- , THE PLAINDEALER tCXD KTKRT TllClSDAT BT THEPUIXDEUER PUBLISHING COMPANY Oreuonian. and so bo Is made a subject Ing an American worsted mill undor tbe of criticism by that journal. Tonguo 'b Wilson Tariff aro so vast, why indeed w F. C. Y UKSJAJ11S. . BKSJAMIS. Subscription Kates: One Year payabUiu advance.. Tlx Month. " " Shrew Monlhi " " Editor Manager t oo X oo 50 MAY 7,185. Republican State and Congres sional Ticket. For Congressman 1st District, THOMAS H. TOXGUE. For Supremo Judge, R.S. BEAN. For District Attorney, id District, W.E. YATES. For Member Board of Equalization, ROBERT WALKER. Republican County Ticket. For State Senator, A. W. REED. SCHOOL MONEY. all right on American protection, luo silver business will right itself wbon abor is protected. It is a ttospirata KjUtical situation that Micluol Liber cm alleviate. Tho Review says it i not rtiniiini; the campaign, well mat is wnai wo mint but it is pal pably evident it is trying its bo3t to do so. Tho distressing realisation of tho situ ation is, that without assistance tlie democrats can not elect a man in Iiug- la county. Tortured accordingly, the high priests of the tribj in wild despair, torn Liber loose. did tho Americans who owned the mill wu...w.fc .u runu, may a, oyu. nnvc lolrnn tiv I lift RYniiicatO COn&ent tO I part with it? Surely they know whether unexpended balance school districts 34 so they had a good thing or not. bat thoir esperience baa been is plainly indicated by tho fact that they havo closed out their business before the Wil son Tariff is one year old. The Manu facturer. October 12, 1893. PnnnlT KThnAl fnnil Total amount apportioned.. - liSH 30 Annual tmouut to 111 school districts and five Joint school district. Amount ir caplu......... .mouut apportioned icr capita POLITICAL SPEAKINQ. The Review insinuates lhat several correspondents for this paper are ashamed of tht-ir articles. Well what about Michael Liber, a Review csi res pondent who writes over a pseudonym and also several others. It is disagree able when kettle calls pot black ey. For Representative, J. T. BRIDGES. A. M. CRAWFORD. GEO. W. RIDDLE. For Clerk, J. H. SHLTE. The bosses of the democratic party will minister with more ettect to tneir desires, by arranging for an exhibition of the m itchiest qualifications of Mr. Agee, than by attacking Mr. Shambrook. It is tangle foot lotfe, that abass of Sh nu brook is commendation of Agee. For Sheriff, I). R. SHAMBROOK. Troth must prevail. Truth has pre- j vailed. The most remarkable olitical phenomenon of the day is the return of the people of this country to the highly protective tariff principle through a per fect mira of other issues elaborately ar ranged, not altogether by accident, nor yet by derign, to divert their attention from it. The republican nominees for state lecislaturo: Messrs A. M. Crawford, J. T. Bridges and G. W. Riddle will address tho people on the political issues at tho following times and places: At Riddle; Friday, May 8 at 1:30 p. m. At looking Glass; Saturday, May 9, at 1 :30 p. m. By order of County Central Committee. HON. THOS. II. TONGUE, Republican nominee for congress from tho first district, will address tho citixene of Douglas county at the following times and places: At Drain, Tuesday, May 12th, at 1 o'clock p. rn. At Oakland. Tuesday, May 12th, at o'clock p. m. At Roseburg, Wednesday, May 13th, at S o'clock p. m. Mr. Tongue is an able debater and a fine orator. All, regardless of party affiliations, are invited to come and hear him. SENATOR YANDERBURG Will speak at the following times plares : Drain, May th. Roseburg, May 11th, at S p. m. Oakland. May loth, at S p. m. Uuapportlonctl and uncollected Whole numbered youth between I and JO years ot aj;c - -. DIST. fUCK ADDRESS 1 U T Russell, Oakland a V H Burt, Wilbur 3 E N Bradford, Elk Head t Mrs AUlc Sheridan, Roseburg 5 I. R Mynatt, Roseburg 6 U o McLaughlin, Roseburg 7 T V Kcnland. Ten Mile. Ueo W Carter. Canyonvllle j a uray, uaruincr. OBITUARY. Henry Conn, Sr , tbe subject of this memoir was boin in Pennsylvania, Oc- t l,2fi 01 tobcr 12, 1810, where ho was married to K.7T3 so Miss Mary J. Siultz. From Pennsyl vania ho moved with his family to Casa 5,Mt so county, Indiana. Fioni ihore ho went 7,oio ou to Iowa foi Oregon and uossed the plaina iu 1854, and arr.ve 1 m Douglas VOS county in the fall of that year ami fet- AMOCKTl ti-.i . Iiorn tin livnl die.l. .Mr. h 9 10 11 1! 