Plenty of labor will eocuro plenty of silver. Krco silver ami no business is not so jjocd m freo business .tud no free silver, What good will it avail 113 to get free silver coinago if we ean't net employ ment to earn the silver? The Arkansas M)pulists havo refuseil, in convention, 10 indorse Bryan, the democrat!;? nominee for president. It can hardly have escaped the atten tion of the boy orator that the gold democrats are fixing up u Imizsavv. The Review tries to 1h funny by rep resenting his piesident, G. C, as trying to force the sale of bonds "to fruliten Vetera" to vote for Btyan? The South Douglas. SUr is a newsy paper. It informs its 'readers that St is warm weather in Kiddie and that "the .Star is the only silver advocate in the county." English manufactories are all tunning on full time sim-i the repeal of the Mc Kinley law, while American manufac tories have closed or ari running on half time sioce then. Our contemporary has finally screwed tip its courage, cr rather, has had its courage screwed up for i:, to hoist the Bryan flag. It will eat crow and caw .'iMa now till November. Bryan and his party wan: s dollar which will pass for oO cents in the mar kets of the workl. A man uted not be a financial expert to enderstrxd that a dollar ought to be worth 100 cents. It is asserted that Bryan is the paid attorney cf the Missouri Pacific railway, of which Geo. GouKl is president. He probably takes Gould's money cn the principle of sjuiiing the Egyptians. you, because you know they are of equal value. Why? Because they circulate inter changeably and behind them all is the pledge of the government of the Uuited States to maiutuin them at parity with gold. And yon know that as long as tho present law remaiti3 and is administered as it is now, every ono of these notes is good for a dollar's worth of gold, and has exactly tho value of a dollar in gold all the world over. Now, what dos the freo coinage of silver mean? It means that instead of redeeming these no!es in gold, the United States shall redeem them in sil ver. And not with dollar's worth of silver, mind you, but with n coin con taining 4t2).j grains of silver, one tfinth alloy, which is worth any here in the world today about 53 cents in gold, That is exactly what is proposed, to scale down the value of our currency nearly one-half. Do you think that would benefit you? Philadelphia Times. English languago next Sunday, July 20th, at 10:30 a. m., in the Christian ..1. 1 - 1-. ! (iiiuiiii, iu uuii;ii uvuryuuuy is coruiaiiy invited. The text to his sermon will be, Horn. lv. 10, and his themo, Why does, according to God's word, just faith jus tify before God? That tbero will be a shoitago in crops throughout tho valley is daily becoming more evident, says the McMinnvillo Transcript. Tho continued dry weather has slopped tho growth of late sown spriug grain, and thu extremely hot weather of the past few dajs has almost cooked the fall grain that is just heading out. reg- The populists claim that 110 railiion aiie ever got his money honestly. Yet we see thea; clamoring for the support of Sewali, candidate for rice president oa the demccratic ticket, who is a millionaire. With the prospect of a restoration of duty cn wool when McKinley is elected, 6heepraifers have teen at work, through coyote dubs, destroying these pestifer otss varxaicle. They will also destrov Iemccrats in November. In A Quandary. The populists are now in a quandary. They do not know what to do. If they mako an independent nomination they perceive defeat. If they nominate Bryan and Sewali, and they ba elected, the iop3 will have no show for the loaves tnd fishes. If they propose to divide electors with tho understanding that tho electors go to the strongest parly, they fear the ivoplo would repu diate such a bargain. So what to do they don't know. They are "between the devil and tho deep sea." One prominent pap., Geo. F. Wash burn of Boston, wants to indorse the democrats. The people, he claims, will indorse the democratic nominees whether the party does or not. Wash burn claims that by indorsement they will "be in fighting trim for the text campaign." Sa whichever horu oi the dilemma they may seize it is apt to gore them. If they indorse, they help to elect, per chance, the democrat?, with no showfor patronage. If tbey nominate a ticket of their own, they see defeat staring them in the face, they are in a sorry fix, sure, at best. ine populist national convection meets st St. Louis, toJay. "We pre dict that there will be lots oi popping there. The democrats will pop the question, "Woo't yon endorse us?" Inst quesucn woo hi make a horse laugh. II. 31. Teller is whooping up Bryan for indorsement by the ,'pors and co quetting with the silverites for their in dorsement of IBryac. Should they suc ceed and Bryan be elected, ".Teller would be doubtless secretary