The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 16, 1896, Image 2

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rublikhcJ Dally, except Sunday.
Subscription States.
One Year, by mall .. W TO
Six Months, " .. 1 JO
Three Months " T5
One Month 2S
fcr WcvV, lcliYereil by Carrier...-.. 10
Ylic Weekly rintutlcalcr.
One Year.
s-i Moulin . .
Three Moulin .
, 1 00
. JO
MARCH 16, 1S96.
Fair Treatment."
The I'laixdiulke wishes it distinctly
understood that it is uot responsible for
the opinions of its correspondents. It
Sires place to their communications oat
of a spirit of fairness. Hie Plalnde w.ib
has not and trill not make editorial corn
meat cither for or against' religious or se
cret societies, as to their merits or de
merits, It sires the news of the move
ments &3 they come to tiie euiface and
leares the reader to draw his own infer
ences. It has siren the replies of the! A.
P. A'e. to caustic strictures of the lie
view. This it hat done for "fair treat
ment," the Review having refused to
print replies to its sweeping condemna
tions of that order. The Review boasts
of "fair treatment" bat in their case hit
peremptorily refused to be fair and print
their replies.
Attacks on Protestants.
The Review is not satitrled with attack
ing the several Protestant churches, bat
zsaloaslr at the word of command from
its master, turns its cowardly broadside
on the members as well. It calls the
recent revival meetings held in the Bap
tist church a "scheme" and a ''dodge to
arouse the interest of cbarch-going peo
ple." Yet if any person shall haTe the
temerity to resent these dastardly at
tacks the A. P. A. will be accused of
"stimng up strife." Are those system
atic attacks first on the Protestant clergy
and now on their congregations without
some ulterior object? A great many in
telligent people are seriously impressed
with the idea that a large-sized Roman
pote is !osuy iitrnng up t tie polecat in
the Review office.
Threat To Boycott Churches.
This appears in the Review of the 12th :
"Those churches whose pastors hare
taken part in this A- P. A. crusade will
be in no wise benefited by it because the
business element, and substantial por
tion of the community with few excep
tions, take no stock in the craze." Yet
this paper claims to In; "owned and
managed exclusively by protestants.'
Oh ! shade of JIartin Luther!
The Capital Journal thinks "the
offensive dictatorial tone assumed by the
Puu.nde.ilek is uncalled for." Brother
Hofer, ne, as well as yourself think this
is a free country and we never lay
aside our right to read tho utterances of
our exchanges and say what we think of
them ; just as you do of your exchanges.
JI the language seems to warrant it we
will say that black is made while, and
vice versa. Mr. Hofer, as he says, hav
ing "prided more that was favorable to
Mr. Hermann than any other paper in
this district," now "has a erfect right
to stand with the friends of any candi
date that 3Iarion county republicans see
fit to present to the convention at Al
bany." 01 course be has. No one dis
putes it. But from the lone of the above
cautiously worded declaration it is clearly
discernable that be is no longer standing
by Herman. That is all. He is now
standing by Marion county's candidate,
Possibly that one will be Hofer. We
never questioned Mr. Hofer's right to
stand-by Hofer.
lue expenditures o! the government
were in excess of income from 1S5S till
1665. After that till 1S91 the revenue
was in excess of expenditures. In IS91
the expense of the government was
fc,S03,2G0 more than the revenue.
auu in is j j iue expense oi toe govern
ment was ft2,S05 ,223 over revenue.
Thus it will be seen that since the close
of the war, 1S65, under republican man
agement the government has been pros
perous. But now since the repeal of
the JfcKinley act and the enactment of
the Wilson bill the goyernment has been
running behind, as wsll as the people.
Why is it so? The answer is apparent.
We need protection.
"Marion County has received no such
favors of Mr. Hermann as other counties
have," says the Capital Journal. That
accounts for the Journal going back on
Hermann. A long time getting your
eyes open, Mr. Hofer. But better late
than never. Trump your partner's ace
and get the lead and swing for jack, is
fair gambling.
