T3B PLAINDEALBR AUGUST 20. 1S9G. LITTLE LOCALS. A SaUinan. tl reliable jowcler. Goal Uir and rosin Hi Marsteru'. l.uno and sulphur at Masters'. Caro tiros, nro the boss merchants. J.T. Itryan, tlio Busy Watchmaker. Go to the Kosoleaf for tho best cigar. Good goods at tho lowest prices at Salz mau's. Go to A. C. Marsters & Co. (or school !ookB. County claimu anil warrants bought by I). S. W,t. School looks and stationery at Mar kers' Dtiiu Store. lr. F. W. Hay ties does all kinds of up-to-date dentistry. t. S. West doee insurance. Office BRIEF MENTION. . - onnrvwiv T T fll 1 f T.ll.J J I (ILUNLrALE. uivu.n..".. ii ill. 1 1 . iiiimii uni H ui 4 uiiiaiiu. nu- I'llnl a. r t wr rf i- rn !- Sn ilia !f,f f Arltttf S. Kortin nf iiina Vntiao ir. ti.A i : ....... m v. v. tr. who has tho coi. tract for i..... ' 4U UUJU0 muiOBB oueiumcn uj- t. - - l,n,l Laugh, whoso I.oubo was burned last iuing me u , " " . T The busy hum of tho thretther is heard on business Shasta Water at and drink emporium A lino Kimball pianoJfor sale Enquire at Plaixdealbr office. B. F. Ramp ol Albany camo up to this William P city Tuesday night on business. Ellis, Hon. H. 15. Miller, president of tho For a good smoko call at Slow Jerry's Btato 88cultural college, and others will . - i.i: l j l t i l .. t banar, and get a Los Amorea cigar. ueiivor auoresses uunng me HeeBiuii. LarjMlineof boot and nhno. in nir KV. iar ioT a nB ,,m0 new department at the Novelty Store. Paslor of tne Cath1Iu church here, but 81ow .Terry's cigar Saturday night. Tho Stato Teachers' Association con- cheap, yenes at Newport next Tuesday, and will continue in Eossion four daB. Governor Lord. Congressman W. It. h?q ntnrn with n force of workmen, and Wheat is "legal tender" at 40 cents they aro camped on the creek at the per bushel. brideo site and are at work. Ihe new . Bolniuger and Wui Keui left lat bridge, which is to be built on the lower weflk for Bttlldun. ol architecture site, is to bo a fine piece and will reflect credit upon its builders. Mrs. A. P. Laneenborg, who is con ceded to be tho moat popular lady in Cow creek valley, was greetinger nu merous friends at Olendale on Monday, Born, at the Wolf Creek section house, Mr. W. M. Sutton and wife, iho -ell known Douglas county school teaclieiB, are visiting here. The market is being well supplied with venison by Mr. Friend of Olalla and Cobb Bros, tempt us with melons. Hens are out on a strike, and Mr. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder Rol w nn..iifu , t ii c. , who has been traveling a bit lor ins - Hens are out on a strike, ana Mr. of L1 8onoand J.H.Slegel heauiw returned Tuesday, showing that August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. We.land, hig d of Looking Glass aro registered at tho . . ham, UDon a son. nnli. thn .roublo ia over. an nouten. ., , , , r .. him as upon us; but ho is the Mrs. James rorter and daughter, Ida, genial wlA aa fcrmerly, with a returned from a protracted visit at Port- word frlendly greeting for all. until the trouble is over. Mr. Challener has just well arranged completed a commodious barn, A Cure For Diseases of Hen. Scientific investigation, supplemented by experience, ha shown that urinary diseases are more prevalent and de- NOTES OF INTEREST. l.trn o. .... l.i.t l.n a II... oa.nal KxtAflfllVn WOrk IS 0102 On at U1B JtllAJ uo uwu 3 uu iiu in l . kind Mammonth Queen lodge bouhi oi uien dale, and tho Bound of the blasting I fl Mr Lenox btf8 one In o erec. 8lructive in life, health and happiness, V n BMilmrirort in Ri!if thnt Hon. I awaxena wis ccnueo ii ,;. than anv other class known to the meui the union church servico will be held jn,in v n.nl nf I'nttland will address mountains. The quarts tanen tram me - . (ralernityi Th9y are not confined to nt thn I'hri.H.n . o t I . . . . . I iint io nnar hninlT mfldR. HnOWR irCB I -w . rJ wuiicuuu uiunu ul OUUUKj I lha lunnin nf llnni.lia rnnn v .SnlllnlftV o ' land Tuesday night. opposite tho post office. 