The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 16, 1896, Image 4

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Pops Still Want Teller..
Sr. Louis, July IS. Tim iiuprosriou
Eeenis to be Mrong among local populists
that K the democratic ticket namtnl at
Chicago is indorsed ly the populist na
tional convention on the 22 iust., it will
only be after a hard fight.
"TilUr is stili our man," said a well
known H;.iiiit aud a silver paity man,
"and watch htt I tell you; wo will
nomitirt'o hiu. 'Ve figure it is lst for
the silver cause to nomiutde Teller, lie
can carry the silver teptihtican states
and can si-cure luoreelectarad votes. tfyai
Bryan. -'Bryan .will paiij the., silver
democratic state?, and, WRween Teller
And Bryan we count on securing enough
electoral vots to iircvent McKinlej's
election. If this can be done, the elect
oral voles for eilver will .hold togothy,
and will select Teller or Bryan for presi
dent. This is the latest 'plan of the
Woes of a Diplomat.
Washington, July 13 The gretfer
portion of the labors of Mr. Breckin
riJgo, minister to Koswh, during the
past year, as revealed hy the published
foreicn relations of the United States,
seems fo have followed na instruction
fro-n the state department to piotftet
against the practice of Racnan consuls
in the United Stales cf refusing t iesoe
pasjpoits to Americans going to Itaeaia
if they happened to be of tt Jewish
faith. At the point where the paWica
tfon cltses, be was oWiged to bluntly in
form the Russian government that the
United States could sot acnit see in ibe
operation of scch foreign tribunals in I be
United States.
Mr. Breckenridge'a presentation of this
case was formally approved by Secretary
Olney. A collier important subject con
sidered was the absolute icsi;eo of the
Russian government upon it right to
punish any Rastiaa wi fait in its
poier after becoming a eMraen ci the
United States or any other country.
The correspondence beUeen the two
pivemments oa this subject wis so spir
iteJ as to ieaJ Minister Urec&inridfe to
complain fo S- cretary Olcey that Prince
Ljnaboit's note to him had been lacking
in cocitesy. A; the matter ttaxttta at
the end of the correspondence, m far
puUirhed, the Kussian qpvtrruurat in
sist firmly oa its rights to puahh Kns-
sians who become United States cit'xen
if they return it Raeaiai. Meanwhile
Mr. Breckrinrhige saeate that proper
warning be s;iven to Russians natural
ized in the United States to keep awsv
from Ruseia.
in the third mid last qunitera. Tlio
uuuual clonus up of I ho mini and eeal
ins of iho vaults mtarded tho work nt
the mint for nine or 10 days in tho new
liseal-ear, but tho uoioago of tho white
niatal is now iu full swin;-.
"Ve wili not coin less than $(.00,030
in silver tbi month," said Supsrintcnd
out Daggett yesterday,- "despite tho
fact that we lost thu titr.o up to tho 0th
or 10th. Wo will do belter than that
uext month, and will oontintto tho coin
ago"of,6ilT'flriiiiitil other orIers aro re
ceived. Wo have on hand 11,000,000
ounces of tine silver in bars, and I am
of the opinion that tho bull: of that will
be turned into coin rapidly. I have no
iJ why this sudden activity in tho
The Unspeakable Turk.
Atiikxs, July 13. Dr. Dcaniller, v. bo
wis sent ia Crete by Emperor Win aim
to make a report on the condition cf af
fairs, has arrived here on hii return
from the island. He says:
"Civilised people can scarcely credit
the oatragas which the Turks have
perpetrated on Christian women
and children. Europeans have bat a
falsi idea of the horrors which have
taken place. The powers mast abso
lutely intervene to prevent a renewal of
sneb'scenes. There is bet one acuta to
pursce; Ihst is to tarn the Tcrks out of
"The in-argent intend tigbtm?, and
they are receiving a plentiful supply of
anas. The utmost disorder prevails."
Dispatches irata the Cretan ooosnls
snnoance that tarsia? and pifegins
have begun af.-eeh. The Cretan com
mittee here are redoubling their efforts
to supply the innrente with munitions
of war.
ifljhMge of
to havo tho ordinances published so that
nil inlorestcd could read thorn at their
leisure. The rates of publishing woro
low, but still it amounted to eoveral
dollars in tho course of a yenr, and when
it was discovered that the eamo amount
of useless panting had to be done to
make an ordinaiico legal, tho publishing
was discontinued. Just who- originated
this senseless law wo do not know. It
probably answerod the purH)o very well
thirty or forty years ago, when ltosoburg
was it small town of a dozen or bo inhabi
tunls mid (hero were no printing offices
in the country, but it is a useless sourco
of oxponso now-a-day's and the law
hliould bo repealed.
