The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 09, 1896, Image 4

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Ro3:burg buaincra men will doubtless
feel h'gbly complimented by Monday's
Review, which tells Ihem of tlieir lack
ol public spirit lecause they did not
raise a lis fund to make a big blow out
by attracting 5000 here on the Fourth, to
be bled by the businessmen in the extra
sale of their goods, wares and merchan
dise, hotel bills and saloon charges tor
thofe things that would uot'emich thorn,
though it tuight make them feel that
they were n.ibobi.
The business men have fallen into a
lethargic stale and n general mosiback-
ism is now dominant, is the logic of the
Review. "We fciicy the business men
will now arouse tlicnircivu, shake off
this lack of public spirit, ectape the moss
off their bucks and ruth to the Review
office and increase the sire of their ads,
pat that tripod btraddler on the back
and jhower ducats into his depleted cof
fers, and say. "you are all light, Mr. Re
view," bat with a mental reservation,
and in a soto voce voice, ad J, "why did
you not sav eo before?"
But wbea we came to lock iuto the se
cret of this chiding of the business men
by this soidesant leader of public enti
ment, we find where the Review gets its
inspiration. It has an ax to grind. It
is the city council it is after. It charges
that body with ?1I the imaginary evils
which has or may befall the city.
It charges the city counc.l with shut
ting off the water supply, uheninfact,
it was the water company itself, that
shut off the supply of water, evidently
with the intent to starve the people into
submission to its exorbitant charges for
water for the purposes. The business
men hold the stock of this water com
pany, and if the people had no, kicked
agaicst the high rates of water supply,
and continued those high rate to keep
the water cotnpanv in funds, the busi
ness men would have given us a grand
celebration last independence daj paid
for you see by the people 3nd we would
have had a glorious time, and the Re
view would have had no occasion to call
them moisbacis lacking in public spirit.
Then, too, the contemplated withdraw
al of dsv mail service bv the S. V. Com
pany is be-:irjse the council has "shut
off the city water supply." Yes, yes,
restore the ciiv wate- upply and . pour
$1000 more a year into the company's
pockets, and hereafter the busines3 men
who own the water stock, will give us
a grand celebration on each recurring
Fourth ci July; ride cftener on the S. 1'.
cars paid for by ilie taxpayers and
thus by a liberal patronage of the S. V.
Company induce it to continue the
day mail service. That would be a fine
state of affairs. With the city water
supply shut off. the basicoss men can't
ride in the S. P. Company 'a cars, and as
a consequence, the company has in con
templation the withdrawal of day mail
service, so says the Review.
Tax payers .what will you do about
ibis matter? Will ycu vote to renew
the old contract in order to enable our
business men to ride cftener to Portland,
and tbos persuade the company to con
tinue day mail service and to induce the
business men to give yoa a CTaud Fourth
of July celebration nextyejr?
are women to give place to como growl
ing male biped coveting tho place.
The combined opposition to republi
canism is concocting a scheme at Chi
cago to defeat McKinley. Democracy
having lost favor with the people through
its free trade doctrine voted into power
four years ago, will not dare rai'e that
standard now, and if it esjeuse protec
tion it cannot hope to convince the voters
that it is sincere, and, on that ground,
could not expect to win votes from the
republicans, who are and have been gen
uine protectionists. Its only hope is in
making an is;us with the republicans cn
the doubtful one of free and unlimited
coinage of silver as a bid for the popu
lists' vote.
The query is who will get the nomina
tion at Chicago, Bland, Boies, Campbell,
or some dark horse of lesser no!e. Teller
stands no show at Chicago. He may,
however, at the St. Louis convention,
wmcn convenes Ju;y ---j. mere is a
desperate effort of the democratic con
vention to name a man that the !; u
lists at St. Louis will endorse. Rut will
the populists do that? Wiil they swing
into the democratic camp and assist it
'to power and then have to take a back
seat while the patronage is doled out to
the old line stayers of the democratic
party? Not much. The populists will
hardly bite at such insipid bait put out
lor sutkjra. ltiey will uardly be so
gullible as to furnish the biz end of tho
vote to elect the democratic president
and then stand oat in the cold for the
next four years, chilled to the marrow,
and to hug the delusive phantom of Iioj-e
for the future.