'i ilstivit nil. lil:irhiln -mil lulirireitinp I o..nn;nn a --i . oils at Marsters' Drugstore. , . during the lair. Judge Uaples is one o' fine line of gents' shoes at J. Abra- "lDker ae. Ansias Water, soJa, and the most eloquent and interesting ora ham's. Prices just nght, omer sou unnus at blow Jerry's drink tors on this coast. Ho can talk sense Munvou'a Hotmepathic Kemedies for emporium, now on itralt. .;tu a little nonsensical pleasantry, wlo at Marstors urug btore. Reserved seats for the Ooeretta. "Tri- which, like sauce with middinc cives it a An eiutiess variety ot combs, nair ana uuinh nf lrv" nr.. ..i . iu mii.i, r.titi.4 linnln t Mrstm. I . . . I .va..vw -. . . . ... . I ,f ..alni. t n-t.Kn..ft .1 I . . . . . . . uv, ; f.miir ,.r,.,ia rn I.UOIBB. r.ii orcross ol iooKiug ouiss, an ex- at the Pewle'a store. Cass street. Martl an oo't drinks, and all other soldier, who marciieu Willi biiorraan Munvon's Homeonathie Uemedies at K"ds, also, at Ad. Harmon's bar, next to I from Atlanta to the sea, was in the city A. C. Mareters & Co.'s drug store. ino grand stand, during fair week. Wednesday. Brins vour clocks and watches to Slow I j0i, I bavin z been Jerry the reliable jeweler lor repamu ov. tn hn rUv ff. . I IT 1:1 1 fl Orfin in his canhnn mtt nlnln ltnltl Dexter Rice, who has been at Drain witli Assessor Sterling for several months, returned home on the local the low and degraded portions of hu manity, as many suppose, bat to be found amontr the pure in heart, the in- Dr. Pope preached at Dillard last San- nocent, the truly pious and wealthy. day, subject, "State of the Dead." I Many of them are transmitted from our fall term of school. Mr. Knapp has left for California. f gold and gives evidenco that this is one of Southern Oregon's most valuable ledges. Claude Grimes of the Staryeout mines was trading at Glendale on Tuesday. ijen. T. J. Thorpe lectures at the I parents to children, from.'generation to 0f Oakland. Miss Mima Hamilton of Hamilton Brockway school house, August 2lst at generation. Thousands of people suffer Solid silver tea and nntnld aponies from their ravacine balzman 8, our I effects and meet an early and nntimely Sheep dip at Maratera'. McKinley and Bryan hats at the Nov elty. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mra.N. Boyd. Straw bats at cost at the Novelty Store. Wood taken on subscription at this office. Get your school books at Marsters' drug store. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little table spoons at Heights visited friends on Creek Sunday. Upper Cow 7:30 p. m. Miss Nora Bollinger is again in He has been unfortunate; stricken on one side by A.G.Clarke, the genial manager ol 1 midst, jolly as ever. Hotel Glendale, is at Grants Pats train- inc for the bicvclo races which are to Cumtux aack. IVlivered free. A. C. Hont Chrushed fruits in soda and all the new drinks ice cold at the Kandy Kitchen. All rips of seams on boots and shoes I Tuesday l.i -.lit nf n will bo ouiil free of charce I at the Novelty Store. frave "oney by doing your own horse The Kandv Kitchen is head.iuarters anJ toy shoeing. Horse shoes and half paralysis and thus robdere 1 unable to take place at Roeeburg on field day ; and make a living by labor as formerly. He Mr. Clark's many friends here will be has made application to be taken into pleased to see him win the races. the Home. n. B. Redfield. J. P.. was at Glendale Dried prunes, apples and apiicots, Ion business today. Mr. Redfield is a green milts ol all kinds. Oregon naras capable anu eincieni omcer uu an uuoi- nd shoulders, also Eastern hams, nesa entrusted to him will receive for cold dnuks, chruihed cream and all new dunks. Bring your job work to tho Plainueal kk office" We are preiured to do the cheapest and beat work south of Port- JUld. Dr. Hivnes makes all kinds of artifi cwl dentures such as gold, platinum and aluminum plate?, also rubber ami cellu loid. F. II. millions of the second-haud storin Hcudricks building, is bead quarters for the Singer sewing machine and supplier. Jave innv and time. To jurties Mine Eat. no" bv the O. K .