13 II IS 16 17 1$ 10 21) 51 2 V3 21 and For Treasurer. W. A. FRATER. For Assessor, W. S. BRITT. For Commissioner, M.D. THOMPSON. For School Superintendent, O. C. BROWN. For Surveyor, W. V UEYDON. Under protection we derived a large revenue upon a comparatively sunn volume of imports of wcol. Under democratic tariff we derive no revenue from a very Urge volume. Uuder pro tection the farmer commanded a good price for his wool, and consequently was a large, buyer of goods ; under democratic tariff he gets a low price, and therefore is a small purchaser. For Coroner, K. L. MILLER. For Justice, for tne" Four Roseburg Pre cincts, JOHN HAMLIN. For Constable, H. C. SLOCUM. A good man's estimate ci a good man, is not hedged in by county politics. Reading lwtw ecn the lims in the Re view's editorials of Monday, it is per- ceiwd some cf the democratic candi I dates liavo taken tbe editcr to task. And he gets upon bis ear and thunders i forth Uambiiticallr : "This paper says and dees what it pleases, and is cot answerable to any party or candidate, I that it is no raitv crcan ' ' and "that The HcKIntey Tide. Sackame-nto, May. 3. California will send a delegation to St. Louis instructed tor McKinley. That was plainly indi cated by the picceedings of the state re publican couu-niinn this afternoon. W. E. Arthur of Prsadf na, a pronouLced McKinley man, was elected temporary chairman cf the convention, and at tbe mention of McKinley's nan.e there was an enthusiastic cheer from delegates and epjetators The convention transacted very little business today, and after appointment of committees, adjourned until tomor row. Tonight the A. P. A.'s are boasting that they control the convention. They claim to have over SCO votes, and pro pose to run things to suit themselves. Arthur, the chairman of the convention, is said to Im a pronounced A. P. A. man, 2S 23 30 31 3t 33 34 SI s; 37 S3 X) Id 41 ti a 41 4i 16 47 ti t) S3 M .V! U 64 Si 57 5o SO tl) bl 62 63 Ci 65 66 67 fi Ot TO 71 71 llsrvcT Cockers. tn. Oakland J J Thornton, Oak Creek I Matthews, Glide J T Uoodnan, Looking Glass. - Mary Churchill, Dlllard..... J A Snyder, Canyonvllle .. Geo 11 leonanl, Dlllard..... LT Thompson, Coles Valley Kmina A Harpham, Roseburg.-. C J Kttchey, Myrtle Creek John W Wilson, Kiddle B J Trowbridge Caraas Valley- Ira WImberly, Drain G W Stephens, Stephens.--....... Warren. McCauley, Oakland E W Oilier, Melrose II C Underwood, Oakland II Y Hunt. Oakland alary L Rice, Oakland.... A E Gardiner. Drain Cbas Drtseoll, Yoncalla.. SUMMONS. rTlll- tW'XVt I'ft.KT THK ?TAT!5 t$ftr i it is no candiJates business'' what it ' and in fact the whole Southern deleja says or duos That is I i talk. Sounds lofty to the public eye and ear, but it is not very hV.tenog to the candidates Relieved of presidential environments, Grover may find relief in diggtjg dams. The county politics journalistic direc tor seneral. is admonished that the end does not always justify the meat-f . herein the cosor lies m being a po litical tool, this deponent saith not. But few men are ambitious to be political grubbing hoes. Whatever the result of the election may be, The Review will have the felic ity of entertaining the hopeless minority fop a year or two longer. Nes comes to this office from reliable sources that persons froai the ountry report that the Review managers tell them that the citizens of Kcsebcrg are in such a state of ferment that riot and bloodshed is liable to occur at any mo ment, and they attribute this cundilion of affairs to patriotic citizens of thi city. If such stories eminate from the Review office it shows the damnable schemes it and its besses are engaged in for elec tioneering purposes. We can assure our readers that if any rioting is in contem plation it is by by the Review crowd. However inespUble it may seem to the Review that democracy and godliness are compatible, it is nevertheless true that exceptions prove the rule. It is hopeful contemplation that cer tain young men in Douglas county do cot The Pulpit. Rev. G. W. Kennedy, of the M. E. church preached Sunday evening from the text. "Repent ye threfore ami be converted." Arts lit; M Mr. Kennedy dwelt upon the nofssi'v of conversion, which he deriaed as cl. age cf faith and practice. The profession of faith must be ceauin?, sincere and truthful. He tion U said to be in sympathy with the order. It is now stated that Statu Sen ator G leaves is slated as one of the dele gates -at-large. Spreckels can be another if he wishes to join tbe McKinley pro cession, and this, it is believed, be will do. George Knight wants to go to St. Lcuis, and by somo it is thought Grant, of San Diego, will b sacrificed to make imai for the San Francisco man. Con gressman Loutit of Stockton seems to be out ol it. Pope Bob's Prophesy. Oh m i, May 3. Colonel R. G. Inger soil is in Omaha today. Discussing pol itics, he said: "McKinley will be nominated at St. Louis and have lots of delegates to spare. The people associate McKinley with pro tedisn, and they associate protection with prosperity. They think that tbe hard times were created by fooling with be tariff, and tiny want goo J times. Tnev arc tired of Cleveland and demo cratic mistakes Lewis RItchcy, Drain It D YcttyYoncalU F A McCall, Roseburg.. A K McFartand, Elkton II G Brown, Elkton A E Oiouf, bcottsburg S D WMtsett, Uocbun: Mrs E VThompson, Scotuburg.. W H Lecpcr. Oakland. Jno A Wtnnitord. Oakland.- . Fred Perkins, Gardiner.. A W Johnron. Reston . E E La Brie, Wilbur. .. Lewis McElroy, Galesvlllc A I. Black, Millwood W A William. Oakland J M Hulson.Mvrtle Creek W C Winston. Winston AS Ireland. Olalla. ... F M Good. Cleveland, A J Lcc, Yoncalla-. .. U E Brewer. Myrtle Creek R R Alexander. Myrtle Creek. . It E Andrus, Elkton ., .. W A Newton. Myrtle Creek . . H L Ward. Looking Glass. E J DamrcU, Mvrtle Creek W II Gray, Comstock. E Walker. Dillard. Frank Gorrell, Oakland C Herbert, Brockway. . C 11 Scars. Roecbunc. RTAfhwortb, Gsnllner W S Booth, GalesTille . Lester IUakelr, Oak Creek. J A Halne, hltton. . . A A Jones. Drain II A Blakeiev. Glide. U L Eodcs, ITeJ .. .co K Kiddle. Riddle Henry Conn, Roseburg Win 1 erguson, Camas Valley,. . Arthur Walker. Gardiner Cbas E Lane. Elkncad . W A rcarce, Roseburg.. 76 wm Tailor, Drain .- 77 J L Dewey. Glcndalc . TS E IHxoa, Roebarg.. 71 W W ilson. Yoncalla. M) Robt King, Oakland- . M J T Miller, Drain. . .. . C E W Letsooi. Yoncalla. vl chas E Haskell. Gardiner M Jessie Clayton. Oakland Thus SichoUon. Kellogz. Sn Go X fraagxart, Elkton . . S7 EEWcekley, Rbarg ?A Sarah Dalley, Sulphur s?prini. 9 ZaJie BUSop. loncaiia. n m A Roe. Milphar spnng J J Ferber. Oakland. J J Emmons, Florence Geo A West, Aila. James Ensrt, Winchester Mrs M E Alexander. Milluood J 11 Lndets. Scotubarg J L Smith, Myrtle Creek . J II Gabriel. Ruby John Knit. Kellogg E B Spansenbers. Yoncalla. C W Jacfaca, Drain .. Mrs R M Harvey, l.ardiuer n m 21 Anderson, uarmncr . , """In ,i. r.il... ,.( 1,. ..l.il.l..,n 105 001 t-n n( wLn,., ati,rlia Iiim vl,' I7inrtn - I Ul fl UU" aw. . . w ' - - - 120 oo nml iruil who reside at raisier, Lai.e 100 00 . -.. , ii .. i.- 125 oo county : nenry, jui, " 21125 it ,i v. wlin ilifnl fi'Veral 187 10 -'J " iokoo iveara aco: Anna E.. now Mrs. John ws3 McCuidv, ofYoncalli, J. C. Conn ol lufl Ml C;lr.o, Tot. Or I .lK.IVPltl mid N. r.. l uuigi i v v.., ...... 13 75 S. n, nn ix 25 Mr. Conn came to Oregon when it was .19 com:arativelv a howlinir wilderi &, and mi - r . ... 75 00 BDent the viiror of his macliooil in maK. Ill r 332 50 1 ing Douglas county bio somas a ne ?5 51 He reared a large and respectable family 117 50 most of whom are well to do and influ tb tot .. , ... t r . I,... ..11.1....:... 107 50 entiai citizens oi uri-gon. nui an " 115 001 n,.M.Iu ,,iet .u.if.. itnilAr Iho nrr- i in ar ""'. . . . . V. . .. jj w i auuii i ii an iiuiuuiuic ,u. v. ' .. ..-w , 107 Ml .... , - .i. il 253 75 1 anil aeatu. Jir. t.onn m ihsjouui auu S adolescent years labored with might and G5 oo main to do his duty as a lather, menu, jSeo neighbor and citizen and did his part i? well and went to his reward at the close 66 25 of a long life of usefulness, with honors i iV. i" I . . ... . , , , . 'I clustering like a mantel arouna nun J. C, VmWVuiH, , (,l,rW W Mdtl'KOW'; IS. UalAW"' mit'A'i',1 ' iT. a WM4M1. H. y-i j'W i and VIS IS. MA,, """ i1,,.. .f !baely 'J (rtt. vi A ... I . .T.7i..ohmlsrmiHmI U, AtMr aort LEAVES ITS fllAKK. , ' rhVami vmtMM Wt .al.t -every one of the painful irregnUrities ' yoo1"laB'"?7 dataesse. thatPPy upon TSJ They fade the face, waste the Cznrc.Tvln r,M tix wk4 mUIo the temper, wither you up, make you old ,7 n,., n4 Utm tM. u,t before your time. , tiAtiwwrr,Unntlh4 UiatlS Get well- That's the way to look welL " " ,r to lnrt tor MrelMrf prayl far Core the aisoruers ana aiiracnu. ujjm. ; ,n jawi v"?"