The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 30, 1896, Image 2

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tMcia rvanr TjmsDiT T
Antxcrlptloa Rte
Oa Tuw paytMeia adne
Tlx . -Sore-
o'h " -
Pabllsher's Notice.
A l OakUml, T. L. Graveas b authorized
to receive And receipt lor gabccriptiori to
the Pujsdule.
APRIL 30. 1890.
Republican State and Congres
sional Ticket.
For CoDgreMman ltt District,
For Sofiretno JoJjc,
For DUtricl Attorner, "Jd DUtrict,
For Member Hoard of EqnaliuWon,
Republican County Ticket.
For State Senator,
For KepresenUlives,
For Clerk,
For Sheriff,
For Treasurer.
For Auecsor,
Fur CouitalMioDCf ,
For School Sapcriotcndeat,
For Sarrejor,
For Coroner,
For Jtutice, (or trie Four Koeeburg I're-
For CoofiUble,
Democracy bu not only lost its bead
bnt la In danger of loain-; Texi.
It is never safe to coant on a Southern
Republican delegate dnrinz the water
melon season. Atlanta Conttitntion.
Monday' Review only devotes ix
columns cuts apace to demolishing the
A. P. A.'s. Verily, it is creating a tem
pest in a toipot.
As to the Reel delegation from
Kbode Island, it is possible that the
Ohio movement lias no time to break
into etory-and-a-balf cotUgce. Detroit
The K. P. A. editor of the Itevievr and
the valiant Dr. Murphy of Drain baye
joined forces and are making terrific on
(laogbts on tbe A. P. A. Respectable
people will stand from under.
Wbile Mark Hanna claims lbe victory
be loeca no opportunity to bave it known
tbat there is a little room on tbe gronnd
floor for influential politicians with dele
gates in their possession. Pittsburg
Speaking of tbe dote struggle in Ken
lucky, a morning Democratic contem
porary remarks tbat "tbe McKinley
boom checked," Apparently it is
checked rigbt tbioogb to Washington
New York Mail and Express.
Somjtime ago Tbe Review said the
A. P. A. was not worth a good bealtbv
cuss," yet it seems lo bestow much
of iti time and valuable space to so
small an organization as to cause bn
intelligent person to ask bimtelf why?
it is an old eaylug, uur young men
mustdolbo lighting." Tho republican
convention doubtless bad tbat idea in
mind when thoy made tho ticket.
Every man on it from top lo bottom is
comparatively ycuug not an old man
on it. They aro all men in the full vigor
of lito and mental powerd.
Dr. M. 31. M. Murphy, a reprcBent-a
live anti-A. P. A., and a crony Jol the
editor of tho Review, is evidently having
troublous limes at home, and to case his
mind fires off a two-column broadside- in
bis favorite paper, over the notn d
plume Michael Liber. Birds of a foalbor
flock together, and caw in unison.
Tbe Review has a serious time stamp
ing out A. P. A. Wo are iuformed
ujioii good authority that democrats,
as well as republicans and populists,
are uniting with tho order throughout
the county. Poor Cbolly, won't some
body bold up bis bands, while tbo Re
view slaughters thoso horrid fellows?
To Victory and Success.
Tbo Douglas county republican parly
has a ticket, which for tbe ability of tbo
men upon It is not surpassed by cither
of tbo other tickets. So on tbat scoro
tbore is no good reason lo vole ogainut
it. And on that of party the- ropubll-
tunn mroly liavo 'tho iidvnnlaitA It is
for American protection.
41 oo
X oo
Tbe condition ol tbe tndoalriea of the
I conn'ry aad of labor are such tbat
(cannot pats it by indifferently at this
time. We know that conditions arencl
rigbt, and that something' ia wrong.
Something ha carued tbe present
stringency of the money market and
made it impossible to obtain money npoo
any terms as a loin. Something lias de
preciated vloes and securities to tbat
extent that our hrsst basines-t men will
not loan money. Bnilding and otber en
terprises stopped short tbree years ago.
Great changes of this kind do not occur
witln.ut tome cause. Readers will re
memt-er that in tbe campaign of. IS9i the
democratic pirly promised the i"-opIe
that If the reins of government were
given lo them, that they oald discon
tinue the elJ management and establisb
a nets and different system. Republi
cans were charged with fostering an op
pressive tariff system and of boarding np
an unnecessary surplas in the denary.
They insisted that sacb a farcins was
unnecessary acil that it was .the result of
a "pernicious system of republican
methods," Voters ncre duped into ac
cepting tbe argument, and enough of
them became partii a lo the enterprise to
effect the change and lbe present admin
istration was placed iu power At the
time this great change Mas made there
was a rtterve fnnd in the treasury of
230,OJ0,000. tiie sorpltn which was tbe
hue and cry of lbs campaign of IsO.'.
Money was plentiful, Iabr was em
ployed, the sound of the ax and hammer
kept time to the factory wheels from one
end of lbe lind o the other, and we
were prc-fpsnng and happy. No sooner
was tae present administration seated
and affairs turned over to them, than
the cliange of policy was beun, culmi
nating in the Wilton bill, a measure ap
proved by tbe English press and foreign
manufacturers. At tbe same instant Die
surjilus began to drop and continued to
now out until it was exbiustcd.
At the end of tbe first )ear of new
government, there wa3 a deficit cf f70,
OQQ.OJQ. Than begin tha borrowing
system inaugurated by the administra
tion, which has continued to tbe present
time, by which $20r.Oi.OJ0 has been
borrowed to meet expenses This is tbe
condition todsy, brought aboat by tbe
doptlon of bad boines methods. This
borrowing must stop, and a return to
correct lusinees principles is lbe only
way oat of lbe difficulty. The restora
tion of a tariff measure, be it tbe Mc
Kinley bill or any otber measure tbat
will set the wbeele of industry in motion
and farni-ii sufficient retemu ij what
tbe people iit-ed and whit they will
The Fight For Sheriff.