& N. short route. Calfoa or write to V. C. London, Roeeburg, Oregon. New and well aisorted line of prints cotton ures gaous musnn. iuhchus, fruits, ice soles and nails for each at H. M. Wead'a Hardware. On account of the excessive eather, thero witl be no driU tonight. Liklt. F. W. Hayses, Commanding A. Co. Tlie ladies members of the ,'Christian church will famish meals and lunch on the fair grounds during fair week on reasonable terms. it you want a good smoke or get thirsty while at tho races, call at Ad Harmon's bar, near the grand stand, at.il be made happy. The base ball grounds aie being cleared off and smoothed down, in an Everything guaranteed. Groceries of all kinds, and best qualities. Flour and feed. Flour 73 cents per sack. 10 I pounds of lard 75 cents. Coos Bay cneese, tun cream, targe or smaii, in any quantity. H. Easton defies all com petition. Silverton, Or., apparently is a nice, unconventional place of residence, ac cording to the following item from the Appeal: "Bailer, the young man who prompt attention. Frank Leslie Bailey is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eliiff and P. F. Roberts at Glen dale this week. Mrs. E. J. Garrett and 51iss Lutie Graham visited us last week. We ac knowledge a pleasant visit. During last week wo made fix btisi nets trips to Wolf Creek, going by the passenger train and returning by the Ireight, and we acknowledge the most Varmints Killed. During the past- two years Douglas county has paid as bounty on wild uni' mala killed the sum of $3,857, as fol lows: No. Bear '-'62 Coyote 912 Panther 670 2,010 Total 1844 $8,857 Add to this $8,857 bounty paid the value of the sheep and other animals killed by these varmints, and you will nnd that the life of the stock grower is not all roses, even without a free trade administration. death, often ignorant of the cause. Thoueh transmitted innocently, the effects of these diseases are not less terrible. It is a sad truth that the inno cent are often greater sufferers than the guilty. Of all the organs of the body few are more important than those engaged in the urinary functions. In perfect Bounty health, that great blessing which so few " iH' I eniov. one will scarcely direct a mo- 6,300 1 ment'B thouuht for these important or- I'ure fresh groceries and low prices at Caeebeer's grocery. Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Roseleaf. An excellent line of toilet soaps at Marsters' Drag Store. Ladies shirt waists at reduced prices at the Novelty Store. Goods below cost at Caro's. Now ia the the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and qualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Wasted To exchange a pony for a gans and at the first unpleasant symp- cow. Address P. O. box 68. torn good advice such as may be easily Fred Floed, lawyer, room 9, Taylor & obtained, should be immediately soli- Wilson block, Roeeburg, Oregon. cited. Wanted Wood in exchange for Among the chief and most common of wagon wort at -imngton & Bans. diseases is seminal weakness and ner- ."CL.m ZLZ " .Z2 b yous debility, or loss of nerve po.er, m ,nn thn doe to masturbation and venenal excess. Iowe(j; cash piicea at the Novelty Store. Thousands of young and middle-aged x invoice of boots and shoes at the men suffer with nervous diseases for Racket Store. Prices below competi- caused quite a commotion last week by kindy aUcn;on from a,j conductors and Sent It to His Mother In Germany. years and may be ignorant of the causes, tion ". ,1:. ..wi. i .c ucinauon oi exciting oatuea on lue uia UIKC I1UCU. IJUIO jj. ........ .v I at the Novelty Store. ond daring lair week. A. C. Hoxie sells dour at 75c and sOc a Everything is booming at the fair running away wiin a Jirs. reroer, anu I biakesinen. with one single exception, incidentally taicing a uvery leamo. ,(, rJm;nd u,at terADavis' with him, wliicb be torget that Mes of our unfertai(1 1Re nee4i Moines, Iowa, says: "I have just sent to return, was tried in Justice Ramsby's .,, i:i..; fmm iin whira some medicine .back to my motber in . DICIlll(.U I" I - coart Saturday. No one appearing . . . .M ailB Wolf the old country, that I know from per againsthim.be was release I from cus- . nnr k;niiP.t thanka eonal use to be the best medicine in the toJr-" pnHnrinm Kpnrnor. Morris, and to world for rheumatism, having used it in Early hops in the valley are now iorian . Bonebrake. Marshall, and to my family for several years. It is called about ready for picking. The Albany i ..pnia Oarfield and Farmer and other Chamberlain's Pain Balm It always Jacob Esbensen, who is in the employ I WDea a Hltle timely advice would make of the Chicago Lumber Co., at Des i:fefl pathway lull of cheer and