TITS PLAINDEALER AUGUSr 0, 1S96. LITTLE LOCALS. Straw Store. BRIEF MENTION. hats at coat st the Novolty WILBUR. S. Merlclo, of Eugene, was in the city Monday on business. This lively littlo town is eight miles north o( Roseburg on tho 8. P. railroad. This place a few years ago boasted of an academy, the Wilbur Academy, where a A Salzmau, thu reliable jeweler. Coal.tnr and rcs'm at Masters'. Lime and sulphur at Marsters. J.T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker. School hooks at Marstera drug store. Go to tint Rosoleof for the best cigar. Good goods at thu lowest prices at Sals man's. Go to A. C. Marsters A. Co. for school books. County claims and warrants Iwuglit by t) S. Wtvt. School books nd s'ationery at Mar Biers' Drug Sloro. Dr. F. W. llayucs does all kinds of np-So-data deutis-try. l. S. Wet does insurance. Oflice opposite the I'os' office, Neatsfoot oil, machine and lubricating oils at Marsters' Drug Store. A fine line of penis' thoes at J. Abra ham's. Prices just right. Munyon's Honucpathic Remedies for tale at Marsters' Drug Store. An eudiess variety of combs, hair and clothes brushes at Marsters'. For bargains in family groceries, call at the Pepole's store, Cass etrccL Munyon's Homeopathic Remedies at A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug store. Bring yoar clocks and watches to Slow Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. Myrtle Crook flour, only SO cents per sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hons. ClmiiheJ fruit 3 in soda and all tho new drinks ice cold at tho Kandy Kitchen. The Kandy Kitchen is headquarters fjr cold drinks, chriiihed fruits, ice cream and all new drinks. Bring your job work to the 1'laindkal kk office We are prepared to do the cheapest and be: work south of Fort and. Dr. IIyns makes all kinds of artifi cial dentures such as gold, platinum and aluminum plates, also robber and cellu loid. E. Da Gas. Physician and Surgeon, office in Mnrsters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered night or day. Resident, "Jll Mill street. F. II Si.iiu.ons of the second-hand More lu i leu '.rick's building, is head quarters far the Singer sewing machine and supplies. Saw mousy and time. To parties going East, go by the O. R X. short route. Call on or write to V. C. London, Roseburg, Oregon. A. C. Hoxie stdla Jloar at 75c and SOc a sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents. People should take advantage of these prices And give him their patronage. "... Langenbarg is still on top. lie curies a full stock of choke music, mu sical instrument, violin, guitars, accord eons etc, violin strings oV best quality alwavs on hand. Slow Jerry the eweler has 14 carat E'.4el gold ladies witches now on le Prices reduced from $25 to $ 15, decided bargains. Don't fail to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Those having second hand stoves, famitore, eic, lor sale can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Itke. the furnitore and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Mis. G. W. Bartp will continue to bay ami ship fresh salmon from Win chester or Wflbor to Portland as hereto fore und pay the highest market prices Ijt same. AdJress poetoffice box 123. Jack Abraham, genu furnisher, keeps the best goods and latest of every thing in ha line, and sells them at a lower oric' than iar oi his competitors. He a".D sells boots and shoes at astonishing law prices. Good tjajtureage tor stock at reason able rates by the month. All stock ikn absolutely and entirely at owners risk in every particnlax. For Diriieolars encuire of J. M, Shafer Roberts creet. Place to Rent Containing 3 acres, 1--.' lMe and barn and all necessary ont bcildinzs. good orchards and fine .r.!n saotT in tbe dtr limits. Good garden partlv in and balance plowed and ready for planting. I. F. Kice & Co The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and twn-fiitv steerage including meals and berth are still m etlect on the V. K fr V Go's, steamers from Portland to Stoimr leaves Portland every five days. Dr. K. W. Beaiimin. late of thedental college at Atlanta Ga., ha3 fitted np tintal roaini in the Marsters Llock, trhorn hp is nrenared to do do first class work in all the latw improvements rmirn nnil liridec wo:k. gold and porce i-iin rrmrn. nllinza and extraction of th at hard-time nrices and all work maranteed. Ilemember. room 1 , Mars