It must be appirent by this time that
our opponents have mailed their forces
for a fight opn the republican nomi
nee for sheriff. Not against 3Ir Sham
brook as an individual, but against any
nominee for that place. To the cloie
observer, this is not unexpected. Demo
cratic boscs and "gang" leaders bave
Wen preparing for this tight for months,
long before It was known who the nomi
nee tvouM be. This is not a new nro-'
cedure, tiny have always contended for
that office and very often it-cured it re
gardlrss of lbe political complection of
the county. Larije sums of money have
been furnished by democratic leaders for
the purpose of recovering control of the
sheriff's office. Every nominee for that
place, be be republican, populist or
otherwise in opr-ositiou to the demo
cratic claimsnt lias been assailed bv
democratic bossee in Rosebun:. Two
years ago largo sums if money were
used to further the en-' of .Mr. Becklev.
The utople were told that neither Mr.
Levens nor 3Ir Martin were tit iKirsons
for the place.
Tliii claim now is no different from
what it has always been. It sounds
like the "old, old story,"' except they
bave adopted a new refrain, lecautc
tbe old one has become wearisome. We
may look for all sorts of measures and
"gang" tac tics from democratic head
quarters during this campaign in oppo
sition to 3Ir. Shambrook.
The rattle of their "stamping ma
chine" can be hoard in Roseburg at all
hours of the day and night, their secret
emisfanes under sealed orders are
scouring the county and raking cesspools
ior campaign ammunition. ia:1 us Bee
what they, with the aid of "3Iichael")
will produce
Facts Admitted.
Thcro i no dispute over tbo lollowin
facts, viz :
That the present administration went
into power ujwn a free trade platform.
That at that time thcro was u curplus
in tbe treasury of 0,000,000.
That it was accumulated under u re
publican tariff system.
That tho present admiuietratiun
adopted the Wiison bid.
That tho present administration then
oxpended the 2jO,0O0,O3O surplus.
That it then borrowed fiOl'.OOO.OOO lo
meet demands.
That this udmiiiiiitralioii sold bonds at
private sale, for 111,000,000, luss than
they wuru worth in tho market.
That values have steadily declined for
three veare.
That paupers ate pouring in upon iih.
That our laborers aro tramping.
That thousands of our peoplo have bo-
co mo iueolvviit.
That money cannot be had uihmi any
That workshops aro closed.
That wu nro wearing out our old
All thlu within thu Hhort cpaco of 'thteo
yoais. How much moro of these thing
do our pooplo want.
His fellow-cltizons of Maine have not
eulogized 3Ir. Reed too strongly. IIo ia
the sure nud owcrfiil master mind in
whose gitldanco tho country could in.
Btlnclively IriiHt an it (rimtod yearn ngo
in Linroln'rt IloMon Journal.
For more than a month now tbe Re
view crowd of reformers bave bad tbe
people of Douglas county by tbe ear, as
it were. No sacb floods of patriotic ad
vice was eyer poured out on a suffering
people as tbat which has deluged tbe re
rspabtican voters of this county daring
that time. Tbe idea of this outfit of
Cleveland administration democrats ap
pointing themselves as tbe guardians of
the republican party is one of tbe most
colossal exhibitions of concentrated gall
tbat it was ever my lot to witness.
At first Charley Fisher tried it alone
Now Charley is a decent kind of a booby,
He is just an ordinary 2xi every-day
administration democrat, with r3 ideas
except soch as are pumped into him by
bis bosses. Bat be was not doing tbe
subject justice, so tbat er!ess gentle
man, the Hon. Fred Floed, who had
lieen compelled to resign bis position in
the revenue service "on account of bis
health," you know, was pressed into tbe
service as a kind of a prohibition adjunct.
And now to cap the climax comes Dr.
31. 31. Murphy 'Michael Liber, and joins
tbe triumvirate. Now, is not this
sweei ecenteu trio to eel themselves up
as the advisers of the republican party of
Douglas county. We could itand Fisher,
weiooK rioea under protest, but we
draw tbe lino on Jlorphy. We won't
play any longer.
It is reiated that in the early days of
Arizona a minister 01 tne gospel was
holding services in a frontier town of
tbat territory. Alkali Ike bad wandered
into the hall to see what kind of a bow
was un tbe boards. Hie mhdsler took
a his text the parable of the sheep and
goats. After an eloquent exhortation to
tbe sheep to separate themselves from
the goats, be called on all who would be
classed among tbe sheep to stand up.
Quite a number stood up and indicated
their desire to be counted in this class
He then asked all who desired to be
claimed among the goats to stand. No
one appeared to be willing to be so
counted. At last Alkali Ike arose and
announced that "rather than have the
play spoiled he would lake tbo part of
the goats."
in oruer 10 bave llie puy go on, we
hate allowed Fisher and Floed to assign
us the part of tbe bad, bad men, wbile
they posed as tbe holier tban thou crowd.
It pleased them and did us no barm, but
wbeu they want to bring in this man
Murphy, as a kind of additional angei of
Vuhl to weep over our transgressions and
shed maudlin tears over our political
sin?, we kick. Obmuivkk
The Triumph of Tongue.