From TiiottayV Dully.
,!. T. Cooper of Oakland is at tho
II. J. WnCMiig of l'oitlaiul is at
John Jackson of Uanycnvillo is in
town today.
Cieo. Bristol ol Aurora, III., is visiting
his roil, C. II., at Edenbower.
W. L. Henderson and wife ol Colon,
NV1., arc guests nt tho McCiulles.
1) Comstock and wife of Deer Creek
are guests at the Van Ilomen today.
M. II. Murcellus and Mr. Marcellus
of Oakland arc stopping at tho an
Rattlesnakes are more numerous 'his
year .in many parts ol ".irani county
than they have been for years.
Mrs. Sidney Catching now of PoitluVd
but long a resident of Douglas county
and for some time ol Uoseburg, is in tho
citv visiting friends nnd relatives for
The Salvation Army gave a repre
sentation oi the "Ten Virgins," to the
citizens af Corvallia, Wedne;day evening
It was a novel and interesting Bjvectacle
to most of the audience.
Master Clifford Benson, who has been
having an outing ai Portland for the last
three week3 icturncd home Monday
morning on the overland. He has won
derful tales to tell of city life to his
chums now.
Yesterday Mis. John Freeman, at:
companied by her two daughters
Misses Minnie and Kila and Miss M
Silton, drove to the Nineteen Mill
House on the old Coos Hay road to en
joy a week cf camp life.
John Case and J timed ro-jl, iio were
ieleaed from a Portland prison Monday,
by order of Jude Bellinger, are in the
city today The court's opinion of the
case may be found elsewhere. It is
prettv tooh ou Case and Pool to bs con
fined in jail for a vear, befcre it it dis
covered there h no evidence aziinst
them that will ' hold water.'
John R. Miller, who went up on Itock
cretjk, June t". on a prospecting tour.
after LM days' work with a rocker, se
cured in gold dust from a placer
claim which he located. The gold of
Rock creek, a stream tributary to the
Coquille river, is very coarse and heavy,
and there is undoubtedly some fine pla
cvr grounds in that section not yet lo
it tsct no little imparlance to the pros
pectors of Southern Oregon that, accord
ing to a recent decision of the United
States xi pierce Court, tte opinion te
ing drlivered hv Justice White, a quali
fied locator may validly make at lea.'t
two separate locations, adjacent it 1
Use?, upon ttie same vein in his own
name, and by analogy, two separate
placer locations on the same creek cr
A club cf prominent women in Brojk
Iya have sgretd that after the 5rst Mon
uay in uciooer next me will wear
skirts clearing the ground by at least
inches, except on occasions demanding
full dres3. The ciub is al-o pledged to a
rainy day dreSi in which the skir
reaches the knee, and is worn in connec
tlcn with bloomers or knickerbockers
leggings or booU, and a light waterprooi
This appears to be a eonwrvative and
sensible movement, and will be started
it is said, by 150 wellknown prole3ional
and societv women.
citv yesterday, on Ins way to bouth ten
Mile to build a chimney for Fred Fishor,
hoso houso burned down last winter.
Hon. 1). W. Stearns camo up from
Oakland yesterday and is the guest ol liis
son, Judgo A. F. Stoarns, of this city.
II. R. Burke of San Francisco, special
agent and adjuster of several insurance
companies, was in the city yesterday.
I,. U. Matthuwa of Deer Creak is in
the city today. He reports tho crops us
suffering for rain in his neighborhood.
Mrs. V. II. Lyons of Marshtleld is
stopping at tiio Van Ilouten. She came
on u visit to her daughter, Airs. Kcse
Arlington, w ho has beenqutto ill for sev
eral weeks.
1 lie county court has icceived tuven
Ids lor tho construction cf tho bridge
icroes Uow creek at (.tlonuale. the
court will now havo an opportunity to
give us a cheap dear bridge or a dear
cheap bridgo as tho bids cover quite a
range of costs.
