The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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Published Dully, except Sunday.
SobHcrlptlon Kitten.
Ono Year, by mIL........-.....-.
Six Months,
Three Months "
One Month
Per Week, dcltTf red by Carriet
W 00
. 75
Ylie Weekly rinludenlcr
One Year f-
Six Month . I W
Thrre Month " . ,...... 50
A Queer Case. J
Ashland Tiding. Hie election of
Assessor Jackson as county clerk may ,
cause some embarrassment unless dijlo- (
matic relations are established between J
Judge Neil and the popolist
some manner, and even
ill that event I
there may still be embarrassment
Jackson cannot qualify as clerk while
he is assessor and his term of otlice as
assessor does not expire until next Jan-
uary. tie must quality as ciers- on-iuiy
l.t -.mi tn nsira 1 for,, that time 3S will 1
be necessary will givu Judge Xeil the
nnnnintrrn-nt nf In." snetf?s?or. Mr.
Jackson is now in tlic midst of the 1S90 i
assessment aud it is net probable that a
democratic asjeascr to be appointed
wonld care to take np Mr. Jackson's
work where he left off, and continue it
and father the whole work.
Will Have No Nigxcrs.
The race war has been renewed by
the St. Louis hotels and other places of
pnblic accommodations. Tni-t, t3, af
ter promising the republican committee
al Washington as a condition of their
giving that city the place of holdiog the
republican national convention that no
discrimination would be made against
colored delegates from the southern
States. But thesa "white trash" ot St.
Louis will not allow a nigger to eat or
sleep beneath the roofs of their public
booses or steamboats. This discrimina
tion against the ebon hue-J delegates is
causing considerable annoyance to the
managers of the convention, and trouble
is brewing.
In reply to the direct question of a re
porter of the Lexington Argonaut,
Colonel W. N. P. Breckinridge is quoted
as follows:
"Well, sir, I do not intend to say
much on this point, but yon may simply
say for me that I intend to bs the next
democratic congressman from the Ash
land district. That is all I have to say
just now."
"You may fool all the people put of the
time and some of the people all the time,
but you can't fool all the people all the
time.' Politicians, mugwumpery, sore
heads and disgruntled office seekeis
should learn that lesson and try to profit
by their example. Tbe day is coming
and now is, when they will find, like
ithello, their occupation is gone.
There is talk of the St. Louis canven
tioa straddling on the money question.
If they do, their candidate's name is
Dennis. The convention should draw
the lines squarely on f'ee silver, one
way or the other and let the issue be
met now and settle the question once
and for all. It is no time now for temporizing.
I statements to the state department re-
II. U. Miller of Josephine has been j garding tbe treatment to whfch thev
rebuke J by the people of his connty for i were subjected in Cuba, the elder IM
the part he took in the Albany conven- j gaj0 haVmg been shot almost to death
tiou. Josephine gave Tongue only G5 oy the Spauieh soldier?, his servants
plurality and Mr. Miller will lose bis murdered, and nronerlv defitmv.xl.
reward, a fat government otlice.
Under the democratic tariff wo have
had revenue deficiencies not only every
month but every hour. The lond-pro-ducing
word never lets up an iiiEtant.
One thing certain, if McKinley is de
feated for the presidency it wont belie
canse he has written give away letters.
The Competitive Drill.
Much interest is manifested by the
members of Company A of this city in
the couictitivc drill, which will be held
in the armory tonight. The gold medal,
to be presented by tbe members of Keno
l'ojt, (i. A. It. of this city, will be given
to the best drilled man, and tbe silk
banner, presented by tbe W. H. C, will
be awarded to the best drilled squad.
After tho drill the militia boys will give
:t social dance. Kvcrybody cordially iu
viled. Muic will be furnished by the
Koacburg orchestra.
I'b' ollicial vote o( Josephine county
hlj'jHd that II. C. Perkins, fusion candi
date for H'jrvuyor, has tied with It. O.
McUullocb, republican candidate, each
receiving 871 votes. They will bo com
pelled to settle the matter by "drawing
straws." (iuard.
Ne.itfifiM oil, machine and lubricating
oils at MarslcrB' Drng Store.
At St. Louis.
Sr. Lou is, Juno 10. Tlio national re
publican committee met at 12 o'clock,
with Chairman Curler, of Montana, !n
the chair. There were very fow ab
sentees. The business before tho committee.
Urn consideration of lbS contests, was
promptly taken up. Tho initial meet'
ing was of executive character, tho press
and public Iwing excluded. Tho execu
tive committee of the national committee
held a meeting today to hear tho report
of Ihu subcommittee, which made tho
arrangements for the convention.
The committee had been in session
only a few minutes when Hichards Ker
ens offered a motion to admit tho precs
which was adopted.
It was discovered as soon as tho cotn-
uiitteo announced its readiness to take
up the Alabama contests that the parlies
were not predated to proceed immedi
ately. A recess was therforo taken un
til 2 o'clock, when it was announced
that tho states would bo taken up in al
phabetical order to hear the contest'.
The national committee expects to go
f hnwiMi.ltli iU Itm (nfttltt lif -lit tlin
cases nrefenleil.
The members are of the opinion that
the interests of tho party will be pro
moted bv a careful analysis of tho tes
timony and a decision in all caseB upon
its meiits regardless of personal presi
dential candidates' preference, or the
prejudices of the contestants iiton the
financial tmestion. Their decision in fa
vorof any delegation will have only the
effect of seating lis members for tempo-
rarv oiganizatiou and their work will
necessarily be superceded by the com-
1 1 . - 4 - 1 - 1..., .1 1
""-e on trtucuiuis, uui uicj nuj-u io
: pcriorm me tass so uioruuguiy as io
leave comparatively little for
thai corn-
mitteo to do.
The national committee will piobably
be engaged upon the contests the greater
Pa" 01 l"e weeK
The McKinley men have decided upon
l". W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, for tempo-
clllirman- bot man' members are
urging bamuel tessenuen, ot Uonneticut.
Fesseiiden will not be satisfactory to the
McKinley leaders, and if the national
committee should name him it might
precipitate a contest iu the convention
It is possible, however, that everything
will b; adjusted iu the committee.
The trouble about the colored delegates
seems to be settled. Chaiunan Carter
has received numerous telegrams from
all over the country calling for tho re
moval of the convention if the colored
men do not receive fair treatment. The
matter ill be brought up in the com
mittec today, and Chairman Kennard, of
the local committee, will give assnrances
that the colored delegates will te taken
care of.
A careful analysis of the situation
seems to indicate that a straddle of tbo
financial question will not be popular.
A straddle to hold the silver states, the
leaders say, would loie New York, New
Jersey and Conneticutin case of a gold
democrat in the neid. 1 lie silver men
claim that no straddt the republicans
could adopt would hold Colorado and
snch ttates against the nominee of demo
crats and republicans on a silver plat
form. Figuring on tbe basis of the elect
oral college, it is declared that the only
logical and candid way is to condem
free coinage "and declare in an unmistak
able way for the present etandarJ
War With Spain.
SiKi.NfiriELD, O.," June 10. James
Creelman, the war correspondent who
bad to leave Cnba rcct ntly by order of
General Weylcr, says he thinks there
will be a war with Spain. He eays the
American people will lb thunderstruck
when tbe documents in tbe possession of
Uic state department arc made public.
Spain is anxions for war.
Twenty-five million dollars' worth of
American property has been destroyed
in Cnba 'and many Americans killed
without provocation.
Arrival of the Dclgados.
New Youk, June 10. Dr. J L. Delga
do and con, J. 51. Delgado, American
citizens, reached this city on the steamer
City of Washington, from Havana. Thev
! are going to Washington to make formal
) There also came on the City of Wash.
! ington Felix Cabello, an officer in the
Sani:h service, said to ba on an impor
tant errand to this country.
Good Health
And a good appetite go hand in hand.
With the loss of appetite, the system
cannot long sustain ltboif. Thus tho for
tifications cf good health are broken
, down and the system is liable to attacks
of disease. It is in such cases that the
medicinal powers of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla aro clearly shown. Thousands who
have taken Hood's Saisaparilla testify to
its great merits as a purifier of the blood,
its powers to restore and sharpen the ap
petite and promote a healthy action of
the digestive organs. Thus it is, not
what wo say but what Hood's Sarsapa
rilla does that tells the story and con
stitutes the strongest recommendation
that can be urged for any medicine.
Why not take Hoixl'a Sareaparilla now?
Cure I'or Ilcadnclic.
As a remedy fur all forms of Ileadacho
Electric Hitters has royed to bo tbo very
best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded, habitual sick head
aches yield to its influence. We urge all
who are alllicted to procure a bottle, and
give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of
habitual consumption Electric Hitters
cures by giving the ncded tone to tho
bowels, and few cases long resist tbo use
of this medicine. Try it once. Large
bottles only Fifty cents ut A. (J. Marsters
ft Co.'s Drug Store.
Yesterday evening a most disgusting
ind out raucous crimo was perpotrated
upon tho tHsraon of a young boy in a
hobos' camp iu the river bottom a short
distnuco beyond tho Eugene bridge.
The crime committed was that of sod
omy and thoibcasts who did it compolled
tho holpless boy to"nccede to their de
mands by using force. He was badly
burned and beaten ly tho Honda in
human flesh, who were in a drunken
condition at itio tnno tlio act was com
A lot of hobos have been lounging
around in that vicinity for two or three
days. Among the crowd was a boy who
was working his way south. Yesterday
these outcasts irom society nnu tlio re
spect of their fellow men procured
enough whisky with which (o place them
selves in'an intoxicated condition. It
was while in this condition that the
crime was committed. As soon as tbo
boy could escape from tho horrible at
tacks make upon him ho ran toward
town ecrerming for help.
Marshal Day, Policeman 1'ialt and
Sheriff Jolfnson last evening invaded the
camp and arrested eight of . the hobos
They were placed in jail and the matter
brought before the grandjury today.
The town has been thrown into a fever
of excitement over the hornbleness of
the crimo and welljmay it bo. for had a
woman chanced to pass that way at that
time, what might have happened to her
at the hands af these drunken fcolB is loo
awful to bo thought of.
Attempts to commit crimes similar to
this one were made in this vicinity by
holms last spring and in view of this fact
no mercy should be shown the culprits
now in jail.
1 no granu jury has ieen working on
the case all afternoon and at tho time ot
going to press had not yet rendered an
indictment, although a large number of
witnesses had been examined.
The sentiment of the people and their
protection from such brutes as these de
manu mat qut.-e iiisuce ne meted out in
this cose. Guard.
If it required an annual outlay of $100
to insure a family against any serious
consequences Irom an attack ot bowel
conipiaini during tne vear there are
many who would feel it their duty to pay
it; that they could not afford to-risk
their lives, and those of their family for
such an amount. Any one can gel this
insurance for 25 cents, thai being the
price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,-
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. In al
most every neighborhood some one has
died from an attack of bowel complaint
before medicine could be procured or a
physician summoned. One or two doses
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
case. It never fails. Can you afford to
take tbe risk for so email an amonnt?
For eale by A. C. Marstera & Co,
Jir. James rerdue, an old soldier re
siding at Momoe, Mich., was severely
afllicted with rheumatism but received
prompt relief from pain by using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. lie says:
"At times my back would acne so
badly that I could hardly raise
up. If I had not gotten relief I would
not be hero to write these few lines.
namueriain s rain luim lias done me
a great deal of good and I feel very
thankful for it." For sale bv A. C.
itio tax roll tor IblVi will remain open
up to ana including Juno Htn - per
cent will be added to tho tax nntil that
date, when tbe roll will be closed for the
purpose of making the delinquent roll,
after which time 3 per cent will be
addci to the original tax.
C. F. Catiicart, Sheriff.
Now fs the lime to provide yourself
and family with a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera asd.Diarrha-a Rem
edy as a safeguard against an attack of
Dowel complaint uuring the sntniner
months. It coats but 25 cents and is al
most sure to be necueil before tne sum
mer is over. This remedy nover fails,
even in the most'severe cases, and is in
fact the only preparation that can al
was be depended upon. When reduced
with water it is pleasant to take. For
sale by A. t Marsters.
For Tonr Protection. Catarrh 'Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to Ik- taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of, or both, which arc injur
ious if toolong taken. Catarrh if a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden cbauge to
cold or damp weather. It ttnrts iu the nasal
passages, affecting eves, cars and throat.
Cold in the head causes cxc-sive flow of
mucus aud, if rvpca'edly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring hound in the ears, lad
breath, nnd oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should le quick to allay
inflammation nnd heal the memlircne. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged euro for
these troubles aud contains no mercury
nor any injurious drag. Price, GO ccnU.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers you
want to trade for lumber, or if you
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
lumter, you will do well to address
P. O. box 125, Drain, Oregon.
Lumber for Sale, or Trade.
Ifj"" have bay, grain, bacon, beef
catll r a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of
first ilasa ilr or cedar lumber, you wil
savo money to call on Orro A. Anlauk
Comstock, Oregon.
A Snap For Some One.
A Email business paying 100 per cent
in the city of Roseburg, for sale cheap
for cash. Good location, good building
have private reasons for selling. Ad
dress S, care of Plaimikalku, Koeeburg.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In Ieav
vnlng power as tho Royal.
Company A Second Regiment O. N. O.
The time for which this company en
listed, expires Juno lti. Tho company
will make nn effort to re-enhet and re
cruit its members, as a fow of tho pres
ent members, on account of sickness and
removals will probably net re-enlist.
Tbo majority will however re-enlist.
Tho minimum is 3(3 members, the max-
mum 03 including officers. Ordinarily
in times of peace, militia companies are
moro ornamental than useful for any
real good perseo.
But it is an old and trite saying : "In
time of peace prepare for war." The
recent troubles from strikes inako it ad-
vitable for tho state to bo in readiness to
put down insubordinations to law and
order when necessary, and a well organ
ized militia is one of the means of the
state to cnfoice obedience to law and
protect peaceful citizens. Every law
upon our statute book means bullets be
hind it. The organized militia of Rose-
burg has been under drill for tho last
thiee years and mako a reepectablo
showing. They are a lino lot of young
men, the flower of tho city and country.
Thoy should bo encouraged to maintain
their organization entact, for their ser
vices may be required in the near
Thero is a disposition in some quartets
to dif courage this organization and main
tenance of militia companies on 'accouut
of tho expense. Such objections aro
frivolous, for those companies receive
and distribute about flOO a year at poiuta
where they are located, and thus help to and bearing-down sen
. , .. ,. ' . sations and the doctors
put in circulation mat iuutu ujuuuj
amongst business men and those
connected with them. Besides this the
supplies furnished them, including blan
kets, uniforms aud nccouterments are of
Oregon material as far as practicable.
Let company A Second Regiment O. K
U. be recnlisled by all means and re
cruited up to the maximum.
For Kale A tine jersey heifer calf.
Inquired Gaddis Bkos , Roseburg Dairy.
Medical value in a Uittle of Ilood't SarsaparilU
than in any oilier prriaratinu.
Moro more ran-, uiorr espouse in manu
facture. It c-t proprietor and dealer
Moro but It eiHtttlie roiinniier It ss, as he gets
more do-o lor U money
Moro curathe jjer is M-ruretl by its peculiar
combination. prorlion ami proce-i.
More wonderful cure i-netctl. more te-tlmoi-monlali.
more sales and more Increase.
Many more reasons w liy you MhuiM take
Tbe One True Blood Turiner. AH drupsists. St.
. . nlll are Hie only pills to take
liOOu S FlllS with Hood s aIap3il.
Iplai1 nigp of JHCBbe$.
Fine Musical and Ulaiy Program
Southern Pacific Co.
Exprns trains Intra Portland daily.
South I Korth
8:S0r. . Lt. - Portland - Ar. 8:10 a. x
525 a.m. I.v. - Koscburg - Lv. 11:40 r. . Ar. - gan Francisco Lv. 6:00 r. M.
Above trains tton at Eaat 1'ortland. Orecon
City, Woodbum, Salem, Turner, Marlon, Jcffcr-
aon, AlDanr, AitJinj juuzuou, lanrcm
rihedds, llalfcr. Harrlsburc. Junction City,
Irving, Eugene, Crcivrclt, Drain, and all ttatloui
irom ttotcourt to .imiauu ihciiuitb
Uoacburg JIail Dally.
8:301. X.
620 r. x.
Ar. I 4:40 r. x
- Lv. ISlDi. x.
.Hnlcm raHHenirer Dally.
4:00 r. x. I Lv. 1'ortland Ar. 10:15 A. X.
6:15 r. X. Ar. - Salem - Lv. 8:00 x. x.
mm.-vf. cuts on o;ni:. iiotrrc
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Tralna.
West Side Division.
Uctwrccp Portland aud Coryallia
Mall train dally (except Supday).
7:30 a. x. i
12:15 r. m.
5:40 r.x
ISO r.x
At Albany and Corvallls connect with tralm
Ol Oregon Central & Kaatcrn railroad.
Exprcaa train daily (except Sunday).
4:45 r. x.
7.-2S r. x.
8:'5 A.
5:50 A.
Through Tlckcta to all I'oluu lit
tho Kaatcrn Slu tea, Canada nnd
Europe enn be obtained at low
cal rate Irom Ccorgo Eatcs, Agent
Manager. Asst. U. F. i I'aaa. Agcn
Notice It hereby siren to all whom lt may con
cern that I hY8 appolnte-l D, W. Btearni of Cala.
pooia precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said
precinct; poatolBce addreaa, Oakland; also A. J.
Chapman of Wllbar, and Ralph Smith, at Roes
burfr. to act daring- my abience, and others wll
ba added as partlea Impacted make their desire
known to me.
Roaebnrr, Uay 4th, 18ST.
Inpeclsnr of Htock fo Donglaa county, Or.
to recovery, the
"young woman
who is taking
Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Pre
scription. In
maidenhood, wo
manhood, wife
hood and moth
erhood the " Pre
scription" is a
supporting tonic
and nervine
that's peculiarly
adapted to her
needs, regulating,
strengthening and cur
tntr the derangements
J of the sex. Why is it
ao many women owe theirDcauty to ut.
rierce 8 favorite x-ieaciipuun i hcwuoc
beauty of form and face radiate from the
common center health. The best bodily
condition results from good food, fresh air
and exercise coupled with the judicious use
of the "Prescription."
If there be headache, nam in the back,
bearing-down sensations, or general de
bilitv. or if there be nervous disturbance.
nervous prostration, ana sleeplessness, me
"Prescription" reaches the origin of the
trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches
and nains. corrects disolacetnentsand cures
catarrhal inflammation of the lining mem
branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir-
regularities ana icinurcu inamuics.
Mrs. Frank Cam-
riELD. otEasl Dickin
son, Franklin Co., N.
Y.. writes : " i aeem v
my duty to express my
deep, heart-felt grati
tude to you for having
been the means, unaer
Providence, of restor
ing me to health, for I
have been by spells un
able to walk. My
troubles were of the
womb inflammatory
all said, they could not
cure inc.
Twelve bottles of Dr.
Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription
has cured me."
by, dealing Willi
406 Jackson St
One door south P.O.
Choice Teas, Coffees.
Tobaccos and Clears.
And every thing else in
Highest Harket Paid for Country Prod ate.
Give him a call and be convinced.
Family Groceries
Books and Children's Toys.
Frnits, Nuts, French Candies, Confectiouerj
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc
A apclal branit jt unadulterated Tea.
Is haTin; a Uigr aalc e style
Glass and Delf Ware
at i(oaI.hmj tow price. Car own
lomivt are Terj popular.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby bUcii by the
adminl.lnitur ol ttie estate ol
Lauehliu. tlt-ccacd. that he will on Mondav.
josepu .no
June 15. ls-.w. offer lor ale on the premises on
you tli liver Creek, S headoi horses, II head ot
yearlinr; cattle, o three- ear-old stccr. IS head
otcoHsand calves 2 head ol conn and two-
year-old belters, A head ol hoes !0bulicls ol
heat, 1 bugpy and barnesi and a set ol black
Binith lools.
Tennsol sale Si month, with approved
security. K. II. DIXON,
Administrator id the Kktatc ot Joseph Mc
IjHighlln, lcceimsl.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is herebv pi on that the uuilcriued
has filed his linal "account in the County Court
as administrator ol the estate ot Charles iloly
lield, deceased, and that Ihe said County Court
ol Douglas County, State ol OrvRon has flaed
Tuesday, the 7th day ol July, 18M, at - o'clock
p.m. of said day as the time for hcarliiR objec
tions, il any there be to said final account, and
the settlement ol said estate.
Dated this 3nl day ol June, lsOij.
Admlnhtrator ot the estate of Chur. llolyfield,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Kotice is hereby Riven that the undoniiKncd
has tiled his tiiml account In the County Court
ax administnitor ol the cstatu'ot Perkins A
Hohtield, aud that the said Couuty Court of
DoukIiih County basjll.ied Tuesday, the 7th day
July, ls'.i;, at 'Jo'olock p. m. ol said day, as the
IJme for hearing objections, il any there be to
said linal accouut, aud the settlement ol stild
Dated this 3rd day ol Jiuc, ls-'.Hj.
Administrator of -the estatoof Perkins A lfoly
iicld. jlt5
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that tbe uudcrsigncd,
Ellu Lauh, (formerly EUn McLaughlin), has
tiled her final account in the County Court, as
administratrix of the estate ot Joseph 11 e
Laughlln, deceased, and that the said Couuty
Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, has
fixed Tuesday, tho 7th day of July, 1W, ut 1
o'clock p. in. of said day, as the time for hearing
objections, 11 any there bo to said final ac
count, and the settlement of said estate.
Dated this 3nl day of June, ISM.
Administratrix ot tho estate ol Joseph Me
Lntiglilin, deceived. j It )
Mrs. Cam field.
ol Oregon lor me touuu
O. Robertson, .FlalntlflVI
Charles W.JobnstOD,JenuleA.Jonn-
Bton, Doran u. Biearus,
H. Stearns, isaacMicuaei, mno
B. Rabb, Stearns Fruit Land Com
pany, a corporation: a. r. neu
drlcks, L. Z. Hendricks, Melanc-
mm Defendant.)
T r4 ann I .111 II IV" III IJUUK-
Jonntfi A. Johnston
and Everett B.Rnbb, the above named defen-
3Intthc name ot the Stato of Oregon, you i and
each ol you are hereby require.; to appear ana
answer the amended complaint tiled against
u In the aboTe entitled suit, on or beloroMon
ill .,.1 .i.vnf Jiinp. 1K9G. tho same being
"r '.."it r:.. vri;- r. At ihn Btvo en-
titled court next following six weeks publica
tion ot this summons, anu 11 jou " rrfo
ticar and answer, for want Hereof the P'alntur
wlll apply
in said cot
to said court lor the relief prayed for
iplaint, to-wit: .
jthntr.inintKrhnve ind recover ol
and from the defendants, Charles W. Johnjttn,
ti a inhn.tnn and the Steams Fruit Land
Wlin interval lutrau i" ". ,""r r.
rate of eight per cent, per annum from the Ut
r v..hi... lsai nd for the further sum
ofli8.7 5in like coin, with Interest thereon at
.1.1 ..k. Ar niffhr nr nnt. ncr Annum from tne
Ut day of November, lS'Jl, and for the further
sum of $09.03 with interest tnereon ai ine raujuj
January, 1S06, and the further sum of 116150
attorncys fees, and the cosU and disbursements
,.f.hi..iitt And for a decree foreclosing tne
nne anr Tvor annn rri 1 n 1111 uic jiu ubj w
mortgage executed and delivered by said defen r'li.ri., w. Jnhmtnn and Jennie A. Joan
ston to tne Jarvisonann jiorigiwo uu,,
pany, and by it assigned to plaintiff, on the fol-
intv of Douglas, Stale of Oregon, and more
nartlcularlv bounded and described as lonows,
t, 'r 1.tiattnn land rlulm of llenrT
tw.iv oUlm Nn. 41 in Sections nine fJ) and
.wtwn fir.v Tnwnthiii 'A South. Range 5 Viesl
ottho Willamette Meridian; and lots one (1).
Section' sixteen' (161. and more particularly
I.n lt thiMWTl Tntir 111 I1VO I.TI. BIX IDI IU BA1U
bounded and described as louons, uj-wu;
Rooinninir t thi northwest corner of the Sam
ucl Ilarkness Bonation Land Claim, being
claim No. 41 In Township 27 South, Kange .
win tho wniRmcite Menaian: mence ran
nine north 517 chains; thence east C0.58 chains:
thencn tnnth !7Ji2 chains: thence cast 12.62
chains; thence south 33.75 chains; thence west
Ii2l chains to the place ol Deginmng. aiso a
tract of land beginning at the northeast corner
of the said Henry Punly Donation Land Claim,
being claim no. n: mence running Heat ou-JO
chains; thence south 5.80 chains; thence east
30iS chains: thence north 25.80 chains to tne
place of beginning, excepting tnereirom io
nlnotoi and un Mm in anfil Sections 9. All of
tne aoove acsenrjea real property Ln.iuS
in Sections 9 and 16, Township 27 South,
Range 5 West of the Willamette Meri
dian, containing in all 273.40 acres more
or less, and declaring said mortgage to be
a first lien on said real property, and the Hens
or Interests of the defendants, If any, subee
iuent in point of time and inferior in merit to
piainuu a saia mortgage, arm uj km mi'i f ' J
law provided to satisfy such decree as plaintiff
may obtain In this suit, and that defendants
and each of them be forever barred and fore
Mnsod nl all richt. title or interest in or to said
raal property, or any part thereof, and that
Dlalntiff have such other and further relief as
io me court may wxm met auu tuiutuic.
This summons Is published by order of lion'
orable J. C. Fullerton. judge of the above en
titled court, duly made and entered on the 27th-
uay oi Jiarcn, iva.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sale Under Decree and Execution
O. H. Beyers, Plaintiff,
William H. Harris, Eetella Harris,
Martha Chaney, Harmer Chaney,
AnnaM. Brown, O. F. Hlxson, J.
F. OvcrstreeL II. R. Bcntien and
Iwis Stcneer. Defendants.)
-NTOTlCEls Ircrebr riven that under and bT
virtue ot an execution and order of sale is
sued out of the Circuit Court for the County of
Douglas. State of Oregon, dated May 7th, A. D..
lsSis In favor of O. II. Beyers, plaintiff, and
against William 11. Harris. Estella Harris. Mar
thaChaner. Harmer Chancy. Anna M. Brown,
O. F. itlxson. J. F. Overstreet, II. R. BenUcn
and Lewis Stenzcr. defendant), commandin:
mc to make sale of the certain mortcaccd real
property In laid execution and hereinafter par
ticularly described to the demands of
me saia piaimin, ro-wii: lnesnmoi inineen
hundred and twenty-one and 37-100 Dollars
(S1321.37) with interest thereon at the rate of 10
Ercvnt per annum irom me l.inaayoi Jiarcn.
and the further sum of One hundred and
filtv fJlTO-OOl Dollars attorney lees: and the fur
ther sum ot Sixty-five (K5.00) Dollars for taxes
paid on said premises : and the furtthcr sum ol
Forty-eight Dollars (H-00 costs and disburse
ments aud the costs ol and upon this writ,
will on
Tuesday, the i6th day of June, 1896,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of raid day at the
frontdoor of the Court House In Roscburz,
Douglas county, Oregon, offer for sale and sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for cash
all the right title and interest defendants,
William II. Harris and Estella Harris, had on
the 31st day ot August, ISK, or may at any time
since acquired in or to tho following described
land and premises, to-wit: Beginning at the
northeast corner ol tbe C. W. Beck worth dona
tion land claim .claim No. 39, in township 30
south, of range 4 west, of the Willamette Me
ridian, running tnencc west ISJrO chains,
thence north alonz the west line of the'AIexan.
der Dumond donation land claim, claim No. 46,
45 chains, thence east alonsr the north line nf
said claim No. 46, 21.2J chains to tho section line
between sec lions 4 ana 5. tnencc south aloni
said section line 5.25 chains to the south line o:
said donation land claim No. 46: thence west
9.s; chains; thence north 11.25 chains to tbe
place ol beginning, containing 124.19 acres of
land in Douglas county. State of Oregon. AUo
beginning at the northeast comer of said C. W.
Bcckworth's donation land claim, claim No. 33
in sid Township and Range; thence running
SKt "i rhaintr thnro smith 11 rhalm
chains: thence south 11.15 chains
east 37.S5 chains: thence north 11!:
chains to the place ol beginning, containing acres. The two tracts above described
containing i.x acres of land, all situated in
Sections 4 and ol Township 30 South. Ranze
Wist ol the Willamette Meridian and in Doug
las county, staie 01 urcgon.
ShcrifTol Douglas, County, Oregon,
By W. W. Catiicart, Dcpu t. 4td
A. On-poll- for IVniTn I'nnnr
Isabella C. Davenport, riaintifr.
R. M. Simpson, Josaphinc Simpson,
Adda Simpson, EUzabeth simp
son. Clara simijon. Bird Simpson
and Jesse Simpson, Defendants, j
To the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit in the above named court on
or beloie the 22nd day ol June, 1SSS. tbat being
the first day of the next term of saidcourt. And
you m ill take notice that if you tall so to appear
and ansn er said complaint lor want thereof the
plaintiff vt ill apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in said complaint, which bj the fore
closure of a certain mortgage given by R. M.
Simpson and JqsephineSimpson to plaintif to se
cure the payment of the sum of 1276.W and in
terest, sud that the real property described in
said mortgage, to-wit Beginning at a point
north degrees and 35 minutes west 11 chains,
north 20 chains from the quarter post on line
between Sections 15 and lfi. Township 27 South,
Range 6 West Willamette Meridian, Oregon:
thence north M) degrees and to minutes west
7.S0', chains; thence south 16 degrees west 162
chains: thence south 9 degrees and 55 minutes
cast 12.01 chains, and thence north Ij.'JS chains
to the place of beginning, containing 15.60 acres.
Also all that portion or strip of gravel bar and
land that lies between the most westerly line
ol the above dccrlbed premises and tho South
Umpqua river, being two acres more or less, be
sold as provided by law to satisfy said mortgage
aud interest and costs and the costs of suit, and
that you and each of you be forever barred of all
right, title. Interest or equity of redemption in'
or to said real property or any part thereof.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
J. C. Fullerton, judge of said court, made ou the
9th day of May, lt.96.
mOtd Attorney for Plaintiff.
-1- Oregon for Douglas couitty.
Sarah E. Pierce, Plaintiff.)
Bcnjaman Pierce. Defendant.)
10 licnjaman 1 eirce Defendant; in tne name
before tho
tirst day of next regular term of abovo court to
wit: Jupc22nd,lfc9t;, and If you fail Plaintiff
will take degree against you dissolving your
marriage contract, aud lor future care and cus
tody ol (icorge pierce, your minor child.
Fbbd Paok-Tostu.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
J. c. Fullerton, Judge of said Court. Dated May
6th, 1S96. m7 td.
Administratrix First Notice.
undersigned has been appointed adminis
tratrix ol the cstato of D. C. McClallen, de
ceased, by the County Court ol Douglas County,
Oregon. All persons having claims against
said estate must present the samo to mc at tho
McClallen (Uouso duly verified within six
months Irom this date.
Dated at Roseburg, the 7th day ol May. 1S9i'.
.1110. r.i.r.ui A u. JH'UL.Ai.i.r..N,
Administratrix ol the estate ot
D. 0. McClallen, Deceased.
A. C. flARSTERS & CO.,
Have lust opened a flrst-class Feed Store and
have on hand a large Invoice of the best
Roseburg and Valley i lour, uaiea iiay, uraui
and Feed of all kinds. All purchases delivered
free. Cor. Casa and Rose .street.
Cigar Store
J. R. BEARD, Propr.
(Successor to SENATE SALOON.)
Choice Cigars and all kinds of Temperance
Drinks constantly on hand.
Removed from cor. Oak and Jackson to
E. MCNEILL, Receiver.
Gives the Choice o!
Kansas City
Low Kates to all Eastern Cities.
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock, Portland, at S
p.m., every live days.
Cabin. $o.00, steerage,
For full details call on or addres
v. c. x.ojsrnor.
Agent, Koseburg, Oregon, or address
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
The) Northers) Pagifig)
Is the Line to Tako
To alt Points East and South.
t Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruns through
Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed.
Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers,
01 Latest Equipment.
touiust sleeimm; cars
Best that can bo constructed and In
which accommodations are both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Ticket-,, and
A Continuous Hue connecting with All line?,
affording Direct aud Uninterrupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured iu
advance through any agent of the road.
THROUCH TICKETS To and from all Points in
America, England and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Company.
Full information concerning rates, time of
trains, routes aud other details furnished on
application to
. S. K. nCICK,
Local agent at Rosebrg.Or., or
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St, cor. Washlncton,