""n f " f FYOUDOMTTWr I . " . ' f M . i f . , I A' J IF YOU SEE IT Ifl j The PlaMealei i You Don't Get the'News. t ......... M.itmf mm s v ' v ' "W - : it is so. i I I ! -IS Vol. XXVII. RQSBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1896. - , tfp. 2. 1C ORAWFOBD, Attorney at Law,.-- Room Z, Mirstcrs Bulldinc, ROSXBURQ, 0R. KW-Soslncss be torts the U. 8. Land Office and alnlns cases ft specially. Late Receiver TJ.& land OBce, CBOBGB X. JMW, rim. rioi-tvraK.I B SOWN & Tusnw, Attorneys-at-Ivv, & wusoa iuocc ROSEBORG, OR. w R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at iiwlPPQand -Sanagoi: of Kospbarg'a Famous Bargain Store. "Will pncUeo In all tie coarta of UtsBUte. Ilea In tha Court Houie, DottfUl coastr. Or. Q A. SBHLBKEDK, Attorney at Law, Kojrt-turtf, Oregon. Ofioa oxer tho FMtaCea on Jacboa itrnt. CABDWELL, Attorney at Law, ROSEBORQ, OREGON. La Tatkts Luss. Jroos L. Locghat T ANE-& XOUQHARY, Attorneys & Counselors at'Law Will practice la aut&tcoaru ol Orsun. Of-1 flea in the Tj!ur-WUosi HoeJC . J7 B. OOFFMAN, Physician and Surgeon (P. S. KTarr.lnln; Sorgtoa.) 4 OFFICE. Rooms 6 ud 7 Mtnten BaIIUne. I Residence. Flnt door South ol to. Carder? Boarding Uouse. f Special attention to Surgery mil th DGSscs ol Women. jq" J. OZIAS, ?I. D., Physician and Surgeon, ROSEBURG. OS. , Ofice la S. Harks & Coi Block, upsUin. Cxlls proapUr tnrvcred dT or alsaL , jg- l. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopa'thip Physician, Bc$tiurg, Oregon. Kag-Cmualc Hit w toeiftltr. YILX. . HEYD0N, . cOUXLt.y gtxtrvsyor aad Notary pnbllc , Orncr: la Court Hooie. OrJers lor i-HTtjlnf; ind Field Kotts thoald - Ttror, KweDury, 1 1 r. F. BRIGOS, IT. a. Dcpnt- Mineral Surveyor and Notary Pnlillc Orncz: Coaaty JftQBsndisr.nptloIrx. ilppcciil (ttcatioa pftidtoTrsjuienind uonTeTxaocs. Addrest. E05EBDRG. OR. JERRY J. WILSOrt, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 411 Jaclcson Street, At Lueraca'i Ctsxr FftCtory. EOSEBCBG. 1 TJft. " Kepaltias catrastedi to my care trill be PROMPTLY aad carefully done. PRICES REASONABLE. Ca JL-r5 '3JC mm. Cwll. WOODWARD 1 Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We are always in the Lead, and mean to I keep there. The Golden Harvcrt is npon cs, and firm- era are amiling became Woodward look to their intereit. BUGGY IIAKNES Fall Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These arc all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Rednced Price. Consult your parte and be lure and aee Woonward belore baying. W. G. WOOBWARft To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credi basis, and belive that I can do belter by my patrons and myself by EelliDg strictly for cash. P, Benedick, Undertaker. Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. ASMLZMAH, . (Successor to J. KkU Watckdstkcr : .....DEALER IN........ CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND FAfjCY GOODS. WATCHES, a " Croxmlno Brazilian 2Dyo A COMriiTE Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigsrs 'aud Smoters' Articles. WE SELL Charter Oak AND COOK STOVES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & HNZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. Real Estate Bought and Sold oar ooaEaxxMMxoA, Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Prtine and Hop Lands of best m quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms, inquire ot ID. M3'Ra&BA JDwutlwM MYLIE PILKINGTON, 'Successor to G. W SOAH.J General Blacksmi thing A.ZTJD lEOAMKHHOKn-O. rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROM1TLY DONE. Bbop'ou Corner W'nsUluKtoii aud Kane St a., KoHcburjr. J. BITZER, Tropilctor of The City Meat Market, And Dealer in PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH MEAT3 OP ALL KINDS. Ordcri taken and Delivered Free to anr part ot the City. The Roseburg Laundry 202 Main Street, opp. PTPRT-fl ttcic: At Reasonable Prices. BOWEN & ESTABRQOK, GENEKAJL Blacksmiths and Machinists Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, Machine Work a Hpcclalty ROHEnVRG, OK. JABKULEK.; Jeweler : anil : Opikiai. GIqshch nu (1 Spectacles STOCK OF THE FAMOUS superior POSSESSION GIVEN. Lauds and Mining Properties, quality, in choice locations, S- KL BTJTOKr County, Oj5oAjii Poultry, I'lsu and Game, In