Schiller Hermann nnd family of Myr
tle Point, are viMtiug relatives and
friends in this city. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Henry Mason, mother of
Mrs. Hermann who has been visiting monlhs and who
is now on her way to her home in Bos
Curtis Hermann, a young man about
.'I yea s of age, son of Cass Hermann of
Eckley, Curry county, met with a fatal
accident on the old instant, near Myrtle
Point. He was leturning home on
horseback from the celebratiou, when
the saddle girth broke nnd frightened
his horse and young Hermann wasj
thrown to the ground, hi i head striking
agaicst a tree He never regained con-j
scioueness and died yesterday from tho (
effrcts of his wounds. 1
Every day eop!e are gaining more i
an I more confidence iii advertising, nnd !
more and more of them are turning to j
the advertising columns of the dailvj
newspapers for information. Tho bui-j
nese men who fail to appreciate this fact ;
are likely to one of days find them j
selvia so far behind the times that thov
wil! never catch up. Ncwspaer adver
tising keeps the enterprisiug merchant
at the head of the business procession. !
Pottsville Pa. , Chronicle. I
There must be some green uple in j
Eugene, judgiug from the fallowing from
thaiinard: Saturday one Ralph Wink- j
ley succeeded in luring a Confederate
live-dollar bill io juyment for a gbss of i
beer at the Bureau saloon, receiving J li'i i
in good money in change. The trick was '
discovered soon after and the officers no
tified anJ Winkley wa3 placed under ar-,
res'. He chimed that one Henry Miller,
had given him the bill and told him to
pass it if he could. Miller was itnmed.-
ately laccd under arrest
Jjftp-- ' fThHii;,l'C' l claim t,x other A ""Ik
h.-rVW ?'" none just Pjt.'v.
f ifaekwei's
(Mil lit!! AM)
V 1mmm itiiccn J
i,') Yta v,i!l f':Kl C,,,T"' i.'--lc -w4SfT
f c:..hlWiM.i;,niidtv'rot- " vK??
MS'f , -civ Pl,m iii' '1-- each fiT (.mice Jz1' '
Alexander & bTRonG i
Bet. Oak and Washington.
3''o and 32S Jackson St.
I-ir i nJ Ilett Awrtinent CTcr
l..'.nt,!it to Soulhem Oregon and
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
A Lrje Hint Elegant l.iuc
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
:-0 TROL'lim TO
uosiiui'iic, jiiic:o?c.
THE t'Oi'l'LAIi
Women in Office.
A male grumbler at women in office
Bays "women are all right in their place
at home but men wUen they want to
do business with officials want to do it
with men not with women."' They
have to be, they say, bo reserved and def
erential with women. They would
rather be less restrained, more free and
easy in their busincsj transactions.
Thc3e objections call to mind the fact
that Mrs. F. W. lJenson hag filled the
petition of 2J clerk during herbueband's
term of office, and li.i3 dono the work as
well ae any male clerk he could have
had, and that la what the taxpayers
want. If any old grouty bachelor did
not enjoy himself during the few min
utcs he waa in the office while on busi-
nesa with Mrs. lienson in the past it is
hopad he may outlive the ordeal and in
tbelfulure come prepared to meet the
lady-like deportment of Mrp. Penson's
eucceseor, Miss Leona Shnpe, who will
no doubt be as courteous and accommo
dating as wag Mrs. Benson. Women
bhould be allotted to make an
living as well aH men. When they have
qualifications for any kind of business
they ought not to be barred because thoy
from Wcdnlc)' Diiljr.
Uavid Horsourg uf bo is in the citv
L. X. Itoney of Eugenejis in the cit
Jai. Ustty ot Oakland is la the city
M..S. Cubb ofDillard is at the Mc
A. II. Buell of Looking Glass ie in the
city today.
J. A. Jaoob-oii of Siokaiie ia at the
McClallen. j
D. 3IcBeth of Abelene, Ivan., is a', the
Van Ilouten.
Ci. W. Lance and wife of Itiddle are at
the Yanllonten.
EJ. J. Diver of St. Louis ia registered
at the M-.CInllen.
W. B. Jenkins of ct. Louis ia aloppiDg
at the McClallen.
T. W. Hervey of Myrtle Creek is reg
slered at the McClallen.
Mrs. Vina bergfeld of The Dalles ia a
goest at the McClallen.
Mrs. H. O. Brown of Elkton is Hop
ping at tho Van Ilouten.
T. J, JackEon of Canyonvillo is
registered at the Central.
The Johnon e lored Minttrel troup is
registered at the Van Ilouten.
D. W. Stearns ami wife cf Oakland
are guests at the Van Ilouten.
Geo. W. .taley of Yoncalla is in town
on bu;ines3 before the county court.
J. S. (Jarner and E. E. Weekly of
Happy Vatleyare registered at the Van-
John Jackson, Sr.. of Canyoiiville,
called upon us jesterday evening on
I'eter kelson, the democratic wheel
horte of Gardiner is registered at the
Hay is beginning to come in, rating
from $0 to $0.50 per ton, according to
quality and claes.
Dr. DuGas has removed from his late
residence to Mill street, opposite tho
electric power house.
The ne'v county Gchool superintendent
says he has had several applications
irom sciiooiuiarms lo teacli.
N. Laltaut ol Wilbur wsw in the city
mis uioniin tun rctiirneil ljelor! iioon
as farming husineea is urgent.
John Long of Coles Valley was in the
A Celebrated Case.
James W. Pool and John Case are now
free again after an incarceration of one
Y t. . r 1 1 1 1 ttrrt.tars XI, fMSd ta nrA rf
- ---." ..... -" i
the most remarkable ones in the annaw
of crime. Thev were indicted bv a
United States grand jury for robbing the
United States mail?, luly 1, 1595. They
were tried and convicted before Judge
Bellinger of the United States district
court, one of the ableet jnmts of this
state. They were ably defended
by W. W. Cirdnell of this city
and Albert Abraham oi Portland,
who have persistently contended
for the acquittal of their clients: and
now that they have succeeded, it i9
' a feather in their cap' that they will
Itold as a rich tiophy for their indefat
igable efforts against the postal service,
the Wells Fargo Express Company, the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company and
half a dozen private detectives as well as
the Piukcrtons.
Thef e men, Pool and Cae, are men
without money and no means to remun
erate thair attorney, working without
the hope of reward except that of de
lending innocent men against such odds.
Judge Itelliuger, before whom this
case was heard, seeing the inefficiency
of the evidence presented has set aside
the xerdkt and turned these men free.
Their accusers no doubt feel not a little
chagrined at their failure, after their
combined efforts to send innocent-men
to prison in order to secure $9000 reward
had the final conviction of tlioee men
been secured. These men feel, and
justly so, that they owe their counsel an
everlasting debt of gratitude for their
-Does I
Wcarc ilu'i8 tu the lead, aid n. an t
keep there.
The Golden Harvest b upon as, ami farm
ers are amiling Lccaaae Woodward
loo .t to their interest.
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
1j hiving a luge M'e IJew styles
Glass and Delf Ware
At Reduced Pncca.
Consult yonr pars and he stire and see
Woodward bcf re baing.
aih.-' to .. es. Our own
Life Saving Crew.
The following enconium is pii 1 tho
life-favers at the inuuth of the Co!um
bia, by an Astoria exchange:
l lie horl Mcvens iile-savmg ciew
have been pretty active during the past
few davs and have saved many poor fel
lows from watery graves. Their skill,
bravery and daring is not excelled by
any life-saving crew in the world. In
less than a week thoy have rescued from
the breakers eight men and saved four
baats aud nets. Last Friday they went
twice to tho relief of drowning fishermen
anil succeeded in saving four of them
who had no possihle way of escaping
death and going over the bar. This
was a hard tussle with the heavy seas,
but tiie 1)0 a know no such word as fail,
and finally succeeded in saving two
boats, i-aturday they B.ived a boat and
two i i and yesterday a boat nnd two
me ibis is a spendid showing of skill
and . ravery and is an evidence that the
Fort SIcvciiB crew is well worth of their
In the vicinity of Uqquot, Westmore
land Co , Pa., almost any one can tell
you how to euro a lamo back or still"
neck. They dampen a piece of flannel
with Chamberlain's I'.tfn Palni and bind
it on the affected pails and in ouo or
two days Ihe trouble has disappeared.
This Fame treatment will promptly cure
a pain in tho side or chest. Mr. E. M.
Frye, a prominent merchant of Uoquet,
speaks very highly of Pain Balm, and
his recommendations have had much lo
do with making it popular there. For
euIo by A. C. Maratcre.
Indies' Press (JooJs, Kibbon-. Triinmiici--,
. Ucc.s Ktc. Mo.
Of the bci qiwlity an.l Cr..f,
Wood, Willow ami tila- "are,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
AUiun hn,t In Nrce jiianttllci' nl l prion U
Jult the time". AL-o n Ure rUvV of
Custom-Made Clothing
Easily, Qaichly and Permanently Restored.
CtCEuaarrD Ssousn Reiiedt
It Is solJ oa a positivo
n:araoteo to euro any
f rm of ncrrt.ius pros
tration or any disorder
if tie organs cf
eiU;er sex. casscJ
Boforo. by cxccssiro uso cf Altor
Tibacco. Alo bl cr Uriam. or cn acconr
of loathful irdiscrcti. a cr orer l;dD!pence etc..
lhxiincss, nTKir.s. ajtetolncs. Ilcaaaclie.
Mental l)erre?it'n, S.ftentnsottho llrain. Weak
Memory, lleannc I mn I'ains, Seminal Weakness,
Hjfrena. Ns:tumal Emissions, Srcnuatorrh-f a.
Loss of l ower anJ Irojotener, whieh if noglectcJ,
war lead lo rremature old aro and insanity.
IVWtircly paaranleod. 1'rico. SlOOa box: C tnrcs
for$i.eO- Sent by mail on receipt of price.A written
paaranico turnisueu nun cTcry JJ.CO order reccired.
to refund tnc money if a permanent cure La cut
cUccted. c
' 'ERVIA 1IEDICINE CO., Uctroit, Mich.
Sold bv A.C. Mtirstcrs & Co.
Dr. Gibbon
This onl reliable ami
t HO -s.Vs?v ivciii!ist in Shii I ran
f ',T0 1 't-O3 ';a Cisco, still continues to
CM! Mi SW? mro nil Sexual aud
I rA .vtti 5cmlnal Diseases, such
"TA-jrviv- as uonnorrna-o, meet
fft!k?to-XX&&- leases
Wbich is offered eit price.
Mlect i-t'Kk of
A full Hlld
Cuntnntlr on band. I"-,,1"-
Clencra! agent fur every rnrioty ot oubucriptiuii
books and periolieals publi'beil in the Unite.1
State, l'crioms itiihini; reading matter or any
kind -v ill do UiRivi- me n call.
Nerous Debil-
Impotency. Semi
eaknes nun uoss
rianliood, the coue
jui-m l ! ftil r.u.tso and excewes producing the
(oUuwic. symiitonik. sallow countenance, dark
! spuM uiidei the eye, pain in tho head, rimini;
in liR'iars. loss ol, uiuiueiioc m ai-
promhluK stnsnscrs. palpetation ot the hearts
VMtiUncssof the limbs mid back, los&ol memory.
i. miiii'son the lace, omens. eoiiMinipnon. etc.
Dit. OlUliON has praclicctl In Sail Francisco
over thirty years and those troubled should not
fail to consult hitn nnd receive the benefit ol
his crcnt skill and experience. The doctor
cures when others fail. Try him. Cures cuar
united. Persons cureil at home. Charge
reasonable. I all or write.
Dr. J. I. (libbon, 625 Kearney street, 5an
prancleco, cai
Nolico In hereby elvcu lo all nhom it may con
cern that 1 hive appointed I), W. Htrarnmif Cila.
ptxili precinct Deputy Inspector of Ktoelc for said
precinct; pontolilee address, Oakland; also A. J.
Chapman of Wilbur, and ltalrdi Miaith, at ltosa
liurir, to act during 3y almeni-f, nnd others vril
Ihj added a partita InBpeettil make Ifcelr dtsire
known to me.
lUiaoburK, May Uli, 18S7 .
lnpoolaor of Btock fox UousUs county. Or.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1100 (i St.. N. W. Washington, 1). V.
I'or mniiv veari in tho (iencral I.nnd Ofilce.
Kxaniiuer ill Contests. Mineral vs. Mineral vs
Ilailroml and A"ricullurnl claims, anil Ijito
Chief ot the Minora Division.
CSF" Corrcspoinlcuco
M. J05EPH50N'S
New York Cash Store,
Charter Oak
The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST.
Roseburg Hardware Go.
9 10
I . 1 ,
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again aud again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or.