The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 09, 1896, Image 2

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Published Dally, csccptSuuday.
Subscription Kntcn.
One Year, by mall.....
Six Months, "
Three Month "
One Month '
Ter Week, deliver?! by Carrici.........
.. 75
.. 25
.. 10
Ytic Weekly IMnlndealcr
One Year P 00
Six Month 1 00
Three Month M
JULY 9. 1S96.
The planet Mars is considered by
those best qualified to know, or at luast
speculate noon its conditious, has a
climate, physical changes and chemical
elements very like those of this earth.
If such be the case, and it appears to be
the prevailing opinion of astronomers
that it is, it is reasonable to suppose
that Mara has a people similar to oar
own with languages and governments,
and institutions not unlike oar own.
England's Gain by Our Free-Trade.
In ISM we imported from Europe
under the McKinlej tariff, f317,511,4
worth of poods. In 1S05 we imported
431,514,021, a gain to Europe and a less
to the United States of 1114,002,351.
The more we import from Europe the
less we produce at home. The more we
produce at home, the mere we provide
employment for men and women in the
United States. One hundred and four
teen million a year is not much to be
sore, bat the making of that amoant of
goods would have furnished employment
for a considerable number of people itho
were in enforced idleness for most of
the time last jear.
For nearly four years hardly a dy has
passed without a feeling of dis'rust con
sequent upon the management and sla-
piditvoflhe democratic party. Under
protection the country has prospered
No alarm was felt about disturbing the
monetary system of the nation. Mc
K inky 'a name is indissolubly linked
with protection, which hs now become
a leading republican national idea. It
is the plainest logic, therefore, with the
voters, (bat if McKinley is pet in the
White House the good times of pist
yeare jyen better times will prevail,
ana tnat mere win De no detiau, no
alarm about a threatened debasement
of currency, lower wages for labor,
closed factories and general stagnation
in business.
We cannot contemplate the election cf
Mr. McKinley to the Presidency with
any satisfaction, for it will undoubtedly
mean an attempt to restore the high
Tariff once more, but on the other hand
President Cleveland's Chauvinism dur
ing the last six months has shaken to its
root the confidence which was formerly
felt in his good sense and friendly feel
ing in this country. As between the
two candidates there is little to choose
for us King Stork is as little agreeable as
King Log and we shall watch the prog
ress of the contest with the perfect neu
trality which springs from a cordial dis
trust of both sides. Bat undoubtedly
the chances are heavily in McKinley's
favor. The Yorkshire 'Post, Leeds
June 19, 1S9C.
"lamademocrat" David B. Hill of New
York is turned down in the Chicago
convention. Ability otands for nought
when medioczes are in the saddle.
mil's unswerving democracy is no com
mendation these times. It is the silver
tongues now that ring the clearest
Brains rule where brains abound amongst
the masses, bat sentiment discounts
wnere tne emotional natures oi Hie un
informed have been stirred up to a white
heat by designing demagoguee. All the
logic of the sound money men falls still
born upon the ears of the silverites.
They are now mad witb'excitement over
imaginary fears, wild with frenzy at
wrongs themselves bave'wrought. Like
Haul they have evoked a spirit of dis
quietude that .will not doxn at their
bidding. Hill, Carlisle, Whitney, ct al
may as well hold their peace. Altgeld,
tne paruon er oi anarcnisis, Has more in
fluence with the frenzied populace than
a score of level headed statesmen.
Brown Retires.
With the close of this session of the
district court, Mr. Geo. M. Brown closes
his official duties as district attorney of
the 2nd Judicial District of Oregon
Mr. Brown is a young man, and
poesessss many good qualities as an at
torney. During his encumbency, he
has wou considerable fame as a criminal
prosecutor, rarely failing to convict
He also won a high reputation as an ora
tor. He now lavs down his official
ecepter, to take up that of a privato !
counselor and enters the arena of attor-
ueyship, well equipped by nature, edit-1
cation and experience for a high plaeuJ
-ut counselors at law.
. .
The Lugenu Daily
pended publication.
Register liju uua-
SCENES IT 1 1111
The Free Silverites in the
Chicago, July S. Chairman Dauiel
put a motion that the convention take a
livomiuute recess, aud bo addressed by
Governor Hogg, of Testis. The motion
was carried.