." ..rvyT-r oJ Si 115 0O M 00 7S to 00 S 00 W7 SO 117 SO The Fruit Prospect. After interviewing several fruitgrowerB upon the subject we are led to believe 96 25 ili a Italian nrtinna Vt ill ho a tntal failnre 7i2j this year in the umpiiua vauey. in an 107 sol interview witti . vinsion, onu lO'i 251 t,- 1,, fruit frnarprs in this ValleV. he 00 I fa o 95 to I gave it as his opinion that the cause of failure of thie variety of prune is attribu table to the continued wet and cold weather during the time of bloom. This, you, with Dr. nerce's ravoiiu: i i , tion. It rejrutates nnd promotes all the proper functions, improves dizestiOT, enriches the btood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brinjs refreshinjT leei, and restores health and Uer.h. It'sa powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Sirs. AS3A CtaiCH, of Eln Creek. Buffalo Cp. Ueo., wrnes: -yi zvA health thanks to Dr. Pierce' Farcrite Pre scription and CoWen Medical Diseorery. I was under doctors' care for two years with womb disease, and gradealrr irastic? ia strength all Tthat I could siicp in td two years, i ronsncBict. taxing UT ncrcr a 1 - Torite Prescription and his Golden Medical Dis corery. and by the time I had taken one-half dor en bottles I iras up and V, 5 ill1 liblUK w us.t - .w. . Mas. Clxjch. a3j very strong ever since that was two years and a half ago." A book of 1 63 pages on " Woman and Her Diseases " mailed sealed, ca receipt of to cents in stamps for postage Addzam, Wosld's Dispensary 5Ied: AssocTa. no.v, 663 Main Street, BuSalo. N. Y. 1 11 u 1 "tsnv 1 1 vwju . 1 arid JriM the dettanu, csanes " KtSrnm at the ?7ll"-:r.ia like rMn, with Interest tVrrwaat the rate 1st day rain ol altoraws fsr. an l the U asa ciik.-j tMlrA And tor a Irrte fartciwicg the Ol aunt yzi y- " with ;aterett theraw a: ja- M fngdefitrfr: pr.-.y tlad fa the County ollf'Oglaf.sUte of Orewa, aad pore PrtleuUrlrbaiWlai described aa loUowi, rlf'.r .u. f'rf, laad claim of HearT ParlT, claim So. II In iert'pi ria ?) ad Bezininng it the nerthwest eoraer ol uel Ilarkzess Donation Lad Claim. bng claMa So. U ia Townibip 27 SocUj. Kaage a w- nf the Wil junette Meridlir;-, thenee raa- ;t5ro O) 00 75 00 92 50 s00 65 00 117 10 .s7 ZO 'M 10 7i i) 91 25 33 75 225 OU S2 50 Si W a250 CATARRH LOCALDISEASE and U the rcsslt c! eofais and ha thought, prevented the fertilization of iteantecbraiieisant the fruit, and as a consequence the fruit . tlTg: is Ditgtiung anu isiiing ou. Tbe silver prune with him bloomed earlier and during dry weather Ttie weather being favorable at the time of ingqocklj ahsortedit giTts rrkef at once. Ely's Gream Balm i2 ehaxai to lat p-J.?e 01 wctt -1-1 ...t,. tract yf :nd beginainz at the ajrlheasl eprper ,t the said Henry Purir lyjzjXxn. Laad Claim. belao-ela-aSo. il. thenee ranig west 3Ljs cha-a? thence socth 27- ehaaa- thence east 30. V chass; taenee aorih 25usa eha".s to the c'jce ; teriiaiar, ereeyting therefrom lota Lle j ardte -W m said 5eetIoJ 9. All of tae tuore descT:l real nrojerry bemg .n Sect. ;a 9 and X. Tjwuisi? 27 aoeth, Hanze5 West oi the "wmametie Meri dian, containing fa a3 27Z.O acres mors or l.'. ani declaring said mortage to be fni ecasaiereai proieT;r, aa nmi ;etiani-. oriZiaresa o the de il ray, 3lee- -i-t .3 point ol time ad inierior ia merit T.:.,T.rr said xaormsge, and to seil said pr rop- SI 92 93 9t 95 ! 97 ; uo 101 102 ltS KM lft. 1CB 1S7 !& KB U4 111 112 113 111 s a) I bloom the young fruit was duly fertilized, and as a result this variety cf prone is doing well and the trees are well filled. But whatever may be the cause the Ital ians will be a complet failure this year with Air. Winston. The petites also ate dbing well, having bloomed in dry weither. The peach crop in some local ities is also a failorv, while in others it will be fair. At preEt nt apples bid fair for a coxl crop if no calamity befalls tli em from now on. The failure of the Italian prunes will fall heavily upon our fruitgrowers this year as the growers have been at consid erable expense pruning and spraying their trees. JIanv had calculated on a 67 x 13S75 127 50 fOOO !0 CO SB 75 3 6 23 M 25 10 SI 25 71 25 TS 3 CO CO XS 25 tV, 5 94 05 .6CJ S2 50 67 59 CS 75 79 IV) 75 CO . 725 S2M ( .