j IF YOU DOiTT READ j The Plaiiidealer t i You Don't Gut the News. IF YOU SEE IT IH j The Plamdealer it is so Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 25, 1896. No. 24. H. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, aN i. um Baildtnc. K03ESDKG, OR. "5J Business eiMC the IT. S. LamI OBtc and dntut osm idltT. ltt Xecatrtr U. S. Uad Ofioe. moan . awtra. rSSO. rAlK-TBSTl.N. gROWK & STJSTTlf, Attorne'S-at-Lav, T ft Wilson Block. ROSEBUKG. OK. A. Attoraey and Counselor tit Law, 1Q bucUm lm U Iks KUft&e Stale. 01 iatMUw CMUt En, DwtjiM omr.tr. Or. 0. A. SKKL3P.HDK, Attorney at Law, (Mao rer tike FotVifia an Jton atiet. w. IT. GAJS.UWELL, Attorney at Law, &OSKBCKQ, OKBCOK. jJL fVtKTTX LiSX. IAHS ft LOTTO KAHY, Attorneys fe Counselors at Law ft ill araeurv :t tot is & TTlur a. ill lb couta if Oiccns. Ot- P R. OOFFMAH, Physician and Surgeon iC. s. FTiyntwtng Sarseee.) avnes. K-ii-M ana ? Mantm' Boil oMeace. rim doer Saatk of Ma. Carrier S- Special attention to jurecrr ud U Physician and Surgeon, KOSSBBRG. OB. OMw ut. JUjfcs A Oo.c Btodr, obtain. Oath pnatyUy aaswercd da? cr afe)M. j L. MTCJ.KR, M. D.. Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, WELL. y. HEYBON, i Oira: 1st Oo&rt Hock1. far Sarrerisz aadRcUXati!iMal aAaienc-l to Win P. Berra, Oaatj- Scr Beaefcurs. it. w. F. BHIGK3S, U. 8. Depttty Xtneral Surveyor ami ?foiry I'uljllc Omci: County Jtil E-a-idiax, op Cairo. Special ittcalica paid la TrxJeri icd ROSK3CEG. OB JERRY J. WILSON, Wat(niakcr aHt! Jeweler, 4ii JncfciMii Street, At iJCfen I C:?u F-Cuj?. EOsEBtJRS. Va VII liepalrlux cutruslccl to my care vrttl be PROZPTI.V ana cnrcfully done. PRICES KEAjoXABLE. WOODWABD Does Up ALL COMPETITORS Werro always is the Lead, and mean to koip there. The GcLIes ILuet U spon tu, aad farm en arc amiliag LecMse Wcodwartl loo xa to their tatrcst. -Kail Trimmed- TSAPtfl HARNESS TImm m all I.sather sod Warranted. ADDLE At Kedoced Prices. OattcuH year yare aod le sure and Wodwrd itefore living. W. ft. WOODWARD To the Public. On aod alter thisdute, I wish it uuder atood tbftt mjr lermn (or all underlakcr's goods sre caub with the order. 1 find it impowble to '. btipinesn on n crcdi mti, an ? ! live that I can do U'tter by my patr- -.rA nijse'Ihy Felling strictly for ash. 1' L' 'edick, ITndertaUcr. Kosfcburg, Ore, April 12, 1895. A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. MSKCLbK.j Practical : Watchmaker, : ...DKAIJtK IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELHIT. AND FANCY GOODS. Guuuiuo Oi-tucilian I5yo A COJirLETE STOCK OF Cutlory, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also IVonrletor and XLnunger of Roselnirg's Famous lifti-gain Slore. WE SELL Ch arter Oak AND COOK 5T0VES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. IRGHILL, WOOLLEY & MIKENZIE'S losing i: Out Having decided to retire (cominenciug Mcnday, my entire Dry Goods and Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. CAP5, FURNISHING GOODS, FANCY GOODS,' ETC., AT COST. Remember these arc New and F: c ;h Goods, direct from the markets of Chicago and Ne. York, and who take advantage of this sale will s.ivc money. 5b3f,Also, Store Fixtures for Sale. Yours Truly. A.C.MAR5TER51 "Wall Papeir LIME PLASTER A FULL LIftE OF WlttPOW GLASS ALL ORULRS PROMPTLY I iL I f I) Jeweler : and ; Optician. GIhsmcb and SJriect'aoleM THE FAMOUS superior from in Roseburg, ill offer stock of those 0 - - . A Cnoice Collection, at Prices that Sell AND CEMENT. - CAfllPAIQN LIES. Tho I'i-msukaleh has studiously ab stained from disreputable personalities of the candidates on tho democratic ticket. It hn3 regarded them as repre sentative men of reputable characters, and tried to conduct this campaign on its rart in a fair and generous manner, and allow the Review to monopolize the mud slinging business. Xow at this time the Plaixdeaixii does not propose to contend with tho Review for honors of this kind, but it will notico some qf tho Review 'a lies concerning Ecveral re publican candidates whom the Review is trj irg to disparage before the pcoplo by mUicpicsBntations and frequently down right falsehoods. With regard to Mr. Crawford's epeech at Glendale, exonerating D. R. Sham brosk from any blamo in tho cscajKj of Sam T.rown last winter, he stated that Sir. Shambrook had nothing to do with Brown's escape cither directly or iadi- ectly, as he did not have control of the jail in Licit Brown was conGned. So far as any official blame wa3 concerned, tho Cithcarts were to blame, as they only, held tho keys to the jail, and kept tho i risoners under their own supervi sion. Therefore Mr. Shambrook was wholly blameless for Brown's escape. These were the facts in tho case and can't be successfully disproved. As