The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 22, 1896, Image 3

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JUNE 22 1S9G.
1HO OlKBCirtJ Riven tho CltlZOllS of K. W. Mn,?!ntnf Tlrni,, in nf. II, n
"OEouurg last trlduy night, wben it yas Houtcn.
roported that a mob of 200 or lees of tho
Weather Bureau.
U. S. Department of Agriculture irate citiwns of Oak Creok was immi
nent, has subsided, and all tho imag
inary blood shed, conflagration nud gen
eral wreck and ruin to follow in its train,
baa died an easy death and tho hystor-
icky old women, tho timid maidens, the
cowadly swains and tho bold and dar
ing members of Co. A., O.N. G
now breathe easier. It is roported that
BBverai ooiu, uravo anil daring young
men not members of tho O. N. G. got
their cayuses saddled and, ready to
meet tho mob? Not a bit of it; but
upon tho first clang of tho firo bell, to
mount and make thu distance between
them and tho mob as wide as whips and
Tho weather flags displayed reprc&cnt the spurB could possibly mako it. on tho
forecast applying to tho 21 hours ending at S supposition that
m. to-morrow. (It more than ono kind ot m t
weather is predicted for that period, the condl- He w.ho d&er rurVl ,Jf.
Hons first named In the forecast will bo repre- Ma h'e to flBht eoino other day
scntcd by tho uppermost weather flag.) A Upon inquiry Saturday morning ol
white Bag indicates clear or fair weather; a I parsons in town from the locality from
blue flag, rata or snow The flag ot which tho which it waa repor(eU a mob waa forw
Upper u isMuiiv au'i uio lower nan oiuc. i i .1
local rain or snow. A black triangular pen- lnS Fni was learned there was
uant indicates tho temperature and when alt-1 nothing in it. No mob waa threatened
KosKuuita, Oic., June 19, 1SJC
.i,MT, 15 a. m. Pacific time 30.13.
uxkomktkh j5 JK m VAClti0 time- 30.07.
Maximum temperature, TV.
Minimum temperature, 19.
Rainfall tor tho 1 hours cudlug 5 p. m., 0.
Total ralntall since 1st ot month, 0.27
Average rainfall tor this month tor IS years,
Total rainfall from Sept 1, IKtt, to date, SJ.23.
Average rainfall from Sept. 1, to date, S3.T0.
Accumulated excess from Sept. 1, ISM, to
date, 5.13..
Average precipitation tor 19 wet seasons,
K. S. Ingram of Deer creek is at
If in need ot glasses sea Dr. Lowe
tho McClallen.
N. P. Gervais of Wilbur is registered
at tho McClallen.
Chas. Curry of Hiversido farm is upon
can our Bireots louay.
If you have headache after using your
oyes see Dr. Lowe.
A. S. and T. C. Buell of Looking Glass
came over today.
Otoy Boon, Jr., of Deer Creek is in tbo
city today as n juryman.
C. S. Jackson of Cauyonvillo is regist
ered at the Vau Houtcn. .'
James Laird of Sitkum, Coos county,
camo over from his county today.
Miss M. E. Porter is closing out her
spiing stock of millinery goods at cost.
Hon. L. Bilyeu of Eugene, champion
of freo silver coinago is in tho city today.
Remember, Dr. Lowe,
Attorney at Law,
Room 2, ilarstcrs Building, - ROSEBURO, OR.
MpBusincss before the U.H. Land Office and
muiliKj cases a specialty.
Late Receiver U. 3. Land Office.
. S.Senators... . jn.w. McBride
(B in ger Hermann
Congressmen hv.L Ellis
Governor.. ...........-
Secretary ot State........
State Treasurer ... ,
Supt. Pub. Instruction.-.,
SUte Printer
Attorney General
William P. Lord
..H. R. Klucald
...Phil Mctschau
O. M. Irwin
., W. II. Leeds
.C. M. Idleman
A. C. Woodcock
Sacrifice Sale
Now in Progress.
Rooms 7 and 8
& Wilson Block.
Ballroad Commissioners-..
Member Board ot Equalization..