-1 v.iir tn K- tie isost thcroci ere fcr Sisal CaUnh. Coid fa Head aid Hay Ferer of i-i reaecUes. Itcperaisdekarsea tie risal passages, siara pain ad inismmslicn. hesis ite scees. pro tecuthe eihrie from colds. rtsres tie eesi at taste and snjeil. Pr5atDr5S?b7jmi ELT ESOTHEES, MWsrreaS2tet,ewrck. aieath of them V fcrerer barred ad ibre ciwedol alright, title or Lateral fa or to said . o - r. .nr -nn hervaZ. that S'haTe rath oer ad Ti. . vri I, pcWiiied y-J crier of Hon- 5raKe J.C Fsert. idg2 of 2a lixrse p- nUrfcocrt, dais-made aaere!i 03 ie ia isr cf Mir-h. l-l-i. XSorzm far PlafaTii Final Notice. TS THE COCSTY COURT Or THE STATE a- of OreOTa. in Doug-as Cocntr.. . In the matter ot the estate of Sat Xitcieil. deceased. , . Seticeishtrebr given that the uudersgsol adainistralor of the aooTe entitled estate has hi, Ani trrtmnt :n vttbzient thereof, and the Coor b- order duly !ade and entered of recartl. has axed Monday. July tta. kis at K o'cloei A. M. of said day lor hearing objections if anr there le. to said account anti ime etilcssent of said estate. Date.1 this 2Srd day ol Apri- :2K J. A. McCriiY. W. W. CLutownr. Administrator. Attomer for Adciinistrat-r. a2jt5. W J Stockholia. Oaxland Mrs Christie Marks. Uardlner WznSerrler, Florence Mrs AJa Friend. Olalla. Sels Krdell. Elkton FJ Connlne. Glide J L W lnehell. Starroot Arthur Cloaie. Koseburt. F M Stewart, Coatock . I. A Blackwell, Gardiner -.. W J Hashes, GUic JOCCT DtSTMCT! ? r I fair yield and remunerative prices. 73 CO TS 25 75 SI 75 72 &! 50 S CO S7 50 13; 25 97 ?0 Answered. Enrron Phisde-ilek: In a recent is sue of the Plaixdealek, the question is asked that since the demonetiration of silver was not till 1ST3, why the decline of silver from 135 in 1S59 to 132 in 1372. And why the advance from 53 in l!fft2 to tS in less than one vear without favori able legislaiioir, is the question we 35 65 1 would like some populist to answer. Not being a populist in name, but 2 w I? 15 1 E W llalkton. Moonds 2 SJ ffhrua. Florence J Marion Vcatch. Cottage Grove I A RMcDonaU, Lake.. 5 Ernest Pugh. Alma.. There is still KM7.7J ol the connty Inial on- . a w-w. IT . I and apportionetl this will tire an addition per independent republican, and one anion-. 1 capluolUK, and wita toe state lund win in- U vast armv of free coina,- bimetalists. an AW . -it: mswiw G. W. KRUSE crea.e the Khool fund to be apportioned fa Anpist ot uils jvar. J. A. TyniawoOD. saperintendent ot Schools. GJROOblR, 406 Jackson St-. One door socti P.O. Choice Tea., CeKees, Tobaccos and (Sears. And ererr-thfas: else in ineurocerriins. Higbcjt Uarket Paid fr Country Predate. . "C iin a call tad be coarfaccd. Robbed the Hint. Caksos. Nev , Alav 4. John T. Jones was sentenced this morning to eight vear in the Nevada state penitentiary iney want -ncniniey and to paT a tone ol foAW lor the ror propose that the political sins of their j spoke of many incidents where the sin - fathers shall be visited generation. on the second The party lash may tng in the air as it cuts to the bose of the political refugee 03 his journey to the polls, but it cofis in vain when the secrecy of the ballot fcbields the wretch. Grover committed to bis secretary his resolve not to train for a third term, assigning as the bright particular reason, his want of rest. Amea' brethren, amen. Let him rest. Let ns all rest. cer had made solemn voxs that if he wire revived from present distress or impending danger hs would terve God forever after, but bad not kept his promise; and had cone off with inSdels to scoff at Christains. Whit he wanted was to see trus repentence and sound conversions and with -that a change of life and practice. Air. Kennedy is a very deliberats talker and impresses his hearers that he is intensely sincere.- Englishmen Who Don't Know It All. A certain wots'ed mill in New York State having been purchased by a syndi cate 0: imtisti manuiactures, I tie .e YoxkTiaiss asks the world to beleive and they will have him. Allison and Keed are good men the best kind and would make excellent presidents, bat they will have to wait. I see that Alan ley and Quay are whistling through their graveyards, bat it is no use. AIcKiuley will beat the field, and have at least 1 00 delegates to spare. He is a good, square man, level-headed, conservative, and is well versed in practical affairs.'' berv of the United States lion. I hereby will answer this little question, by stating that said dec'ine wjs brought about in tbe contemplated great crime of 73, and the present advance is in the face of a ccming free coinage president. a free coinage house when silver will MRS, Iff. BOYD; -DEALEE IS CHOICE The people of this country like to be humbugged anyway, so eayeth the editor- in-chief of the Review, and we believe I that this purchase finally refutes all the tads wnicii nave oeen presented on be means it for he eecms to conduct bis