The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 16, 1896, Image 4

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Epidemics Impossible.
Cuic.uio, April 13. Professor V. B.
Pratt and UogbAVightmaB, the elect ro
theraquetic, and the, bacteriologist of
Bennett col lego of tbis city, claim to have
practically piovod witbla tbo last week
that epidemics will be impossible in tbo
futnro Tliey, claim tbat Asiatic cholera
is no muru to bo feared tban olber acbes.
and l!mt diptlioiiit, slanders and typboid
must all yield to the new remedy, tbo
Roentgen raye. The various germs were
grown tu tubes in proper media. Mag
netic means of force from tbo Crookcs,
tube were patced tbrougb thetn. The
application lasted two hours. Cholera
was the easiest destroyed and appears
to have been uiped out entirely. Dip
tbcria lias been treated very tenderly and
favorably, but after eight days bas faileu
to sbow the slightest signs of life. There
lias been no activity in the bacteria of tbe
other diseases, and, witb certain modifi
cations, tbe doctors are now ready to an
nounce that tbe ray, properly applied
will destroy any form of infectious or
contagious germ. This is endorsed by
the college faculty, and the entire elec
trical equipments, the best in tbe West
will be turned over this week for future
proof of the discovery, which is now
maintained to be a fact.
Diplomacy Is Needed.
Xkw York, April 13. A dispatch to
the Herald from Madrid says :
Witb tbe employment of a little diplo
macy by the United States tbe impend
ing trouble with Spain can be averted.
Your correspondent is able to state this
most authoritatively after conversation
with the leaders of tbe two important
parties in Spain. If tbe United States
will approach tbe Spanish government
in friendly spirit and ask exactly what
conditions of autonomy tbe Spanish gov
eminent will grant to Cuba before the
former government recognizes tbe in
surgents on tbe island as belligerents,
tbe Spanish will meet such overtures
half way.
Senor Sagasts, tbe liberal leader and
former prime minister, said tbat tbe
Spanish government was certainly not
trying to force a war with the United
"It has taken," be said, "the utmost
precaution to protect the lives and prop
erty of American citizens in Spain since
this trouble began, all anti-American
demonstrations have been promptly
stopped and no American, np to the
present time, has suffered the least
Italian Paupers.
Xew Yoke, April 13. Tbe Herald this
morning says:
Tbe steamer Bolivia, of the Anchor
line, arrived from Genoa and Naples
yesterday. She brought 1376 Italian
immigrants. Sir hundred of them were
detained at Ellis island on the ground
that they are likely to become charges.
Of this number none bad more tban a
dollar or so, while many of them were
practically penniless. Dr. Sennersaid
that only about 10 per cent of those de
tained would be allowed to land.
Tbe steam :r Ales is, of the Fabre line,
also from Naples, reached the bar at 10
o'clock last nigbt witb 1064 more on
board. They will be landed at Ellis
island tbis morning. Tbe immigrant
authorities are appalled at the great in
flux of Italian paupers, ilore than
15,003 have already arrived, and Dr.
Senner bas received advices tbat 15,000
more are about to sail from Naples.
Dr. Senner is very anxious and is en
forcing the foreign immigration laws to
the letter, particularly id the case of tbe
Italians, in hopes of discouraging their
fellow countrymen, but tbis apparently
bas no effect on tbem. Uc has been
compelled to increase bis force of em
ployes on Ellis island, and has freguently
portuned the department at Washington
to aid in relieving tbe station.
Successfully Landed.
Key West, Fla., April 13. The steam
tug George W. Childs, which became
notorious as a filibuster about a year
ago, is once more in the service of the
Cubans, and on Friday left Cape Flori
da with an expedition for the island.
The Cubans have been fitting out this
expedition for some weeks, and it is one
of the best equipped that has yet left
the United States. The parly was com
manded by Colonel Juan Monson, and
there were 100 men in tbe party half of
whom weie Americans. The Cubans
have been etoring arms and ammuni
tion on Cape Florida for three weeks.
Many of the arms were brought here by
steamer and then taken in schooners to
tbe cape. The schooner Cora Lee took
two cargoes from this place, and tbe
Dollie three. The steamer Three
Friends, of Jacksonville, which passed
down the coast a few days ago, also left
a lot of arms on tbo cape. It is said
tliat 4000 rifles, 50.CO0 cartridges, five
Gatliog guns and a large number of
pistols and machetes were stored there.
The tng Cbilds left here on Thursday,
ostensibly to bring a disabled schooner
to port, but tbe vessel proceeded to cape
Florida, tooV the munitions and men on
board, and sailed for Cnba. It is re
ported she effected a landing on tbe
I'inar del Kio coaet, being met by a de
tachment from Maceo's army.
Tbe Spanish vice-consul hero learned
of the expedition and informed the
United Slates authorities, who ordered a
revenue cutter to look out for the Bit
buster. The cutter proceeded to Cape
Florida and sighted the Cbilds as tho lat
tsr was making off. Tbe cutter gave
chase, but the Cbilds, bsing yery fleet,
was soon out of reach and the United
States vessel returned to port. It is said
the Washington authorities have ordered
no seizures to be made except in the ma
rine limits.
Historical Events for April.
1SG1, 1-1 tli. Fort Sumpter surrenders
after two dajs bombardment by tbo Con
federates 17th. Virginia joins tho Confederacy.
10th. MnsHnchiiFelts troops in Balti
more. 1S!, '-Mlh. I'aragut pasees Fort Jack
eon. 25th. Capture of New Orleans.
1SG3, 7th. Attack on Port Sumpter
1SG4, 12th. Fort Pillow massacre
1SG5, Ulb. Lee surrenders to Grant at
Petersburg, 20.115 men.
Utl.. Cooth assassinates Lincoln.
2oth Booth discover! d in a barii and
Notice to the Public.
1 must and liavo to do business in or
der to raise money to payoff. This is uo
humbug as you all kuow. I will offer
my mammoth stock consisting of cloth
ing, mens' furnishing, hats, caps, boots
and shoes, etc., at prices never before
heard of. Here aroafe- of the grand
bargains: Men's suits, regular 17.50
sellers goes at this tale for 5.50; men's
suits, formerly sold for f 10, goes for f7;
men's suits sold for $12.50 goes for $9. I
have a nice line in pants which will go
in' proportion. In mens' furnishing
goods 1 can't be beat in assortment or
Shoes! shoes!! shoes !!! now is the
timo to talk shoes. All my patrons and
friends are well aware tbat I sell cheaper
tban any placo in town, and carry as
large a stock as there is needed. All I
have to say is that I will coutinue selling
tho same at the old figure. In hats I
can suit anybody. Give me a call and
convince yourself about it. No trouble to
sbow goods. Always glad to see my old
friends as well as new ones.
Very truly yours,
J. AlIK.Ml.UJ.
P. S. I have a few cases of boots left
which I will close out. Boots, usually
sold fur f 1 goes for $2.50. Bjols sold for
fo.50 goes at the astonishine cheap price
of 175.
J. Abb.miaus.
Notice to Stockholders.
Stockholders are hereby notified tha
tbe annual meeting of the stockholders
of tbe Douglas County Boilding & Loan
Association will be held at the council
room in city hall, in the city of Roscburg,
Douglas county, state of Oregon, on
Wednesday, April 15, 1SW, at 7 :30 p.
m. of said day, for the purpose of elect
ing seven directors and three auditors
for tbe ensuing year, and for the tran
saction of such other business as may
legally come before the meeting.
M. F. Rapp, Secretary.
Roseburg, Or., March 25. 1SW.
To poll tax payers of Douglas county,
Oregon. The law regarding poll taxes
isy The assessor shall require every
person to pay his poll taxes at the time
of assessing the same, and in default of
such payment tbe assessor shall imme
diately give to the sheriff a list of such
poll taxes.
And as tbe county court requests tbe
law be strictly carried out, my deputies
and self cill demand all poll taxes, and
those unpaid will be returned to tbe
sheriff at once for collection and mile
age. Jas. A. Steeling,
Assessor of Douglas Co., Or.
Special Notice.
Tbe Busbey addition in North Rose
burc, consisting of 200 acres of choice
land, having been platted into large
residence lots and acreage property, is
now placed upon tbe market at cut rates,
payable in yearly installments, bearing
six per cent interest .r annum. The
title is perfect and every parcel sold will
be released by tiie mortgager from tbo
operation of a certain mortgage now up
on tbe property. To examine plats and
learn prices, etc., call upon
D. S. K. Boick, Agent.
nucklcn'H Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup,
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 ccnta per box. For sale at A.
C.Marsters & Co.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded CoU Medal JtHwiu'er "tir. 'Jtr. Francitca.
Silks, Silks, Silks.
There is no reason why you should not
have silk for a waist this summer when
you can get fancy figured silk for waists
or trimming purposes of quality tbat you
have paid $1.25 per yard. We offer these
at ridiculously low prices. This is not
mere talk. Come and sec for yourself
at tbe Novelty Store.
Are now being made for a graud time in
Roeeburg May Day, at tbe bicscle track,
and a grand ball at nigbt. Our pro
gram is not yet completed but there will
be good prizes given for young and old
riders. Music by K. P. Band.
T. K. RiciiAnnso.v,
Notice to the Traveling Public.
Mrs. Moore, the proprietor of the Pri
vato Boarding House, formerly known as
the Farmere' Hotel, on Lane street, one
block east of the depot, has acquired tho
reputation of being one of tho best cater
ers in tho city. Meals IS cents: board
and lodging f 3.50
At the Senate.
Yes, Sam's tho man to greet you all,
Both old und jounj;, both short and tall.
He greets you with a pleasing smile,
He bows his head, and tips his tile,
He asks you then to take a tip
Of something pleasing to the lip.
Now when you want a hnppy time,
fust call on Sairi, and spend a dime,
At tiii: Senati:.
Shilo's Cure, thegrcat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in great denarid. Pocket size
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents
Children love it. Sold by Druggists.
To Trade.
Two lotB in MarshOeld for hogs.
Two and ono half lots in North Roso
burg, for stock ; hack or buggy in part
payment. Call on I. F. Rice & Co.
Subscribe for the Plaindealkr.
k dealing
406 Jackson St.,
One door south P.O.
Choice Teat, Coffees,
- Tobaccos and Cigars.
And every thins else in
thoOrocery line,
Ulgtieit Sarkct Paid for Country Produce.
GlreTilm a rati and be convinced.
Family Groceries
Books and Children's Toys.
Fruits, .Nuts, Freucb Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc.
A ipeciil brand jf unadulterated Tea. Oa
It hiring a Urge aale Ifrw XjU
Glass and Delf Ware
aiVtaltUng low vricf- Oar on a need
Tossiaors in Terr popular.
Bu jajt retire) a new and utculre stock o
Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings,
Laces, Etc., Etc
Or tlx beat quality and finlah.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc,
Alao on hand in larg qaantitle ul at prices to
nit the timet. Also a Ure stock of
Custom-Made Clothing
Which It oSered at coat price. A foil and
aalect stock of
Canttanllx on hand. AUotht
Oeneral agent tot tier j variety ot lubacripUon
books and periodicals published in the United
Etatea. Fersona wishing reading matter of any
Und will do to (ire me a call.
fl Forty iytlzesj
.55 Separate Pr&res
. . 1 ONE ritlZE OF. . .
r 0 v ' $1,000
rjenver, Colo..
Th rrcatest bona nie rrlie offer fret BaSi
In tl Vest or Solh.
T - mi It the rrrr.entntlve paper of lb
V.i 1 is silver's champion; It is lha peo
ple 'lvocate: It leads In thoutht. as In news.
The Weekly has Just been enlarged s Im
protxl: It contains the latest and folles SKTSr
lnc nnJ mlnlne stock news; It hu exert! 4a
partmcnts devoted to the Farm, ttre TTriimi
hold. Women und Children: All the brtfjrtaat
cartoons and litest comment of the daily edi
tion are to Le found In It. It presents In con
densed form the dolnes or all the world IfU
a family paper without a peer
And the Weekly News la determined to hart
beyond oil question th larcett circulation of
any paper between the Mississippi river and the
I'aclflc roast. Therefore It offers to the per
sons scndlnc In the greatest number of II year
ly subscription before September 1st neit
thtto unequalled prizes.
For particulars nililrrr-i
TIjc iVvk IViiitlug Co.,
Denver. Colo.
orricr. or
Dear Sir:
You are entitled to receive 4
FREE 'rom your wholesale dealer, X
tho -
Blaokwell's Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of coat) Free with each pound.
whether 16 oz., 8 oz., 4 oz., or I
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
sale dealer la the United States
tbat we will supply them with soap
to give you FREE. Order a good
supply of OENUlNE DURHAM at
once, and Insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap free with
each pound you buy. Soap Is
offered for a limited time, so order
uoay. ours very iruiy,
Wlo Retail
1 1 1 1) 1 1
If you have, any difficulty In proenriau your
soap, cut out this notice and send It witb
your order to your wnolesato dealer.
Easily, Quickly and Penaaseatly Restcrtd.
CitXBiuTto Bsousa Hzxtar
It Is sold ca a potitlrs
Kcaraatte to ccra any
form ot nerrtms pros
tration or any disorder
ot the gtsiul organs of
either sex. censed
stfareu trr ezcesairs cse of Aftnr.
Tobacco, Alcohol or Opisra, or oa account
of yocfhfal Indiscretion or orer lodolrenre etc..
D'lTlnMe. CbaTnlaioes. Walefslness. Headache.
Mental Depression. Softening of toe Brain. Weak
Utmory. Bearinf Down Fains. Seminal Weakness.
Hysteria. Norte real Emissiocs, SperasatorrtKra.
Loss of Powtr and iBrpoteacy. which it neglected,
say lead to preaatsreold e(a and insanity.
Ifceitlrtry (sarantred. Price. 1 1X0 a box : 6 boxes
for JiCC Sent by xsaUoa receipt ot price. A written
(SaraetM fornlsked with ere 17 $i.0O order recelred.
to rtfond the money it a permanent rare is Dot
Sected, ,
NEB VTA HEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mich.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
tn the c mrciT court of the state
A of Onnrnn tVir tho (Tountr nf TVttlrlajL
J. C Rot rtson.
I Charles w Johnston JennicA John
f ston, Dontn II. Steams A. Ella
1 i Mearns, Isaac Michael, Everett
B. Ilabb, Stearns Fruit Land Com
1 panv. a corporation: S. B. Ilen-
ilrick?. L. Z. Hendilcks, -Melanc-1
tnon McCoy and County of Doug-1
rk.f.riffrr i
1 Til fharlr W. Jnhnttnn. Jnn!o A. Juhntti-m
I and Everett B. Ilabb, the above named defen
I dents
in the name of the State of Oregon, you and
I each ot you are hereby required to nm-ear and
answer mc nmcnuoi compiami men agauut
you In the aboveentitled suit, on orbefotvMon
day. tlici-Hil day ot June, the same being
the first day of the next term of the above en
tilled court next following six weeks publica
tion of this summons, and il youMail so to ep
pcar and answer, for want thereof the plaintitf
will apply to said court for the relief prayed for
in saui complaint, 10-tvii-
For a decree that plalntilThavc and recover of
and frjm the defendants, Charles W. Johnston.
Jcnn'c A. Johnston and the Stearns Fruit Land
Company the sum of tlG2i.(W in U. S. Gold Coin
with interest thereon in like gold coin at the
rate of cisht per cent, per annum from the 1st
day of November, ISM, and for tho further um
oimTiln like coin, with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the
at day of November, 1SSM. and for the further
sum of fS.or w ith interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent, per annum from the 3nl dav of
January, Is, and the further sum of Jltii:o
attorneys fees, and the costs and disbursements.
01 mis suit, auu lor a decree foreclosing the
mortgage executed and delivered by said defen
dants Charles W. Johnston and Jennie A. John
ston to the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Com
Tny. and by it assUncd to 1'Iniutttl'. on the fol
lowing described real property situated iu the
County of Donglas, State of Oregon, and more
particularly bounded and described as follows,
I'au of the donation land claim of Henry
l'urdy, claim No. tl in Sections nine () and
sixteen (16), Township 27 South, Range 3 West
of the Willamette Meridian; and lots one (1).
two (i), thee (3;, four (I). Ave (5), six 6 in said
ciiou sixteen ibj, anu more particularly
bounJcd and described as follows, to-w it;
Beginning at the northwest corner of.the Sam
uel Uarkncss Donation Land Claim, being
claim No. 41 In Township 27 south. Range o
West of the Willamctto Meridian; thence run
ning north ol.07chains; thence cast S0.5S chains:
thence south 17.52 chains; thence cast 12.62
chains; thence south Si.75 chains; thence west
U.2I chains to the place of beginning. Also a
tract of land beginning at the northeast corner
of the said Henry niruy uontuon ljinn Claim,
being claim No. It: thence running west oO.ta
chains; thence south 2.".S0 chains; thence cast
U).fo chains; thence north 25.S0 chains to the
place of beginning, excepting therefrom lots
nine (9 and leu 110) in said Sections 9. AH of
the above described real property being
in Section 'J and 10, Township 27 South,
UaugcS West of the Willamette Meri
dian, containing in all 273.40 acres more
or less, and declaring said mortgage to be
n llrst lien on snldrenl projerty, and the Hens
or Interests of tbe defendants, If auy, subse
quent In jiolut of time and inferior in merit to
plalntlirs said mortgage, nud to sell mid prop
erty upon execution and order of sale as is by
law provided to satisfy such decree ns plaintllV
may obtain In this Milt, and that defendants
and each ot them be forever barred and fore
closed of all right, title or interest In or to aid
real projierty, or any part thereof, and that
plaiutlQ have such other and further rellcl as
to the court may seem meet and equitable.
Thl summons Is iitlbllsbed bv order of Iliin-
ornble J. C. Kulletton, Judge of tho above en
titled court, duly made and entered 011 the 27th
dav of March, 1MW.
SI AUU, 1 1IU.MA5 iV. llA.Hltr.lil.Al.N,
Attorneys for riaintilf.
CcfltilalBg Csttos Root and PennjrojaL
tu ttn til gat n Hills
fmUrrxriy ii tu rail
Hesmln's French Fo
isale Pills, bare been
old for over twenty
y earsand seed by Thou
sands ot Ladies, who
hare given testimonials
that they are nnextelled,
as a specific monthly
Etdidne, tor immediate
relief ot Painful, and
Irregular Menses, Ie
male Weakness etc.
Price. 13.00 a box, with
fall directions.
tucr so scrsTmrrts, ox srewora imitations.
MESMIN cnEMICAL'CO, Ssrsorr, Mini.
Sold by A. C. Marstcrs & Co.
and It the result ol colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can bo cured by a pleasant
remedy which la applied di
rectly Into the nostrils. Be
JnjjcWj tosotbed it gives
Elv's Craam Mm
Istdrnowlcdced to bo the most thorough euro for
remedies. Itopcnsandcleansesthenasalpusages,
ELY BROTHERS, c Warren Btrcct, New Yotk.
ELTB PINE0LA BALSAM 1; sure Kemedy
for conshs, colds, tore throat andfor asthma, it
soothes, quickly
aoates too congu,
and renders expect
oration easy.
will Invariably derive
benefit from Its use.
Many who suppose
their cases to be con
sumption aro only
suffering from a
chronic cold or deep
seated Congo, often
aeoTaTtted br ca
tarrh. For catarrh use Ely's Cream Balm. Both
remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, bo cts.
per bottle; PlncolaBaHtm.lSC Bold M Druggists.
ELY BitOTUERy, CO Warren tjti Iiew ort.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
lias been by the County Court of Douglas
Comity, Oregon, nppolnted Administrator of the
cstnto of Clarke HiclinnK deceased. All per
sons having claims agaiust said estate an' re
quired to present the same with proper vouch
ers, with In six months from tbe date of this
notice, to the undersigned, at Roscburg, Doug
Ins County, Oregon.
Dated this 9th day of April, 1SW.
Administrator of the estate of Clarke Rich
ards, deceased.
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
New York Cash Store,
Alexaader & Stroug
526 and 32S Jackson St.
Bet. Oak and Washington.
t J rn I T 1 JTf Q Largest and Best Assortment ever
VVvL.Li I il IwiL brought to Southern Oregon, and
A Large and Elegant Line of
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Easy Rockers
J Bed Room Sets
okAAAi Parlor and Dining Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
DiCYnnincD s cTnnur the popular
niwiwaAiiucn u Jinuiiu hosle furnishers
1- 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
WOLLEHBERCl i flgwjjigl
lRoseburg, Or.