to Craw ford's itating that Mr. Cathcart "pur posely misdirected tho pursuing party," we unhesitatingly pronounce that a ma licious lie told to injure Shambrook, and for no good purpose. Vs to the certiticato made at Eugene, ptil 30, by one J. D. Parker, stating that ho delivered a message to Albert Pool, for which Crawford paid him $25, that, if true, has nothing to do with Shambrook's connection with Brown's escape. The certificate is doubtless a fabrica tion by this irresponsible fellow ; but if, however, Parfcer did deliver the message, Parker dees not state the nature of it. If it was to subvert justice what sort of a fellow ii this Parker to be engaged in violating law? This J. D. Parker, who certifies, has evidently made it for hire, after bting a tool, as appears by bis doing an iilecal ac. if there was anvthinz wrong in it. Asin this certificate was made, April 30, and doubtless has been in the Re view's poiscision about 20 days. Why baa not the Review printed thatstate-i ment while -Mr. Crawford was in the city or in easy reach of it, and not wait till Mr. Crawford had gone from home and will not have an apportunity to re fute cr explain it. Bat no, this black hearted, vituperative sheet, attacks Mr. Crawford. Thug like, in tho bock. Mr. Crawford is an honest, upright etti:eu, patriotic and law-abiding, and not descend to sucu meanness as characterizes the Review and the ring it issubscrvant to for partisan purposes. The real fact in the case of Brown's es cape is, it was effected by a "diabolical conspiracy" on the part ef sonio outsiders for a double purpose. First, to assist Brown's escape from jestice, and then deliver him up for toward, and second, to show to the county the inetliciency of a republican sheriff, and thus make po litical capital for thi3 cr.mpaign, and had Mr. Cathcart been nominated for sheriff, the Review would have opened its bat teries on him. Now it shifts tho fight to Shambrook. The Review at the time of Brown's es cape boasted of its tnowlodge of the con spiracy and that Blown was "Secreted in certain hotite in this cil'j," a fact that has come to light recently and through the grand jury's investigation, and now atpalitical friend of the Review has been indicted for aiding tho escape of the fel low, and will bebronght before the court for trial next term. The Review evidently expected Brown would bo recaptured and the reward paid; but the cecapo racket would be its capital for this campaign. The Review and its abettors are working this echenie for all it its worth their bread and but ter by misrepresentation and malign ing tne character ot good men and worthy citizens. But tho -Review perceives it can't win by fair means and so resorts to foul Jones smirching men's reputations by giving publicity to the basest of lies. MT. SCOTT, Miss Pbinetta Blakeley started for Rock Creek on the l"th inst. to teach tho spring term of school. A populist meeting was held on Men day, tho 18th inst., at tho Oak Creek school house. The speakers were Messrs. Gazlcy, Jackson, Green and Rowley. Although your correspondent was conspicuous by his absence, it seems, from what he lias heard, that tho speakers made use of most of their timo in scoring thu republican party, while tho democrats were left unscathed. W. K. Baxter gave two A. P. A. lec tures here. The first on Tuesday even ing, the 19th, at tho Mt. Scott school house to a packed house; tho second at the l.ono Rock school house tho follow ing evening, to whiolf tho pcoplo turned out en masse to listen to the eloquence oi .Mr. Jjaxtcr. .ti ino urst lecture, one Aug. t-ciuooiuann loot auvaniace ot a chanco to make an ass or himself, in which ho succeeded admirably, August should form a more intimate ac qiiaiutunco with the English langungi before trying it again. O.nk oi Tim Kins. THE SENATE. There will be great changes in the senate after March 4 next. Thirty sen ators will go cut, of whom thirteen are republicans, fourteen democrats and thrco populists. Tho Eenate is cow a tie upon party questions. The republi cans have forty-five senators, the demo crats thirty-nino and tho populists six. Upon tho silver question, tho free-coinage majority is from six to U-n. It is certain that the changes of this winter will mako the senate firmly republican. It is probable that they will give it a sound-money majority. Of tho thirteen republicans to go out from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina. North Dakota, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Washington, Utah and Ore gon, everyone will bo Succeeded by a republican, and it i3 highly probable that the silver senator from North Dakota, Pennsylvania, (Cameron), Washington and Oregon will be succeeded by sound money men, as 'that is the dominant republican sentiment in all tLo:e states. Tho three populists and Peffer, Kyle and Jones. A silver man will succeed Jones, but South Dakota will certainly, and Kansas inav nos'ibly. elect a sound- money senator, neie is a eaie gain oi five for tho gold standrad among the re publicans and populists1, and a gain ot two upon party questions. The fourteen democrats going out come from the states of Kentucky, Ala bama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illi nois, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Wisconsin and Maryland. Republicans will suc ceed the sound-money democrats from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York. Wis consin and Maryland. Republicans may succeed the free - coinage democrats, Blackburn and Vest, from Kentucky and Missouri. Counting only one of these, here is a gain of seven party votes and one for sound money. This makes a total gain ia all parties of nine republican ... r . . votes, which wculd give that party uigh- tcenviajo:ity, and of fix votes on the money question, which wcitid give sound monev a majority o! from two to six in the senate. No Eoand-inoner seats will be lost. All the gains will teon one side. The next senate will be U- sound' money by a narrow majority, if all Bui farther changes are hkeJy to result from the moral influence of the nat ional conventions. If the Ht. Louis con vention will declare plainly for the gold standard, it is probable that some repub lican senators who have voted for free coinage heretofore will defer to tho high est parly authority and change their at titude. If the democratic party shall split on the money question, and the sil ver half join tho populists, it is p-obab!e that Eastern democrats in the senate will no longer act with the silver party of obstruction, merely to embarass the re publicans, but will join the republicans in support of such legislation as their judgement shall approve. This should make the senate strong enough, iu the nest congress, to join the house in af firmative action for ierinanept protect ion or the public credit and mainte nance of the standard of value. Oregon ian. ENTHUSIASTIC POPULISTS. Spokane Review: Populist papers throughout the state aie giving prompt and enthusiastic supiwt to the free lar ceny plank recently adopted by the pop ulist central committee of Spokane county. It will be recalled that the Spokane central committee denounced as an outrage on justicothe practice of sending men to the penitentiary for stealing less than $200. The Index,' a populist paper at Watorvillc, prints tho plank with approval, and adds that the "records of the superior couit of Doug las county show that unfortunate and friendless men have been sent to Walla Walla for a long term of years for thefts that amounted to far les than $200.' This it denounces as "a gross evil in the admistration of justice that requires the vigorous application of common sense " It is plain the Index takes no stack in tho "crawfishing" explanation made by a few weak-kneed populists hero in Spo kane county about the resolution not be ing understood by tho committeemen by reason of the "poor acoustic qualities of the hall." The Index believes in stand ing up firmly for populistic doctriuo as laid down by the loaders of the party. But notwithstanding this indorsement by the Waterville paper, the Spokesman Review suspects that the honest farmers of Douglas county have no sympathy with this tender feeling for theives atul lawbreakers who steal their stock or burglarize their homey, and that they will continue to demand the samo pro tection from the law that is given to tho rich. It has bceh thu theory of justice in thu past that the poor man who loses his horse, cow or househonld gooJs by theft wants and is entitled to the same protection which the law accords to the rich banker or rjiIro.nl president whose house is burglarized and his plate and diamonds stolen. Penitcntiares aro built for theives, and theives ought to bo sent there, as quickly for stealing $100 worth of the pocr innti's property as for robbing tho rich man's house of $1000. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powde V?tU's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. ROSEBURG TAMMANYITES. Tho Review eaya tho "A. P. A. gov ernment of Ro-eburg has been the dark est period in the history of our city." Oh terrible, terrible! This is another false statement of this self-styled "tax payers' friend." The darkest period in Roseburg'a history was when the Rose burg ring ruled the city as with a rod of iron and saddled a debt upon it of about i45,000 by inaugurating a system of city improvements which are almost useless, viz: the sewerage; and also contracts with the water and electric light com panies at rates and for periods of time that are iu cxcces of most other cities. TI113 so called A. P. A. qoverninent, as the Review puts it, has saved the city about $SS3 since ita assuming control by refusing to continue tho contract with the water company on disadvantageous terms to the city. The contract with the electric light company has not yet expired and of course the city-has to pay for city lights at the rates of the old ring board. This so-called A. P. A. govern ment is powerless to cut down on that expense. It is false, however, to call the present city government an A. P. A. government, It is the citizen's govern ment. It was the citizens, irrespective of party, who ros5 up in their might and knocked the old Tammany ring out of power, and with them tlje Reyiew, and that is what it is belly-aching about. Now it is renewing the fight against the people of the county, and trying, if possi ble, to reinstate the Tammanyites in power with the hope that this fall at the municipal election to again get control of the city and renew the old water coa tract and make the city pay $1000 a year for water for fire extinguishing and sewer flushing. And who has to pay for it? Why, every tax payer within the city limits. And who is mostly benefited by h? Why chiefly those who hold the ma jority of water 6tock and have property in the heart of the city in close prox imity to the mains. Those who live re motely from the mains pay their taxes and derive little or no benefit. If the company would regulate the water rates proportionate to the practical benefits to be d. rived, the taxpayer would cot com plain. But the way they have been treated in the past is intolerable and they have kicked, and kicked hard, and tho Review complains and ', condemns them with changing the city government from those halcyon days of ring rale to one that is "tho darkest in the history of our city." In view of the foregoing facts, will you voters now restore this Roseburg Tamanv ring to power? .A ring that has dominated the city and largely the county government for years. Now this "ring, Eeeing that its glory has departed through old tactics, like a rowning man catching at straws, it raises the cry ot "won, won," when there is no wolf in view. This mouth piece of the ring, the Review, makes the air bhid with cursas on the A. P. A.'s to frighten the taxpayers back into sup port of the old ring. Will they do it? We trust not. It ii growing more and more apparent that tr.o republican partv made no mis take in nominating A. W. Reed for state senator. Hon. A. W. Reed is gaining on his competitor Jame3 F. Gazley every day Reed will be elected state eenator June 1st, and don't forget it. The republican convention last April did a good job in making the ticket it did. It is a good one. Every man is the peer of his opponent. Major MeKinloy appears .to be the coining man. The papers claim he has otl delegates pledged for him with only 014 against him. If he gets 5154 votes at St. Louis, he will be next president. The Review boasts of advocating prin ciples, not men, and yet about all itsays is a concatenation of personalities and falsehoods. Principle be d d, as Gould said, seems to be the only principle it cares to discuss. Hon. Geo. M. Brown will address the citizens of Garden Valley, May 24th, on the political issues now before the public. Mr. Brown is a very interesting as well as an eloquent speaker. The people of Garden Valley will do themselves credit by turning out to hear him. The settled opinion of persons compe tent to know the condition of the treasury, is that Cleveland will negotiate for tho jalb of another hundred million dollars worth of gold bond3. Where are tho democrats "for revenue only?" Aye ! where are they the Review, m answer to our ques- tiou, "Where will you go in Douglas county or any other county in Oregon to find better m?n than the so called A P. AV. have on their ticket?" says " Cut it is a question of principle, and not of personality of candidates " Ah, m deed! When nil the utterances of the Review are conspicuous for tho absence of principles discussed, whilo it is sur charged with vituperative personalities There is scarcoly an article iu that slan doring sheet that is not burthened witl hitter invectives against somo person on tho republican or populist tickets. A BOOMERANG ! Fisher Has to Publish a Detraction of his Statements. In Monday's issue of the Review Fisher s.tate3 that some of our most re putable citizens were about to get on his 'fusion" car, and. great was his howl thereat. This being democratic property this year, he naturally felt like