The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 20, 1896, Image 3

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    TEE PLAINDEALER br,ef ment,on-
APRIL 0,1890.
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
Kosibcbo, Ore., Avril w, lbjc.
JUkoxkter j5 p. m. i'aclUo time
Maximum temperature, 51.
Minimum temperature, S3.
Balnlall (or tho Si hours ending S p. m., 0.00
Total ralntall since 1st ot month, 3.0$
ATcraso rainfall tor thU month (or 18 yean,
Total ralntall from Sept. 1, 1S3S, to date, S3.5I.
Average rainfall from Sept. 1, to date, 29.05.
Accumulated excess from Sept. 1, 1S35, to
ATcraso precipitation for IS wet seasons,
T ludicatcs trace of precipitation.
The weather flass displayed represent the
forecast applying o the It hours ending at S
p. m. to-morrow. (If more than one kind ot
weather Is predicted for that period, the condi
tions first named in the forecast will be repre
sented by the uppermost weather flag.) A
white flag indicates clear or fair weather; a
blue flag, rain or snow. The flag of which tho
upper half Is white and tho lower half blue.
local raiu or. mow. A black triangular pen
uant indicates the temperature and when dis
played aborc a weather flag Indicates warmer,
and when di;playcd below, cooler, The tem
perature flag is never displayed alone. Its ab
sence indicates stationary temperature. The
cold wave flag, white with black square In tho
center, when displayed on the raciflc coast, In
dicates frost.
Tuos. Gissos. Observer
ros.TiJL.ND, Or., April 3). 1536; h a. m.
Weather forecast tor tho next S6 hours, tor
Bmcburg and rlelulty:
Tonight and Turtday, fair, warmer.
Paces. Local Forecast OEclal.
Go to tho Koaeleaf for the best cigar.
Go to A. G. Marsters & Co. lor school
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. West,
Spring goods cow arriving at Brook's
Cash Store.
A good farm to trade for city property.
Inquire at this office.
1. S. West does insurance. Office
opposite tho poet office.
For Sle. Old papers, at this office,
at 25 cents per hundred.
Munyon's Homcepathic Remedies for
ezle at Marsters' Drug Store.
Mens' and boys' shirts at prices which
beat the record at Jay Brook's.
For bargains in family groceries, call
at the Pepole's store, Cass street.
Mnnvoa's Homeopathic llemedies at
A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug store.
Bring your docks and watches to Slow
Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs.
Myrtle Creek floor, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxne.
If you don't want to pay other peoples'
debls, trade at the one Price Cash Store.
Henry Long of Portland is registered
nt tho McClallen.
E. H. Rhodes ot Jefferson is regis
tered nt tho McClallen.
Mrs. Suthorlm of Oakland is regis
tered at tho Van Houton.
Geo. AVeatherslou of Iahpening Mich.
is a guest at tho Van Iloutcn.
Sociable at Mark's hall Friday night
by tho Baptist young people.
Faust at the Koseburg Theater tonignt.
Seats on sale at tho Roselcaf .
Mephistophilcs tonight at the Roee-
buJg Theater. Go aud see him
Faust and the Devil, at Koseburg
Theater Monday night, April 0lh.
The Faust troupo is registered at the
McClallen. It plays at the Opera llcuso
Satuiday, April tho 23th is jiositivcly
the last day you can .consult Dr. Lono
about your eyes.
Judge Fullertou returned Saturday
from Corvallis, Benton county, whero he
has been holding court.
Popular "Faust" prices for Monday
night; 75, 50, and 25 cents. Scats now
on sale at the Roselcaf.
The sheriff collected, last week, taxes
for 1S95, K5203.G4. This is a pretty fair
showing for these hard times.
An agent for the sole of Mojor A.
Woodin king of all cement, is creating
quite an excitement on the tt reels today,
hawking his ware6.
Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede, who has been
under the doctor's care for over a week
we are pleased to state is able to be on
our streets again.
