The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 12, 1896, Image 1

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    Portland Libl'fiTy
Thft Plaindftaler
The Plaindealer
You Don't Get the News.
No. 3.
Attorney at Law,
KoomS, Musters BulUlinK, - ROSEBURG, OR,
CSp-Busincss before the U. S. Land Office mil
cimlug cases a specially.
Late Receiver U. & Land Office.
rets. nox-Turrro.
Rooms ? and S
ta & Wilson Block.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Will rmctioe In all tie court of the St&ii.- Of
fice in ue Court Hoaae. Donglas county, Or.
Attorney at Law,
Jiojriwrjt OVrjron.
Office urr Ue-rotoaee on Jaekaon atreot.
Attorney at Law,
La Fatsttx Lass.
Attorneys & Counselors at Law
Jtoteinrff, Orryon.
TV 111 practice In all tie courts of Oregon. Of
fice in the Tarlur-WOion block.
Physician and Surgeon
(r.S. ETarntning Surston.)
OFFICE. Rooms 6 and 7 Markers' Build Infr.
Residence, First door South ol iln. Currier's
Board lag Uoate.
Special attention to Sursery and tb
Diseases oi Women.
N. J'
OZIAS, 21. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
0oe in S. Marts & Co-'s Block, upstairs.
Calls proapUy aenrcred day or night,
Surgeon and Homoeopathic
Rottbury, Oreyvn.
E2"Cbraaie diseases a pcelilty.
County Surveyor.
and Notary public.
Omcx: In Court Uosse.
Orders (or Snrreyis; and Field Notes should
be addressed to Will P. Ileydon, County Sur,
Teyor, RoecburE.Or.
V. 8. Deputy Mineral Sunrejor
and Xotziry Pablte.
Orncz: Coonty Jail Building, np stairs.
Special attention paid to Transfer and
Address. ROSEBDRG. OR.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
4ii Jaclcitoa Street,
At Luerecn's Cigar Factory. R03EBCRG.
tfeAll Repairing entrusted to
ray care Trill be PROMPTtt and
carefully done.
Does Up
We are always in the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
Tho Golden Harvest is upon at, and farm
ers are smiling because Woodward
1 00 s to their interest.
Foil Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult your pureo and be sure and set
Woodward before buying.
To the Public.
On and after tbia date, I wish it under
stood tbat my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with tbe order. I find it
impossible to do business on a credi
basis, and bclivo tbat I can do belter by
my patrons and myself by Belling strictly
for cash. P. Benedick, Undertaker.
Koseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
(Successor to J. JASKULEK.)
Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician.
A mm. Bjr3m-:2-.
CarOUUillO HrllzllIlAIl Ej'O OilueJNeM aud SpcotuoloM
Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars and Smokcre' Articles.
Also Proprlotor aud Mauugor of Itosoburg's Famous Itargaiu Store.
Charter Oak
and Superior
The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST.
Roseburg Hardware Go.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
99X 003I.-UCJiaMJtOA'.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock' Ranees. Timber
- O 7
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Successor to
General Blacksmithing
Sliopon Corner Wusulujfton
Proprietor ol
The City Meat Market,
And Dealer in
Orders taken and Delivered Free
to any part ol the City.
The Roseburg Laundry,
202 Mnlu Htrcet, opp.
At Keasouablc prices.
Blacksmiths and Machinists
Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass,
Machine work u Specialty ROSEBURG, OR.
Lands and Miiiinp- Pronerties.
mid ICauc Sis., Itoscburir.
Poultry, 11h1i mid Game,
lu Hcnitou.
Dneahiinr Ot
KOSeDlIrg, KJr.
Hotel Vnu Ilotitcit.
r-isntK tSKYAfN, Proprietors.
There is no denying tbo fact, disguise
it as wo may by tbo free diver coinage
craze, (bat prolecliou to American in
dustries will bo llio main issuo in tbo
coming presidential campaign. That
will be the question upon which the bat
tle will bo fought and won, because tho
people now perceive by tho experience
of the last three years tbat free trade or
low tariff is a total failure. Democracy
is tho exponent of freo trado, and repub
licanism is tho exponent of protection.