The editor of the I'lai.nuealeb docs
not assume to be the Warwick of this
Congressionial district. We only want
to share that honor with Hofer of the
Capital Journal. It is loo hip a load for
Hofer to pack alone.
I Front our own correspondent.
PAKT 11.
Whether or not it is known in Oregon,
it is well known in Washington about
the national capitol, that Oregen fares
better in proportion to her population
than any state in the union. She fares
far better than the great state of Califor
nia, with her seven representatives and
two senators. She is "out of sight,"
compared with the state of Washington,
or any other Etate west of (be Missouri
river. This is not mere idle statement.
The figures prove it. It cauuot be suc
cessfully refuted, it cannot be success
fully denied, aud yet, iu face of this fact
generally aoknowledged iu Washington,
about tho national capitol, I understand
some of the opposing papers have the
boundless temerity to ask. "What has
the delegation done for Oregon?"
There is not a senator or representative
in congress, republican or democrat, who
cannot testify to the "pernicious activ
ity" of the Oregon delegation oven if
the figures did not show it. "What has
the delegation done for Oregon?', Theso
editors are like the glutton, not satisfied
with more than enough, but continually
crying out, "more, more." They do not
stop long enough to get their bteath and
be grateful.
It cannot be, however, that these men
are as ignorant as they appear. It is
more plausible that they are concvaling
their own personal, selfish cuds, under
the cloak of seeming ignorance. There
are sotneVho would sell their mothers for
sake of gain, to say nothing of mothers-in-law.
It is therefore barely possible
that there are men who would sell the
interests of Oregon to terve their own
private purposes.
In the consideration of this question,
it must be remembered that there is an
important factor contributing to the
value of a congressman, aside from ex
perience, and knowledge of the ins and
outs, the windings and the turns. It is
the committee aniwintruents which are
determined altogether by length of ser
vice, and it is in the committees that
nine-tentlis of all the work of congress
is done; it is in the committees that all
great questions arc settled. Some of the
most valuable men in congress are never
beard on the floor, the general public
does not know of their existence; their
work is done in the committees where
they occupy leading places. When a
new man comes here, no matter how
able or brilliant, no matter bow he can
delight the people with his happy illus
trations and rounded periods ; no matte
what hne analytical powers tie may
bring to bear in the consideration of any
great question, he mm! go to the foot of
the list. A first term member of the
bouse is never appointed on a leading
committee; it is seldom that a second
term member is. It is possible occasion
ally for a first-termer to make a great
noise on the floor of the bouse and ap
pear to the world to be doing a great
deal, but he does not really accomplish
anything. He must serve his appren
ticesbip and abide his time. In his sec
ond term, if be is fortunate, he gets on
fairly good committee and is put pretty
well up on the list. This is of itself im
portant for the nearer be is to the top of
the list on the committee, the greater is
his power to accomplish anything. It is
not, however, until bis third term that
the member of the house be sins to reach
bis highest possibilities of usefulness
If a member of the dominant party he is
sure of a good chairmanship; he has
ranking place on one or more other com
mittees, and bis voice is listened to with
attention and respect in the party coun
What is true of the boute is equally
true of the senate. Mucb depends upon
seniority; the new senator must take bis
place in the line. Senator McBride was
more than usually fortunate in his com
rallies assignments because Senator
Mitchell had charge of the re organira
tion of the committeea and therefore
could do prelty much as he liked for his
colleague, but this exception only proves
the rule. It was in part. Senator Mitch
oil's seniority of service that gave him
this power and as there could be lonly
one chairman of reorganization, he was
the only member of the senate who
could make an exception of his new col
In the house Mr. Herman is a ranking
member of the great committee on rivers
and harbors. He is the only member on
it from the Pacific coast. In consequence
all the Pacific coast members most come
to him for assistance and for tint assist-
tance he is enabled to exact favors from
them in return ; for everything in tho
nature of things, has something of red
procity in it, in the national capitol, as
elsewhere. In addition to this he is
ckairmau of the committee on arid
It is easy to fursee the result it the
people of Oregon should sacrifice their
interests by sending a new delegation to
congress. They would not have a man
on rivers and !harbors: that nlace
would be filled by a California member,
probably. They would not hsve a place
on public land. They would have no
chairmanship. The new men they
would send, however brilliant, however
learned, however energetic and indus
trious would Jiave to go to the foot of the
line. Oregon, like the 'dunce at school,
would go the bottom of the list. It
would bo years before ebe could recover
from the elTects of her stupidity. The
new member would have a transient
glorj'i a fleeting and purely local fame
at the expense of the state.