of state. Teller has an eye to bosiness, you bet. John P. Irish says that W. J. Bryan, the Fopocratic nominee for president, is "the desceadant of an Oranceman, and that A. P. A.'s forced his nomination." When the Betiew learns this, :t will doubtless remove Bryan from the head of its editorial columns and hoi-t Mc Kinley into position. Between tec ravages of the coyotes and democratic free trade they have suc ceeded in killing the sheep industry of this county. A few years ago wool grow ing in this county was a leading industry. Now it has dwindled down to almost nothing. Coyote scalps arc each worth more than a small band of sheep. E. P. Thorp, the editor and proprietor of the Cottage Grove Leader, has sold his plant to a 3Ir. II. W. Ross, a reputa ble newspaper man and retires to his fruit farm. 3Ir. Thorp has acquired con siderable reputation as a journalist. May he find better pay in his new avo cation than in the newspaper business. And they shook the cornfield hand shake, the Missouri corcfield handshake, with its tassels tbict upon it, gave the C3le shake to the handshake, turned to it the frigid shoulder, turned the glassy glare upon it, chilled it with the heart of marble, gave it the derisive ha! ha! And the poor old cornfield handshake, shaking with Missouri ague, shaking from its cold reception, shook the dust of cold Chicago from its shaking cornfield shaker and shook back Chicago Tribune. O'Bryan. The Review appears to be much an nojed over the story that W. J. Bryan, the democratic candidate fcr president, dropped the O, leaving his name sim ply Btyan. Now it is immaterial whether his came is O'Bryan or simply Bryan. He is undoubtedly of Irish de scent, wnetceriJryan or O Bryan. It isi also undoubted he is a native born citi zen and over 35 ya:s oi age ted conse quently is eligible to the office. So there is no use of quiring about an O in his came. What the Px-uxdeaur ob jects to is th platform of principles upon which he stands, with all its o's. p's and q's. BRIEF MENTION. Krom Wednesdays Dally. J . F. Culver oi Alaska Is registered at t!.o Van Ilouten. Dolly Dixon ol Clover creek is regist ered at the Van Ilouten. I h. Milter of Cottage Grove is istered at the Van Ilouten. II. M. Oatman of Myrtle Creek is rcg- I istered at the Van Ilouten. John and Miss l lorcnce Hall of Myr tls Creek are registered at the McClal leu. 31 r. Leo and family, 3Irs. Clara Berry, and Mr. Gilbert left this morning for Bandon. Wm. O'Mallev of Portland, eugineer on the S. P. It. It., is registered at the McClallen. The Riddle "Star" rays Nichols Bros, shipped a car load of fine beef to Portland last Monday. For first class groceries go to the new firm of Krutc A Shambrook. Nt-xt door south of jost office. Mr?. Charles Clements went to Ban don with J. A. Ihhowv familr this morning for a few week's outing. t. j. jariru:n met wmi quite an accident Tuesday. He was thrown from hid horse but not seriously Injure! The past two weeks have been excel lent corn weather, if the yankce Eign is correct. That is. "Corn will grow when you can sleep without cover at night." W. S. Vanderberg cf Marshfield, pop- ! uliit candidato for congress, passed j through Roseburg last night on his way I to Albany and registered at the Van Ilouten. The ieop!e of Canyonville are niakiog ample arrangements for the Sunday school convention which wilt meet there August 1st and I'd. Hon. C. A. Sehl brede will represent Roieburg. The populist and silverites' conven- i tion3 are iu full blast at t. Louis todav. The bulletins announce that the usual preliminary wrangle is taking place and that nothing has yet been done. We print today an article, - Jost what it 3Ieans" from the Philadelphia Times which explains in the most lucid man ner what frec-coina;e of silver means. We commend its perusal to our free-silver coinage readers. J. S. Gilkeson is now engaged in clean ing out the wells in the city. Many parties are abandoning the use of tho Water Company's water ami taking back to their wells, owing in part to the hard times, and in part to the unsatis factory treatment by the company. J. T. Moultou ofL'opuille, Coos county, is non in the city visiting Jerry Wilson and fasily. Mr. 3fou!ton is an old pioneer of Coos county and is the first settler of Coquille. He built the first house in that town. Ccqniile has cow became the county seat of Coos countv j by a vote of the jeaple at the June election, thus moving the county seat J iroin Empire City at tho mouth of Coos iay. Grand Chancellor E. P. Geary oi Tal isman Lodge, No. 31, K. of P..of Sled ford, iaid a fraternal visit to Alpha Lodge No. 47 last night. He was on his way homo from an extended tour of the lodges of tho state The lodge met in special session, and after closing, the j lodge room was invaded by the K. P. ! band, who took IM?p.inn ami unnull court ' ...uv. the grand chancellor, playing a number . of their choicest selections. -Alexander & Strong THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS.... 320 and 328 Jackson St. Bet. Oak nnd Washington. tK rrr J T D J DCR '-arKCSt and llcst Assortment oyer V V l L. L. 1 Jl F JCr iY.