Evangelist Palmer's Sermon. At the Baptist Church Monday night, .Mr. Palmer discoursed upon the teit, "Without a parable, spake lie not to tuem,3Iark, iv:34. The speaker began his sermon by stating a few truisms; there are no two things alike in nature- nothing is perfect, the best men havo I defects, no logican however talented can formulate an argument perfect in all its parts, it will bo more or less lame (so it appeared) as viewed by critics. Ho laid NOTES OF INTEREST. A Salrmau, tho reliable jeweler. J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. School books at Marstera'' drug store. Go to the Hosoloaf for the best cigar. Good goods at tho lowest prices at Salz man's. For a good 5-ceut cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Wood taken on subscription at this down a few propositions and sought to office". demonstrate their truthfulness by re- For Gret-clasa dentistry go to Dr. Littlo lcrnng lo Uio works of nature, which he of Oakland, Eaid agree in every part with tho Bible Solid silvur tea und table siKXJua at Salzman's. I'uro freeli candies, fruits and nuts nt the Hoselcaf. New Goods, and convincing prices at These were depravity, trinity, atone ment, and regeneration . Admitting ecr lain conditions which he assumed to be facts, as factj he made good his aigu meat. Mr. Palmer is a readv and fluent speaker and may be classed as an orator 11,0 Novelty Store, of no ordinary ability, and handled his Harness of all kinds at low subject with considerable logical skill. G. W. Woodward's. 110 inunigeu a mile in a common custom Key West, imported and among me clergy, tuat of reminding his cigars at the Itosoleaf. hearers of soma of the heretical notions of clergyman on the mysteries of tho tiinity. His views were of course clear, and if rightly understood would bo clear to every one. Great is the mystery of godliness. It's arithmetic is hard to Vfia! 1 satfed k dealing wiffi G.W.KRUSE T1IK GJK.OCHJK, 406 JnckHou Ht. One door south I'.O. Choice Tcai, Coffees, Tobaccos and Clears. And every thins cliu lu I mcuroecry nuc. Ul;hcst Jlarkct l'ald for Country Produce. Glrc htm a call and be convinced. em prices at domestic Have you seen the latest in ladies' and gents' watches at Salzman's. Lvic prices are what move goods at tho Racket Store. Call and see. Buy your silverware at Salzman's and comprehend. It'u problems are difficult 801 lhe st at the lowest prices. to solve, but depravity naturally falls to the lot of all, as the old lady said : "I believe in depravity, aud I thank the Lord, I try to practice it." Conway Escaped. Dkaix, March 'J, l&tt. Warren Conway, who was arrested and brought up from Elkton last week on a charge of rape on the person of .uenia .cversoi, succeeded in escaping from the custody of Constable C. W. Grubb Sunday night, und so fir nothing has been heard from him. For good substantial blacksmithing cheap, go to McKiuuey & Manning Oakland Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens and optical goods at the loueit prices at Salzman's. A lew cases good substantial boots at reduced prices to close them out, at II Stanton's. fcbocs! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Cheape than the cheapest at Itichards' Cash Racket Store Prints, Ginghams. Shirtings, Percales etc, fresh stock, choice patterns at the Constable Grubb tells the following Noveltv Store i f 1 nf . I lor u me escape : "unaay nigui, .on- You will admire the neat and choice way wisueu 10 go and spend uie evening nattern in nnr nr i, nf n..t:., in. ri.j 1. . it.. 1 " J ui..uin:ui ii uucie, -v. m .nan, ,i, -t .!. Vovehv Store where several of his friends were staying, having come up from Elkton U attend the examination of the prisiouer. I went with him to Mr.lHart's, keeping a close watch on him, however, for I suS' Largest stock of fancy cliairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose- burg and at prices lower than ever For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call pected that he would escape if given a on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock chance. After staying at Hart's for Pnioraw3 au Sraues 01 nead gear, awhile we started to leave as it was about Bring your job work to the Plaixdeal- bed time, so I picked up my hat, but EK office. 0 are prepared to do the Conway's hat seemed to have been mis- cheapest and best work south of Port- placed, and as wc were looking around I 'nd tor it, Us go: near a door that led into Farmers. Our large line of well made uie Kiicuen and m an instant had jumped overshirU only needs a looker and we uiroagti tne door and out at another, have a buyer. Call at the oveltv and when I got outside he was nowhere Store to be seen. He had never been locked up, but had been in the chae of S. P. Steele until Sunday. His eseare seems to have been well planned by his friends and relatives. He was to have had a hearing before Justice P. W. Rhodes Monday. ClTlZEX. 2 . Rice, at bis ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household furniture aud tin ware at prices to suit the times. If you don't waLt to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. Langenbnrg'e. Repairing neatly and promptly done. . . . a a I Aiiacnea. I Hoof mixture in Dress Goods for On Monday the gents' furnishing store durability, quality and prices ; we invite of J. Abraham was attached by the sber- comparison. We Kill nut l underiold. iff at the instance of Nenstadter & Co. of Call at the Novelty Store Portland, for the sum of ttXX) or there- The Square Deal store has iustooened abouts. This is pailicularlr hard on on a beantifa! linn nf V 1 n.,ni,. Yonng Abraham, as he had just reopened shoes, which iirove to be the best thecs business in this city after an absence of made. Come and inspect them u.Bu.uuu i.n cumro, ami as usi A. C. Hoxie sells flour at 75c and SOc a regaimng his former good trade. Had ack) 10 pound, oI for 75'. he been granted a little time be would People should take advantage of these uauouoieoiy puiieu mrougii all right. nrir T : . l. . -r... ' i-wwiic. w uv. iw ijiu: jci iu cueu a compro miee as we are assured there is plenty of goods on hand to EetUe all indebted ness, it granted farther time. But to sell at forced sale thesa dull times would cause a neeoiess sacrince and cause young Abraham to lose the savings of years of hard labor. Wholesale dealers Ladies, are you in perfect health? If not, why not try the great home remedy, lavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas county and will fill all orders promptly, 2f. Rice, one of our enterprising furni ture dealers has now on sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish should be as lenient as possible, for their Giro hxm call before purchasing olse- own sake as well as their patron;, and WDcre- give inem a chance to work out their sal- 1- Langenburg is still on top. He vation. Jack is a rustler and well liked carries a full stock of choice music, mu- by the people of this community aud is ocal instruments, violin, guitars, accord- bound to pull through if given half a eons etc., violin strings of best quality dunce. always on hand. v a rta m r n t. I?vnfn'. at 1 Soldiers' Home Hospital. nf " " "T ! .ll.. " "! - J I rl,JI.;.,n in.t n.I..J II.. Ii .-I . o. , u .110 I'l nn.luol .om M. ll 1 ...... ,i; i i j . ... ... ... . n.v iuilu. Jicuj an nuui auna "UUJC uwapiuii mcu li. in pro- a, posed to build the coming summer. The . main building i, 32xG0 leet with base- . Toee havmB Land etove3 ment for lmiw mnm i,nnv t.;iM. furniture, etc., for sale can receive the and dining room, with space for storage -g ucashpr,ce b caUini? uPa N and fuel. To this are two wings UxM, a mrn,tQre and DPPb- dealer, one on each side the main bnildinz. Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Above the basement will be the hospital Toweling at 33 cents icr yard bv proper with all the necessary arrange- lhe lw,t at t,le Novelty Store. This is mente. It will be a cheap but commo- a b,8 bargain to lhe trade, as it is the dious building and will doubtless furnish Pce quoted by wholesale houses in the hospital accommodations for all immedi-1 Last. Call and get a bolt now as you ate demands. ma' never get it again at this price. To Contractors. Architects and contractors of Rose burg and of Donglas county will now have &n opportunity to file sealed bids for the erection of the Soldiers' Home hospital the coming summer. Iu an other column of today's paper will be found a call for bids, by Col. S. B. Ormsby, chairman of the board of tru tees. A Bonanza. Bill Lauuh aud his two partners were this morning offered f 15,000 for their cop per mine. Mr. Laugh refuses to sell at that figure, saying that he wants 25,000 lor his interest in a mine that assays from superficial rock 9G in gold per ton and from 40 to 70 per cent copper. SLOW JERRY. Slow Jerry has moved his jewelry shop into Beards cigar store and billiard hall where he will be pleased to have his old patrons and all others to call upon him and examine his fine stock of jewelry, clocks, watches, and spectacles, which lie is now offering at reduced prices All work in the iewclrv lina dom- In order and warranted to give satisfaction. Iton't forget the place, John Beard's uuiiard nail and cigar emporium, where Jerry may always be found to re ceive orders and do neat work. 1 1 111 1! mi AND SO HAS GROCERIES AT ALLISON'S! GONE TO ROCK BOTTOM. SEE ! A Watch for Nothing SENT POSTPAID IN EXCHANGE FOR 100 COUPONS, on, ir vou pRcrcR, FOR 2 COUPONS AND $1.00 IN CASH. The watch It nickel, ceod timekeeper, quick tem wind and aet. You will find one coupon inilde each 2 ounce bag and two couponi inside each 4 ounce bag of BLACKWELL'S GENUINE DURHAM TOBACCO. Send coupons with name and address to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO,, Durham, N. G. fluy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTCO. :oc. Star. Climax, Horse-Shoo und Spear- it 1 m t . . . ueau xouaccos, go at -loc per plug. Toddy, Even Change, Uattle-Ax, '. Saw-log, Ooc. Bice, 16 . for $1. Sugar ICand 17.11. for $1. I.ard Soc. Choice avon Soap S3; ier Iwx. Canned Corn 10c. Tomatoes 5 aud 12jc. Best Spiucr Leg aud Japau Tea -10c U tin-Powder Tea 43c. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Ponder 111 can 30, k. H. can 15c. Eastern Hams ll.c. -IB. Prunes -oe. Honey 13c. Spices 10c. Candy 10c. Brooms 20, 3l)c and -iOc. Bope 10c cr Beans 3c, etc., etc. Other uoods accordingly. Cash Talks. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which -we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. (Jivo KCod. us a c, ill and o will do'vou lleiiectfully, I). F. ALLISON. Jon. 30. '00. MRS. N. BOYD, D HA LEE I.N CaOICE Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL LINE OF- Fruits, .Nuts, French Candies, Confectionery Canned Goods, Coffees. Teas, Etc UirOUTEU KKI WIST CIGAUS. CHOICE BRANDS OF ClliAKS JHEW GOODS NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. J.F. BARKER & CO.! GEOCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. Afpcclil bund J umJuUirjUj Tea . Our COPPEE I. Liiing a Urge uie New etjlci ol Glass and Delf Ware i'.o iilihiiig low j rjet.. Our own Torotira are Terjr riju!ar. "Sow an act and you reap a habit eow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character aud you reap a destiny, The chains of habits aro generally too email to be felt till they are too stiong to be broken. All habits gather by unseen degrees as brooks niako rivers, rivers run to seaa." Hermann is closing in on the horn stretch . for re-nouiiuation. Tho Ore gonian's opposition lo him strengthens his chances every day. The watchword is: "Whom the Oregonian opposes I'll support." How's This? We offer Onellundrcd Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrli that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. Ciiesev & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve hiin perfectly honorable iu all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tnu.vx, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Wai.ui.no, Ki.vxax & M.uivi.v, Wholesale Droggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly ujwn the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Trice 75c. per bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family Tills are tho best. H. C. STANTON Ha jut reedYc-1 a new and txtenilte itock DRY : GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Uibbons, Triinmings,- Laccs, Etc., Etc ALSO A FINE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES Of the beat quality and flnlih. GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Cr:ckery, Cordage, Etc, A! - "iinJ in large T.ianiltle ana at price tc -lt tlie times. Alto a Urgo stock of Custom-Made Clothing Which ia offcrol at cut price. A full and relect etock of SCHOOL BOOKS Gmat.intly in fajml. Aln'Hhe LATEST .NOVELTIES IX STATIOiVEKjV - X'v. S ALEXANDER S TRDNC t THE POPULAR Z HOME FURNISHERS.... 2 m 326 and 328 Jackson SL Bet. Oak and Washington. I TAfni T PnPCt? Largest and Best Assortment eTer ii X VVlLtL. 1 rl jLrff brought to Southern Oregon, and & I HUSe BJ" I tt wMk t flLEXflrtDER 5 STRONG hoSIks A SQUARE DEAU 90. GREATEST BARGAIJ15 t UlCIl llin IlPnilttlt !tml un linn tlini rn VnafavilaK irn li.l 'O'l llnn flUl n 0 nave put our nrices of Second Hand I'innoR sn Imv Hint tlm nnhlti- rrtu sm Ilia KroaieSl reUllCtlOn HVir nltPrPll in I' jnnq. IMwa rnnnmif frnm 7. Ir. 17S fnr I n 1 1 1 . V . . " V" T..ir . uu. iow pianos, uu lo Hiw. wo intetul to close out our entire stock pi musical goods this spring and summer. Business and residence property on the .Uw......wub ,au ut a ,ow ral0 01 mieresi. vjaii on us. Auuresa, T. K. RICHARDSON Glnrral It7iflf. f.r avue rJn M l ai book and prriwlicala puMihcd in the United rerrjna wlabliiB realinff matter of any Shilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croun liire, is in great den.nnd. Tockct sizo containa twenty-five, only 25 cculs. Children love it. Sold by Druggists. BICYCLE SUNDRIES AVe will keen in stock this season Morgan fc Wright Quick Kenair Tires for nil Wheels. Wo will also keep tho Leaguo Tires, and a full stock of Rubber and Kim Lenient, Valves and Patching Kubber, Bells aud Lanterns, and almost everytiung m the Bicycle line. Send for our Catalogue of ' Wheels, and we wf 11 send you free for six months a copy of the New York Cyclu Bulletin. CARLE & RICHARDSON, -txoseburg Oregon We are Here to Stay. 'i .00 t-t o I-l -CO .01 1-H P - -00 -co -lO -TJ. -eo -ei ' J, ' I ' ( ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' -1 d 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Is what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Stay. .Roseburg, Or.