Hon. Geo. M. Brown, our able district
attorney, returned Saturday uight from
Corvallis where he had his last term of
court in Benton county.
We learn this morning that J. T lied
eon of West Roeeburg, who ha3 been
very sick lor several days, is improving
with hopca of his recovery.
R. B. Dixon of Deer Creek is in tho
city today with an eye on tho political
war cloud. Uo predicts the republican
ship will outride the storm and safely
ride into port.
H. T. Blumb, who has purchased the
meat market business of J. Bitz-r, will
be pleased to continue business relations
with the old patrons of this popular
market. Satisfaction guaranteed.
W. . Catbcart, oar obliging deputy
sheriff returned Saturday evening from a
trip to Yoncalla and to Drain, Ids old
home, where he took no Irs of the polit
ical weathercock in those localities.
Walter Singleton is placing a grand
plate glass window in the front of Hamil
ton's drug store. The plate is S feet, S
inches by 9 feet in size. When finished
it will be one of tho finest in tho city
It, V. Hughes champion athlete of Coos
Dr. U. Little mado a trip to Eugene
last week.
J. II, Shupo waB ovor from RoBoburg,
Mrs. Henry Bacon ol Wilbur was visit
ing friends hero during the week.
Geo. Stoarns returned from Portluud,
Mrs. M. C. Peningtou left for her homo
in Portland, Saturday morning.
Capt. Nash of Modford was visiting
some of tho old Vets hero last week.
G. W. Settle's mother returned to her
homo in Lobanon last week.
Dr. Pago made a visit to Yoncalla to
attend tho sick last week.
Dr. Uilmoro was called to Shoestring
valley last week, to see several patients.
Mrs. L. McFarland wont to Portland,
recently, to visit relatiyes and was taken
sick soon alter. Mr. McFarland was
called and he loft Wednesday for Port
E. G. Young & Co. mado quite a shlp-
School books at Maratem drug store,
! Notice to the Public.
1 must and havo to do business in or-
! .1,,. i, raim mni'iiv In nnvnfF. Thin in no
Good goods at tho lowest prices at Salz
raan's. For u good 5-cout cigar call on Mrs.N.
Wood taken on subscription at this
Got your echool books ut MurBters'
drug store,
Now neckwear for ladies mid gents at
Jay Brooks'.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little goods I can't bo beat in assortment
of Oakland.
Solid silver tea and table spoonB at
Pure fresh candies, fruitB and nuts at
the Roseleof.
Prices marked in plain figures at tho
Racket Store.
Puro fresh groceries and low prices at
Casebeer's grocery.
Harness of nil kinds at low prices ot
humbug as j ou all know. I will offer
my mammoth 6tock consisting of cloth
ing, mens' furnishing, hale, caps, hoots
and shoes, etc., at prices never before
heard of. Hero aroufev of the grand
bargains: Men's suits, regular $7.50
sellers goes at this sale for $5.50; men's
suits, formerly sold for $10, goes for $7;
men's suits sold for $12.50 goes for $9. I
havo a nico line in pants which will go
in? proportion. In -mens' furnishing
Shoes! shoes!! shoes!!! now is the
time to talk shoes. All my patrons and
friends are well aware that I sell cheaper
than any place in town, and carry as
largo a stock as there is needed. All I
have to say ia that I will eoiiliiiu.s selling
the same at the old figure, f n bats I
can Buit anybody. Give me a call and
convince yourself about it. No trouble to
show goods. Always glad to see my old
G. W. Woodward's.
Key Wcat, imported
ment of chickens to Son Francisco and I cigars at the Roseleaf.
Portland last week, also 1000 dozen eggs
to Portland.
Wm. Stone who lives near Grouse
mountain was in town last week aud
shipjHid somo furs to New ork. Mr.
Stone has shipped about $200 worth of
furs this last winter.
J. L. Cowan, city marshal of Drain,
was in attendance at the trial of the
tramp, John Stewart, Monday of last
week. Mr. Cowan was the officer that,
captured him at Drain.
Creed Chenoweth had the misfortune
to run a nail in his foot a week ago Sun
day, while lending assistance at the fire
in the Old Town. He was laid up tev
eral days last week, but is now able to
get around with tho uo cf a cane.
D. T. lliggiobotham was united in the
bonds of wedlock with Eliza Edmonds at
his residence, Wednesday eyening of last
week. A largo number of friends were
invited and after the ceremony they par
took of the good things that had been
prepared. AH present report au enjoy
able time.
friends as well as new ones.
and domestic ery truly yours,
J. Abb.iu.ui.
P. S. I have a few cases of bootajeft
which I will close out. Boots, usually
sold for $4 goes for $2.50. Boots sold for
$5.50 goes at the astonishing cheap price
of $2.75.
Subscribe for the Plaindealer.
Every dozen cabinet photos taken at County, who took part in the athletic
tbe Smith Studio, entitles you to a num
ber on a ladies' wheel.
Call and CTamine the new goods at
the Variety store, one block east of the
depot, corner of Pine and Lane Streets.
Bring your job work to the IVund Cal
eb office. We are prepared to do the
chearjest and best work south of Port-
I lhpd. nt thn rHiiHnrn nl lifr snri-in
For choice family groceries, call at the . . : Kosebun:. Or..
reopie aaiore, jits. u. . nPP, P- Unril 19tb. l.w,. Mrs. E. A. Watson.
prietor, and get your supplies at bedrock . 7S vca - Fmieil services
entertainment at Armory Hall
day night, left for home on this
ing's local, going by way of Portland.
Jay Brooks, of tho One Price Cash
Store, having decided to retire from
business in Roseburg, is now offering his
large stock of choico goods at cost. The
wise will make note cf this and govern
themselves accordingly,
E. Da Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marsters' building, calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day.
Save money and time. To parties!
going East, go by the O. R .& N. short
route. Call on or write to Y. C. London,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Call on Slow Jerry and examine his
Seth Thomas clocks, watches and gold
bowed eye glasses. Cheaper than ever
offered in this city.
Dr. F. Vf. Haynea, the dentist, does
allkinds of dental work in a most scien
tific manner. His work speaks for it
self. Dental parlors in Mark's building.
Constantly on hand at the Beer Hall :
Cheese, Swiss, limberger brick; fish,
spiced herring, sardines, caviar, neu
naugen, pickled pigs feet, pickled tongue,
ox-mouth salad.
Slow Jerry the jeweler has 14 carat
filled gold ladies watches now on sale.
Prices reduced from $25 to $15, decided
bargains. Don't fail to examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Good pastureage for stock at reason
able rates by the month. All stock
taken absolutely and entirely at
owner's risk in every particular. For
particulars enquire of C. A, Blackman,
Roberts creek.
The cheap rates of five dollars cabin
and two-fifty steerage including meals
and berth are still in effect on the O. R.
& N. Co's. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco.
Steamer leaves Portland every five
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aakoh Robe,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1895,
Have you seen the latest in ladies' and
gents' watches at Salzman's.
Lotc prices are what move good at
the Racket Store. Call and see.
Buy your silverware at Salzman's and
get the best at the lowest prices.
Country produce ol all kinds bought
and sold at Casebeer's grocery store.
Ladies, call and see our new line of
ready made wrapperf", at the Novelty
Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens SUuationstcanted or htlpntedadrertUanmU
and optical goods at tho lowest prices at ojfire lines or lets under this head tS.etnts per
. . I numthr rnrh niMUlnnal line Scents vcr month. So
balzman s.
A few cases eood substantial boots at
reduced prices to close them out, at H.
Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Cheaper
than the cheapest at Richards' Cash
Racket Store.
Miss Imaceue Houser has a nice line
of ladies' and children's black and tan
hose at Miss L. A. Baird's.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the best grocer
month: each additional line S cents per month.
advertisement tatenjor leu man ccms.
For Bale.
pf OP. SALE Old newspapers, 25 cents per 100.
AntilT nt Pl&lndcaler office.
Attorney at I, aw
Special attention given to COLLECTIONS and
Money Loaned and
?haf S sated
406 Jackson St.,
One door south P.O.
Choice Teat, Coffees,
Tobaccos and Cigars.
And every thing else in
the Grocery line.
Hishest Harket Paid for Country Predate.
Give him a call and be convinced.
matters in Probate.
Kooms t and 0 Marsters' Bid's. KOSEBUEU.
Attorney at Law,
Itoums r. and i
Taylor A Wilson Block.
John Stewart, one of tho robbers of the ies. Try him and be convinced.
section house here recently, was bound Lareest stock of fancy chairs at Alex
over to appear before the next grand Under & Strong's, ever brought to Rose- TT D. STRATFOBD,
- 7., ? tvi 1 i in.:. I. 1 11
jury, in 1110 eum ui vwv uuuuo iu uiw rjurg anu at prices iuhcc uiuu ctei.
Bovingdou'a conrt Monday of last week. For a good hat, stylish and cheap, coll
Not being able to furnish the required oQ Wollenberg & Abraham, whoso stock
bonds he was committed to the county ,mbracea all ggg 0f head gear,
jail at Roseburg. . f . . advertise
l'rof. C. H . Chapman, president of the our and .)r;CCo. 50 cent purchase
State Lnivcrsity, delivered a lecture n pnthlM you to a imess atRichard's Cash
Young's hall Saturday evening, to Rackct store.
good audience. Subject, Our stale Lm- fa ou Jackgou
versity, illustrated with stereopticon MkB.Smn front, has choice
r 1
household furniture aud tiu ware at
prices to suit the times.
If you don't wnut to suffer with corns
and bunions, have j'our boots and ehoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly und promptly done.
Gents, our line of latest ttylu huts
views of the buildiug3 and rooms of the
different departments that are carried on
for the instruction and benetit of the
studentd, and also showing how it Is pos
sible for many jonng men and women lo
obtain an education with a limited
amount of means, l'rof. Washburn was
in comnanv with Prof. Chapman and
Physician & Surgeon
OClco Hours, trora L! to 5 r.x.
Taylor i WiUon Brick
Have just opened a first-class Feed Store" and
hare on hand a larze invoice ol the best
Koseburg and Valley Flour, Baled liar, Grain
and Feed ol all kinds. All purchases delivered
Iree. Cor. Cass and Rose Street.
Family Groceries,
Books and Children's Toys.
Fraits, Nats, French Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffee3, Teas, Etc.
J. F. BARKER & 00.
Ceorchill Hum
assisted hi the lecture by manipulating cannot be beat lor tuahly or jn. Also
tho lantern slides, which wero very in- hare nico assortment of ties, -suspenders,
tareatinc. l'rof Chanmau held divine hosiery, etc. rovelty fcioro.
Van Houten
Board and Lodgiug per week
Meals, 20 cents.
Beds, 20 cents.
tm. C7nX.m.
services at ihe
Sunday evening.
Presbyterian chnrch,
will be held at the Presbyterian Church
Tuesday, at 2 o'clock p. ra.
lion. Harry Walkins of Yamhill
county will address the people of Kece-
burg and vicinity at the court house at
I p. m. and at S p. m. Tuesday, in the
interest of the populist party. He will
open the campaign by firing the first gun
The city cf Ashland lias made a con
tract with the electric light company for
31 arc lights at $3.50 per light for three
years. It has been paying $7 per light.
Koseburg is paying 13.65 per light on a
contract lor twenty yesrs; $10.13 per
light more than Asldand.
"I'll Tell Papa on You" is tho title of
a now and most delightful EODg. com
posed by Fred Lane, aud published by
Fischer & Bro., No. 7 Bible House,
New York, price 40 cents. It is written
in a sweet, flowing and graceful style,
with a pleasing and effective accompani
ment. We predict for it a merited success.
Judge Stearns has made a flying trip
to Oakland and returned. The judge re
ports that the people of Oakland aro up
and doing preparing to put the road
through to the Bohemia minee as fast as
money and men can do it as soon as the
weather will permit. This is a worthy
enterpnio nnd will odd much to the
future well being of Oeklanders in par
ticular and Douglas county in genera, as
it will open up a mart for considerable
trade and furnish in return a large addi
tion to the county revenue.
Geo. M. Brown, district attorney, is in
Coryallis attending tha circuit court.
This will be Mr. Brown'a labt appearance
as public prosecutor for some time. Mr
W. E. Yates secured the nomination for
that office. Mr. Bronn has mado
splendid officer and has gained the
friendship and esteem of a great many
Corvallis people. Hio failure to secure
the nomination was not due to any
criticism of himself, officially or person
ally, but was on account of a feeling tbat
Douglas county was not entitled to both
iudce and district attorney. Corvallis
i x
Notice to Stockmen.
My imported Clydesdale stallion will
stand this season on my farm, 2M miles
north of Rosebure. April 1, 1800. Sea
son, $10.; InB. 115.
J. C. Aiken.
The lax roll of Douglas county for
1895 is now in my hands for collection
and is now duo and payable at my office,
C. F. Catiicaiit, Sheriff.
D. Shauibroo's was seen on the local
Tuesday evening.
J. W. Wieo of Yoncalla was in town
Ilobt. Hedden is clerking in J. A.
Black's store.
Pitzer Beckiey of Elkton was in town
Several of our citizens went to Gardi
ner on Thursday to assist in organizing
an I. O. O. F. lodge at tbat place.
John Haney of Elkton was visiting wnere
friends in this city Thursday. Come
gain, John, we are always glad lo see
W. N. Boots of Monmouth, formerly
a citizen of this place, was in town Sat
urday, sbaVing hands with old friends.
C. Graham of Koseburg is in town
today, (Sunday.) REroirmt.
The Square Deal stoie has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
ehoes, which prove to be the best shoes
made. Come and inspect them.
A. C. llosie sells flour at 75c and SOc a
sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 73 cents.
People should take advantage of these
prices and give him their patronage.
Ladies, are you in perfect health? If
not, why not try the great homo remedy,
Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas
county and will fill all orders promptly.
X. Rice, one of our enterprising furni-
turo dealers has now on sale a fine lot of
furniture of the latest style and finish.
Give him a call before purchasing olse-
The Dining Room will be undo the
personal supervision of Mr. Callahan,
who will guarantee sdl old and new cus
tomers the best the market affords.
Come and see me.
Don't forget that Richards & Pringle's
Famous Georgia Minstrels will be at the
Roseburg Theatre, Monday night, April
27th. Reserved seats, 50 cents.
The Charleston W. V. Daily Gazette
has the following:
Biclianls t Pringle's Famous Georgia
Minstrels were greeted by a large audi
ence at the Burlew last night. Tho
olio was full of wit and repartee and
evoked much merriment and applause,
especially tho crap ecciic. uiuy rver-
eands was "hot stuff," and was repeat- offer our tyring itock
L. Langenburg ia still on top. He
carries a full stock of choico music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin strings of best quality
always on hand.
Wanamaker & Brown's fine new line
of earn pits of men and boys' ipring
clothing just received at the Racket Store.
Call and eee them. Mens all wool suits
f6J30 and upwards.
A shirt with double yoke and collar
made to fit, will not pinch around the
chest, with a 30-incb ekirt, well sowed
and stayed, the right tiling for little
money. At the Novelty Store.
Those having second baud stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receive tho
highest cash price by calling upon N.
Rice, tho furniture and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
ew goods wero never so low ns ne
Tho colorings are
SAM nAIlVKY, Propr.
Fine Wines, Liqurs and Cigars.
tw m:i:n on draught.
Cigar Store
J. R. BEARD, Propr.
(Successor to SENATE SALOOJsY
Choice Cigars an J all kinds ol Temperance
Drinks constantly on band.
Removed from cor. Oak and Jackson to
A special brand jl unadulterated Tea.
la hATing a large sale ZJew styles
Glass and Delf Ware
ai'.u nlahing loir prices. Oar own
Tons tota'ara Terr popular.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1106 G St.. 2f. V. Washington, D. C.
For many years in the General Land Office.
Examiner of Contests. Mineral vs. Mineral vs
Railroad and Agricultural claims, and Late
Chief ot the Mincra Division.
Em jut recetred a new and eztenaiTa stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Triiunilng;,
Laces, He, Etc
Of the best quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Also on hand in large qnantltle and at prices to
onit the tines. Also a large stock ot
Custom-Made Clothing
Which is offered at coat price. A foil and
select stock of
Constantly on hand. Also the
A. C. Hoxie,
Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in
Goods delivered free to all
parts of the city. Leave :
your orders with me arid
save money. Roseburg, Or. :
Flour, Feed,
General agent for exery rariety ot subscription
books and periodicals published in the United
Btates. Persona wishing reading matter of any
Und will do to glTe me a call.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Koseburg city warrants indorsed
prior to January 2, 1S93, to present the
same at treasurer's office in city hall for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Dated this 18th day of April, 1S96, at
Roseburg, Oregon.
J. A. Pekkixs, Cily Treasurer,
edly encored. The juggling was per
haps the best has been seen here,
and the female Impersonation was al
most perfect. The singing was all very
good, particularly that of the Quartette,
and the llnale was one- of the richest
things Charleston has witncsEed for a
long time. Taken from beginning to
end the entertainment was a good one
laughter-provoking, extravagant and
absurd. The Georgia Minstrels will
always have a good house when they
visit Charleston.
entirely now and attractive, among the
most noticeablo are percales, chambras,
dimities, etc. Gall and sec them at the
Novelty Store.
Home cleaning time it you need one of
the following: Window shades, lace
nnrfrtlna rnrfnin RPrim. crfitnn. nilttnlinp '
' m , .. i. r, i ir
orin tinware, decorated tiu chamber- LCt u,c rwViK ,vuuv
sets, buckets; brushes, whisk .brooms,
dust-pans, call at the Novelty Store.
If you arc in a position
To do Business
If you have anything
You want to Sell
Let the People Know it.
To the Public.
I havo bought the meat market for
merly run by J. Bitzer, and willcontinuo
at the old stand. I ehall endeavor to
furnish tho -people of Roseburg with tho
best of meat, hoping to get a share ol the
public patronage, and that Bitzer's old
patronn wijl stay with me.
I am, yours lo please,
II. T. Bixmu.
pr. PrI ce'a Cream Baking Powdei
! forty Years the Standard.
Athlcctic Entertainment.
The- athlotic entertainment at Armory
Hall Saturday night was fairly well
patronized by an appreciative audience.
The boziDg provod to bo a ecientiflc ex
hibition of the manly art, and not a
"slugging" match, and tho various con
testants wero frequently and heartily
applauded. Great credit is due to l'rof.
Shcuyler, under whoee management the
cntertainmont was given, for tho suc
cessful manner in which tho program
was carried out.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
The little Special Notice and the regular Business Ad
Make the Mighty Merchant and Ins matrons Lriad,
The Plaindealer.
And the eager Public gathering in throngs
Leave their Business Orders where the Trade belongs
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power as the Royal.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
The Plaindealer is read
By Everybody.
Advertise in it. It will Pay.
The sure road to success
Always leads
Through the Printing Office
I CjwTTKN Yu VAW7Tot7iT7oTi WintTsh done. AXUYOU SOMETIMES do you should consult the plain