The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 08, 1896, Image 2

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Published Dally, except Sunday.
W F,
C. Y.
Subscription RntcH.
One Year, l-y mail .. ........ja 00
Six Months, " . l X)
Three Months " 75
One Month ........ . . 25
for Veok, lolirrnxl l.y rrrici..... 10
TUt Weekly
One Year ,
Six Month ....... ..
Three Months
..n 00
, 1 to
, 50
In passing the riverand harbor bill over
the president's veto, congress not only
siveu the country from havipj; gteat in
instioi done to its vast commerce, but it
administered a well deserved rebuke to
Mr. Cleveland. The veto message was
more like an alter-praycr talk ol a coun
try school teacher to a class of stupid
boys than a state paper; besides con
gress knows betttr than Mr. Cleveland
what the country needs, and he pre
sumes when he tells the direct represent
atives of the people Hint he is the sole
guradian of llieir constituents.
Of the 2S0 ccrTrs?rcen voting only 60
sustain the veto, and no donbt they are
heartily ashamed by this time of their
effort to cripple the country's trade ami
traffic. It is sijnrificant that only one
populist voted for the bill, but it is not
surprising that a large following of dem
ocrats voted for it, for whatever else may
be said, there are some democrats in
congress who always have an eye single
to the goad of the material welfare of the
people, and who have the courage to
vote right, whether it is for or againat
the president.
But the bill is now a law, and the
work of improving the country's water
ways and harbors should be Pushed as
rapidly as possible. The portion of the
appropriation that is designated for Cali-
Icrnu is liberal enough to undertake the
work cn a large scale, for of coarse the
next congress and White bouse occupant
mil bo heartily ia sympathy with the
policy of interna! improvements, and
hen co Enbseqnest appropriations can be
relied upon. Passing the bill over the
veto ia a great victory for the commerce
of California, and the who!e canntrv toi
the more so because it affirms a national
policy that will stand for many years to
come. And last, though not least,
Cleveland is turned down to stav down
To one given (o thoughtful reflections
the close of a week's labor presents food
for meditation. During a week's bat
tling in tho biuy affairs of lifo many
problems come tu for solution that
taxes one's powcis of disrcnuiicnt and
rightful decision. Ho finds himself en-
gulphed in a maelstrom of environ
ments. His frail bark of self-interest is
in a ceaseless secthini: of boistrotis
waves dashing hither and thither ugains
the Scilla of error on one sido ami tho
Charybdis of mistakes on tho other.
And lucky is ho or she who shall be
able to stear clear of both and launch out
ucn the calm sea beyond mul turn their
prows safely into tho haven of peaceful
The multiplicity of self interests are so
great, the inducements for gain engen
dered by natuial desires, aie so potent
and the opportunities fur indulgence are
eo numerous and piessirg, that no ordi
nary mind can fully comprehend at
every phase of the Rhifting tcenes, the
tnib courso to cersue, or has the power
to always keep in the path of duty
Life as we behold it, as a wbole.-Js
a vast llowing river, sweeping on
with a resistless current, coming from
we know not whither, and llowing into
an ocean of such vastness that ; lie
mind cannot comprehend it.
As we nre borne along on the mightv
current we crasp at the littlu willow
twigs of hope on the shores of little isles
and rest for a few moments, often with
the energy of despair, and then lloat on
uown the stream again ever aud auon
passing or are passed bv others, and
finally drop into the ocean of Eternity to
mingle with "those gone lfore" and
form an eteinal oneness with that from
which we emanated, as vapors from the
ocean rise and minsle in the miner
deep and are swallowed up by the invis
ble air and carried over continents bv
currents, moving under laws of cause
of effect.
So is man. He conies upon the stace
of life under the operation of an immu
table law, is pressed forward in the
mighty current of the on flowing river of
Life modified by environments he cau-
not control, and ti rally passes over to
the unknown sea of ultimate oblivion.
If one be endowed with superior abili
ties he may for a while shine like a brill
lant me'eor in U19 firmament of human
activities, but by and by ins light goes
out, while the worM continues to revolve
as bjfore.
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An analysis of the vote last .Monday
reveals some iueer facts not easily ex
plained. The vote as compared with
two yeirs ago with regard to pirty atfili
ations, shows that while one candidate
on the republican ficket had a bare plu
rallty another of the party had a good
majority overall competitors, and that
two only were beatec the sheriff and
coanty school superintendent ; the for
mer by 163 plurality, the latter by only
01 plurality.
The populists by a straight pirty vote
polled, on an average, 710 votes. Eut
their candidate for sheriff received only
4 14 vote?, a little more than half f he
strength of his party. This fact show
that at least 203 populists were won over
to ,gee, democratic candidate for sher
iff, thus electing him.
The vote for district attorney shows
tliat Yates, republican, gotoCO majority
over Uptoa, the fusion candidate, 'Top.
ana Hem.,
-. . Keed, Hep., got OlG majority
over tho fusion candidate, Pop. and
Vim., J . F. Gazley, for state eenator.
v hen we scan tho votes of Canyon
viilo and Oakland, which usually give a
republican majority wo find they gave
pbenoiuinal majorities last Monday for
mo democratic candidates for Mipriff
county clerk, assessor, surveyor and cor
oner; while trator for couuty treasurer,
and urawtorJ an J Kiddie. Kmi .
within 20 the vote of Chaney and Dawey
democratic candidates for reprctenta
Tho Kcvicw had plumed the feathers
of its bantam and given him an extra
stimulant Tuesday morning rreparing
his lungs for a big crow. But by night
tbo Keview perceived bis bantamehip
was getting squamtsn about the gizzard
oau ail day w ednesday he was under
treatment for sick head-ache. Thursday
mormug it was plainly visible bis cock
ship was (oo sick to say cock-a.don-f!
do above a whisper mJ eo he was taken
donii from his gilded n;ri-h Bnd nl.inx!
in his little coop, thesickest chicken you
ever saw. it could only aep in a faint
voice. "A Waite I ill I get over the
effect 8 of auti-A. P. A."
The talk of a comraisjion to take the
tariff out of politics is just a little bit
premature. The vote of the jwople in
November will remove it from politics
for the rest of the lifetime oflhisgener
atioo, aud eren aftjr that it will bo
dangerous for a free-trader to monkey
Farmer bays you occupy an honorable
position if ou only look at it aright.
Living amid Nature's handiworks its
mountains, hills, plains, forest?, rivers.
creek and rills, you are taking in with
eveay breath the pure air that sustaics
and invigorates. You are inspired by
grandest thoughts from tbe rcenery
around you. The growing grain exhslts
a rich aroma that the city dudes do not
enjoy. The WAving corn, the lowing
herds, the bleating lambs, the crowing
cock, the cackling hen, the gabbling
goose, the squaking duck, aje, even the
satisfactory grunts of the swine jll
Iu the wee small hours of Sundav
morning, a man was seen..
around the Marks buildim:
ments excited suspicion that he was af
ter no good, and he was watched. Eu-
;ene Parrott. Fred Haines, Herman
Marks, George Collins. S. Itizensteiu
and some others became convinced the
stranger was intending burglarv and
they legan to close in on him. After
entering tho building, ho closed and
bolted the doar, thus cutting off iugniss
at that avenue. The pursuers secured a
ladder and essayed entrance at n win
dow on the side of the building. Parrott
climbed to the window and was met by
the man, who tried to prevent him from
entering by vicious kicks. While Parrott
was struggling to gain admission through
the wiudox, Kizenstein fired at the
stranger from the street, the ball mak
ing a slight wound in his shoulder. He
then fell back into the room and Parrott
followed him. They now had a tussle
for the mastery. During this struggle,
i'anott strnck him oyer the head with
his pistol which silenced him. but be
fore this, however, Parrott shot him
again in the other shoulder, inflicting
only a llesti wound.
Oihera then came in through the win-
They then
Dr. K. I
dresed the
What does a bnsinesg man think of!
I bank officials who will give out to news-'
Lumber for Sale, or Trade.
If you have hay, grain, bacon.
Administrator's Notice.
ruinselt sate under civil servico
will be caught in offensive pmtisinship
this summer and b yanked from coyer
when the tini9 comes to turn the rascals
cooabinetogive reflecting minds elevated
i iifi.'..
thOUzhUa? rnnrnnlpmnT-.i,. ii,., ,,,:!
vnn nin- ' dow and secured their man
. w I ..... .
And hen the farmer bov vaults him- . .?.? u,m 10 Uls calile-
self into tho a.MI n , c..:.:.-.i i 1,ller wa '"on called ami
He was afterward removed to theCen
bestrode tbe back of his Buceohalcs . uonfe' wUeru ,,c 13 nowr' Hc ,s I
.t i - . and ou. up3n tho streets tolav.
Inquiry develop! the fact that this
and careered over the plains of Thessalv
ueei as uie wind. An : sich joyj are
unknown to the village boya loafing
tliroogh the streets of oar towts and
cities, and whose higher ambition is to
pojeasadodean l laog'i at a "couatrv
jake," who chauc-s lo ride into the citv
unbeguiled by city msnners learned by
nigntly corousals in pleasure resorts,
where they learn too often by sad ex
perience the lessons of immoralitv. Ah
yes, farmer boys, you may well feel proud
ot Urm life, oumaynot know much
of city life, but you have escaped many
gnevious temptations for your good
Lee In Cuba.
Uur new Consul-General to Cuba.
tltzhugb Lee, has reached Ha vana. and
no doubt we shall know tho exct state
of affairs on the island in the near fu
tUre. H iroea itli nprmicairm fmm
Spain to rasa through Wcvler's linn?
and visit the insurgents at thoir hpni,
quarters. General Ixrc is himself an old
soldier, and hence it would be verv fool-
isii ot ttie Spanish authorities to attempt
lo misrepresent the situation to him
man is C. L. Roberts from Grants Pass
here. He had taken rooms at the Cen
tral and had retired, but when the north
bound overland came in at 11:30. he
arose and slipped out and went to the
place where found as above started, to
escape as he claims, being arrested by an
officer he imagined was on his track for
some offense done to parties at Grants
1 ass, and to escape them, he trid tn
hide in Marks building.
In an interview with .Mr. Koberts at
his hotel hc gives substantially the same
version with reirard to the shootim- nn.t
the struggle in the hall near the window
where Mr. Parrott made his entrv bv
the ladder. Roberts, however, savs Iip
Offered to give himself up if they would
show legil authority for his arrest, or, if
an officer, a sheriff, matshal or constable
would demand his surrender. But tin
theyrefu-ed, threatening to hang hinv
if they got hold of him. Wit'i this un
derst3ndicg he resisted his pursueia as
best he could. Mr. Roberts' storv
little incoherent, showing that he js a
little rattled," as we often hear 0f
persons who talk rather disinini-K.
A Local Board.
There was organized a local board of
the Oregon Orphans' Home Association
at the meeting held for that purpose, by
Rev. Mr. Tobe, at the Presbyterian
church, Sunday, June 7tb, with tho
following officers: Mrs. Clara Berry,
president; Mrs. S. E. Park?, vice presi
dent; Walter Falkner, secretary; S. W.
Tooley, treasurer. Persons desiring to
adopt children or to help care for the
homeless can make application to this
board. The board will be thankfnl for
information relative to children in need
of homes. Jon.v L. Jones,
Secretary pro tern.
Celebration at Boswell Springs.
There will be a grand Fourth of July
celebration at Boswell Springs. Every
body is invited ant' all are guaranteed a
good time.
canty. p.. u. DIXON".
.Viminhtnitor ( the Estate ol Joeph Mc
l-augh'in ltccii-M.
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable and
the most succilul
EpccIaUt in Saa Kran
cico. still continues to
core all Sexual and
Seminal Diseases, sach
u Gonnorrtxra. Gltet
Stricture. SyphlllU In
all !U forms. Skin Di
seases, Nervous Debil
ity. Impotcncy. Semi-
rut Wraknci And I n. .
bous anu excesses prodcclnc the
follow In; symptoms, talloir countenance, drk
pots under the eyes, pain in the head, rinsinc
in the cars, loss of confidence, diffidence in ap
proaching stranRcrs. palpcution ot the hearts
weakness of the limbs and back, loaof memory,
pimple on the face, coushs, consumption, etc.
DR. GIBBON has practiced in San Francisco
over thirty yearj and those troubled should not
fa;l to consult him and recelre the benefit ot
his creat skill and experience. The doctor
cares when others fail. Try him. Cures guar
anteed, i'ersons cared "a: home. Cnarce
reasonable. Call or write.
Dr. J. F. Gibbon. 6J5 Kearney Street. Sao
Francltoo. Cal.
Blacksmiths and Machinists
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
-Machine "Worfc n Specialty llOHr.HUrto, OK.
It 14 riflftoretrvfed l.ia l.M.I,:J.n 4 it.. .t . 1
..j uitij.i iu mo reoei 1 ,,fc" ,J jointeiv.
camp is to ascertain what tho insurgents J,lis lnaUl;r oui?lit to bo invceti Kated and
c '.'"(5 ujuii in me way 01 men ana . "K 13 c,l"u was acting
with evil intent, punish him l.nt if i,
,0llaa irrespansible by reason of de-
tTunlt'i (m, 1 . k. .
..v. 0uu.u uaseiii, wnere hc can
"9 properly taken can. of. vi,..ti.,..
sane or demented he is not n nm.,o,
1 - 1 1 . . i'"-
10 ue at uoeriy 10 roam at will
In the Probate Court
In the nutter of tha nf Tnc..l.
... . "'v iu
.ici.auglilin, deceased, it was ordered
mil Hie personal lironurtv of HaiH ,.in
b3 aol.l at public auction by tho admin
istrator on six months time with nj
proved security.
In tho matter of tho estat nf i..ri,;n.
A Hoi1 icld. it W3H nrilnrml ll. ..I T..I.. T
iaii ouiy it
fif ci ill
estate, and that the said n.iti.-.. .,,,1.
lished in tho IVuxmuLiiK for four con
secutive weeks.
In the matter of tho phLiIp, ,.f
HolIyDeld, deceased, it was nnt..m.i
Juiy un do tlio day fixed for (iiml Kin.
1 ., . . .
iiii'iii. mill Tiinr tinit.i.. c .
' ui siiu o 00 nno- fr lnnn . 1 I i:l..l : .1 ... j'uir-
,., , ,uuulvr8 ,1Dlitu in i.iu rr..iNi)KAi.KK for four con-
uou ucill'll 111 1110 UritlSIl lllllll'nt SeCUllvn wpihn
arms lo accomplish their purpose, and
also to see if thev hnvn mail..
likely to make enough progrew in the
direction ol establishing a republic to
warrant i'roHdent I leveland in acnnnl
ing them belligerent right
Undoubtedly General Ixja ia parson-
ii .
any in Bympa'iiy with tho insurgents.
but that will not close hia evea to thn
facts as they arc, and when his report ia
received wo may rely upon it that it ia
correct in every particular.
is said, does not relish tho idea of a
trained soldier, one who has had a mili
tary education, havim: the freedom of
both campa, but if ho has not been 1 vim.
. " "O
an tins time about (he situation, ho need
not fear anything; but if ho ban. Onimnl
General Leo will know it, and so report
10 me Washington Government. S. 1
In lb(J2, when tho United States mar-
3Virst Appearance in ROSEBUEG of tho Famous
oS James
of over f'J50,000 and .1 surplus rnvennn I In thn milter nf 11... ..i..i..
: n.: . ... ... . . oiu
.uuHBU,uairy 01 more man w.uro.OOO. MVard, deceased, it wa, ndjudued that
wiiiiu nncior inn rumniMi n .;ir i i i.n
. ...u -viuuwimiv till ill LlllH I liliu "'J.vnj I iiii rfiRP (Tin f 1 r ri a.
year tho British have a surplus of J2I. competent as nvi.ifln. r '.. .n
I--, u any UllUUr I uui t.
f 1 1 AmtiriiMn fitn.l,!.... I
mwiwwi nuiaiUL.Ul.LU IB eaL'Pr In it... . -
lnrn the feola out? , "lllu,cct y' at tho matinef , Tneti-
oay ni.i 0 clock.
