The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 23, 1896, Image 2

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Subscription Kates:
One Year payable tu advance..-....... . oo
Tlx Months. " x oo
Shres U-itths " . 50
APRIL 23. 1S90.
Republican State and Congres
sional Ticket.
For Congressman 1st District,
For Supremo Judge,
For District Attorney, 2d District,
For Member Board of Equalixition,
Republican County Ticket.
For State Senator,
For Representatives,
For Clerk,
For Sheriff,
For Treasurer.
For Assessor,
W. S. BRI1T.
For Commiaioner,
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
For Coroner,
For Justice, for tbe Four Koiebtirg Pre
cinctr, JOHN HAMLIN.
For Constable,
A little more gold and a little less
shoddy would improve badness in th e
United States.
There was imported, daring tbe month
of February. $-5,352,410 worth of mann
factured woolens. This is more than
doable the imports of woolen goods dor
rag the corresponding month of IS02
ander the McKinley tariff.
The Review sya that Rev. Black is a
liar, that Rev. Palmer is an impostor
bat that Rev. Leonard is a proper person
to represent ns in the legislature. These
ministers are all from the same church
What a strange combination.
latest aa rices lrom Uie Iron I are
that tbe bosses after pursuing A. P. A
through both the republican and demo
cratic conventions, have at last treed
them in the topmost branches of a mul
len stalk in the popalist camp.
Tbe Puixdealeh favors Major McKic.
ley for president, bat will eapport any
good republican, such as ReeJ, Aliiso n or
Robt. Lincoln, if nominated. So long as
he u known to be a man of ability, hon
eaty and a protection republican the
Plaisdealxr wili advocate bis election
Tbe currency question is a subsidiary
one, and plays no considerable figure
with men who have given tbe matterdne
Tbe little red-beaded imbecile of the
Riddle Star published last week a tele
gram which be clipped from tho col
amns of a San Francisco paper, and then
maliciously criticizes tbe Oregon ian, the
Plai5deaixb, and even hie dear friend
the Review, because these papers had
omitted the aforesaid article form their
columns. Whea the Oregonian and tbe
Review find oat that they have omitted
an item of newB and that the Star had
published it, tbeir journalistic rage will
snow no bounds.
The Iteview of Monday makes another
venomous assault upon Rev. Black of
the Baptist Church of this city. The
second of a series of unwarranted at
tacks upon a gentleman whose motives
and integrity have never been questioned
except by the Review. We apprehend
however, that Mr. Black is fully able to
withstand any attack made through
scandal and falsehood, and will repel
each assault without the use of the
blackguard 8 weapons. What a vast
amount of epDtt to tho Review conlin
gency in stirring up a hornets nest, but
what an uninteresting experience ycu
will have in hiving the hornet.
The Iteview, like Belsbazsar, eces the
liandwrilingon thelwall and has called
in its wise men, ils bosses, to interpret
it; and like Belshazzar's wise men they
fail to read it aright; and a republican
Daniel has been called for. "American
protection" to Amencan labor, Ameri
can manufactures, American industries
-and American institutions generally
must be interpreted by the light of ex
perience. That is the philosopher's
stone which is to turn ciude metals into
gold. Bitter denunciations and sarcastic
abuse is not argument. Every govern
mental policy must be weighed in the
balances of reason and Fubmitted to the
ralcinm light of Irnth and developed
from the catbodo rays of modern ovtr
transpiring events.
While wo tuo cognizant ot tho fnct
that Mr. Hermann was defeated in get
ting tho nomination for congress at Al
bany, the 7th of this month, by politi
cal trickery ami a base combination of
aspirants for tho place, it is useless to
complain how no use to mourn for
pilled, milk. The combination was too
strong and has done its work, and in the
political mill the gods of chicanery
ground out their grist and ground it
"exceeding fine." But tboro is in
store for these schemers a retribution
that wili meet them in the future. Mil-
er, Ford and Trtiitt are politically
damned for the manner in which it was
effected, and Tonguo the successful
candida'o will find it hard to pall
through. He will not get tho support
that Hermann would have got. Scarce
ly a democrat, and not a populist will
touch him, and many republicans will
bolt him. This we statu as a fact be
yond a doubt.
Those people who are not satisfied with
the products of this country, but must
have "imported" goods, are receiving a
succession of shocks which ought to con
vince them that domestic edibles, and
beverages and apparel are just as good
as the products of foreign looms, farms
and vineyards. It has long been known
that much of tbe so-called champague.
that is es peculiy prized by ttie bibulous
epicures of this country, never actually
eaw the other side of the water, but is
the proiuct of California vines. Many
of tbe largest Eastern firms dealing in
dress stuffs, etc, arc furnishing revela
tions in the shape of displays of domes
tic Uuncs nutcD. are given the names
that actually belong to them instead of
the foreign tags that have heretofore
been attached. The people are learning
through these convincing lusons that
we can make just as durable and stylish
staffs in this country as they can on the
o'.ber side.
Tiie latest blow to the pride of these
patriotic reople is the discovery that
they have all along been eating Yankee
peas under the fond impression that the
succulent vegetables were grown on tho
sunny hillsides of France. It is getting
so th it about the only things vou can
wear with absolute safety to your repu
tatlon as a Tory are diamonds; the only
surely foreign beverages are tea and
coitee. m uen it comes to wearing
apparel there is no secure ground. The
finest fabrics are just as likelv to be
made in New England as in old En
land ; the richest laces are just as apt to
be the product of American as of Orien
til loom. Anglo-maniacs and Franco
maniacs and Teuto-maniacs and all other
similar maniacs will have to come to the
humiliating pis of worrying along with
California cliamiagne and Black Hills
diamonds and the products of American
factories and farm; Meanwhile the
manufacturers and producers of import
eu goods will continue to comprise tne
leading American tourists. Kansas
City Jcurnal.
An Overdose of Free-Trade.
Tbetmlti is, this country is suffering
from an overdose of free-trade, bond-is
suing, debt-contracting, disintegrating
uisiracttng democracy, ab an evmence
of this fact we desire to call attention to
the following editorial, which appeared
in the London Standard of December 27
When the bsrriers of McKinleyiem
were partially dem-ilished goods rushed
in from abroad to till up tbe empty
spaces iu the home : irkets of the re
public. Our woolen manufacturers in
particular by this change, as
tbe trade and navigation returns of the
United Kingdom very clearly exhibit
For tbe eleven month ol IS03 for which
we have the figure;, the Lnited States
have taken nearly six millions sterling
worth of woolen and worsted tissues
from ns, as compared with less than a
million and a half's worth last year, and
not mucti more than two and a quarter
millions' worth tho year before. A gap
produced by the long susienEe of the
tariff question Lad to be filled up, and
the enlarged market opened by the re
duced tariff further increased tho buy
ing. To a less extent the same phenom
ena were discernible elsewhere, and the
broad general result was that at tho very
time when the states were finding tbe
markets for their own productions re
stricted or unprofitable abroad, they saw
foreign goods pouring in upon them in
augmenting volume. They thercforo
bad more to pay aud lets to receive, and
as they also owed a great deal of money
abroad their foreign exchango market
became permanently adverse. Ship
ments of gold to EurojK! were soon the
order of the day, to such an extent that
the government of Mr. Cleveland has
haa to intervene tLrcc times within two
years by selling interest-bearing bonds
in order to replenish the stock of gold in
the public treasury.
Another Review Lie.
The Review eaje: "Mr.JCarpy, who is
running for justice of the peace in Roee
burg district, as an independent anti-A.
P. A. candid-ito indorsed by the demo
crats." This is false. Mr. Carpy is not
running as an independent candidate.
He was first nominated by lLo demo
crats at a regular democratic convention
no indorsement of an independent
candidate it was a regular nomination,
for his candidacy was not known until ho
received the nomination by the regular
democratic convention. Mr. Caipy has
tho undoubted right to accept a nomina
tion from any party, and to bo endorsed
by another. But in this case it is false
to say lie was an independent candidate
and then indorsed by the democrats.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdci
suocrlor to all others.
Editor Plaindkalek: I have read so
much of Iato of what is claimed to bo
disturbing factors in politics, that I foel
liko expressing a fow thoughts upon tho
subject. Wo aro not all candidates for
political favor, and those who are not are
in the better position to seo tilings in
tbeir propor light, and judge more ac
curately of the situation.
Prior to tho republican convention in
this county, wo wero repeatedly warned
by tho Rovisw that an organization ex
isted which was liable to invado and
break down the republican party. That
na a matter ot trienuiy warmug wo
should beware lest some disturbing em
inent should destroy our party alto
gether, that it was a secie of the toredo
which would permeato tho very vitals of
our party, tbe conseonenco of which
would bo fatal to the organization. This
note of .warning from a democratic
source was novel to mo, for it was un
usual, besides, the very ones who
sounded this claim have been engaged in
tho cause of destruction of tho republi
can party for years. Why our enemies
iu a time of political war should warn us
to flee from the wrath to como, is a
thing not easily understood.
After our convention had adjourned,
the Review regrettingly announced that
the republican party was dead, that it
was a thing of the past and very much
regretting the situation. This was to mo
another surprise, equally as unaccount
able as the former.
The next item cf interest from the
same source was an account of the demo
cratic primaries in Koseburg, where
peace and harmony did not prevail but
where refactory members were a source
of great annoyance to tho boeses and
were finally conquered, very much after
thn mode of chastising the money
changers in the temple in the days of
And now comes tho Roview of last
Monday with the painful announcement
that an organization known as the A. P.
A. had captured all the important nom
inations in (be populists' convention of
last Friday. In tbe same issue there is
great uiourniug over tho defeat of lion.
Binger Hermann, and regret that Hon.
ueo. .m. urown had tut been re-comi-
natcd for district attorney.
Now wliAt means all this weeping and
wailing from democratic managers. Is
it real lamentation through a sympa
theticchcrd, or is it madnefB acconv
panted with method. I am forced to
adopt the latter view. I am satisfied
from my standpoint that the Review
mansgers are enrageu, bordering upon
suicidal desperation.
To use plain word , it is evident that
the Review and its booses design chas
thing the dissenting faction of tbe dem
critic party; next defeating tbe repub
lican pirty, then obliterating populists
and stamp out A. P. Aism, and expect
to accomplish all this between this time
and June next. Bat all this staff which
appears in that paper is simply political
clap-trap, manufactured to order for the
benefit of those who expect to profit by
it. It is tainted sucker bait offered to an
intelligent people, tailings from a vote
catching machine offered to voters.
This is the situation as it appears to
me. Observes.
That Indignant Feeling.
Editor Plaindealkk: An article in
the Review of the ICtb inst, which
seems to call for more of an explanation
in regard to that Civil Bend primary
meeting which S. C. Miller presided
oyer with such great regularity, which I
will try to make with your permission
through your valuable columns, as I was
there, and when I got there, Newt, was
there, and there was a lot of folks there,
and more coming. There were popu
lists, republicans, A. P. A
know nothings and some that knew slill
Tbe tight was principally between Dil
lard end Miller, and what caused more
excitement, it was reported that the
Millerites intended to bar Newt, oat,
claiming that be bad taken part in tbe
republican primaries, which Newt.'s re
publican friends said was false, and they
couiu prove 11. the -Hitlerites were
there on time, according to previous ar
rangements, so Miller wanted to proceed
to business, but Newt, said it was too
early, not one o'clock yet, and there was
more to come, As Newt, was our regu
lar committeeman, we expected him to
call tbe meeting to order and say some
thing to the folks. Newt. Btepped out,
and immediately Miller called tbe meet
ing to order, very regularly like. So you
seo parliamentary rules cuts no figure.
Newt, camo back in and contended that
Miller was out of order, and that it was
still too early, that there was more to
come, aud that Sam had no right to act
as committeeman. But Sam would have
it his way and proceeded to basinets,
very regular like. They voted men that
claimed to be populists, and men that
claimed to bo republicans, and some
democrats, all very regular like. Now I
don't wonder at a feeling of indignation
coming over them after they had re
viewed their work, but it was very regu
lar like. Sometimes a small amount of
preventive is better than a great deal of
remedy. Now I think that indignant
feeling that they cast upon themselves
willr . iside by the 1st of June. Nowt.
wa iing somewhat indignaut for a
wL.u but says now that he always was
a democrat nud always aims to be, and
when tie goes to voto if he can't do any
belter, he will yotu'er straight, aud I
think he is right, and 1 shall do the
same. Now this is a very brief mention
of the ufl'air, but if nuyono would like to
hav it in detail they can havo it. So,
now, 1 will givo your readers a mathe
matical problem : If it costs one bushel
of corn on tho Cobb to got a republican
to vote at a democratic primary, how
much shelled corn will it tnko to keep
him iu line on the first day of June?
S. 0.
Civil Hcntl, April 22, 189(5.
Now is tho time to subscribe.
Clouds and sunehine. Green grass j
and flowers.
Seeding is winding to a close, in Ibis
place, for tho grain crop of '00. Tho
farmer has a laraway look as ho glances
over tbe fields, suggestive of tho unan
swered question, "What Bhall tho Har
vest be."
J. W. Wiley is building a iww barn.
Ben Wilson lias 'purchased four acres
of land of A. B. C. Whipple, and is now
building a new houee.
Dr. Easter gave quite an interesting
discourse last Sunday evening at tho
Christian church, on the Sabbath ques
tion The Rev. Doctor said : Wo aro
under tho now and Christian dispensa
tion of faith ; that the Jewish Sabbath
passed away, at the resurrection of
Christ, and that he doubts auy man now
living keeping the Jewish Sabbath holy
as was required by the ancient Jew, for
it signified absoluto rest of people and
The democrats, republicans and peo
ples party havo th ir choice men cut to
capture tho little pot of office in Camas
Valley, and some one is bound to get
away with it, whethor there is anything
iu it or not.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. A. Smith contem
plate a trip to the Luvabcds, iu Modcc
county, as Boon as the wealbur is pleaa
ant, for their summer outing.
II. D. Maxum is assisting Jacob Denn
with his spring work.
Oar two Camas valley schools are now
in progress. The teachers, we under
stand, both doto on perfect order and
obedience of tbeir pupil, and if these
rules are abided by with stringent justice
and impartiality, we expect to mako
report of successful advancement, for it
has been truthfully written that order is
heaven's first law.'TThe heavenly bodies,
sun, moon and stars. Tbe whole planet
ary system are iu harmonious obedi
ence, to the Divine Moulder cf tho great
universe; but there is no discord, no one
little star is slighted because it does not
sbino so golden as some others. If this
were so, order would be a failure in
God's planetary universe.
Little Ray Walsh got his arm broken
while playing at school this afternoon
Mr. Noah Bet the arm and he was taken
home. He was resting easy when last
beard from.
More rain.
Mr. Richard Owens came up from the
hospital at Portland the 22nd, He is at
the Riudle House now and still quite
Mr. Asberv Harmon and familvbave
moved into town to live.
Mrs. Jake Chadwick is reported
seriously sick at her home on the Rivet-
side farm.
Rev. Gillette preached to the people
Prof. McUroom and wife of Roseburg
were visiting-nt Riddle the last of the
For the latest in hats, ribbons, laces
and (lowers, go to Mrs. Byrd, at tbe
office of the South Douglas Star.
A. Riddle has a fine jereev heifer 14
months old the 1st of April. The 20th
inst, ehe had a male calf. Cow and
calf are doing well, and the calf's name
is McKinlev. How is this for South
Miss Milla Huggins returned from
Grants Pass Thursday, where she has
been visiting for several montlis.
G. K. Quine received a fine blood
hound pup from H. E. Battin of Port
land, Sunday morning, of which ho is
very proud.
Mrs. McCIaren returned to her home
at Drain, the 23rd inst, after interview
ing the people of Canyonville -and Rid
die in regard to hats. She has a tine
Mrs. Mary Brown of Canyonville is
visiting friends at Riddle.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power as the Royal.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicino has been found
to bo peculiarly adapted to the relief and
euro of all Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strength and tone to tho organB. If you
havo loes of Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric
Bttters is tho medicino you need.
Health aud Strength are guaranteed by
its use. Largo bottles only 50 cents at
A. C. Marsters & Co's. Drug Store.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers
want to trade for lumber, or if
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
umber, you will do well to address
P. O. box 125, Drain, Oregon.
Fcoplo woniler why their nerves are so weak;
why they get tlrcil so easily; why they do not
sleep naturally ; w liy they have frequent head
aches, indigestion and
Nervous Dyspepsia. The explanation is
simple. It N found in that Impure blood feed
ing tho nerves on refuse instead of the ele
ments of strength and vigor. Opiato and nerve
comounch simply deaden and do not cure.
Hood's Sarsaparllla feeds the nerves pure,
rich blood: gives natural sleep, perfect diges
tion, Is tbe true remedy for all ncn ous troubles.
Jstlie One True Wood 1'uriner. All druggist-!. $1.
.-v... euro Uvor UN; P.i"y to
flllS takie.nytooierate.:ac.
CoiidttiiHi'tl 'I'vHllmuiiy,
Chaa. B.Hood, Broker and
turer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, curtllliw
that Dr. King's New Discovery lias no
equal as a Cough remedy. J. f). ISrowii,
propnotor, Bt. Janicfl Hotel, i't. wnynu,
Ind., testilies.tliat ho was cured 01 u
cough of two years standing, caused by
La Urippo, by Dr. King's ncwuiscovory,
r . Merrill. Uaiuivinsviilo, aiais., nays
that ho has used and recommended it
and never knew it to fail and would
rathor havo it than any doctor, tiecaumi
it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 14.
25th St., Chicago, always keep it at
band and has no fear of Croup, ticcaiiro
it instantly rohevaa. tree Trials 1'utlles
at A. 0. Mnraters' Drug Store.
A Perfecc Poultry Raiser.
My scientific poultry raiser is now t n
tho market. It receives the chickH when
24 bouts old. Has no artificial beat
Has all the desiraole quiliths A lh
mother hen, with additions. Protects
from hawks. Puts to roost after mm
week old. Takes care of mzob
and ages at once. It requires but small
pace in tho yard or tlovter gardo.i. Is
ornamental as a bird house. Seldom
loses a chick. A ten-yi-ar-oM b jv or girl
van manage one with 11 hundred ch'.cks
as well ae an expeit. For futher partic
ulars address Mrs. Eveline Maxum,
Camas Valley, Douglas county, Oregon.
Georgia Minstrels.
Contrary to general belief, the negro
minstrels aro very successful in the
south, being greeted by crowded houses
, all the leading cities throughout that
section. Billv Kcreands is the ideal of
fun. "Hilly" has certainly held his own
in the quarter of a century he has been a
star, and on bis appearance at the Rose-
burg Theater, Monday night, April 27th,
reserved seats 50 cents, with Richards &
P-ingle's Georgia Minstrels he will dem
onstrate that he is as popular and as
clever as ever.
one xcirr
HenUcd by tiie Great
The Msu HitU many lm;tator bat u -..:il.
iupiottcl .. a Cdterie of Star
Artis'-, iurUiiSiDR
And the Famous
T a! ; r 11. ni., .!i
I of thelhrvatre l
I of the Finest !l
I travcl.nE.
Reserved Seats 50 cents.
? 5
I -
a s
is a
and Is tho- result ol colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be enrol by a pleasant
remedy which Is applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Bc
ine qnickly absorbed it gives
relief atone?.
Ely's Cream Balm
is acknowledged to bo the most thorough euro for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the mcmbrano from colds, restores the censes
of taste and emcll. Price 60c. ot Druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 00 Warreu Street, New Yoik.
Pinal Notice.
A of Oregon, In Douglni County.
In tho matter ot the estate ot Ni.t Mitchell,
Netico is hereby given that the uiulersisued
mlminlstrnforot tho ntxive entitled estate has
llleil his final necount in settlement thereof, mul
the Court, by order duly mmle mid entered of
record, has llxed Moudiiy, Julv Otli, b'.V., at H)
; clock A. M. of sivid day for heiiring obeetlou
if any thcro k, to mid necount ami the liiml
settlement of said estate.
Dated this21nl day of April, lMVi.
... ,.. J' A- M(, t --v
. . Camiwki.1., Admiuislr:il..r
Attorney for Adininistiator. nM i,
. . i.i .i il... ..I.llilu I) filllv
.rrjoy life, com -wily , , ' ! J
jiiiiii who Milfrrs from, urn
cum (lolilliiy iHiiMlMrtl mriii-
teiiiix-r, flii'l '
tliouwinl minI "no Jle-
riiiitfcllldltti flf illlll'l
llll'l iiy
result fiom, im
natural, grille,
onshubiti nwil
Jy contracted In
youth, tliroiiKh
lunnrnnci;, "
thereby Incapac
itated to thor
oughly ciilov
I if,. tfn feels
tired, spiritless,
inui orowuy ;
'and dots not re-
Cr,.i llflll as It
should; the will power U
morbid lcar.1 Jiauni mm " -
r. .-.i ....iiwlrin nr melan
in cuiiuniicn iiyjrv. ...........
choliaand, finally, in fU"K of the brain,
epilepsy, ("fits''), paralvkls, locomotor
ataxia and even in dread Insanity.
To reach, re-claim ami restore such
....r . . i.uniii nnil li.mniness. Is
the aim of the puimsncrs ot
136 pages, written in pia "
language, on the nature, symptoms ami
mrability, by home-treatment, of sucH
diseases. This lxwk will be sent sealed,
in plain envelope, on receipt of this no
tice with ten cents in stamps, for post
age. Address, World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
,,nrtf.r of a rMlturV
physicians connected with this widely
celebrated Institution nave mane nic
treatment of the diseases above hinted at
!,:- ,,Miv Tltmicindii liavc COn-
suited them by letter and received advice
and medicines wnicn nave iduiku "
Sufferers from premature old age, or
loss of power, will find much of interest
in tiie boot aoovc mcniioncu.
pIl-A, P.T. L.
The American Protective Tariff League
is a national organization advocating
"Protection to American Labor ana
Industry" as explained by its constitu
tion, as follows :
T'ssb'ac'.cf tni L;i iki" ba U .P"----;" liXTbyatrifon imyi'U. wf e ei
aJjjti-:-" Amanean induatr al prscucti
t zxiM tbs ccmpetition cf itrtign laber.
There are no personal or private
prof ts in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by membership
contributions and the distribution of its
FIRST CsrrMPlrdanc i tsl'C'itsd rejirdirg
Mf :ersh p ana utticuii v.rroi-
SECOND Wpdandlc;m4Mntributjcntl
Aeti-r e r-.ail c- large, ta our cau.
THIRD Va publitli a larg Knt ;f d:eunrrtt
c--ifi"g- all phat of -th Tariff quetticn. Ccm
rlte t it will b mailed (a any ddr far 50 arts.
rC 'J RTH Sj'J pMtal card rasuMt f-' frt
f 1 c--r c th ' Awrisin Eccnarr. it."
135 West 23J Street. Is TSfn.
OOllfiHS and GOLDS
. t. r- mvrnr Tl 17CI l.T la irrrm Rf-vdr
f ui.vna m i.'n ii. -- -
for cosgiii, colli?, acre tfcroat and lor aflhma. It
tittles the coogh.
ouu muca expect'
iriU iirrariihlT dcrire
oecest rroo its os&
Macy who suppose
their casa to be eon
rpUon ara only
chronic coM or dee?
ccauu coos-1 uucu
1. ' . t . h r.
tana, t or catarra cie x-y 3 LTeazi out. u
rtmcdies arc pleasant to tae. Cream Bala. 50 ct.
wrbotile: PiclaBalsai.25c. Sold br DrserUts.
ELY BROTHERS, 6 Warrea St., CIT Ycit.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice ishctvi.y jnvtn that the uiuiersisnol
County, Orwfon, appi.Into'l Ailmiuistrator oi the
esiaie oi ciarki- liicnanis, ceceaeii. All
ons ha-, ing claims against s-iiil estate orv re
qnir&l to present the same with proper vouch
ers, with in six months from the date of this
notice, to the undersigned, at Roeburg, Doug-
Dated, this 9lh day of April, l3o.
Administrator of the Utc of Clarke Rich-
arus, aeceaseu.
Final Notice.
urt-Kua, in uousias county.
In the matter of the estate of Uriah Hasell
Notice is hereby s;cn that the undersigned
administrator of the above entitle! estate has
li'.ed bis tinal account in settlement thereof, and
the Court, by order dulv made and entered of
rccorti. nos nxe.i .Monday. Jfav 4, ly.V, at 10
o ciock n. ni., ior ncanne oojections if anr there
kc. to tam account, and the tinal settlement of
samesiaie. J. Y. WRIUHT,
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by the County Court of Douglas
County. Oregon, appointed administratrix of
the estate ot Jhn Couwav. aii
sons having claims against said estate are re-
uuirvi io present ine same, with the proper
vouchers, nithin six months from date of this
notice, to the undersigned, at Elkton, Douglas
Dated', this (th day of April. Is96.
Admlnistrattixofthc fcstate ot John Conway
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
Property Under Foreclosure.
Henry Little, Plaintiff. 1
Wiley l'ilkiugtou. Mary K. Pilklng. i
ton. Margaret A. Denrdortr, Wil- (
luim J. DeardorlVand J. Beck-1
, Defendants. J
btate of Oregon, (
County of Douglas, t M
Notice it hereby given that lv virtue of
execution and order of sale duly issued out
till': I inlllf lin ,t at... L-t.. .v
Douglas touuty. and in the above entitled cause
, V v. v . "'"e anu cnicreu
reconl in said i ircutt Court on tho ;Vtli day
.....v. ivAn-suiK a ecnniii mortgage In
fayorot said aNve named plaintiff and against
, i iwsninsi me Hereinafter
meiitioue.1 and describe,! mortgage,! real proiv-
loth tlav of Juno. tvl, Mx the sum ot $o0.00
tornoy ices with intcivst thctvim at tho rate
iiieivuu iu me raio oi Si per cent ivr
....... ...v ..-in, in, i.i June, ivm, and tltc
? .,'! U W.1 MVl ,,lul thc l0,t8
petite ot this sale.
Now thercforo 1 will on
Saturday, the ajrd. dav of Hav. iSort
irm tiie t. tli day of June. 1I. and tho
KiV S lsl :, L io court
of iVr;,, ...ii ' M..".V '.K '" "KK state
! VJWV1" hninl.nU the richt. title and
"7 " "'eii uiosrtiiiiiefendanls or either of
them had on the 19th day ot Juno, the J?0
of the execution ot mortgage or at any time
'CI. 'I! "K. . ..rilSi 'real
Stale of Oregon All tha p onto o lit o i
n Uloek No. M. eoutalnc.1 ;t"feet fwminB
I-rout street and riiunluR to the corned
an. )k Slreet. Iheneo along sM U kV eUW
line of Lot No y f,vi thoiu'e mi r.J, , . If
Place of K-Blnnliig, W u g irt feet bv trti r L.."1,?
of the South side o U)t No s hi 11 v.i
!i,0,Kia"?a -V,,,,l,Mtt "iSw oitiMi..1
Douglas County, tftaie ( Orvgon. ns slu , v
he hmn plat thereof, on rHml n tf, cieri v
( hoe for s ild Dough,, County. tVe her wllh
ho tenements, hereilllamcuis and npniiri.
oflprH,im,''0,mnr W.hllic Jtnl, Oar
J W.i. I V "V
Notice of Bale .of Heal Property
y. 1, ri!iniA"f jjiM"''f
uwive nw r,u,fitirjnl
i'tnwiw'i,""3 reVi Tierty tor tt.
. .....a tav til May. ivjv.
PULU PUtf 1 - ' ' - - '
iIltrt which tn ti .!S3k!8M
iiHiB thereafter "lit or to tbe totUmln
! "J. .ii.,f. in tlx: Countr of fJou?U
'" !? ' "'PJ?.J,i-.fM. .rul -link. .t
ipr uvtloii tt on the not tetwewi etton
SSik hm e":
17 cliain. '""rV?---, 5 ThaTi
anler 01 river uuiiu f - --7--.
elwtiii una u. 'r'," in lnk
link CIK1 inence n - -
7 acrU lo !"t numbered 2 ittl j of
i rnTnwnbiAJbouUi, lunge 7 tt o,w";
unto bclcniflDS or ia anywbx: 'JfPfw
Tbat the plaintiff may be permitted
the tale OS taw properly auu uwj - r ";r7,
er thereof. That the purchasers be placed la lra-
Dote.1 this Ut day ol Apr 1 . . Wg-
.hri'trif rjoazlai! Coantr. Oregon.
By V. K. cKXMBEOoiC, Devntr- 2''A
Notice of Sheriff's Saleof Real
Property Under Foreclosure.
Wm. Ixt, I
i-uianc. i
Jimm F. Ctuulariek. Agu?
Chadwtelc ana w. j. uaaa-1
County of Dooslas.t
tririn ut an eieentio2 and onler of tale
duly Uik1 oot of the above named cosrt and
In ice aoove enuueu uux, vu wc
of Marc! , VSC, upon 1 jadgment end decree of
foreclosure made and entered of record in ia!d
Circuit Court on the 16th day of March. VrOi.
foreclosing a certain mortgage in favor of said
above named plalatiT and aainn uid defen
danU, and against the hereinafKr mentioned
and described mort5agtI real property for tn
ram of fSES-S with interest thereon at the rata
of S per cent per annum from the ISta day cl
awl Z,0 cosw and disbarscBenU, and tne
costs of and upon said writ and the costs and
expenses, of this sale.
Now therefore I will oo
Saturday the 25th day ol April, i5o6,
at 1 o'ctoci P. if- of said day at the Cocrt Boc&e
door in Koseborz. Douglas, county. State of Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the nicest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title andnterat
which tbe said def en-lants or either of then nad
on the 17th day of December, 1S7, tie dale ol
the execution, of t aid mortgage or at any time
thereafter, inorta the 'yowms described real
propertr. situate ia the County of Doczlas and
state of Oregon, in Sections XI and 32 In Town
ship 25 south of Range 5 West of the Willamette
Meridian, and bounded by a line beginning at a
point 33 rods ivz feet north of a points chains
west of the - mile pot between said Section
31 and slT running thffr.m north L6 rods,
thenc.' east IT rods, thence north 7G rods, thence
east 23 ciiAinf, thence south chains, thence
east IT . chains, tbeace south 3L6 tods, thence
west 1 7 ' l.ains tu ibe place oi beginnlns con
tainmT Ighty a--s more or les. also that por
tion os land iescribed as Lot "o- 3 in James
Pit tons c.rtirste .No. til and the Southeast
quarter of the NorUiexst quarter X) of Sec
tion Sin f. -AniiupJi Suuth of Karrei West in
the distrietu; "ands subject to sale xl Eosehnrj,
Oregon, containing seventy-seven acres mors or
less, also Io: No. 1 of Section jn township 35
South of Kar:ge 1 West of Willamette Meridian,
also all that t-rUoa . the donation land
of R. E. Stratton and a ire, claim No. Ss in Docg-lasec-anty,
Oregi n, being and lytn? north oi a
line runmnr through said donation land
parallel to and t!. fortx-two rods north from
the southeast boundry line of said donation
land claim No. of E. E. Stratum and wiie,
also tbe South half V o 'be Southeast quarter
and Lot 7 of Section in Township 3 South of
Range 3 West of the W.Uamette Meridian, con
taining one hundred and eleven and Jtiteztt
of land more or less.
Dated this JSth day of March. IsS.
shetiffoi Di-'Uglas Countv, Oregon.
By W. W. CiTltCAET, Deputy. m35td.
of Oregon for the County of Donglas.
J. C. Robertson, Plaintiil
vs. 1
Charles W Johnston. JenmeA. John
ston, Doran II. Steams -V- Ella
S. Stearns, IsaacMlchael, Everett
B. Rabb, steams Fruit Land Com-, '
pany, a corporation: s. B. Hen
dricks. 1 Z. Hendiicis, Melanc- i
thon McCo and Countv of Doug-1
1-S Defendant.;
To Charles W. Johnston, Jennie A. Johnston
and Everett B. Rabb, the above named defen
dants: in the name ot the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer the amended complaint gled against
you in the abo e entitled suit, on or before Mon
day, the -mddax of June, 16, thc same being
tho first day of the next term of the above ca
titled court next following six weeks publica
tion ot this summons, and it you fail so to ap
pearand answer, for want thereof the plaintar
xnll anply to said court for the relict crived for
in said complaint, to-wit. "
Fpra decree that plaintiff have and recover of
and from the defendants, Charles W. Johnston,
Jennie A. Johnston and the Steams Fruit Lani
Company the sum of ss.eo in C. S. Gold Cola
SVJlnr,ttncR!0Ula litc SM coin at th5
rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 1st
of -"T" ?ifor "c furthS sunt
of sis.. . .111 llko coin, with interest thereon at
the rate of cisht per cent, per annum from the
1st dav ot November, and for the further
JhStif? ?iltl intere!': hereon atlhertte of
eight per cent, per annum from the Srd day of
attorneys fees, and the cots and disburKmenti
of this suit. Aud for a decree forixloslnc th
mortgage evecutcl and dell cOSt
dants Charles W. Johnston and JennuTv John
ston tothe Jarv is Conklin Mortgage sTtuVt 1 Com-
low lngdeseribeil real proivrtv situated in ts
County of IXmglas. state of brd"Sf a5d more
particularly bounded and descriSd' of follow
i.;""irt ,f ,tho ntIon laud claim oi Hcnrr
lurdy. claim No. U in SccUoas Tulne r'l n5
sixteen (IS). Township 27 South RtS VS5
iltft?l&UaaSt V diau" and lob" one (IX
wo rfl, thee 3. four rive V.M, six 61 in said
secUon sixteeu Ul. and mori iwicularlv
elurtnv.':, X" "V.""w VAJr c Sam-
ffii a hafehX SS
i-.'l chains to the place ot berianlnc viw a
Klnff iV tI.nty "Hon Land Claim,
cha ns- theHJ. iK1" ""hn west SX.VS
Ine n ?;S,n?S; m therefrom lou
the alw . IW1J1; "onss. Allot
ine atxno described real nronertv twine
Kanto5aw 'nJf1-fc wnshnrsJ sSSg
or L ffl f'",1"? in M 27S.) acres more
allrVtlI.MwiM.J;,'ri,UK 5ul mortgage to bo
01 InteriH s?,r5,I;,rW,1 anX the Hens
i iliiiiiri? i1' 1 ,i"ua"a '"onor iu merit to
W.ViviiVi . 1 "xomorot sale as i by
m -' dWA .,VUlsfv vh decree plaintiff
i aoh Vif't' . ""I '"J1' "n, ,h"' icfendants
dos.d i LV,V7l.,'S fltvvcr ,,;ure,, a,
rval m,iV.,vlsl,t' ,,,,,J orinterestinor to said
JdaliAinSTi!.5: r.a".? lHltl h,,rvs'. ""'t that
Ti,u MlllJ ,ua5 ."wm meet and equitaWe.
orabli'Tr' n ,,.puW,1'1llM hY 'vt of lion-
-I "xMd MrV:h"I,4r,!l,U lU,etvM ,,1C lh
. A ttorin s (or Plaintiff.
Sliito'8 Curo, Cough and Croup
Cure, ts in rcut dcn.and. Pocket sito
oontains twonty-Uvc, only '2b cents
Children love it. Sold by DrugKtBta.
dim :i ji in t , ciaim, being