TELEGRAPH NEWS Oarcla Heard From. Xew York, April C Tho World this morning says: A long cipher dispatch from Carlos Garcia, Bon of General Ciilixto Garcia, loader of tbe Bermuda expedition to Cuba, has been received by M. Stern in this ciiy. Tbo .lisatcb was written at Maniitiilla, which h about 33 miles west of Santiago, on April 2. Mr. Stern said: "Beloro the ship sailed Carlos said that it tbero was no interference in United States waters they would have no trouble in eluding any Spanish vessel. Tbe explanation of this is simple enough. The Bermuda was rated as having t speed of from 10 to 12 knots; as a matter or fact, sho was capa ble of making from IS to 20 knots, so that she could out sail any Spanish war vessel. She was equipped with new en gines while she was in the dry dock in South Brooklyn. These engines and boilers wero made by tho Cramp!, and were the finest that money could buy. Tho replacing of the engines was kept a close secret at the time. It was even guarded from Cuban sympathizers. So, while the Bermada was apparently a slow old tramp steamer, she was in real ity a remarkably swift ship, aud no Spanish cruiser could hojo to catch her. As a matter of fact she had no occasion to show her speed. Tbe dispatch says that the men and heavy artillery were lauded iu a bay be tween Labia Uonda and Muriel, which is about 50 miles west ot Havana iu a straight line. There was absolutely ro interference. The two Ilotcbkiss guns and tbe six other heavy pieces of artillery were taken off with the ammunition for them. Tbe ebip, with tho remaining arms and ammunition, was sect to San tiago. It went around the north shore of the island, through the Bahama chan nel. Tbe 103 men in the expedition were landed on the morning of March 22d They mado a march of 40 mile3 inland, where they were met by General Maceo, thus carrying oat tbe plan to tbe letter. It was decided that an attack should be made upon Piuar del Kb, which is tbe largest inland town, and a Spanish stronghold. Maceo and Garcia, with 9CO0 men, swept down on Pinar del Bio early on the morning of March 13d and it was a complete surprise. Tbe Span ish troops numbered about and they were thrown into a state of panic by the onslaught. The use of the heavy ar tillery which Garcia had brought added to their terror. Tbe message says : "Consternation reigned and the Span ish troops were thrown into wild disor der. Officers could cot form their men. We captnred two pieces of heavy artillery, 4700 Manser rifles, 1,200,000 cartridges, 2300 swords and many stores. We burned GOO houses, sparing the weak. The Spanish loss was S50 killed and 200 wounded. The Cuban less was 150 killed and wounded."" After this victory, which is one of the most important that the Cubans have won, inasmuch as it will be almost im possible for tbe Spaniards to find shelter for their troops in the interior during the rainy season, General Garcia took 500 men and started eastward, making tbe hardest possible marches. Carlos Garcia says that they had not the slightest difficulty in passing tbe trocha, which is a line of Spanish troops, and then went on swiftly to the eastern part of the island. "Many volunteers joined them. When they arrived near Santiago they fuund that the Bermuda had landed her am munition in a bay a few miles east of Santiago. The ship arrived on tbe night of March 23, but the landing was cot made until tbe following morning. There were 18 boat-loads of rifles, cart ridges and swords, "General Garcia has gone to the east ern end of the island, becaosa that is his old home, and the people there are his loyal friends. Jose Maceo is with him. General Garcia will do nothing for a month bat organize an army of picked men. lie expects to have an army of volunteers which will number 35,000 men and a regular lorce of 10,000 men." NOTES OF INTEREST. General Harrison's Marriage. Xew Yobsc, April 6. General Harri son, whose marriage to Mrs. Dimmick will occur this afternoon, at St. Thomas' church, remained all the forenoon at the Fifth avenue hotel, with ex-Attor ney-General W. II. II. Miller, W. E CurtU, C. W. Fairbanks, of Indian apolis, and Major Richard Parker, of the Soldiers' Home, at Washington. Private Secretary Tibbets said Gener al Harrison would remain at the hotel until immediately before the ceremony, when be would be driven directly to the church. There has been no official announcement of tho lime of the cere mony. Indications, however, are that Mrs. Dimmick will become Mrs. Harri son between 5:30 and G o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Dimmick has received many valuable presents. The principal gilt from General Harrison is a necklace made of seven rows of pearls. The necklace is 55 inches long aud has a diamond clasp. School books at Marsters' drug store. Good goods at the lowest prices at Salz man's. For a good 5-cont cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Wood taken on subscription at this offico. Get your school books at Murstera' drug store. New neckwear for ladies and gents at Jay Brooks'. For llret-class dentistry go to Dr. Littlo of Oakland. Solid silver lea and table Kpoons at SaUman's. Pure fresh candies, fruits und nuts at tho Itoscleaf. Prices marked in plain tigurus at tho Kacket Store. Pure fresh groceries and low prices at Casebeer's grocery. Harness of all kinds at low price at G. W. Woodward's. Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Koeeleaf. Ilavo you seen the latest in ladies' and gents' watches at Salrman's. Zoic prices are what movo gooda at the Kacket Store. Call and see. Buy your silverware at Salzman's and get tho best at tho lowest prices. Country produce ol all kinds bought aud sold at Casebecr'd grocery store. Dr. Lowe, the oculist, will arrive Easter Sundav. The wise will wait for him. Ladies, call and see our new line of ready made wrapper, at tho Novelty Store. Jewulry, watches, diamonds, gold peus and optical goods at the lowest prices at Salzman's. A few cases good substantial boots at reduced prices to close them out, at 11. Stanton's. Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Cheaper than the cheapest at Richards' Cash Racket Store. Case beer the grocer, corner Jackson and Washington, keeps tho best grocer ie. Try him and be convinced. Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose burg and at prices lower than ever. For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg A Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of head gear. J .in of Money given away to advertise our goods and prices. 50 cent purchase entitles you to a guess at Richard's Cash Racket Store. N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household furniture and tin ware at prices to suit the times. If you don't want to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. Langenbnrg's. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Gents, our line of latest style hat caoaot be beat for quality or price. Also have nice assortment ot ties, suspenders, hosiery, etc. Novelty Store. The Square Deal stoie has just opened up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be tho best shoes made. Come and inspect them. A. C. Hoxic sells flour at 75c and SOc a sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents. People should take advantage of these prices and give him their patronage. Ladtes, are you in perfect health? If not, why not try the great home remedy, Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas county and will fill all ordera promptly, N. Rice, ono of our "'.terpriting furni ture dealers has now tu sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest stylo and finish Give him a call before purchasing else where. L. Lancenbun; is still nr. inn. H carries a full stock of choice music, run Rim J inaimmpnia vinltn cfiifira rrr. w - ..wa.M, t.l fc. , WW.U- eons etc, violin strings of best quality aiwavs on nana. Wanamaker & Brown's fine new line of eamplts of men and boys' rpring clothing just received at tbe Racket Store. Call and see them. 3Iens' all wool suits $0-50 and upwards. A shirt with doublo yoke and collar made to fit, will not pinch around the cheat, with a 30-inch skirt, well sowed and stayed, the right thing- for little money. At the Novelty Store. Those having second hand stoves. furniture, etc., for salo can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Rosoburg, Or. New goods wero never so low as we offer our ipring itock. The colorings are entirely new and attractive, among the most noticeauio are percales, chambras dimities, etc. Call and see them at the Novelty Store. Home cleaning timo if you need one of the following: Window shades, laco curtains, certain scrim, creton, silkaline or,.m tinware, decorated tin chamber- sets, buckets; brushes, whisk-brooms dust-pans, call at tho Novelty Store. a Vfiati sated G. W. KRUSE THE GnOCJbJIt, 406 Jackson St., Ono door south P.O. Choice Teai, Coffeei, Tobaccos and Clears. And every thing clso iu the Grocery Hue, Ulshcft Uarfeet Paid for Country Produce. Giro him call and be convinced. MRS. Iff. BOYD, DEALER IN CHOICE Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. -A FULL LINE OF- Fruils, Nuts, French Canaies, Confectionery Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc. IM POUTED KEY WEST CI0AKS. CU0ICE BRANDS OF CIGARS J. F. BARKER & CO. GEOOEES. TEAS $55io Prize. Whcaton College of Whcaton, 111., offers a two year's scholarship for the best oration, to be delivered at the fair held in this county in the fall of 1896. The oration shall be the competitor's own composition and not lees than fivo nor ten than fifteen minutes in length Competitors must be residents of Doug las county between tbe ages af 1G and 2-1 years. For further information enquire of F. A. McCali., Secretary. To Trade. Two lots in MarsbGeld for hogs. Two and one half lots in North Koeo burg, for stock ; hack or buggy in part payment. Call on I. F. Rice & Co. nucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts- Bruiees, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands Chillbains, Corns, aud all Bkin Erup lions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to civ perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 12o cents per box. For sale at A C.Marstcra & Co. God's Regular Army. On Friday, April 10th, thoir will be gran J halleluiah blow out at (ho God Regular Army barrncks, at which there will be good sinuioz and BDeakiuir. ter the meeting coflee.cako, sandwiches. elc, will be served. TbeJ special obiect ol the meeting will be to'fpay off Hi standing debt of this corps. Coffeo and lunch, 10 cents. LiBfT. C. I!. (imzKNf.nn. A SPECIALTY. A ipctiil bnnJ J uoJaUtrted Tea. On prii COFPEB I LiTlnj a Urge ult ZUw atylr Glass and Delf Ware ai'.j nlihinj tow ic$. Oar ova a need ToaiMf an rrry popoiar. H, C. STANTON Haaatt recti tcI a nevud extensive itock 0 D-RY: GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimniings, Laces, Etc., Etc - ALSO A FINE STOCK OF BOOTS AUD SHOES Of the best quality and finish. GEOCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Also on hxai In larzt quantities anil at prim to rail me unn. Alio a urge i 01 Custom-Made Clothing Which li offend at coat price. A foil and elect itock of SCHOOL BOOKS Cunitantlj on band. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN STATIONER! Qttfral mot for titrv rarletr ot lobacriDtlcm books and periodicals pnbliihed In th Unit! States. Feraons visaing reading Batter of any cxna viu ao to lire me a call. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby f Wen to all whom it mar con torn thai I hire appointed D, W. fitearnt of Cala- pooW precinct Deputy inspector of btoek for saM prtcinct; poatoinee aaareaa, uaaiana; alao A. J. Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rose burr, to act dnrinr ay absence, and others wil be added aa partita Inspected make their drair xnovaio ma. EoMbarff, May Ith. 13S7. THOS. SMITH. lnpccUor of Stock fee Sonxlaa county. Or rl Fortune in razes. mMl.75 GIVEN AWAY iXr SB .Separate PrtSfe&k ' ... ONE I'llIZE Off... 9999 $1,000 TMEW WEEKLY ROCKY MOUNTAIN NHS Denver. Colo., The creates! bena fiie prize olfcT eV(5T BX23 in th West or South. Tli cwa li the representative paper of OtM ' l silver's rbaroplon; It La tlo Sxo fl' vocate: It leads in thoucht. aa larfatKk Tl orekly bu ju:t been enlarja aoai Ira provd. it contains the latest and QSUai. lnc nJ mlnlne stock news: It has sprtfa2 Ss partments devoted to the Farm, Ure fTTW hold. Women and Children: all the tutCBMt cartoons and llicst comment of tbe iilTs esO tlon are to be found In it. It presents IlmMB. denied form tbe dolncs of all the -rorTSMiTf a family paper without a peer. And the Weekly r.'ews la determined toHaV beyond all question the larcest clrrnliUonuof any paper between the Mississippi river and IBs 1'aclflc coast. Therefore It offers to the per sona rendins In the createst number of $1 year ly subscriptions before September 1st next these unequalled prizes. REGULAR AGENTS' COMMISSION) ALLOWED IN ADDITION. CONTEST BEGINS AT ONCE. OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE'. Tor particulars (nlilrcy.1 TIic News lriatluK Co;,. I CII VtT, Coll,. PIPE sent free A WARRANTED French Briar Pipe, Hard Rubber Stem, equal to those usually retailed at 50 cents, will be sent free FOR 24 COUPONS OR, FOR 2 COUPONS and 24 CENTS. You will find one coupon inside each a ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of 9 Pfenning niimflm mm i -s-fB-aes-ssi-iaa-aauw waAaaua js. wwawww g Send coupons with aamo and addross to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco and read the coupon which givrs a list of other premiums, and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED. HEW GOODS ros . jo oss Xtore. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Alexander & Stroug :: THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS... 326 and 32S Jackson St. Bet. Oak and Washington. r TT I T 1"5 TT Largest and Best Assortment eTer V V Jl L. L- I Jl 1 J f li brought to Southern Oregon, and I CARPETS. A. Large and Elegant Line ol HI We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of J Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets Parlor and Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. I 9 0. GREATEST BARGAINS r Watch tho heading, and Bee how they go. Yesterday wo had '03 today '00 We have pnt our prices of Second Hand Pianos so low that tho public can see tho greatest reduction ever offered in Pianos. Prices ranging from $75 to $175 for second hand. Now pianos, $200 to $400. We intend to close out our entire stock of musical goods this spring and summer. Business and residence property on tho installment plan at k low rato of interest. Call on 113. Address, T. K. RICHARDSON, BICYCLE SUNDRIES Wo will keep in stock this season Morgau & AVright Quick Hepair Tires for all Wheels. Wo will also keep tho League Tires, and n full stock of Rubber and Kim Cement, Valves and Patching Kuhber, Bells and Lauterns, and almost everything in the Bicycle line. Send for our Catalogue of '0i Wheels, and we wfll send you freo for six months a copy of the New York Cycle Bulletin. CARLE & RICHARDSON, Rosetourg Oregon ALEXANDER tl STRONG HOILE FURNISHERS ROSEBURG, OREGON. A 5QUARE DEAL We are Here to Stay. ' I ' 1 r-4 r-i o t i rH -CO r-1 -ca -00 -t- -us J -co 1 ' I ' I ' I ' i ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. 'WoilEHBERQ) flijjjjjjj jRoseburg, Or.