJli MaU tila daSr .ace?? 5vUt). 'Oh JicUoh Silt "A, I A. Usne race, wet test . . 50 CO Each company ta nxr. is.j kirI ol boe or nozzle in zziCKta. tion races. AFTEBVOir. '.It BUlritt Fntr ijt'rt4x. Foot race,2CO rard 15 0y Baseball 40 UO EVENING. On JacJu&a Strut, 7.--5 VefccL i Band contest KM) 00 EvetTthicz free, no adtr&zkiQ fee. charged sr any ct the cosiests. The District Fair, xbkb ovsn on ti 25th, xill also be frs en penis; dar. aad t21 have aa ictersstirr prccrara, indedieg races. A Grand Bali ifll ccsd&ie the Sec aad Dai's exerdses. BP. O. 2CfeE2CSG - bMii-irreiareis- iCSG UK". SO L O. O. F. ?ttx i ail Jaria Tas- -sia-f dia2r iTiil za ira-. ESSJfJLS rectrr. HOTEL McCLALLEN. Z-JD a. x. ' r. x. Lr. PcrtLirxl - Ar. S.aJr.x Crraii - Lr. liTr.x AtA2araaiCorraZii vthaert -rtZi traif i Orrffla Catral i j Exjeesi nrala iay -iarp; Scniay V DOCGLA3 COCSCII, XO. 3 J2. O. F AI eea etg.i We1asl.y eiwra i o'gjocr ia xae OJ iuc Pii xm ' H Ca. QWJ. Sua. w. ?nir. &fii- X 1 AliiN. t.3r. x. :5r. x. Lt. ForSaad -McMiarO Lr. i5a.x. SCa.x. KATl RE.ISONABLE. Tironib Tick eta to all Peiata tm Lhr EsKers States. Cnmnd and Earepe: run b oktaiaed at low- eat nun trooa Cwiie Fata, Xzvat Rotebnr;. R. xOEHIXSL. I. ?. SOGXS5 v-f- Asst. G.F. A Fan. AjT , POSTLA3TO OSSGQ5. LACT.FT. LOI: : 2. a. CW.Xnr.5ocT. T. & A- X S2GCZA3 - eatalaTi is TTICFQCA CHAKTE2.53.il. 2- A. X SOLD c Inz azrl 1 TthIit -i -w t - 3HTT.1 rVcra zz-ift "tar JT for revr csJt ft-.. i7.t4 Tit c.-S-ia rrcccd of lis SS sxatb eJ" tie ttorssas tariff a J&Macj d .?2;,T;, th JcCiij heir; a fcibw-j . Es.Toiitsr . .fcSl.lSTAM Max Pracht Rctarrts. The vXTc-.il Max Prach: has lift rsrcvi alter aa r-iSera tcer of feer accins. .ur. tram; vr; .tv icte ca th iih o tliy cii. cats-isc via ti Nalxvaal Kercbiicaj: ix-aoccartifrs at L iika co- Mr. rrt.ht rceits the Aiia rrcctirif Tan5 Lexpt is Orcscc aad viZ rcsuus is Onrfce ststl aitrr tb rctke asd arul wwrt eid' v-f2y tbe tini" ffatsra tbe cas- itb bscar5ers a: Pcetia-d. T5 wvclistas wbas dat i iJ faces ISS will rir a tr bast that W Kffric$ tress aa act Keoefc wcfffiteoi is IS3s asi at fevca ti j sasce nw. soay -it ws. coctsunec. tti cr: trac. Aiwa rrcctxsi asi jwrxntr I cclv isJwirr r-rr-d c-, jsaiij i-, il; U.-KszieT. wfea CSvifias-l assd rvwrr. oct oe: 3atx rait was Si-il ei tW U wa Oratar Biyas K wisi 1 cnMd aboc: 2 ywr ore: iof ta VTtr. taai lb jwarri ci 'tarsi" refers j socHLisrtas Jaw as fahjtnati ix ta vk! JjS rvr bbi L-c wfceat. j McKiafey tani. Asy wbt iartc wi?a ba tw: rac - Ftremca in Contention. Arcc. Auc. SL "aracss urec;: frors all ortrr tb stat are ia tb cir is atteaiasot srec tb fccrtli asseal c-v-rsUos of tb Or-c late Fir:'i AssxiaUcs. Tbe irezics beaa offralai jtr- dar evrsiri: wi:b a rasd trr iriJ. i rsartxipated ia by alt tb t astiac leias I aad th4 caiire icrorteMt of iba city. J Aliec tb ritraJ a iic was twid at i th-e jMrkra e Er?i No. 1 . at - spwbfi w-r raxi aad a i-rrca - 1 j tis: was bad. It was dcddd cerise tbe treats; taat ; lb seat asscxl ccaveclscc ot lb assc- j exatwe wxvild bf i at Tbi iili. ,jaioM Mfe Father. N v- Was, Ac. SI. Accwij: ;o a ccrrcixilxx GeceraICli-tireceTed aad was ajsarvd by :be jesatcc tbat b , xiar f-- J.