Some higb-minded soulful editor I
forget his name and bis paper recently
suggested that the ability of a congress
man to secure appropriations for his
state was a very poor qualification for
office. He should be moved by hicher
purposes, by nobler impulses; his mind
should riee above such petty things and
soar to empyrean beightB. It is hard to
comprehend these delicate beings who
are always floating about in nebulii. I
confess I do not know what this tran-
scondeutalist is driving at. It la a. safo
rule in life that tho man who is good to
his family is a good citizen. Tho uiau
who is conscientious iu looking out for
tho interests of his stato is generally a
good representative for tho whole coun
try. If he tries to take uudue advan
tage, to secure more than he is entillod
to, there are plenty of gentlemen from
other sections of the country to protest.
Tho states represented by men who are
too high-minded, too pure-soulcd to
look out tor their inteiests, find them
selves neglected iu thoso things which
couccrn their vital well boiug. Tho truo
patriot, tho highest tyjMi of representa
tive, is not ho who is continually striv
ing to extract sunbeams from cucumbers,
but tho ouo who earnestly endeavors to
promote tho welfare of that great and
needy family his constituents.
The A. P. A. Leader.
Wamiinutos, March H. Representa
tive Linton, of Michigan, the A. P, A.
leader in the house, received uoiuo days
ago a letter from Captain Thomas Phc
lan, of Kansas City, a well-known Irish
agitator, challenging him to fight a duel
at. Blandcnsburg, tho challengo being
preceded by a long denunciation of IJn
ton's courso in opposing tho church
tchool appropriations and placing tho
statue of Father Marquette in tho cap
itol. Mr. Linton was asked today if he had
made any reply to the challenge. Ho
"Kyer since the house defeated the ap
proprianou lor sectarian institutions iu
the District ot Columbia bill, partly
through my efforts, my mail has been
loaded every day with great numbers of
letters from anxious cranks, denouncing
me violently, threatening diro vengeance
and death in various forms. All of these
letters I have thrown in the waste bas
ket. There have been so many there not. time to reau an, ana l paiu no
attention to any of them. This lett
irom rueian was one oi them and X sup
pose went into the wasto basket with the
others. I bad forgotten the letters, uor
did I think who Pheun as until the
latter's photograph and a sketch of his
career was printed iu tho papers. Since
publicity bas been given to it, I may
conclude to mase some reply. ot so
mucb to Phelan as to the fanatic spirit
which he represents. Of course fighting
duels is not in my line. That sort of
performance is considered rather ridicu
lous by Americans of this generation
The threats which I have received from
cranks have not alarmed me iu the least
and I would have preferred that no pub
licity be given to them.
"I am not an enemy to the church
but I am unalterably upposed to govern
ment appropriations to assist sectarian
work and to any tort of union of church
and elite and shall continue to oppose
Captain Phelan is reported as a cele
braied broadswonlsman and .a Fenian
A few years ago he was stabbed in a row
in O'iXjnorau Rossa's office, in New
The Comet.
bas I-kajscisco, March U. The Per
rice comet, which was scheduled
strike the earth today, failed to arrive.
The astronomers at Lick observatory say
that the cornel was last night tW.OOO.OOO
miles away, with no prospect of coming
any closer.
school books at Marstcrs drug store.