K. A. Moore
Supreme Judges- W. E. Wolverton
i. a. iseau
A. B. Compson
'J. B. Eddy
I. A. Macro m
ROSEBURG, OR. Clerk of Railroad Commission Lydell Baker
Judge .. ..... J. C. Fullerton
Prosecuting Attorney- Geo. M.Brown
u. s. laud orncr, boszbcbo.
Attorney and Counselor at Law, &egbteTZ"Z.Z7L..Z".....L.u.vea.u2i
ot. c. a. wxathib
Observer.. ... ... .Thos. GlDson
doughs conrrrr.
Senator Henry Bcckley
ft CO
rill pi
ie Court House, Douglas county, Or.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice Is hereby trivon to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in-
to prc-
Attorney at Law,
Roteburg, Oregon
Office over the Postofflco on Jackson street.
I Representatives.
(J. E. BlundeU
. T. Bridges.
( C. A. Schll
dorsed nrior to January 13.
tho optician's, gent ,t.u Bamo at th0 treasurer's office in
pUycj above a weather flag indicates warmer, by tho cood people of that neighborhood. 8tny m Ilo30UurE 13 limited to a ehort ti,0 court ,10UBtJ or payment, as interest
and when displayed below, cooler, Tho tern- Twoor throa irnsnonsihl,i vnun? lilvl Period. wHl rnasn theruon after the datO of this
ITccTud Tbo Oregon City excelsior and shoddy notice. foni.
cold wave Car. white with black muiLTtt in the OUgUt to DO moODeU." mat was tllO "o uuairoycu uy uro ounuay DaleU llllS 1110 aiU uay Ot iuuc, iouu,
center, when displayed on the Pacific coast. In
dicates I res I.
Thos. Gibsox. Observer.
Poetlxm), Or., June 1S3S; & a. m.
Weather forecast tor the next SS hours, tor
Roscburg and viduity:
Tonight and Tuesday, lair, slightly cooler
Pjicck. Local Forecast. OQcial.
A Salrman, the reliable jeweler.
Coal tar and reain at Marsters'.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Caro Bros, are the bosa merchants.
School books at Marsters' drag store.
Go to the Roseleal for the best cigar.
Go to A. C. Marsters & Co. for school
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. Wool.
School books and stationery at Mar
sters Drus Store.
Dr. F. W. llayues does all kinds of
np-to-date dentistry.
1. S. West does insurance. Office
opposite the poet office.
amonnt of tho proposed mob. , The men
of responsibility in that section would
not girc counteuance to any such doings.
But the report that a mob was in con
templation by tho people in tho neigh
borhood of tho homicide caused c. big
ecaro here and put tho conservators of
law and order upon tho watch, after
having made arrangements to meet tho
socalled mob with a repellant force if
need bo. But the officers "did their
vigils keep ' ail triuay mgbt till near
tho "wee sma' hours." And wben the
aurora of morn illumined the eastern
hsrixon, and tho king of day shot his
golden rays upon mountain tops, they
found Roscburg Bate from any impend
ing injury to perron or property, nud
they "turned in" and rested from the
big scare of a. few hoars before. All is
well that ends well, especially as regards
this reported mob. It is claimed that
this report of a mob being organized
was done for an ultimate effect, viz : To
show that there is a strong current of
popular sentiment there against Pixon.
However, this may or may not be the
case, it is certain no demonstration ot
morning. at the city of Roseburg, Douglas county,
L. S. Shinier of Yoncalla is in tho citv Oregon. W. A. Ukateu,
- i
today and reports flourishing times there
County Treasurer.
For Sale. Old papers, at this office,
at 23 cents per hundred.
Xeatsfoot oil, machine and lubricating that character was made.
oils at Marsters' Drugstore.
A fine lino of gents' shors at J. Abra-1 Party At Edenbowcr.
ham's. Prices just right. very pleasant gathering
ilunyon's tionicepatmc iiemeuies tor e o tJje v on .pjc 0( Roseburg
I at the pleasant home of Miss Ada Smith
sale at Marsters' Drug Store.
An endless variety of combs, hair and
clothes brushes at Marsters'.
For bargains in family groceries, call
at the Fepole's store, Cass street.
Munyon'a Horneojathic Remedies at
A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug store.