happi ness. When the first symptoms of semi nal weakness manifest themselves the sufferer is noticed to become dull and morose and is troubled with indigeetion, though the appetite may remain good. But the strength vanishes and the pa-j tient crows thin. He becon.es indolent sack, and 10 pounds ot lard lor .o cents. groanjs am every preparation is being Democrat savs that several yards of that i,, nnm ilid nnl learn, does the work." 50 cent bottles for sale an.l rtphilitatpd. nnd loss of memory and Lj t People shonhl taxe advantage oi mew ,. ,-,.mA -s-.i t .1 f .i. m 77 .. ' u . .. . ., , ' r-i ru,u" Hard times is what makes prices ap preciated at Richard's Cash Racket Store. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site the post office. T. K. Richardson. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens and optical goods at the lowest prices at Salzman's. "Live and let live" is Dr. R. W. Ben jamin's motto. Dental work done at prices and give him their patronage E. Da Gas. Physician and burgeon office in Manners building. Call! in tnwn and country promptly answered night or day. Residence, '.'11 Mill street. L. Langenbarg is Mill on top. He carries a fall stock of choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord eons etc, violin strings of best quality always cn hand. Slow Jerry the jeweler has 14 carai titlM raid ladies watches now on "Sale Prices reduced from 25 to $15, decided terrains. Don't fad to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Those having second hand stoves, frimWnrp. ptr. lor sjle can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 11-23 Jackson street noaeourg, ur. made for the comfort and convenience of visitors to the fair next week Let all our readers read Chapter VIII of the gospel aa Given by St. John, and meditate upon the lesson taught ; eepec ially in verses 3 to 11 inclusive. One extra larse box stove for f ale at H. M. Wead'a Hardware Store. Suit able lor dry house or large store room, anr Pnce- for their considerate assistance. Mrs. Pal-ner and daughter, Miss Tillie, weie trading at Glendale on Saturday. by A. C. Marsters. Camp Meeting. 1 .1 TT. I T . 1 win oe ueia Dy me .uuueu uremreu nr tt-v, Mrs. A. Marshall, Mrs. i.. Jones, Jirs. Cnurdi, at the old fair grounds ontnel . . . work and guarantees Mary Wood. Mrs. J. Hogen, Miss Addie Brockway farm, S miles southwest of Biiley and Mrs. I for pleasant visits lately. price $15. Takes three foot wood. Alex McLeod, of Kingsley, fi niched threshing last Thursday, securing 1440 bushels of No. 1 wheat from 5 acres, Wasco county wheat is (apparently not a failure. John Penteny of Victoria, B. C, W. II. Truesdale and O. G. Higenbolham math and Rev. C C. Bell, of Portland, will conduct the meetings. f.K-.r-fSrJS from Wln M Mule Creek, and B.C.Trowbridge of cheater or Wilbur to Portland as hereto- Camas Valley, are registered at the Mc- fore and pav the highest mariet prices Clallen. for same. Andres p-xioe uo. aUend; . racefl durint: faJr n!iLhne. and sells them at a lower agars, and wet goods, too, by calling on t,rirf than iht of his competitors. He I Ad. Harmon at his bar adjoining tho also sells boots and shoes at astonisning granj 8tand 1 . . The ball grounds at the fair are being Kn.ines at I bo some lively playing at the fair, as UfcUU AUDUt"" " " ' I ' owner's risk in every jrticular. For several good clubs have got their eye on variety in the vicinity of Albany will not be picked on account of the low prices prevailing. S. Smeed of Walter- ville, commenced picking his early hops last Friday. Btanton Bros., of the fame ;n t : ; : .. .. .!,,.. n- The price paid is 25 cents ir box. and nu" u "U3,CJ """" - iweeuurs, uu c.Cu.u6: V.,-,. fnliA .n.i,.n in ni.