THE PLAINDEALBR. Published Daily, except SuntUv. V. K. BKNJAiHN.. C. Y. BENJAMIN Kdltor. .Mautscr. Subscription RntcH. Ouc YoKr, by ruall Six Months " Three Month " . One Month ' . Per Week, lcllvert) by Carrier 1 bO T5 .. 85 - 10 Tin- Weekly iMnlndcnlcr. One Yenr. 12 00 Six Month& . .. . 1 00 Three Mouths . M MAY IS, 1S90. Republican State and Congres sional Ticket. For Congressman let District, THOMAS H. TONGUE. For Supreme Judge, R.S. BEAN. For District Attorney, District, W. E. YATES. For Member Board of Equalization, ROBERT WALKER. Republican County Ticket. For State Senator, A.W. REED. For Representatives, J. T. BRIDGES. A. M. CRAWFORD. GEO. W. RIDDLE. For Clerk, J. H. SHDPE. For Sheriff, D. R. SHAMBROOK. For Treasurer. W. A. FRATER. For Assessor, W. S. BRITT. For Commissioner, M.D. THOMPSON. For School Superintendent, O. C. BROWN. For Sarrejor, W. P HEYDON. For Coroner, K. L. MILLER. For Justice, for tne Foar Roseburg I're cinci?, JOHN HAMLIN. For Constable, U. C. SLOCDM. The valne of real and personal prop erty in the United States increased from 130.06900.0 30 in 1S70 to f5 ,037, 000,000 in 1600. The popnlista say they will keep in the middle of the road. It they will we will give them credit for being honest and sincere, bat indications don't point that way. The sccount of thu late cyclone in Texas is appalling, the dead and wound ed being oyer 200 persons while many who survive have loat all their property. The I'lalsdealek is receiving from one to five new subscribers every day. The people perceive that the Tlais dealer furnishes the news without abusing its readers when they entertain opinions adverse to oars. Democracy is dead, absolutely dead, and the party leaders know it. Thoy are making a desperate effort to fuse with the populists but the populists are too smart. They do not want a man in the last stage of consumption. That 7x0 sheet ycleped Douglas Star has emptied its stink -pot and tried to blow its polecat fumes upon 'tho man who runs the 1'lai.ndealeb," but i'M feeble eructations fall short of tho mark. "Shoo fly, don't bodder me." An exchange says a man wrote East to find out if he could sell a carload of horses and this is the brief reply : "Tho people ride bicycles, the street cars run by electricity, and the government is ran by jackasses. No demand lor horse flesh." The clergy of Germany are aroused by the order of Emperor William which is, "Tho clergy must not moddlo with pol itics because it is no concern of theirs." At this tho clergy are very indignant and speak of the emperor in no compliment ary terms. A vote for A. W. Reed is a vote for protection to American labor, American enterprise and American institutions. Mr. Reed may be depended uon to vote for a United Slates senator who will sup port and defend tho30 measures in con gress. Mr. Reed will also work to re-enact the mortgage tax law and has energy and influence to accomplish much for that fml. Reports from every precinct comes to this office that tho tepublicau ticket is fafe. It is tho prevailing opinion that every man on our ticket will bo elected. The deui3cr.tt8 aro forging round beg ging votes for Apeo Miller for sheriff. It is Agco Miller or turet with them. lion. W. E Yatee, republican nomi nee for dittrict attorney of this district, is gaining ground every day. The people wherever he goes aro favorably impressed by his appearance. Ha is scholarly, affable and gentlemanly, nnd having practiced law for several years he is well fitted for the position. Vote for W. lv. Yates and you will never regret it. There is somo opposition to O. C. Krown because he did not vote agaiuct the repeal of the tnoitgage tax law on final passage. Wo state that Mr. Brown voted against it on rccond reading but was sick and could not lie mescnt when it was on third reading for final passage, and as to the broad tire "gag" tho South Douglas Star trie 3 to run on him, it is too silly for consideration. Tho Douglas Star of Riddle, sajs that B. C. Agoo for Eheriff, acd R. L. Steph ens