We note with regret tbat Congressman
Hermann, of Oregon, has failed to re
ceivo tbe renomination in his congress'
ioui. district convention. He has been
supplanted by a gentleman named
Tongue. Ominous cognomen! While
Congressman Hermann has not been
foremost in the ranks of gab, as have our
wild-eyed Caban congressmen, be bas
done much gcoJ work in committee
We are not of Ibofe who believe tbat
great countries are governeJ and wars
waged by gab. If bj, Candidate Tongue
would ! an iminently rittipg member of
j lLe l'refent windy cocgress
Tbe less of
Hermann will be keenly felt, for he has
been an invaluable member of tbe Pa
citic coast delegation. He is a broad
guago man, and, unlike our California
delegation has worked for the coast as
well as for bis state. It was admitted by
tbe California delegation the compira
tively liberal treatment ol this state in
I i1jo I'relenl river 3cJ harbor bill was due
1- (i . 1
to Hermann. It is true that we bave
broken out into our usual cipulid rows
in California oyer that bill, and aro en
gaged in turning away some millions of
money because tbo f government will not
spend it the way we want it.
But that is not Hermann's fault. He
did all he could for 111. Oregon does not
appreciate him. Wo would advise Con
gressman Hermann to shake tbe mud of
the Webfooi state from bis shoes, and
como to California. After he bad been
here long enough, we could send him to
congress, and he might show some of
our California congressmen how to work
for their state. As it is, Oregon, a state
mucu interior in reputation, receives
more Federal money than docs Califor
nia. This h largely due to the practiccl
and nird-tieiued Hermann. Let us see
how Oregon will fare tider tho rule of
Tongue. San Francisco Argonaut
Michael Liber.
Duals, April 20, lS'.MJ.
Lmroii Plaimjealkb : I boo by tho
last issue of tbo Review that "Michael
Liber" has been recognized by that pa
per as an advocate of its principles, and
has devoted one-half of the front pago of
3Ioiidny'H issue to tho teachings of that
distinguished being. Do tho readers of
that paper know who Michael Liber is?
His true name is Michael Murphy, bet
ter known llirougtioul tins countv as
drunkon Dr. .Murphy. Ho is not, how
ever, without n record. IIo once served
a term in tho Oregon enitentiary fur the
crime of adultery. Ho is before tbe cir
cuit court 01 tins county now upon a
charge of adultery. He received a sound
cudgeling in this county not long sinco
at tho hand of an indignant husband.
He has been iepcilcdly cotifiued in tho
city j t Ko.-;eburg for drunkeness and
deb .ery. lie was lined iu Drain
last Meek fur using a dangerous weapon.
Ho it in hiding at this time outsido tho
city limits to avoid urrcBt for addressing
vile mid profane language to ladies. Ho
in a man devoid of principal and moral
ity. I have n't told the half of his his-
l.istry, but tho Review knows it all. It
Is a m. liter of universal tmrpriso hero
Hint the Review, knowing bis history,
should enlist him for this election and
give him the uso of that paper as a
weapon to vilify and smirch Iho charac
ter of good cilizons. However much
this Bpeeiman of depravity mav bo in ac
cord with the views of that paper, what
does tho hotter class think of such meth
ods, and what do llmv think nf the
snnrro of information'' 1 sny it, is nn In
null upon decency. V.
One ol tbe moat onjost, unreasonable
and unscrupulous fights is being made
on Dave Shambrook: tbat was ever
made on a republican candidate in Doug
las coanty. The sheriff, to some extent,
controls tbe printing ai.d publication cf
legal notices, andif tbe Review people
can succeed in defeating Sbambrook and
electing a democrat, it will giie them
tbe control of this printing for tbe next
two years.
For weeks prior to tbe republican con
vention the columns of the Review were
freighted down with tbs vilest kind of
personal insinuations against Sheriff
Catheart, tbe editors of tbat paper think
ing then that Catheart would bs renom
inated. Now that Shambrook bas been nomi
nated they have transferred their sti-V
pot warfare to him, and from now on,
until the election, every thing poeaible
will be done to comasa bis defet.
They even go so far in their extremity as
to try to create the impression that
Shambrook was in some way responsi
ble for the escape of Sam Brown, when
the facts are tbat be, Shambrook, sever
at any time bad anything to do with,
nor bad any control over tbe j ail. He
never carried the kejs to the nor
bad anything to do with tbe care of the
piisoner, in any manner, rlis work as
deputy sheriff 'ay outside and contiited
in serying papers away from Rosebcrg
and in the outside precincts of tbe
county. Now I bave no disposition to
criticite any one for the escape of Brown.
Such things have happened in eyery
county in tbe ttatc and under the admin
istration of orery sheriff in the state. I
simply insist that it isucfair and unjust
for the Review to try to create tbe im
pression that Shambrook was, or could
bain the remotest degree, responsible
for it.
The writer hereof, has known Dave
Shambrook as man and boy, for more
than twenty years. Ho is a Douglas
county farmer Jboy, Lorn and bred, and
who bas tbe respect and confidence of
every man who knows him, and .when a
lof of half I raked city dudes, undertake for
tbeir own selfish ends, to down a man
like Dave Shambrook, by such slander
ous insinuations and outrageous lies
they will find "that they bave Lit off
more than they cai chew." O.
The Capital Journal commenting ujon
the statement of Dr. Driver, which the
Pmi.ndealer reported Dr. Driver to
have made in Roseburg, in a lecture on
''Ingeriol and tbe devil combined," in
which lecture be said Samuel Culver,
Jesse Applcgate, John Pengree aud
Senator Nesmith, noted infidels, died
insane after G3 years of age, says :
"We cannot believe Dr. Driver made
Hie statement attributed to him, but if
he did, be certainly owes the infidel
pioneers, if there were any, an apology."