Through falso representations by the
free-trade advocates in 1892 tho people
elected Clovnlond president, which was
followed by the most distressing limes in
tho history of the nation, Jtt bas been a
great object lesson.' Ilia one tbey will
never forget. It will bo remembered
that tbo position of both parties on the
currency question was substantially the
same. So tbat cut no figure in tbe
political contest. It was simply free
trado and protection. The currency
question was not in it. And subsequent
elections have proven that to bo eo, for
almost without exceptions the demo
cratic freo trado party, even in etrongly
democratic districts, have been defeated
in tbe popular elections, notwithstand
ing they were sound money men in
some districts aud freo silver men in
Their silver or nuli-silvcr sentimentB
were not of sufficient force to cave them
from dronning in tho great flood from
the cloud burst of popular condemnation
of the Gorman-Wilson-Cleveland act.
which closed mills, mines and farms and
sent an army of tramps marchinc
through the country. Cleveland called
congrees together in Bpccial eession to
repeal the Sherman act, promising hen
that was done, belter times. But that
promiso proved a failure, just as Iiib re
duced tariff act has been since. Now
tbo president ttands like a dog in tbo
manger, and clogs all efforts to reetore
confidence in trade and business by pro
tecting American industries against
foieign goods and foreign labor.
Several writers for the valloy newspa
pers have asserted tbat Mr. Herman n
has Lad no bills, of the many ho bas in
troduced, passed, and that the Congres
sional Record does not show that be has
cvle any speeches or ltta part in do
bates on tbe floor ufcouress; thus try
ing to make it apjiear that Mr. Hernianu
is a useless appendage to the house of
All of which charges we unhesitatingly
pronounce to be false. Wo havo the
Congressional Record of 1S94 beforo us
which gives the lie to all such assertions
made by Mr. Hermann's opoiients. In
tbat Record for that ono term d94) we
find Mr. Hermann made "remarks on"
100 different occasions, viz; oa appro
priations, tbo tariff, public buildings, the
election of United States senators by tbe
people, Indian appropriations, Indian
depredation claims, railroad land grants,
river and harbor improvements and many
other subjects, numbering in all, during
only ono eession, 100 or more. People
admiro shrewdness in politics, but a per
son who, in the face of tho records, 'will
aster t such an infernal lie as has Her
man's opponents, provokes the supreme
contempt of every fair minded man.
There is not one of all tho opponents
of Mr. Hermann who can make as able a
speech as be, upon affairs of state. Not
tbat tbey may not bo able to do so after
as much legislative experience as Mr.
Hermann, but Mr. Herman has bad the
requisite cxperienco to fit him for the
pressing ordeal be will be called to pass
through in the next congress.
Tho eocalled normal schools ol this
etato aro littlo better than common
schools. They are not normal rchools
in fact. They aro merely high schools
that have bom located at certain towns
either for political reasons or to benefit
Ibe.torvn in which tbey aro located.
Salem PoBt. .
Has Mr.- Fletcher, of tho Post, ever
visited these schools? Does ho know
tbat tbey- arotlittlo better than common
schools? Wo have been at the Mon
mouth school several times and know
.that it is about as good as any college in
tho state; except Eugene university. It
frr especially devoted to training teachers
and preparing them for tlfeir work. It
has prepared hundreds of excellent
teachers. Still wo do not believe tbe
taxpayers ol tho atato should unr longer
lie asked tb support even tho two normal
schools they have been supporting.
ScTllio press of ths Btnte is surging into
line. The Plainuualkk. long ago, raised
its voico against tbeso appropriations,
but first it was latlgbcd to scorn as
"an enemy of education." But the good
seed sown has germinated, grown and is
developing into ripe fruit. Let tho good
work go on down nil appropriation,
the tax of the many for tho benefit of
tho fow. Tho I'laindk.u-ku docs not
question tho good character of these
schools, tbe aro doubtless excellent, but
tot II1030 who get that benefit pay for it
themselves, not ask tho poor taxpayer
all oyer tho Btato to pay for it.
Tbo official statement in the Reichstag
that, ubilo Germany duo? not expect to
maintain a navy equal to that of Eng
land or of France, slio does intend to
havo one that will enable her to control
tbe Baltic, will bo intercating news in
As the Devil Said When He Sheared
the Pig.
EniTon Plainokalkr: Wo are re
minded of the -ibove old Scotch proverb
on reading tbo Review's screed of the
5th lust, about tbe A. P. A. The Rose
burg council of A. P. A. asked him a few
days ago to namo some things we are at
tempting to do that we should not do.
And out of all the froth and rot tbat he
gets off, we find but a few gleams of rea
son. He says that we are boycotters.
And wo here come back at him and again
repeat that we interfere with no person's
affairs and opinions so long as they will
accord to us tbe right to have ours. This
be refuse? to do, and then quotes the
constitution of tho United States at us.
We would mildlyj remark that we
think we know how to honor and obey
tho United States constitution fully as
well if not a whole lot better than the
Review people, and the party they see
fit to champion.