for clerk are the only candidates lor office who aro not A. I. A's. What.s the matter with the Stat? It is either ignoiant of the fact or it is wilfully fals ifying. We know belter than that Tiie republican ticket is almost equally divided between A. P. A'e. and Anti'e, while most of tho democratic ticket is Anti; dito the populist ticket. Better inform yourself Mr. Star, before you make such reckless assertions. Miss Alice Coudon of !?an Francisco Cal. a few days ago on tho occasion cf Rev. Father Yorks' lecture on 'ivil and religions liberty," pretcnted his rever ence "a decorated brcom So sweep the A. P. A.'s out of the way with." The reverend gentleman then nour ished his ecclesiastical brcom and swept them out of tho L'nited States, and left the field clear of those adversaries, though, he said, "not all the brcoms on earth could sweep some of our Catholic adversaries clean." It is perhaps a little vain in us to men tion it but we were much pleased to note that Hon. Thcs. II. Tongue in his speech here recently, advocated the same views the Plainuealkk has for months regarding the use of silver as money. Mr. Tongue said ho favored calling in all bank bills below the denomination of of ten dollars. That would create a vacuum that silxer would rush in to till, i. e. make an increased demand for sil ver money and in this way put several millions mere of silver in circulation Lhan we now have. The railroad boys of this city and a large number of Rcseburg citizens are now happy tecause the pay car made a visit here last Saturday. The railroad company ami the pension bureau dis tribute about $40,000 a ear in Douglas county, all of which go;s into circulation and cancels about ten times that amount of indebtedness during the year. A por tion of which the Review gets in its busi ness and yet that paper uevcr loses an opportunity to abuse these pensioners or to give the railroad company a left banded compliment. Vote for D. It. Shambrook for sheriff. He is the regular republican nominee, worthy and well ijnalitiei and is well recommended by a conv.-ntion of intelli gent, patriotic citizens, all stalwart re publican; who have si vJ by good gov ernment since 1SJ3. i on't throw off on the ticket no by voting for those who have villified you for years. The oppo sition with thu desperation of despair, knowing they hare no good grounds of opposition to the republican ticket, drop every line cf legitimate argument and appeal to prejudice to tide them over on sheriff. They don't care a tinker's whis tle for anything else. But the voters are awake to such reprehensible lines of work and will stand in for the whole ticket, so long a: the nominees are good republicans, able and honest. Church and State. The Church has demands upon the secular power of the state, for protect ion of its property and privileges, in re turn for which it ought to bear its just share of state burdens. It is unjust to compel'noa affiliiates of churches to pay for privileges that they do not share in common with all citizens. The history of the past shows that the churches have reaped where they have not eown, and gathered where they have not strewn ; that they have been protected against violence, and lawlessness at the public expense without contributing any por tion of that Such a system of favoritism is, to that extent, a union of church and state. There is a vital principal involved in such a fcystem this union of church and state. Several church denominations perceive tnis injustice and oppose it. The Baptist ihurch has uniformly con demned this policy, thu3 taking ad vanced grounds on the lino of a com plete separation of church and state. There arc several other churches which occupy the eatne grounds. Many of our leading divines huvo also set their tea! ofcondemuation ujon church exemption from taxation. Lumber for Sale, or Trade. If you have hay. grain, bacon, beef cattle or a eood bueav vou wieli tn trailo for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of urst class lir or cedar lumber, vou wil save money to call on Orro A. A.nlauf Comstock, Oregon. To Trade. Two lots in Marshfield for hogs. Two and one half lots in North Rose Imrg, for'etock ; linrk or buggy in part payment. Call nn I. F. Rice & Co. 'Societies" In Politics. Pohtlakd, May 14. By publishing tho following letter in your valuable pa per, you will eayo a lot of mis-guided Catholics from unscrupulous leaders, and at tho samo timo do tho community a great favor in helping to expose- a band of bigots and schemers, who, If not stopped, will bid fair to outdo tho A. P. A.s. About eix mouths ago, several Irish Catholics asked mo if I would not join the "Citizens' Catholic League," nn oath-bound society. Its object was to protect tho Catholics from its enemies, and to uphold the constitution of the United States and the state of Oregon, and not to promote tho interests of ono man, or party of men, political or other wiso. Our first fight was in keeping the school department from falling into the hands of unscrupulous politicians, which wo helped to do at the late school elec tion. So far, so good. Tho next move was to get the league into politics, which was a fatal mistake, for wo were sup posed to know no politics. But our presideut, McDayitt, assisted by Malar key and Cavanaugh, two young lawyers, and a lot of bolters from the regular re publican party, saw a chanco to elevate themselves at tho expensoof their own people, and tho community at large. They claimed it was tho duty of the leaguo to indorse and vote for all Catho lics, no matter which ticket they ran on. (Just the thing they condemn the A. P. A. for doing ) By slandering certain gentlemen running for office they made the league believe Uiey were A. P. A.s and not fit to hold office, and all the Catholics running for office were in dorsed last Wednesday evening at our hall, corner of Second and Ash streets, whkh is a violation of the constitution, as the Catholics always claim to be good citizens. I, for one. will expose their scheme, and if they hold another meet ing for the purpose, of blackmailing citi zens, I will give you tho names of several hundred of thorn for publication. J. J. Campbell. Who ;s an American Catholic and a member of League No. 1, which meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at K. nf P. hall, second and Stark, Thomas H. McDevitt, president. The foregoing communication appeared j in Saturday's Oregonian. Commenting j thereon Sunday's Oregoniau says: "Referring to tho letter of Mr. J. J. Campbell, printed yesterday, which showed that there is an organization called the "Citizens' Catholic League," which recently, under the direction of certain self-seeking politicians, has been diverted from its proier purpose, and now is used by them as a means of pres sing it as a duty ujkhi Catholics to voto for all Catholic?, no matter what ticket they may be on, it is proper to say that, as long as this sort of thing continues, the membership of the A. P. A. organ ization certainly will not grow any less. Mr. Campbell, himself a Catholic, is right in making his protest." CALAPOOIA. . B. Clarke of Millwood passed j through this valley on the 1-th. I James Ellison of your city was looking after h:s interest hero last week. Cap Maupin passed through this val ley on tne ii'tu witli a line lot o: beet cattle. But few potatoes have been planted here yet, oxing to the wet condition of ground. Miss Miunie Bishop, who has been at May view, Washington, for the past year, returned on the 11th to visit her parents. C. A. McNabb was in the vicinity of Looking Glass last week buying cattle for E. G. Young & Co. The anti-A. P. A. meeting on the 10th was not very largely attended, there be ing only about a dozen men, boys und A. P. A., with a sprinkle of antis. There was a little discussion pro and con but nothing was said or done that would in any way sidetrack any who are watch ing the campaign from an unbiased view from these solid facts and sound logic regarding free trade that Las caused the