The I'lai.ndkallh reported the remark
able assertion ol Dr. Driver, and will
vouch for the correctne-s of the state
ment. Tbe PL.icrDE.iLEa thought it an
unwarranted statement, even if true, as
it is an indisputable fact that there are
more demented people in our insane
asylums who hive gone daft on the sub
ject of religion than, perhaps any other
subject. It is also a fact, that many
infidels die jwrfccily sane, even after be
coming Gi years old. Wbilo differing
with tbe doctor upon theology, we did
not think D. Driver would make a false
statement with regard to those old pio
neess, the memory of whom Oregonians
will keep green long after I. D. Driver
is forgotten.
Hon. Biagar Hermann, who has seived
the people of Oregon as a representative
in the past six congrestes, and is ouo of
the best known men in tho Louse 011 the
Pacific coast, was defeated yesterday for
a renomination. The Oregon elections
are held in June, hence the early conven
tions. That in the first district, .Mr.
Hermann's, was called for Tuesday,
April 7, ior tbe second district, now tep
resented by 3Ir. Ellis, April 8, aud fol
lowed by tbo state convention today.
Mr. Hermann hud many opponents
for the nomination. The convention
balloted all night, and after daylight yes
terday the opposition succeeded in unit
ing npon Thomas H. Tongue of Hillsboro
and gave him a majority on the thirty
fourth ballot.
Bad news spreads moro rapidly than
good, and 3Ir. Hermann bad scarcely
time to send a message of congratulation
10 tne Eucceeaiui man beiore lie was sur
rounded in the lobby by a crowd of his
friends, whose expressions ol regret were
sincere. "Oregon must have somo
mighty good men," said Hepburn,-of
Iowa, "tbat she should turn down Biugor
Hermann for 0110 of them." Washing
ton Post.
No Sewer for Italy's Refuse.
There is too much uudcsirablo immi
gration just now. This country ought
not to bo need m a sewer to carry off
Italy's refuso population. No foreign-
born persons should lio allowed lo land
in this country who lacks tho capacity or
rrovc the merit of Hood's SarsniarllU poil
tlve, erfcct, itcmiaiient Cures.
Cures ot ScrofuU In severest forms. Salt
Itheuni, with Intense Itclilni; nml Imrn
Ing, scald, bolN, liliniilot. etc
Curos o! Dyspepsia, liliciiiuatisiii, Catarrh, by
toning and making rich, red blood,
Curos of N'crvoimicss and That Tired lVcllng.
hy feeding ucrvc, muscles and tissues
on pure blood. For book of cures by
S-nd address to C. I. IIihmI & C... I.ohi-11. .Mass.
Hi.l' fklli aie lbe best atiei ilinniT
UOOCIS I-!! IS pills, aid dliteslmii. -A'.
decent Atnerkan ciiizn.
3Iostofoor readers are familiir with
tbe record and Join;, of Dr. 3Iurpby tli
"3ItcfaaeI liber" of the Review force.
Voters are Iieneefottb to Iw direleJ
through this campaign, snd prepared far
the Jane election through the teachings
of this writer of unsavory character.
When tbe achievme-nls of tbe demo
cratic party are examined lalu they
- . T ? . .... 1 l
arguments for tbe eti.i of I, an,:-
biiauoa. .vail (tits win 00 aiccnueu 10
this rsr, whether ex-Goveraor Rofsell
of 3Iassacbucette is ;! democratic can
didate or no-'. New York 3!otnini; Ad
vertiser. Where are the promises matt s four
yeai9 30? They are envkpf.l
mists of a democratic adntini
Where ij tbe urositritv nromWeil ? It
bate t jet arrived. When do j i r xjet
... .... , 1 - , -
it? W hen cwTrt-t liiinrs tKimripaiS
are agiiu adopted When that be?
Answer lhai jourselves through your
ballo'.g in Jane cesr.
Your Boy Won't Live a flonth.
So 3Ir. Gimaa Brown. ofS4 3fill St.,
rkmth Ganlner, 3Iase., was told by tbe
doctors. Hi son had lung trouble, fol
lowing Typhokl 3Ialaria. and he spent
three hundred and seventv-five dollars
with doctors, who hnally
sayinz: "lour
month." He tried
covery an-1 a few bottles restored him to
health and enabled him to go to work a
perfectly well man. He says he owes
Lis present good health to use of Dr.
King's New Discovery, and knows it to
lie the best in the world for lunz trouble.
Trial bottles free at A. C. 3Iarsters
drug store.
John Bruckner died in San Francisco,
Cal., April 20, ISM. His daughter, 3Irs.
Uassage, and his son, Paul, will leave
soon to bring the body to Rossburg for
interment. Mr. Bruckner was born
3Iav 17, 1835, in Austria.
40O Jackson St.,
One i!ror south P.O.
Choice Tear, Coflec,
Tobaccos End Cipar?.
And every thins Use :n
thedroccry iu.e.
Highett Jlartet Paid for Country Produce.
Gire him a ca.. ml he conTin-.i.J.
Family Groceries,
Hooks and Children's Toys.
v i vi.l use or-
ernita. Nuu, Ireiicb Cinlie.s Coufectionerv
Canned Goods, ColTees, Tea?, Etc.
i iioifK i:i:a.'s op ckjahs
is a
and is the result ol colds and
sudden climatic cXanges.
It can be cured by a pleasant
mnedy which Is applied di
rectly into the nostril. Be
its qoickly absorbed it circs
relief at once
Ely's Cream Balm
ts actnowlcikcd to be the cost thoronirh
asai Catarib, Cold in Head and Ilay Fctct
re racdie. It onen.i and e!rR the r.aI m
juiuiuuiuiuu. ucks cum. pro-
IMiihe mnihrun fmn mU.mtiM.t....
tects the raerabraae from colds, restores the eccsrs
music ana smcil. I Tice 50c. at Ureuts o: by ni.l.
