The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 09, 1896, Image 4

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From Friday's Dally.
W, A. Coleman of Riddle is at tho Mc
Glallcn. F. II. Gwynuo of Salem ia at tbo Van
L. Landers of Leland is at tbo Van
T. W. Youngo of Portland is registered
at tbo Van Houten .
N. T. Stilson of Union, Or., is a guest
at tile Van Houten.
Richard Pitztnan of Oak Creek is reg
istered at ttio McClallen.
Darwin tiristow of Cottage Grovo is
registered at tbo -McClallen.
The rain yesterday and last night has
expelled the 'beautiful" and now tho
hills are green again.
Mr. D S.K. Ouick Who has been con
fined to his room for several deys, has
so far recovered as to be at his oflico
S. C. Miller, ex-sherilTand prominent
candidate for re-election, Is registered at
the Van llcnten, democrat headquarters
in Rosebnrg.
S. Van Houten, J. H. Wiles and F. A.
McCall hare been appointed to assess
damages on the Hall and Underwood
roadway, and make report nest term.
No new developments of the Flint,
Rice and Shupe mine. They have been
busy for several days in their assay
oQice but the oro is refractory ; their
rocks won't yield tho meul as before.
Slow Jerry, the jeweler, has moved to
leard's Cigar Store on Jackson strec.t,
and hung out his "shingle" where ho
will be pleased to continue your patron
age. Give him a call in his new quar
ters. The cheap rales of five dollars cabin
and two-fifty steerage including meals
and berth are still in effect on the 0. R.
& X. Co's. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco.
" Steamer leaves Portland every five
At a meeting of tLe common council
last night the delinquent license list was
ordered to be placed in the hands of the
city attorny and that action be taken to
force collection. The council means
business, and intend to collect the license
forthwith. So all having not paid their
license will do well to call and settle be
fore a warrant has been issued fur their
J. AY. Chapman and wife of Hillings,
Mont , are guests at the McClallen.
Mrs. Chapman is a Douglas county wo
man born and reared in this county.
She and her buiband are on a viiit to
their numerous relatives here. Wel
come, Mrs. Affa, to your old home, and
may you and yonr husband have a joy
ous time with your host of friends in old
From itarvliy'j Iaily.
W. V. Hardy of Drain is a guest at the
Van Houten.
Willis- Kramer of Myrtle Creek is in
the city today.
D. C. Aster of Ashland is registered at
the McClallen.
J. Kerfer of Everett is registered at
the McClallen.
C. L. Westenhouse of Youcalla is at
the McClallen.
H. P. Rrookhart cf Drain is registered
at the Van Honten.
A. P. Woodard of Port Angeles is reg
istered at the McClallen.
C. A. Sehlbrede returned to Rosebnrg
from Salem on yesterday evening's local.
Stephen Staats star shines along the
representative path. Shephenisan old
war horse in politics and would make a
strong and lively canvas if put on tho
She He whistled as he went for want
of thought. Of course it wa a boy.
You wouldn't find a girl whistling for
want of thought. He No; she wouldn't
whistle; she'd talk.
"31 ay I take this seat, madam?" said
the traveling man to a lady in the rail
road car. "No, sir," said the female
witheringly. "I havo been keeping it
for a gentleman."
L. Schmitt of the Roseburg Bakery
has disposed of that property to Wm II.
Hueg, who will carry on the busineas
in tnc future. Mr. Schmitt will soon
leave for Southern California.
Another unfortunate youngster, who
was born last Saturday and will nave to
wait eight years until his next birthday,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wyatt, of Lyons, Linn county.
Arrangements are being made to ship
copper from Grants Pas3 to Baltimore,
by rail. It will be hauled in from the
Waldo mines in mattes, and the copper
will be extracted when it has reached
its destination.
A couple of tramps a big buck negro
and a white boy of about 10 years, ap
propriated to themselves several articles
of underclothing from A. T. Thompson's
clothesline and etrnck out north this
morning. Look out for them.
K. J. McClanahan, of Eugene, has re
ceived an order from a gentleman in Sa
cramento, Cal., for 20 pairs of Chinese
pheasants. The birds will bo turned
loose near Red Bluff. Mr. McClanahan
shipped several hundred of tho birds to
California last season.