campaign 00 that theory. However, we predict that he is greatly mistaken. It is truly gratifying to learn from all sections oi the county from disinterested persons, that tbe voting population is calm and deterrrined to vote for the best men men who are qualified for and will SH the ot5ces they are chosen to fill in proper person. lUcent events forcibly illustrate tLat the Boers are no trifiers. They uphold the dignity and honor of their country. They say to the insidious and stealthy enemies of their laws ana domestic insti tutions, "beware!' They guarantee persona! freedom, religious tolerance and liberty, but suffer no treacherous teachings, co treason. proof of th: butt'ul indusnce of the Wil soa tiriff cp in tue worsted anJ wolen industries. 'Does any sase pirson beliete," de mands the Times, '' that these English men" would haTe invested their money In an unprofitable business? But, then, where is the evidence that Knglishmen. in these milters are infallible? Tho Eog li'hmea who have invested money in America a enterprises and lost every dollar, can probably be counted by the j bunireds of thousands. These particu Iar Englishmen, nu doubt Traders. Believing Free TraJe good thing at home, they may have come to tbe conclusion lhat it must be good here. If the editor of ttie Times is hon est in his convictions he wcuki be will ing to put money, if he had it, into American businesses which require Pro tection but does not have it. and be would probiWv lose. A lew years 1 to state that the sentence of tbe socalled reformers will bs reduced to a small fine and imprisonment. Tbe sentences of banishment, the newsptper adds will be waived. Married, at the residence of Kev. E. AI. Marsters in Cleveland, Or., Alay 3, Law rence Nelson and Adeline Knarr. Kev. E. AI. Marsters officiating. Pure Blood means sound health. With pure, rkh, healthy Mood, tbe stomach and dijtstrre orpins win be vigorous, and there win be no dyspepsia. Rhcmratisra anl neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula and salt rbena will disap pear. Your nerves will be strong, jour sleep soend. sweet and refreshing. Hood's Sarsapa ! rili makes pure blood. That is why It cures so many diseases. That is why thousands take it to core disease, retain good health. Kemetaber Hood's Sarsaparilla mint of bul-once jump to 12tl; per ounce, in spite of the combined detrimental money power of the old world. The said question smatVs strong of the periodical gold bug, stereotvp;d offer ings of the Rothschild school, sown broadcast accompanied with cash throughout the Union to hood-wink the unwary. Give us something harder. J.UtEs LVMAX. Sentences Reduced J"I1aX"esbcbl., Alay 6. Tbe Standard soond. sweet and refreshing. and Diggers' News says it has authority I makes pure blood. That is why it cures so ( DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL LINE OT- Kraits. Nats. Freaca Candies. CsnffctwMrj CaHBed Geods Coffees, Teas. Eto. IMroKTEli KEY WEST CIGARS. CHOICE BRANDS OF CIGAES A. C. MARSTERS & Co. .DB-CTG-G-ISTS. Istbe Oae True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 5J Tor jour Protection. Catarrh "Cures- or Tacs for Catarrh in liquid fiTta to bo taken internally, nasally contain either Mercery or Iodide of Ptassa. or both, which are injur ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, caused by sadden change to cold ct damp weather. 1 1 starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, cars and threat. CoW in ihf head causes excessive flow of Hood's Pills cure Liter IUs; easy to take, easy to operate. Sc. Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Property. Real RY VIRTCt OF AS EXECCnuS ISVEDj ost of the Circuit loan 01 me siaw 01 ure con for Oouclas lounty, in the suit of C. K. HiU.p'.ainU!r,a3rainstG. W Telers an-t JalU A. Peters. Ids wife. E.G. Younc. -V. G. ounr ant G. W. Steams, partners under the firm nase of n Ymnr a fYv. A. F. Strams and C. L. mucus and, i Wedly neglected, the re- iSwSS" C salts 01 catarrh will follow ; severe pain in I xt .lay of Mar, ujvn a decree and order of tbe brad, a roirm-- weed in tire cars, lu sale duly made and entcrcu in sm coo" aau breath, and rfteutimes an offensive dis. SSSShL charp:. The rem ctl v sbixii d be quic k t o allay pj.tcn ouUiel6iiilror.pri:. are l-ree- Cream Bala ,fa the acknowledged cure for B&SrifeeS eSS a f t-) be a these trouble and contains no mercury jbcrmentl ot thi' salt taaed at JU-O and t I it5t" tTMT?T?onji ilr". Iviee. 50 cent. rnrtsr .i.v-.-."- th.l the amount due the NOTICE. TS THt CIKl TIT COCRT OF TUE a O- '1 f"t ljo;Us eoanty ra Pierce, 1'lamtiC) rATE or farttier dctwrinr that the amount due the plainUa with attorney's fees, costs and dis-, borseraents should be a nrt lien upon the raortsared prcaljcs and Jecrwias a ale of the I nortjascd prccuJ for the suns abort cen-) uoceu, sai premises tflwit. Bcaanlns at the northeast comer ol ago The Review having no party or party principles to defend, it tries to control I Philadelphia man ran a worsted mill rountr politics by a eort of hocus poena in Bradford, England : but as soon as tbe hoodooing of tbe voters. II it can bam- McKinley Tariff passed, Le removed to foozle the rural voters into the belief this country, where he now operates his that the republicans are dominated by a I mschinety. If he was right, the En corrupt ring, it hopes by such "stop I Iihmen who now come here are wren tbieP cry, to divert tlie public from the diabolical schemes in which tt is itself a puminent factor We begin to admire T. H. Tongue, lie must possess some ability and ster ling Qualities or the Oregonian would not attack him so viciouslr. Tongue gives . ar; iifcelv to piy dearly far 1! For, if loamuch latitude to silver to suit the the a lvantagts 'x s.nrr 1 y cperat- vs. Bet in fierce. Defendant.) To itcajaaaa i'circc Defendant; In the name of tfcc r-ute of Orvaon. you are herebr wjuircd to apt-r and answer the cos plaint tiled aaainst t,b in the store entitle! suit on or before the first dar of out reswUr term of abore court to wit: June itad, ls-, and If ou fail Ptalntlt!" nilluke degree asaint joa dhsolrinc jour Biarrlaee contract, and for future care and cus tcdr .J oirze Here, your minor child. Faxs 1'ioi-Ttm.r. Attorney ftr Flaintlff. Thi tunua-tas u published by order of Hon. J C. Fwllertoo. Jo-fee oi saW Court. Dated Mar h. lsx raT td. If they are risbt, he made a fatal I 777" H mistake, although he has no reason to Administratrix lTSt Notice, think so while the McKinley Tariff was j N0,0?"! " Jnu inoperation. This gentleman has xVSStitjSiut. much experience in Itoth countries. ' Orecon. Alt persons bavin: claims against ,. ,. , ... , f aidtat must present the some to ae at tb The Kaglishmrn. of the syndicate have : jieCUllen in.iie daly veri&ci within iu yet to gain tl-eir experience, and they Sireu- . uro.'M.r ,v !! ELKCTA 1 Jl 1 11U.ES. All -imr x cl the-uiecl ra D t Met -a..-o D-ec.ei tnwit. Bcsinnla; of SecUonSSan.1 running rariatioa ttwnorthwvstauarterof the southeast quarter! north . dorjees west J) ehaias. tcence cai 1LS7 chains to the plaoe of bceinnln?. contain-, icg E acres, tns and lrins In iection SS. Township 21 South of Kaaw j est. la Doutlas County, Oircon. ... . ' Sow therefore by virtue of saal execution, I ' will on " ... Saturday, the 6th day ol juoe. i?oo. at one o'clock p. ra. of said day at the Court j House door la Rosebarf . Deuslas County, tire eon. sell at public auction to the ti;hest btdder for cash in hand all the risht. tiUc and interest . whkh the above named defendant o. w . IVters had iu or to the above de scriUMrval property on the ltth day ot Febra-, arr. ixjc. or at any tine thereafter or caoosk to . sansf v the demand of the store naatcd pliiaUff and wlU apply the cists. Erst to the costs atl disburK-aentsof this sale, second to the PlaiB tlCs demands as afiwald and the overpulns if anr there be, I will pay to whomsoever shall lawf atly t- entitled to the same. ' i T CATlll ART 1 ihrfftrut:ast3-."- Orrir j BW W CTSCT IVpu"" mJJ , Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. BY VISTTTE Oi A I. 11" lsaCiU tv.:oi siCirt3iii ocn-f tSe!:eof Ore- ran Soz Doczias Catr in the ssii ot C. K. Hil , nlalnti-r, aainst G. W. Peters azvd Jclia A. Pe ters. his wife, Eva F. Ha3u.toa and E. G. Tacz. A.G.YOC35 and J-i. 5Mar parsiers trrier tae ar k , j. ics: j: ux. jl. z. Sieamsand C. I chesowets, jarEiers trader the rm naae of Steams Cheaorwetb, defend ants, duly attested oc the 38ti day of Apri.. cpoa a oecree aaa orser ei sa uiy ix and entered in said coort and casse ia lavor of the abvTe named alai-ti and irv:-i the above named deieBdaau, ti. W. Peters and JcEa. A. Peters, on the 3d day ol Apni,is?,ior tae sum of fveet, -with interest ticreos al the rate of ipereent-pera-cnoES-iromiseGsze mereei. CO aisrseT s lees, and ee?ts and disbcrsements oi the suit'taaed at JIT iaid decree al-o bein? in fav..r of the deMndant, ra Hiniitcn. ad a-rajtst the deieBdants. u. TV. Peters asd Julia A. Peters, his wiie. Sortie scst of SISS-M and invrestfroc: daa thereof at the rate of s per cent, per annosi. 