DECORATION EXERCISES. Decoration day Iiob become oce of tlio legal liolidaj s of tho nation. lTion that day patriotic men and women lay upon tho altar of llicir country, ttibulea of do ration to tho Hag of tho nation. Upon thia day they asremble at Euitable places to do homage to the brave hearts who faced tho perils of war to save their country. The celebration of the achievements of onr patriotic dead who gave their lives a willing facriCce for tho cause of liberty, was observed st this placo in a very ap propriate way, as outlined in the pro gramme. Tho music by the choir was veiy fine ; tho prayer by Rev. .. W. Kennedy was very feelingly and elequently made ; tLo memorial addreaa by E. D. Stratford was grand, eloquent and sublime, and abounded in many elecant periods and elicited much applause. It was an able address and was highly appreciated. Tho closing prayer and benediction by Roy. G. Y. Black was a feeling invocation to the Supreme Ruler of tho universe for continued blessing- TLo concluding ex ercises were held at the Soldiers' Home at 2 o'clock p. in , after which wero dec orated the graves of the dead sleeping their sleep in tho cemeteries, whether friends or fees. Capturing Cheese Markets. Exroirr ev ciiebc Year. Pounds 1SS2, McKiuley Protection .. .S2,1W,221 1S95, "Tariff Reform." -iO,S'jO,934 Democratic Lws to Farmers 41,209,253 The Reyiew, in Mouday's paper, printed Saturday, gives vent in a double leaded paragraph to a raw-hcad-and-bloody-bones-sesre-crow, stating that "the A. P. A.'s purpose to blow up or burn out the Review cflice provided the ticket is beaten." Such a statement is too silly and absurd for even a child to believe. But like all th Review's ut terances in thi? campaign, it appeals to prejudices, ignorance, superstition and lies to effect its ultimate purposes. The Review, conscious of its own ultimate de signs to blow up ths Pl-vixdealeb should the anti-A 1. A.'s bs beaten, and gan grened with this spirit of revengo nat urally concluded it is threatened by a like fate. We understand the Review keeps a nightwatch to guard it from dynamite. It is said by one of old: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth them, but the righteaua are as bold as a lion." BRIEF MENTION. The Review ever watchful of an oppor tunity to injsre us in business prints a damnable lie by printing Tuia week a collection of over $300 was ent here against the concern, and it threw the A. P. A. basses into a panic for fear of an attachment that would close np tbeir mouth piece," and that finally 'a sub scription paper was circulated among the faithfnl and about $153 was raised to stave off the itnpjnding disaster." This is a contemptible lie, bath as to raising money by subscription and also as to the note being sent lor collection. The fact is the First National Bask purchased our note at a discount long before it was due, but upon presentation it was paid. The Renew tries to centralize the ef fect of the I'uuukalee's editorial on the city government, in regard to the sewerage contract, by trying to show that the Plaj.vde-M.ek advocate! the mea sure before the contract was made creat ing the debt referred to, and also tbe contract for the electric light proposition. That is half the truth. It did not advo cate the letting of a contract of inch magnitude for a sewer, and of such mag' nitnde and unreasonable time as was en tered into for electric light purposes, as tbat agreed upon. And in tbe second place, the present editor of the Plais d Caleb was not then its editor. Krom Saturday's Dally. J. R. Chapman of Wilbur is in the city. W. H. Dunn of Wilbur is at tLo Mc Clalleu. R. A. WooJruff of Cleveland is in tho city today. J. Binswaugur of St. Louis is at tho McClallen. C. C. Durlund of Oakland is nt tho Van Houten. Tho president has yetoed the river nnd harbor bill. Tdcoina is to liavo a rose festival a la Los Angeles. K. C. Stuart of Portland is a guest at tbe Van Uouteu. II. C. Long of Rice Hill is a guest at tho Van Ilouten. The town is full of people today, talk iug politics mostly. G. W. Kimball return) d last night from his trip to California. Wm. nnd M. L. Busbuell of Tn Mile mado a business call at this office today. Cardwell Bros.' Free Coinage won sec ond money at tho Kujenc races on Thursday and got first money Friday. The city is full of people tcday, drawn hither to witness the decoration cere monies and to compare notes on politics. A bicycle at your own price, if you don't want one for nothing. A Reming ton $100 wheel. See it at the Bowling Alley. Independence boaals ut a young man not yet 20 years of age, whoso height is G feet 9 ioches. Charles Bicker is his name. Mrs. C. P. ZiglerauJ Mrs. W.U. How ell of Astoria are expected by this eve ning's local, on a visit to relatives and friends. Smith Daily of the Van ilotiUn has returned from Eugene, where he has been attending the races. He rutiotts a very pleasant time. At the Pittsburg convention, Thursday the probis nominated Joshua H. Lever ing of Maryland for president; for vice president. Hale Johnson of Illinois. Pague, the Portland weather prophet, savs there is no occasion for alarm on ac count of floods and high water in tho Willamette and Columbia this season. J. II. Whitsett, who has been laid up for four weeks from a severe cut of the right foot, was in the city today upon crutches. It is hoped .Mr. Whitsett will spedtly recover from bis tevere wound. We have G days of continued fair weather after protracted rains and the people are enjojing it huceiy and thank ing good fortune that they are net in mortal dread of cyclones, such as are spreading death and destruction in the Mississippi Valley States. FIRST ANNUAL COMMENCEflENT Of the Southern Oregon State Nor mal School. Friday, Juno 5, 2 p, m. Class Day exercises on the campus and dedication of class stouo. Saturday, Juno G. Field Day exer cises on grounds near Normal buildings. Saturday, Juno G, 8 p. in. Elocution ary contests for medal by members of Junior and Senior classes. Sunday, Juno 7, 11 n. m. Baccalaur eate Eornion by Hon. G. M. Irwin, sup erintendent of public instruction, Salem, Oregon. Sunday, June 7, S p. m. Annual ad dress by Pres. P. L. Campbell, State Normal School, Monmouth, Oregon. Monday, June S, S p. ru. Exercises of the Department of Music. Tuesday. June 9, 8 p. m. Programme by Bellview Lyceum. Wednesday, Juno 10, 8 p. m. Lecture beforo the Bellview nnd Excelsior liter ary societies by Pres. C. II. Chapman, University of Oregon, Eugene. Thursday, Juno 11, 10 a. m. Exer cises of Graduating clasa. Arrangements havo been made with tho S. P. R. R. Co. for one aud one third faro round trip. Anyone attend ing commencement exercises will pay full fare coming and onc-tbird returning bringing a certificate from the home oflice that full faro has bceu paid. These rates will bo good from the 4th to the 13th of June for all points betweeu Salem aud Ashland. The Albany Democrat expresses its gratitudo for its sharo of the much cele brated garden seeds in theee feeling words : "Hon. John 11. Mitchell will pleaso accept tho Democrat's thanks for one package of cabbage, greon curled Savoy; ono package parsnip, Guernsey; one package turnip, Aberdeen ; ono packago beet, Basaniol extra early ; ono packige lettuce, Hanson. Owing to the fight by Sectretary Morton to prevent the wasto of money attendant upon this freo seed distribution, the seeds arrived late; but as our season is late also they may yet bo used. Thus tho constitu ency of our senators and congressmen will Lo satisfied, even though it costs eoveral hundred thousand dollars in tho midst of hard times," which indicates tbat the sonntor has been casting his Bassacion and Hansonean pearls before swine. That Is How We Capture Wheat flar- j kets. Tho exports of wheat from tbo United States for the past week were tho small est of any week since wheat sold at ono dollar a bushel. Sineo the fall of 1893 there has been a general trend downward in our shipments abroad, whilo thoso of Russia and Argentino have been gradu ally increasing. Wall Street Daily News. may u, ib'M. Insane. Jako Swieklo aged 47 years, a native ol Indiana, was brought to this city, Fri day, charged with iosauity, by A. M. Altera and Grant Clayton of Myrtle Cree-k. Swicklc was examined aud pro nounced insans and was taken to the asylum last night on the overland by Deputy Sheriff W. W. Catbcart. Oregon Fairs. Following are the places for the hold ing of the various fairs to be held in Orvson. Tlio Oregon stato board of agriculture holds at Salem, October 7ih to loth, in clusive. First Southern Oregon district board of agriculture holds at Central Point, Jacksjn county, (date not yet re porteJ.' The second Oregon district board of agriculture holds at Roseburg, Douglas county, beginninu August 23, and lasting for five days. First Eastern Oregon loard of agriculture holds at Baker City, Baker county, idate not yet reported , aud tho second Eastern Ore gon board of agriculture holds at The Dalles, date not vet reported. Speaks Volumes, Tho fact that a once famous Kentucky school for young women must close its doora on account of Breckinridge and his apologists is a tribute to the decent worn anhood of tho country. Few American mothers were deceived by tho sophistries of tho bench and bar that wero uttered in behalf of the smirched Kentuckian. They saw him as ono of the greatest whitcd sepulchres in his day, and naturally did not prefer to have their daughters under intluences that regarded him ns an hon orable member of society. Miss Pol lard's revenge has been far-reaching, and what is better, it has been salutary. As a warning, Breckinridge ia a shining light. In Hamlin's Court. In the case, State of Oregon vs. G. W. Weaver on a charge of rape of a 13-year' ! old girl, Nina Thrush, of Camas Valley, I n hearing was had before Justice Ilatn- j lin yesterday. Tho testimony was very 1 .1 T . i I. 1 I II... :..r( w.r. bound him over to appear at the next term of court; bonds fixed at $2,500 and in default was committed to jail. To Trade. I Two lots in Marehfield for hogs. i Two and ono half lots in North Rose ! burg, for stock ; hack or buggy in part j payment. Call on I. F. Rice & Co. Republicans are assuming tbat demo cr&ts will do something with the tariff wnicn win decrease wages. . Y. World, November 29, 1592. Republicans were right in their as sumption. Mind Reading. Prof. Tyndall, tbe mind reader, per formed some wonderful tests before a good siied audience of ladies and gentle men at the Opera House, Friday night The faculty of reading the thoughts of others under certain conditions was demonstrated beyond dispute While blindfolded, be woold find any object secreted, however small, describe the person, give tbe color of their clothes, point out the identical sjKjt where on object had been mado to touch a person, give lhe color ot a ribbon which had been placed around a lady's neck and discribes the person around whose neck Uie ribban had been placed. All these and he did with unerring accuracy. By what subtle power he did these things is all a mystery. The professor will give evidence of hypnotism and clair voyance tonight. Saturday Prof. Tyndall, the cele brated mind reader, performed one of his testa cf finding a secreted ring which bad been bidden by a committee of ladies, viz.: Mrs. Chas. Curry, Mies Rose Buahey, Mrs. E. G. McCaskey and Miss Edith Imbler, accompanied by Asher Marks, persons above suspicion of being guilty of deception. Mrs. Anna Gray and Mies Stella Harmon blindfolded Prof. Tindall in the McClallen parlors while the secreting committee were out. Immediately upon tbe return of the secreting committee, Prof. Tyndall got into the carriagedrawn by a spirited team of blacks from A. Marks' livery and drove at a rapid rate, following the precise route taken by the secreting committee, and halted in front of tho drug store and went in and imme diately climbed upon one of tho shelves and secured a gold ring that was secreted there. This is regarded by all who wit nessed it as a sure test of tho professor's powers of mind reading. I tvm FrMar't Usllr 2f. O. Dean of Riddle is ia "he city to day. Jo Tipton of Oak Creek is in the city today. . LaRaut of Garden Valley is in the city today, Richard Cook of Camas Valley called upon ns today. F. M. Conn of Melrose is reistered at the McClallen. S. S. Bolsinger of Brockway is in the city today on business. Dan McKinncy of Oakland is regis tered at the McClallen. F. Galbert and wife of .Myrtle Creek are at tbe Van Houten. C. W. Hess, lone a citizen of' Rose burg came in from Bin-ion yesterday. Rev. R. Eccleston of ilvrtle Creek is iulhe city toJay. -We acknowledge a pleasant call. The election cf teachera for the Rose burg Public School will be held at the clerk's oflice, June 3, 1590. Jerry Thornton of Oakland, demo cratic nominee for assessor, is in the city today looking after his parly fences, closing op the gaps. The Westchester Insurance Co., I). S. West agent, has promptly paid the loss sustained by W. II. Juuson of Camas Valley in the loss of his mill. Returns have been received from samples of ore from L. T. Robinson's claim on Dodson Mountain. It assays $32 per ton, and as the mountain seems to bo full of it. There is probably a bonanza in store for soma body. The ladies who attended the enter tainment given by the Elks at the Odd Fellow Hall last night, wero superbly dressed and being arrayed iu dresses of different colors made an apiearance resembling a bequet of Mowers of many hues. A Washington lady who married a Sioux has returned to civilization with four children, but without her husband. If an American girl is compelled to chooso between a Sioux and n, foreign nobleman a friend nt our right thinks that tho odds, perhaps, arc slightly against the former though it may be contended that the Sioux is the cheaper of tho two. Young ladies with small means may aspire lo that level. Statesman. SILVER A LEGAL TENDER. In aa much as it has been asserted upon the streets ot Roseburg by popu lists that silver is not a legal tender in amounts above five dollars, and that tho railroad company has refused to take silver in largo amounts, wo havo inter viewed tho agent here on that subject, who informs us that ho will take silver in any amount tendered for railroad services. We are also informed that the Canadian Pacific R. R. Co. has in structed its employees lo take all Ameri can silver dollars for services on its road, because it will bring the gold from Uncle Sam. But they aro instructed not to receive sih cr coin3 of any other govern ment because thev can't convert into gold. This is because gold and eilvcr of the United states arc lnlcrchanecAbli! dollar for dollar. ma ic:a..:i ,or ouier tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Kvcry old smoker .knows there .- none just r.s jc od as lackweii's LL HUitHAM J mof(in& Tobacco fill find one coupon inside' two onncc bng.and two cou pous ironic cacti lorr ounce In; of Black well's Durham. buy n Uag ot this cele brated tolmccoand read the coupon which gives a list of valuable r resents and how to get tlicm Mm JBk 6llfftlI0ieiIflI9IRIIeilllaitIIt)IH0B9flCB 5 H. T. BLUMB, Poultry, Finn and Gnuie, lu Benson Pror.rle'.cr ot The City Meat Market, And Dealer In PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH .MEATS OP ALL KINDS. Orders Uien ami Dcllrercd Free Dncolinrrr Cf toanjrjartof theCllj-. KOSeDUTg, Uf. aci9Beosi0i9i9iRCHH0ieaiciiBiei9iaiicicisi MEW GOODS The democratic party started the Mc Kinley boom when it repealed the Mc- Kinley Tariff. 0. R. & N. E. McNEILL, Receiver. ToTEAST Gives the Choice of TWO . . Transcontinental . . ROUTES VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul VIA Denver Omaha AND Kansas City Low Kates lo all Eastern Cities. OCEAN DIVISION. 1'OIiTLAND-SAN FRANCISCO. Steamer? leave Ainstrorth deck, Portland, at S p. m.. every Ore days. Cabin. 15.00, steerage, ItM. For full details call on or addres V. C. LONDON, Agent, Cosebur;, Oregon, or address V. TI. HURLBUKT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ros NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. tore. BOWBN & ESTABROOK, GlClIVlilltA.JL, Blacksmiths and Machinists Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY, A prdU btan J jl unadulterated T . Ou priie cormE ! hiwns a Urge ule New etjlea Glass and Delf Ware at iitanlibias lav i-rtees. Oar on canned are very popular. H. C. STANTON Haa just rtceled a new anil extensile stock o DRY ; GOODS CONSISTING or Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, Etc., tic. ALSO A FINE STOCK OF BOOTS AWD SHOJES Of the best quality and finish. GROCERIES, Wood, Willow aud Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Abu on hand In large quantities and at prlcea to jult the times. Also a Urge etock of Custom-Macle Clothing Which la offered at coit price. A full and elect stock of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantlr on hand. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IS STATIOXEKj Doner. 1 f. ...... ... v . books and periodical! published in the United HtmtM. wl.Vtn. . 1 r . . , ... . . . -..fS lwuJ(y lUaHCl Ui IDT kind will do lo gire mo a call. aiucltluc Worlr a Hpeclalty ROHF.IUTItG, OK. TPflnt? mamrm DESIOH PATEHT3, r.,, ., , . .. Jt ore JIUNN ft CO.. SCI llnoiuwAT. NEW York. "Most bureau for Kviirlnc jvuenu in America. ft,c,'JV,'',nat"ubyuh broiiRht beforo l,7P? !Ti .ft?"T ""fntinc paper In tho J?5 , l,,,cPu,,,lri "'"tratetl. No' inn-lHcent man khouM bo without It, Wccklr. t twin years $ months. A.ldrA MUNn'' coi H'uLUiuiuis, a01 uroodway. JioV York Cllrr ft ft his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. 3 ft 9 M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON, Alexander & bTROflG THE POPULAR HOME FUFMISHERS.... 326 and 323 Jackson St Bet. Oak and Washington. t rn T IT Largest and Best Assortment eyer V V iV L L. 1 A 1 lw fi. bronsht to Southern Oregon, and A Large and Elegant Line o ARPETS. We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of Easy Rockers J Bed Room Sets LAAAi Parlor and Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. ALEXANDER & STRONG hoSMIk, ROSEBURG, OREGON. A SQUARE DEAL We are Here to Stay. A l o T ( CO r-t C) - r-i o rH -O -00 -t -so -in - -eo -M 1 ' I ' I ' I ' i ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. WOILEHBERG) (5) flBRAHli) jRoseburg, Or.