The capital building at Albany, New
York, has cost that stale f 21,007,110 and
will require yet to complete it $1,710,018.
It was begun GO years ago at an esti
mated cost of fl,000,000. Tho size of
this building is 300 by 400 feet or 120,000
square feet or about 4 acres of ground.
Final Call.
All persons are hereby notified to
make immediate settlement of their in
dobtednesu to the late firm of S. Marks
& Co. ; otherwise tho same will be placed
in hands for collection. Please give this
call prompt attention and thuB avoid ad
ditional costs. Asheh Marks,
Administrator of Estate of S. Marks
At Havana's Qatcs.
Xkw Youk, March 5. A fpeeial from
Uavnua says :
Nobody has paid much attention to re
ports from the field lately. Washington
and Madrid havo been the solo centers of
interest. Yet, within a few days, Gomez
and Maceohavo achieved other successes
in tho face of strong opposing columns,
which have mado the world wonder how
it can bo drnc.
Genoral Woylor, appraeutly believing
he had driven them to their stronghold
in the everglades of Cienaga do Seapata,
has been hurrying thousands of troops
into Santa Clara by land and sea with
ono purposo of hemming the enemy in at
that point. General Pando, in com
mand in Santa Clara, only waited the ar
rival of these troops tosttiko hard blows.
But Gomez and Macco having left in the
everglade's hospitals all their wounded
and ill, taken cast from their raids m the
western provinces, strengthened their
forces with new troops fresh from Puerto
Principe and San Diego, and then, while
the Spanish battalions weia en route to
catch them, they unexpectedly turned
west again, slipping past all obstructions
with only a few skirmishes.
Now Gomez is iu the heart of Mat
auzas and Maceo is once more almost in
the gates of the capital. Trains hare
been fired on just beyond the city on tho
Matanzas raid and Monday night there
was a sharp skirmish only three miles
beyond the suburb of Jesus del Monte,
a settlement to which Havana horse
cars and omnibuses make regular trips.
There was no official report of the affair
given out.
May Appoint A Commission.
Ciiic.uio, March l, A local paper
The report that General Wesley Mer
rit, commander of the department of the
Missouri, has been summoned to Wash
ington for a conference with the presi
dent and his advisers, on a secret mis
sion of importance, is believed by army
men in this city to bo trne. At army
headquarters it is said tlwt President
Cleveland contemplates sending a mili
tary commission to Cuba to examine
into the affairs on the island, and it is
snrmised that General Merritt is to be
intrusted with the leadership of the com
mission. No member of General 3Ierritt's staff,
however, is willing to be quoted in the
matter, as the secrecy that is being ob
served at Washington enjoins silence.
The president, it is said, favors the idea
of a commission to Cuba to report on the
condition of affairs there. He took this
coorso when there was a question of the
trne stato of affair in Hawaii, by send
ing Commissioner Blount there, and he
recently obtained the appointment of
the Venezuela boundary commisjion.
That the president believes in the wis
dom of commissions is further shown by
the fact that he favored the appoint
ment of commiasioners to an internat
ional bimetallic congress to consider the
financial situation.
Besides General Merritt, several oilier
high officers of the army have been sum
moned to Washington. It is also pos
sible that they arc to consult with the
president and secretary of war as to the
best means of mobilizing the United
States troops In the event of war.
It it suggested that ifa 'ingle commis
sioner went to Cuba it would lj a mili
tary man, as his investigation wonld
have to be principally of a military char
acter. It would not surprise those who
regard the sending of a commission as
probable if General Me lit was selected,
He is a great friend of the president.
He is third in rauk in the army, a dis
tinguished soldier, and, moreover,
possesses a judicial temperament.
not, and that I never found any diffi
culty iu communicating with tho people
in a manner which leaves no doubt as to
the authenticity of any Btatcmont pur
portiug lo represent my views."
Adigrat in Danger.
Ro.mi:. March G.Ponolo Romano this
morninir referrs to tho fact that consid
erable anxiety is felt for tho safety of
thu Italian garrison at Adigrat. The
troops thero have only three days' sup
ply of provisions and arc surrounded by
the Shoan arm v. Unles3 nromntlv re
lieved Adigrat must fall, and a further
massacre of the Italians follow.
