THE PLAINDEALBR IStCID SVERY IHCKSOAT BY THE PUIHDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY F. CKSJ.VillN. Y. BBKJAM1S, Kdltor Manager Subscription Kates: One Year payable m advance Tlx Moattu, " " shrcc M.iotht " " ..92 00 , x 00 50 APRIL 1C. 1S9G. Republican State and sional Ticket. Congres- For Conirressman 1st District, THOMAS II. TONGUE. For Snpreme Judge, R.S. BEAN. For District Attorney, M District, V. E. YATES. For Member Board of Etpaalintion, ROBERT WALKER. Republican County Ticket. For State Senator, A. V. REED. For Representatives, J. T. BRIDGES. A. M. CRAWFORD. GEO. W. RIDDLE. For Clerk, J. II. SHUPE. For Sheriff, R. SUAMBROOK. D. For Treasurer. W. A. FRATER. For Assessor, W. S. BRIIT. For Commissioner, M.D. THOMPSON. For School Superintendent, O. C. BROWN. For Surveyor, W. P HEYDON. For Coroner, K. L. MILLER. For Justice, for tne Four Koseburz Pre cinct-, JOHN HAMLIN. For Constable, II. C. SLOCUM. OUR NEXT STATE SENATOR. It is gratifying to cote tbat tbe repnb licaa party nas done tne vise tbing m nominating for s'ate senator a represent atire man, a man who is intimately identified with the material interest cf the coon try. A man who is doing all he can to develop its resources, by invest ing his means in business enterprises. Such a man is A. W. Reed of Gardiner. Mr. Reed i3 not a cent- per cent, man, loaning his money at high rates of Inter est and then sitting down and folding his hands to wait for his interests, and take no chances of failure by fire, flood or democratic raisrale. Mr. Reed, en the contrary, has en gaged largely in productive industries, in which he gives employment to honest, worthy toil. 3Ir. Reed has invested largely in a tannery, a creamery and a cannery in his section of the county at an outlay of many thousands of dollars, each cf which institutions furnishes em ployment for a large number of men, thus assisting them to the means of sus taining themselves and families. Mr. Reed is making a liberal as well as legimate use of his wealth. He is a pro gressive man of business qualifications that are worthy find commendable. Such men are needed in every business community, men who will use their wealth for tbe betterment of the county and the laboring class as well as for themselves. Such a man is A. W. Reed. Give U5 Protection. There is one tiling the people of this country are determined upon and pur pose to keep steadily in mind, and that is the restoration of industrial prosperity. The tariff overshadows everything else, und will bold its own at the front. TLe democrats would like nothing so well as to shift the line of battle, but they can not do it The people won't have it. Four years ago the democrats declared, "We denounce the republican ey6tem of protection as a fraud, a robbery of tbe great mass of the American people for tbe benefit of the few," and ibe great mass of tbe American people responded at the ballot box. 'That's so!" Since then thev nave changed their minds. They have come to the concln eion that tbe republican system of pro tection so far from being a fraud and a robbery, is their especial friend and ben efactor. Experience has demonstrated to the American people that they robbed themselves by falling victims to tbe democratic fraud of free trade. They will allow nothing to come between tbcni and tb? niter overthrow of the parly which led them to their own worst enemy. You find democrats everywhere attempting to ignore tho question of Iho tariff, and seem to talk of nothing but but gold and silver. But the tariff ques tion will not be ignored. Our butchered industrial prosperity is not to be donned by ehifting the battle cry from "free trade" to "free silver." What Will They Do? The democratic party of Oregon has come out sqoare for free coinage of sil ver 10 to 1 and for "tariff for revenue only." The republicans on the other hand arc opposed to free coinage of sil ver and in favor of a "protective tariff." Now the rank aud file of Iwth parties are divided on both these measures. A protection and sound money democrat cannot consistently vote his party ticket. On tbc other band a free silver republi can cannot consistently vote the repub lican ticket, if he considers free silver parauiouut to protection. So what will either of this class do? Evidently Hie voter must choose which be considers tho paramount question and vote accord ingly. It is hoped the people's party conyon ttou will make a strong, straight stal wart ticket tomorrow, und go to the county ou 1U merits. If iopiilisrn ts correct let it be presented in its purity and not weighted down with any other ism. Let it not he a tail of the demo cratic kite, nor carried aloft by republi can breezes. The senate committee on public lauds has favoiablv reiwrted on amendment increasing the amount for public lands survey to f4.-50O.OOO. Senator Morrill j eare old Tuesday man in that body. of Vermont was SO the 14th, the oldest The free silverites of Missouri are whooping up Richard P. Bland for presi dent. Tho house, April Nth. passed tho for tifications bill, appropriating $ll,3So,613. FAUST. At the Roseburg Theater Monday, April 20th. Morrison's Grand production of Faust will be the attraction at the Hamburg Theater Monday, April UOlb. The fol lowing is from the Si Louis Republic: The grand opera of "Faust" is sub lime, its music fires tho very soul, the stage pictures are grand to behold; but notwithstanding the grandeur with which the opera has been proiuced. it must be said, and candidly admitted, tbat tbe real beaut of the poet's idea was left to tbe dramatist. The sense of feeling, the wondrous thought, the real strength and meaning are revealed most impressively in the drama. .Morrison's production was heralded as something grand acd gorgeous, and every exjectation has been fulfilled. All promises hare been carried out. Not only did it satisfy, but it surprised. The story is one that carries tbe auditor into other spheres. It makes bim think cf other than worldly things. He realizes during its progress tbat there is a here after, and ere the curtain fills he is con vinced, be he a Cbristain or atheist. God's Regular Army. This little band of religious workers exhibit a zeal in their course that is marvelous. Bat such is the case the world over. Religious sentiments are mccli like the love sentiment. It is impulsive and is contro!cl by the emo tions. Reason plays no conspicuous part in its operation. An ideal hell to shun ami an ideal heaven to gain after death, is the prime factor in their work. All else is subordinated to tbat idea. With this idea paramount, they appeal to fear rather than to reason, and by working upon that line they are arous ing the emotional fecliugs cf the more impreskmal persons who listen to their spiritual songs and exhortations, and are making some converts to their ranks. We learn that 17 have teen added to their roll since they came to this city about three months ago. They are, withall, a very zealous people and for their persistency in tteir efforts to "snatch brands from the burning" they show a remarkable tenacity of purpose tbat calls forth our a'-airation. They furnish Eome atnuseme-it also, by their unique and harm'csj mode of proselyt ing. They give a cake and coffee supper tonight for ten cents. Give them a call. To the Public. I have bought the meat market for merly run by J. Bitzer, and will continue at the old stand. I shall endeavor to furnish the people of Roeebnrg with the best of meat, hoping to get a share of tbe public patronage, and tbat Bitzer's old patrens will stay with me. I am, yours to please, II. T. Blcmd. Two Lives Saved, Mrs. Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she i says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Con sumption, tried without result every thing else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of whiclu these are samples, that prove tbe wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at A. C. Mars ters' Drug Store. size 50c. and $1.00. Crescent Bicycles. Carle & Kichardson have justreceiveu direct from the factory, ten wheels model '90. More will bo here eooii. Tho highest grade known to the cycling world, the product of the largest bicycle factory in the world. AH wheels nnless otherwise ordered are fitted with thu celebrated Morgan & Wright quick re pair tire. Prices from f 10 to $75, oibIi or installment. Catalogues mailed to uny address free. Delinquent Taxes. The lime for taking county warrants for taxes has been extended to April 30. Alter this date no county warrants will be taken for taxes. One per cent will be added to all taxes not paid before May 1st, two per cent addd for all tcxes not paid before June 1st, and three per cent added for all taxes not paid beforo July 1st. Pr. Price's Cream Baking Powdet Forty Years the Standard. TELEGRAPH NEWS A Crisis In Cuban Affairs. New Oklkaxss, April 13. Tho Pica yune tomorrow will print tho following letter, dated April 5, from its special correspondent at Havana : The condition of affairs is continuing to draw to a crisis, and soon thero will be a clash which will either redound to tho benefit of tho Spaniards or the Cubans For tho past four days no official news has leen given out nt the captain-gcner id's oflico, and rumors aro received of a battle in which the insurgents wore vic torious. No details can be learned, but thero has been considerable hurrying and scurrying nmund the palace. The landing of the expeditions have caused a liad effect here, especially a? the coast was supposed to be so well guatded. I am infermed of the real de tails of the Collazo expedition. It seems tbat while the expedition was landing its arms and ammunition, a cruiser hove in sight and the vessel carrying tho ex pedition put to sea, being pursued by the cruiser, whose searchlight was used to discover tiie vessel. In ttie mean time, the force of the coast patrol came up and captured a score of rifle boxes, and carried them to the nearest town, which was Cardcnar, and placed them in a warehouse on tho outskirts of the town. During the night, the Cuban forces, which were to protect the land ing of the expedition, and who had been informed of the presence of the arms, overpowered the guards at the ware house, and before reinforcements came, recaptured the arms and carried them away, while a guard or insurgents pro tected the retreat and held the Spanish troops in check. There ate two absorbing topics at pres ent. One is the attitude of the Uuited States, and the other is the action that President Cleveland will take. It Will Be Refused. Loyno.v, April 14. A dispatch from Madrid to the Pall Mall Gazette, says Senor Canovas del Castillo, tho Spanish premier, is ill, and cannot be inter viewed. His relatives, however, con firm the existence of a "communique" from President Cleveland. But, in the present state of public feeling, it will be impossible for the government to accept his offer. Matters are verv complicated, and while the government will do every thing in its power to avoid a quarrel with the United States, it will prefer to fight rather than lose Cuba through , foreign pressure. The cominng cortes will grant Cuba every reasonable franchise which has been enjoyed under the Spanish tlap. It Rained Black Mud. Lanuck, Wyo. April 13. A singular this city phenomenon was a shower in last night. First red and then yellow clay fell, followed a little later by almoet; black mnd. People who were out in the storm looked u if they bad been churned in a tub oil of mnd. The April Blizzard. Ceiitlk Cheek, Colo., April 13. No fatalities have been reported as the re sult of tbc storm yesterday, which was the most severe ever wittnessed by any one here. Tbe damage caused by the blowing down cf buildings and shaft houses throughout the camp may reach $73,000. At Gillette, a big dance ball and two new blocks were demolished, a dozes houses unroofed and 20 tents scattered about. Gravel was hurled through plateglass, leaving only a hole as large aa tbe stone. Cyclone in Nebraska. Omaha, April 13. A heavy wind and rainstorm has swept Nebraska during the last 30 hoars. In the southwest portion of tbe state the storm became violent and did a great deal of damage. A dispatch from Ked Cloud says a vio lent gale swept that section. Many per sons rushed to the storm-cellars, panic stricken. The only fatal disaster oc curred at the farm of Andrew Uawley, near Ked Cloud. The cyclone struck a barn, wrecking it part of the roof strik ing liawley's little 1 girl, crushing her shoulder and leg. Tho child cannot live. It is impossible to learn the ex tent of the damage done by the storm, as it rained all day, and communication has been interrupted. Venezuela Question. Washington, April 14. Tho Voneru clan commission met today after a re cess of 10 days, with all members pres ent. Much time was consumed in read ing reports from individual members up on the progress they are making with the particular matters of investigation in trusted to them. Scruggs, 'counsel (for the Venezuelan government, submitted 40 maps and charts, which are receiving considera tion. Also he had presented a few trans lations of documents included in the mas' of evidenco prepared at Caracas and transmitted to the commission through Minister Andrado. Word has come from London to tho effeci 'tat the British government ia pre. ug a supplement to tho blue book, conti -uing translations of documents gen erally referred to in the first volume, which is expected to roach Washington eooii, but saving tho presentation of tho blue book, and even this camo indirectly the liritish government has so far failed to follow tho example set by Vene zuela and submit a formal caeo to the commission, and to accept the invita tion lo Imj represented by counsel. Unheard of at Washington. Washington, April 11, Nothing is known at tbo state department of any such communication from President Cleveland to tin; Spanish premier, Honor Castillo, as is referred to in the telegram from Madrid. It is surmisscd, however, that (he matter is entering into Spati- ish policies and is, perhaps, being more or less distorted to servo party purposes. Treasury Statement. Wasuinqtox, April 13 Today's state ment of tho condition of tho treasury shows : Available cash balance $27 1,903, 102 Gold reserve 12S.031.291 The treasury today lost S92,400in gold and $10,500 in bars, leaving the true amount of tho gold reeervo $120,899,931. Of the in d coin withdrawn. $700,000 is for export. On Coast Defenses. Washington, April 14. Senator Mor rill of Vermont, reached the age of Sfl years today, and the event was referred to in the opening prayer of the chaplain, who spoke of tho white-haired senator an hale in body, clear, sonnd and vigorous in intellect, aud esteemed by his brother Benators, Ly his state and by the whole country. At tho conclusion of the prayer Morrill received congratulations from many of his associates. Shortly after tho session opened Mor rill announced that Thursday next he would speak on the necessity of addi tional quarters for tho national museum. Squire was then recognized for a speecL on coast defenses. Ho said all the evi dence taken by the committee cn coast defenses is lamentable in the extreme The defensive works aro of a character incapable of resisting modern attillery. Tho evldeuco is overwhelming that case of war our whole peoplo would suf fer immeasurably. Ho concluded: "We are encircled as a nation with a chain of foreign fortresses and while our rich se.i coast cities or parts, coaling stations im pervious to attsck, including San Diego, San Francisco. Portland and Paget Sound lay exposed and helpless against the attack of foreign powers that josses3 naties." Lee's Appointment. Ni.w York, April 15. A special to tho World from Madrid says The Spaniards are so much engrossed in their elections (hat only a few papers have commented upon the appointment of General Fitzbugh Lee as consul gen eral to Havana. El Imparcial alone, in a telegram from Washington, challenges the expediency of the selection of such a representative by President Ulevelaud. However, General Lee will certainly le granted" the ordinary consular exequator by the Madrid government, unless the Spanish minister at Washington finds ground to object to his appointment. The colonial authorities in Cuba will also afford General Lee all the facilities usually granted to foreign consuls within , , m6tQmZTX ytmits ol their consular I mission and dutits. General Wetter alone can ueietmine now lar tne new American consul general can be allowed to go over Cnba or report on the situa tion. In any event General Iee will probably not be allowed to visit tho in- anrgent lines. liis predecessor, Consul- General Williams, has been often bitterly critirised in tbe Madrid press for having exceeded the instructions of the Ameri can government to claim indemnities for fulfillment oi the convention of 1S77, which expressly stipulates that Ameri cans would never bo tried by courts-martial, but always by the civil courts with tbe assistance of civil counsel, even for alleged complicity in the present war. Many Madrid papers haye asked that tbe Caban and Porto Rico elections be annulled, bnt the government ;3 not jn the least likely to listen to it. Tbe literals and republicans and the ministerial press again deny that Presi dent Cleveland has taken any steps, by nolo or otherwise, to sound the Spanish government about Cnba. .May Bear Good Fruit. Chicago, April 15. A special dispatch to the Times-Herald from Washington says: There is now hope that the efforts of tbc United States to mediate between Spain and the Cuban insurgents will re sult in the bringing about of negotia tions between the rebel leaders and the Spanish government. At least, Spain shows signs of acceding to the request recently made by President Cleveland for the acceptance of the good offices of tho. United Stales. Tbe negotiations are in the hands of Secretary Olney and Senor Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish, minister at this cap ital. Senor de Lome, acting under in structions from his government, has made cuitain inquiries as to the method which the president proposes to follow, II tho Spanish minister of foreign ai- fairs finally accepts the good offices of this government, General Fitzhugh Lee, our new consul general at Havana, will be instructed to sound the insurgent leaders as to their willingness to accept reforms in Cuba, and on these being guaranteed, to lay down their arms. Schnaufer Replies to Byron. Iu answer to Mr. J. Byron, about him enlisting and carrying the democratic cross to Salem, I meant it for a fling at at you, a populist, believing in the pop uliBt reform movement, or at least pre tending to. To give your hand in a reli gious fight for or against any denomina tion whatever is not populism. We waut reform and can get it without the church. Furthermore you say you carriod the banner, Old Glory, from a bloody field in Virginia. I guess you did that part for the monoy that was in it, liko many more foreigners, and 1 was not then nor never was a loyal slave to the Emperor of Germany, but was in Baltimore, Md., taking in tbe sights of the would be slave freer a and hirelings of monopoly. ClIAS. ScllNAfFElt. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great In leav enlng power as the Royal. Oct on to the Norliieni i-ocmt. k 1 Ml Flyer. Tho change of time via tho Northern aciflc enables passengers to leave Port land daily at 5 p. m., reaching bt. rum and Minneapolis in three days, Hi. Louis and Chicago in three and one-half Jays, Lincoln, Neb., at 12:55 noon of tlie third day, Omaha at 4:05, St. Joseph at 5:50,Atchieon at 0:30, Leavenworth at 7:35 and Kansas City at 8:03. You can too by this that the Northern Pacini equals all oilier lines to all poinlH, Uliu, aim 11 juu 111 i-.iiv j I . tf ...til (...miLrfl Cf-IWXllllPH. you will see that the Northern P.u-itic beats all other lines Into Lincoln lour hour;?, St. Joseph twelve hours, leaven- wjmh fourteen hours and Kancas 0y ten hours and forty five nuntite, where immediate connections arc made in Union depots for all points south. Don't forget that tho Northern Pa cific is the only line running two twins daily to the east, the only dining car route from Portland, the only line run- uing a first class Pullman sleeir through i from Portland to Minneapolis and St Paul without a eha-ige, mid the only line to the Yellowstone National Park. For full information, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or write D. S. K. Buick, resident gent, Roseburg, Oregon, or to A. D. Ctiarlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 250 Morrison street, corner Third Portland, Oregon. Evolution The Potato. Three hundred years ago, Sir Walter Raleigh took to his home at Youghal near Cork, Ireland, a few tubers of the potato from America, and planted them on his estate, thus introducing into that country a plant which at that time was bitter, nauseous and somewhat poison ous in character. But through cultiva tion the33 originally small,waxy and bit ter tubers have swelled out into large farinaceous palatable potatoes which for food for men has become almost in dispensible. Its destruction by a disease a few years ago caused a famine in Ireland. The developement of the peach from the bitter sloj, the apple from the wild rose and the potato from the waxy Solo mun of the night shade fimily are proofs of evolution. 'Athletic Entertainment. A grand athletic entertainment will be given at Armory Hall, iraluruay eve ning, April 13th, in which some cf our best local talent will meet in tbe arena and display their prowess, and in ad dition there wl'l Le foveral celebrities from abreti-i. Ed. !lu"he3. the cham pion of Coos county will spar four rounds with Ed. Hamlin, a well known Koae burg boy. "Slow Jerry" and John Beard, whese combined weight is 550 pounds, will spar for points. Ben Schuy ler, the champion welter weight of Ore- gou, will wrestle aud box for points. The Lids u ill also take a hand in the sport, and there will be comic songs and dances by Hughes brotfiers, tbe well known song aud dance artists. The en tertainment promises to be the best of the kind -ever given in Koseburg, and doubtless will ba well patronized. Important To the Ladies of Roseburg. Mr. H. B. RamsdeH wilh Lipman, Wolf it Co. of Portland, will be at tbe sample rooms of the McClallen house with an elegant assortment of novelties in silk waists, suits, dress goods, etc. Mr. Itamsdell will have them esbioited for inspection todav and tomorrow, April I tit It aud 17th, and invites the ladies to call and inspect the same. Call earlv. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdei siwcrior to all others. Medical valui n..'- :! lliau in .in oils More skill luorv ar cl ll-ioir.sisirsjiar-.lla i i'..r.i on. .. -r 1 iuv. .u nunu- factiirc. It ci;- pioprivd.r ami dealer fYloro ont 'l costs tlie csiMiuu-r less. 11$ Ue gets more doses lor r :iHi:--y Moro curative power i-.n-cireil l 'tperuliar comtmiatioti. prort -n ami proves. MorO w onderful ctin s rli- t-' I moretf-tinH'ii-iminuiN. more sales a .-l mon iiicn-jse. M:iy more rvaMntt w Ii s!i - M take 3 nooas Sarsapariila The One True Wood riir.fiei All ilnippsts. St. u n i-!t are t'- o; Iv j lis to take liOOd S HlllS witIilluolsSirs.iiiarilU. (ROSEBURGXfHEflTRE) MONDAY, APRIL 20 MRU'S ;fahous SCENIC AND DRAflATlC PRODUCTION OF FAUST WITH ITS WONDERFUL SCENIC ELECTRIC AND CALCIUM EFFECTS TJje MarJVeloug "IfrQCrp" $cene WITH GENUINE FLASHES OF LIGHTNING AND THE MAGIC RAIN OF FIRE. Produced Here in its Entirety. more Lumber for Sale or Trade IjouImvoJry cowa or lieifr yoti want to trade lor lumber, or if you want to buy 1 I.... ."Ml u hill 01 any 1 wilt do wiill to addretBi ..or n.,.1.. lrwii. V, 'J. lOX - 1 In Our Great arandfather's Time, 1 :,. t.,,1 w ..ill nrre in general u-. ... I. .t.,ra" f T ntnu(ii:iiju7i7 ' that decade tliey were big and clum sy, but ineffec tive. Jnuusceni- ury of eniiglit cninent,wehave Dr. riercc s Pleasant Pel lets, which cure all liver, stomach and bowel derange ments in the most effective way. Assist Nature cleansing laxative, thereby removing ; of- now then, with a eentle, r.i:,,. niHr from me stomacn anu bowels, toning up and invigorating tne liver and quickening its tardy action, and you thereby remove the cause of a multitude of distressing diseases, such jas headaches, indigestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness, pimples, blotches, eruptions, boils, constipation, piles, fistulas and maladies too numerous to mention. If people would pay more attention to properly regulating the action of their bowels, they would have less fre quent occasion to call for their doctor's services to subdue attacks of dangerous diseases. That, of all known agents to accom plish this purpose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are uneqnaled, is proven by the fact that once used, they are always in favor. Their secondary effect is to keep the bowels open and regular, not to fur ther constipate, as is the case with other puis. ncuu;, int.. tr . - ' with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and indigestion. A free sample of the " Pellets," ( 4 to 7 doses) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address, World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y. The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advecatsj " Protectior. to American Labor anc Industry " as explained by its constitu tion, as follows : - TK abjet cf tfc'n Lmju shaB is w Amric- Wrr by a tin'- or t.-'.ra. wh-ch s-n' fecure America i-jstr ! predjexs tja;st tft csmfwtiticn if fsrgr labor " There are no personal or private profits in connection with the organiza tion and it is sustained by mer ibrs.'- ps, contributions anti the distribution of its publications. FIRST Corrfcpci-d--r- ". 6jt) rsgar-f Ui-St'iHij " and " Otfical CvrttnAarU. SECOND W -iJ a-i csnirfiyjtiMM. whtii- sraaB ;r Urgn tsc-rcje. TH.RO V.'e pubCs a la-g fcnf zf dsr-awts ccisr.ig all prs cf t'-e Tar.f questi:". Coo plie st will be nai!d tc sny address far 50 FOURTH Send psti. ea-d request f: free a-nc-e cry cf tfc ' Ar-ve-ian Fc5-2-ni.r Aod--i w'.ie jr r Wa-r. General Secretary, 135 Wei; 231 Strst. Nc Ycrlu Administratrix Notice. NiHievi hen-bv -iren that the nmleiBeJ has been by the Coonty Court of Doccla? foamy, orrcon. appointed administratrix of the estate of John Conway, deceased. All per son ha viae claims against ail estate are re qairvd to jrv-nt the same, with the proper voucher;, withia six months from date of this notice, to the nnderslsactl, at Elktoa. Douglas County. Oregon. Dated, this 6lh day of April. l.3r. M.VKTHA CONWAY. Administratrix of the Estate ot John Conway Deceased, ; GREATEST 7y v liA, P.T SO Watch the heading, and see how they go. Yesterdav we had 'gS today 'SO We have pot our prices of Second Hand Pianos so low that the public can see the greatest reduction ever offered in Pianos. Prices ranging from $75 to $175 for secondhand. ew pianos, $200 to $400. We intend to close ont our entire stock of musical goods this spring and summer. Business and residence property on the installment plan at a low rate of interest. Call on us. Address, T. K, KEEP ON THIS BICYCLE SUNDRIES We will keep iu stock this season Morgan Wright Quick Repair Tires for all Wheels. Wo will also keep the League Tires, and a full stock of Rubber and Rim Cement, Valves and Patching Rubber, IVUs and Lanterns, and almost everything in the Bicycle line. fend for our Catalogue oi '1W Wheels, and we will send you free ior six months a copy of the New York Cycle Bulletin. CARLE & I IFLoseTcnari Notice of Sale of Real Property under t oreciosure k.i.. y..u,A.o. r-'Mguviti.J. , f Urarn, vnrltm lli JUiim'; uiKlr Hut f.rm u:i ' 1 Y,. U Kwuie t . J'UJiititft. , jwjm n. Ijiu'UiB t : lfulauU.j 1 tffateoIOnrjCftil, .V,uw! wiettf J rttUiv of n tbcittxvv uml wt m4 eauw. mi the WW ffiTwit, on tfc 1Kb UJ Of March. Ke3 jrflnUBVaa alDt .aid de .rSlrfttcrlbcd wwrtgaswl real prowrtr for trie ftiUarV ltii iDUrot tWwn at the ' flay ol Mr'. WA and " 7 U ami tfceW of tod cwm tbU writ, and the CO.U! aud KXtW. 'A tw Me. Now tbreso.'e I 111 00 Saturday, the 2nd day of May, tHo6, Atr.neo'eklc I. X. of M "lay at tie Court ! !nJhlchtb-id de&wunt or el hw of ;,f the execution of iW mortgage or at any toelLSSfW i.. or to the Mtewbis JU rSl r.lrty tituat m the County of Donjlaj aad elite of Ortsou, V-wit: ..,.. EednniDS at a point U chains and links tart ancbainiaad W l!nx wott, from tie Jr terictlr.nt.ot on tbe nut Detneen feecUoni 1 iSaSta Ton hip -3. cootb.Ean? 7 t and rannlDK tbenee tt ehtin and 0! link. Sence ioath ehaliu and - Unk, thence et ITcrSin. and -1 link, to rirer. thenee wjth e andersof rirer DOrth T. d?rte eat j chaicj and 70 links, thence (leaving riven north K Sains and 71 link. IMD' east 17 chains and J) link and thence nonh T. chains and 10 1 links & the place of linuing. taininS MOj 7i sera, alto loU uniubered 2 and 3 of etctlon tin Township -K South, Kange . West of Wil lamette Meridian. containing pcre. all in Douglas cjnnty, Oregon, together with the tene ments, hereaiiameni aau jiipuii&Mvj. unto belonging or in anywUe apwrujiinz. That the plaintiffs may be permitted to bid at the t ale of aid prot-erty and tcome a purchas er thereof. That the purchasers be placed m 1 awliab: poeMion of taidjireioises. Dated this 1st TolXl Sheriff of Doogias County, Oregon. By D. E. hamueook, Deputy. a2td Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Real Property Under Foreclosure. Wm. Love. MstnUff. James F. Chadwiek. Asnes r Chadwick and W. J. t had-; wiefc, Defendant;. J State of Oeesojc. i Coontr of Doogias. S VTOTICE 1 HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY Tinoe of an execution and order of tale dalT iiiod out of the above named court and in the above entitled cause, on the Sth dar of Marer. l5W,npona judgment and decree of loreelo-nre made and entered of record in said Circuit Court on the 16th day of March, ViA, foreekKin? a certain mortrae in favor of said above named plaintiff and arairist said defen dants, and against the hereinafter mentioned maA rftihi morirarfd real DrOT-ertT for tie am of fac.a with interest thereon at the rate of ?ver cent per annum from the ISta day of March. liSC, and the Him of JH aKomeys lees and f-j.tfl costs and ditbnrsementi, ana tne costs et and upon said writ and the costs and expenses of this sale. Now therefore I will us Saturday the 35th day of April, iSoo, at 1 o'cloct P. M. of said day at the Cosrt House door In Eoseburg. Douclas county. 5 tate of Ore con, sell at public auction to the hisfcest bidder lor cah in hand. a'J. the right, title andnteret which the said defendants cr either of tnern had on the 17th day of December, IsST, the date of the execution of said mortare or at any time thereafter in or to tbe i--'Jowin5 described real property, situate in the County of Doaas and state of Oregon, in Sections II and S: in Town snip 23 south of Banse S West of the Willamette Meridian, and bounded bv a line beginning at a point Si rods 1-V j feet north of a point 16 chains west of the '-mile post between said Sections 31 and SiT running thence north 1.6 rods, thence east IT rods, thence north 75 rods, thence eat 29 chains, thenee south chains, thence eastir.enains. thenee south 51-5 rods, thenee west SI. "73 chains t. the place of beginning coa tatains eighty acres more or less also that por tion of land described as Lot No. S in James Fattens eertiueate No. til and the Southeast quarten1) of the Northeast quarter of sec tion Si in Totrnship Z Suth of EaXitre West in the district of lands subject to sale at Eoseburp, Orecon, containing seventy-seven acres more or less also lot No. 1 of Section -il in township 25 South of Ranre 5 West of WOlaniette Meridian, also all that portion of the donation land claim of K. E. stratum and wife, claim No. SS in Doa; las county, Oregon, beinsrand lyms north of a line running through said donation land claim parallel t- and :tL forty-two rods north from the southeast boccdry line of said donation land claim No. 3 of It- E. Straiton and wife, also the south half 'J-) of the Southeast quarter and Lot 7 of Section S in Towns hin 25 South of Kange 5 West of the Willamette Meridian, con taining one hundred and eleven and Jil acres of land more or les. Dated this 25th diy of March, 1SSS. C, F. CATHCART, sheiiffof Dousrlas Cocntr, Orecon. By V . W CiTHCACT, Deputy. mStd. BARGAINS RICHARDSON, YOUR EYE SPACE RICHARDSON, Oregon