Tho former Lone Star governor, known
to the world at largo on account of his
fight against the railroads in his state,
is tho biggeet man in the convention
His weight is not less than 300 pounds,
and be stands some inches above &ix
feet. He proceeded with a voice like
tho bass of a church organ to hurl
thunder bolts against gold and republi
canism. Ho began by congratulating
the convention on the proud opportunity
before it. The tactics ot tho democrats
a not bolting, he declared, should pre
vail in accordance with tho time-
honored democratic doctrine of majority
rule. He spoke of the deliverance of
the liberties of the." people from the yoko
of republican rule. The party, he said,
had made a mistake four years ago
which would not be repeated. If the
republican party was returned to
power it foreboded a nation of miuions
and millionaires. If (he democrats
would stand .together that party could
be forever laid out on .the hillside of
despair. He denounced the growing
tendency toward the centralization of
government, which, he said, must event
ually mean the oppression of the people
bv bavonet and destruction of their
Texas' ex-governor's attack on the re
publican platform met with hearty sym
pathy from the audience. Some of .the
cold men. however, showed openly that
they were opposed to some of his ex
treme expressions. When ex-Governor
Hogg finished, Senator White assumed
the gavel temporarily while the crowd
cried for Hill, Blackburn, Altgeld and
others. Delegate Money of Mississippi
moved that Senator Blackburn be re
quested to address the convention, and
the crowd yelled itself hoarse in ap
AVith a proud step the gallant Ken
luctian mounted tne stage, tiis appear
ance set the convention wild. He is one
of the silver idols, and it was apparent
s soan as his fervid oratory was launched
that he had the pit and gallery with him
The democratic party he said, was in
convention to correct the evils of bad
government in splendid style. State af
ter state bad fallen in line, and the con
vention was instructed overwhelmingly
by the pi, ty and people. The Kentuck
ian's speech was like a tierce cavalry
charge. It swept along with vollev after
volley of silver shot, and its points were
followed by volley after volley of wild
shrieks of applause and approval. A
territSc yell went up when he said
Let us construct a platform that neither
umau nor devilish ingenuity can sub
mit to bat one construction." There
waa another yell when he exhorted the
convention to tell the country that "we
mean to put silver back where it was in
1S73." Another was when he de
nounced "the issue of bonds in time of
profound peace, and another wilder
than all when he shouted, "Christ with
the lash drove from the temple a better
set of men than these who for 0 years
have shaped the financial policv of this
Be temperate, be c aservative," said
he. "but do not forget to gather the
spienuia iruits ut victory you nave so
splendidly won. You have captured
the skirmish line but the inner citadel
stilt stands. Do what you were sent here
to do, but whether you favor the gold
standard or the doable standard, let
every one remember that he is a demc-
ciat still. I pin my faith to the princi
I t 1... 1 .
piea ano loyalty oi my party, a new
day is dawning," he concladed, "whose
effulgence marks the return of the de
mocracy to power. I beg of yougentle
men, make a platform that will tell the
truth and then rally as one man to vin
dicate its utterances."
During Blackburn's speech the 15,000
people in the hall were aroused to a high
pitch of enthusiasm, and as be closed
they went wild. For two minutes they
shouted their approval.
Loud calls for Bryan were then heard
zad when the chairman inquirtd if
Bryan was in the hall, the delegates and
spectators jumped to their feet and
wavea ineir nanusercnieis. ine young
orator from Nebraska could not be found.
A chorus of demands for Hill was raised
again, loader than ever. While the tu
mult was at its height Delegate A. W.
Hope of Illinois pushed down to the
steps of the platform, and with out
stretched arm, pointed toward Senator
White, clamoring for recognition. Fin
ally the chairman saw him and heard
the cry, "I move that Governor Altgeld,
of Illinois, address tho convention."
Although no one 20 feet away could
catch the purport of the demand, White
beat with the gravel until the conven
tion consented to subside a trifle, and
then announced that Governor Altgeld
was called for. Tho Illinois delegates
led an enthusiastic cheer, which was
taken up by the other delegations and
chorused by tho galleriee. Many
mounted chairs and faced toward Illi
nois. The governor, a plain-faced man,
with a brick beard, closely cut and close
cropped black hair and jet-black eyes
that enapped and gleamed liko sparks,
stood in the aisle with uplifted arm, ap-
pealing lor attention, l ew could see
'". t''r0 1,1,11:11 crowding ami
confusion until he mounted his chair,
,"",t;r 11,15 Hliuoisslanilard and the cheer
iouiiei. ins opponents nniuen Willi
i wratli, aii'l hli'iuoreil upjii linn :t sputter
ol liiwiu Tliiutigli'jiil thi'j ucunc (lio ,
I delegations from New York, Massacbu-1
setts aud other Eastern states, sat in
frozen silence.
