The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 16, 1896, Image 4

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Hill Opposes Them .
Washington, .March 13. After un
hoar consumed in clearing away rouliuo
matters the Cuban resolutions were laid
before the senate and Hill was recog
He pointed out that this beiug u cou
fercnco report the resolutions could not
bo amended He would therefore vote
against tho report, in order that at some
subsequent time tho amendments might
bo made, Iheseuator particularly ob
jected to the third clause of the reaolu
tions, stating that the United States had
not intervened in the btruggles between
any European governments and ilioir
colonies, but owing to the promixity of
Cuba the Uuited States should be pre-
lared to intervene. This he declared
ambiguous. Wo had intervened aud
recognized countries which had been
colonies of Spain. What tho resolution
sought to convey was a threat to inter
venc. To this extent the resolution was
unnecessary. It was subject to doubtfnl
construction and a mischief breeder, lia
bio to compromise the United States.
The phrase United States6hould ne nre
pared to protect the legitimate interests
of our citizens by intervention, sounded
like a threat, but it was buncombe.
"If this resolution means wo should
increase our army, let us say so frankly
and frame a bill for that purpose," said
HAL "If it means wo should increase
our navy, let ns state it frankly and fear
lessly and frame a bill to that end. Let
us not indulge in idle boasts and threats
and doubtful phrases as to being pre
pared to protect legitimate interests by
At 2 o'clock there was a contest for pre
cedence between the Cuban resolutions
and the Dupout election case, which was
finally settled by laying aside the Dupont
case, while Sherman addressed the sen
ate in support of the Cuban resolutions.
Sherman discussed at length the
, character c the insurrection and the con
ditions existing in Cuba. It was not
best, he said, to send a joint resolution
to the president, as that would compel
him to act iu Uu days, and this was not
judicious. He had confidence in tbe
president. There were political differ
ences between them but, he added, "No
one doubts bis courage ; no one doubts
his fidelity to the Has of our country."
Shenaann relerred to General Weyler
as a butcher, and said the conditions in
Cuba were flagrant. If war does not ex
ist in Cuba, he asked, where on earth
does it exist?
Speaking of the demand for facts, he
said Senator Lodge had obtained from
Secretary Olney ample facta to justifr the
resolutions, but far obvious reasons these
could not hi made public.
At the conclusion of bis speech the
Dupont case was taken up, and Pritchard
addressed the senate in favor of seating
iu this. Times wcro dull and it is said
tho price may bo reduced again,
Tho Cuban controversy in congress is
giving the sugar trust eomo concern, for
if tho belligerency of tho insurgents is
recognized tho trust may be cut off from
receiving supplies from that sourco for
an indefinite psriod," whereas, if tho de
bate on the resolution is postponed tho
shipment of sugar from Cuba will con
tinue for n while longer.
Desperate Situation.
Ekik, Colo., March 13, If thu coal
war has been a boom to consumers, it
has been death to the miners, bringing a
reduction of income, and baio subsis
fence in all cases, and destitution iu not
n few. It may result in actual distress
in many families. Tliu winter hns not
been a favorable ono fur coal miners.
Tho weather has been mild and tho de
mand correspondingly light. Ilenco the
miners earned small wages, not to ex
ceed $25 per month. Many have earned
nearer $10 or (12 a month.
Closo upon this condition of affairs
caino the coal war. with the uradual
drop in price from $4 a ton down by de
grees to $2 40. :ov thu mines, have
practically all shut down. Some of tho
large companies are owing their men
from ouo to two months nay. The mer
chants are not able to carry the burden,
and already some have been forced to
the wall. The outlook here is anything
but bright, and while there is as yet no
starvation, it is only a matter of a short
time when there will bo hungry men,
women and children unless u sjoedy
turn in affairs is taken for the better.
Story Of An Insurgent.
"i.nv Yotx, March 12. Colonel Fred
erico Perez, chief of the staff of Maceo,
is here on a secret mission. He will re
turn to Cuba in a few davs. In an inter
view last night he said:
"When I left Cuba, Gomez and 3Iaceo
were very well satisfied with the con
ditions existing and hoped to be able to
do something more decisive in the near
future. The raid through the central
provinces brought good results. The
Cabana gained arms, ammunition and
men. Many Spanish volunteers have
taken the field with them. In the' east
ern part of the island over 1000 Spanish
Eoldiers have deserted to the Cubans.