- brouRht lo Southern Oregon, and I PARPETS. A Lir;a cud Elegant Line We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of - Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets Parlor and Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. ALEXANDER X STROrtG ROSEDURG, OREGON THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS Mc- i":via Tuesday's Daily. J. O. Johnson of Salem is at the Clalfen. Burb Brockway went to the coast this morning. E. C. Palmer of Drain is registered at the 3IcCiallec. F. W. Benson acd family started for Bandoa this morning. Bojeburscr3 have made a stampede for Bandon bv the sea. Geo. Rtst-h of Myrtle Creek is regis tered at tho McClallen. W. A. Willis and wife came down from their ranch todav. A. J. Bellows and frmilv leave for Bandon tomorrow mot. .ng. The Bowling .Alley has been closed till after the hot weather is over. 3Irs. John Jackson cf Canyonville is visiting friends in the city today. J. P. Jones and J. 31. Shelly of Port land are registered at the McClallen. . C. Lnderwood of Oakland the city today on business at the house. TV W ! 1 It . ii.wiui'ii uaj put up ins im- t, menPfiHhmrv inl,;, t.-.. luv warm wave jubi past was the longest conti over tho road a9 sson as possible, and i is expecteu mat the mill will be in oner atioa by the first of September. v bile this 13 being done, work is be' ing pushed in the lower tunnel of the mine in order to tap the vein and have the mine in producing shape by the time the mill is ready to run. In order to do this three eight-hour shifts a day are be mg worked, and the tunnel is now in 140 feet. Sixty feet will yet have to bo run before the point is reached where the ore is expected. List week the Music Company cot its mine and mill in operation, and it has bean running alono steadily ever since This has been tho most successfully man3geu mine in liie district, and is probably the best developed. is in treet.J A. Fenton of 3Iyrtla Creek came down on the freight today and made this office a pleasant business call. 3Ire. H. Hashage and 3Irs. Woodruff left this morning for Hubbard Creek for a week cf recreation. innance of high temperature on record at this station. riO years.) During the week of the warm wave end ing yesterday, July 20th, the avsrago maximum temperature was 97 degrees. Tho previous longest continuance of uiii lemperaiure wa 1119 warm wave that occurred Jn July, 1S33. from the II. Pinkston, one of the city fathers' i"tl to the 22d, inclusive, and which DEAIOCRACV OF 1892 AND 1894. Democracy prides itself upon the im mutability of its principles land refers with great gusto to Jefferson aB its father, and boasts of its long line of statesmen who have kept the faith delivered to them by that great apostle of liberty. Well, let us see if that be so. In 18'J2 the Chicago platform declared for sound money aBjnterpreted by Cleveland, who was elccteplupon it. And now the plat form uce'iuivocably declares for free cainage of silver 10 to 1. Who can now Bay that democracy never changes. JUST WHAT IT HEANS. Let cs try to put this eilyer ju'e8tion plainly, so that any workingman can un derstand i. "When yon get your wanes on payday you probably receive various notes. If you read what is printed on them you will find that they are not -allallko. Ono says that the United Atatcs wJtf pay one dollar; another promises oae silver dollar; another one dollar in coin; but you never bother yourself about theso differences The notes are all alike to oi Oakland, came up today by team on business with the county court. Fred Hoffman and familv, L. D. Catle and family and Lafo Reaves and family left this morning for the coast. S. C. Flint and I. K. It! nm thair to old 3Iis:ourr. familits. who hav ln in n. mm,n. tain3 for a few weeks, have returned much rejuvenated 3Irs. T. 15. Cnnnnn and sister, 3Iisa Susie Lewis, left this morning for Prior's mill, Camas Valley, to visit their brother, C. P. Lewis. The district fair will bo held this year the last week in August, beginning on Tuesday, tho 25th. "No preventing rains" occurring a rousing fair is confi dently expecled. The mercury has ranged hitih up in the nineties for tho last two weeks. It baB failed today to creep up so high. It has, however, succcded in getting up to SS in the shade. T. L. Graves, who has been conduct ing his brother, II. D. Graves' Photo Gallery in this city, while on an outing in tho mountains, will return to Oak land Wednesday morning. The bicycle races on August 1st, seem to bo attracting considerable attention and will doubtless bo hotly