Thoro camo an end to tho uproar at
last and Altgeld made his voice heard
by saying: "Onbohalfof the stato of
Illinois I suggest that this convention
givo D. B. Hill, of Now York, an oppor
tunity to address it."
This stroke brought down another
shower of domands for "Hill, Hill,
Hill." Tne chairman said : "Tho dis
tinguished gentlemau from New York,
who has been ctlled for so often, is not
here." Still tho convention domanded
'Hill" until Senator White was driven
to cry, " Will you insist on having men
who aro not hero?"
Then tho cry waa turned to "Russell,"
by the Eastern men. Tho young Massa
chusetts governor sat impressively in his
chair and his friends gave him up.
Finally ex-Governor Overmayer of Kan
sas was brought to the platform and ap
peased the appetite of the crowd for sov-
eral minutes, as he spoke "for the do!-
ar of our daddies."
For another fivo minutes tho band
held them in check with stirring music
Then the cries for Altgold were re
newed and at last with evident reluc
atice tho Illinois governor was urge! for
ward to tho stage. Great curiosity ex
isted to Ece him. Some delegates
crowded to the front of the stage, not be
cause his voice was weak, as his clear
tones reached oat to the farthermost
imits ot the hall, but to get a closer
view of the man. With great delibera
tion, he opened with a statement that
he had not come hero to make a speech,
but to assist in the nomination of the
next president of the United States and
a formal declaration of principles that
would again offer hoe to the party
of the people. This opening sentiment
warmed up the audience and the almost
haggard face of the Illinois governor
grsw flashed, his gestures came quick
and vehement, and before he proceeded
far the convention waa swayed as b the
cyclone of his oratory.
ben be declared that hungry men
and children were looking to this con
vention for relief, there was a great dem
onstration. Adroitly he worked ap to
bis climax. He declared that toil,
blood, and sweat of millions was being
doubled by shrinkage in the standard of
values. Then he paused and flinging
his arms out before him, asked, "Will
you let them continue it?"
No, no, never,'' came in thundering
chorus from 15,000 throats.
Referring to the great struggle against
slavery, he painted to the American flag
at bis back and scouted the idea of com
"Did the men," he a3ked, "who gave
up their lives to preserve the tiig talk of
compromise? Th-Te could be none
There can be none." As he finished he
descended from the platform and was ac
corded another great demonstration
The Illinois delegated mounted chairs
frantically waving their bandanas. Del
egates from other delegations ciowded
around shaking his bands, while tbe
galleries yelled.
A Democratic Babel.
Cnic.u.0, July 9. Committee on plat
form have added an anti-A. P. A. plank
and reiolution granting civil and religi
ous liberty to every citizen.
report, advocating that all
money be
kept at parity with gold,
was loudly
Tillman makes a speech, and refers to
the .bond Jquestion. Cheers and hisses.
Says Cleveland had no courage to over
ride his oath and invade tbe state of Illi
nois with government troops. Cheers
and hisses. Says Cleveland has been
the death of the democratic party bo far
as he could be. Quotes lines from By
ron tending to represent Cleveland as a
traitor. Refers to Sherman and Cleve
land republicanism. Says we are en
gaged in an efforttojestore the liberty of
our fathers, and must get pops and bime
taiists to .adopt platform and nominee
or they will be beaten and disgraced in
mil denounces plank favoring income
lax, and says it is unwise to "assail tbe
Supreme Court of the country. Says he
will not follow 6u.'h revolutionary steps
Thinks it unwise to criticise tho bond
issue, and asks what it means. "Is it
repudiation?" Cheers.
Motion on adoption of amendment
inn to substitute minority report on
finances. Lost ayes 303, noes 020,
Hill's motion endorsing the administra
tion. Lost 354 ayes, 5(S noes.
mil s motion tbat it tree coinage
proved a failure after ono year to discon
tinue it was lost by a big viva voce vote,
Roll call on adoption of the platform was
ordered, resulting in 628 for to 301
against it. Convention adjourned till
8 o'clock.