&ri Mw cf tie w-a j:ap Orvroc iar HcSialey azd ! v-ipMic li betr; pcib--i tim kjuc llocurt. lii siasy ctber reptbikass j wii saaraal vircc. Ow sa-;a jrars SesAics- ilircbe. . tad freater rcfiibsij- :i ti; icc; me jtvaAeri :ri kc rtiira -,5",H-SJ$ i li wfil wvtk tbrvi-b Use rarkej cvzsty . . j cve.rsrticw aad witb tbe rspebbcas ate coctauKee. It bciaur sei Sr. Fraci: bad two tsiernews ecaicc Mircbeal at Nw Ycrk re r:tb LfOSEBUReXOPERAHOHSE) Thursday Eve., August 27.! Grand Production of the Beautiful Fairj- Operetta TRIUMPH OF LOVE Under the Auspices of the Rebekah Lodge. 60 PERFORMERS 60 LOCAL TALENT. Fairies. Nymphs. Demons. Evil Spirits and Mortals. bLr- AXr Ov-rUMES. I E LK KTFUL HrSiC. v HARMING rABLEAUX, BEACTIFTL FAIRY PAXCES. Haarrv. Sealuoeatal, .irjlesii. ETsryibia BrKbt. Frrib aad Sparsri. ADMISSION, 50 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Reserved ai at tbe Rofrr Vai -YT; :boc : Eitri CSiara. A.T V UBXZ. q ?, L a a F Xia ci ie cc4et ia cb&j ariril At a 1 J. " Vc32W3f v a T"XKHr v- riari ol eci naxa:3ia!3 3T. SO 3, ia DOT3C2S IXJDiS. XQ. ji. A OL ? - t.i. iu .sr.. . . . crrmHuiar. . .v. . -. . . . 3 Hiw m jiiwiJTo - , impure iKrwy ot ue kms: i ti-ii -&r wrt ; M 3u-ii vrit a rrjMd bas a njit 5o tile tb ecaicc' i I Jsaix FocalrV reeck at CV6- -arly coaij tka ta lb wt.xi.-a: Jvc- ! jca s -J iet;vcratc xxTr-rrw-siieua: cwetat re-ocaa Scr craasrd tbec be j t, ..werrvc tii terse traaiatx-; -1 e Outaw ccsvestuc. j svewsee. w.-cJd rcvably aia. ascce ssreer t ! OfeOljocc ci rrrai pi; jpe-a ; , .-t!U bvi: bef3t 1 a dre rs, ( tbecw tkat caawd b rv-wtirjlioc v. i- jc -i. ( asi tbe isae at Jiiijfcc lb rrbki rurtr ttasit ior bccx at New Vers, sa rerir asccev aad tb ckasca to ears ry avo-: - bt caadaiacy W rcvsdtat. tt OA. WiQaa: McKksMtr. i Fscabfc rrr.sur tbe Voy 2-ecatcr rakx"f ' $?ecis said !t asiasalena;. asy ;aiffcx.;, ; rI rwai a day r t av) aad See wbeA-rr tk j-cwec tcvwtw asy , a a ar c tw Jvi tbe trvw-k bese ircca tbe urii" ee c. ,d by ':be K-y .rax ot tbe Hats" Vbbec be Aw ce aVw I as isr !wes be x socaied -.a New Ycrt. !: fce wvvi. vn&aas J. Sryxa. ' cora?ped ebt ifvftscsaw H ckve fciat. I rei fwey ,-ri W S tsi ljc I f.-e itj alaHw QTTCT.tT. rk Jijractd o.-c wb I, I lbMbt I Xw wby be Jare Ui--Jfc .ee. tbe see baasi aai jvr.-ectjce aad M ciccwe. Cw. tbe larri es:ae tbe Bryaa rat icrm u Trwacally tbe &aase a tbe see oa Cteveiai w elected. 1 e a taraf Vc reveee, ai aairy a t Klx-c . bece ba Ctvcliii cc ba rev- tb aiw-r wa renJEy. Ee bai K-cr.-t-i 3 :o tb tea cc $2rS. W iOX h a ibe Jase cJd acrr .if i45a- iier .kia a .aaafscajjcscy set tbe trial C O Es-.-ws v cvntr rweasf i-a. fa 2i jeacaJj wa caJed ly ccauc e tbe Tn;U. u bax bees lb rwsit Wcct tb iTerses Ve j ae c bcrsetj. tbrecc Wcc"; lif y daac arcesd l- IV-". wwa't tbey ri? aad sssrt aad Yvec't tber Sees -c sie tae ibeer tkat waaNiecsdcc leyvaa ;be i.i. I: tbey ft: cn to beave. acre i street are wwi vi FOURTH Annual Exhibition I- EE HE1I AT ROSEBURG. OREGON. Aug. 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. 