Benson. Roseburg, Or. Hotel Vnu Xloutcit. a i.i. e work gvarantcud, FISHER & BRYAN, Proprietors THE POLITICAL SITUATION. Under this bead tbo Itovlew belabors the Pi&indeali:r and republicanism with a gusto tbat .ougbt to satisfy a polit ical zealot. Its self praise is its most con- Bplcuons character. It boasts of what it has dono for the dear taxpayer, and with brazen effrontery, decries republican newspapers, especially the Plaindealek. Tbo Review nets upon so disinterested motives all for reform. It cries "fusion for reform," but self interest is its aim. This blatant pseudo-reformer is crying lustily and loud lor reform by appealing to the peop.o-to defeat the republican nominees for office. If republicans are beaten it hopes to gain a little more 'public pap." The Reviow saye, ".Not a single pledge bo unequivocably given was kept, by the republicans elected to tbo legislature." That is false. Our representatives re- deemed their pledges so far as the house waj concerned, by re-enacting the mort gage tax law exempting indebtedness from taxation, and had we but had a republican senator from this county in stead of a demo-populist, a man tbo Re view' helped elect, that bill would doubt less iiave ras?cd the senate and beeomo n'law. jsTtie Beview Tefers to a query' of a tc- callod republican who, through tbe ite view, wanted to kaow if the Plaisde.leb would '.Mabor.ior tbo redactioq of tae ex penses of the county clerk's office some $2,0OJ. Snch a question was too silly for furthsr consideration. Tbo questioner himself would not want the offico of county clerk at a salary 0! foOO, the amount ofterMeducting &,000. AaJ, if he would undertake it for such a snm it would bo dear work for tbe county. . The people of Douglas don't want such'Jiand llng of their records as such a man would doubtlees make. There is no man in Douglas county capable of doing the work who will do it for any 300 a year. So we dia not desm such a question worthy of notice. The PtAiKOEAixs believes in paying a county clerk, be he republican, demo crat or populist, wno may bo placed in charge of that office, such a salary as sucL work is worth. Sucli piping for ro form comes with bad grace from the Ke- view wnen Jir. i. 11. snendan, a mem ber of tbe Review's party daring bis man agement, got from $3,000 to ?G,000 a year fojrjhojvork jandet the was a republican legislature that changed the fee to'.t he salary system, cnltiug down the expenses about bait. Why did not our new reformer of the Review advocate reform when he was "pocketing the scads?" Let him who can show a clean record talk reform. HERHANN AND APPROPRIATION. Querist, in the Capital Journal, assays to show that Mr. Hermann is a failure because only $30,000 bad been appro priated for tbe improvement of tbe Wil lamette river during his term. That cuts no Bguro in the matter at all. Prior to Mr. Hermann's term in con gress, Querist himself acknowledges tbe appropriation of f 34, 157.93. Now that sum was only what his predecessor and the senators thought nececsaiy; aud so with tbe 30,000 since Mr. Hermann's term, is very likely all that was deemed necessary, by Jlr. Hermaeu and Sena tors Dolph and Mitchell, for, if $30,000 were insufficient tho senators were more at fault than Mr. Hermann ; clee we must. allow, that Jlr. Hermann had more influence in securing that 30,000 appro priation than both senators. The real facts in the case are that 30,OOJ were all that our entire delegation in congress deemed necessary ; and more than that amonnt would have been robbery. Therefore, eo far as Querist'.; argument goes on that line, he stultifies himself. We import from the British Islands only f 140, 000,000 a year. N. Y. Herald, Uecembcrl'l, isuo. You should have waited for the latest statistics. In 1895 we imported from the United Kingdom to the extent of $1S1,474,33i over 30 per cent more than your underestimate. You did well this time. Nearlv "0 per cent of your state ment was truth. There was but little more than 30 per cent of Free-Trade lie in it. The Review got loaded and tired his squib Thursday, but failed to bit the mark. Load up your popgun again, Mr. Reviow ; we enjoy such broadsides from yourlittlo petard. They simply show where you are. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powdei superior to all others. BROOKS1DE. Mr. Wm Tomilson and Ed Smith have commenced work on their wood con tract's. D. 1. Barlrum who has been suUering with bloou poison in Ins liaiul we are glad to say is somewhat improved, L. Langenborg and Piter Neal are both improving the looks of their property with new fences. Mr. Smith, tbe gentleman living on Mr. Ramps place, 1ms Ect-out about a thousand fruits trees this winter, for Mr. Ramp. I). Morris who recently purchased tbe Patterson tract, has had it all put out in applo trees. J. V Indian War Vetera its. At a special meeting of Umpqua Camp, No. 0, of Indian War Veterans, held at Roseburg, Or., March 5, J 890, the death ot M. R. Hathaway, grand adjutant, was made known, when the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the members of this Camp, of Veterans, learn the sad news of our late comrade's death with heartfelt sorrow,, yet, bow submissively to the will of our Great Commander above, who we fervently hope has granted our late com mander , "A vested right," in His holy realm, according to the promises giyeriJ in his sacred text, and to which bis. fel low soldiers who are now "left in the much thinned ranks, live in tbe full be lief to join. him when the trumpet sound, Tempus fagit." : Onr comrade, died at Vancouver City, Wash., March 2, 1696, in the 74th year of his age, after a series of bodily , ail ments, but in the full yigor of bis well trained mind. He held tho office as giand adjutant, of tho 1. W. Vet's camps, for several yeare, and we all bear witness to, bis courtesy and untiring en ergy in promoting tho interests of the camps over which be superintended, and (or whicli we hold his memory dear to our beans.- In his youthful days he served as a volunteer, in the Indian War of 1855 and '56, and acquitted himself as an obedient, faithful and honorable sol dier of the republic, lie crossed tbe plains to Oregon in 1352, settling in the northern part ot the state. uctQicct), mat, to tne laroiiy 01 our late much respected comrade, we extend our sincere sympathy iu their bereave ment, believing that he was a kind hus band aud father to tbe members of the family circle, who are left to mourn for tbe present, until called to join him in mansions beyond "tbo tky, where .out Father dwellelh. Itetohed, That a copy 0! these rcsoln tions be transmitted to the family ot our deceased comrade, and that the mem bers of this camp wear a badge of mourn ing for tbe epacoof thirty days, when tbe meeting adjourned. W..F. Unices. Captain of Camp No. 6. Henkt H. Woodward, Orderly Sergt. Council Meeting. The common council of tho city of lestem.-UKcbursaneVIhnradaycyeniDg, March 5, 1S9G, and transacted tho following business: On calling the roll, tbe following mem bers were found present: Mayor Jlars ters; Councilmen Yates, Stanton, Perry, Fletcher, Churchill and Slocum ; Mar shal Cannon and Recorder Zigler. Councilmen Clements and Moore absent, Tbe minutes of tbe previous meeting were read and approved. O. C. Randell, captain of God's Regu lar Army, appeared before the board in regard to tbo boys creating a disturb ance at the barracks during meetings and ask that a regular police be ap pointed to keep order. Tbe council in formed Mr. Randell that in the future if disturbed ho was to make a complaint before the recorder and have tbe offender punished as by ordinance provided The .marshal and recorder's reports were read aud approved and ordered filed. Tbe following bills were read and al lowed: J. W. Mullen, hauling dirt..: $ 7 00 Zack Barker " " 6 00 Churchill, Wooley & McKenzie, re- pairnrg-city hall roof 1 80 Roseburg Electric Light Co., city hall lights 1 05 J. B. Cannon, marshal, nightwatch and janitors salary 67 50 F. M. Zigler, recorders fees 22 50 The bill of the Roseburg Electric Light Co., for $204.55, for Btreet lights, was allowed, less $2 Tho delinquent lieenso list was ordered turned over to the city attorney, and that action be taken forthwith to force collection. No further business, tbe meeting ad journed to meet April 9, 1S96. W. B. Clarke. A correspondent of tbe Review of March 5, says in regard to the candidacy of W. B. Clark for tho nomination for senator, that he, Clarke, owing to business engagements will not push his