The Josephine Caves.
ine l oriianu Jiazamas, wbo bave ar
ranged for a climb to Crater lake in
August, have in view a visit to the won
derful Josephine caves, which are
among the unexplored curiosities of Or
egon. Little is known of them. They
are high up on old Groyback, and about
40 n.iles from Grants Pass, and they are
reached either by way of Kerby or
Williams valley. The executive com
tnittc "f tho MazamaB has been corres
pond 4 with Mr. Silsby, of that city,
will, leference to conveying tho party of
mountain-climbers to the Joeepbino
The Ashland Crater Club has been
completing all the details for tho trip up
to Crater lake, and tho prospects are
that it will be a very delightful trip.
Germany will pay an export bounty
on nearly 2,000,000 tons of sugar this
year. This is an enormous margin to
havu left after providing for ho-ne cou
Hiimplioii, hut the 1'nited Status will
surpass it when ita possibilities in sugar
production aro properly developed.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Awarded Gold Mcdi! Jtld winter Fir. Sir. FrancUco.
Board of Equalization Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho Board
of Equalization of Douglas county, Ore
gon, will meet in the offico of tho
County Court of Said county, in the
court house in tho city of Roseburg,
Oregon, on Monday, the 31st day oi
August, 1890, and will continue in ses
sion until Saturday, September 5, 1896,
to publicly (examine the assessment
rolls and correct all errors in valuation,
description or qualities of land lots or
other property. Now, '.therefore, all
patties who may be aggrieved by reason
of valuation, description, or otherwise,
as to their assessment, will take notice
of the meeting of said Board of Equali
zation, at said time and place, and
make duo complaint to said Board of
Equalization, otherwise their assess
ment will stand as made by the asses
sor. J. A. Stkeunq,
Assessor for Douglas County.
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. FrancisAlderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Die
covery as an Idnal Panacea for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Complaints, haying
used it in my family for the last five
years, to tbe exclusion of physician's
prescriptions or other preparations."
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes : "I have been a Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50
years or more, and bave never found
anytbing so beneucial, or tbat gave me
such speedy relief as Dr. King's New
Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Rem
edy now. Trial Bottles Free at A. C.
Marsteis' Drue Store.
City Treasurer's Notice.
.notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Roseburg city warrants indorsed
prior to March 2. 1893, to present the
same at treasurer's office in city hall for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Dated this 17th day of June, 1S96, at
Roseburg, Oregon.
J. A. Pkkkins,
City Treasurer,
Lumber for Sale, or Trade.
If you have bay, grain, bacon, beef
cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of
first class tir or cedar lumber, you wil
save money to call on Otto A. Amlalt
Comstock, Oregon.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
it you fiave dry cows or belters you
want to trade lor lumber, or if you
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
lumber, you will do well to address
P. O. box 125. Drain. Oregon.
The Central House.
W. U. Gordon is now tbe proprietor of
ibis popular house. Tbe table will be
supplied with the best in the market.
good beds and courteous treatment
Meals 15 cents, and beds tbe same rate,
6 Per Cent Money.
Whoever wishes to give improved
farm land as security for 6 per cent
money, address P. O. box, No. 90, Rose'
burg, Oregon.
Vnr innr TmtMtlon. Catarrh "Cures? or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Totassa, or bom, wmcn arc injur
ions if too lone taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
. .Mitnf, iwm i r ami thrfot-
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and. if repeatedlr neglected, tne re
sults of catarrh will follow; severe pam in
the head, a marine sound in the ears, bod
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged euro for
these troubles and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents.
li what Rites Hood's Srwparl!U It preatjop
uUrity, IncreaMii;; sale and n ondertul cnre.
The combination, proportion ami process In
preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla are imknonn
to other medicines, and make It peculiar to
Itself. It acts directly ami positively upon the
blood, and as the blood reaches every nook
and corner of tbe human system, all the
nerves, muscles, bones and tissues come un
der the beneficent Influence of
The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
HOOd S Fills take, easy to operate. 25c
Family Groceries
Books and Children's Toys,
Frnits, Nats, French Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc.
Cigar Store
(Ruccckwr to RENATE 8AOON.,
a rorin.Ait uichout.
(.'Iiuiix CicHrs mill all MiiiN ut Ti'iupcrnucu
Drink coiMtiuitly uu lutml.