protest ing, and proceeds to file his usual abusive bill of false accusations. It transpires now he has to take it back, for in Thurs day's Review we see that Messrs. Mc- " Laughlin (populist nominee for sheriff; and McCall (tor clerk) ask him to pub lish over their signatures their declara tion that his statements regarding any deal with them, looking toward with drawal, or support from republicans, was wholly false. And the Review, we see, is obliged to publish its own dishonor able position. This is a sample of its whole course for the last few months, and there is not a thing that he bos advocated nor a politi cal statement made by him during this campaign but what he would have to go back on today if it wa3 thought be3t to crowd him on it. But we, as republicans. agree that he is doing as much more good than harm, in hi3 low-down me thod of lying and dirt-slinging. Next year, perhaps, he willbo tetter able to Eeebimself as othera see him. We have faith in the decency and common sense of the good people of Douglas county and that they will give such methods of poli tical work a fitting rebuke. We haye looked in vain for a single line in the Review lately where he adyoeates or commends an issue or measure whereby the country might be benefited. Not a thing but "d d the A. P. A." Shades of Boss Tweed, Dick Cronin and all boodlers whose arms were always open to embrace Molly Maguires, Clan- na-Gaels, Fenians and all other un American avowed assassins and revolu tionists, working and voting in perfect harmony with democracy everywhere! How virtuous he gets all at once. when a society organizes in our midst whose watchword is the protection of enr American homes and the spread of true American and patriotic principles! This is gall and wormwood to him now. There has not appeared in the PtAix- dealee one unkind word in regard to any candidate on either the democratic or populist tickets, neither have any of the candidates on the republican ticket had one word to say in disparagement cf their opponents. The Review has had a monopoly of this kind of politics. Popu lists and republicans alike have been subject to the false, slanderous and vile insinuations and open attacks. Strange it ia that young men like those who pub lish the Review, who are expected to live in Dauglaa county after this cam paign ia over and to depend on the citi zens ot the county tor their support, would persist in their vile abuse and slander of old citizens of the county ,tnen who were bora in Douglas county and who have a rtcord lor honesty and good citizenship of which the publialurs c the Review might well envy them, and stranger even than this would it be, if republican voters should be so far in fluenced by the siren songs of this coterie of administration, democrats who wor ship no other gods but Clevelands, and Carlisle, and who would only bind to their chairot wheels, all these republi cans who may so far forget what they owe to their party a3 to be dup;d by their false issues. Restriction of Immigration. The house has passed the McCall immigration-restriction bill, which estab lishes an educational test. This is better than nothing, but it will let in many un desirable persons. Perhaps the consn-lar-inspection bill is impracticable, though it is suspected that much cf the opposition to it was inspired by the steamship companies, whose revenues are threatened by the restriction. The Eimplest and easiest way to exclude im migrants would be to pet a head tax of $100 upon each one. The real cause of eo much undesirable immigration is the great reduction in the cost of passage. That should be raised artifically by a tax. The only desirable immigrants are those with vigor and prudence enough to overcome considerable obstacles to their coming. That sort aro likely to do well for themselves and for the country after they arrive. Any oUier sort are likely, in the language of the present act, "to become a public charge." Oregon inn. That meeting ef the secret advisory board mentioned by the Review, is the stop-thief cry to detract attention from the secret Eessious of the Roseburg ring, which are held almost nightly in Kim ball's room in the Abraham building, where the government officials' meet to concoct plans to defeat tho republican ticket. This cry oi "s:croi advisory board" is kettlo calling pot black, and any paper that h:u a sense of shame in its composition would not have the gall to condemn in others what it eo freely indulges in itself. Tho first number of the first volume of tho Evening Repub'ican, Colonel B. F. Alley's new paper, has been issued from Baker City. A typesetting machine is used in doing the composition, and tho payer is attractive in uprearance.