TONY : In hia wonderful leap lrom Hying swing to pedestal.
30 Educated Horses 30
"Positively tho largest and best exhibition of the kind in the world. For the
past 12 years n popular and fashionable success in all tho largo cities of the East."
Rarest Beauty and Human Intelligence !
Watch for the Glorious fleui Parade.
EVENING, - 25, 35 HN D 50 rvr
MHTINE6, - - 25 HND 35 CTS.
At tho Matinee all Children itet a Ponv Kido and
tho house for 2o cents.
bangin ' Pal7"c lT Puoitcauon tiie nusines allaua caltlo or a good buggy you wish to trade
His move- 0 . ltMVv,uual9- anch treatment cer- for ltimlwr, or if you wish to buy a bill of
tainiy is an abuse of conhdenco in busi- j first clasa tir or 5cdar lumber, you wil
ness amongst business men. Hie editor j save money to call on Orro A. Axlauf
of tbo I'LAiXDiULEr. baa len thus treated ' Comstock, Oregon.
quite recently but he is pleased to Eay it j
was not none by the IHiuglas County;
Bank. ' i
Notice is licn-liv sutn by the umlersignul
Many a Cleveland official who thinks j SlJihaVMi oWnta?
modlf f. . . .... I . I r . . l. I June IS. Kn' lilTi-r fnrin! i ,m t Vi. tmnnfuw n'n
.ji.iii .uTk, iicn'i oi lif'rjcs, iincaaoi
ytarlinB cattle, ' Ihr-c-jcar-oIl stccr, 13 hcul
of con ami tahc, 2i heail ot cows and tno
jcaroM heifers, JS hcaJ of lioic, lObu-hetsot
wheat, 1 Irfigsy nuil barncs anj a st ol black
smith toola.
icrmiolulc tlx months, with aPDrovnl
S iVi. iF. Rap p. A comPLETH LINE X"
z perscription 1 fiolliday
I Goods
Jackton Street, RoKburic, Oregon.
F'atent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
5 Gentlemen,
and Children.
Carry comtaritly on hand New ar.d Second Hand Goods of All Kinds. Which
wo will Sell at.Hard Times l'rices. Give un a call and conutiftd. Second
Hand Goods Bought and Bold.
TIte HOWG JFavm, east of town, has been plat
ted aud is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100
per acre.
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home can now be accommodated on easy
All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more
than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for
the future. More fortunes are made in lands near a grow
ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor
tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real
Estate Office, or on
G T. BKLiDE Fropr.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
oar ooaxaxxsiaixosc.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hod Lands of best aualitv. in choice locutions.
. B x b j. j j J
in quantities to suit intending ourchasers. at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
13. S- KL BUIOK,
MwsRm.jret, X)iaAlas Cwax&Yy, Ovcott.
Successor to G. W. NOAH,
General Blacksmith ing
Slioij ou Corner Washluctou ana Kane Sts., liosebur.
Depot Grocers
G ivc us a call . Goods delivered to eny rart of the City in short order.
Crm:rLami Sheridan gtreets. liOSEBCRG, OREGON.
L. SCHMITT, Proprietor.
Keep your Money at Home. Drink only home made Beer.
The Best iu the Market.
Marble and Granite Works.
Dealers in all kinds ol
Marbic and Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
Xl- ClMlll'tiTv T
Estimates Furnished on ali kinds of Cemetery AVork
tfm . '
"" aieHrc,. ;71I ,aU Htrec,
A. C. Hoxie,.
Wholosalo ami Retail Dealer i
Goods delivered free to all TA
parts of the city. Leave t 1UU19 1 CCU,
your orders with me audi" t-u . .
save money. Roscburg, Or. FrOVISIOllS.