Brine voar clocks and watches to Slow
Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. reported. A young ladv fell out of the
Myrtle Creek flour, only SO cents per bsy window; second, no one was drowned
sack. Delivered free. A. C. IIoxix. ja tbe TJmpqna river. The party was
Chru3hed frnits in soda and all the bk OQt bv George Montague in his
new urines ice cuiu at iue uu,
in Edenbower last Friday evening. It
was indeed a swell affair. The enter
tainment furnished by this charming
young hostess consisted chiefly in games
anil nlpnaant mniitft,' an ii all nronnd ye reporter today to a chunk of
rejoicing fuc. Onlv two casualities are sugar all the way from Vcrmon
cold at tbe
Best assortment of ladies shirt waists
in town.
Straw hats, sailors and ladies sun
shades at the
XovrLTY Store.
T. K. Richardson has jnst received
samples of Cleveland bicycles. Call and
see these f llM wheels.
For a first class shine go the
Baths. Tan shoes a specialty,
Frank Love.
hack. But tbe best part of the enter
tainment was the strawberries and cream
and cake. And when wo say cream we
mean just that. And the regal manner
in the young hoste3 presided gave relish
to the elegant repast and made us wish
for more frequent invitations to her
home. Those present were. Misses
Mary Dilworth, Delia Brown, Clara Mc-
Dpot I Coy, Elva Wimberly, Maud Rast, Lena
Hodson, Clyde Gaddis, Messrs. Walter
among tho faithful.
S. H. Dodson of Deer Creek, son of
tho elder Dodson after whom Dodson'e
butto was name J, is in the city today.
Tho German Lutherans of Roseburg
and vicinity are making an effort to
erect a housu cf worship in tho near fu
ture. Mrs. Mack of Portland came up lust
week to yisit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sol Abraham, und her many old time
friends of Roseburg.
S. L. Buell of Fossil, Gilham County,
Or., who has been a resideut for the last
9 years at Fossil, has returned to Doug
las for a time indefinite.
Tho League will give an ice cream
social Friday evening, June 20th, to aid
in building the new church. Everybody
Bhould patronize them.
Everybody come to the lawn social
Friday eveniog, June 20. Ice cream and
cake, strawberries and cream, ten cents
per dish. Everybody welcome.
Shiit waists in all colors, .and also
whito cambric waists, laundered, at
prices to suit the times.
Miss L. A. B.mkp.
There will be religious seiviccs at the
Pnabyteriau church next Sunday at 2
o'clock p. in., conducted by Pastor
Kerns.of tbe German Lutheran church.
Mine hostess of the McClallen treated
It was
such a treat as revived memories of long
W. L. Laird, the irrepressible saw
mill mau of Rcston, came in today on
the uper deck of his mustang, and
cast anchor in front of the Plaixdealeb
office at 10 a. m. ,
Everything in millinery will go at re
duced prices until everything ii sold.
Como and see and 'get a new bat before
you look elsewhere.
Miss L. A. Baiuo.
The Epworth L-jgue will gito a lawn
social Friday evening, June
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Roscburg city warrants indorsed
prior to March 2. 1SU3, to present tho
samo at treasurer's office in city hall for
paj ment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Dated this l"lh day of June, 1890, at
Roseburg, Oregon.
J. A. Pkiikixs,
City Treasurer.
nucklcu's Arnica Halve.
The Best Salvo in the world for Cnts
Bruises, 6ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup,
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A.
C. Marsters & Co.
Sheop dip at Marsters'.
Lime and Marsters'.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N
Wood taken on subscription at this
Get your school books at Marsters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Solid silver tea and table spoons at
Prices marked in plain figures at the
Racket fctore.
I'uro fresh groceries and low prices at
Uasebeers grocery
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Key WeBt. imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
An excellent line of toilet soaps at
Marsters' Drug Store,
Nobby suits and latest styles at Little
Jack's. Trices very low
All styles and qualities of hats at Abra
ham's. iSedrock prices
Have you seen tbe latest in ladies' and
genta' watches at fcalzman's
Low vricts are what move goods at
the Racket Store. Call and see.
Buy your silverware at Salzman's and
get the best at the loweBt prices.
Country produce ot all kinds bought
and sold at Casebeer's grocery store,
Attorney at Law,
La Fayette Lane.
A. Sehlbrcde
F. W. Benson
C. F. Catncart
.W. A.Frater
,J. A. Underwood
J. A. Btcrllng
....A. F. Steams
IW. L. Wilson
C. II. Maupln
Jr. K. L. Miller
Thos. Smith
Attorneys & Counselors at Law
JloMebnrs, Oregon.
Yi ill practice in all the courts of Oregon. Of-
Bee in the Taylor-Wilson block.
Attorney at Law,
Treasurer ...
School Saperiudent.....
Assessor ..........
County Judge
Surveyor. ..
Sheep Inspector
fmcihct ornczBs.
Justices . John Hamlin
Constables. H.C.Slocura
A. C. Marsters
(Robert Yates
. . jDavld Clements
( H. C. Stanton
. Jo. sioore
t J. M. Fletcher
jWm. Perry
IF. II. Churchill
. ... ,lI.C.SIocum
F. ILZIglet
. B. Cannon
J. A. Perkins
1st Ward..
2nd Ward...
3rd Ward...,
4th Ward...
Rooms 3 and
Taylor A Wilson Block.
The Circuit Court for Douglas County meets
three times a Tear as follows: The 3d Mon
day In March, the 4th Monday in June, and the
1st Monaay in December, j. u. t niieixon oi
Roseburg judge, Geo. M. Brown, of Roseburg,
RO3EBDR0. OR I prosecuting attorney.
J L. BEAD LEY, M. 3).
Physician & Surgeon.
Office Hours, from 12 to 3 r.x.
Taylor 4 Wilson Brick ROSEBURG.
Notice to the Traveling Public.
Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of tho Pri
vate Boarding House, formerly known as
the Farmers' Hotel, on Lano 6trect, one
nlock east of the depot, has acquired tho
reputation of being ono of the best cater
ers in the city. Meals 15 cents; board
and lodging $3.50
Lumber for Sale, or Trade.
If you have hay, grain, bacon, beef
cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of
first class tir or cedar lumber, you wil
save money to call on Orro A. Anlack
Comstock, Oregon.
A Snap For Some One.
A small business paying 100 per cent
in the city of Roseburg, for sale cheap
for cash. Good location, good building
have private reasons for selling. Ad
dress S, care of Pl.unde.vler, Roseburg.
Residence, First door South ol Mrs. Carrier s
Hoarding uouse.
9 Special attention to Surgery and the
Diseases of omen.
J. OZIAS, 71. D.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon is now the proprietor of
this popular house. Tho table will be
.'Gth, at tho supplied with the best in the market,
McKemie, Walter Faulkner, Nathan
The Kandy Kitchen is headquarters FalIerlon George Johnson. Warren Mc
for cold drinks, chrnshed fruits, ice I,.,.... ' , " ... ... ,P. . .
La ,11 nP .Innks. Williams, Earl Gaddis, timer Wimberly
Rnn.rmd teeth to Sam Joeephson, and Robert Wilcox
Jackson (the new dentist he will treat
and save them and make them useful to
Bring your job work to the Plaixdeal
ib office. We are prepared to do the
cheapest and best work south of Port
and. Dr. Haynes makes all kinds of artifi
cial dentures such as gold, platinum and
aluminum plates, also rubber and cellu
loid. For choice family groceries, call at tho
People's Store, 3Ire. G. W. Rapp, pro
prietor, and get your supplies at bedrock
E. Dn Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day.
F. H. Simmons of the second-hand
building, is heaa
Circuit Court.
The circuit court for Douglas county
was called at 9 :15 by bis honor, Judge
J. C. Fullerton on tho bench. Tho
clerk called the grand jury by lot, as
G.II. Cntsforth.
E. E. LaBrie.
U. E. Boshnell.
Thos. Dyer.
R. L. Stephens.
R. C. Yates.
John Hobb3. .
The jury was then sworn by tbe clerk
and instructed in their duties and pow-
M. E. church. Ice cream and straw
berries will be served. A cordial invita
tion is exteuded to all.
Dr. J. W. Strange will bo in Yoncalla
from Wednesday until Saturday ot this
week. Those who deiro first class den
tistry will consult thier interest by call
ing on him while he is there.
Umpqua and Ross hose companies
will drill eveniog at S
o'clock. Members will please take
notice and govern themselves accord
ingly. E. C. Patteko.v,
L. L. Lnwis,
James M. Yonng, who has been at
New Whatcom, ash., for several
weeks on business and pleasure, returned
Sunday evening on the local. He re
ports times in Washington as fair with a
good beds and courteous treatment.
Meals 15 cents, and beds the same rate.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers you
want to trado for lumber, or if you
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
lumber, you will do well to address
P. O. box 125, Drain, Oregon.
Celebration at Boswell Springs.
There will bo a grand Fourth of July
celebration at Bo3well Springs. Every
body is invited and all are guaranteed a
good time.
For Sale.
A first class piano. Will sell cheap for
cash or on time, or will trado for prop
ertv in town. Call at this otiice.
Physician and Surgeon
IV. S. Examining Surgeon.)
Jewelrv. watches, diamonds, gold pens OFFICE. Rooms 6 and 7 Marsters' Building
... . . l I Iut.lAnu. I.': . .1 C...U r f
and optical goods at tno lowest prices at
Ladies mitts, ties and knit underwear,
hne assortment.
Novelty Store,
A few cases cood substantial boots at
reduced prices to close them ou, at H.
Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Cheaper
than the cheapest at Richards' Cash
Racket Store.
Dr. Havnes does crown and bridge
work and uuarantees the same Don't
forget tho number.
All new prices in plain RED figures
See our new "ad" in the Review.
Novelty Store
Wanted A man to cut 100 cords of
fir wood. Price 7o. Apply to C. an
Zile. BrookEide.
Want to exchange land for team and
wagon. ear rauroau, scnoot anu goou
roads. Inquire of
J. C. Dine
FokSale Improvements on 160 acre
homestead. Address u. u. n., i-laly
dealer, Roseburg, Oregon.
Casebeer the crocer, comer Jackson
and Washington, keeps the best grocer
ies. Try him and be convinced
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex- T
ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose- ' "
K,tH tnil ot rtnroa Intror than PVpr. I w 3
T. M. Stubblefield, boot and shoe
maker onnosite the deoot. does farst
class work at hard limes pnce3. Give
him voar patronage.
N. Rice, at bis ware rooms on Jackson
nnnnsirn Marks' iron Iront. has ChOlCO
household furniture and tin ware at rOR
prices to suit tuc limes.
Ladies, are vou in oerfect health? If
not. whv not trv the creat homo remedy,
Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas
county and will fill all orders promptly
If von don't want to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots and shoes
made at u. LangenDurg s. repairing
neatly and promptly done
The Square Deal store has just opened
up a beautiful lino of W. L. Douglas
suoes, wnicn prove to uc mu uvti cura i q0 jq
made, vjome ana inspect mem
Countr Court meets the 1st Wednesday alter
the 1st Monday of January. March, May, July,
September and November, A. F. Steams, ot
Oakland, judge; C. H. Manpln of Elkton
ana w. u vt uson, oi uiaaie, commissioners.
Probate Court la In session continuously. A.f
Stearns, ludge.
Society electing.
hold their regular communications at the
I. O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursday
ot each month. All members requested to at
tend regularly, and all vlsiunz Drotners cor
dially invited to attend.
HERMAN MARKS, Secretary.
J meets evcrr Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock in the Old Masonic HalL Visiting
brothers are cordially invited to attend.
u. a. UAssos,
Geo. V. 1'eeet, Councilor.
Recording Secretary.
Ay meetings the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in
Physician and Surgeon,
OrSce In S. Marks & Co.'s Block, upstairs.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Xj. MIIiTiRR, M. D.,
Surgeon and Homoeopathic
Boteburg, Oregon.
Chronic diseases a peelaltr.
CJounty Purveyor,
and Notary Public.
Orncx: In Court House.
each month.
J. B. Cawltizld, W. M.
C. W. Ear, Sec'y.
U their recular convocations at Masonic hall
on the Cist and third Tuesday of each month
Visiting companions are conuauy lnvrtea.
Isadokz Cbo, Secretary.
meets Saturday evening of each week at
their hall In Odd Fellow Temnle at Rosebunr.
Members ot he order in good standing are invit
ed to attend. R. M. CONKLING, N. G.
E. MCBROOM, Sec'y.
Odd Fellows hall on second and fourth
Fridays ot each month. Visiting brethren
are Invited to attend.
i. u. MicEua, u. r.
JOS. M1CELLI, Scribe.
n OSEBURG LODGE, NO. 16, A. O. U. W.
TV meets the second and fourth Mondays of
each month at":30 p. m. at Odd Fellows halL
Members of the order in good standing are In
vited to attend.
orders for Survcyins and Field Notes should I -p ENO POST, NO. 29, G. A. R., MEETS THE
be addressed to Will P. Ueydon, County Sur I J- first and third Thursdays of each month.
firsts and third Thursdays in each
veyor, Roscburg. O r.
Deputy Mineral Surveyor
and Notary Public
Orncx: County Jail Building, up stairs.
Special attention paid to Transfers and
Address, ROSEBURG. OR.
ALLIANCE Regular Quarterly
Meeting's will be held at Grange Hall,
C Meet
Rosebunr. tho first Friday in
and June, and the third Frid
December. March
day in September.
the umnd and fonrlh Thursaavs ot
a ? fT, IJ.Uf KniMinr IB
".r rrn',, Bailiff Woodruff, at 9:20, thus setting in
nd soDolie I motion the machinery of law and justice
Save money and time To parties Tho court appointed B. L. Stephens
going East, go by the O. K .& N. short foreman ol the jury .
route. Call on or write to Y. C. London, CQnn tben lhe on the
BoseDurg, uregon.
r-ii nn Clrvo- Torrv am! pTftminfi his
o.r, V: iv. ot,. onH vJA 1 torneys incases
CCUi lUUUitw wwrw4j fnr itniirAvnniflnt (liorp nq 1
era by the jodgo and retired in charge of m
Clintou Fitzhugh, who has been on a
visit with his parents here, on account of
a severe attack of pnemonia last fall,
has recovered, and started tohishome at
docket and beard the responses of at-llh Basin, on Judith river, Montana.
?n l,?Mi tl.ov urn in- riiiUUK la .a.-i., Cuh..btu
bowed eye glasses
offered in this city,
A. C. Uoxie sells flour at 75c and 80c a
sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents.
People should take advantage of these
prices anu give nun tneir jwuuuafcc.
Cheaper than ever terested, all moving off smoothly.
a. A. R. Picnic.
There will be a grand picnic at the
Soldiers' Home next Wednesday. Kcno
raising in that state.
The Maccabees entertainment at the
Opear Honte, Saturday night, was a
grand success in more ways than ono.
In tbe first place, being free, a full house
ices anu snve nun ineir pauuuat;c" t.-viuitia uue ..v.....-. -- . . . ,
Costly on hand at the Beer Hall: Post, No, 20, has engaged a buss with a rLJtoTSr
leese, Swiss, iimberger brick; fish, capacity for 10 at a load to convey mem- aged them to put in their best licks,
Cheese, Swiss, iimberger Uncle; hsu, capacity for 10 at a load to convey mem- iv" " - , , ' . young roosters to csxii iuge ior uuy
eniced herrinz sardines, caviar, nen- rTia frnm , . .i... wnicu was uuiy appreciiueu ; auu m iu 0uier largo iuuiuuSureua. injure ui
,,nr,r, T.irHlnitfppt.T)ickledtontrUe. ' , uvnn.l nlnr it nnnlilml I)(nutv SnDrcmo tins otiice
"-"-"' .Ti' home for those who have no means oi r V . . .i
ox-mouth sahwl. 7 t.... :n i .. rw.i Commander ', Mitchell to explain the
L. Ingenburg is till on top. He '"'"
carries a lull siocs. oi cuuiw uius&u, wu- rcuuna v " i, - i , i
i ?J:l "ll7 v-TTn t.n;ta Bfiv,r.l- ..., !iili mpm. bs derived by becoming members there
T,a .. vinlin irinin of beat nualitv . it- t ,. i of to a larco number of people. Iho re-
....... . . . nera oi tuo i oei anu . n, u. wis mvu ... .
turn dealers has now on sale a
furniture of tho latest Bt?le and finish
Give him a call before purchasing olse
Wanamaker A Brown's fine new line
of samples of men and boyB' spring
clothing just received at the Racket Store.
Call and see them. Mens all wool suits
$6.50 and upwards.
Through the month of June, I will
Imv vnur noultrv and ems and pay cash
for them on the following days: Mon
day's, Friday's and Saturday's, oppo
site the freight depot, Koseuurg.
T A- I?
Boswell Spings, this county, will cele
brate the glorious Fourth in grand style.
There is no better place in tho county to
hold a celebration, and doubtless a large
crowd will be gathered there on that
day. A cordial invitation is exteuded to
Notice is hereby given to the public
by tho undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem-
Buy your summer suits and hats of .l.mmM thereon or sand or eravel taken
Little Jack. He sells tho best quality of I therefrom, unless the party taking sand
goods and latest styles at prices lower J or gravel first contract with mo for the
right to so no.
. - r
. Rice, one of our enterprising iurni- rjAPTFP & CO
nneioioi v- -
For sale A fine jersey heifer calf.
Inquireof O.muis Buos., Roseburg Dairy.
Save money by purchasing your hats,
shirts, tics and underwear at Jack
You can get the best ice cream in
quantities at the Kandy Kitchen cheap
er than you can make it.
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whoso stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Don't cat adulterated cream candy that
comes from the wholesale houses. Get
it clean and fresh at tho Kandy Kitchen.
Two thoroughbred large white Ccchin
to exchange for
IV meets every second and fourth Sunday.
ROSEBOBG R. I). LUlniE, J. 11, l. u,u. I.
meets on Tuesday evening; of each week at
the Odd Fellows halL Visiting sisters and
orethren are invited to attend.
31AKX tjllilt-lStti, u.
A LPHA LODGE, NO. 47, K. Of P., MiilH
everr Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows
Hall. Visiting Knights in good standing cor
dially Invited to attend.
IW Jl. V.U. IV1.1. U, j. ,.
Tbe Churches.
Battist Cuuech corner of Lano and Kos
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. n.
and 70 p. m.; Young People's Union, 630 p.m.;
Mrs. E. W. Black, President; Sunday School, 10
c m.; James Chamberlain, Superintenden
Prayer Meeting, Thursday evening at 7:30.
Rav. G. w. Black Pastor.
Residence, No. S24 Main Street.
Itakpn out.
If any
ono wishes to Tgct bargains tkey
call soon, as they mean business.
is no humbug. If you doubt their word,
call and be convinced.
always on hand.
Those having second hand stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
highest cash price by calling upon X Caro Bros
!.ceJUl?e 'nnmure "ga ePP'y uea'er JIust ..ll their immense stock
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. r.,!,.r,i!,.aa nr ,nat.
Slow Jerry, tho jeweler has 14 carat .Lrr' Tv.
filled gold ladies watches now on 3aio.
Prices reduced from $25 to $15, decided
bargains. Don't fail to examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Good paBtureage for stock at reason
able rates bv the month. All stock
taken absolutely and entirely at
owner's risk in every particnlar. For
particulars enquire of C. A, Blackman,
Roberta creek.
Place to Rent Containing 3 acres,
good house and barn and all necessary
out buildings, good orchards and fine
garden spot, in tho city limits, uoou
garden partly in and balance plowed and
ready for planting. I. F. Rice & Co.
The cheap rates of five dollars cabin
and two-fifty steerage including meals
and berth are still in effect on the O. R.
&N. Go's, steamers from Portland to
San Francisco.
Steamer leaves Portland every five
than tho lowest.
For a nobby suit of clothes, call on
suit is: 21 applications for membership Jack Abraham. He can suit you, both
I . . i ? i -. r -.1 .h.I : 7 I .
and more coming.
On account of our band going to Fort
must Jones on the Fourth, wo have decided to
This have somo amusements on July let.
Smith Bailey has consented to speed ono to Boswell Springs, instead of up Salt
nil... w hnm-s ncainst a bicvcle-a river. Terms 2 per day or $10 per
D . ...l. , nn hnari
mile raco: a flve-milo raco f0r " "
as to quality of goods and prices- Don't
fail to call on him ueioro you ouy.
1 am prepared to offer lumber or wood
at reduced prices. I am taking in lum-1
bcr and wood on old accounts and in
trado for goods. T. K. Richardson.
Dcfoated candidates can get much bet-1
ter treatment and save money by going
Tresspassers will bo prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Rosb,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1S95.
6 Per Cent Money.
Whoever wishes to givo improved
farm land as security for 0 per cent
money, address V. O. box, 2o. 'JO, nose
burg, Oregon.
Malt Grain.
The best and cheapest feed for hogs
and cattle for sale at tho Ro3oburg brewery.
uuo uu. .., .... AbrahanJ( gents furnisher, keeps
Douglas county novice riders; ono lho beat Koch1s and latest of every thing
mile raco for Douglas county aniateures; s,, i,is line, and sells thorn at a lower
ami llin old men's raco. one-half milo nrica than any of his competitors. Ho
one-half milo and repeat, also sens uoots anu auoos ui iisiomsmng
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdei
suoerlor to all others.
and repeat ;
for boys under 18 years. Xovicn and
ono noyelty race, freo to all. Thu
abovo races are open to Douglas county
only. Good and suitablo prizes will be
given for nil races. I'rogr.tmmo will ap
pear in tho next paper. Tho K. P. baud
will bo on hand in full acquipment, as it
will appear in California on tho Fourth
of July.
RoxKHfiHi Road Cliii,
T. K. Richardson, Sec.
low prices. '
"Liveriue," manufactured by tho An
chor S Chemical Co., tho great Liyer,
Kidnoy and Constipation euro. An in
fallible remedy for all curablo lornis of
diseases of thoso organs. Tho greatest
knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For Balo nt M. F. Rapp's drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Family Groceries,
Books and Children's Toys.
Fruits, Nuts, French Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc.
Methodist Church comer ot Slain and Lane
streets. Sunday Service: treadling, u a. m
and 7:30 p.m.: Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; T.
W. Woolley, Superintendent; Class Meeting at
I close ol the morning service; Epworth League
6:30 p. m. Clare Hume, President. Prayer Meet
ing, Wednesday, at 730 p. m.
Rkv. G. W. Kksssdt, Pastor.
Parsonage, comer Main and Lane.
Prisbttxruh Chcbch corner ol Cass and
Bo6e streets. Sunday Service: Pupllc worship,
sm. and 7-33 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. to.;
P. S. C. E., 7 p. ra. Prayer Meeung, w eanes-
day,730 p. m.
K. B. Dilworth, Pastor.
A Omron. for Donzlas County.
Isabella C. Davenport, Plaintiff.!
vs. I
K. M. Simpson, Josaphine bimpson, t
Adda Simpson, Elizabctn bimp-i
son, Clara Simpson, Bird Simpson I
and Jesse Simpson, Defendants. J
To the above-named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon you ami
I each ot you are hereby required to appear and
answer the eompiaira nuti agiuusi you m me
above entuieii sail in me aoove nameu eouri ou
orbcfoietne'-nddayof June, lstffi. that beins
tin. rtrst ila- of the next term of said court. And
you will tate notice that if you fail so to appear
and answer said complaint tor want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief,
prayed lor in said complaint, which Is the fore
closure ol a certain mortgage given by R. M.
Simpson and Josepliiue-Simpson to plaintif tose-
: th. nf nf tlTi: 111 anil in.
UUIU IUV IV .. J w. .-'. ...
teresi, anu tnai me n-ai properiy uocuucu iu
said mortgage, to-wif Beginning at a point
north S9 degreess ana minutes west it cnains,
north 20 chains from the quarter post on line
between sections 1j ana it., lownsnip . aoutn.
Range C West Willamette Meridian, Oregon:
thence norm sa ucgrees aim j uiiuulco
7.J0'i chains; thence south 16 degrees west 16.32
chains: thence south SO degrees and 5i minutes
east liOl chains, and thence north 13.US chains
to the place of beginning, containing li60 acres.
Also all that portion or strip of gravel bar and
land that lies between the most westerly lino
of the above described premises and the South
Umpqua river, being two acres more or less, be
sold as provided by law to satisfy said inortgagtj
and interest and costs and the costs of suit, and
that you and each of you be forever barred ol all
light, title, interest or ciiuity of redemption in
or to r aid real property orany part thereof.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
.1. C. Fullerton, judge of said court, made on the
9th day of Mar, 1S98.
m9td Attorney lor Plaintiff.