Refused England's Demand.
New Yokk, March 0. A spacial to the
World from Caracas saya:
The 90 days allowed Venezuela to an
swer the demand for indemnity for the
arrest of the English officials, Barnes
and Baker, on the Urnan river, iu De
cember, 1S91, has expired. The govern
ment will not speak officially, bnt the
highest authority is given for Hie state
ment that the Venezuelan government
refused to pay the indemnity, declaring
that the question of arrest and boundary
dispute cannot be separated. To pay the
indemnity would be lo recognize British
sovereignty over Venezuelan territory.
It is believed here that unless Sir
Julian Pauncforte and Minister Andrade
can arrange tho matter satisfactorily in
Washington. England will use force to
collect the money, treating the arrests as
distinct from the boundary.
Rioting Continued.
Romi:, March 0. Rioting caused by
the anger of tho people at tho conduct
of the Abyssian campaign was contin
ued last night in nearly every largo city
in Italy, although a rainstorm cleared
tho streets of tho capital.
At Milan tho mob marched through
the principal street, smashing windows
right aud left, and yelling execrations
on Crispi and thu ministers. Tho riot
ers went to the railway station with the
intention of preventing tho departure
from Milan of the army reserve of that
city and neighborhood belonging to the
class of 1S72, but the authorities kept
the men in thu barracks and sent a regi
ment of infantry to guard tho railroad
station. These precautions only in
creased the excitement of tho mob lead
era and an attempt was made to break
into the depot. Sharp encounters fol
lowed. The soldiers and cafabinieri
were pelted with stones, and bayonets
and swords were used to drive back the
crowds. Some soldiers and policemen
were injured. Scores of rioters wero
slightly wounded.
The disturbances continued until 2 a.
tn., when the troops at the point of the
bayonet had cleared the railroad station
aud the neighborhood of rioters, aod es
tablished a cordon of soldiers about it,
while guarding, with strong pickets, all
There is today a marked improvement
in the demeanor of the jwpulace. A
proclamation by the mayor, enjoined
the inhabitants to be calm and avoid
assemblages, which would tend to de
velop riotous demoi.stratious. Business
is proceeding as usual and the only evi
dences here of the recent disturbances
are the strong additional guards of sol
diers about the palace and all public
There was serious rioting at Parma
last night. The municipal buildings
were 1-esieged by angry mobs, windows
were smashed and the troops fired a
volley over the heads of the most
riotous oi tke mob. The rioters then
scattered, pursued by the carabinieri,
who succeeded in capturing several lead
crs of the disturbances. They will bo
kept prisoners until the popular excite
ment subsides.
Russian Opinion.
New Yosk, March 6 A special to tho
Herald, from St. Petersburg, says:
The Novosti says the defeat of the
Italians at Adowa has knock til another
hole in the triple alliance, and that Italy
and Spain arc engaged in futile wars.
The Novoo nmya casts the entire
blame for the disaster upon Signor Crispi,
who overrode the war office and the mil
itary staff. It says that General Bal-
dissera arrived on a scene of disorgan
ization and discouragement.
Approaching Venezuela.
Loxuos, March C The Times has in
formation from Coracoa, in the Danish
West Indies, that the authorities at that
place havo. been advised that a British
squadron of five ships will arrive there
shortly. Curacoa is about 75 miles from
the Venezuelan coast.
Is not Responsible.
Washington, March 0. The presi
dent said to a representative ol tho As
sociated Press today :
"I see it is assumed iu certain quarters
that an article published a few days ago
on the Cuban question may be taken as
defining tho attitude of the administra
tion on tho subject. I wish you would
say that I never saw the statement nor
heard of it until I read it in the news
papers, and even then neglected to read
all of it, supposing that it represented
nothing more than a newspaper guess.
I do not know how it originated, nor by
whom it was constructed or inspired, but
I do know that I am in no manner res
ponsible for it nor in any way related to
"I only desire to say iu addition that 1
do not know whether tho publication re
ferred lo represent tho viows of tho ad:
minietration on the Cuban question or
A Frenchman's Opinion.