"Since then there has been a reorgani
zation ana jlaceo and Gomez were about
to unite their forces aeain. Thev now
have an army of about 25,000 men in the
central provinces. The Cubans have
throughout the island about (50.003 armed
men and about 40,000 partially armed.
Of the armed men about one-third arc
cavalry, who have plenty of good horees
The Spanish mounted infantry arc no
match tor them. Many of the Spaniards
are not able to ride, and when thov
charge, they cling with both hands to
the pommels of their saddles and do not
control their horses.
"Since General Weyler took control,
the Spaniards nave done nothing. Thpv
have a great many flying columns in the
field, but they are always at the rear
guard, following alonz. and never hv nm
chance coming in contact with the van
guard. That is the. reason that Maceo
was able to as3 from the province of
Pinar del Bio to the province of Havana
without firing a shot, though the Span-
isij army marched through the recion
I was in the 10 yearn' war, and saw the
Spaniards fight like demons. Now there
j - iujujc. ioey seem to nave no
heart for their work. They fight weak
ly, and do not seem to care how the hat-
tic may go.
"The Spaniards appear very much de
moralized, both an account of the move
mentsoflhe Cubans and the action of
the American congress. The resolutions
passed by the house and senate have
given much joy to the Cuban leaders.
"I had no trouble in getting away from
Cuba. In fact, there were manv lacili-
ties. I left the island at a toint not far
irom Havana. The whole interior of
the island, with the exception of a few
harbors held by tbe Spaniards, ia practic
ally under the control of the insurgents."
Oolonel Perez was wounded in Jan
uary at Garro, where the Spaniards en
gaged the troopa of General Maceo, and
killed four men. Colonel Perez was
shot in the neck aud was in the hospital
several weeks. He left the island a week
A Secret Agent.
New YouK.Mareh 13. A Herald so
cial from Washington says :
A rumor is current here that Presi
dent Cleveland has tent an armv officer
to Cuba as a secret agent of the govern
ment to supplement the reiwrts of the
consular officers bv professional reports
on the military operations in the island
and the condition of the insurgents. as
viewed from a military point. It is said
that reports from this officer have al
ready arrived; that more are to follow.
and that tho president will make use of
the information they contain in decidiug
upon the course to bo followed bv the
administration, or in framing any mes
sage he may send to congress. No
official confirmation of this report could
be secured in either the state depart
ment or tha war di'twrlm-nt lint for
obvious reasons, if any army officer had
been detailed for this duty, the adminis
tration would wish to keep the fact re-cret.
, Sugar Refineries.
New Vokk, March 12, It is reported
that the sugar refineries in this vicinity
will probably shut down in a few days.
John A. Searles, treasurer, said that
some of the refinciies might 1ms closed,
but that there was no special significance
Passenger Train Wrecked.
Bbazil. Ind., March 13, The passen
ger train on the Center Point branch of
the Vandalia line was wrecked at Cen
ter Point, south of here, this morning.
The engine and the miners' car, contain
ing about 100 miners, had gone to the
side track to make a running snitch,
when the other sections, compesed of
the caboosa and passenger car, got be
yond control of tho trainmen, and shoot
ing down a heavy grade collided with the
first section. In their efforts to escarp
they trampled one another frightfully.
the following is a list of the injured:
William May, right ankle, broken, other
injuries; Mitchell Gumm, a miner, ta
ken out unconsious; William Lucas. hii
crushed; Sheriff John It. Payne,
seriously injured, one ear torn irom
head; Conductor William Kennedy, feet
mashed; Harley Henderson, burgage
master, face torn; Isaac, injured
about the legs and back. Nearly every
miner sustained more or less serious
Will Report Favorably.
AVasiiixoto.v, March 13. At a full
meeting of the committee on privileges
and erections today Senator Mitchell,
chairman, was authorized to report his
joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to tho constitution of tbe Tnited
States providim: for the eltctfon of
United States senators by a direct vote
of the people. The vote was 3 to -! in
favor of an amendment, three rejwbli
cans and two democrats voting in the
affirmative, and two republicans -and
two democrats against it.