't ' T1 w -sr jl rng3 jfcrr i-mcij A3Aaii x. I arT3ji5j aaaaii. on 0. R. & N. As Ea:era eie.ray says iVr Jkae s."iK aad rocvvraw are -c :be efcasM taai tbey wsS yes IfcXjsatSey x ss. sai iiii. bat tbe yfvij k tbat tie 5rya wti ace be rvr ewtarb 8 ttwka tier a; a srascwvv a sew 3k-c;.i aj. www uuim taaae 1 rialivcM. J?c ' rv-.-v.v3- .-a rTv. - ecct e wa a viawvc b erica- very rxoatur nec. Iber say u a !i fc aad tee ir-, rt- tC niatistaa wi at aemJier.-cs eiec- . 5aavt aaww ar. aac .-ct -li ;rsr-! -nVfecua v.. x bctue Abaad ! KaJ kvnoAwI. tbw eciec!C aaiw deefv Ai i isd tb read; , I TSfei. T5e jnc: iniiy tie c.xu.rr as.1 t !&i tb cw?.vi t ia5iirr?!? V re$ae tbe ; bad aavtbrr tbeftfe aiv: bx I saai wbark cetswreta-ri iavyr teftty ( Lt Rry ai sm bsaete by w b eStfS Seed sjee as-ca. ro:r ere ,vw.-k ajsi ix szxr.i&i taw baaafi by cor ;rvi . S j.- VS ' tvtc be sm .-f tb TasBe-i ' vTTiSro pacb a cno? tbe ftwnw t as t3C3S.V, FvtTT87ieC. Tbe DiSereace. rv- . f taTatr-iTxa; year et tb rr ".-as jsarty caar.-i ,c tbe cccatrr i aKr iiff jcawe t tb war A;wa. ts . hw.-re iie ens i iree jStt aiex kic Kcnfaa ot ,a--i. Kei S ;azf c ii&i. xad awtiiase cc liia tbe TO THE EAST TWO TransconUnentaf ROUTES V VIA -VNX St. Panl X-! iftrt tbia I car are KAa&Kf aaaraaa "fat? b aaa&f dbria tk rvat A F- Fk LaN-c 7c a asaiSar cacdstwe. TfjJT Sfcreec 1 bfif we cia e jttrsM tVay ywr. AtaK ?rrm sa tbe iarwfwe: rf taraj rerai H'.-w tbnK irvv5fc. Srftwrt ' I t xatol we rw tr.-ca tavataftc iZx raw aia aui a lacs tbat yr 1 $.V . are j& Kctaj -if a: tiff .-aikacia rar becasw rfv-p are jJ5. aid tbat isr au4B!.-1KliiM J. ryas yv-y are 3f bec-ass we k a larjf Tb raw 3r.aai rsrbe A fcrv 4a! ba atisRed lar-fe fraofc- br caa.-S Sf ifueceX r-i.iw -bi,-tirf Jcwct f.vd Ae ircTSfr Atari .-sbetwjjv firjr (K tb tiviactd 5trv-. aa b.tt S&?e r -.-vr t wEkbkw jwiS.t x- wit iSrf rri3,-aUfc e be r fr." ban idtHvi-ed $itwi abSSfty 4 3ftw itra.-ed aai tbe w adxaoced t by pA.i3.. bro.-- iberr w Tr areata 3rc sb jat 'hh ii4d jcftiorS. wb rntK X M car bad f.x-6i as ivrxa M3iri ' - Aswcaras. bwajniEHt. fJMf.iO.UWcc tbe ?tSi; debt wxj , rji f aad ciaceiedv. Stes szs$ -.bi : rebiirAa jurty a jfoeii c tbree ;ar t jC3.-crUf ccatra axorr t ir?V3Si:r' Aarriaa wwlarrMtt a C&fifCj; rcbCK riJ ia beec ja- ' c?eaKC :t Etsr.ifJiix iiivr. aa4 x rrMtd friA.XV ti3 bf arssf " 31 t- rcosfd Sc icy K-fce !x jajai; bcodi bowir aa axsaal 6afi c aiccs 51 ixarAaiad ?y . tWiCWlAiA It a iji jcrawi iicw way b w.ad t iias wte. ib wbru nw 4vi feevcas; becar tb we i KEtwj .. tb way i&t 3ii Arw? bjfi at f aJljc. liu: jt j a TROTTING AND RUNNING RACES BICYCLE RACES ocexx nmsiox. i -st-v. Daa 1 be bra beoiaei ax itbicawa: tb- Hi.i ojsijcsr- Seep iwcC- wrrit 3 bi ametlett. KeEKy k SreiKiwrjBi- BASE BALL GAME. BABY SHOW.! A is.: t? Fv 3 t Rne 5tc?k' ttltT ' Agricultural PraductSs Fruits. egeraDies, hiowers. Works of Art. Fancy Work. Etc v C U2accXN-. NOTICE. r.MCTni wua n c rt i"Wrt, " in.- bna,t3! Sabre aa tb th iS.-c x 4.:. . - itarpl. o? L:t if jc .V i- BiCes -rcitt tbf a.jl 'Jx iaxnaa lascc aax ti row. tb tia : . Hit a. rte sf tb vnrjc. 0fr $.m Mnti ii A. ? A --aI eweaajw. TWMTW W. .f w snk 3i