.sew neckwear for ladies and gents at
Jay Brooks'.
Get your school books at 3Iarsters
drug Etore.
bpnng goods now arriving at Brock'
Cash Store.
1. fc. West doea miurauce. Office
opposite the post office.
tor Sale. Old papers, at this office
at 25 cents per hundred.
Henry Easlon's teas, coffees and spices
can't be surpassed for quality.
Munyon's Honiu-iwthic Remedies for
sale at 3Iarsters' Drug Store.
Mens' and boy6' shirts at prices which
beat the record at Jay Brook's.
ror bargains in family groceries, call
at the Tepole's store, Cass street.
If you don't want to pay other copleB
debts, trade at the one Price Cash Store,
Candies, nuts, dried fruits of all kinds
and of the best quality. Call at IL East
Furnished rooms for a small family for
housekeeping. Enquire at this office, or
at 105 Washington St.
Wanted : A girl desiring a place, either
in a hotel or a private family to do house
work. Enuuiro at this office.
For choice family groceries, call at tho
People's Store, Mrs. G. W. Rapp, pro
prietor, and get your supplies at bedrock
Baskets, rope aud willow. Brooms,
from 11) to 00 cents. Groceries of all
kinds that will suit any family. H
ave money and time. To parties
going East, go by the O. R .A; X. short
route. Call on or write to V. C. London.
Iiosi trg, Oreuon.
( .no and get jour dental work before
pril loth. Dr. Davis wishes to an-
nouuee that he will sjwnd ouo or two
months in Portland after April 15th.
Constantly on hand at the Beer Hall:
Cheese, Swiss, limberger brick; fish,
spiced herring, sardines, caviar, neu
naugen, pickled pigs feet, pickled tongue,
ox-mouth salad.
J. P. Jackson has received another
arge assortment of samples, which
ho invitee tho public to come and in
spect. Foi quality and prices ho can't
be beat. A rKiiREcr kit uimunti;i;i.
For Sale or Rent.
The Palmer sawmill. For particulars
address. E. C. Palmer, Drain, Or.
Crescent Bicycles.
Curie & Richardson have just receiveu
direct from thu factory, ten wheels
model 'SMJ. More will be hero soon.
The highest grade known to the cycling
world, thu product of tho largest bicycle
factory in tho world. All wheels unless
otherwise ordered are fitted with the
celebrated Morgan & Wright quick re
pair tire. Piices from flO to 75, cash
or installment.
Catalogues mailed to any address free.
The couuty court adjourned tu meet
on the Utb day of April next At that
time all claims made by the circuit court
now in session, will be allowed, that the
warrants may bo turned in to the sheriff
on taxes for l$Xi, where they do not ex
ceed over ooe half the tax. AH taxes
will bo delinquent on the 301b day of
April, ISOti, when cost will be added on
all taxes not paid. No warrants will be
taken on taxes after that date.
A. F. SrEAttNs,
C. H. Mai'I'in,
W. L. WlLbO.N.
Special Notice.
Thu liushey addition in North Rose
burg, consisting of 'AW acres of choice
land, having been platted into large
residenco lots and acreage property,
now placed upon the market at cut rates
payable in yearly installments, bearing
six por cent interest per annum. The
title is perfect and every parcel sold will
be released by the mortgager from the
operation of a certain mortgage now up
ou tho property. To examine plats and
learn prices, etc., call upon
D. S. K. Bcick, Agent,
Qrand Jury.
Ben Huntington, J. A. Jacques, G. W
Shrum, Walter Kent, Frank Anlauf,
A. Hinkle, B. J.Trowbridge.
Wednesday Night, March 18
The Celebrated Medium
Av;-!cl by a nutsU'r ot tuneriul rarUiuratJe
ltow lor int cxprest rurpieoI
ilcontnillus Spirit lVmcr
in (at! fas light.
""""i" air. luer are fcen
fu"- incy con verve nlth vou
. . bands nitb their trlcnds.
A tabic aric four fu ( fwt In 1.1.1 .1.
spirit hanl and faces are tilainlr urcn and
recofrnized by friend'. A guitar is nlaved an J
Honcri are brousnt and imc.1 to tbc audience
1.. man: I'uuuij seen, iicus are rune. Uan
are pUjed. and other lest of a spirit nature tat
juacc in uie presence ol these wonderful medi-
. . w,,noat Iirr. Transit of the
iIJ. 1 1 rj'" "Tinier, uravitauon
crs mysuneu. tclcntitt" ajtonhbed. Clenrr
11. uuujuuuutv. me uuex
plained wonder of the nineteenth century.
JIrvcls fpirituliin. Comprebeulsvc think.
iwrs often at facuicc owns at S. The
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural
1106 G St.. N. W. Wahlngton, 1). C.
For many years in the General Land.Office.
Examiner of Contests. Mineral vs. Mineral va
Railroad and Aerlrnllnral rlnlm. ami l.t
fuii:i ut tug jimcra Division.
Proposals Wanted.
1. .&c1"1 Uda w III be received at the offlcc of
:.'"'.r,-il:,.'uJ iaic,.aicni, ur., until 10 clock
r. M. Wedncsdav. Anrilx. lienl. fnr tho xnwXr...
Bimiuiup.euuuoiRnuspiiai bUlkling at Ko$c
burjr, Or., nccmllus to plans, specifications, etc.
noir oil exhibition at thi- nn,-f nt I
-Ncer, architect. 135?j Firt st , Portland, state
houw. .-alem, Or., aud at the ioldicrV Home, of
hoscburK, Or. All bid must be accompanied
wiw a certified check, draw n to the order of II.
K. Kincaid. lna sum ciual too ier cent of bid,
tllC Same t(l t0 fYtrfeltr.1 ami f.. ,KA
numc mnu m ease mc lowest or ac
ceptable bidder fails to enter Into contract, with
accepted bond,ln the sum oi the full amount
of contract, with at least tno sureties, within
10 days after the award of contract. AH bids
iuu?i ihj nuurcsMM to
" 11. It. KINCAID,
" secretary of State, Salem, Or.
-utiiitn iiome.
The riht to reject any or all bids is herebv
reserved. Ily order of the Hoard oi Trustees o'f
the Soldiers Home.
aucsi: 3. 11. ORMSI1V, Cbmn of Board.
Notice to Creditors.
x Oregon, for Douglas county.
In the matter of (he assignment of J. Abra
ham, an Insolvent debtor.
All persons hatinc claims acaiukt th,'nl,w
named J. Abrnhani arc hereby uotiiied to pre
sent their claims under oath to me nltbin three
mouths from the date hereof.
uaii at itoH-l.nnr, On-con, March 13, jS'.ifi.
H. r si.oiTM,
. VslKiiee.
Hru.v ATlVTIN.
Attorneys for Assignee ml9t7
2 M. F. Rapp,
Jackson Street, Rostbnre, Oregon.
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
Corner Jack a on ana uoagilam Streets.
New Store ! New G4s ! Prices Jist Right !
The Howe Farm, east of town, has been plat
ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from 525 to $100
per acre.
Any one waiting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban hqine ean n6w be accommodated on easy
All lots sold in First
than doubled in value. The
the future. More fdf tunes are made in lands near a grow
ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor
For information or
Estate Office, or on
Or T.
Depot Grocers
Give us a call. Goods delivered tu
Corner Laue & Sheridan Streets,
Keep your Money at Home.
The Best in
Cleveland Distilling G.
Manufacturer! or and Dealers in
tiooJa delivered la quantiUti oi one gallon or on re. Orders Iron Town and Counter
solicited, and nlll be prow tlx attended to.
flfflr n.l
Marble and Gr
B. ff .
Mar' &c
Estimates Furnished
Office and
....,. , . . ... .
ccaieu projMjsais will DO ,-v,l h-
the Oregon Soldiers' Hod itt to ba opened
in the office of Baid ' daxn
Marcb23d, 1SS, forfu, nWhingtlieHome
the following articles a a a( ; :.
- www
institution for one jerr frr ,m tho ,8t da,
of April, 1S90.
All articles musUU fin .t rl.Bn
line and tho right 5s re? ervp,l r ;t
any or all bids Bw"bmittf .
Apples (dried), barlo y (pearl), beans,
, 6rict Uoeim-
("canned), rmrkpro -Jijj . n
ham, hominy, mace roni, mutjtard, oil
(kerosene), oysters, its (rolled "Lrmmes.
pepiier. peas (canned), fly pape r
rice, salt, ingar (grap alated and? coBe),
FOR as
Gentlemen, y
and Children, a
Brookside addition have more
prospect is much better for
conveyance, call at ony Real
BEXaBEN, Popr. 1
any part of the City in ehprt order.
Drink only home made Beer.
the Market.
anite Works.
Dealer in all Undi o!
and Granite Monuments
aud Headstones,
pf rtt.and Cement Curbing
JFor- Cemetery .Lots.
'411 -all kinds of Cemetery Work
.tMlitnuoEB. 7 it Oak Bire&t.
syrnp, eoda, sage, soap (ivory aid
,Iv iij" , i:
t a K7 a vwutu BUU lUUlitll 1 I . BbVIU1IIBB
tea, tobacco (Star, Climax, Seal, Roes,f
etc.), baking powder (Royal, YermicelH,
vinegar and match" ; also fresh meats
beefpork and mntton.
W. H. vass, Commandant
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the understtcned that I- do not allow
dead animals to be buried on. my? prem
ises, at Roseburjr. Orecon. nr irarh
aniupeJ thereon ot 8Md or tiatei to
, a-
orxravel first contract with me for the
tight to bo do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Rosx,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, March 17th, 1895.
406 Jackson St.,
One door aofith P.O.
Tobacco ana
AnA vttrj this;
Tobacco ana Clnrt .
x eue in
Hrkeit Karkct PiM ftr Cttafry fr4ae.
Giro him a call and be eonrlncad.
Star. Climax, Horse-Shoe and Spear
Head Tobaccos, go at 45c per ping.
Toddy, Eten Cbange, Baltic-Ax, 25c,
Eaw-log, 95c.
Bice, 16 B lor 1.
Sugar 16 and 17.S for $1.
Lard .85c.
Choice Savon Soap 85 z per box.
Canned Corn 10c.
Tomatoes 5 and I2c.
Best Spider Leg and Japan Tea40c.
Unn-Powder Tea 45c. . .
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder 1S
can 30c, ijlb can 15c.
Eastern Hams llc.
48 Prunes 25c
Honey 15c.
8pices 10c.
Candy 10c.
Brooms 20c, 30c and 40c
Rope 10c per B.
Beans 3c, etc., etc
Other goods accordingly.
Cash Talks.
ns a
call and we will do'yoa
Jon. 30. 1G.
Family Groceries,
Books and Children's Toys.
A mil LEOS OI-
froits, Xttts, Freaca Ctidies, CoaJectissirj
Caaaed Goods, Cefees, Teas, He
Xpetalknd jlaaaittrtoatai Tea.
la kaTina- a Uxt mlt Krvttne(
Glass and Delf Ware
aatoalaMnf Iot trieea. Oxr on masti
Toasa m.ui tttj pce!az.
KujostreetiTtda sv aal extrstiTa ttota a
Iiies' Dwjs Goods, Kibrwis, Trimffiiis,
wes, tc., Itc.
Of the bt rjnalitT aad anlah.
Wood, Willow ud Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Custom-Made Clothing
Wllei U offered at eoateriw. AfaUaaS
elect ttxS of
OaaataaUyoaaaal. AUotie
Krm "er of aa,
Shilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in great demand, rocket sixe
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents.
Children love it. Sold by Dniftriats.