ELY BliOTUERS, 5fi Warrca Street, New Vort.
otlce of Sheriff s Sale of Real
- out ol the Circuit Court of the siale nf ?v
gon for Douglas County in the suit id C. K. Hill,
plaintiff, aeainst (i. W. l'eters and Julia A. I'e-
ters, ins wile. Ma l. Hamilton and E.;. Voune.
A. O. oun; nnd J. ;. Stearns, lwrtners under
mi.- jiitii iiuiui- ui . it. nuui; v , ,. l.
Steams and C. I- t'benoweth, partners under
the linn name of Mtams .V flieti.wetb,defend-
rihj, uuiy Buciei on me .in nay r April,
U1K3H ft decix-e and onlernf Aiilt-'tlnlv ninl.i
and entered in ald court and cuiuc in lavor of
ine aijovo named plalnttu anil ng:iint the
almve natncil defendants, O. Y. l'eters and Julia
A. 1'clers, on tbc-il day m April. 1596, for the
sum ot7US.:i, with interest then-on at the rate
of 8 i-cr cent, per annum from the date thereof,
.') altorncyB fees, and costs and dikburseraents
ol tbe suit taxed at 17. U decree also K-im;
In favor of the difendant, Kva K. Hamilton
and ORainst tiie defendant., it. IV. Peters and
Julia A. l'eters, his uiie, for the sum of lr'-(
and Interest from date thereof at the rate of
per cent, per annum, HOD attorney's fee. and
costs and disbursements In this suit taxed at
111, and further decreeing that the amount due
the plaintitr, with nttoniev's fee, costs and dis
bursements, should boa first lien upon the
mortgaired premises, ami decreeing a sale of the
mortgaged premi;cs for the sums above men
tioned, s.ild premises belni; described as follows,
to-ivit: All that portion of the south half of the
northeast iuartcr and tho east half of tb smith.
east quarter of section Si, township 21. south of
range ft west lyiugou the nmth tide of Callpnoi.i
Creek. In Douslas Countv. Orecon. rnntninin,.
N) acres, more or less.
sow therefore bv virtue of miM t-v.-cnti,,,, i
will on
Saturday, the 6th day of June, 1-9.-.,
atone o'clock 1. M. of said da. t tin- nmrt
house door in Itusebunr. Doiil'us i mmtt iir.i.
con, sell Ht public miction, to thu liighet bid
der for cash hi hand, all the right, title and
interest which the nbmn miiiwii ,i..i..,,,i.,t,iv
O.W. IVIcrsand Julia A. lVters, his wile, hud'
In or to the alxivo described real propert on
tho 1th dnv of Miiri'ii. lS'H. or nt m iln...
after, or eiioush in sitlsfy the tlen'mnd of the
uliove named' plalatl IV oml the ilomand of the
mid defeudnut Kva 1". Hamilton, ami will :ippl
the procetsls nrislnir therefrom. llrt tn thi-
costs and disliursmeuts of this sale, second to
ine plHlntlll s demand as aron-said. tlilrd to
the demand of said Kva F. Ilumiltmi jiti.i i1,.
mcrplus if any there be, I will pv to whom
noevcr shall bin fully be entitled to tho same.
uaioi mis aotu day oi April. w.
C. K. rATIU'Altl-
a"0 Shenir Douglas Count, Oregon.
Final Notice.
of Oregon, iu Douglas County.
Iu tho mntter ot tho estate of N'ni Mitelinii
Nctico Is hereby givun that tbo inn.
ndmlnistraforof tho above entitled estate has
lllcil his final nccount in settlement thereof, and
the Court, bv order ilulv iiim.1i nml ,Mit..r...i or
reeonl, has iixed Jlonday, Julv oth, Lsw, ot to
o'clock A.M. of said day for hearing objections
If any theru lie, to said account and the liual
vetllemeiit of said estate.
naleii davof April, li-.t...
J. A. AlcCri.I.V
W . CaUIiwkm., Administrator
Attorney for Admlultr.itor.
tbe character tbat is repaired In m
Lor won't live a ( The photpgrapas ot a lare aamcer 01
nl 1-: t . - rw: . i thnv rnrpd of coasamptioa. oroncaius.
1 I
mr g
Golden Medical
Cures Sincty-ctzht per cent, of all
cases of Consumption, In tit lit
Earlier Stages.
1 LT- . r .1 . ..: A rM .r A?
r. .Not 'everrca, mta Ureter
t cf cases, and we believe, fuUvjX
are cared 07 Dr. Piercea Gowzt
.1 rv;.. ftr- th ekM
percent, are cared 07 ir. rercc a ygv
has orocresscd so far as to indece reseatM
ileaical uiscorerr. even aiKi w -kw
coceh with copious cipt deration I laelad-
ing tubercular rsaUer), great lo of fijaS
anu extreme cniaaauoa aau wcu
Do yoa doubt that hundreds of ssch caJtt
oar word for it. They bave. in nearly every
I instance, been so pronouaced by the bes.
I aad most experienced home physicass,
?. v.. - ;nierMt Trhatevcr ia ais-
representisff them, and who were oftea
strongly prejudiced and advised agams.
a trial of "Golden iledical Discovery,"
bat who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, ia curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which tiey are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil and its filthy ' emalsioc" asd
raiitcres. had been tried in nearly all these
cases aad had cither utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to beaefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the nypopuos-
lingering cough?, asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
siillfnilv reproduced in a boot of 160
pases which will be mailed to yoa. oa re-c-int
of address aad sir cents sa stamps.
Address for Boot, World's Dispensary
Jledical Association, BuSalo, Y.
1 n American Protective Tariff Leaaue
is a nat'oral organization advocati'g
- P-c':Ciior. to American Labor ar.c
Industry " as explained by its constitu
t o, as follows :
T j rb-CQt at thu Lngu haH tt to z-zU-.t
f.- - - 'irr a twrff an im?3"t
1 - coopstrtian cf faroign Uoar. "
There are no personal or privata
promts in Connection with the orgamza
t coand it is sustained by memberships
contributions and the distribution of its
'ISr CofrMecnder-4 ii otciti rja-tjlr j
SECOKO. V7ndandwle:in43ntributisr.
r 1 HD V' pubfith a l-g- Tf zf doe--i--ii
c: ?- g a1 p-as f tr 9 Tar -f questj 7". Cr--S
;--. 1 1 mad tsary addrtsf;r 5C
F" JfiTH Srd cm til cird req--i
p ' -t t z t-3 -'AirerkCi-i E it.
Az '- iWL.Fr Wi':-y Grsrx Sscrctarv,
135 Vc-st 221 Siren. Ns Ysn.
ELY'S PUfEOLA KAT.SATil ia a ere Remedy
loreosstj.CiiJa, sore urea; and lor aithma. It
Eocmes, quietly
acu rescers ezpec:
onr'en ci5y.
wi3 hrrarlahly deriTa
bencnt from ita cse.
5any who snppcse
then cases to be cot:
tnmptien aro only
nMESBEUSf chronic cold or deep
' IWySSS- tesied eonjb. often
i tara. For atirrh nse Ey e Creaa Bahn. Both
: remedies arc p.eisast to use. Cream Baha, 5i cts.
sennj irem
! ptr borne: P jeo'a Baljan. 25c Sold b y Drz
ELY BUOTH2HS, SS Warren St, ew Yc-i.
Administrator's Notice.
. ... . .. - ;:.a: the tinjorsuihtl
.u-.r, On :i. pi'.'in;e-i!raiir of th
sc i-.aire aaiost wiie&Uio arere-
j . o i pr-eni me same with proper voceh
-. iii-fi m n months Irom thedaof this
f . in un- im'ieriaa, ai Ko-eburvr, Done
. Couatv, Oregon.
I I'a-o.1 thu h day of April, l;wl.
K. E. Kit' H AUD;.
.:.i.iii-lrator ofthe e-Ute of Clarke Rich
ari. 'lt-ttd.
Finn. Notice.
I . 1:1 tiu; of the eUte of Uriah Uaelt,
. , ,T ' . . !..-. 1 .--. .. . i, . ... . ,
1 r" '"" 1 " -ri '' .-. 5. en lha. the undvrMEOcd
aorunisiraiorol Hie atU' t-ntitKil estate has
t.-J his final aix.vjnt m settlement ih.nir n.l
Hie Court, by ordtr duly ma.Ie and entered ot
reeom. nas uxci m., relay, Mav 4,, at 10
o i-iuci. a. m., ior neannir objectjons if anv there
be. to said account, and the final settlement of
said estate. J. W. WKIGUT.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by the County Court ot Douglas
County. Oregon, appointed administratrix of
the estate ot" Johu Csinwav, deceaseil. All per
sons having claims against said estate are re
Quired to present the same, with the proper
vouchers, within s;. months from date of this
notice, to the undersigned, at Klkton, Douglas
County. Oregon.
. Dated, this uh day ol April. IsM.
Administratrix of the Kstnto ni inim i'n.ror
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
Property Under Foreclosure.
Henry Little, l'lainliir.1
He; l'ilkiuc'.ou. Marv E. rilkimr-!
Jon. Manraret A. DeanlonT, Wit- (
ham J. Deardorirand J. ti Beck-1
. , Defendants. J
state of Oregon, (
COfintVnf Dtkllclas 1 ss-
Notice is herebv iriven rhut bv vlrtn .if n
lAuuimunuiuiracriusaic uuiy lssucit out ol
ine tircun court of tlje State of Oregon, for
I'uuias V.0U111V. anil 111 the tth.ivf.t.ntitii.i ..att...
uu me mn nay 01 April. iv.o,uton a iudemcnt
anil ileereo of foreclosure nvide and cnterol of
record In find finuit Court on the AKh day of
juue, ist'i, loreciosms a certain mortjrase in
Mvorof saiJ uIkhc named plnintilT and wralitst
t... 1tv.vLi11.1uLs. anil iu;iiisi ine uereinniier
mentioned and described morttnuntl rp;il mn.
crty for the itm offM.116 with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the
13tli day of June, ls;i, and the sura of JdO.CO at
torney fees with interest thereon nt the nite nf
s per tent, per annum from the lothdayof June,
I;-'."., and tlu mm of ? .7.1.1 cost, with interest
t hereon at the rute of s per cent, per annum
from tin-I'.tli day oi Juue. Is'.'l, and the eosts
of ami um said writ, and the costs and ex
pense of this sale.
Now therefore I ill m
Sjturday. the 2.ud. day of flav, iSofi,
at one o'clock 1". M. of said day at the Court
House door in Kosetmrs, Douglas. Countv, State
of Oregon, sell nt public auction to the lilshest
bidder for cash iu hand, all the right, title uud
interest which the said defendiinu or cither of
tin-in had on ihe l'.ili day of Jiiue.l.ViS, the ilato
ot the execution of said mortKOKo or at anv time
uiere.iuer 111 or 10 1110 loiiowliis ilescribetl rear
I pro)ierty situate in the romity of Douslas aud
siaieoi ureKon. All tlmt portion of Lot No. S
in Block No. 1.:, contained jr. feet fronting 011
Front street and runnim; to the corner of Frout
and Oak Street, thence alons; said Oak Street 100
feet to Lot No. 'J in said Jllock. thouco alons the
lino of am No. .. ici t, thence 100 feet to the
place of Uiuiiin-jr, lieiuKlsi feel by HX) feet oil"
of the South side of Lot No. S iu Block No. l:! in
the ICailroad Addition to tho Town of Oakland
Doimlas County, state 01" Oregon, ns fchnini br
the tou 11 plat thereof, on reeonl iu tho Ulerk's
Ollleefor salil Douslas County, together Willi
liio tcni-mcnts, liervditnmcnts and nppurtti
naiiees thereiiuio beiont?lns or In anvwtse ai-lK-rtalmni;.
of April alvi',Wl',,,lrr' 0rt""' W. Ju-
siuriii l Iioinilos. County, Oregon.
W. I .IT1U.H.T, Deputy.
gave him up, I phxtes had also oetataiiatciiytneaiavais.
i .
t4f UftmiM
tan4t away g n J
! mZV7li
, J'.rT a
,,4 .4y tm. m
,,.. j ... owM .
tt Uf -
rjl iMt w ,rtt-
" r
! 9tMtiLtf. tiut 2tiA dbn M Xt,
'.or. itsmafUrT iu S 1 t UmfUtl 4rtsiAil
Pa' yrir.j ti'rutt -a fm sttf M. DvsctU
awl ziMtx 'A 'fTfm. 'h it
JfaAan-.SKC at Utm M 2S Umx tt
and 3 ehaiiM I idSjKwvft tmm fut
lerxxilrir. vt a Ot. inr-- luttmt "innate 1
and in To-aMr JMJ8r7 Wert asrf
mr-nlng tnv -'tl r- awt xaA 'JZ Hz.'xt.
IhtneK ua'.'a V. raz'.M aA , Umzjr, tae tut
17 halm awl si I'Jtz Ui f. fhestK !tS rse
anen ot rirer aortit 27 Uapx esuA V tluls
and 70 lints, Urner txT,x Artit ztntit n
chains and 72 HaS. Vtetu-x tat K&atm zA VI
links aril thesos jxwi T coaiM xal at Bnfrs
to lh: place of bI&tijr. rjtzUiz-Z 'Jit xsA
Ti seres, .'-o t-'- nn.ibenfi - ixA Z trl sxtSSoo.
Ila Tonhp laua'JL, Kaasr 7 Wt ot WH-an-ett
Meridian. eaoliiniJtJ itrw. ail i3
tttvnXT, Ortctm, lzKlt.7 -jrttk ae
senu, btr-UmKnu asd afarusxacesi thers
onto beloturlnr Is tar aprsrufelBX.
Thit tiie isinti zmif p-militJl tn isA at
tbe of said jrojjrty tatt vxnzx x ytZM
er Uiertof. That the jielu.4n t jsbiRrf ia i-cusdiaU-
pos-in 'A M ftattMx.
liefl toU lit Uy oi Apeii, i'fA.
c. f. ;.t:aet,
-aenir f !pa.r Oicatj, Orrtre.
By D- S sauzsssioc, iei:y. 2s4
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
Property Under Foreclosure.
Wb. Lovv
Jaiats F. Chidsriei. Axaea
Chartw:ct and W.J. Clad-:
IieodaBtj. j
CooDty of Dooiai.
-s vine of as execution and orlr f sa
doly issued oct of tbe atore naaKd own and
in tae above entitled caase. oo ti Sea day
of ilarcr , npoa a icdgaKst aad decree of
foreclosure made aad entered of zeeord ia said
Circuit Caen oa toe Uta day ei Haarh, Isjo,
fofeelosta; a eertaia raortzae ia favor of said
above aamed iiatiir aad tzaizxi said defen
dant?, awl azainx the hereinafter raeatfeaed
and deserihed mortgaged real property for the
soxa of 7320.3 sltbiateresttiienoa at tae rate
of s tr cent ftr annnrrt from tae 15th. day of
March. b4t, aa-t tbe sura oi IKS aUoraeys fees
aad 5xu) c'.- cad dissezseaeau, aad tae
eests of and Uf-m said writ aad tae costs aad
expenses of rite sale.
Now therefore I will
Satarday the 25th day oi April, 1S96.
at 1 o'clock P. M. of said lay a: tae Cocrt House
door in Bosebor;, Soodaa -.ocatv. Sta of Ore
90a, sell as public anetfcm to tae'bfcrBet bidder
for cash m baud, ail the rijhl. title aadaterest
which tbe said defea-laats or either of theza tad
oa the ITth day oi Deeeeber. l-7. tbe dat of
tbe execution uf said nortsrjce or at aay tine
thereafter inert. tie i.-U-jaria described real
property, situate in the Coanty of Docrii-s aad
state of Orecon. in SeeLos Zl aad in Toara
ship i iocth of Baase 0 West of the W illaraette
Meridian, aad birtindtd by a line besiaaias at x
pniatK rodsl"'j feel aorth of a point I& chafes
sresti-x the 31.' p.t betwea said Sections
1 an I i rannins thenee north L6 rods,
thenv Last 17 rods. Unace north 76 reds, thence
east .z mains, thence south J4 chains, iheaee
east ir . eDains. theuca j-octh $LS tods, thence
west -L: icbains t. tbe place of beaain con-tainiaeeijr'.tya-Tes
iooeorJeJ,also. that por
tion tr "a-d Wrlbe-i as Lot Xo. 3 ia Junes
Patrons c-Ti'. Scale So. ttl and tbe -kxttbeas:
quarter V of tbe Si nheast qoarter tf-i) of tee
tion 31 in T.i-a-nsbip i sxith of P'-.f West ia
the district i: Und- sib.'ict to sale at Easebanr,
Oreccn, cocrainin; seveutv sevec acres more or
less, also lot No. 1 of ieetion ia Wwa-hip 25
south of Kaagei West of Willamette Meridian,
also a!l that p-rriua-r the donation land claim
of C E. straiten and v. ife, eiaist So- X? ia Doc;
a conn:-.. irecn. V-irer aad lvmj north of a.
line nitntn :hr,i;;b sa;dkoauoa land claim
parallel :.i aad (e fiTtv-two rods north frora
tbo souti.asr boandry line of aid donation
land claim Xo. i of K. E. Stratum sad wife,
also tbe Sonth half tVr) of the ootheast Darter
and Lot 7 of seetioa ia Towaship Sooth of
Range 5 West of the Willamette Meridian, con
taining one hundred aad eleven and J acres
of land more or less.
Dated this Jith dav oi March. l?fv.
j-hetiilof Douslas ConatT, Orecan.
Cathcast, Depcty. " raJStd.
By . W.
- of Oregoa for thv.- County of Docglaj.
J. C. Ro'.-itfcwn. Plalatitr.l
Charles W Johnston.Jvunie-V.John-1
ston, Duraa H. Stearns. A. Ella i
S. steams. Isaac Michael, Everett i
B. Kabb, Stearas Fruit Land Cora- f
pany, a corporation: S. B. Ilea-1
dries?. L. Z. Headiicts, Helaae-1
tbon McCoy an 1 Conntv of Doa;-1
tas. Defeadaats.J
To Charles W. Johnston. Jenni .InVn,t.n
and Everett E. Kabb, the above named defen.
' me n.ime 01 tae state of Oresron, you and
the first day of the next term of the above ea
titled court next following s!t nti nnMi.
tioa of this summons, and if tou fail so to ap
pear and aaswer, for want thereof the plaintirr
will apply to said court for the relief prayed for
ia said complaint, to-wit.
For a decree that plain titT have aud recover of
and frjm the defendants-i-harT.: v iv..,. .
Jennie A. Johnston and the Stearns Fruit Land!
torn pany the sum of ?10Jj.lX) in U. S. Gold Coin
with interest thereon in like gold coin at the
rate of eight per cent- per annum from the 1st
JJ'0-ove,?lb,:r'1SM' 811,1 r the further sum
of sis., jm like com, with interest thereon at
the rate of cisht per cent, per annum from tho
1st dav of November, ls&I, and for the further
snm of S60.0a with interest the
eight per cent, per annum from the -J3al day of
January, ls'Al, and the further sum of JldZ50
attorneys fees, and the costs nnd disbursements
of this suit Aud for a decree foreclosing the
mortgage executed and delivered bv said defen
dants Charles W. Johnston and Jennie A. John
ston to the Jarvis-Couklin Mortsaire Trust Com-
larticularly bounded and described as follows,
to-wit: '
Part of the donation land claim of Henrw
1 Puniv. claim No
Purdy, claim No. II in Sections nine (0) anil
sixieciuiio. lownsnip 1-7 south, Kange o West
'ol the lllamette Meridian: and lots one (1)
two (J), thee (J, four (l), rive (3), six o iu said'
Section sixteen IS, and more particularly
bounded and described as follows, to-wit -
Beginning- at the northwest corner of the Sam
uel llarkness Donation Land Claim, bcin
claiiu No. 41 in Township 27 South. P.anire S
West of the Willamette Meridian: thence 1 ran?
ning north jl.07chalns;thence castS0.5S chains
theuce south 17.3i chains: thence east lica
chains: thence south 33.75 chains; thence west chains to the place of beginning. Vis 1 T a
iract of land begiii.iiug at tho norXIst cfmer
of the said Henry IWy Donation Land Claim,
beinir claim No. 41: th,.nts i,ni.Tv....; .
chains; thence south 23.S0 chaius: thence east
30.5a chains: thence, north e3.s0 chains to the
place of beginning, excepting therefrom l.iti
.line '91 and ten lOl'in sai'd SeVstlon 9? AU ol
the abtive deseribeil real property bein
in Sections a and W. Township S S-iutlT
Kancei West nf ih. wiii.,1. 7..
dianT containinir in ,,.!
or.-1,Vs?: and y0.11'0 sail1 tuurtgage to be
alirstllcnousaidreal property, ami the Hens
... : vtviv-tittjims n unv, subse
quent In point of time and inferior in merit to
plaintitrssaid mortgage, and to sell said pron-
L..' . ., .11. ., " " ul "S IS
law provided to satisfy such decree as plalntifr
f f . r1' imu ,nat diuendants,
.1 each of them b. f,tpivi in.i 1
el.K..i ..f ii .:..iV. .7.1. " vro
1 U "a utiuiercsi m or to said
n L?rSl'r,1' "T,anl Patt tucreof. and that
Paiutillhave such other and further relict
lo mo couri may seem meet and ciultablo
1 his summons is published by order of linn
orableJ.C.Fullert'.n, iu.Iqe of the bov0 en.'
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sliilo's Cure, tliegroat Cough and Croup
Cure, is 111 j;rout deu.tttul. Pocket slae
contains twenty-five, only i'l ccnta
ChiUlron lovo it. Sold by Drugijiata,
eaca 01 ywi are nereoy reiimretl to appear and
answer the amended complaint riled against
yon in the above eaUUed suit, on or beforeMon-
tlAV. lilt' --n.' il.1V Of .IIITtA Ts.T , t. a . ..