contested. Riders from Oakland and from the southern part of the county cro coming with tho intention of currying off ono or more prize?, and perhaps thoy will suc ceed, Kev. Prof. J. J. Kern, the Lutheran minister, will hold divine servico in tho averaged equally as high as the. warm wave just passed, but continued only six days. Tiio. Gtiisov, Observer. The Bohemia Mines. The unusually heavy fall of snow which so greatly retarded operations in the early epring has about all disappeared, and everything about the mines presents an active and energetic appearanco, says the Cottage Grove Leader. The road is completed to tho mill site of the Noon day .Mining Campany's mine, and tho work has leeii commenced grading lor the foundation and betting up a sawmill. 1. 15. Hammond, who has the contract for .''irnishing and constructing tho mill, has been on tho ground directing the work. Several carloads of machinery have -i ived, and its transportation to the ies will bo immediately com me. . J. The first thing taken in and set ip will bo a sawmill, with which to saw out lumber and material for tho con struction of the stamp mill. Tho site for tho mill is near the head of Horso Heaven creek, just over the divide, and about three-fourths of u mile from the Annie mine. Tho stream furnishes abundance of water and tho slopo of tho surrounding hills gives protection ngainst enow slides. Tho machinery arriving for the mill is of Ihe most modern and improved pat tern, and among it are somo ponderous pieces ; the rock crusher alono weighs 'J.5C0 pounds. There arc five morlars, each weighing 5500 pounds, and 20 stamps. Everything will be hurried Popocrat is the Word. Senator Hill said the other day. am a democrat but not r. revolutionist So say the crnty-Gvo news papers and thousaedflof sound money demccruta who have already bolted the Chicago ticket in f uch numbers as to make the bolt a landslide. Never in the history of American politics has there been such an emigration of voters from one side to the other at the very beginning of the campaign. iteai uenocrats, almost to a man, re pudiate the Chicago convention as any thing but democratic. Already tbev have ceased to speak of it as a demo cratic convention. Some call it the populislic-democratic and some the senior popuhstic convention, to dis tinguish it from the junior populistic convention soon to meet in St. Louis. There is a general disposition, however. to accept the descriptive word coined by an editorial contributor to tho Times- Herald- popocratic; and popocrat a popocratic are likely W appear often in the journalism and literature f the campaign A popocrat is a populist who has stolen tho democratic livery, or a demo crat who has subordinated his democ racy to the revolutionary theories and base purposes of populism. He is democrat who is a revolution!'. No other word exactly conveys the idea. It is a hybrid word to dircribe a hybrid party and it fits like a' glove. The Knglish language is welcome to it, with the compliments of the Chicago Times- Herald. is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. H can be rami bj a plesssct rraedT which la applied di reJjr lcto the Eostnln. Be iss quickly absorbed It gives irl:er,tonce. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the xsoet thorough care for Tji1 Csarrh, Cold in Head and Ilsy Fertr of all rcaedies. ltotB&nde!eacthaBaiciuir. MlisS pain and Inflynnstlon. heals the sore, pro tects tne meziDrase from coles, restores the senfea 01 taste amUmen. Ir.ce 5c. at Drazs j'-s or by rsii .... . ..... ..I, w 1 1 ....III, .irj Vm Will Use Dynamite. Kev West, July 21. Maximo Gomez some time ago is3ued a proclamation warning the public not to travel on trains that carried troops. This prtcla matlon has been followed by a general order from Gomez, issued last week commanding the destruction by dyna mite of all Spanish troop trains. The Spanish 6oldiera have been iu the habit cf firing from the windo va of traios at women and children, several of whom have been killed, and the insurgent commander proposes by the usa of dyna mite to avenge these outrages. Notice to Contractors. healed planp, specifications, strain, diagrams and bids will bo received at the office of the county clerk up to 3lon day, August It, 1S9G, at 1 o'clock p. m, for the builJiug, erection aud construc tion of a wagon bridge over Cow Creek, about one-half mi!o northeast of Glen dalo near tho mouth of wind Cr9ek on the county road leading from Glendale to Canyonville. Also, bids will Lo received for the re pairing of the bridge across the South Unipqua rivor at Ko3obnrg as follows: To retimber tho wood part of the three piers; put in now main brace on tho wost end ; seven new floor beams 'on west span and five floor beams on the center span. The right reEorvcd to re ject any and all bid?. Ry order of the