claims for nomination. I am acquainted with Clarke's position with respect to his candidacv nnd well know, that in the presentation of his name for th nomination of senator, that he will not push his claims to an extent that would create inharmonious action m the County Convention. W. B. Clarke': friends have placed his name before the public for the nomination for senator in good faith, aud they propose to submit his name to the County Convention, and cheerfully abide by its decision, and whoever may be the nominee, they will give him a hearty support, and put forth every honorable effort for his election Voter Probate Court. Iu the matter of the estate of J. L. Smith, deceased, F. F. Welle, adminis trator, having made final settlement, his suro'.ies were released from bis bond. In tho matter of tbo estate of William Cochran, deceased, the matter was con tinued till March 1.6, 1896. In the matter of tho guardianship of Ulysses G. Barker, H. P. Brookhart was appointed guardian, with L. N. Whipple aud Ud Brown aj sureties. Who Oot Our Gold? Who Gets our Gold? I, said John Bull, -'f".- Through Democracy's pullj-v ' -i-. I get yourgojd. Who'll see us die? J . I, I, I and I, i Came England's glad cry, - I'll see you die. . Who'll take our trade? With goods cheaply made, While your industries fade, I'll take your trade. ' Who'll close our mills? '-Witb-my under-priced bills, Made to fill British tills I'll close" yonr mills. Who'll sell us Wool? I, said John Gull, I'll Clip, Comb and Poll, Ml Sell Vou Wool. Wh'o'll Ship Us Shoddy? That's just my Hobby, I'm King of Shoddy, I'll ship you Shoddy. Who'll Sell Us Glass? I've got the brass To sell cheap streaked glass, I'll sell you glass. Who'll Pay Our Labor? Not I, my dear neighbor, 1 use only cheap labor. I'll not pay High Ltbor. Who Bobbed.Our Boys? I robbed your boys Of their Christmas toys, I robbed your boys. Who's Fortune's Made? While your fortunes fade By your Yankee Free-Trade Then my fo: tune's Made. Who's living' in'.Clover? Ask: Carlisle and.Grover They send the "dust" over. I'm living in Clover. Who Got Our Gold? Well, now, I've been told, That for goods that I've sold, I've got your Gold. Joux Bull HOP BUSINESS A LOTTERY, The Two Leading Industrie Sur rourhiingAVilbur-v Oor prosperity depends on our own in dustries. Tbe two leading industries, hop and prune growing, with their yield in abundance, have undoubtedly a ten dency of putting the inhabitants of this county into better circumstances finan cially, and those who are interested in tbe financial affairs of tbe county and themselves should consider it an import ant object to do what ia within their power to sustain the continuance of these two industries, and keeping them in a prosperous condition. There is no doubt in the minds of a thinking people, that it 13 to cur advantage as a whole to do this. Owing to the lluctnatiou in tbe price of hope this season, tbe grower has experi enced a heavy loss, resulting iu a great discouragement among hop growers aud tbo plowing up of a number of yards, trantforming the yard with a sure crop, into a com field with an uncertain crop, and depriving a large number of our citizens of employment. About 7 cents per pound ia estimated to cover all ex peaces on a yard (allowing 45 cents per box for pickmc) from the beginning to the end of ono season. Should there be no preat adyanco next season, ot which it is not likely, the picker should take a certain per centage of the price received in sale, assuming 50 per cent. If sold for 4 cents (one box weighing 13 pounds dried) pickers real izes 26 cents per box, if sold for 7 cents, and upward picker receives 45 cents per box. The grower has no loss, and if the picker is energetic enough and this method be adopted, tbo industry is placed on a sounder basis. The prune yield may deviate in pries, henco we must guard agaiust all depres sion ; in which economy is the principal factor. The art of prune culture must be studied. Cultivation, etc., with great care in packing and shipping, and, the most important of all, the selection, building aud operating of an evaporator. The Mote evaporator ia re.