Kansas Populists.
TorEKA, March 1J. Much interest
centers in the action of the iwpulist
state convention at Hutchinson nest
Tuesday, when t delesates will lie
chosen to the national convention at
Louis. This will be the largest delega
tion from any state in the Union. The
leaders say there will be no instructions
for president, although Senator Peffer,
it is said, will be the Kansas candidate.
They want to pursue a policy that will
insure the co-oiieration of all the silver
elements, togeuier with the Eilver re
publicans and democrats. The Kansas
delegation will, it is stated, join the
other silver elements in the foimation
of a new party with a new name if that
is deemed wise.
Mr. Elizabeth Livincston uuiellv
passed away this tnornine at 10:40. of
congestive chills, at the ripe nge of 81
years, 1 mouth and S days. Jlrs. Living
ston was born near Nashville. Tennessee.
Feb. C, 1815. She came across the plains
to Oregon in 1831, and setthd with her
husband in the Willamette valley, where
they resided two years. From there
they camo to Douglas county. 1833. and
settled on Deer creek east of this city.
Mrs. Livingston was the nmtlinr (if I dir.
teen children, ten of whom aud her hus
band she lived to see buried. .Mrs. Liv
ingston lived to witness great changes in
Douglas county, having resided in it 43
years. Her remains will bo laid besides
her husbands in the cemetery in French
Seltlement next Tuesday, it being her
request that she should not be buried
till three day after her death, assho had
a dread of being hurried alive, and hence
this unusual delay in giving sepulture.
l'rom Friday' Dally.
K. O. Davis of Cleveland was in tho
city today.
Frank Plotner of Glendalu is at tho
W. A. Williams of Yoneallu is at the
Vnn Houten.
A. W. U hunks of Chicago fa a guest at
thu McUhillen.
P. Higtiins of Portlaud m registered at
the McClallen.
It. A. Cooth of Grants Pass ia regis
tered at thu McClallen.
Geo. Frater of liiddlu catno down to
day to visit hia parenla here.
C. 11. Mudley ot O.tkland is a guest at
the Van Houten.
H. D. Colwell of Youcjlla is regis
tered nt the Van Houton.
A. T. Ambrose of Yoncalla is regis
tered nt the Vau Houten.
Iu the matter of the estate of Maria
Allen, K. A. Fellows, administrator, was
granted ermis!ion to sell personal
properly at private erle.
Messrs. Flint and Kico
ihursday bringing some rich specimens
of ore with them. They tiro much
elated over the prospect.
Steven Minard and son Lee, who have
been at San Francisco for the father's
health, returned on the overland last
night. Mr. Miiiard's health, we are
sorry i-j say is not much improved.
H. 11. Gillett. who has retired from the
grocery. busiuess, has decided to engage
iu salmon fishing. He will build two
fish wheels and place them in the river
below town. We may exiicct now to bo
supplied with fresh fish hereafter, as Mr.
Gillett will devote his attention to this
business and furnish us fish iu due
season. '
J. W. Frater, who has been at Kiddle
for a couple of weeks, returned j ester
day. Mr. Frater reports that there is
considerable of a atu at Kiddle. Mr.
Day, a Baptist minister, has just closed
a season of rewvala and now a Mr.
Gillett. a Methodist has commenced n
series of revival meeting. Also the
political pat begins to boil, so, between
religion and jioliiics there are livelv
times in Kiddle.
Dr. J. D Weitand wife of llonedale.
O., a brother and sister-in-law of Mrs
W.A. trater of this city, arrived last
night on the overland from California
where they spent the winter. They ore
on an extended tour, and will visit every
place of importance on this coast ere
they return to Ohio. They will visit
with their relatives here for a while
with W. A. FrsterV family. We with
the Dr. and .Mrs. West a happy visit
Kroia Mtanky' Daily.
John Agee of Diliard is in town.
Sam Miller of Diltard is in the city
U b. bsgue of Kiddle is In the city
F. Leonard of DHIard is in the city
A. Boenicke of Portland is at the Van
K. Scott of Milwaukee is a guest at the
L. G. Matthews of Dvr Creek is in tho
city todsy.
tran Ktcd of St. LcuU is at the
Perry Dancau of Oak Crevk is in the
city today.
u. i . Lurnard ot lkut Ureek is in
town today.
A. Callahan of West Fork was in the
city yesterday.
Wm Schmidt of Union Creek was in
town yesterday.
F. M. and J. W. Conn of Melrose are
in the city today.
. .lgeeand wife of'Dillard aro sues!
at the MeClallen.
tolw. Oneil of Lebanon is a guest at
the Van Houten.
John Price of Oak Creek is in the at
today on bosinees.
Wallace Fryer of Kellogg is
at the Van Houten.
Miss Cora Drown of Portland
ping at the McClallen.
V . Kramer of Myrtle Creek is doing
business in town today.
Geo. W. A. Miiier of Portland is re
istered at the Van Houten.
Oranges, lemons, apples, potatoes
onions, F.arly Kosc potatoes. Eastern
hams 11 cents, at H. Easton's.
L. Grimes of leaking Glass cam
over from that lively town today. Th
farmers are progressing finely this fine
James Diliard of Diliard came dowi
on the freixht lodav. -Mr. Diliard rn
ports everything lively in his bun: and
the gcose hangs high.
There is a wedding on thu tapis,
time dejnmds upon the celerity
which a carpenter and painter ply
trades possibly upon whether
comet does or does not impinge against
mother earth today or tomorrow.
Miss Fern OrcuM, who has been leach
ing at Gravel Ford C003 countv.returnp.l
home rnday, having finished her term
there .Miss Orcult is not in love witL
Cov unty. She would rather hav...
slit, a house and lot in ItnsM
Frui vale than all Coos count'.
Messrs. Burnett, French it Co. have
b3en busy as nailers this week, putting
up new wires and removini: and nnttin..
in new telegraph poles on our principal
siroeis, gelling ready lor thu expecled
rush of business when Spain or England
declare-) war on the United States.
The difference between republicanism
and demociacy ns to the finances of thn
country is this.-Under Harrison's last
year as president he paid off $137,000,000
of the national debt; while Cleveland
has run the government in debt to tho
amount of .fl'03,000,000 bonowed money
and a deficit of at least f 100,000,000.
Free Sil
J One SSt Scarf Pin
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is EtOJt-
his is the Place .
to Buy
A full aud complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
aud, sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
New York Cash Store,
- - f Alexander & Stroag t
M 326 and !8 Jackson St Bet. Oak and Washing,,.
r&'. '-'ril. -A , !k A Larso ted Elegant Line ol f- -?J CD P CT W
Wntl'll tho l.rv-.i:.,.. --.I 1 II V i 1-.. 1.1 ....x
uc iiayo put our prices of Second Hand Pianos so low that tho public can see tho
greatest reduction ever offered in Pianos. Trices ranging from 75 to 175 for Vn... .,:., o,Vi iirm ltr .. i "i .
. . i-uu iu puu, uu iihuuu iu;iu&u uul uur euuru BLOCK
pi musical j$oods this spring and summer. Business and residence property on the
installment mail nt n Inw rnla nf intnrnof Hntl nn o A ,1.1,.,,,
Wo will keel) in stock this season Mnririin .t Wrulit ()iiiiU- Timir Tlroo fi-
. o ...0... -! ".. ,vji
11 1 1 llititlu 11 ;n 1-.. I. if - -t . m' t . i. . . . . . I
.... ...wo. .iu ui aiso ueep uio iA'aguo iires, aim a urn siock ot ituuuer and
iMi.i r1........ y i i ... i .... .... .
tnivcs anil raieiune: ituuner. lieiia and Lanterns, mid mmi
.... , j .
-..jiuiiiB hi me uicycio line.
f-'end for our Catalogue of "J(i Wheels, and we wfll send you free for six months
n fnnw t( 1 1... "K . ...i. n.. .i i .11
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Is what we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends.
will come too.
We are not here for. 3. day,
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
.Roseburg, Or,
Joseburg Oregon