The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 01, 1896, Image 3

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JUNE 1, 1S96.
o. s.
Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
Kosebukq, Ore., May SI, 1NJC.
,,,, J5 a. m. Pacific time HMS.
Maximum temperature, GT.
Minimum temperature. 31.
Rainfall tor the SI hours ending 5 p. in., o.
ToUl rainfall since 1st otmouUi,
Avenge rainfall (or this month lor tS year.
ToUl rainfall from Sept. 1, 13S, to datc.SS.'..
Arcrvro rainfall from Sept. 1, to date,
Accumulated execs tram Sept. 1, 1S3J, to
date, 6.15.
Average precipitation for is wet seasont,
The weather flags displayed represent tho
torecast appltlng to the X hours ending at S
a. to-morrow. (II more than one kluJ ot
xreatherlsiocdlcteJlorthat period, the condi
tions first named In the forecast trill be repre
sented hj- the uppermost weather flag.) A
white Has Indicates clear or lair weather: a
blue 8as, rain or saow. The Bag o which the
upper half is white and tho lower half blue,
local rain or nOw. A Mack triangular pen
cant Indicates the temperature and when dis
played aborc a weather flag indicates warmer,
and when dUplaycd below, cooler. The tera
peratnrc Bag is never displayed alone. Its ab
sence indicates stationary temperature. The
cold wave fiag, white with black square in the
center, when dismayed on the l'aclfic coast, in
dicates frost.
Tuo. Gtsso. Obscnrer.
PotKosD, Or-, Jane 1. ISM; a a. a.
Weather forecast for the next hours, tor
Boseburg and Tidulty:
Toru;ht and TikxIjj, (air and warmer.
Pagvi. Local Forecast Official.
A Salxman. tho reliable jeweler.
Coal tar and resin at Marsters'.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Caro Bros, are the boss merchants.
School books at Marsters' drag store.
Go to the Roseleaf for the best cigar.
Go to A. C. Marsters A Co. for school
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. Wett.
1. S. West does insurance,
opposite the poet office.
For Sale. Old papers, at this
at 25 cents per hundred.
A fine line of Rents shoes at J. Abra
ham's. Prices jest right.
Mcnyoa's liotnuepathic Remedies for
rale at Marsters' Draj Store.
An ndlees variety of combs, hair and
clothes brushes at M niters".
For bargains in family groceries, call
at the repole's store, Cass itreeL
Mnuyon's Ilomeopattuc Remedies at
A. C. Marsters A Co.'s dru store.
Bring your clocks and watches to Slow
Jerry the reliable jeweler for repairs.
Myrtle Creek dour, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered tee. A. C. iloxix
A fine line of clothing at Jack Abra
ham's gents furnishing store at grertly
reduced price?.
Bring your job work to the Plaixdkal
ex office We are prepared to do the
cheapest and beat work south of Port
For choke family groceries, call at the
People's Store, Mrs. G. W. Kapp, pro
prietor, and get your supplies at bedrock
E. Da Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
eight or day.
F. H. Simmons of the eecjnd-hand
store in Htndrick'a building, is head
onarters for the Siaser sewing machine
and supplies.
Save xaonev and time. To parties
going East, go by the O. R .& ". short
route. Call on or write to V. C. London,
Boseborg, Oreson.
Call ca Slow Jerry and examine his
Seth Thomas clocks, watches and gold
bowed eve glasses. Cheaper than ever
offered in this city.
A. C. Hoxie sells flour at 75c and SOc a
eact, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents.
Pml nhonM take advantage of these
prices and give him their patronage.
Constantly on band at the Beer liall :
Cheese, Swiss, limberger bnck; Hsu,
spiced herring, sardines, caviar, neu
naugen, pickled pigs feet, pickled tongue
ox-mouth salad.
Those bavinz second band stoves,
fnmiinrp. for sale can receive the
hizbest cash price by calling upon
Rice, the furniture and fcupply dealer
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or,
Slow Jerry the jeweler has 14 carat
filled sold ladies watches now on 3&lo
Prices reduced from 125 to fl5, decided
tv.r'.otr,. TWin't fail to examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Good pastureage for stock at reason
Mn rtMi I.t the month. All stock
taken absolutely aud entirely
owner's risk in even' particular.
nartirnlitnt pnnnire ofC. A. Blackman
Roberta creek.
Place to Rent Containing 3 acres
good house and barn and all necessary
nnt ImildinM. cood orchards and fine
garden spot, in tho city limits. Good
garden partly in and balance plowed and
ready for planting. I. "'ce w
Tin. rhnan rates of five dollars cabin
and two-fifty steerage including meals
nn.l irfrth are still in effect on tne u. a
& X. Co's. steamers from Portland to
Han Vrancisco.
Portland every five
UhvaialVt -
A nice and respectable young gentle
man wants ladies' correspondence. La
dies please write and give your sue in
first letter and you will get a prompt re
ply. Will give particulars in first letter.
Write and you will not be displeased.
Address, 101, ComBtock, Oregon.
Publisher's Notice.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscription to
the I'lals dealer
Gold or porcolaln
crowns at Dr.
Straugo'8 oflico.
School books and ahuionerv ..t m
fitera Drui: fjloru.
Dr. I", w. Hayaea does
all kiuda of
up-lo-dato dentistry.
Bridge work, thu latest fad in dentistry
at Dr. Strango's office.
The telegraph office at Jnrk.,.:iia
has been temporarily closed.
For sale A fine iersnv Imif,., w
J , J .W4V V.M1,
Inquire of Gauuis Bkos., Roseburg Dairy.
Wood, wheat, oaU and other produco'
taken in payment for dentistry by Dr.
Plates made of gold, aluminum. r..).w
or celluloid by Dr. Strang t-vIa. t.
Wilson block.
Gnu. Wanted A eirl to do fcitni.
work in the coflntry. Inouiro at 215
street, Roseburg.
Dr. Haynes does crown and
work and guarantees thn Km twh
forget the number.
The dead from the effects nfti, n.
clone at St. Louis, Mo., foots up to 124 at
uuuntgm, .May 30th.
The McBee bovs killed a 1
uuberry creek, in Lane county, last
week. It weiched nbont
Jackson is an up to date dpntlot win.
all modern appliances for painless work.
i11 macmnery run with water power.
Bring your sore and diseased 1pii in
Jackson (the new dentist) ho will treat
and save them and make them useful to
Dr. Haynes makes all kinds of arlifi.
cial dentines such as gold, platinum and
aluminum plates, also rubber and cellu
All the latest aud most improved
methods in use and emploved at Dr.
Strange's. Xo students to experiment
and no transient dntiita tn nrunt
-- - . X u . u . V
Through the month of June. I will
buy your poultry and eggs and pay cash
for them on the following il.irs- Mnn.
lay's, Friday's and Saturday's, oppo
site the freight depot, Roseburg.
Jons V. Faikks.
The pruno crop in Ilood river vallev is
almost a complete failute, the Glacier
says: The prune orchards nf .hnomaVer
Bros., containing SOOO trees, will have
no fruit. Winter Xellis and Bartlett
Ieais are also a failure in somo parts of
the vallev.
At the meeting of Thiletarian Lodge,
Xo.S, I. 0. 0. F. held on last Saturday
evening, Uie following officers were
elected for the term commencing July 1,
isfti: J. W. Strange, N. G : S. W. Van-
!e, V. G.; F. G. Micxlli, R. S.; V. T.
Wnght, Treas.
At the hour of going to press the fol
lowing approximate number of ballots
have been cast: Deer Crtek, 247; Rose
burg, 250; Umpqua, 217 and West Rose
burg, 127, totalabout S41 votes. There
will be about 150 more before the polls
close at G p. m.
Ashland's public schools closed a most
successful year las! week. The gradu
aiing exercises oi tne ingu sctiool were
held at the opera house, the follow
ing being members of tho class: B.
A. Spencer, D. Ray Matthews, Margaret
L. Stanley, Sidney F. Fo3ter, Ferdinand
Strange, Birdie M. Millsip, Maud E.
Patterson, Charley E. Wagner and Roy
R. Robley. There were 20 graduates in
the grammar school department.
Bristol's Handsome Horses.
Monday evening, Prof. D. M. Bristol
with his wonderful horses, will begin a
two nights engagement at the Opera
House, including a matinee session
Tuesday alternoan at 3 o'lclock. Ono of
tho features cf the matinee will bo a free
pony ride for the children. Compara
tively speaking, Prof. Bristol's horses
are said to be wonders of equine intelli
gence, far superior to anything of the
kind heretofore Eeen. I heir exhibition
will prove highly interesting and should
attract crowds of people. The San rran
cisco Chronicle says: "People marvel
at the wonderful intelligence of horse
flesh at Auditorium last night, and grew
enthusiastic over the wonderful equine
exhibition that was given under the su
pervision of Professor Bristol, luc pro
fessor has certainly achieved wonderful
success in tho training of horses. The
dumb members of his company are pan
tomimic artists of great skill. There aro
thirty horses in the band, anil they all
contribute to the success of the enter
tainment. Not the least interesting of
the lot is a mule, which is a clown of
considerable ability, and which gives a
very good imitation of n person engaged
in delivering an address."
Ood's Regular Army.
Snccial meeting for a coffee and cake
supper will bo given at God's Regular
Army Barracks tomorrow night, June
"d. Come everybody. Ten cents ad
mittance. A hallelujah meeting before
supper. Cait. O. C. Ra.mspkll.
A Snap For Some One.
a i.nainpp naviric 1C0 per cent in the
a a. uuwaHww 4 ii -
citv of Roseburg, for sale cheap for cash
Good location, good building havo pri
vate reasons for selling. Address 8,
care of Plai.ndealkii, RoBoburg, Oregon.
Aug. Schloemann Replies to an Article
by Chas Bansch.
Editoi: Plaixdealkb: Ab you havo
published a wilful elander and malicious
attempt to dcfnino my character, I hopo
you will give mo space in your pajr to
answer tho satno.
In regard to mo having broken tho
force of Mr. Baxter's areuuiont or not.
this article of Chas. Bansch proves that
they, the A. P. As., did not make as big
a killing as they expected.
How desperate the Review is to have
mo co-labor with them is thia:They had
no knowledge of my doing or saying any
thing at said meeting, nor had I myself
any intention to act or say anything un
til Mr. Baxtor made tho statement that
the foreigners in our navv, in case of
war with Spain, would dosert.and said
statement I resented, for I knew that in
all tho wars this United States has ever
had, the Germans, Irish, Swedes or other
nationalities fought and bled as well as
any native-born soldier.
And when a man like Baxter under
takes to desecrate tho graves of tho dead,
and especially of a man I have seen with
my own eyes trying to alleviate tho suf
fering of the lepers on Molokoi, I cannot
sit by and not defend him. If Mr. Bax
ter's excuse for therf'xistence of the A. P.
Aisin is this, I have no use for him nor
. P. Aism.
If I am hated by such as Bansch, I
wish they would pay what they owo mo
and welcome to all tho hate they can
give, bcnioamann has lived before ho
gave to Mt. Scott and such people as the
Bansch, and can live by earning his
bread by tho sweat of his brow any
where. The respect I havo for myself and fel-
lowmen is this: lean go back to any
place wherever I have lived and will find
friends and a hearty welcome. Such peo
ple as Chas. Bansch I despise and do not lor their respect. If I am the em
bodiment of everything that is contrary
to manliness and common decency, what
is Bansch, I would like to know, that
sent such a dirty message to a paper? I
would not serve my worst enemies so.
My reputation for honesty or veracity
is such tba 1 1 need to lose no sleep over
it -, but Bansch better look out for the
light cr he might get burnt.
It I am a political outcast, 1 am not
aware of that fact, but notice that the A.
As. would like to get my vote very
I am a disgrace to all German-Ameri
cans of such ilk as Bansch, who make a
business of cheating every German that
comes here, by selling thtm farms for
double the amount that they are worth
S3 he can make a big commission, and
still he calls it my disgrace by me warn
ing them of the fact that he is a land
shark. I am looking for notoriety, eh? What
is Bansch looking for? 31ay be that he is
What is Bansch? Virulent, and his
knowledge reminds me ot a polecat. A
man can smell it out of the article he
wrote. I wonder who spelled the words
for him.
A man should not attack the argument
of Mr. Baxter wht n he siid 72 per cent, of
the Irish deserted when the poie recog
nized the Southern Confederacy. No. An
Irishman f hould have knocked him out
and put him to sleep a la Sullivan. Such
men as Baxter wculd talk about desert
ers; hat would be do? Hand in an ap
plication for a pension, I presume, be
cause lie h not Bbtc-bouied and that
would be all the use he would have for
What Chas. Bansch sajs about Schloe
mann uoes not worry mo one bit, nor
what the Pl.umilalek prints for money
or political notoriety. To villify a man
the editor knows to bo an honest man
and nothiDg to the contrary, is contemp
tible. In regard to me being black-balled in
an A. P. A. lodge, I know nothing about
and care less.
And now, Chas. Bansch, to sue you for
libel wonld bo throwing money away, for
I am out enough already and, in fact, too
S. K. Uartrock came over from Rose
burg Sunday.
A. F. Brown went to Roseburg Friday
on business.
Wm. Emery left for Portland on Sun
day morning's local.
J. H. Shupo and I). R. Shambrook
were oyer from Roseburg Thursday.
J. L. iewcy anu .J. London were
interviewing our citizens Saturday.
Rev. C. N. Courtwright of Albany held
divine services at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and evening.
Several of our merchants have been
improving their fronts with awnings,
signs, etc., of late.
Creed Cheuoweth i having his picket
fence around his dwelling painted, and a
new fen co built round his vacant lots,
The Flour Mill Co. have received two
car load ol lumber lor tbeir new ware
house for storing wheat. They will com
mence work on the building this week.
The entertainment given by the Y
last Friday evening was enjoyed by an
appreciative audience, aud was a moder
ate success financially.
J. C. Hunt, while riding his bicycle
last week met with quito an accident by
colliding with another wheelman, whiul
resulted in pulling some spokes out of
Mr. Hunt's wheel. No curious injury
befell tho riders.
Owiug to tho scarcity oi flowers many
have deferred the decorating customs as
is usual on tho 30th day of May, till later
in tho season when flowers will bo more
plentiful. TniuiY
Ixjst. A pair of steel bound spectacles
in a case labeled, J. T. Bryan, jeweler
and optician, Roseburg, Oregon. Any
ono finding the saino will be suitably re
warded bv leaving the same at Hi
1'LAl.NDEALElt offiCO.
Oct on to the Northern Pacific
Tho change of timo via the Northern
Pacific enables passengers to leavo Port
laud daily at 5 p. m., reaching St. Paul
and Minneapolis in thres dayB, St. Louis
and Chicago in three and ono-half days,
Lincoln, Nob., ut 12:55 noon of tho
third day, Omaha at 4:05, St. Joseph at
5:50, Atchison at 0:30, Leavenworth at
7 :35 and Kansas City at 8 :05.
You can see by this that the Northern
Pacific equals all other lines to all points,
and, ami if you will compare schedules,
you will see that tho Northern" Pacific
beats all other lines into Lincoln four
hours, St. Joseph twelve hours, Leaven
worth fourteen hours and Kansas City
ten hours and forty fiyo minutes, whero
immediate connections are made in
Union depots for all points south.
Don't forget that the Northern Pa
cific is tho only line running two trains
daily to the east, the only dining car
route from Portland, the only line run
ning a first class Pullman elecper through
from Portland to Minneapolis and St.
Paul without a chaugo, and tho only lino
to tho Yellowstone National Park.
For full information, tickets, sleeping
car reservations, etc., call on or writo D.
S. K. Buick, resident agent, Roseburg,
Oregon, or to A. D. Charlton, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, 25G Morrison
street, corner Third Portland, Oregon.
Notice to the Public.
1 must and have to do business in or
der to raise money to pay off. This is no
humbug as you all know. I will offer
my mammoth stock consisting of cloth
ing, mens' furnishing, hats, caps, boots
and shoes, etc., at prices never before
heard of. Here are a few of tho grand
bargains: Men's suits, regular $7.50
sellers goes at this eale for $5.50; men's
suits, formerly sold for $ 10, goes for $7;
men's suits sold for $12.50 goes for $9. I
have a nice line in pants which will go
in proportion. In mens' furnishing
goods I can't be beat in assortment or
Shoes ! sbues ! ! shoes 1 1 ! now is the
time to talk shoes. All my patrons and
friends aro well aware that I sell cheaper
than any place in town, and carry as
large a stock as tbere is needed. All I
have to say is that I will continue selling
the same at the old figure. In hats I
can suit anybody. Give mo a call and
convince yourself about it. No trouble to
show goods. Always glad to see my old
friends as well as new ones.
Very truly yours,
J. Abbauam.
P. S. I have a few cases of boots left
which I will close out. Boots, usually
sold for $4 goes for f 2.50. Boots sold for
f5.50 goes at tho astonishing cheap price
of $2.75.
J. Abrahams.
Cure For Crippled Children.
The National Surgical Institute, Pa
cific Branch, 319 Bush Street, San Fran
cisco, successfully treats all cases of Or
thopedic Surgery, Diseases of the Spine,
Hip and Knee Joints, Paralysis, Piles,
Fistula, Nasal Catarrh, Bow Legs,
Knock Knees, all Deformities and
Quranic ureases, ineir success in
treating these cases is shown by tlious
ands of references, from trustworthy
people all ovet the country.
Persons having aillicted children or
friends should convince themselves of
the excellent results of the system of
treatment by Ibis institute. Ono or
more of these surgeons will ba at the
Hotel McCIalien, Roseburg, Thuisday,
June 4th, and at the Depot Hotel, Oak
land, Friday, June 5th, to examine cases
Send for circular. Reference may be had
Mis3 Anna Kent, Brockway ; Henry
Linder, Roseburg; L. T. Thompson,
Coles Vallev; E.G.Young & Co., Oak
land, S. M. Waits, Roseburg, ana hun
dreds of others.
Ball at Looking Glass.
A social dance will be given at Look
ing Glass hall on the evening of June
1st. Democrats, republicans, populists,
. P. A's and antis are most cordially
invited, and a hearty good time is as
sured. Admission, 50 cents. Supper at
the Howard hotel. Good music will be
in attendance.
J. T. Goodma.v,
J. C. Summers,
D. Moruan,
B. Williams,
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last fow years
was supposed to bo incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
x local disease, and prescribed local rem
edies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease, and there
fore reuuires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on tho market
It is taken internally in doses from 10
drops to n teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
There will bo a business meeting oi
tho '95 Mental CulturoClubatFiremen'i
Hall at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday, Juno 2,189ti
Owing to prior claims on tho hall, the
closing entertainment cannot bo held un
til the evening of Tuesday, June 9, 1SU0,
(Signed,1 Mrs. S. 15. Child,
President '95 M. C. (
Lumber for Sale, or Trade.
If you have hay, grain, bacon, beof
cattlo or a good buggy you wibIi to trado
for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of
Grst class lir or cedar lumber, you wil
savo monev to call on Orro A. Anlau
Comslock, Oregon.
Now Is the timo to subscribe.
Good goods at the lowest prices at Salz-
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
Wood taken on subscription at this
Got your school books at Marsters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Solid silver tea and table spoons at
Prices marked in plain figures at the
Racket Store.
Pure fresh groceries and low prices at
Casebeer's grocery.
Harness of all kindB at low prices at
. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
An excellent line of toilet soups at
Marsters' Drug Store.
Nobby suits and latest styles at Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All styles and qualities of hatB at Abra
ham's. Bedrock prices.
Have you seen the latest in ladies' and
gents' watches at Salzman's.
Low jiricet are what move goods at
the Racket Store. Call and see.
Buy your silverware at Salzman's and
get tho best at tho lowest prices.
Country produce ot all kinds bought
and sold at Casebeer's grocery store.
Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens
and optical goods at the Ion est prices at
A few cases good substantial Loots at
reduced prices to close them ouf, at H.
Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Cheaper
than the cheapest at Richards' Cash
Racket Store.
Don't eat stale candies full of paint
and chalk when you can get it fresh and
ure at Niece's just as cheap.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the best grocer
ies. Try him and be convinced.
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex
ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose
burg and at prices lower than ever.
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
mbraces all grades of head gear.
A variety of cold lunches consisting of
delicacies of every description with ice
cold beer, at Harmon's Cafe Resort.
N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson
opposite Marks' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
If you don't waut to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots and shoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done
The Square Deal store has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoes
made. Come and inspect them.
There was a young lady in town the
other day who fired her fellow for hav
ing poor taste. He did not get his
candy at Niece's Kandy Kitchen.
Ladies, are you in perfect health? If
not, why not try the great home remedy,
Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas
county and will fill all orders promptly
N. Rice, one of our enterprising furnl
turo dealers has now on sale a fine lot of
furniture of the latest style and finish.
Give him a call before purchasing else
. Langenburg is itill on top. He
carries a lull stock ol choice music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin strings nf best quality
always on hand.
Wanamaker & Brown's fine new line
of eampks of men and loys' spring
clothing just received at the Kacht Store.
Call and see them. Mens' all wool suits
ft) .50 aud upwards.
Jack Abraham, in tho Taylor aud Wil
son building, bas tbc buest siock oi
gents' furnishing goods ever brought to
this city. Prices the lowest ever before
heard of. Call and sec.
The candies that come from the whole
sale houses are adulterated with paint
and chalk, and is not tit to eat. You
can get pure fresh candies at Niece's
Kandy Kitchen just as cheap as you
can this stale stuff.
Dr. R. W. Benjamin, late of the At
lanta Dental College of Atlanta, Georgia,
and recently from the celebrated dental
parlors of Hickey & Hick.y, Portland,
is now prepared to do first-class deiv
tistry at Dr. Strange's office in Taylor
& Wilson block. All work guaranteed
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to bo buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or cravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
Tresspassers will bo prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Ross,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1895
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
A. C. Hoxie,.
Wholesale and
Goods delivered free to all j
parts of the city. Leave
your orders witli me and
save money. Roseburg, Or. i
Ti,e caurciieH.
Baiust Chuecii corner of Lane aud Ko '
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m. j
ana 7:30 d. m.: Youne l'eonte's Union. GSMt..m: I
Mrs. E. W. Black, President; Sunday School, 1U J
c. m.; James Chamberlain, Supcrintendcu
Prayer Meeting, Thursday evening at 7:20.
Kev. O. V. Black, Pastor.
Residence, No. 621 Main Street.
Methodist Cucech comer ol Main and Lane
streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m
and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.: F.
W. Woollcjr, Superintendent; Class Meeting at
close of the morning service; Epworth League
6:30 p.m. Clare Hume, President. Prayer Meet
ing, Wednesday, at 730 p. m.
Rev. G. W. Keskhdy, Pastor.
Parsonage, comer Main and Lane.
Pbesuytebuk Ckcecii corner of Cass and
Rose streets. Sunday Service: PcpUc worship,
a. in. and 730 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.;
Y. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes
day, 730 p. rn.
R. B. Dilwoeth, Pastor.
SUuatums uantcd or help wanted adccrtUcmcaU
inserted in thU column free of charge. Other ads
ofjtvc lines or las under this head S5 cents per
month: each additional line 5 cents per month. Ji'o
advertisement taken for tess than !S cents.
For Sale.
"TJOR SALE Old newspapers, 25 cents per 100.
Antilv at Plftfmlpftlpr nffiw
Attorney at Law
Special attention given to COLLECTIONS and
matters in Probute.
LOANS NEGOTIATED. Monev Loaned and
Rooms i and S Marsters' Bld'g. ROSEBURG.
Attorney at Law,
Rooms 3 and 4
Taylor & Wilson Block.
jg L. BRADLEY, M. D.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office Hours, Irom 12 to 3 r.n.
Taylor & Wilion Brick ROsEBCRQ,
Have mst onened a lirst-class Feed Store and
have on hand a larjro Invoice of the best
Roseburg and Vallev Flour, Baled nay, urain
and Feed of all kinds. All purchasf s delivered
free. Cor. Cass and Rose street.
Cigar Store
J. R. BEARD, Propr.
(Successor to SENATE SALOON.'
Choice Cigars aud all kinds of Temperance
Drinks constantly on hand.
Removed from cor. Oak and Jackson to
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural
lltWG St.. N. W. Wnliiugtou, D. C.
For many car in tlm General Laud Olliuo.
Examiner of 'Contests. Mineral vs. Mineral vs
Railroad and Agricultural claims, and Ijite
Chief ot the Minrra Division.
UF Correspondence
Retail Dealer in
Flour, Feed,
v s Senators ' S1- H- Mitchell
' ' " lli.W.ilcBride
l ISmKLT Hermann
iw.K. Ellis
. .William P. Lord
H. K. Kinccid
Phil Mctschan
G. M. Irwin
W. II. Leeds
Secretary of State
State Treasurer.. .
ui)t. Pub. Instruction
State Printer
Attorney General
C. M. Idlcman
Member Board of EqualUation.A. C. Woodcock
nprcmeJudges ic. E. Wolverton
t.S. Eean ,
A- B. ConiDson
Railroad Commissioners. )j. B. Eddy
rr A. MflMiim
Clerk of Eailroad Commission- Lydcll Bake:
udge. I. C. Fullerton
Prosecuting Attorney . Geo. M. Brown
Receiver P.. S. Sheridan
Register R. M. Vcatch
Observer.. . .Thos. GiDson
Senator IIenry Bccktcy
Representatives .
E. BlundcU
(C. A.Scblbredt
F. W. Benson
.C. F. Cathcart
W. A. Frater
J. A. Underwood
J.A. Sterling
A. F. Stcarn
tw. L. Wilson
)C. II. Maupin
Will P. lleydon
. J)r. K. L. Miller
Thos. Smith
School Superindcnt-
County Judge ...
Coroner... . ....
3heep Inspector ..
peecisct oricEas
Justices..... ............
.John Hamlin
onstables.... ...... .,
C. Marsteri
Ut Ward ...
(Robert Yates
jpavid Clements
III. C.Stanton
- (U. Moore
Wm. Perry
IF. H. Churchill
(II. C.SIocum
F. M.ZigIci
J- B. Cannon
J. A. Perkins
nd Ward..
3rd Ward
ith Ward
The Circuit Court for Douclas Countv meets
three times a rear as follows: The C1 Mon
day in March, the -1th Monday in June, and the
isi iionaay m uecemDer. J. u. iuuercon oi
Roseburg judge, Geo. M. Brown, of Roseburg,
f!onntT iionrt irippts thp 1st W'ednesdftr after
the 1st Monday of January, March, May, July,
September and November, A. F. Stearns, of
Oakland, judge; C. U. Maupin of Elkton
and . L. Wilson, of Riddle, commissioners.
Probate Court is in session continuously. A. F
Stearns, iudce.
Society ."Tlcetinj
hold their regular communications at the
I. O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursday
of ench month. All members requested to at
tend rcsularlv. and all isltins brothers cor
dially invited to attend.
HERMAN J1AUKS, Secretary.
A-' meeu every Wednesday eveninc at s
o'clock in the Old Masonfa IlalL Visitin;
brothers are cordiallv invited to attend.
C. B. Casxox.
Geo. W. Peeey, Councilor.
Recording secretary.
meetings the 'M and ith Wednesdays in
each month.
J. B.
C. W. Kiee, Svc'y.
- theirretral&r convocations at Masonic hall
on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Visiting companions are cordially invited.
Is ado ee Caeo, Secretary.
l meets Saturday evening of each week at
their hall In Odd Fellow Tcmnle at Rosebnnr.
Members ot he order In cood standing are invit
ed to attend. K. M. CONKLING, N. G.
E. McBROOM, Setfy.
Odd Fellows' hall on seeond and fourth
Fridays of each month. Visiting brethren
arc invited to attend.
meets the second and 1
Ifi. A. O. U. W.
meets the second and fourth Mondays of
esch month al:JQ p. m. at Odd Fellows hall.
Members ol the order in good Man ding arc in
vited to attend.
AV firt PTiil thiril Thnri'r nf mnnth
and third Thursdays in each
ALLIANCE Regular Quarterly
s will be held at Granse Hall.
Roseburg. the first Friday in December. 3Iarch
and June, and the third Friday in September.
AV h st'onnd and fourth Thursdays nf
r OSEBUBG R. D. LODGE, NO. 11, 1. O, O. F.
meets on Tuesday evening of each week at
the Odd Fellows halL Visiting sisters and
Brethren are invited to attend.
every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellow
HalL Visiting Knights In good standing cor
dially Invited to attend.
I. B. RIDDLE, K". R. S.
Containing Cotton Rcot and Pennyroyal.
1U Un izl Hhilla
Mesrain's French Fe
male Pills, havo been
cold for over twenty
ycarsumd used byThoc
eands of Ladies, vho
havo given testimonial
that ticy are unexcelled,
as a specific monthly
medicine, for immediate
relic: ot Painful, and
Irregular Hcnac3, Fe
male Weakness etc
Price, tiOOabos, Tith
lull directions.
cake so scnsnTxrrrs, os spceiocs iurrATioss.
2LES1IEM CnKttTC.Mi CO.. Dcisorr, liicn.
Sold by A. C. Marsters &Co.
Eaxily, Quickly and Permanently Restore:!.
Celebrated Exousn Remedx-
It is sold on a positivo G5j
guarantee to euro any (jrf
form of nervous troft- .
trationor any disorder
f hi. fpnitnl ,irtnif
cither fex, caused
Bnforn. bv excessive use of Aftnr.
Tobacco. Alcohol or Opium, or on accoani
of youthful indiscretion or over induteence etc .
Dizzineis. Convulsions. Wakefulness, lieadacte
Mental Depression, tfottcning of tho Brain, Weak
Memory, Bearing Down Pains, Seminal Weakness.
Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea.
Loss ot Power and Impotency. which if neglected,
mny lead to premature old ago and insanity.
Positively guaranteed. Price. S 1.00 a box; G boxes
for S5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A written
guaranteo furnished with every $ j.00 order received,
to refund the money it a permanent cure is no,
Detroit. Mich.
Sold by A.C,
Marsters & Co.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cowa or heifers yon
want to trade for lumber, or if you
want to huy a lull of any kind of lir
lumber, you will do well to address
P. O. bos V25, Drain, Oregon,