Court. A. F. Ste.mi.ns, County Judge. Lumber for Sale or Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers yon want to trade for lumber, or if you want to buy a bill of any kind of fir lumber, you will do well to address P. O. box 12o, Drain, Oregon. Tho announcement that Bryan is a young and inexperienced man does not terrify somo democrats. Thoy comfort themselves in tho reinerabranco that ho is older than Cleveland was when ho was elected sheriff of Erie County. of Board of Equalization Notice, Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore gon, will meet in the office of the County Clerk of Said county, in the court house in the city of Roseburg, Oregon, on 3Ionday, the 31st day .ugust, lb'Jo, ana will continue in ses sion until Saturday, September 3, 1806, to publicly .examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valuation description or qualities of land lots or other property. Now, therefore, all parties who may bo aggrieved by reason of valuation, description, or otherwise, as to their assessment, will take notice of the meeting of said Board of Equali zation, at said time and place, and make due complaint to said Board of Equalization, otherwise their assess ment will stand as made by the asses tor. Dated luly 9th, lS'JO. J. A. Sterling, Assessor for Douglas County, Lumber for Sale, or Trade. If you have hay, grain, bacon, beef cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of first class fir or cedar lumber, you wil save money to call on Otto A. Asucr Comstock, Oregon. For Sale. A first class piano. Will sell cheap for cash or on time, or will trade for prop' erty in town. Call at this office. Now id the time to subscribe. CATARRH HESHIN'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. Gostalolog Cotton Root and PenayrcjiL 0 Xls ttti ill sitt rtlUMs Tails rtstdjtiUiTatE llesisin'i French Fe rcals Pills, bare been sold for orer twenty yeais,and csed try Thou sands of ladies, who bare Riron testimonials that they are unexcelled, as a specific monthly rxedidne, for Immediate relief of FatnfnL and Irregnlar Hecsea, Fs rcale weakness eta. Price. tJ.OOabax. with run directions. mkeno scnsTmrris, oBsrauors lurrAnosi Z1KSMIN CHKMICAL CO. Sxrsorr, Hies. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co. -.fHAsL.TSssssssssssssV'W. Dr, Gibbon This old reliable and tho most successful fcpcclalist in ban Fran cisco, still continues to euro all Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as tlonnorrhcea. Gleet, Mr let a re. SvdIi Ills In all Us forms. Skin Di seases, riervout ueDH- Itv. Im potency. Sm!- jnal Weakness and Loss :sol rtanhood. tho consc- iienco ot sell abuso and excesses nroduclnir the ollowinc symptoms: sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in tbo head, ringing in the ears, loss oi confidence, diffidence- In ap proachlnKStrnngcrs. palpctatlon ot the hearts weakness of tho limbs and back. loss oi memoir. pimples on tho face, couchs, consumption, etc. DR. GIBBON has practiced in San Francisco over thirty years and those troubled should not fall to consult him and-rcccivo tho benefit ot his Croat skill and experience. The doctor cures when others fail. Try htm. Cures iruar- anteed. 1'crsons cured at home. Cha: reasonable. Call or write. Dr. J. F. Qlbbon. 6m Kearnev Street. San Francisco, Cat. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocer'. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. . We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. aargo LOST MANHOOD Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. CILIDRITID E-VQLIBn IUmidt TVER. VI A. It is sold on a posltivo guarantee to cure any form of nerTOUs pros trationor any disorder of tho genital organs ot either sex. causod Bnfnrn. dt excessive uio nf An Tohaeco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account ot youthful InditcreUon or orer Indulgence etc.. DitiloOM, Convulsions. Wakefulness. Headache. Mental Depression. Softening of tho Brain, Weak Memory, Bearing Down Tains, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhea, Loes of I'ower and Imnotancr. which If nscWfe may lead to prematura old age and insanity. for $5.00. Sent by mail on receiDt of nrlra. A nrittim gnarantoofurnishod with CTcry$5.00order received, to refund the money if n rminnt .i.A t. nn eHectcd. NERYIA MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co. M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. itOPYRiCHT "WE SELL THEFAMOUS Charter Oak and Superior COOK 5T0VES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & IMENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Co. A SQUARE DEAL We are Here to Stay. i wi t-r-1 3 r .10 .-1 r-i .n r l-l - Tt - -00 -10 -TO 2 3 4 5 8 7 S 9 10 11 l'j Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends "will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. JRoseburg, Or,