depression in all farm produce. Cala- t TWii a firmora frill errs nn ranil in Titna fcr protection and then it cannot be said against us in the presidential campaign that we endorsed free trade with its ten- cent wool and forty-cent wheat last June, The Roseburg Gun Club. The gun club of this city have cer tainly been playing in bad luck this sea son, as every time they have attempted to hold a shoot they have been greeted with a downpour of rain, that would have discouraged any ono not a native born Oregonian. Not so with our boys, however, they had been dreaming all week about broken blue rocks and were not going to bo bluffed by anything smaller than a cyclone, and about o'clock marched out to the shooting grounds with a shot gun in one hand and an umbrella in the other, and the proved to bo a blessing. The shoot was at 2o birds, unknown angles, tho Ecoro resulting as follows: Parks io Terry i Tolles 21 Cannon 18 Sanctuary n 'iCB 7 I dder 11 iljynea 8 Miller 15 Jones 10 Tolles has broken the record for this season, and the smite that illumes his countenance could bo used for a lantern on a dark night. Parks has dropped into tho 10 hole anJ was unable to move a peg, but ex pects 110 straight next time aud won't be satisfied with any lees. Doc forgot to briug his spurs and as a consequence dropped back four notches from last week's Ecore. Cannon intends to rim out his gun a little tnoro und next week the record held by Tolles he says will Ik5 a hack number. An Elegant Twilight Luncheon, Mrs. Godfrey and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey gave n delightful twilight luncheon at their residence on Jacksou street lost Thursday afternoon, to a select list of lady friends, who greatly enjoyed tho atmosphere of refinement which por vades thu Godfrey parlors, and did ample justice tc the delicious repast spread in the dining room. Tho guests assembled at half past two and engaged in social conversation until five o'clock, whon tho portiers in the archway leading to the dining-room were drawn aside and tho party ushered to thoir rcspectivo places at tho dining table. Here a pleasant surprise- awaited them ; as if by the spell of a magician's wand the windows were silently dark ened and the shaded Rochester lamp?, which had been noticeablo only for their graceful floral decorations, were turned on and in their soft mellow light the dining-room appeared like a fairy grutto embowered in green foliage, ferns end beatiful flowers, and sparkling with cut glass, raro china and handsome family silver pieces. The table was artistically decorated with a scarf of fern fronds and and rubus idaues leaves and a central floral piece of cut flowers composed of Papa Gontier roses, narcissus blooms, tulips, tnow- balls, oceansprays and aschultzia. Mrs Godfrey presided as hostess. Mrs. F. S, Godfrey and Misa Stanton very tastefully served tho luncheon in two courses, the first of which consisted of cold chicken salads, cold bam, coffeo, etc., followed by fresh strawberries and cream, cakes salted almonds and many other accom paniments. The twilight luncheon was a refioedly fashionable social function and ttie ex cellence of the menu added brighter lus tre to the renown tho Mrs. Godfreys haye long since aquircd as "Cordons Bleus," The party comprised: Mrs. W. A. Mc Kenzie, Mrs. K. L. Miller, Mrs. Churchill of Portland, Mrs. Edith Col lins, Mrs. II. C. Stanton, Mrs. F. O Oehme, Mrs. Clary Berry, Mrs. S. C, Flint, Mrs. J. C. Aiken, Mrs. F. W Woolley, Mrs. Emma Howard, Mrs. S. Zigler, Mrs. L. A. Seldon, Mrs. G. R. Child, Miss Lucy Stanton, Mrs Geo. Estes, Mrs. Frank Sidney Godfrey and Mrs. Godfrey. POLITICAL SPEAKING. The republican nominees for state legislature: Messrs. A. M. Crawford and G. W. Riddle will address the people on the political issues at the following times and places : Comstock, Tuesday, May 10, 7:30. Drain, Wednesday, May 20, 1:30. Elkton, Thursday, May 21, 1:30. Scollsburg, Friday, May 22, 1 :30. Gardiner, Lke, Monday, May, 25, 1 :30. Peoples Party Meeting. There will bo a mass meeting of the peeple8 party nt Looking Glass, May 19, at 8 o'clock. Cleveland, May 20, at S o'clock. Wilbur, May, 21, at 7:30 o'clock Fair Oaks, May 22, at 1 -.30, o'clock. Calapooia, May 22, at 7:30 o'clock, Yoncalla, May 23, at 7 :30 o'clock. Elk- ton, May 23, at 7:30 o'clock. Coles Val ley, May 20, at 7:30 o'clock. Olalla, May 27, at 7:30 o'clock. Civil Bend, May2i5, at 7:30 o'clock. Day's Creek, May 30, at 1:30 o'clock. Canyonyille, May 30, at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to come aud take part at these meetings. Speaking by J. F. Gazley, Jr., C Jackson and others. School Report. Report of Clover Creek School for the month ending May 15th, lS'JO. In tho monthly examination those- av craging 00 and above were, Mabie Dixon 90; others above 00, Thomas Cixon, Frank Thornton, Maud Dixon. James Dixon, Waller Dixon, Dorothy Dixon Katie Thornton, Mamie Dixon, Myrtle Dixon, Cleveland Thornton. Sadie Dixon Jessie Thornton, Claud Short and Susan Dixon. Above 85, Henry Smith. Rosa B. Pakkott, Teacher. Cleveland and Carlisle haye decided, it is claimed, to ask for another loan of 100.000.0CO. Peoples' Party Ticket. State Presidential Electors, M. L. OMSTEAD, W. H. SPAW, M. D. HARE, HARRY WATKINS. For Congressman 1st District. W. S. VANDERUURG. For Suprome Judge, JOS. GASTON. For District Attorney, I'd District, J. M. UPTON. For Member Board of Equalization, F. WARD. Douglas County Ticket. For Stale Senator, J. F. GAZLEY, Jk, For Representative?, JEUTHA GREEN, C. S. JACKSON, H. Pi BROOKHART. For Clerk, F. A. McCALL. For Sheriff. Robert Mclaughlin. For Treasurer, F. G. HATFIELD. For Commissioner, A. B.C. WHIPPLE. For Assessor, PISTE K HANSEN. For Survoyor, WM. WHIPPLE. For School Superintendent, J. I. CRITESEK. For Coroner, DR. KENT. 0. R. & H. BaanmaBaaBanaBuaBBBsa E. MCNEILL, Htcelvtr. TEAST Gives the Choice of TWO . . Transcontinental ROUTES VIA. Spokane Minneapolis AND St. raul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Kales lo all Easluin Cities. OCEAN DIVISION. l'OUTLAND SAN FKANCIgCO. Steamers leave AiusvortU dock, I'ortlaud, at b p.m., every five days. Cabin. 3.00. stccrasc, ItM. For full details call en or addres V. C. I.OM'DOIN', Agent, Koiebur;, Oregon, or a'ldre&s (Jcueral I'ajsengcr Agent, Portland, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacilic Co. Exprtia trelni Uajc FortUnd daily. bouth 1 North a:S0r. x. Lv. - Portland - Ar. 525 a.m. Lv. - Rosebarg - Lr. 10:45 a. it. I Ar. - San Francisco Lv. :10 A. X 11:10 r.a C:00 r. M Above trains (top at East Portland, Orezon uij, nooutrarn.aicm, Turner. .Marion, jeiier son, Albany, Albany Junction, Tansent Irving. Euecne, Creswcll, Drain, and all staUons trom Koseburg to Asniand inclusive Ilokcburg .Mall Daily. SuTOa. X. I Lv. 5:20 r. v. 1 Ar. Portland Koscburs Ar. I l:Wr. x Lv. ; fc.110 x. m (Snletti lnsseiijicr Dally. 4:00 r. m. I Lv. 6:15 r. m. 1 Ar. Portland Salem Ar. 1 10:15 A. X, Lv. btt) a. x, DIMM: CAIIS U. OCUO HOLTI. Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANU .m:comi-c-i..vs si.i:i:im(; c.vii Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Hctivccu l'orilmid aud CoryallU Mail train daily (except Sunday;. 7:30 A. X. i Lv. L! 15 r. X. 1 Ar. Portland - Ar. I 5-Wr. x Corva"U - Lv. liOr. m At Albanr and CorvallU connect with train ox urcgon central & Eastern railroad. Express train daily .'except Sundar 725 r. x. 1 Ar." -tlp V If I'oruand - Ar. s a. x. McMlnville Lv. , 5 O a. x Throucli Ticket to all Point In tlic I:amcrn Mule. Canada nnd l.iiropc can be obtained at low cat rate from Ucorgc IUlc-v, .gcul itoenurc. R KOEHLEK. E. P. ROGEUS. Manager. Asst. O. F. & Pass. Agtn PORTLAND OREGON. FK0J1 TKUMINAIi yj; LMEKIOK fOl.NTS The) Northern) Pacing) RAILROAD Is the Line to Tale To all Points East anil South. t U the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruna through VESTtBCLED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN TIIE YEAR to ST. PAUL nd CHICAGO (SO CHANGE or CAES) Competed at Dining Cars