3J attorney's fee. and costs and disbuexKnts in this sntt taxed at 111, and ! -.nher decreeing that tne amount cne the y-siniia", with attorney's Se. eos3 and dis-fccrsemen-. siooM be a Sist lien neon the nrtsi"ed premises, aad decreeing a sale of the mortraiwi premises :or me snms asovie men- uonec. Drsnuais besar described as louowsv to-wit: All thatportioB of the south halioi the northeast carter ari the east half of tbe socth- est quarter of secooa 3S, township tt. south oi ranpe wert lyi;.ii the north siieef CaSpooia Creei, m Doczlas Couarr, Oregec cct:it!-; j acres, so- re or -ess. Sow tnervlore by virtue of said wiE on Saturday, the 6th day .of Jose, Ia. a: one o eci P. 3t of said dar, at the court house a Sosehare. Docdas Cecnty. Ore eon. seH at publie asctmc va the highest Bl drr for cash m hand, all the tirht, title and interest which the above naaed defendants ii. W. Peter and Julia A. Peters, hi- -wile, had m or o the above de-enbed real property on the tih day of Xarca. lss. or at anv itae there- ait-r. or enoch t. sitisry ibe dessand of the i!ii nased. platif and the demand of the iM deiendantZTaF. Hampton. aai-willapp-the proceeds arisinc therefrasn. arst ts the co-is and .iibnrsiBents this sale, second to the y.a-,Taf s demand as afcresaid, third t the Semand of said ITra F. vT-i-gv.ta i!Ki lie ovirpias ii any there be. I will pay to whom soever shall lawfully be entittei ta the same. Dated this SMh day ot Aril. ISVL C. ?. CAXHCAST aJu iheris"lXx!sias Coenry, Orrson. Notice oi Sheriffs Sale of Real Property Under Foreclosure. Henry Little, PUintiil''. v Wiley TUiisr:oE. Jfarr E. PiTiimr- . Sea. Jfarcaret A. Deartiorf: WB-' tarn J. Desrdori" and J. Jr. Seci- y- IAesendants.. stato o; Orecoa. County oilVcIas. Sosce is hereby aven lhat bv Tirtae oi an execution and order i$ale dulr issced cet of the Circuit Coert oi the State" oi Oresoc tor Doesdas County, and re above ec tided cause tie T4i diy of Apri 1. upon a 'cdraent andoetTse oi xveciwnre sade and entered of record ia sui Cccil Court on the ch day ci June, Ish, isreeLosmj: a certain isorase in avorot said above named iainti" and against, said defendants, and aciinst the hereinaiter mentoaed and described mcrssxd real Tcep erryierthesumoiftiljivrjti lKresj thereon a: the rate el li per cent, per rr irosn tie lithdavof Jnne.lSM,andthescmcd at tocaey tecs vrith inters thereon at the raa oi j per cent, per annnm ir.vr. ihe Uth day oi J ne, ljstanithe snm ci SST.ii cest. with intirest thcrecnattie rate ci s per cent, per i rroctnelSshdiT of June. ISM, ami the coss ofaadupoa siid writ, and the ccsts and ex peuo of this sale. 4aeres.ve i l Saturday the ari. da ci ."lav. is6. atooeoeloctP.If. oi sajd day at tie Co Cccrt inrt-jtwarntaesaiddeleBdaats or either oi thhadoetheOtiiv-ofJne,lSj. the date af the eneeboa oi sajd nwctrsc oc at any time thereattermerwthe 5oi;ow--c described real yp.Hr:T 5iati:o ; tiv .cr:-cr oi IVvcc"jl and ?U4t'H.C5C3K,a: -Ui -iit Teerion oi Loi So. a SKv So. coetained -i icet irwnans ca i3pA V5' anvl runnine t th OKer ci Front and Oav taeei , enseaasnr said Oii Street IvV Sit H V? thence Cec; the ii:5'x?i Kvt 'nee XO fee; to the Pbcrfnaiu.beinrSSJcet bv XV) feetc-r ofthe sooth side of Ux S.v in SJcei So. IS in tteKu!roadAdd;t;atotheTown of 0lland. IwcU CNia:T. iu-i Oresajn. i.- siotru tr SSiI11 VS-i- vc recced ia the Cleri Ofice: !or said IVxiyU Cvxtnty. sf5cr w-.ih te wnemeats. hreditaaeats aad ai?ur naaees thcreunw beioasTJir cc in anywiie a?- oiit V 'Jrejvvc. -s the iSrf, day By w. w. C. , C. F. CATKCAST, S ,H rxvisUs Coaarv. Oevcvc . .vtjk.vt. IVrutv. .'' Adiriinistrator's Notice. Li$Cc:rstreQ ndersUred S'J?1?' awrsjtsred AiauauirKr cd the ctie of cUrte Sjciuad. dve.-a. AU per ss aav-.: c a- caia; sajdesute arere SS.v95 wiia ycoper vjcch- . WKvsth iroa ihedaseof this Barcd tars set day of AwaJ. ls. aid dS Ctarie Kxh- A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. AdniUlistratriA: Notice. I LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. A FULL LIME OF WIftDOW GLASS'! mwo tsbveeVr ws titat the udrired " Vwtr Cvwrt vxf TAsistas i r..V r at. nwvovU All per- f ?5.Ttt els otai sasd estate are re- w the proper v . ou-t this ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED. -twstt kv pvt v -. lAlvM. tk v , V ;s, . ... X VK ttl V vSW.W Couway I 1 3