Again wo say we are not fighting Cath
olic, Jow or any one else. Bnt we are
against allowing our free American soil
to becoruo the dumping place for emis
saries and ignorant fanatics, who are
unable to understand or appreciate our
civil and religious Ireedom, and are op
posed to any church's interference with
our public schools and form of govern
ment. Outside of this wo are not differ,
eut from any of the orthodox Protestant
churches. Indeed, we believe all of them
havo their members vow to prefer their
own to outsiders in their dealings. Does
not the Catholic church insist on this
too? and wo have uever heard of the
Review 1 awing bands in holy horror
at it.
As to boycotting, we defy the Review
or any ono else to show where any bas
been attempted by the A. P. A. But
wo do know of something very liko it
from tho Review party. A certain indi
vidual who now affiliates with his crowd,
at one tinio presented to the council a
scheme to break down a certain worthy
oung man's business here. Saying be
was making himself solid with leading
Catholics here, and was finding out
what they were doing to cause us
What was tho outcome? Simply, tbe
council sat down so bard on him and
bis scheme that he is now an expelled
A. P. A , bobnobing with tbe Review
and ia no doubt tbo source of tbe "oath"
published in last week's Review which
is more Jesuitic than A. P. A. The
fellow got badly mixed in his trying to
face two ways. Our council is having a
good laugh at tbe Review's getting sold
in his eagerness to barm ui.
Council No. 22, Rosebubo.
Indian War Veterans.
We publish below for the benefit of
the survivors of the Indian wars of 1S53
oti, an epitiome of names of captains ol
companies, with official letters, also
other data of the 2d Regt. of 0. M. Vol
teers, taken from Walling's History of
Oregon, which will no doubt be useful in
tbe future as a reference. The first date
in each paragraph gives time of muster
ing in, and tbe last tbe date of discbarge.
A. Joe Bailey Oct. 23, 1S55. Feb.
0, 1S50.
D. E. A. Rice Nov. 10, 1S55. May
15, 1S5G.
i:. R. L. Williams Nov. 10, 1S55.
Feb. 1, 1S5G. Williams was elected col
onel of 2d Regt. Dec. 7, 1S55; resigned
Mar. S, 1S5G.
F. W. A. Wilkinson Nov. 10, IS55.
Feb. 10, 1S5G.
F. Same captain, re-enlisted com
pany. Feb. 11,1856. May 20, 1S36.
G. Miles T. Alcorn Feb. C, 1S5G.
May 25, ISoG.
II. Sauil. Gordon Nov. 25, 1S55.
Fob. 10, 1S5G.
I. W. W. Chapman Nov. 22, 1855.
Jan. IS, 1S5G.
I. Same captain, re-oulisted company.
Jan. IS, 1S5G. May 14, 1S56. W. H.
Crouch became captain of tbe comany
March S, ISoG, when Chapman was elect
ed licut-colonel of tho 2d regt.
A. First recruited battallion. Ed
ward Sheffield Feb. 8, 1S5G. May 20,
B. First recruited batallion. Abel
George Feb. 1S5G. Juno IS, 1856.
C First recruited battalion. Mike
Busboy Feb. 19, 1S56. May 21, 1856.
D. First recruited battalion. M. M.
Williams Feb. 27, 1S56. May 26, 1S56.
A. Second recruited battalion. W.
II. Latsham Feb. 13, 1S56. June 19,
1S56. J. M. Wallons became captain of
this company March 19, 1S56.
B. Second recruited battallion. John
Kelsoy Fob. 18, 1856. Juno 21, 1856.
When Kelsoy was elected colonel of the
regiment W. J. Roberleon becamo cap
tain, Mar. 19. 1856.
C. Second recruited battalliou. D.
W. Keith March 29, 1856. July 3,
B. Northern battalion. P. Nolan
June 28, 1856.
L. Ninth militia company. Abel
Georgo Oct. 18, 1855. Noy. 21, 1855
Ibo followini: named captains com
manded companies in tho 9th regiment
of militia, viz: k, batnl. tryu; (j, allies
T. Alcorn; D, Robt. L. WillianiB; O,
Jacob Rincardon ; all under Col. John
Robs. Adjutant, Chas. S. Drew. Can
tain John Kelsoy was elect d colonel of
the 2d regiment March IS, 1856, and
Captain W. W. Chapman was elected
lieut-colonel tho same date. He suc
ceeded Lieut-Colonel W. J, Martin.
James Bruco was maior of tho 2d rest
mont. All staff officers served to tho
close of tbe war in July, ISoG,
Denounces Unfair Methods and False
1 bave. noted from lime to lime articles
in tbo Review of Roseburg, touching (A;
question of ths times tbe A. P. A. and
have been struck with the manifest un
fairness itnd injustice of tbat ebeet. Sev
eral years ago, when the order was in its
infancy, tbe daily papers denounced the
A. P. A. because it was profitable for
them to do so. Now, in the light of its
gigantic growth, in such papers as the
Chronicle, Examiner and Call, and nu
merous others not controlled by the Ro
man clergy, wo find side by side, articles
commendatory as well as condemnatory
of the order, according to the bias of tbe
different writers. This is as it should
be. This is fair and just to the parties
in question as well as to tbe great body
of intelligent readers. Any other course
is an insult to their intelligence.
In nearly every issue ol the Review
we aro assured that it is a just and im
partial exponent and chronicler of cur
rent events. Its invariable praclico is
totally inconsistent with that declaration.
Correspondents of tbat paper, have
several limes sent in, with their weekly
budgets, articles favoring tbe A. P. A.
In every instance these articles have
been stricken out, and the public thus
Tbe Review has been asked to publish
writings in defense of the association,
but refused. When the articles ap
peared in tbe only other paper in the
county, tbat paper was abused for its
simple justice.
Tbo Review has through its columns
attacked clergymen of Roseburg of
every denomination (except the Roman
Catholic) violently and offensively for no
other reason than their alleged connect
ion with tho A. P. A. Lately its at
tacks seem to liayo been directed against
other protestant ministers because they
icerc prolettanl ministers. In one issne
Rev. Wallace, a Congregationaliat, in the
next, Rev. Roland D. Grant, a Baptist,
are spoken of in terms of coarse dispar
agement. In last week's issuft, extracts
from the dailypres3, clipped by tbe Re
view for no other reason than their
nasty insinuations against C. O. Brown,
tbe Congregational clergyman of San
Francisco, were given noticeable space.
This in the face of Miss Overman's dec
laration tbat she had perjured herself,
and substituted false testimony, as
shown by the Examiner a week or ten
days ago.
As the Review neyer tires of boasting
that it keeps pace with tbe times and al
ways gives the latest news, we cannot
help believing there is something rotten
in all this. Is tbe Review in such straits
that its editor dare not be jnst? Is be
so prostituted to self interest tbat he, a
professed American citizen, allows the
Roman stockholders and Romanized re
porter to dictate a policy eo variant from
what is right? It must bo so or worse
for the members of his family are
members of a Protestant church. He
and his brothers are Protestants and un
til recently, American citizens owing no
allegiance except to this government and
their own consciences. We must sor
rowfully conclade that the Review is in
tbe grasp of the Roman tiger.
catuolics don't arr fat offices.
Neither do tho political bosses. Tbe
Review in a two-column effusion written
by "A Democrat," convinces ? the peo
ple that the great majority of officials ap
pointed to various lucrative places are
Protestants. In the effort he rambled
from Baker City to Ashland and un
earthed five Prote-itaut postmastera.
This evasion is the usual style of argu
ment indulged in by the members of the
only church. Why did he not get right
down to the business at home and look
over tbe personnel of the Douglas connty
appointees? Perhaps his democratic
modosty forbade. We are not troubled
with any such au impediment in this
caso and will enlighten him. First, R.
S. Sheridan, receiver U. S. land office,
salary $3000; another son of Douglas
couuty holding down the special Indian
agency for the paltry euui of floOO and
perquisites; a nephew appointed in
Alaska; still another nephew until re
cently in tho custom house at Portland,
now returned to conduct the democratic
campaign; and, merely to make the
list more complete, our worthy towns
man, Deputy U. S Marshall Carroll.
Please note tho significanry of the above
list. Five out of six federal appointments
from Douglas county alone, Romanists
or relatives. "A Democrat" had on
leather specs when ho was peering
around over tho state for officer holdera.
We will not say anything about Judgo
Bellinger, Judge Henry McGinn and U.
S. District Attorney Murphy, but will re
turn to tbe single Protestant appointee
of Douglas the postmaster. It may not
be generally known that L. Langenberg,
another of our Catholic citizens, came
within an ace ot getting tho post office.
Mr. L. was turned down to save appear
ances, and Mr. Fisher received the ap
pointment by the trace of Archbishop
Now you can sco what aih the Re
riiECOMMUNirv ?
Tho Review has falsely accused tho A.
P. A. of engendering bittornoss and cre
ating dissonsiou in thoir community.
We desiro to enlighten tbe public by
stating fac's, aud not 1 ec'oud and mis-
lead them by unsupported assertions and
malicious accusations. The A. P, A.
was organized in Roseburg in June, 1894,
and it was never mentioned by the pa
pers and its presence not known here till
just before the city election, 18!XJ, Ovpr
a year and no dissension, no' even a
pie on tbe calm surface o Ronehot '
social pool.
All the "dissension," ail th "-id -ting
of a peaceful community into wi
ring factions" that may exist, can be
traced directly to the. door of tbe Review.
When tbe A. P. A. strength wasshown
at the city election and tbe power of the
ancient ring, which has cursed Roseburg
for two decades, was broken forever, tbe
pent up venom of tbe leaders of tbat ring
was poured out. One offered great sums
for a list of members that he might
publifh them to tbe world and wipe
them off the face of the earth. Spies
vere set on tho movements of well known
members of the ordor and names taken
by various insignificant tools of the com
bine, until with the aid of a list furnished
by a poor fellow they bad bribed lo be
tray bis trust (shame on them) tbey
claimed to have 260 names. These 260
names are a white elephant on their
hands. They dare not publish them for
all their threats, and insinuations against
tbe personnel of the order. The Beyiew
Romanized Reporter was instructed to in
trude himself into the offices of business
men and ask them if they were A. P.
A's. or to stand publically on the street
corners and loudly curae the A. P. A., so
that ether names could be added. Cer
tain aspiring politicals, who thought the
A. P. A. would deprive them of thier oc
cupation, took up tbe howl and by tbo
variety of the cadence deluded even
their friends as to their numbers like
two or three hungry coyotes near a hen
roost. Even the editor of the Review,
sapient sou of Solon, was deceived by
this infinitude of inflection.
He was heard to say in bis monoto
nous way: "It beats mshow it oc
curred. We outnumbered them but they
always beat us." He was rash enough
to say in bis paper la3t week that tbe
"itood people of this place are opposed to
the A. P. A., that they would crush it
out, and do it quickly and thoroughly."
Mieled by tbe clamor before mentioned
be anticipated the fulfillment of his
prophecy and bad two cr three columns
set up last Monday ready to strike off,
saying that "a death blow bas been
dealt the A. P: A.," "their candidate de-
feated," "they would soon complete its
destruction." But when the result was
announced, the "rooster" was taken
down, tbe office draped in mourning
and a meek little notice was all the pub
lic saw.
Now then, editor of tbe Review, in
your next ifsue yon should say : "The
Review will acknowledge tbat it has
been fatso to tbe highest principles of
journalism; it has slandered and
maligned the A. P. A. ; it has endeav
ored to array neighbor against neighbor;
it bas endeavored to disturb tbe har
mony of the neighborhood ; it has tried
to split a onco peaceful community into
warring factions.
'On the other hand tbo A. P. A. a have
ayoided controversy, even when thrust
upon them ; they bave remained silent
under provocation ; thoy have borne with
calmness the most filthy abuse; tbey
bave opposed smiling indifference to
hate ; they baye answered violence with
moderation; they bave met lies and
slander with quiet contempt; tbey have
met the deadly boycott with kindly toler
ance. They have disregarded wanton
attacks by tbe subsidized organ ot the
church rather than arouse contention,
and through all bave conducted them
selves with a quiet manliness that has
given a lie to the aspersions of their
Do this, and wo forgive and forget; le
tuse, and we take up the gauntlet you
bavotbiust at us and will fight it out
according to the laws of Moses.
A CEMocn.vic A. P. A.
New York Retaliates.
New York is the first state to retali
ate upon Germany in the insurance im
broglio. The act which Governor Mor
ton has just signed provides that if any
foreign government shall refuse to per
mit any insurance corporations of New
York state to do business in its territory,
the state insurance superintendent f hall
refuse to allow the companies of such
foreign country to do any business in
New Yoik. It appears tbat the Ger
man prohibition applies to the two
largest companies of New York : but the
act of retaliation will apply to German
fire companies now doing business in
New York, as well as the life companies
if they are any. The practical effect of
tho measure will be to drive out of the
state or into the bands of domestic com
panies a considerable volume of fire and
marine business now being done by
German companies. The retaliatory
measure is a sweeping one, and will
probably bring out a warm protest from
tbe German government.
Final Call.
AH persons are hereby notified to
make immediate settlement of their in
debtedness to the late firm of S. Marks
& Co. ; otherwise tho same will be placed
in bauds for collection. Please give this
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
ditional costs. AsiiER Marks,
Administrator of Estate of S. Marks
Now is the time to subscribe.