New York, March 0. A special to the
World from Paris says :
No living Frenchman has suffered
more for the cause of liberty than Henry
Rochefort, tbc veteran editor of the in
transigeant. tew eti writers exer
cise so widespiead an influence over the
masses of their countrvmen. In an in
terview he said :
"I do not think the people of the
United States would stand idly by and
see, under Weyler, a repetition of the
former 10 years' tr.vedv. If the recent
resolutions In congress really represent
public opinion, President Cleveland can
not postpone action indefinitely.
"The whole body of intelligent people
I in France U with the insurgents. The
gallant tight made py tho Cubans en
dear3 them to all lovers of freedom
Everything in Frauce that now counts
for anything is on their side.
"One thiu seems certain ; the loss of
Cuba and the expense cf the war will
bring about a revolution in Spam. The
I dynasty has been tottering for some
lime. .n unsuccessful struggle against
the United States will certainly result in
the overthrow of theSpauish monarchy. '
Convention met in Grange halt at 10
a. m. J. F. Gazley, Jr., was elected
chairman and Carl Hoffman, secretary.
A committee on credentials was ap
pointed. Wh'Ie the committee was ex
amining credentials, seech making was
iu order. Hon. D. V. Stearns of Oak
land suggested that a caucus meeting bo
held to discus n dehcato question
which ought to be considered in private
or only amongst populiste.
Dr. Kent wanted to know if they
wanted to hold a secret cession to con
sider ft; -ion'.' He wanted to know who
are V king at their door foradmiesion?
Th: pestion raised a laugh it would
bo limo to consider that question in
H. P. Hruokharl of Druiu moved to
hold an executive session after dinner;
carried. Convention adjourned till after
After dinner there was a secret session
aud the prefs was excluded.
In open session the following delegates
to the stato convention wero chosen :
J. K. Gazley, Jr., II. P. Brookhart,
Carl Hoffman, F. A. McCall, Jas. Byron,
1.0 Kent, II. M. Martin, Miku Lem
mcr, J. Green and I. A. Kent.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking 1'owdci
World's Fair Highest Award.
Consisting of ono shoot of FARM BUILDINGS and ono sheet
or 78 Subjects, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, otc. These are to
ploaBo tho children. Tho Farm Houso and Animals can
bo cut out and mado to stand, thus making a complete
Mlnlaturo Farm Yard.
3 Ways to Get This Farm :
C Oonponsj or
OuiJu 1 Coupon and 6 dents ; or
10 Cents without any Coupon, to
and tho Farm will bo sent you POSTPAID. You will find
one Coupon lnsldo each 2 ounco bag-, and two Coupons
Inside each 4 ounco bag of
BlacM's Genuine Durnam ToDacGO.
Buy a bap of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the
coupon, wincn givc5a nsi oi oincr premiums ana now to get mem.
Watch tho heading, and seo how they go. Yesterday wo had '93 today '90
Wo havo put our prices of Second Hand Pianos so low that tho public can see the
greatest reduction over offered in Pianos. Prices ranging from J75 to $lio for
secondhand. New pianos, f 200 lo $400. Wo intend to closo out our entiro stocx
of musical goods this spring and summor. Business and residence property on the
installment plan at a low rate oi interest. Uall on U3. Address.
Wo will keep in stock this season Morgan & Wright Quick Repair Tires for
all Wheels. Wo will also keep the League Tires, and a full stock of Rubber and
Rim Cement, Valves and Patching Rubber, Bells and Lanterns, and almost
everything in the Bicyclo line.
Send for our Catalogue of '9( Wheels, and we wfll send you frco for six months
a copy of the New York Cycle Bulletin.
rtoseTouxg Oregon
his is the Place
to Buy
A fuli and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
New York Cash Store,
320 and 328 Jackson SL
Bet. Oak and Washington.
irni Q FT D T lgtst Best Assortment eier
YV"L.L 1 Ar Cri brouRht to Southern Oregon, and
A. Urge ud Elegant Line oi f" j""FV
We call the attention of our
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Easy Rockers
Parlor and Dining Chairs
v- Rugs and Carpets
V And all Household
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
I . I , ,
2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12
Is what' we give to every cus
tomer, for we believe the best
advertisement possible is a cus
tomer pleased with what we
have sold them, they will come
again and again, and their friends
will come too.
We are not here for a day
or for a month.
We are Here to Stay.
Roseburg, Or.