-L- at lor fls.illluuWuUuu,usu. k" " ' . ..I i ueorve Kussell. wuo was reiurning mj unje. his parents after a tix month's absence A commodious tabernacle will be .t VAr.irnruA California, spent Satur-1 erected. Rev. J. R. Parker of Philo- dayat Glendale yieiting the Roberta brothers, O. F. Rohrer has taken charge of Judge Smith'a fine farm near this place, which was, until lately, managed by Nathan Smith. Mr. Rohrer ia making substantial improvements, and . ... i. . in the listerous and treacherous surl. smiiiinem win eveuiuauj UUD u. Of course he does not mean the muscles' finest homes in this valley. of the lower limbs in rear of the tibia? We regret to say that Mrs. Edith Mal- No, of course not. The editor is too lory of Idlewilde was severely injured modest for that. last week by being kicked by a vicious nnmnrtiiion never worries us. lcanse horse. She is getting some better now r I we "buy rigut nenco -en iikih all vigor of the sexual organs may fol- Our summer corsets and shirtwaists low. In time he may fall into a com- at cost to close them oat, at Richard's nlptfl Rtatfi of imnotencv total loss of t-asn Kactet fciore. may be mentioned weakness of memory. confusion of ideas, nervous despondency The Bandon Recorder, in speaking of bathing by the camping visitors from the interior, said : "Bathing is fine in the cve below the Lookout anil fat cithes are in abundance." Brother Stett decs not say what nse the bathers make of fat calves whether they aro slaughtered for yeal or whether the bathers hang on to the calves tails to keep theai afloat while some and come prepaied to the services. stay and enjoy crown and bridge the same. Don't forget the number. A.noVlinrl T T. fimvpB in anlhrmzpd and general weakness. It needs no to receive and receipt for subscription to mirror; it rellectB itself. The pale ace, the Plaisdealeb. the sunken eye, the downcast counte- You can get the best ice cream in nance, the stooping, aged form all quantities at the Kandy -Kitchen cheap- serve to announce the victim's troubles. " .... . . u i.tnm viii. nf itapif. h nt it ODfM the A good 12 guage faree eh-loading shot gates to other diseases, such sumption and diseases of the heart. Casebeerthe irrocer, corner Jackson The unfortunate sufferer cannot sleep. I and Washington, keeps the best grocer In that intermediate state, between ies. Try him and be convinced. no ivin. I V i i Rrintrrnnr tPnls and camtmnr outfits ukuc' - JacKSOn, KOSeDUTg gunsnop " - 1 anmni.nr. nn.4 HlGIVlCOa nf thA hPATI ife and death, intended for the recuper ation of the mind and body, he can know no rest, for his dreams are dark and foreboding , and the constant drain Lartrest stock of fancy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose- . . . ? . .i oanj ana as prices lower uuui eci. Dan't eat adulterated cream candy that comes from the wholesale houses. Get Molue, War; Scenes. Actual scenes photographed during the late war, by government photographers, israuy ,v uaruner. xnioneu oy . . . flQjd , . . fa Kan(J jq opucon, csicium ngni, low imnuu aM;:nr m U fhP mnnpnw nant vnn .hnnld onr new line of power. At Opera House Monday night, , fall hats.'latest styles, besi goods, and August 24th. I a.i.m. ;.w Knn. P"cesEO low they die of habits"! how essential that he will astonish you. The Racket Store. T. M. Stubblefield. boot and ahoe- of J. M, Shafer Lj, f50 w pursc Say! If you want a stove somebody The facts are these ; every move in our is only made after the most careful consideration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but not with us. We sell you a good oil grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, RIDDLE. A eligtit sprinkle this morning. Sinfa 1 C7s lharo ham rwH.n ninp em '-'" " I . , i . i K1...1..1 u: 7. , - demies of dysentery in different parts of snouiu eiarv nguv m m,iU maser opposite ine aepoi, uoes nr8l ? i ,i i i i ar.nnia n 11111 oi uuiiaiu luuuuuu ttuu uuaa nui& at. umu uluco muvh. vi,u tne couniry in wnicn vjnamoenaiu a i- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Pu conceptions. was used with perfect euccess. Dysen- " " nnnoeite Marks' iron front, has choice particulars enquire Roberts creek. riU SSTtarT and df uec else has not need the life out of and that co and see us, convince yourself that f -,;ui;n ..1 orchards and fine isn't made by convicts in tho Salem we have what we advertise, e don t irzntpn Enot. in Uie city iimits. Good Penitentiary, vou want to call at Wead's care to do all the business in town, but Garden partly in and balance plowed and Hardware. 0 convict trash there. want to get a share ol ready for planting. I. r. I.ice uo. Drorietor of believe that a concern The cheap rates oi live dollars cabin Senala gaioon, has secured bar priv- customers exceptionally gool values in t.rrXltv ci.Mr3 including mCaiS I . .... . I ' - ;a lnn.l In rn -llipnil """ --: " ,rn n ileses at the track on tfie lair grounos, ey t v r' .imir9 from Portland to and will supply all customers with the ear Vrinftertl. Steamer leaTes Portland every five should be full of sublime thoughts and class work at hard times prices All of vou who suffer him your patronage. I ,. . r from this disease should lose no time in , u ware muu-w.u . . ... . . onnanltine T)r. Darrin. for the time may "i", f 2: T- G. K. tjutne has gone to urewsier vai- i tery, wnen epiaemic, is aimoei aa severe - i nousenoia lurnuuru buu uu wmo lv for a few daTS. and dancerous as Asiatic cholera. Here- " J " paces j sun. me Vnichlwir Ttritt and family moved to tofore the besi efforts of the most skilled Rosebun: to live Monday. We were all physicians nave laueu to cnecx us rav- " 1 . 1 fnr n.o,nr asea. tins remeay. nowever, uas cureu it. We firmly that gives its very anxious to have him but we did not propose to lose him from our neighborhood. Miss Etta Chapman is visiting her the most malignat cases, both of children and adults, and the most trying condi tions, which proves it to be the best med icine in tho world for bowel complaints. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. days with the best goods in his lino during the fair. L. H. McMahon of Salem and Dr. Eageno Hibbard of Portland were in the city yesterday. They intend to prospect for gold, on the headwaters of Myrtle Creek. May they find it in quantities To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under- Dr. K. W. lVeDiamin. late of the dental colleceat Atlanta G3-, has fitted up nmmi in the Marsters blocw, 1m. is prepared to do do first class work in all the lates improvements, galore. v' .:r:' ?T.r;;;t, ci Oscar Asee. the thresher, was teeth at hai'd-time''i)rices and all work city Taesday on business relating to his rniraniJ. Remember, room 1 , Mars-1 thresher. lie savs tho crain crop in by year. This idea prevails Jase uuauwic. nau ucu throughout our entire business, hvery bushels oi wneai uus car. dollars worth of goods must give the Mrs. Robert Brown and son of Alt- wearer satisfaction, even the all wool house arc visiting Will Q. Brown's fam- gtond that my terms for all undertaker's absolutely fast color $3 00 su.ts. Uy at the nickel mines. goods are cash with the order. I find it Mrs. Dona Catching was doing busi- impossible to do business on a credi ness in Riddle the first of the week. basis, and belive that I can do better by all medical skill. Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent- No matter what vou have taken, or ist, is permanently located and guaran who has failed to cure vou; call and see tees all his work. Give him a call and i . , ,i examine work and prices. the doctor, as he can permanently, . r . T, . , , . . , - Ladies, are you in perfect health? It safely and pnyately cure you in one- notj why'not try the great home remedy, third tho time and at one-half tho ex- Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas pense required by others. Consultation county and will fill all orders promptly. free If you don't want to suffer with corns Dr.Darrin can be seen at the Mc- and bunions, have your boots and shoes ui. ianiu v o made at Langenburg's. Repairing Vimicii iiuuar, iwocuun, '!,ui" September 5. J. Ahraham's Clothing House. in the ters' block. general, is below the average, so far as he has been able to leai n. We hear, however, that early bowh grain is very fair. J. K. Fitrhuch. Jr. was up before his County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holdins Djuslas county warrants dorsed prior to April let, 1VJ2, to present , rnRtico Hamlin. Tuesday, on a thefcameatthetreasurer.s omce in iuc cj,are of throwing Chas. Beyer's goods court house for payment as interest will I Jt q j10U5e wjtbout due process of cease thereon after the date ol Ibis no- . Judze placed Fitzhugh under Exposition Excursion. Editor Plaimealkk: Referring to rmtr nntim nf the excursion to the Ore- j Vu. gon Industrial Exposition, which opens in Portland. Sept. 19th. you bavo the siiecial excursion train scheduled to ar rive at Portland at C .30 p. tn. it siiouui bo 7:15 p. m. Pleaso noto tho correc tion. The excursion tram will run Sept. 29th, leaving Ashland at 6 a. Private School. I propose, by September 1st, to open a German-English day school with thor- I 1 - .1 : - ..11 !.,. I.,i.l.ae f a si familiea from here are intend- my patrons and myself by selling strictly ""T"" "IZ " n n n,n Rnhure fair and camp for cash. P. Benedick, Undertaker. IU5 V .w 0 " " I tice. Dated this Jth day of July, ls90. at ihe citv of Roeeburg, Douglas county, Oreeon. Wm. A. Fkateb, County Treasurer. Strayed. P.av mare, weight about 'JjO He., sad die mark on backhand small white spots on sides causel from saddle , jawselightly swollen from disteinper and small sore underneath, unshoJ and in good condi tion. Please tuke up aud return to C. B. Cannon, Roseburg, and be liberally ;paid for trouble. Notice to the Traveling Public. Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of tho Pri vate Boarding House, formerly known as the Farmers' Ho' el, on Lane street, one block east of the depot, has acquired tho reputation of being one of the beet cater ....; ti fitv. Jleala 15 cents; board and lodging $,:.o0 Caro Bros. Must sell their immeuso stock insido .of sixty days, regardless oncost. If any one wishes toTget bargains they inUBt ...11 uf.,i iim thpv niL-aii bufiineca. This is no humbug. If you doubt their word call aud be convinced. $100 bonds, and the caeo continued for further adjustment. The successful applicants for teacher's certificates were as follows: Mrs. E.J. Clements, Mamie Wiruiiford, Hattio Cloyd, Chas. W. Rico, Delia Brown, Delia Mulkey, Arthur Rice, Fern Or- cutt and Mrs. M. H. Cockelreas. Num ber of applicants, 17. Hon. A. W. Reed, tcnalor elect of Douglas County from Gardiner, passed tbrouch this city Tueeday on his way homo from San Francisco. He mado viBtt to the soldiers homo Tuesday after noon. He left on the local this morning for Gardiner via. J)rain. James A. Sterling, IDouglas coiuity'fl assessor lor Itlio last llnrieon yeare chIIhiI unon us Wednesday. Mr. Ster ling will retire from servico, tnkmg with tin. )wft wishes nf 11 host of friends for his prosjierity. Good bye, Junmy, wui "may you live long and prosper." W. S. Britt, assessor elect, 1ms moved into the city preparatory to taking charge of his office in tho near future. We welcome Mr. Britt and family to our city and bespeak for them every courtesy of Roeeburgera. They are domiciled in one of W. F. Beojarnin'fj cottages. for the week. Misses Jennie Duncan and Etta Chap man went to Missouri Bottom to spend a day or two with Mrs. Sam Ball. Noah Cornutt's machine went up Ihe river to thresh this week. nttn Tipfulnn has rented Mre. Dora and passing the various towns mentioned Catchiug's houso here, in rour notice at the times you have j0hn I'ullerton was hero Tuesday vis- ,w.,-ifiPil. itinu his sister. -MrB. v. 1.. rticnoie, There is much interest being main- Tuesdav Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1S95. . . ... . L common ecaooi, proviuea a sumcieni number of pupils for a term of six I months ia secured beforehand, fchort daily religious exercises, instruction in Bible truth and the maintenance of Christian discipline will be a special feature. Terms of tuition, 75 cents a on ni. The Central House. fpoled in the excursion at all points in ... Canvonville attended W. H. Gordon is now tne proprietor 01 m wrvid. which includes I , 1 rhfd ihis popular house. The table will be u . v-. . j I CIlUlCll 11CIO nivi I Mr. C. D. Yonker, a well known drug gist of Bowling Greeu, Onio, in speaking of Chamberlain's Remedy, says: "I take nlnxmirn I rt raArnmoni1tni7 if. if TTiV PUR- tomers, for I am certain that it will al- child per month; two children from one !,, T onll mnm nf it than lainuy, i.iu; UUCC, fl.li, f-v all other kinds put together." For sale To xor children or orphans a part or the by A C. Marsters & Co. wnoieonue luiuuu .u - J. J. Kern, Opposite the Postollice Ashland to Harrisburg and points ie- tween, and we confidently expect now that there will ba a very largo number, probably one thousand excursionists. llKO. t.STES. Excursion Manager. Snuday evening. - Henry Crow aud family expect to tnovo to Portland to live about the 25: h instant. A Riddle and his gold standard supplied with the best in tho market, eood bedB aud courteous treatment. Meals 15 cents, and beds the same rate. The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, r . V T- XT fT says: 1 regard uz. Kings uia- covery as an Ideal Tauacea for Coughs, Colds aud Lung Complaints, haying used it in my family for the last five Triumph of Love. On Thursday evening of noxt week, 7th of August, tho fairy Operetta, Triumph of Ixve, will bo presented at the Opera House, by sixty young peoplo of Roseburg. nucli a crowd 01 pretty Boys May iik Hap (and sometimes girls) for ll) ordinary service at wages; threshing crew havo nniBlied tlirCBiiing (2) upon indenture, Ito work, attend vears to tjie exclusion of physician's for this year. Mr. Oornult Bnd his iree school, and be brought up somewhat as 1 prescriptions or other preparations." silver crew are not througii yet. your own; and (J) cbildren may ne KfiV joun T3urguS) Keokuk, Iowa, Walter Riddle had a lino crop of wheat had for legal adoption. Address, . 1. wrjlc ; 'i i,aVe been a Minister of the neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of head gear. The Square Deal store has just opened up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be the best shoes made. Come and inspect them. I am prepared to offer lumber or wood at reuueeu prices, a am ia&ius iu lum ber and wood on old accounts and in trade for goods. T. K. Richardson. N. Rice, one of our enterprising furni ture dealers has now on sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish. Give him a call before purchasing else where. Caro Bros', closing out Eale is drawing crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales is the order of the day. Goods must be sold at any sacrifice. Call and see. Notice is hereby given to the public bv the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaron Ross, Roseburg. Uregon, aiarcn ntn, itwi. this year. . r 1 1 Enid uarpskr, oupi. uregou ikjjb miuuum Aid bocieiy, roruanu.ur. ly little boy, when two years of ago Lumber for Sale or Trade children, lovely girls and gallant youths, was taken very ill with bloody flux. I o,. Diililmn Rv..n on the stage, ihol affair promises to bo tho moBt brilliant, musical and dramatic event, which Roseburg has ever enjoyed. Tho high reputation of .Mrs. Noumaycr us a suc cessful manager, and of the ladies of tho Roseburg Rcbekah Iodgo, undertake anything that is not n bucccbb, w want to buy lumber, you a will do any well to was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily procured part of a bottle. I care fully read tho.directions and gave it tie- p. 0. box 125, Drain, Oregon cordingly. He was very low, but slowly and surely ho began to improve, gradu- To Trade. who never ally recovered, and is now aa stout and rwo lota in Marshtleld for hogs. Htrnui; as over. I leel auro It saved ins tw0 and one half lots 111 North Methodist Episcopal Church lor 50 years or more, and have never found uiythiug 60 beneficial, or that gave me If vou have dry cows or heifers you such speedy relief as Dr. King's New nr. tn trado for lumber, or if you Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Rem- i.;n nf nv Lind nf fir edv now. Trial Lotties tree at A. t. is a guarantee to the public that tho en- life. I never, can praiBO 1110 remooy nan burg or Btock ; Hack or imggy m lertaintnent next Thurday evening, will its worth. I am sorry every ono in the paymont. Call ou I.F. Rice & Co, icnrlil ilnnH not KIlOW UOW KUUU 11 10, uo i - tnMrs LinaS.Hinton.Grahamsville, Call at Ad. Harmon's bar weBt of the perfect satisfaction or money bo a grand aucceBS, pleasing lo old and address Marsteis' Drug Store. Itucklcit'N Ariilcn Halve. l'ho Best Salvo in tho world for Cnts Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands CliillbaiiiR, Coma, and all skin Erup. tions, ami positively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give refunded Rose part young. Subscribe for the Pi.aindeai.er. Marion Co., Floridr. MarBters & Co. For sale by A. C. graudstaud, while at will make you smile. the races, He Price 25 ceuta per 'oi. O. MarBters & Co. For Bale at A. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, "Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR' CREAM BAKING PffWDIR Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard.