The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 16, 1896, Image 1

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The Plaindealer 1
The Plaindealer
! You Don't Get the News.
No. 12.
j IT IS SO. j
Attorney at Law,
Room S. Musters BuUdlnc. - ROSEBUBQ, OR.
0Bnslnc33 before the U. B, Land Office and
mining cases a specially.
Late Receiver 0. S. Land Office.
no. m.os-tcitis.
(Successor to J. JASKULEK.)
Practical : Watchmaker. : Jeweler : and : Optician.
CJonulno Drnzllimi Ej-o 05-Ixishch and SpootncloH
Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars and Smokers' Articles.
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Proprietor and Slnnngoror Kosoburg's Famous Uargain Store.
Will practice In all the courts of tbeBtata.
tea la t&s Court Home, Docgbu eottnt 7, Or.
Undor the McKinley tariff a pound of
wool of the Donglaa county wool growers
would pay for three pounds of sugar.
Now a pound of their wool will only pay
for one pound of Btigar. That is demo
cratic freetrade for yon with a vepgance.
jgBOWN & ttjstcnt,
Rooms 7 and S
iWUson Block.
The democratic party platforms of this
year are conspicuous for the absence ot
the free trade planks. They havo sub
stituted free silver for free trade and
doubtless will substitute freo whiskey for
free silver next election, if not this.
They must have something free. At tho
polls they start in with free whiskey and
end, usually, with a free tight.
Attorney at Law,
Rojebttrg, Oregon.
Offie orer ti FottoffiM on Jackaon rtiMt.
Attorney at Law,
Attorneys &, Counselors at Law
Rosrinrr, Orrqon.
ntvtlM In all U eourU of Oregon. Of-1
See in tie TTlor-Wllon block.
Physician and Surgeon
(D. 8. ETamlnlns Surgeon.)
OFFICE. Rooms S and 7 Jlantera" BaUJlnz. I
VjfAAenr. First door Son til Ot Mrs. CtUTlCT 1 1
Boardlns Hook.
( Sraeial attention to Surserr and tb
DGeasx ot Women.
By a parity of reasoning as advocated
by some of our dyed-in-the-wool demo
crats and Simon pure republicans, all Ma
sons, Odd Fellows, A. 0. U. W., B. P. 0.
K. of P., Woodmen of the World, et
at, must not have anything to say in
politics. By thus uniting ones self with
a secret order of this, that or the other
sort ho has lost his citizenship, i. e., ac
cording to the logic of would-bo bosses of
party organization.
J. OZIAS, 21. Dm
Physician and Surgeon,
Office In S. ilaits A Co-'i Block, upstairs.
Calls pronpUy ansircred day or nijhL
L. MTT.T.KR, M. D.,
Surgeon and Homoeopathio
tVCbro&le diMaaea a peeUlty.
Charter Oak
County Surveyor,
aad Jotary Public.
, Oma: IaConitHoase.
and Field Kotes shoold
'.Heydon, County Sor,
Orders lor Sam
be addressed to Will
Ttjor, Bctebmg.Or.
The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST.
Roseburg Hardware Go.
C s. Deputy axiucral Sui-Teyor
and Notary Public.
Oma: County Jail Bondlnc, op stairs.
Special attention paid to Traaitoi and I
Address. EOHEBCRCi OR.
Watchmaker andJeweler,
4XX Jackson Street,
At Luerssen's Cigar Factory. ROSEBURG.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
CtAIl Repair! tit entrusted to
ray care will be PROMPTLY and
carefully done.
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
I prices and easy terms, inquire of
3D. S- K. BUIOK,
Does Up
Successor to G. W NOAH
General Blacksmithing
Shop on Corner WnHlilncton and ICnnc Htn., Roscbarg.
Tbe Review with whoop and hurrah
shouts lustily for its bantam ticket. It is
composed, it says, of "men worthy and
well qualified, men of irreproachable
character, men of strict integrity," etc.
Very well, be it so. Wo will not now
undertake to dispute it. The Plain-
dealer is reliably informed that there
are two A. P. A. candidates on the He-
view's ticket, and three more have ap
plied for initiation iuto the order at the
next council meeting.
The enlightened people of this age are
engaged in an irrepressible conflict of
opinions, ltieyarc passing tiirougii a
transition state. Long entertained
opinions arc being assayed in the cruci
ble of deep thought. Old and effete
opinions are slowly giving way to the
new. Science is exposing dogmatic
theses to the calcium light of reason
Error is being laid bare by th power of
independent thought. The world of in
vestigation moves with irresis table
tread. No power can stav it.
some one elce'a benefit, and that fact has
been acknowledged by several cf Mr.
Agce's friends. In fact, two men with
whom we convereed on tho subject said :
"Ben Ageo is the only man we can elect,
and he will find some one to do the busi
ness," or words to that effect. Iu short
it was common talk on tbe streets for
Ecveral days before the democratic nomi
nation, when it was reported that Mr.
Ageo had refused to accept it, the party
managers said determinedly; "Ben
must accept; he is the only man we can
The views thus stated go to show that
tbe democracy of Douglas county has de
parted from its boasted Jeffersonian doc
trine, that ability to perforin the dnties
of the office is one of its cardinal princi
ples. The Review says, "when the time
comes, that gentleman will take the mat
ter into bis own hands." Yes, wben
the time comes. But there's the rub.
117ie;i tho time comes. The Review
should have said: Wben Mr. Agee is
vancement. Reconciliation between la
bor and capital is tbe burning question
of tbe hour.
The "regular democrats," as the Re
view terms the old "ring" factionofhe
party, havo done more to array opposi
tion to it by a swing of the party lash
than could poasiuly be accomplished by
their republican opponents. The party's
action at the primaries, and continued at
the county convention, plainly demon
strated that boss rule was in fnll force.
By the keen snaps of tho party lash many
of the friends of Mr. Dillard were given
to understand that they must stand in.
Some stood in but many stood out, and
tbe polls next June will show that tbe
Australian ballot system is their only
safeguard against trickery.
Democrats who have been the bone
and ainue of the party by their devo
tion to hewing the wood and drawing
the water that has kept up tbe steam,
for lo, thee many years, have come to
the conclusion that the steam may go
down, and the engine cease to turn the
wheels so far as they are concerned.
They are determined that they "will
neither fish nor cut bait" for the old
concern any longer, but will cast a line
in the near future in the stream, where
suckers do not abound. They have
been fostering monoplies by their stand
ing in with the lingsters till they are
tired of it. They are tired of marching
to the polls and voting for men to heap
upon them a load of taxes for the
monopolists to gather up.
The city has been saddled with a
debt of 45,000 in useless expenditures,
and a contract to pay for ten years that
cannot be revoked, for city lighting at
rates higher than any other citv in tbe
The county has lost several thousand
dollars by a defaulting official, who was
a pet of a ring rale faction,and to regain
a portion of which the connty was at
the expense of a costly law suit and the
great annoyance of the bondsman.
The old ring rule party held down the
sheriffalty for S years under the fee sys
tern which put thousands cf dollars
into the sheriffs pockets over and
above a reasonable salary.
The republican party changed this fee
system to that of a salaried one, thus
saving to the county every vear Eeveral
thousands of dollars.
Last Thursday we henrd five different
republicans make the declaration that
there is no republican party in
las." Review.
If tbe declaration of these five different
eore-head republicans conveys consola
tion to the Review and raises its hopes
to such a pitch that it predicts "the dem
ocratic ticket will be triumphant in the
coming election," what a surprise is in
storo for it when the ballots are counted.
The Review will find that the "five diff
erent sore-heads," who confided to it
their tale of woe, are not an addition to
their ranks that' even democrats can be
proud of, and that tbe republican party
is better off without than with them.
We are always in the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is upon ni, and farnv IS J B ITZ E R
Poultry, Ft nil and Gnnic,
In Season.
loots to their interest.
Proprietor ol
bu&gy iiarkess The City Meat Market,
-Fall Trimmed-
And Dealer In
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult yonr pnrso and be sore and see
Woodward before baying.
Orders taken and Delivered Free
to an r part of the City.
Roseburg, Or.
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
coods are cash with tbe order. I find it
impossible to do business on a credi
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P, Benedick, Undertaker.
Koseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
A. C. Hoxie,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Goods delivered free to all
parts of the city. Leave
yonr orders with me and
save money. Roseburg, Or.
Flour, Feed,
Blacksmiths and Machinists
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
Machine Work a Hncclnlty ROHnnilRC, OR.
James Byron, in tho Review,
that he is willing to "carry tho bauner of
any sect, Christain, Jew or infidel iu a
fight to a finish for religious toleration."
To that sentiment we say utuen. The
Plaindeallii will enroll under any bau
ner to fight for religious toleration, let it
bo borne by whatsoever party it may, if ion, all from
such a contingency should ever ari?e.
The Pljundealek contends for a com
plete and eternal separation of chuich
and state, with laws gurantceing the right
to worship God or mammon according to
dictates of conscience. If need bo we
would as quick take up arms to Cefeud a
a Catholic's rights as for i Presbyterian,
Methodist or any other ecct, and none
Value of Opinions.
Mr. Kennedy, the very affable and
able minister of the M. E. church of this
city, preached a strong sermon Sunday
evening last, from the words of Jesus:
"CaujA not discern the signs of the
times?" Mr. Kennedy said opinions are
Doug- i good for nothing unless backed up by
authority, which, as appeared from the
general tenor of his discourse, must be
from i he recognized authority of some
author, such as historical statements
by recognized authority, and cited the
Bible sa his authority for his opinions
From Mr. Kennedy's standpoint of
biblical authority he argued forcibly
But is not Mr. Kennedy aware that there
are many opinions at variance with his
which are based upon the scriptnres?
Not mentioning others than the Catholic
and protestants, we discover a material
difference in many important points.
! The Catholic appeals to the same author-
states , ity. Toe soundness and tennability of
each faith depends upon the inherent
truthfulness of tho opinions deduced
from the same authority. Mr. Kenaedy
and his school of theists haye an opinion
as to the teachings of scripture, while
the Catholics maintain an adverse opin-
the same authority. Who
i oi.ti .1.,. .:.!.. c;. i,o nr i.a
liiiuker. So with tho constitution of this
state and of the United States. The
authority of the higflest court settles
disputes but does not settle conflicting
opinions. There is no authority pre
sented tho human mind for investiga
tion except pure mathematics that is not
susceptible of a difference of opinioD
School books at Marsters' drug store.
Good goods at the lowest prices at Salz-
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
Wood taken on subscription at this
Get your school books at Marstere'
drug store.
New neckwear for ladies and gents at
Jay Brooks'.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Solid silver lea and table spoons at
Pure fresh candies, fruits and nuts at
the Roseleaf.
Prices marked in plain figures at the
Racket Store.
Pure fresh groceries and low prices at
Catebeer's grocery.
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
Have you seen the latest in ladies' and
gente' watches a' Salzman's.
Loic price are what move goods at
tbe Racket Store. Call and eee.
Buy your silverware at Salzman's and
get tbe best at the lowest prices.
Country produce ol all kinds nought
and sold at Casebeer's grocery store.
Ladies, call and see our new line of
ready made wrappers, at the Novelty
Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens
and optical goods at the lowest prices at
A few cases good substantial boots at
reduced prices to close them out, at H.
Shoes! Shoes 1! Shoes!!! Cheaper
than the cheapest at RichardB' Cash
Racket Store.
Miss Imagene Houser has a nice line
of ladies' and children's black and tan
hose atiliss L. A. Bsird's.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the best grocer
ies. Try (him and be convinced.
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex
ander & Strong's, ever brought to Eose-
burg and at prices lower than ever.
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Jar of Money given away to advertise
our goods and prices. 50 cent purchase
entitlesyou to a gues3 at Richard's Cash
Racket Store.
K. Rice, at bis ware rooms on Jackeon
opposite Marks' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
If you don't waut to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots and ehoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done.
Gents, our line of latest style hats
cannot be beat for nuality or price. Also
have nice assortment of ties, suspenders,
hosiery, etc. ftovelty Store.
The Square Deal stoie has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
ehoes, which prove to be the best shoes
made. Come and inspect them.
A. G. Hoxie sells flour at 75c and SOc a
sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents
People should take advantage of these
prices and give him their patronage.
Ladies, are you in perfect health?
not, why not try the great home remedy.
Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas
county and will fill all orders promptly.
N. Rice, one of our enterprising furni
lure dealers has now on sale a fine lot of
furniture of the latest style aud finish
Give him a call before purchasing else
Hon. E, C. Bicker of Gardiner is in
town today, Sunday.
The political pot is simmering softly at
present, having boiled oyer at the -recent
A. L. Mcon's store was broken into
Tuesday night by some unknown person.
A quarter of a cheese, several cans of
oysters, some crackera and several plugs
of tobacco were all that could be missed.
The thief broke into tbe money drawer
but got nothing.
Our city marshal, assisted by B, M.
Capps captured two house breakers here
Friday night. One, a colored gent, who
gayo bis name as John Stewart, and a
boy 16 years old, who gaye bis oame
as James O'Donnel. It seems that they
broke into the section Chinamen's house
at Oaklank and helped themselves to
what they could find, and on Friday
broke into B. M. Capts' houEe at Rice
Hill and stole a revolver and some cloth
ing. Wli n arrested here, tue boy had
on a vest, cravat and scarf pin belonging
to Mr. Capps. The prisoners had a pre
liminary hearing in the justice court
here, Saturday, and James O'Donnel was
held to answer in tbe sum of $500.
There being no evidence against tbe col
ored gent, he was discharged, but was
immediately arrested by Constable .Med
ley of Oakland and taken to that city
where he will be called upon to explain
how be came in possession of the China
men's goods found on him when arrested.
tbe less defend that of an infidel or athe
ist; because it would bo in defense of a
great and vitnl principle which wo hold
dearer than any other principle in our
government we mean perfect liberty of
What is authority for one, is not suffi
cient for the other. Even theories based
upon known absolute facts often give rise
to different opinions amongour most pro
found thinkers. The correctness of an
opinion depends upon the demonstrated
truths' upon which that opinion is based,
with the mind free to chose which it will
accept. A thousand and one opinions
may be entertained by intelligent people
regarding any ism, faith or dogma in re
ligion or any governmental theory pre
sented to the human mind for content'
plation. Authority, however eminent,
settles nothing as to absolute truth.
The Review of Monday, tho 13th, says
"The Plaindealek is opening its broad
side of campaign lies" by Etating "that
Mr. Ageo is not really running for office."
The Plainuealeu never sai.l any eucli
thing. On tho contrary, the Plain-
DLWLEitsaid that Mr. Agee is ruuniug on
"the supposition that he is a vote cap
turer, not for his cxeautiyo ability."
That is what tho Pl.unucalkk said.
While Mr. Agee, personally, is a man of
good staudiog as a neighbor, mid one
tbe Plaisdealeii esteems as such, it is
conceded by several of bis patty friends
that, while ho is a good farmer aud fruit
culturist, ho is not fitted for such duties
as sheriff. Ttfis opinion is drawn from
tho facts in tbe case while ho held the
office for four years. The Plainuealeu
does not charge Mr. Agee with default
ing, not by any means, but mentioned
that fact his want of executivo ability
as tending to show that the party is run
ning him for tho purpose, chiefly,
catching votes lo secure the office for tioni.iug along tho lines of industrial ad-
Labor and Capital.
The conflict between labor and capi
tal must bo settled, for if it continue, it
will prove suicidal to both. Labor must
be up and doing while the day lasts. It
must work out its own salvation in the
industrial world if it expectB to bo saved,
for if labor hesitate too long, tho bells
may toll its funeral notes. Workingmen
must try and accomplish those things
for which they have for years been fight
ing. Education among the classes will
enable them to steer the labor ship
through its tempestuous sea of troubles
of I and difllcnlties, for education is revolu
L. Langenburg is Mill on top. Ho
carries a lull stoct ot cnoice music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin strings of best quality
always on hand.
Wanamaker & Brown's fine new line
ot sampits ol men anu boys' spring
clothing just received at the Backet Store
Call and see them. Mens' all wool suits
$6.50 and upwards.
A shirt with double yoke and collar
made to fit, will not pinch around the
chest, with a 36-inch skirt, well sewei
and stayed, the right thing for little
money. At tho Novelty Store.
Those having second band stoves.
furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
highest cash price by calling upon
Rice, the furniture and supply dealer.
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
New goods were never so low as
offer our spring slock. The colorings are
entirely new and attractive, among the
most noticeable are peicales, ehambras
dimities, etc. Call and see them at the
Novelty Store.
House cleaning time if you need one of
the following: Window shades, lace
curtains, curtain scrim, creton, silkaline;
or, in tinware, decorated tin chamber
sets, buckets; brushes, whisk-brooms,
dust-pan?, call a the Novelty Store.
What Did It?
What ran to help the g. o. p.,
And point to the calamity
That was coming-, you see?
The Review.
What raised the howl of A. P. A.
And lastly brayed day after day,
To frighten all the fools away?
The Review.
What "stood pat" for heavy tax,
That almost broke our backs,
To enrich the party quack?
The Review.
What endorsed the Roseburg ring '
And to the bosses fondly cling,
That pap and plunder it might bring?
The Review.
What gave up all party pride
That into power it might ride,
And hope that there it might abide?
The Review.
For fine shoes go to Jay Brooks'.
A Salzman. the reliable jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
For ladies' suits and capes go to Jsy
Don't miss our April bibbox sale.
Novelty Store.
Exquisite! Those ladies' shirt waists
at the Novelty Store.
Nobby suits and latest styles 'at Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All styles and qualities of hats at Abra
ham's. Bedrock prices.
A fine line of gents' shoes at J. Abra
ham's. Prices just ruht.
Ladies' dress skirts and shirt waists in
great variety at Jay Brooks'.
Fancy line ladies' hose supporters iu
all colors at Miss Imagene Houser's.
For sale A good 24 pound saddle for
sale. To be seen at J. F. Barker's gro
cery store.
A tine line of clothing at Jack Abra
ham's gents furnishing store at grertly
reduced prices.
The latest thing in belts is the narrow
spangle and gold. Cheaper than you
can buy them in tbe city at the Noveity
F.Eddy a first class upholsterer at
Simmon's second liaid store m Hen-
driek's block opjHjaite the depot. Sam
ples of work on exhibition.
Jack Abraham, in the Taylor and Wil
son building, uas me nnest stoct oi
gents' furnishing goods ever brought to
this city. Prices the lowest ever before
heard of. Call and see.
Dr. J. W. Strange, who is attending
to the wants of the people of Bandon
and other places on the Coquille River,
will return so as lo re-open his office on
May 1st. Kindly reserve your dental
work for him.
The Baptist Young Peoples Union
will give a dime social in Mark's store
on Friday evening, April 17th. A good
program will be given and refreshments
served. All are invited and a good time
is assured. Committee.
Ladies' wrappers,
Ladies' duck suits,
Ladies' capee,
Ladies' dress skirts,
Styles the latest,
Prices the lowest,
At Jay Brooks'.
Boys Maybe Had (and sometimes
girls) for tl) ordinary service at wages;
(2) upon indenture, to work, attend
school, and be brought up somewhat as
your own ; and (3) children may be
bad for legal adoption. Address, W. T.
Gardner, Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society, Portland.Or.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powdei
suoerlor to all others.
Lumber for Sale or Trade.
If you have dry cows or heifers you
want" to trade for lumber, or if you
want to buy a bill of any kind of fir
lumber, you will do well to address
P. O. box 123, Drain, Oregon.