Deadly Yellow Jcck.
Nkw York, Julv 11 The Spanish la
rtorts at Havana and Madrid say
Carlos M. Agntrre, chief cf etaff and
nephew oi Joseph Maiiu .sniirv, V
tioad. J'eyithelesa Aguirre arrived hero
yettarday from Tampa, lie wan accom
panied by Ir. Joaqnin do Castillo
Colonel Aguirre romee ber upon an
important icieahw direct from Uomee,
Mnceo aud his un-le. In an ir.tei view-
he said :
"List summer we puisued a fabian
policy. This so miner it will be a policy
of rigor. The fewer is eatir.p up the
Spanish army, and (hey arc in a toriible
condition. AVe pro twee t- lake advan
tage of Uieir weakness and hali force
the conflict.
"Aatowo Macao H no more dead than
lam. T left him July -;, fall of health
und briaifal of fight. Orders had jrut
been giveu tbat be, with Aguirre, war to
concentrate hi troops for a sctiea of des
perate blow at the ulosu of tltte month
or early next montb.
"Befo-e lta-hi5 Cal rar special d-ty
to look after General WeyierV trocha
iu I'icar del Kio. 1 know every inch of
it. Tcere has not brca a day when we
roald not cross it at will. Msceo cat. go
through the line whenever he is ready.
He is only waiting for Oomex to ay the
word. And Gotnea hi now hnrrjin
westard from Camaboey with the new
forces and new supplies whkh h went
Inere for.
"Tho line of communication between
Gomez and Maceo and the other gener
als of tho Cuban army is onbroken.
Hco'a last crder, issned just bclore I
lelt Cuba, wag to bnra erery boose,
shed or improvised barrack which can
afford shelter for Spaaizu troops, so they
will be forced to stand the exposure oi
the opes fields.
"Maeeo baa iseaed a circular t.j the
Spaciiii sotdxrs advieing thm to leave
the soveieiity of pain and to j in their
Cuban brothers. He potbted out that
they aro iii-fad, poorly cloilted, badly
paid asd nnappreciated to the Spaateh
army, and promise them ood treat-
meat, xcod food and a sjooJ home for
their families and a fatute for themselves
under the Cab&a republic. Maar of the
yoncg Spaekh troops have taken advan
tage of the offer."
Crime of a fTadman.
Pjinis.Jnly 14. Felix Fanre, presi
dent of the French repebite, was today
fired at from a distance of only a few feet,
by aa unknown man, bat the bnill for
tunately went wide of ite mark. anl the
president escaped nnharined.
President Facre had gone to the
Champa to review the troops. He had
no sooner entered the field when a man
in the crowd stepped forward and fired
at him. The shot did not take effect.
The wonld-be assassin was arrested, lit
declared that he only fired a blank car
tridge. When it became known in the crowd
that the president had not been
hurt by the pistol shot, cheer after cheer
was fent up. Tbe people oocld scarcely
be restrained by the guards from crowd
ing about the place .where the president
and ht3 suite were ttamluig.
8W3 of tbe attempt opon the life of
the presiden spread with great rapidity
amone tho crowds celobratiug the na
tional fde day. The president wag ev
erywhere reeeived with cheer?, tbe pop
ulace taking that means of expressing
its gratification at his escape from a vio
lent death.
Faure wag seated in an open carriage,
accompanied by M. Melice, the premier,
and M. M. Boisdefe and Tottmcy, when
a well-dressed man apparently about 10
years of age, who had been leaning
against a tree, took deliberate aim and
fired twice in quick succession with a
revolver at the president. He had cot
time to fire again b:fot e the crowd closed
iu upon him and seized him, and bat
for the prevention of the police he would
probably have been lynched. Tho name
of tbe miscreant is given as Francois.
It appears that some time ago, in order
to draw attention to a supposed Rriev
auce he fired a revolver in the hall of tho
chamber of deputies. Francois declares
he had no desire to harm the presidont,
and fhe sole purpose of his act wai to
eecuro a hearing by the piesident cf his
Silver To Be Coined.
Sax Fkakcusco, July M. Tho coinage
of silver will be immediately resumed a
thu mint in this city and will be carried
on iiiargo scale for the rctt of tho year.
Tho tilvcr coinage for tl:e year Hiding
Juno 30 lias been very Email, notably
Property at Sheriff's Sale.
KitiESK, Or.,Jnly 13. The past two
days the county coctt hashad under con
sideration the subject oi protection of
buyers of property at sheriff's sale for
delinquent taxes against double assess
ments, which is a subject cf considera
ble importance, and cne which has
caused considerable anaoyamtr for years.
The let county court fonnd itself be
sieged with petitions for return of par-
chase money paid for property at de-
Irsqaent s&Ie, incases .:irethe prop
etty bad been doably is-.? ssed, and taxes
had been paid by ote 4 the partit to
whom it was auesie i. The court se
cared counsel ' i written opinion to
tbe effect there was na law authorizing
tbe rvtnrn oi the purchase money in
such case, bat that Ibe purchaser must
take all risks. If he paid for a uieoe of
property, and it was afterward found to
be a doable assessment, and conse
quently no title, the court could not be
required to make good the errors of the
assessor, even hoagh he be an officer of
the court, riince this opinion was re
ceived and acted open by the last court,
it is almost impossible to secure Luje-s
for any property thus gold, which has
been a setioas impediment to the work
of dosing up the delinquent rolli. Now
thai the delinquent rcll for 1 95 taxes is
ready, the court desires to anacge so
that buy era can be had for property
offered. Hither an abstractor had to lie
employed to go over the entire roll and
expert tbem, or tbe court had to give
assurance that it would refund the pur
chase price in case of double assBsmeut,
and it chose tbe latter, fn cases of
erroneous assessments, soch as property
assessed to other than the rightful own
ers, tbe purchaser will, cf course, still
have to take his own risk in regard to
A receat city ordinance, tjpe written
and raeasnriog sixteen feet in height,
has jist been jostcd by the City Recor
der, To read this ordinance a tall man
would reqnire the assistance of an elec
tric light step ladder, while a short man
Would bate to use au extension firo lad-
der or go up in a balloon. It is dollars
to doughan'a lhat not half dozen ir
sons will ever take the trouble to read
the wie.iom therein displayed by the
city attorney and the city fathers, thougl
they aro evidently expected to do so,
else why the law requiring the ordinance
to lie posted? It is a barbarous law at
best, and an absolute waste of the money
expended in the posting. Business men
interested in knowing what said on'.i
nance contains, ought not to be expected
to waste their time in running around
town borrowing laddors and then risk
life and limb to gel the desired iufonna
lion t oacernsng the laws ol the town re
lating to their Iwsincfs and how it shall
I be conduflc'.
Kvcral yi -r, a,-o th.- dly cotiwil
made arrangement j with the city p.ipma
KniTon Pi..inibam:u: In Monday's
issue of tho ltosoburg Prevaricator (Re
view) the following item appears:
"It ii said that Charles Graham, presi
dent of tho local A. P. A. lodge, aud
county organiser, is now a telegraph
oper.toi in Philadelphia. Ills creditors
here aie glad that ho is gone and extend
their sympathy to the community where
ho now resides."
Asa friend of Mr. Graham I desire to
say in Ins uctia'l that 1 have never
known hint to refuse to pav an honest
debt when it was in his power to meet
ttie obligation. It is probably true that
lis Kas uot able to meet all his obliga
tioos st the time of his departure, but I
wouid like to t nquite how many more of
us would he in ihe same tlx were we
called upon at the present time to pay
our bills? I venture to ear not ono in
eeiy ten. This is not an indication of
dishonesty but rather one of mUfortuue,
and I say that nu only is it ungentle
manly but it a coitrdly in the Review,
or any other paper, to mske lijjhtofa
man's mufottune.
- Who U this great critic that l.e should
M.U4 criticise a man's shortcomings? I
will Kay for the benefit of this great and
only Cholly F.shtr that some of The
members of hU r.wn il'.iittrioos and ri
uowne I family never attemp. to pay
heir bill?, and in four-fifths of the stores
in the city cf Rostburg their obligations
may be bought for fifty cents on the dol
lar acd the merchants would be tickled
to death at a prospect of gettirg that
much. "People wh live in glass houses
should never throw" X.
School Report.
lit p-jit oi Comstock schoal, disii ict 1
for nicn'.b ending July 11, 1S9G.
Rank one Ida Akios average !S.
Others averaging 90 and above. Bert
Akios 92l4, Herbert Shute 92, Hiram
Griggs 91, Cora Ambler J)!, Eva Rem
ington SO, Wheeler McMahan U3, Ftrd
Alios 97 'j.Msud Merrell U5, Frtd dilute
97';, Luther Taylor 95, Merton Earl
S6S:- Averaging 55 and above, Geor;e
and Yiola Tramel, Alice McMahan,
Frank Scanner, Minnie Wclier, Clara
Number enrolled 3.', average ncntbe-:
belonging 20, average attendance 23.
For the term, number enrolled 39, aver
age number belonging 30. average daily
attendance 27. Deportment good.
Those neither tardy nor absent, Bert
and Ida Akine, Merton and Ida Earl,
Hiram Grip;, Vio'a Tramel, Minnie
Ecno Ginbi,
FfeW Day Sports.
At a meeting of the subeenbers for
Field Djy Sports, I. D. Hamilton was
chosen chairman and F. W. Benson
secretary. It was decided that the so
liciting committee be appointed as an
executive committer with powers to &)
point sab-committees. The executive
eomtnittea ij J. D. Hamilton, C. W.
Parks and W. If. Jamicson.
Tbe executive committee was instucted
to cwiier with DjokLu Connty Fair
Assodetion in regard to time for Field
Sports. W. H. Jamieson was elected
perniani nt secretary.
F. W. Bsssox,
Sec. Pro tern.
Editor Caned.
The editor of the I'laindkalui: was se
verely caned by Mrs. I.. E. Elliott of
Cooqaille City this week. The cane is a
bi!tiful stic made of curled myrtle
and will be kept as a souvenir of the
fair donor ami as a superb specimen of
the myrtle woods which abound in Cocs
county. Thanku, Mrs. Elliott, ro.iy you
live long and prosper.
Board of Equalization Notice.
Xotice is hereby given that ' !. Buard
of Equalization of lang!as county, Ore
gon, will meet in the office- of the
County Clerk of Said county, in the
court house in the city of Roseburg,
Oregon, on Monday, the 31st day of
AngU3t, 1S06, ami will continue in ses
sion untii Saturday, September 0, livjo,
to publicly '.examine the assessment
rolls and correct all errors in valuation,
description orqcalitits of land lots or
other property. Now, 'therefore, all
parties who may be aggrieved by reason
of val nation, description, or otherwise,
as to their assessment, will tako notice
of the meeting of said Board of Equali
zali n, at said time and place, and
make due complaint to said Board of
Equal: ai.!t, otherwise their assess
ment il stand as umilu by tho asses
tor Da A July 9ih, JStfO.
J. A. Stkum.w,
Astetsor for Douglas County.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers you
want to trade for lumljcr, or if you
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
lumber, you will do well to address
P. O. liox 12), Drain, Oregon.
From Tuesday's Bally.
E. C. Palmer of Dram is iu the city
J. II. Guns of Portland iuvat the Mc-
I. Kolin of Portland is a truest at tho
Van llouteu.
W. R. Thompson of ColeH Valley is at
thu McClalleu.
Norman Ageo of Happy Valley is rcg-
isteied at Central.
R. MclCinley of Philadelphia is a guest
at tho McClallen.
W. L. .Singleton of Oak Creek called
on business today.
Rev. W. G. Miller of Dillard was. iu
the city yesterday.
A. C. Triornton of Portland h slopping
at the Yuri llouteu.
Isaac Selig of Myrtle Creek is regis
tered at the Van llouteu.
T. P. Hart oi Mankato, Minn , is
stopping at tin McClallen
Win Morton of Olalla made this oflho
a pleasant call while in town today.
Ben F. Shainhrooi of Umpqua Ferry
was iu the city ester Jay on business.
Charlei Roirere aud I C. Hcustis of
Chicago are guests nt the Van llouteu.
W. T. Griswold of the U. S. Geolog
ical Survey is registered at tho Mc-Clalien.
Miss Anua Clarke oi Millwood, who
has just closed a successful torn- of school
at Driver Valley, will scon visit her
friends in this city.
It appesis a fire broke out in the roof
of the South Douglas Star at Riddle last
Thursday, but wp.s extinguished beforo
serious datn&go was done.
U. II. Buell of Looking Glass came
over from that burg today. He reports
that tbure will not be more than half a
crop this ear iu his sccticu cf the
county. Tiro late sown grain ij i.eurly a
total i.nlure.
E. F. Walsh of Olallj is in tha cily to
day. He reports that the mines are im
mensely rich in gold and that the pros
pect for working them in tho near fatuie
is good. The depreciation of silver ha3
given gold mining a stimulou-i and we
hear of rich strikes all around us.
The Water Company, it appears, is
unable to furnish water foi sprinkling
the street:', so our business men havo
concluded to staita EprinUer by sul
scriptiou. D. Patteisjii has ben en
gaged to sprinkle the streets, getting his
water from Deer creek lie will begin
sprinkling tomorrow, Wednesday, July
and friends, returned homo on yesterday
morning's overland.
Only ))7 in tho thado yes'erday in
Roseburg. Mcdford 110.
Mrs. S. F. Abernathy of Dora is a
guest at thu Van Houten.
Jeff Williams of Looking Glass is reg
istered at tho McClallen.
Ono hundred by Ihe thermomeler on
Jackson sited nt 1 p in. today r and
growing hotter.
Mrs. E. McBrooui left Tuesday morn
ing for Marshfiuld, where shu will spend
soveral weeks visiting friends.
Ad. Harmon, the mixologist, will
open fur business at the Senate corner
of Jackton and --treet Saturday. A grand
opening will be given next week.
The county court has pot-ted r:oticC3 of
defects of tho bridge acrcs.s ibo South
Umpqtii river in this city, thus condemn
ing thu bridge. Travelers wi'l do well
to take notice of this o:i and
uot overload their teams or drive fitter
than a walk,
The cxaculiye committee of the Ore
gon state board of agriculture will meet
in Salem on Saturday, the 13th iust., for
thu ; tirpuso of appciuting the necessary
gate-keepers, letting the rool p:ivileg03
and attending to other preliminary busi
ncss for the opening of the next state
fair. Tho psrsonnel of the committee is
as follows: William Galloway, ex-oflicio
chairman ; J. H. Albert, D. II. Looney,
Richard .cott, 'A. F. .Moody.
Charley Anderson, tho irrepressible
populist, was in town today. He has
evolved a new scheme for the ameliora
tion of the human race iu Amsrica. It
is to disfranchise of those who do not
piy taxes on at leaat $1500 worth of
property. This scheme is warranted to
do away with the .buying of votes for a
cigar or drink cf whiskey, Charley
probably got his pointer from observa
tions at the last city election, when there
were pulled about a hundred 30-cent-tax
riccipt votes, ff the required tax re
ceipt to entitle a man to vote had been
$ 30 or upwards instead of 30 cents, one
can easily erceive that there would
have been a great falling eft of votes, or
that the city debt could have been ma
terially reduced.
From VodBoUy's Daily
Mr. Miller of Dxa is regUteredJit the
Van Honlun.
G. Noble of Sitkum is registered at thu
Van Hon'.eu.
Slightly hary on the coist range
Wm. Abernethy of Dora is registered
at the Van llouteu.
Miss Lizzie Parrait, who has been in
Portland sveral weeks visiting relatives
How's This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any cafe of Catarrh that cannot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cih-vky & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 jeare, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West A Tkc.vx, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, 0.
W.i.iiNo, Kisxas A MaitviN, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood at.d mu
cous surfaces of tlie sjstem. Testimon
ials sent free. Price 73c. in;r bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Tills are tiie boit.
No" is the time to subscribe.
j. . - - .. -.e: r n.u
.Mi - i V S 7 i -..
IS. eJ
m i
BUT THE '5&kU. .;
Yea will f.ctt ono coupon
Ii.m '.r ca -h trvo osneo baj
r- .:tUw-.vjroustnsldcraeSi
f -.:r o::r.cj l anof Stackwelt's
t :-. Itay !-s of thlj
.t. I tulint co and read
. o ci. fa-wan-ii RIW3 a
li. 1 1 r ..!u ' :o prc-eats and
Alexander & Stroiig
32o au l 32.-5 Jatksou St.
Bet. Oak and Washington.
Iirsost aud Hcst Assortment ever
brought to Southern Oreson, and
The Central House.
W. II. Gordon is now tho proprietor of
this popular house. The table will bo
supplied with the b.-st in Ihe market,
go' 1 hrd- and co'irttcus treatment.
Meala 15 cents, and beds the saino rale.
A Ltho mid Klegnnt Line
We call lite atlention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
Aud all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
his is the Place
to Buy
A full aud complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocer'.
Ever3'thing offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
New York Cash Store,
C tB5f
, r-. '.. if
s! m m 515
er uaK
and Superior
The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST.
Roseburs Hardware Go,
A i
. .
. , . , . . j . j l l I . , l ,
2 3 4 5 15 7 S 0 10 11 1-2
Is what Ave give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
agaiu aud again, and their friends
will come too.
We are uot here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
Wou-enbebb) srM)
-sjRoseburg, Or.