Kcimncl hum cor. Onk mid JutkMiti l)
"Liverine," manufactured by the An
chor S Chemical Co., the great Liyer,
Kidney and Constipation cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable forms of
diseases of those organs. The greatest
knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For Bale at M. F. Rapp'a drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
A Sample Package (4 to 7 dosw) f
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
7b any one sending name and address to
us on a postal card.
Hence, our object in sending them out
They absolutely curt
Biliousness, Constipttion,
Coated Tongue, Poor Ap
petite, Dyspepsia and kin
dred derangements of tha
Stomacb,tiTtr and Bowels.
Don1 1 accept some substitute said
to be "just as good."
The substitute costs the dealer
It costs you ABOUT the same.
HIS trofit is in the "just as
Address for FREE Sample,
World's Dtepenury Medical Association
Ao. 663 Mmln SL, BUFFALO. At Y.
ao to
406 Jackson St.
One door south P.O.
Chelce Teai, Caffees
Tobaccoi and Cinn.
And every thing else in
tne urocery line,
Highest Sarket Paid for Country Prodaee
Give him cU and be convinced.
GoaUIoIog Cotton Root and PenipjiL-
tei tirnr finis.
31 tat aiaattt nurtb
Meimln'i French F
mal Pills, har bcea
cold (ar ovtr twenty
TeuSAnd nted WAnoa
nndi ot Ladles, who
have KlTen testimonial
that they are noaxcellS.
aj it gpeclao monthly
tnedldce, for Immediate
relief ot Painful, and
Irregular Menaea, fe
male Weaknet etc
Price. K.OOabox, with
run direction.
uii o scjistitutis, oxsnrators xxrxaxxos&
ME3M1M CHEMICAL CO- Dxuwrr, Vxs.
Sold by A. C. Marsters &Co
and Is Ihs result ol cold and
audden climatic changes.
It can be cured by a pleasant
remedy which Is applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Bc
in? quickly absorbed it elves
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
is scKnowicdsed to be the most thorough ctro for
sisl Catarrh, Cold In Head and Hay rever of all
rcmedit s. It opens and cleanses tho nasal paisszcs,
auavs pala and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, res torn the sense
Of taste and smell. Price 60c. at DruRelsts or by mail
ELY BROTHERS, 69 Warren SUwt, Ker yfc
What I
f9 G
M. F. Rapp,
Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon.
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
, BR00K5IDE.
TJie HOWe Farm, east of town, has been plat
ted and is now on the market
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100
per acre.
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy
All lots sold in First
than doubled in value. The
the future. More fortunes
ing town or city than any
For information or
Estate Office, or on
Cr T.
Depot Grocers
Give ua a call. Goods delivered to
Corner Lane & Sheridan StTeete,
Carry constanllrlon hand Kew arid
we will Sell at.Uard Times Prices.
Hand Goods Bough t and Sold.
nun fl
Hi d un
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranees. Timber
- o xr 1
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Successor to G. W. J?OAH,l
General Blacksmithing
Bboplon Corner Washington and Kane 8ts., Rosebars.
Marble and Granite Works.
-cor- Comotery Lots.
Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work
Offlceana Salesroom. :7xx Oak atreet.
A. C. Hoxie,.
Wholesale and
Goods delivered free to all j
parts of the citv. TMJ
yonr orders with me and
save money. Roseburg, Or.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1106 li St.. N. W. Washington, D. .
v.. ... ..
Chief oMUMtnh.mDi;?sl,on.,m'- Ul
Correspondence ited.
Goods m
and Children.
in Lots and Blocks containing
Brookside addition have more
prospect is much better for
are made in lands near a grow
other way. Sieze the oppor
conveyance, call at ony Real
BELDE Propr.
any part of the City in short order.
Tnnr hehdrick's block
Second Hand Goods of All Kinds. Which
Give us a call and be convinced. Second
Lands and Mininp- Prnnerries.
ililaaa Cowan. y, Ojtfoaa.ojn.
B. W. AGfflSON & CO., Proprs.
Dealers in all kinds oi
Marble and Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
Retail Dealer
Plfllir PaCarl
1 1UUM rCed,
j n
f rUVlSlOnS,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
4ix Jackson Street.
At flpir Knctory. KOsKBUKti.
--i"iriiin entrusted its
uy care w in be lMioJU-ri.v and
carefnlly done.
S-."-s 3aJC a. CJaavJia..
n ....... ...