-oni mended as being the best and most perfect in every particular, of all dryers. The equaliza tion of heat, caused by the rotatory move ment of trays and fans, the fruit being dried quicker and more regular than br others and with less expense. E. E. LaBrie, a very extensive prune grower of Garden Valley, after studying the matter thoroughly aud examined the various kiuds of dryers, has made a wise decision iu selecting the J. W. Mote evaporator, lie will build oi.e of 150 bushel capacity and use a gasoline engine for rotatory power. Highest of all in Leavening RoYal ABSOUHTEKiT pure These two leading industries must be studied and investigated with more care in the future. T. D. Complimentary. Roseburg, Or., Feb. 28, 1896. To Mrs, B. Griffith. . DfiAK Madam: In appreciation of your faithful services and attention rendered to us especially at the table, allow us to express to you onr sincere thanks. In severing your connection with the Horns please accept the accom panying small cash contribution and believe na that we always will remember the favors Bhown us willingly and - cheer fully. Wishing you success in tbe future we. are, with much respect tho inmates of O. S. Home: Vant McCarty, Stephen Masten, David Vinston, V. U. Newsom, J. S. Wells, John Phillips, Albert Younir. James Hawkins, Silas Velemater, John T. Cox, R. Koldeway, Wm. Wilkee, A. Heffner, Anton Abbiugton, A. O. Parson, T. Hartman, J. M. Regan, John Bayeon, Robt. Lazenby, Lewis Stewart, Ely Allen, E. R. Hukitl, Horace Reynolds, G. W. Agnew, Jas. Kennedy, H. C. Johnson, Joe. Eossin, E. G. Howard, N. Wiggine, W, A. Greek, Isaac Grier, Ira Flagg. A. D. Miller, J. F. Kletch, Henry McKendrick, Wm. Johnson, E. Ken nedy, A. J. Case, F. J. Hook, Owen-Ohl, Geo. Bennett, Peter Monoth, Theo Michel, Zedbee Madkins, T. J. Mulkey. ItodEBUEQ, March 5, 1896. To tbe above inmates of the .Soldiers' Home. Gextlejiex: I desire publicly to ex press my thanks and appreciation for the above kind and courteous testimonial and contribution, and I assure ou that in whatever path of life my duty calls me I shall always remember and honor the coble men who fought for our flag and especially the inmates of the Oregon Soldiers' Home. Gratefully yours, Mns. B. Geiffitu. LOWER CALAPOOIA. Chas Germond of Millwood was visit- ing relatives here last Monday. A. D. Hawn of Oakland passed through here on his way to the Bear creek mills. W. B.Lamb oL Wilbur was here sev eral days 020 interviewing school direc- A letter from P. Humphrey finds him prospering at Landen, Mich. .Mrs. R.O.Lehman is quite sick, but we hope to soon repoit that she is Im proving. Dr. Lehman was summoned out one ssormy nisbt, but alter riding seven miles found it to be a case of toothache. There was a coyote cluborganizedjhere some time ago, and the sheepmen repre sented that they would get good dog3 if the people would raise the bounty, but since the money i3 up we hear nothing more of dogs. R. H. Neyman h plowing for B. L. McKey, C. A. Stevens, who has been attending school in Roseburg is again at home. He will teach the Green Valley school. We wish him success. Mrs. Martha Hall of Cleveland is vis iting with relatives on Tree. None of our weather prophets told us of the recent storm. Every indication of spring that conld bo offered was at hand. The grouse were booting and (he ground squirrels were out and even a few buz zards have been seen, but all "signs fail in dry weather." County Court Proceedings. W. H. Kelley having resigned, F. C. Buell was appointed supervisor of road district No. 37. The following road supervisors were appointed : No. 32. C. A. Blaekman. No. 23. No. 22. No. 46. No. 35. No. 55. No. 3S. E. L. Littrell. A. T. Ottinger. L. Jones. D. Ranvill. C. F. Walker. W. N. Moore. Tho report of supervisors for the fol lowing road districts were allowed: No. 35, $12 ; No. 3S, $16 and No. 46, $50. We give below a comparison of the the J amonn,a q mQney a opiiafed by ,ast four UglsaKa o 0regon: The session of 1SS9 appro- i priated $1,023,006,18 The sesion of 1S91 apppro- I priated 1,267,763.05 : The session of 1S93 appro- j priated 2,036,422.06 The session of 1S95 appropri ated 1,460,435.99 The appropriation last session was $56S ,936.07 less tlian the previous session. Tho foregoing figures have been fur nished by tbe Salem Statesman and are probably correct. Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder