The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 25, 1896, Image 2

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PabUihed DUly, except Sun J y.
Subscription Rates.
One Yer. by mill
Six Month. "
Three Monthi "
One Month "
rer Wcrk, delivered by Cutlet
TIic Weekly rMnlndcalcr.
On Ycr 2 00
tlx Month" 1 00
Thice Months
MAY 25. 1SS6.
Republican State and Congres
sional Ticket.
For Consessman 1st District,
For Supreme Ju Jge,
For District Attorney, 2d District,
I or Member Board of Evaluation,
Republican County Ticket.
For Slate Senator,
For Representatives,
For Clerfc.
For Sheriff,
For Treasurer.
For Assessor,
For Commissioner,
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
For Coroner,
For Justice, for t tie Four Roseburg Pre
cincts, JOHN HAMLIN.
For Constable,
We call the attention of our readers to
the fact that the legislature elected June
1st, wfll, under the present constitution,
be required to elect a United States sen
ator, and it is very ii-iportant that a re
publican senator be sent to Washington.
This is made specially eo now that the
policy of the democratic party has got
the government financially embar
rassed going into debt deeper and
deeper every day. So in vie of these
facts it is tbe duty of every voter, irre
spective of party, but especially so for
republican!, to elect men to the legisla
ture nho will work and vote for some
such man as J. H. Mitchell who is for
revenue by import duties that will pay
government expenses, protect American
labor, American interests, and is doing
all he can to give the psople the priv
ilige to elect by popular vote the sen
ators to the United States senate and re
niova this incubus of electing them by
proxy in a state legislature.
We trust the republicans will lay all
minor difference aside and stand
firm for our legislative candidate;. Vote
for A. W. Weed for state senator and
and A. M. Crawford, J. T. Bridges and
Geo. W. Riddle for representatives to
legislature. It is now your highest and
most imperative duty.
Here is what our neighbor, the Cottage
Grove Leader, has to say of our next
stale uenator: "Hon. A. W. Reed, re
publican candidate for state senator in
Douglas county is one of the best men in
all that county. Mr. Reed is genial,
honest and a gentleman in every par
ticular. Starting at the foot of the lad
der, he has by industry and strict integ
rity to business accomplished phenome
nal euccess in life. He is eo closely
allied with the interesth of Douglas
county that he will take special care of
the interests of the people of the county.
A senator of bis ability and well known
i ntegrity will be of immense advantage
to tbe state at large."
In a conversation with Mr. 'A. L. Dim
mick at Oakland, last Sunday, we called
hie attention to a report in circulation in
Koeeburg soon after the republican
county convention, to the effect that he
bad bolted the ticket and was canvas
sing the county in company with R. L.
Stephens, democratic nominee for county
ii rk, in osilioH lo Hi; republican
ticket. Mr. DImmirk ansurpfl us that
1 ro
mcli is not the case, but that he is a 8
loyal to republican principles as evor,
and that he it) not trying to defeat tlm
ticket, as has been retorted.
We can no better express our opinion
of Hon. W. E. Yates than by giving
place to the following notice from the
Cottage Grove Leader: "Mr. W. E
Yates whs with cs again last Thursday
and as before, appeared the same
straightforward man his people in Ren
ton county, of all political parties, rep
resent him to be There does not seem
to be any doublo dealing on his patt for
rotes, lie is not trying to ride into a
political harbor on two boats. Succes:
to such a man."
'A republican" GoJ save the mark),
iu the Review says, "doej not he," Ben
jamin, know that ho "who tows to the
wind must reap the whirlwiLd,?" Aye,
indeed he does, and he knowe thai " to
publican" and his democratic paper are
sowing to the wind, and we anticipate
the hit vest.
The I'l-UNdlalkk yields the cako to
the Review as a blark-gard without en
tering the list for a prize.
Of course to vote right, is to vote the
republican ticket. Why scratch your
ticket? Let our opponents do this to
theirs, if they so elect, but ours is made
from well selected material, and needs
no trimming. Iu answer, one will say,
on the groat national issues I am all
right; but it makes no difference in lo
cal affiirs if I do pick from any of the
tickets, the answer is : Your straight
.vote has its neijiht, especially in this
presidential year, and iu a state that is
one of the first to sound the note of a
republican jabilee; "the harbinger of
Some one else cinnot sapport this
or that man. Let not any small per
sonal matter come between )ou and the
go;dofyour party, or warp your judg
ment. Likely there is no better on the
other tickets. It is impossible to make
a ticket to suit everyone, often there
are reasons that do not appear on the
surface, why certain men arc not avail
able. Remember the ticket was made
up by delegates chosen from the differ
ent precincts by the members of the
party, and it is but f-ur to presume they
did their best to make a good and ac
ceptable ticket. Don't bolt this time,
but if oa are not ialitfied with the
names presented ; be on hand at your
next prim tries, and exert your influence
to select men tint aim to make such a
ticket as you desire. Perhaps to ?et
there yourself. All the virture in the
county was not exhausted, it is true, in
the makeup of all the tickets, but we
beiieve a fair representative from differ
ent ports of the county were nominated
on the republican side, good men and
troc, many of them tried public ser
vants; all selected for their adaptation
for the places for which they arc named.
So that there is no necessity in crossing
tbe line when making a choice, but
firmly stay with your party. See that
your ticket is republican, drop your pen
al, and deposit your yote like a pro
gressive American citizn, and you will
share with satisfaction in the general re
joicing that will follow a clean sweep
victory. R. E.
Editor Plaindealef. . 1 see that John
Long of Coles Valley tares exception to
a letter of mine published in the Plain
dealer in which I took occasion to criti
cise the dirty fight It-'- mads on Dave
Shambrook by tbe Review. Now I
hardly think tb&t this letter of my friend
Lone is worthy of much notice as he
soon uncovers the fact that he has, or
thinks be has, some personal grievance
against Shambrook growinc out of his
Long's, connection with a certain call
transaction which has interested the
people of Coles Valley during recent
years. By the way, John, the Tooley
calf is not the only calf you have been
in trouble over, is it? Isn't it a fact
John, tliat the people of Coles Valley
charge yon with being a kind of a calf
kelptomaniac. You say that Shambrook
tried to send you to jail on this charge.
Perhaps he was of the same opinion
the grand jury was on that question.
You know, John, that bis home is in
Coles Valley aud that be is interested
somewhat in tbe cattle business in this
valley. So if you had been a poor man
and without "scads" of money you
might have been convicted, might you
not John? Rot your money saved you,
did it? Bat you could not get action on
Dave Shambrook with all your money,
could you, John? You had to stand
trial just the same as if you had been a
poor man. I guess you are correct,
John, when you say that it wa3 your
money that sivcd you.
Did it ever occur to you, John, that
perhaps the cattle men of this county
might want just that kind of a man for
sheriff. A man whom money can't buy
and who would go after a rich man
charged with stealing cattle jast as hard
as he would after a poor man charged
with that offense. O.
Public Speaking.
At the court house tonight at 7:o0
o'clock by Hon. Thomas V. Cator of
San Francisco, jieoj lea parly candidate
for U. S. senator.
The following type-written slip is be
ing dextrously circulated in town today :
"If you kneed any money for clcc'ion
purposes call on Tony."
Tony authorizes us to etale that he has
not now, nor has he had a:jy money for
election purposes.
Notice to Stockmen.
My imported Clydesdale stallion will
stand tills scaBon on my farm, 2U miles
north of Roseburg, April 1, 1800. Sea
hod, $10. ; Inc. $15.
J. C. A IK EN.
Clay tang of
Yoncalla waB on our
stieets Sunday.
James Beckley returned from Portland
Sa tut day.
G. A. Rutt was up from Yoncalla Fri
day. We are glad to state that Mrd S. M.
Kelley is very much improved in health.
The infant child of Mr. and Mis. John
Manly died Saturday at 4 p. m.
Peter Humo and W. F. Benjamin of
Roseburg wero in towu Sunday.
Tho brass band entertained our town
folk with music Saturday evening.
Mrs. Geo. Settle went to Wilbur with
millineiv goods last week.
Judge Stearns came over from Rotc-
Imrg Monday of last week.
Dr. K. H. Gvnue held services in the
Presbyterian church Sunday evening.
Geo. W. Stephens aud wifeof Cala-
pooiawero in town trading with our
merchants last week.
Mr. J. r!o3mfield went to Astoria Mon
day of last week to attend the Grand of
I. O. O. F.
P. B. Rsckloy shinned two car-loads of
shesp aud six car-loads of cattle to Port
land Sunday. Will Vail went in charge
of the stock.
Mr. J. C. Hunt went to Roieburg
Friday to lake part in the- bicicle races
that were to take ilace there ou Satur
The monotony on our streets vas
broken last week by a couplo of street i
icerchants selling goods of all kinds at
auction two or three evenings.
The young ladies Y. will give an en-
teilainnient, Friday evening, Mav 29th,
at Young's Hall for the benefit of their
society. It is hoped tht-y will have a
good House.
Mr. '.. L. Dimmick has purchased his
brother Ralph's interest in the I'm-'
store aud building and will deal in the
drug business with Dr. Page. Ralph
will leave Ur I alifornia in a short lime
to look for a businets location.
Robert AVinniford was in town Thurs
day purchasing various articles of our
rxcrdiants. W hen ready to start home
his wagon was well loaded with a fine
cook stove and its furnishings, chairs,
spring ru, brooms, etc. Jlay success
attend you, Robert.
F. A. McCall, nominee forclerk on the
peoples party ticket, and Robert Mc
Laughlin, nomiuee for sheriff, in com
pany with other prominent men of their
party, were here Saturday looking after
their interests. Mortimer Whitehead, a
promiuet populist speaker from the East,
delivered an address at Young's hall in
the afternoon. Tbilbv.
Hon. A. M. CranforJ and (J. W.
Riddle, republicans. J. W. Haroillon,
democrat, and J. E. Adcox, populist,
held a joint debate here Wednesday be
fore a crowded house. The meetinz re
sulted in great good for the republican
Messis. Gailey, McCall and McLaugh
lin, prominent populist candidates, spnl
Sunday in town, looking after their
political interests.
Rev. Stratford pleached a very im
pietsive memorial eeroion Sondy.
Mrs. i. W. Moore, who has b;cn very
ill for some time is much improved.
Dr. J. II. Hawkins, assisstcd by Dr.
Barber of Portland, performed a surgical
operation on Miss Manna Cellers Fri
day. Miss Cellers bis been' confined to
her bed for several months. She was
resting easy Sunday and we hope to see
out again soon.
Miss R. L. Smith of Salem organired
a hive of Lady Maccabees here Saturday.
The following officers wero elected and
installed . Lady Commander, 3Irs. C.
E. Jones ; Lt. Commander. Dora Mc
C'allister; Post Commander. Mrs. M.
Holyfield; Lady Sergeant, Diana Tay
lor; Mistress at Arms, Emma Uol field ;
Chaplain, Mrs. E. Rhodes; Sentinel,
Mis. J. J. Hedden ; Picket, Mrs. L. N.
Whipple; R. K., Ida Miller; F. K.. May
One week more and then the agony
will be over. I am not a prophet, but 1
have a prophecy just the S3me. Here
it is: The populists will poll about 1000
votes, the democrats 1125 and there
publicans 1 175. See if we are not about
right. Rei-oktkh.
To-lay has been warm aud pleasant.
It is the first really spring like day of
the season.
Politics are the all-engaging topic of I
conversation at present, and the outlook j
lor tno republican candidates is growing
brighter every day. South Douglas re
publicans are united and arc on the alert
for the evident attempt being made by
the opposition to divide our iarty, and
by that means give them a victory
which they are eure they will fail to
gain, unless they secure it in that way.
Kvery day some new schemo to en
trap unwary voters is unearthed, but tbe
sweeping victory we will atUm June 1st
will show how futile is 6nch misleading
Hev. Kdward Gorslinc ami family of
Drain have arrived at Glendale and "will
spend the summer here.
The den Jale bafe ball club played a
match game at Wolf Crerk today with
the Wolf Creek nine, iu which our boys
were beaten.
(.'. S. Jackson, one of the jiopulist can
didates for representative, will speak
here this evening. Mr. Jackson ia an
intelligent gentleman, whose od1- fault
is that he is on the wrong ticket.
Jliss Nettie Kedtield of Itoskydell was
at (ilendale visiting friends today.
Voto the straight republican ticket
The hottest light next Monday will le
over the county sheriff. Vote for D. K.
Shambrook. Don't throw awoy your
hallo on side-shows.
1 m rcjiorted on the htrcets of Can
yoi to last Saturday, that B. C. Agco,
tho democrat nominee for sheriff, had
gone up to Elk creek to look for some
horse theives that escaped from the
Koseburg jail, while he was sheriff of
this county.
Mr. Jame3 S. Ueiison, a popular young
drugeist of this place was married last
Sunday to Miss Orpah Wynne, one of
Cottage (trove's estimable young ladies.
The republicans will have a emml rAti.
lication meeting in Parsley's hall, on
Saturday night, May 00. Come out all
ye democrats and populists and listen to
facts. Geo. M. Brown and Hon. C. A.
Seblbrede of Roseburg will address tho
It may he a matter of princinlo some-"
times lo voto lor a man who cannot bo
elecled, bnt that is usually when all of
tho polilical parties havo put up camli-
datea who cannot be trusted. That is
not tho caso however, with regard lo Iho
office of sheriff. Mr. D. R. Shambrook
is well and favorably known all over tho
county and throroughly qualified to fill
the office creditably, if elected. But he
may he dcleated if to many votes are di
verted to B. C. Agee and R. L. Mc
Laughlin thereby placed iu the lead.
B. C. Agee, himEelf cannot come within
cannon range of election. The only
effect of voting for him is to help Mc
Laughlin. Every voter who thinks of
casting a ballot for Agee should stop aud
ask himself tho question, "Do I want to
elect McLaughlin?" If ho does not so
dceiro ho should voto lor Shambrook.
Get on to the Northern Pacific
The change of lime via the. Nurluum
Pacific enables passengers to leave Purl
laud daily at 5 p. ui., reaching St. Paul
and Minneapolis iu tlire3 days, St. Louis
and Chicago in three and one-half Jays,
Lincoln, Neb., at 12:55 noon of the
third day, Omaha at 4:05, St. Joseph at
5:50, Atchison at 0:30, I-eavcnworth at
7:35 and KatiEasCity at 8:05.
You can tree by this that tho Northern
Pacific equals all other lines to all points,
aud. arm if you will compare schedules,
you will see that the Northern Pacific
beats all other lines into Lincoln four
hours, St. Joseph twelve hours, leaven
worth fourteen hours arid Kansas City
ten hours and forty fire minutes, where
immediate counectious arc made in
Union depots for all points south
Don't forget that the Northern Pa
cific is tho only line running two traiti3
daily to the east, tho only dining car
route from Portland, the only line run
ning a first class Pullman sloo'ier through
from Portland to Minneapolis and St.
Paul without a change, and the only line
to the Yellowstone National Park.
For full information, tickets, sleeping
car reservations, etc., call ou or write D.
S. K. Rutck, resident agent, Roseburg,
Oregon, or to A. D. Charlton, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, 250 Morrison
street, corner Third Portland, Oregon.
Notice to the Public.
1 must and have to do business in or
der to raise money to payoff. This is no
humbug as you all know. I will offer
my mammoth stock consisting of cloth
ing, mens' furnishing, hats, cai, boots
and shoes, etc., at prices never before
beard of. Here areafe-v of the grand
bargains: Men's suits, tegular $7.50
sellers goes at this sale for $5.50; men's
suits, formerly sold for $10, goes for $7;
men's suits sold for $12.50 goes for $!). I
Lave a nice line in pants which will go
in proportion. In mens' furnishing
goods I cau't be beat in assortment or
Shoes! shoes!! shoes!!! now is the
time to talk shoes. All my patrons and
friends are well awarethat I sell cheaper
than anyplace in town, and carry at
large a stock as there is needed. All I
have to tay is that I will continue selling
the same at the old figure. In hats 1
can suit anybody. Give me a call and
I convince yourself about it. No trouble to
show goods. Always glad to see my o4d
friends as w ell as new ones.
Very truly yours,
J. Auiiaiiam.
P. S. I have a few cases of boots left
which I will close oat. Coots, usually
sold for $4 goes for $2.50. Boots sold for
$5.50 goes at the astonishing cheap price
of $2.75.
J. Abrahams.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Coal tar and resin at Marsters'.
Pure fresh candies, fruits and nuts
tho Hoselcaf.
School books and stationery at Mai
stera' DrugStoie.
Neatsfoot oil, machine and lubricating
oils at Marsterb' Drugstore.
Bc3t assortment of ladies shirt waists
in tonu.
Novelty twe.
Wa.tlu 100 bushels of iirV. class bar
ley. Address Koseburg Brewery, L.
Smith, Prop.
Straw hats,
'sa'ibis aud ladies son-
! shades at the
:sovLn Moke.
For Sale Improvements on 100 acre
homestead. Address D. H. K., Plai.n
iikalkk, Uosebarg, Oregon.
Ladies mitts, ties and knit uuderear,
tine assortment.
Nov kltv Stoke.
"Jumbo" is otilt at the Cafe Resort
and will cater to the wants of his many
friends iu his usual affabln manner.
Don't go hungry.
All new prices iu plain KKD figures.
See our new "ad" in the lleview.
Novelty SrutiK.
The ladies of the Christian church " at
Myrtle CreeK in ill setve saudwiches and
coffee and icecream and cake on election
day at F. M. Gabbert's old stand. All
aro invited.
Those having second hand stoves,
furniture, etc., for salo can receive tho
highest rash price by calling upon N.
Rice, the furniture and supply dealer,
221-1X5 "Jackson street Koseburg, Or.
Gus Liuscr, and every lody knows Gus,
has accepted a position with "Pap" Har
mon, and ho will bo pleased to meet his
old friendd and delighted to make new
ones. Don't forget the place, Cafo Re
sort. The Cafe Resort ia in tho lead, and on
Saturday night an extra lunch of choice
delicacies will be served to the public
when Gus Linser, the popular mixolo
gist, will make a sH.-cialty of entertain
ing his friends.
Notice to the Traveling Public.
Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of the Pri
vate Boarding House, formerly known as
tho Farmers' Holel, on Lano street, one
block east of tho depot, has acquired the
reputation of being onu'of the best cater
ers in tllO fit V. M...,lu 1". fOtitu- )r,ir,l
; and lodirinL' 't m
,0"ilnt TJ-w
I Tp Trade.
Tvvo IolB in Marehlield for hogs.
Two and one half IntH in North
burg, forelock; hnefc or buggy in patt
payment. Call on I. K. Itico & Co.
Tiwto are liuiljandJ who tre jn-tt,r.
There aro liuftbatHl who are willy.
There are huslanda who in public tiro as mU
ing a th morn;
There are husbands who healthy.
There nre famous on and wealthy.
But the real angt lle husband well, he's ceri-r
rot been liorn.
Some for strength of love are noted.
Who are really mi devoted
That whone'er their wives are absent tlwy are
lonesome and forlorn,
And while now ami then you'll find one
Who'd a really Rood and kind one:
But tho real nngclie husband oh, he, never
yet been born.
So tho woman who is mated
To man who may lie rated
As "pretty fair" fclioald cherish him forever
and a day.
Tor tho rvil angelic creature,
Perfect finite in every feature.
He has ne?cT been discovered, and he won't lx ,
hi they ray.
T. 15. Aldrich in Coaton Budget.
Tho Salesmen Kccnunt Tlieir Auiuslnc Ex-
!cr!cure4 With Varlom Customers.
One morning, when by mistake wo
had arrivtd at tho store ten minutes be
fore tlm arrival cf the boss Avith the
keys, tho men were amusing themselves
relating their experience Avith various
ctiit' .n;t rs
"Why is it," asked tho Tool Man,
"tliat so luaiiypooplo Ket 'twisted' with
corkscrews and screwdrivers?"
"Nature of tho tool," sagested tho
Cutlery Man.
"Whatever the reason," continued the
Tool Man, "I have observed the almost
universal confusion of a tcrewdriver
and curkKsew. It in rji everyday occur-
nMKf with ladies aa well as men, only
,1 l.sdy ;k:. f a corkxrew and a man
fc.r a M-rev. driver and then look at you
so surprixd. "
"Or when they want a 'lid lifter,' "
mid tho Stove Man, "nino peoploont of
tew .-k for a "stovo lifter."'
"Did y ever notice," remarked the
Cutlery Mau, "how a man or a woman
extras themselves wlieu at a loss for a
"What's in a iiamo anyway:" inter
rupted tho Tool Man. "Tho woman who
akid f-ir 'clear' t;.cfc? got what sho
wanted a? qnickly as though f-he had ahk
ed fur 'thiried' tacks. Such requests give
opportunity.; for mental gymnastics,
and thus relieve tlie lethargic tcuden-ci-
incident to continuous routine
wcrt. "
Without apparently olierviiig tho in
terrnptiou the Cutlery Man continued :
"Tbe other flay a lady came rustling
into the fcti-rc. She was oue of tliose
m-rviins!, bastling little womeu, and she
wanted a fair of 'rwinchers. Noticing
my Wank !.'k. tliesaid, Von know, like
thi. ' Eukiru a hjotion with her thumb
and fiiTthier that at once suggested
'tweezers. ' When a man wants an ar
ticle lw can't name, houeis out a pencil,
tear the Kick an envelope and pro
of ls t give ui 'idea. "
"A lady gave me an idea," again re
marktd the ttove Man, "on selling gas
M.ves. Whil showing them to her she
aked sme question to which I confessed
ipi-'r.ui'-c T my she said:
Wi 11, yon may -wad me this one. I
as-ketl Mr. (nam ing a competitor)
that question, and he told me to moch I
did nut know what to believe, bat I do
believe yon. " Hardware.
Natnral Gas.
An experiment of some importance is
reported, made with a view to deter
mine, if possible, the origin of natural
gas. irrespective of theories hitherto
prevalent. For this porpbso dried sea
weed was steeped in water which liad
been freed from air, ami on the third
day gas appcarvd, continuing to bo
evolved in diminishing quantity until
the tenth day, when some i03 cnbic cen
timeters had been collected. The evolu
tion had evidently ceased, though after
standing two years and a half 30 cubic
centimeters more of gas collected in the !
apparatus ; the rrcoud gas differed from
the first, consisting, it is recorded, al
most entirely of methane the chief con
stituent of n.ttnral gas from which it
is inferred thatthis slow secondary de
composition of vegetable matter has
some relation to tho origin of natural
gas, New York Sun.
He Will I to au Innocent Thin;.
The sua beat liotly npon the parched
"Oh, I see," he exclaimed joyously.
"That woman who throws the ball is
trying to hit the woman with tho bat.
Oh, dear, why doesn't she nut the other
war; Are those women ont youder tho
baees? How stupid in me ! You told me
that before, didn't you? Is oar side go
ing ont without a run? Isn't that lovely,
after the other side had to run so
moch. "
Thus the pretty young man with the
blue veil prattled on and on, seemingly
oblivions that the tall lady in the check
ed suit u:t silent and prcuxupicd beside
hi in. Detroit Tribune.
New York" Imputation.
Mr. Gvitham No, I never liave a par
ticle of on the ocean. Dju't you
know, sir. that one is safer 011 a trans
atlantic flier than on a city street?
Mr. Lakeside (of Chicago) Humph !
Well, to tell the truth, I lelieve if I had
to chiKve between an ice.ut stetuncr and
a New Yeik street. I'd do as you do
tako the steamer. New York Weeklv.
vtniienicii nave
more strengtu, wom-
en have more endurance and n greater
capacity for protracted and monotonous
labor. In those countries whore women
work in the t'wUU sido by side with
their husbands and brothers, tlio lattir
may accomplish nioro work, tho former
can labor n.creatcr number of hours.
"Crocxlile :ear'' are alluded to by
i-everal Latin and Cireek authors, it be
ing n super.-tition among the ancients
that the crocodile, nfter killing a man,
ate :.!1 his body but hi:! head and sJied
tears over that before eating it afco.
In Corinth,
fold for 2 cent.-
A. D. 201, 20 tigs wero
To The Public.
The undersigned having taken charge
of Dr. Strangc's. dental rooms in tho
Wilson & Taylor block, is prepared
to do first class work of the latest im
proved methods.
Dit. K. W. Buxjamis.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers you
! want to trade lor lumler, or if you
Hosoiwantlo Inn a 1 ill of anv kind of lir
' Inmlvr, you wiil do well to address
p. o. box 123, Drain, Oregon.
3 M. F. Rapp,
Jackson Street. Kotcburz, Ortjcfl.
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
ii ai in it
C rry contn-Jr on han't Sevr ujA Skcond l
w! will Sell at Hani Times Prices G.ri. o a a
Hand Goods Bought and Sold.
The HOIVG Farm, east of town, has been plat
ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100
per acre.
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy
All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more
than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for
the future. More .fortunes are made in lands near a grow
ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor
tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real
Estate Office, or on
G T, BEIiDE Fropr.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Alining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
St,MeH taK, UuuIna Couay, Oscoaa.
Sacccssor U
General Blacksmithlng
Strop ou Corner Waslilujjtoii and Kane Sts.. ICoctiur.
Depot Grocers
Give us a call. Goods delivered to any prt 01 tie City ia short order.
Corner Lane & Sheridan Streets, ROSEBCKG, OREGON.
L. SCHM1TT, Proprietor.
Keep your Mouey at Home. Driuk only home made Beer.
The Best iu the Market.
For a Good Drink of WHISKEY
Marble and Granite Works.
i W.
Estimates Furnished on M
Hoi I id ay 2
mu 0
Gentlemen, gp
and Children, am
HEHDRICK'5 block
fc J1.
best whisky on earth.
AGH1S0N k CO., Proprs.
IViCc; ,u U &lut ot
Marine uiul Uranite Jlomimeiits
and lloiitJsroiu's,
Portland Cement
1 .tts-.
kind-- i A ubiety Work