Unsurpassed, Pullman DnIng Room Sleepers, 0! Latest Equipment toukist m.i:i:i'im; cu.s Best that can bo constructed and in which accommodations are both KKEK and FURNISHED to holders oi First or Second-class Tickets, and ki.i:ja:vt day comics A Continuous Lino connecting with All Liuef, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent oi the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and Irom nil Points In America, England and Europe can be purchased auy iicxci umcu oi mis company. Full information concerning rates, time nt trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CIIAItI,TO., Assistant General Fassenccr Agent, No. 121 First St., cor. Washington, PORTLAND, OREGON. NOTICE. Notice is hereby riven to all whom It mil con. tern ioa. x nive appointei JJ, w. Btearns or UU. poola precinct Denutv Inspector of Stock for said precinct; poetoffiee address, Oakland; alo A. J. Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose burg, to act daring my absence, and others -nil do aaaea as parties lnipectea make tfcelr desire taovnto me. Roseburg, May 1th, 1SSJ. THOS. SMITH. Inpcctaor of Stock fsr Douglas county. Or. Dr. Gibbon Thlsi old reliable mid the most succesful Specialist in San Fran cisco, still continues to euro all Sexual nnd Seminal Diseases, such as (ionnorrha-a, (ileel Stricture, Syphilid In all its fomi!, Skin Dl 'seases. Nervnu IlphTT. ilty, Impotency. Scmi- quence of self abuse and excesses producing the following RVmntninil. Gnllmir n m t I .n .1...,. spots under the eyes,' pain In the head, ringing . .uw vuta, uao vi tuuimuuil', UHUUl'llCCt 1U ap nrOAPhlllir Mtrnt.or nnlnntiitlnti nt lh. I,a weakness oi tho limbs nnd back, loss of memory, pimples on tho face, coughs, consumption, etc. DR. (1IBI10N has practiced in San Fmncbco over thirty years nnd those troubled should not fall to consult him nnd receive the bcnollt oi hi trmnt lL'III n,il n,ui.l.iim 'M... cures when others fall. Try him. Cures guar- . a 1 1 , . . . . . P uiiiccu. xi-rsuus euroii m uome. uuarge reasonable. Call or write. Dr.J. P. Gibbon, 635 Kearney Street, San Francisco, Cal. 5 M. F. R&pp, !! ACOMI'Mim link ST LEADING ! 0,1 ?r :S perscriition DRUGGIST, Jackfon Street, Koteburir, diegoo. Patent Medicines, umeric Toilet Articles. D nun n D t urry cimtatttly on hand Sew ur,d we luIlFel' at Hard Timet Prlctn Hand Good Bought and Sold. THE THIRD ADDITION BROOKSIDE. The Howe Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect -is much better for the future. More fortunes are made in lands near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real Estate Office, or on & T. BKIjDE;! Fropr. Real Estate Bought and Sold oar coaxazxfiihxoar. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations. in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of id. s. k:. buick, a """i, talnit Cossnty, Ov?jaB. MYLIE PILKINGTON, Successor to General Blacksmithing TROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF Ala. KINDS IT.OM1TLY DONE. Slio i Corucr Wnslili ZIGLER & PATTERSON,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF a-STAPLE AND FANCY . GROCERIES.-- COUNTRY PRODUCE Give us a call. Goods delivered to Corner Lane & Sheridan Streets, RoseburgBrewery L. SCHMITT, Proprietor. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, Keep your Money at Home. The Best in For a &ood Drink of WHISKEY A. T. THOMPSON GO TO AND "THE PlaAIffET" ROSEBU RG Marble and Granite Works. 1- istmiatcs Furnished on all "incc nuu Hnlcnrcom. 711 Onk Htrect. I Holliday Goods 0 vou Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. mnr hemdrick'S block OI'I'OHITI', DKI'OT. ftcnd Hand i,tAi nt Mi Kinds. Which Give us a tall nnd I t-.iivln'-ol. Htcond ... . O JST G. W. NOAH Roseburc. BOUGHT AND SOLD. any part of the City in short order. ROSEBURC ORnv Drink only home made Beer. the Market. CALL KOR BEST WHISKY ON EARTH. ill RI.ACHM HO., Proms. Dealers ia all kinds oi Marble ami Granite Monuments and Headstones, Portland Cement Curbing Fox- Ccmutrv Jtim. kinds of Cemetery Work.