ters' block. Ladies shirt waists at reduced prices larg0 nuinoor of ,ho '0UI18 P60!''0 o n we wovelty Store. TELEGRAPH NEWS PROGRESS OF THE WAR. . Havana, Aug. 4. The Spanish Geu- The .McClallen This popolar house has been renovated from top to bottom. The sleeping rooms 51 in number, are newly papt-red and painted in the litest approved styles of the art. TbearIors are large, airy and taitefullv decorated and furnished. The dining room is nicely decorated, but the table are more so with what makes a honrrv soul glad ; waiters all atlen live and Iiostess accomodating. The rcKjras are lighted by electric lights throughout, thus lessening the liability ol fire. The arrangements are com pletc and most conducive to tho comfort of guests. - County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Dallas county warrants dorsed prior to April 1st, 1302, to present the same at the treasurers office in the mnri t.nnv? for wavinent as interest will cease thereon afler thu dale of this no tice. Dated this 30th day of July, 189G. at the cilv ol Roseburg, Douglas county, Ore"on. VM- A FltATl!It. " County Treasurer. unxjuKj-, oi-.wievoinnu, is in tho city on business today. Golden niachino and Noatsfoot oils at U. M. Woad's Hardware. Mark Hanna has established his head quarters in New York City: Goods below cost at Caro'a. Now is tho the time for bargains. Wanted To exchango a pony for a cow. Address P. 0. box CS. Tl t , .... "UUI" gee, oi uapsutuee, was m the Cllv Mondav on linoT Miles Agee, of Winston, was doinc business in Ros oburg, Monday. Fred Floed, lawyer, room 0, Taylor & Wilson block, Rosoburg, Oregon. Wanted Wood in exchango for wagon work at Pilkington Jc Sous. Asa Cobb, ol Dillard, died Tuusdav night at 12 o'clock of consumption. Large line of boats and shoes in our new department at the Novelty Store. liorn, in tins city August 4, 1S96, to the wife at J. W. Hamilton, a dauchter. On boots and shoe3 wo quoto jou tho lowest cash prices at tho Noveltv Store 3G inch box stove, suitable for drying hops, for eale cheap, at Wead's Hard ware. J. t. Thompson, of North Umpqua, made a busiues call at this oflico Weil nesday. Hon. A. A. Mathews aud wife, of Looking Glass, is in tho city todav on business. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site the pott office. T.,K. Kiciiabdson. Liye and let live" is Dr. R. W. Ben jamm's motto. Dental wavk done at bedrock rrices. JIiss Ida Levins, of tlkton, is vieitmg Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rapp in West Roseburi;. this week. All rips of seams on boots nqd shoes bought of us will bo sewed free of charge at tho Novelty Store. John Weekly came down from his ranch 10 miles west of Rose burg, Tues day on business in the city. A good 12 gnage breech-loading shot gun to trade lor wood or grain. D. Jackson, Rosoburg gunshop. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingstone re' turned Taesday from Albany, where they have been visiting relatives and friends. Save money by doing your own horse and boy shoeing. Horse shoes and half soles and nails for each at U. M. Wead's Hardware. F. W. Madaatz, of Oakland, is in the cttv for the purpose of having some dentistry done. Dr. R. W. Benjamin is doing the work At Ihe ltorne of Eli Norcros, July 20, . H, Thrush and Miss Emma Norcross were united in marriage. Rev. Eli Nor- cross officiating. Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents, eenons illness by keeping the blooJ pure and all the organs in a healthy condition. Paul Zigler left yesterday morning for the head waters of the Umpqua, where ho will prospect for a few weeks with his uncle, Mr. George Ross of Portland The open ssason for deer, and elk, be gan Saturday, August 1, and lasts till December 31. It is unlawful to kill deer for their hides, horns or rnn them with hounds. ay! If you want a stove somebody else has not used the life out of and that isn't made by convicts in the Salem Penitentiary, you want to call at Wead's Hardware. No convict trash there, Papa Stroud, the old time popular con ductor on the 0.& C. railroad, was in the city Tuesday as affable as ever ; much more so than when ye reporter stopped his train a dozen years ago this Eide of Albany. But Pana forgave u that long ago. Messrs. Wade. Walker and .Smith are setting up a merry-go-round on the 31c Clallen vacant lot on Jackson street next to Jackson's gun shop, north. They ex pect to entertain the young folks to their hearts content in flying round tho circle at the rate of CiO miles or less a minute, 3fr. C. D. Yonker, a well known drug gist of Bowling Green, Ohio, in speaking of.Chamberlala's Remedy, eays: "I take pleasure in recommending it to my cus tomers, for I am certain that it will al ways please them. I sell more of it than all other kinds nut together." For sale by A C. Marsters & Co. - Mr. Jlerian, proprietor of tho famous Merian Park at Eugene, was in towii on Tuesday. Mr. Menan is a man pos- DnuclaR cniinlv hava bnn nducated. and eral Lono. via Candelaria, reports that have entered inlo tho several avocations ho engaged tho rebel forces in tho Cam of teachers, lawyers, doctors, ministers bola hills. Tho rebels wero dislodged at and Bomo have had the good Benao to tho point of tho bayonet. Tho Spauish nurauo the more useful arts of neaco. canlurcd their nositions, burned their farming or mechanics. But this proud camps, destroyed their plantations aud distinction of havinc nn academy has seized their cattle. Tho robel loss is un- dnparted, tho academy having given placo to a district school, aud tho town is not quite so populous as it was, but it is in a good agricultural district and has its sharo of the county trado aud is keeping paco with other county towns. It has a good country tributary to it and largo quantities of grain aud other farm products are ehipped to Portland from it. Mr. Geo. W. Grubbe, merchant, has quite an extensive stock of general mer chandise for tho accommodation of tho people and is doing a fair business. The other commititants of a thriving vil lage, a hotel, postoffice, blacksmith shop, warehouses for storing and shipping grain, stock and other products, are here, all of which, for local accommodation, are sufficient for an extensive business. Notwithstanding tho hard tiroes, of which "Wilburitea bitterly complain, they aro like tho rest of us enjoying the usual benefits of a good climate, good health and the liberty of free discussion, free speech they can damn the government without let or hindrance, which they do, and talk free silver, which some of them do, and luxuriate in all tho advantages ol freedom, as well as tho most favored citizens of tho United States, and they are as indei'cndout as any American citizens. known, but is belioved able. to bo consider- Brigadier-General Echaguo, with 700 reinforcements, arrived by the trans Atlantic mail steamer, Catalina, from Spain yeBterday. The same veesol brought a quantity of munitions of war and $1,000,000 in silver consigned to tho captain-general. The naval authorities report tho seiz ure in Nueva Geron a, Isle of Pines, of additional rebel munition deposite, in cluding a quantity of dynamite. A 6 in all pox epidemic is thinning the ranks of tho insurgents in the eastern districts of Santiago de Cuba. Tho prisoner of war,' "Antonio I'ena Lopez, a private, recently court-mar tialed, was shot here at sunrieo this morning. Another prisoner, Nunez Bravo, a rebel prefect, was shot at Santo Domingo yesterday. La Lucha insists 'that tho executions should be made pub lic. YONCALLA. Eugene, Will be Bandon, he has Mr. Money from the Money mill was in town Tuesday. The threshing machines are (lying from place to placo pretty rapidly now. The little rain we hail laid the dust, drove away the smoke, and gave us puie air to breathe. Lanman .x Billinglou s new store seems to be on a tand still on account of lumber, but it will likely be here shortly. Our hardware man, Mr. O. II. Starr, has cone to Cottage Grove to help his brother, Fletcher Starr from put a tin roof on a building, gone about two weeks. Rev. Mr. Palmer has gone to starting last Tuesday, and, as been quite a fisherman recently, solilo quy says he has gone to catch the mate of the whale found at Bindou on hiB fly hook. Mrs. Laura Farrow from Eugene and Miss Tessie Ie from Thief creek, now stopping at IJoswell Springs, were in our little city last Tuesday doing some shopnine, and taking a bugrv rule lor a change. Messrs. Bell, Butler, Buxton and Pin ter started Tur lay for Smith river, on a bunting and fishing spree. Hence Yon- calla people may fix their tastes for Csh and dead deer meat, that is, providing they do not miss their mark Mis3 Powell and Misj Steaart ot Al bany came up on the local Monday evening and are visiting Prof. Lane of Shoestring, Miss Powell brought her bicvele with her. We presume the ladies will enjjy a trip to the country for a while. Two loads of live stock, citizens of Yoncalla, slarted for Coast Fork of the Willamette, sayinir they were going to get a wagon load of blackberries. In a signed editorial article in La Diecussion, today, Francisco Hermida, a Spanish author and political writer of note, deprecates the frequent attacks on the American people in the press of Mad rid and Havana. He regrets that the importance of Mr. Cleveland's frank manifestation of international good faith toward Spain is not better appreciated revenue cutter, Andrew Johnson, and thu river and harbor improvement steamer, Hancock, were locked through. No official programme marked the open ing of the largest loeic in the world, and the completion of one of the greatest en gineering feats in the history of tho country. The lock was commenced in 1889. It is 800 feet jn length between gates; 1100 feet in length over all; 43 feet high; 10J ftet wide, and will accom modate boats drawing 21 feet of water. to take all the rest of the patented land at i he sauio figure, which he promptly covered, depositing $119,010 in Northern Pacific LoiuIp. The remaining lauds of thu company were knocked down to him tor the lump bid of $505,000. NOTES OP INTEREST. Warrants for Sugar Bounty. WASiii.Ndro.v, Aug. 3. Warrants for the payments of the sugar bounty earned in 1891, except the maplo sugar, the pay ment of which was pro vidtd' for in an appropriation of $5,000,000 in tho defic iency act of 1895, wero issued today. Proved claims wero prorated, each claim ant receiving under the $5,000,000 ap propriation 54 per cent, of his claim. 1 he number and amount ot beet sugar claims paid today aro insignificant. Three warrants amounting to $11,944 were withheld, making the total amount of 149 warrants issued today $4,9SS,03G. Will Notify Bryan. Jefferson City, .Mo , Aug. 3. Sena tor While, of California, has delegated to Governor Stone, of Missouri, the honor of notifying W. J. Bryan of his nomina tion for president of the United States, at Madieon Square garden next Tuesday. Governor Stono received a telegram from Senator White today, stating it would bo impossible for turn to make the nomina ting hjteech, and asking the governor to accept the honor, governor btone re plied that he was not a number of the notification committee, and suggested that some member of the committee be delegated. Later in the day, another telegram came from White insisting that Governor Stono accept. This he did Governor Stone siiil that his notification spsech would include Loth Bryan and Sewall. An Exciting Convention. .Milwaukee, Wis , Aug. 5. What promises to be ono of the most exciting political conventions ever held in the stato was called to oruer at noon today by Chairman Ed. Coe, of tho republican stute central committee. C. A. Lam oreanx, of Ashland, temporary chair man, was greeted with cheers. He claimed for the republicans of the Bad ger state tho credit of having first advo cated the no nination of McKinley. He charged the demociatic party with having brought about the industrial dis tress by the mistaken policy ot free trade. Some free silverites seized the opportunity to lay the blame for stagna tion to the scarcity of money. 'Coming, as I do, from an iron-pro ducing section of the country," Lam- oreaux said, "I have no doubt but that our people would favor free and un limited coinage of iron at eome arbitrary ratio, and there would be about as much reason in such a demand as there is in the demand for the free coinage of silver at 1C to 1." Texas Populists Convene. Sheep dip at Mantere'. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Wood taken on subscription at this office. Get your school books at Maratera' drag store. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oakland. Solid silver tea and table moons at Salzman's. Prices marked in nlain figures at the Racket Store. Pure fresh groceries and low cricea at Casebeer's grocery. Key West, imrxjrted and domestic cigars at the Roeeleaf. An excellent line of toilet scans at Marsters' Drag Store. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and dualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Country produce of sill kinds bought and sold at Casebeer's grocery store. Save money by purchasing your hats. shirts, ties and underwear at Jack Abraham s. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold nens and optical goods at the lowest prices at Salzman's. Leather bus renders, the latest and best suspenders oat, at Richards Cash racket btore. Dr. Haynes does crown and bridge work and guarantees the same. Don't forget the number. "Wasted A man to cut 100 cords of fir wnnrl Prtra 175. Annlv tn C V,n Galveston, Texas, Aug. 5. Just be-1 Zile, Brookside. The Bishop of Havana, in co-opera tion with the mayor, the press and va rious local institutions, is arranging to open, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity, lunch counters to relieve tho starving ioor in the street. Yellow fever and smallpox are in creasing in Havana, Guanbacoa, Matan- z&s and Santa Clara. In the latter rity even the Canary islanders, heretoture free from the fever, are attacked and several native Cubans have Leen strick en. A Madrid special announces the de- partuie of a naval commission for Lon don to close i contract for tho cocstiu -tion of the new torpedo-chasers ordered to re-inforce the Spanish fleet in the waters cf Cuba. UMPQUA FERRY. Atkins Is Not Dead. Kkv Wet, Aug. 4. rearce Atkins, the adventurous Evans'.on, 111., young man, reported as killed by Spanish bul lets while fighting for Cuban liberty, and then again found 100 miles from the al leged scene of his death, is alive. Adjutant-General Velasct), a refugee from Cuba, who was picked np the other day drifting in the Gulf of Mexico in an - open boat, says he was with the Evans- ton boy a few da vs. and that after iheir separation Atkins was in the command captained by Juan Delgado, operating near Havana. Velasco saw Atkins last on the 13th of July, but since that time Velasco has been in the province of Pinar del Rio from the coast of which he was forced by royal salvation for himself. Velasco says Atkins was without money. He put i no credence in the story given publicity by the Spanish press of Havana that the young American is dead. Seeing you have no regular corres pondent from this place and thinking we may occasionally furnish an item that would rerhais interest some of the many readers of your valuable paper, I take the liberty of sending you the fol lowing: Gen. T. J. Thorp of Portland, ad dressed a larco audience composed of the citizens of Coles Valley and vicinity, at the Coles Valley school house, Satur day evening, August 1. Subject "Arnerl canism." The subject was handled in a manner that was appreciated and ap plauded by the audience. He is a fluent speaker, aud as a patriotic American citizen, he is second to nine. The gen eral made friends while here, and all are anxious to haye him deliver another ad' dress upon tbs same subject in the near faturo. Messrs. Shambrook it Winniford's steamer will begin operation on the farm ol Wm T. Emery. Thursday. The crops in Coles Valley aro Iar below tho aTcraco tins vear. and take this in con nection with democratic good times, make the ranchers of this place wish Caro Bros. Must sell their immense Btock inside of sixty day?, regardless oncost. If any one wishes to get bargains tWey must call sooii.las they mean business. This is no humbug. If you doubt their word, call and be convinced. Lumber for Sale or Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers you want to trado for lumber, or if you want to buy a bill of any kind of fir II do well to addrees lUiiilA-l " P. O. box 125, Drain, Oregon. sessed of the proper enterprise required for McKinley, good crops ami protection. Cap. B. V. Sprague of .Millwood was shaking the hands of his many friends hero Monday. Rev. G. W. Kahler of Wilbur held divine services at tho church hero Sun dav. Miss Flosnio Shambrook returned to Roseburg Sunday, after visiting a few weeks with relatives at this place. Rov. R. J. Campbell will preach at the church hero tho third Sunday of ttiis month at 1 1 o'clock a. in. Wm Kemp, one of tho Bolid muldoons of the ville. made a business visit to Oakland Monday. Dan Ouin.n. in this country. Ho took a hr forest st Eugene.and converted it into one of tho finest pleasure resorts in Oregon, and now reans a handsome return on tho same. Wo learn that Deputy U. S. Marshal, W. F. Carroll, in his efforts to catch a couple of fcllowB Monday night, slipped and fell and broko his left arm between tho elbow and shoulder. Dr. Murphy was called and reduced tho fracture and now Mr. Carroll will nurse a broken arm for several weeks wbiiu tho fellows he Bought to arrest aro UBing their legs to lengthen the dietanco between them and officers on their track. Hotel Arrivals. McClallen E. Kinriy, A. N. Smith, Portland. Van Houten F. W. Gibbs, Medford; L. Farrcll, Prof. W. Clair, Lima, O.; II. W. Clark, Portland. Central G. L. Coon, of CamaB Valloy ; G. G. Childs, Grovo Creek; T. and J. C. Pringle, Elkhead; J. T. Nuclett, Oak Creek. Contains New- Metaphors. Lincoln, Neb., Ang, 4. When W. J Bryan leaves for New York next Friday evening he will carry with him a draft of a speech that he intends to use be fore the notification committee in Mad ison Square Garden. He has devoted considerable time to it already, but will put a few finishing touches on it before it can be declared complete, it will oc cupy between an hour and an hour and a half in delivery. It will discuss the Chicago platform in detail and give his interpretation thereof. He is veiy indignant at the charge that he and those who stand with him on the Chicago platform aro to be classed as anarchists, or aim to break down any laws of the country. Jn his New York speech ho will roundly denounce the accusation. Thoso who have been taken into his confidence say the Epeech will astonish the country, as it contains a number of new and pleasing metaphcrs never before n;ed on any Btage, and which have nothing in common with crowns of thorns" or "crosses of gold." It is understood that Richard P. Bland will accompany Bryan to Now Yotk, appear with him nt Madison Square and make a speech. It is said that Bryan will make no set speeches along the route, but will indulge in formal talks to tho people from the rear platform of tho coachea. A Hot Fight Havana, Aug. 3. A hot is reported to have occurred between Gu- ayamas and Melunes, in tie district of Maczinill, in the provii.i-o of Santiago de Cuba, in which the lo3 suffered by the Spanish troops was exceedingly heavy. The official report gives the number of Spaniards as 100 pitted against 1000 insurgents. The official report further states that Lieutenant Gonzales and Pintados, of the Spanish forces, were killed, together with 50 privates. Colonel Marco has had a fiyht with tlte band of Sauguilly on the plantation of Condesa, province oi Matanza. The insurgents lost 11 killed and took manv ide arms. The trcous had two officers and nine soldiers wounded. The insnrgents have burned the plan tation of San Jofqnin, at Abanose, in Matanzas, causing a damage estimated at $400,000. The msurzent nanus are concentrating near the southern portion of the trocha, and it is reported that they intend to attack it before long. Stage Robbed. Or.Etiox City, Aug. 3. An excited messenger came galloping into town this evening with the news that the Wilhoit stage, which left this city today neon had been robbed, A dozen to 20 sho's were fired, two horses were killed and the pockets and bjggage of the passengers rilled. It is not known how much prop ertv was taken. The robbers were in terrupted in their work by two farcers, who exchanged several shots with them and drove them into the woods. No description of them is given except that they are both tall, roughly dressed and apparently young men. Their cloth masks prevented a view of their features. The hold-up took place about 4 o'clock this afternoon, and the pursuit of the thieves was so prompt thai it is thought their chances of escape are slim The stace continued on to Wilhoit. The horses that were killed telonged to Liv eryman Noblitt, and were valued at $00, Last season tbe same stage was held up twice not far from the spat where to day's robbery occurred. No shots were then tired and tbe amount of the plunder wa3 small. The affairs then were con. ducted similarly to that of today, except that one man did the work then fore tha populist convention was called to oider this morning, Djrnblast, of Hill, came into the hall with a banner bearing the words "Middle-of-the-Road St. Louis 103," which was received with cheers. Chairman Ashby, of the executive committee, said he was glad the convention approved the action of the delegates at St. Lcuis. There are 1G00 delegates here, about 5 per cent, of whom are colored. Rev. F. V. Evans praj ed for concert of action in each dis trict and asked the Lord to take them all to glory when done fighting tbe pluto crats. Populists of Kansas. Ai:iLENE,Kan., Aug., 5. The populist state convention was called to order at 11:15 by John W. Briedenthal, chair mau ot the state central committee, with 2000"de!egates and spectators preS' eut. Much hard work in the interest of the indoresment of the democratic elect ors was done by a committee which ar rived from Hutchinson this morning. T. S. Crawford, of Abilene, put the delegates in a happy mood in a wel coming address in which be said the populist party had been one of necessity, and would live until that necessity should have passed away. "This is a year of!;the people," said Mr. Crawford, "a year for populist victories and for the victory of that great commoner, that young giant of the West, William J. Brvan." Mention of Bryan's name caused en thusiastic cheers. Judge A. AV. Den- nison, of Eldorado, temporary chairman, declared lor a lusion ot the silver lorces. Ttie convention took a recess till 3 p. m, Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. Kiog's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pil's are easy in action and are particu larly ffective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectlv free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, bnt by giving tone to the stomach and bow els greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c per box. Sold by A. C, Marsters, Druggist. A TRICK to turn atrnw into paper, our way Straw hats carried oyer aro not worth a song- We juniblo our few hats together. Each wo proposo to turn into a dollar bill. If tho proposition strikes you wo might bo inducod to tako silver. You, tho hat. J. AniiAiiAM, Jackson street. An Object Lesson. Chicago, Aug. 4. Philip D. Armour, tho packer, has had printed notices dis Iributed among his 5000 employes an nouncing that for an American silver dollar ho will give them 50 conts' worth of meat' and a Mexican silver dollar in change. Ho also has prepared a circular showing the rates of wages in prices of goods for tho working claBses in Mexico as compared to what is received in this country. A , ready-made clothing mer chant has also hung out a placard saying hu will giyo for an American dollar 50 cents' worth of gooda and a Mexican sil ver dollar for change. Largest Lock In the World Opened SaultSti: Maiiik, Mich., Aug. 3. Tho new SOO-foot lock waB ofhcially opcuod this nftornooii at t :30, when tho The Oregon City Locks. Salem, Or., Aug. 3. The report of Charles II. Caufield, sicrttary of the Portlaud General Electric L'ompiny, to tho board of canal and lecka commis sioners for the quarter euding June 30, makes the following shoning of trjffic that has passed through the locks: Number of trips 020 Passengers carried S 5S5 Cattle, etc 333 sheep, etc 1.KV1 Tons ',SSG Rainfall Beneficial in Yamhill. McMinnuli.k, Aug. 3. Since last Fri day night copious showers have drenched Yamhill's soil and have come in time to insure the spring-sown crops and won derfully benefit that grain just no.v hi ginning to head. .Much grain is in shock and soveral threshers will start WednesJay morning. Present cut grain, it is thought, will ield from one-half to three-quarters of n crop. Going, Going, Gone. Seattle, Aug. 3. All of the lands of the Northern Pacific railroad in tho stato of Washington, comprising 11,902 sec tionsof patented and nn indefinite quan tity of unpatented land, were sold today at public auction bv Special Master Al fred L. Carey. The sale was under d creo of the United Slates circuit court of the eastern district of Wisconsin. The property was bought in by Edwin W. Winter (or the Northern Pacific Rail way Company, of which ho is president, for $1,705,200. A private bidder at tempted to purchaso one tract of UiO acres, but Winter bid it up 10 $15,000 and took it at that figure. There was uo opposition after this. Winter purchased thu next tract for $100 with tho option A Grand Excursion. Mr. Geo. Estes. the station agent here, infenns us that the contemplated ex cursion to Portland the last of Septem ber or first of October during the great exposition, will be the grandest thing on wheels. The rates of fair for this excur- sien will unprecedented in railroad travel so cheap that doubtless hundreds of Douglas county people will avail themselves of tba opportunity to visit the cilv and take in the sights. The excursion will be an- At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to tbe Plainoealsb. Yon can get the beat ice cream in quantities at the Kandy Kitchen cheap er than yon can make it. To Trade A good vonnz work horse for wood, hay or grains Leave word at Richards uash Kacket btore. Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson and Washington, keeps tbe best grocer ies. Try him and be convinced. Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Roee- ouxg anu at prices lower man ever. Don't eat adulterated cream candy that comes from the wholesale bouses. Get it clean and fresh at tbe Kandy Kitchen. T. M. Stubblefield. boot and shoe maker opposite the depot, does first class work at hard times prices. Give mm your patronage. N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household furniture and tin ware at prices to suit the times. Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent ist, is permanently located and guaran tees all his work. Giye him a call and examine work and prices. Ladies, are you in perfect health? II not, why not try the great home remedy, Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas county and will fill all orders promptly. If you don't want to suffer with' corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. LangenburgB. Repairing neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock smbraces all grades of head gear. Boy your summer suits and bats of Little Jack. He sells tbe best quality of goods and latest styles at prices lower than the lowest. The Square Deal store has just opened np a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be the best shoes made. Come and inspect them. For a nobby suit of clothes, call on Jack Abraham. He can suit yon, both as to quality of goods and prices. Don't fail to call on him before you buy. I am prepared to offer lumber or wood at reduced prices. I am taking in lum ber and wood on old sccountB and in trade for goods. T.X, Richasdson. N. Rice, one of our enUrprhung furni ture dealers has now oa sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be .prosecuted ac cording to law. Ajleon Boss, Koseburg. Oregon, ilarch 17th, 1895. rates for this nettneed soon. Sent it to His Mother in Germany. Jacob Esbensen, who is in the employ of tha Chicago Lumber Co., at Des Moines, Iowa, says: "I have just sent some medicine "back to my mother in tie old country, that I know from per sonal use to be the best medicine in the wo:ld for rheumatism, having used it in my family for several years. It is called Chamberlain's Pain Balm It always decs the work." 50 cent bottles for sale bv A. C. Marsters. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to February 13, 1S92, to present the came at the treasurer's office n the court house for payment as inter- Bt will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the 13th day of July, 1896, at the City of Roeeburg, Douglas county, Oregon. Wm. A. Fbatek. County Treasurer. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling preyails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted Jong and per hapa fatal bilious levers. No medicine will act more surety in -counteracting and freeing the system from the 'toalarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. 50c. and $1.00 per bottles at A. C. Marsters' Drug Store. Mon- young them- Surprise Party. At the residence of M. Parrott, day night, tho following named people, unannounced, presented selves in honor ol their companion, augtiu uasjy, who welcomed and en tertained them in a royal manner, as is usual on such lehcitous occasions, viz: The Misses Berttia Sehlbrede, Mabel Yatcp, Gertie Rast, Vivian and Hazel Jewett, Vera Haynes, Lillian Criteser, and Agues Pitcbford; Masters Sammy ami Julian Josephson, Edgar Crutch" field, Fred Wollenberg, Clair Godfrey, Eddie Morris, Eugene and Delwin Jew- ett, Eibett Hermann, Clive Willis, Eddie r.uick, Cljdrt Falkner, Frank Tustin, George Richards and Vaughn Casey, tho surprised. Notice to the Traveling Public. Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of tho Pri vate Boarding House, formerly known as tho Farmers' Ho'el, ou Iano street, one block east of tlio depot, has acquired the reputation of being one of tho beet cater ers in tho city. Meals 15 cents; board and lodging $3.50 Caro Bros', closing out sale is drawing crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices and quick Bales is tbe order of the day. Goods must be Bold at any sacrifice. Call and see. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR ?WET CREW POWDfR Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard.