The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 05, 1896, Image 2

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    orw PT.ATArrvrcA ,rvr
Subscription Kate:
Oao Year payable In advauco. oo
Tlx Months, ' . x oo
Shrco Montba " " 50
JlAKCII 5. 1S90.
While we are uot !o;:nutie on Ques
tions of cunency wo Levcttlielees have
an opinion on the subject. The olicy
as declared by the national republican
party, as eet out in the Minneapolis plat
form, is to keep gold, silver and japer
currency on a parity.
To effect tucb a consuniation it would
be necessary in our opinion to udl in all
gold coin of Ices denomination than the
twenty dollar peiccs and hereafter coin
no gold but double eagles and issue no
notes of less denomination than twenty
dollars. Such a iolicy would err ate a
demand for the use of silver cause a
vacuum in financial transactions that
silver would naturally rush in to fill and
cause a larger increase in the circulation
of the white runtal. Let gold be the
standard of value. The demand foreil
ver for subsidiary purposes would call it
into general circulation. Then let tho
eecretaiy of the treasury bo required to
coin such an amount of silver as the
business of the county demanded, even
if free silver coinage should be found
necessary yes, coin all the business of
the country required.
The redemption of treasury notes when
demanded should be paid in gold. That
would make thetn as good as gold. To
supply gold in the treatury for that pur
pose require not less than 40 per cent of
import duties and internal revenue to
be paid in gold. To prevent a run on
the treasury empower the secretary of
the treasury to not be compelled to pay
out in any one day more gold than camo
into it in the natural coune of business.
To prevent syndicates from buying up
paper and controlling the payments of
gold, prohibit anyone person, firm, com
pany or syndicate fiom drawing more
than one million during one day; and
that the secretary of the treasury 'shall
receive applications from as many aB ap
ply and register them in the order of
presentation, and wheu the gold
came into the treasury from the several
sources pay it out on demand in regular
order of registered applications. Such a
course would keep all the fjrms of
money on a par. As long as paper
money was at par with gold there would
be but little demand for gold for tho
paper would be more generally sought on
account of its greater convenience in
-There is a scheme, on foot by a few
anti-Hermann men, to get delegates
elected who are cf easy conscience, men
who will vote for Hermann on tho first
ballot and claim they are Hermann's
friends on that account, and then if the
first ballot fails to elect him, they will
flop over to the combination. We advise
the friends of Hermann amongst ths
people to sound their nen and require a
pledge from them to stand by Mr. Her
mann, and thus defeat this tcheme.
There is no dooot at ail but that the peo
ple are for Hermann and if they will re
quire it of their delegates, Hermann will
be the nominee.
If Spain wants to kick up a rumpus
with the United States just let her kick.
Her recalcitrant proclivities will soon
get satisfied. It is written, "It is hard
to kick against the pricks." If Spain
fancies she can make anything but a
play at war she is off her bangs. The
people of the United States are soldiers
by birth, and, although a little out of
practice, can thresh the devil out of the
fandango dancers too easy. And if
France espouses the Spaniard's quarrel
we'll give them the same sauce.
The schemers among the democrats
and populists are trying to effect a fusion
of the two parties, evidently for no other
purposo than to capture a few offices.
The democratic schemers will swap the
whole legislative ticket for that of sheriff,
the populist schemers will gladly trade
off the sheriff for the legislature. That
is their scheme. Will honest, conscien
tious men of either party lend any coun
tenaace to such a bargain and sale of
their party leaders? We hardly think
they will.
For their lies, if for nothing else, the
United Stales ougjt to drive the Span
iards out of Cuba. For downright iricg
the reports of Spanish victories over the
insurgents rirai the statements of the
circulation liar of "America's greatest,"
and seems to do them about as much
Tho Review is in favor of free trade
and quotes republicans as favoring it.
Very well, we can quote democrats three
to one who have abandoned free traae
and camo out for protection. b pro
ducer, either republican or democrat,
favors free trade.
Spanish government officers deny that
Weyler is tho "bloody butcher" that his
enemies call him, and assert that he is
the "mildest inanuercd man that ever
scuttled ship or cut a throat."
The Florence West is no more. We
shall miss the West. It was an aggreS'
she paper, which stirred up the hornet's
next of democracy, by thrusting into it
an occasional prod.
It is thought that congress will adjourn
early this year. It would be a sensible
move, as soon as it pisses tho appropria'
tion bill.
Iu today's issuo vo print Mr. K. D.
Stratford's criticism ol an editorial in
Tuesday's daily. Mr. Stratford seems to
misapprehend our views on tho silver
question. That seems to effect him as
doca a red rag a mad bovinu at a Spanish
bull fight.
Tho positiou of tho I'lainukaleu on
tho silver question haB been so thor
oughly given heretofore that there seems
to us-no tiso of saying much hero, tu
brief, wo repeat, tho silver question us to
free coinage has dwindled down to 11
vanishing poiut.
Wc are of tho opinion that when tho
republican party guts control of tho gov
ernment, as it will next March if it goes
to tho peoplo on the great and vital ques
tiou of protection to American labor, the
silver question will adjust itself without
a jar to the industrial pursuits of the
With all dcfleretico to tho opinion of
the freo silverites we say wo do not want
to lose the substance by 6iutching for
the shadows. Mr. Ileruiaun and Mr
Mitchell are solid on the main issue ami
their rotes on the silver question 1:0 not
militate, in our opinion, agalust llieiu to
any considerable exteut.
Li. I'laindkalek: I have read with
no small degree of disappoint uicnt, your
articlo on the editorial page of yester
day's Pl-visdealek, in which jou advise
republicans "to keep in the middle, of
the road"; not but what the advice in
the abstract is good, but becauso you at
tempt to lay out the road according to
your own personal idea of what is the
proper road to travel, and denv the
right of any one to march in the pro
cession unless they will travel in your
own little narrow contracted towpath.
If tho financial question is of to little
importance as you seem to think, why
is it necessary to apply so harsh a term
as "political vitriol throwers to the so
called "free silver" members of the re
publican party, whom as I believe con
stitute a majority of tho voters of the
party and whom you will have to admit
constitute at least a very healthy mi
nority of the party. I fail to see the
consistency in so denouncing the free
ilver members of tho party, and in
another article, in the very same
column, advocating the re-election of
Hon. Dinger Hermann to congress,
when his views are well know n to favor
the free coinage of silver. Do you not
know Mr. Editor that if you drive out of
the party all the 'political vitriol-throwers,"
as ycu term them, we could not
elect Mr. Hermann or any other repub
lican to congress or any other office, in
this or any other district, west of the
Mississippi river. Ths question of pro
tection is an important one, but it is
not the only important question now
before the American people. Three
years ago the voters gave Groyer Cleve
land a plurality of more than :t50,000
votes over Harrison, notwithstanding
the fact that it was known that Har
rison was an avowed advocate of the
doctrine of protection and that Cleve
land was an advocate of the doctrine of
free trade. Today, notwitlistacding the
fact, that the views of Cleveland liave
not changed on the tariff question, he i?
the most despised and unpopular man
in the United States. Listen Mr. Ed
itor and you may hear him denounced
in every town and hamlet in the land,
in the bank, in the store, in the shop,
and on the farm, and yet when you hear
one man denounce him for his position
on the tariff question, thousands ex
ecrate him for his nn-American finan
cial system.
I deprecate beyond measure the in
tolerant position of the advocates of the
gold standard, in attempting to drive
Jroin tlie tarty all those who do not
believe as they do on this question. Do
you not know that this spirit of intol
erant has, at some time during the just
six years, caused the defeat of the to-
I If i . .
puoiican canuiuate tor governor in
almost every state west of the Missis
sippi river. I plead for less intolerance.
For a platform broader than that of the
Xew England states, for platforms broad
enough and liberal enough to permit ail
those who have heretofore marched
under the banner of the grand old re
publican party and who have atsisted
in fighting its battles and in securing its
victories, to again re-marshal themselves
under its folds and assist in achieving
other victories for the good of mankind
In conclusi&n I wish to say to the
farmers and to the laboring men of this
congressional district, whether they be
found in the shop, in the office or lehind
the counter, that if you sit supinely bv
and allow a few political tricksters and
brass-collar bosses to defeat Hon. Bin
ger Hermann for congress, you will
loose a representative who i srecognized
in and out of congress, and in every
state of the union, as.a sincere friend of
the people, and one who has never
during his long career in congress, be
trayed his trust. Don't do it.
E. D. Stkatkok
Soldiers' Home.
John I'. Robertson arrived home early
yesterday morning, having been detained
at Minto by tho snow on tho O. C. & E
railroad until quite lato the night before,
He, with Capt. Ormsby, made a majority
of the executivo committco of tho Sol
diers' Home, bo a meeting was held
through tho day. Tho specifications for
the hospital at t'uo Homo were exam
ined and adopted and arrangements
were made to advertise for bids, which
will bo opened in this city April -Sth.
Tho same two mombers form a majority
of tho auditing committee of tho board
and allowed bills for the expenses of the
Home during February, amounting to
IC94.1L Statesman.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great in leav
ening power as the Royal,
At tho Echool meeting in District No.
I.I T 1 , t 1 I J 1 ' 1 . .1
-0, joiin uisuoii waa eicciea uuuuiur uuu
G. W. Stevens was re-elected clerk. ,
Mrs. 0, A, McNabb, who hae been
quitosick fur tho past week, we aro
pleased to note is much improved at the
present writing.
E. 1.. Iticlmrda has been sojourning in
Oakland for tho past week.
Miss Grace Hickenbothem has been
spending a few days with friends iu
Grccu valley.
Mrs. .Catherine Gorrcll returned from
Oakland the latter part of last week.
On arcount of tho weather tho box
supper lias been pestpoced indefinitely,
II. L. McNabb has quite a touch of the
gold fever. He has not decided yet
whether it will be Alaska or Cripple
Mr. and Mrs. Thoinaa Winniford. who
have been attending meetiugs at Oak
laud, tcuuned home Monday.
Miss May Kellogg ol Oakland is visit
ing her sister at this place.
The Calooia Coyote Club will hold
its regular monthly meeting on next
It. 0. Lehman has a now way of sub-
soiling. Uou lias a plow oint that is a
little dillk'ilt to keep under ground, so
ho lashed on a ouug saw log. Tho
beam tears out an ordinary furrow and
when followed up bv the remainder of
the plow it cuts to a considerable depth
L. A. Hearstiue, of tho firm of I'erduo
& Hearstiue, is getting out timber for a
uew purifier to be used in their mill.
Mr. Herstine has invented a purifier that
he thinks will be superior to the old one
"Alphouso" of tho Review, who seems
to have the cacoclhes scribendi. writes
significantly about two of our young
inuu being in Wilbur so oltcn lately,
winding up with the usual interrogation,
What's the attraction boys?" Taking
in consideration that this is the only
year of the kiud we are likely to have for
eight j ears, and that our bo)s never
over run their time, the best way for
Brother Alphonso to find out the points
of attiaction, would be to place himself
alongside of these 1011112. gentlemen and
let the vitiblo conlrnsl una-.icr, what's
the attraction, gills? Alonzo.
Get votir school books at Marsters'
drug store,
For first-class dentistry-go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
New Goods, and convincing prices at
the Novelty Store.
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and
cigars at the Rosclcaf.
For soot! substantial blacksmithing
cheap, go to McKiuncy & Manning,
Jewelry, watches, diamonds,. gold pens
and optical goods at the lowest prices at
A le.v cases good substantial boots at
reduced prhes to closu them out, at II
Prints, Ginghams. Shirtings, l'ercales
etc , fresh stew ..choice patterns at the
Novelty Store.
If you have daily mail service, try the
dailv Plaimiealei: for a month. It will
cost only 25 cents.
For choice family groceries, call at the
People's Store, -Mrs. G. W. Rapp, pro
prietor, and get your supplies at bedrock
Save money and time,
going East, go by the O. R
route. Call on or write to V
Roscburg, Oregon.
To turtles
.A- N. short
. C. 1 .011 don,
N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson
oppoeite Marks' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
If you don't watt to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots and shoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly aud promptly done
AVc IIW mixture in Dress Goods for
durability, quality and prices; wc invito
comparison. JIV trill ml lx undersold
Call at the Novelty Store
J. P. Jackson has received another
largo assortment of samples, which
he iuvites the public to como and in'
spect. For quality and prices he can
be beat. A rKiiiiuer nr uvauantkld.
Ouo of the largest and most reliable
clothing firms in the United States
represented by E. E. Richards at the
Racket Store, with the finest line of earn
pics ever brought to Roscburg. Guarau
teed ell wool suits. Men's fS.OO and up
wards, boy '8 -f 3 OJ and upwards. You
have tho largest stock to select from
can get the quality you want, the style
you want, the price yau want, and bo
guaranteed 11 perfect fit. Transient
agents aro gouo with tho samples before
your goods arrive. Wo aro hore to stay
Call aud sec .samples at Richard's
Racket Store.
Your Boy Won't Live n flontli.
So Mr. Ginian Brown, of III Mill St.,
South Gardner, Mass., was told by the
doctors. His son had lung trouble, fol
lowing Typhoid Malaria, and" lie siMint
threu 1 '(mired and seventy-live dollars
with tors, who finally gave him up,
sayi "Your boy won't live a
momli." lie tried Dr. King's New Dis
covery and a few bottles restored him to
health and enabled him to go to work 11
ficrfectly well man. lie says he owes
lis present good health to use of Dr.
King's New Discovery, and knows it to
ho tho best in the world forlung trouble.
Trial bottles free at A. C. Marsters
drug store.
liuclclcii'tt Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fover Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup,
Hons, and positively cures PileB, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
porfect satisfaction or money refunded
Prico25 cents per box. For salo at A.
0. Mnralcra & Co.
Tho heaviest snow storm of tho season
(8 now raging at this place. Snow be
gan falling on tho first and on the third
there was 14 inches of snow on tho
ground in the early morning which
diminished some during the day. Still it
snows and appearances iudicate that the
storm will continuo for bouig time.
E.G. Hodson, special deputy sheriff I
at Rosoburg, camo up on a visit to his
children. Ho went to Tunnel 5 to visit
his daughter, Mrs. Tom Scott and her
husband, and to see his first grandson,
who boars tho name of Joseph Knos
Scott, and E. G. is very proud of his
namesake. Mr. Hodson has many
frionds in this valley, who ulways ex
tend him a kindly welcome
Colonol lllaisdell and a party of gen
tlemen arrived at Glendalo on Saturday
morning, nnd started for tho Hinklo
mines 011 Tenneseco uulcli immediately,
where they spout two .or three days in
inspecting the mines.
Wiufield Ilo-jth of Upper Cow Creek
visited Tuesday.
Mrs. Hardy Kllifl" is visiting Mra J.
L. Dewey this week.
Miss Mima Hamilton gtvo a party on
the 27th iust iu Intior of tho birthday of
her niece, Miss I. no Hamilton, it being
her ninth birthday. Tho invited guestB
numbering thirteen were beautifully en
tertained by Mr, aud Mrs. Jones and
Miss II. A splendid lunch was served
and all present had a good time. The
little, ones invited were Misses Edith
Dowey, Maudo Warner, Myrtle Marshal,
Euna Garfield, Winnio and Zepbie Wil
son, Alice, Lucy aud Rao Hamilton, and
Giffonl, Goodeon and Ilalhurst Hamil
ton. Ambrose Marshall aud the agent of
the Saleia Marblo Woiks placed an ele
gant monument over the grave of Henry
Marshall in Maplewood cemetery on
Tuesday. Tho monument was designed
aud finished at the Salem Marble Works
and is very beautiful. It is a fitting
mark of love and affectum to the mem
ory of this lovely little bo.
Tho aunual school meeting occurred
Monday, and F. 0. Plolner waj elected
director. lie win make a goou one.
We expect to see a good school house
built hero iu tho near futme. The
school board is now thethreo gentlemen
named below: A. Miller, L. Jones and
F. O. Iiotuer. They have Becurcd the
services ol lluii. J. E.Blundell to teach
durin; the spring and summer term,
which is prima facie evidence ttiat we
will have a good school. Molue.
Several Head of Thoroughbred
Minnesota Trotting Horses.
At my stables known as McGregor's
barn, at 2 p. 111. on tho 14th day of
March, I will sell to the highest bidder
the following described horses: Prince
Colossm, five years old, sired by Colos
sus, P. R.2:27l,sire of Helen Marr,
four years old, trial 2:2514, Molho O,
2:3.2., ; Courser 2:35?,, by Coloma 4C35,
by Belmont 04, by Abdalla 15, by Ham-
bletonian 10. First dam Dollie, by
Archer's Aluiont, aire of Female Pirate
P. R. 2:17; was started seven times in
ISO! and won eix monies some of the
heats being paced in 2:I5,l2'; and Fre'
monl paced trial 2:10, and other good
ones by Almont 33, sire of 33 in 2:30 list,
eecond dam Bell Damou, dam of Lary
R. 2:32 at Rochester, Minn. Daisy D.,
six year old pacer, half-sister to Prince
Colossus. A bay pacing horso colt two
years old from high bred running mare,
sired by Kentucky Whip; of Kentucky,
A two year old mare colt, dam and sire
having record of 2:10.
Terms of sale one llurd cash, balance
on six or eight months time at S per
cent interesi on approved notes,
J. D. Gilbert.
Special Notice.
Tho Rushey addition in North Rosc
burg, consisting of 200 acres of choice
land, having been platted into large
residence lots and acreago property, is
now placed upon tho market at cut rates,
payablo In yearly installments, bearing
six per cent interest iwr anuutu. The
title is perfect and every parcel sold will
bo released by the mortgager from tho
operation of a certain mortgage now up
on tho property. To examine plats and
leant prices, etc., call upon
0. S. K. ItutcK, Agent
Free Pills.
Send yiur address to II. E. Bucklen &
Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box
ol Dr. King s rtow late Tills. A trial will
convince youortheit merits. These pills
aro casv 111 action and aro particularly
effective in the cure of Constipation and
Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver
Troubles they have been proved invalu
able, tticy aro guarantceu to uc ier-
fcctly freo from every deleterious sub
stance and to be purely vegetable. They
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tono to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate tho system. Regular
8ize2oc. per box. Sold by A. C. Mar
sters 'c Co., Druggists.
Caro Bros, aro tho boss merchants.
Medical value in .1 lmllic of Hood's Karsapnrilla
than iu .my otlirr prviuratimi.
Moro skill, more rare, more c sprite iu manu
facture. It cdsIh proprietor and dealer
Moro but it costslhe consumer les, as lie gets
more doses or liis money
Moro curative power iss-ciircd tiy Its peculiar
combination. proKrtiou ami process.
Moro wonderful cures cltected. more tcslimon
monials, more sales and more Increase.
Many more reasons w by j ou should take
Tlie One True ISIond Purifier. All druggist. SI.
ij n fn are I lie only pills to tako
nOOCl S KlllS with Hood's .sarsaparilla.
for Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well-Tried Keuedv. Mrs
IVInslow's Soothing Syiup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children whtlo teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the chilli, softens tho gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy
for Dlarrhcca. Is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by
druggists In every part of tho world. Twcnty
flvc cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable.
Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind.
despondent, nerv
ous, tired
out" men
-those who
suffer from
backafhe ,
loss of en
ergy, im
paired mem
ory, dizzi
ness, melan
choly and
the re-
suit ot ex-
vj nausung dis
eases, or drains upon the. system,
excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or
early vices, are treated through cor
respondence at their homes, with
uniform success, by the Specialists
of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book
of 136 large pages, devoted to the
consideration of the maladies above
hinted at, may be had, mailed se
curely scaled from observation, in a
plavi envelope, by sending 10 cents
in one-cent stamps v.ior postage on
Book), to the World's Dispensary
Medical Association, at the above
mentioned Hotel. For more than
a quarter of a century, physicians
connected with this widely cele
brated Institution, have made the
treatment of the delicate diseases
above referred to, their sole study
and practice. Thousands!, have con
sulted them. This vast experience
has naturally resulted in improved
methods and means of cure.
local disease
and it the retoli cf coldi and
sudden climatic change.
It can be cared byapleuiat
manly which la applied di
rectly into the nostril. Be-ln-quickly
absorbed it gvrca
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
iaadoumlcdgcd to be the meat thorough care for
'SuA Catarrh. Cold In llead and Hay ierer of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
aI2aja pain and Infiamiaation. heals the sores, pro
tects ice rnemorane iron axes, restores lae kcks
sf taste and smelL Price 50c. at Druinta or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New Vorfc
Ioreocghs,coMs, tore throat and for asthma. It
abates the cough,
and renders expect
oiauon easy.
win lnTSriably derixe
txxeit from Its nse.
Manr who -uoDose
their cases to be con-
snmptloa are only
nSeric? from a
chronic cold or deep
seated cough, often
acsrarated by ca
tarrh. For catarrh use Ely a Cream am ooia
remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, Met-.
T.hnttl? rfneoli Balsam. 55c. SoldbyDruceiats.
ELY BKOTHERS, 64 Warren St., 2ew York.
Containing Cotton Root and PennjrojaL
Tti till ail natrsUim
ilesmin's French Fe
male Fills, baro been
sold tor OTcr twenty
yeaisjuid csed by Thon-
JS. eands of Ladies, who
hxTB nren teaumomais
that they are unexcelled,
as a specific monthly
medicine, for immediate
relic ot Painful, and
Irregular Mcnsca, Fe
male Weakness etc
Price. fXOOabox, with
foil directions.
rKE no srnsTiTCTxs, oasrouors imitations.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Eaiily, Quickly and Permanently Restored.
Cilebiutid English Kemedt
It is sold on a positivo
Kuaranteo to cure any
form ot nerrous pros
tration or any disorder
ot the genital organs ot
either scr, caused
Snforn. by ciccmito tiso ot Aftor,
Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on account
ot youthful indiscretion or oyer indulgence etc..
Dimness. OonTUlsions. Wakefulness, llcadscbs.
Mental Depression. Softening of tho Brain. Weak
Memory, Bearing Down Pains, Seminal Weakness.
Hysteria. Nocturnal Emissions, Spennatorrha-s.
Loss ot Power and Impotancy. which it neglected,
may lead to premature old ago and insanity.
PoaitiTely guaranteed. Price. S 1.00 a box: C boxes
for j5.0C. Scnt by mail on receipt of price. A written
guarantee furnished with OTcry $5.00 order rcceired.
to refund the money if a permanent cure is not
NERVU HEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mich.
Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co.
A of Orriroti. in and for the-Conntr of Douclaa.
Jane itcDoiinld,
in omity
Willinui McDonald.
for a Divorce.
Defendant. J
To William McDonald, the above named de
fendant. In the name of tlie State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear aud answer the com
plaint tiled nsalnst you in the above entitled
suit, iu the above entitled court, on or before
tho 16th day of March, lb';, that being the first
day ot the next regular term of said court, and
if you fall so to answer, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for In said rum
plaint, which Is a dissolution ot the marriage
contract existing lietwcen yourself and said
This sumiiioni is published by order mndu at
Chamber", at Hoeburg, Douglas county. Oregon,
by Hon. J. C. 1'ullerlou, judge ot said nbovc
namiil court, which said order is dated Decem
ber JGth. 1MB. C. A. SEH I.BREDK,
ditH7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by tho County Court ot Douglas
County, Oregon, appointed administrator of
tho estate of Louisa Cole, deceased. All per
sona having claims against said estate arc re
nuircd to present IIicmiiic, with the proper
vouchers, within six months from date of this
notice, to the undersigned, at Oakland, Douglas
County. Oregon.
Dated, thin 17th day of February, IsM.
Administrator ol the Kstate ol Louisa Cole,
Deceased, .
1 jh 1. u r
j v tor " .JKdeu autl U001
Ciltlt fr bU 3Iank5nil.
f .Miiile from
lr;i ji, and
ron'ains no
.r.i nccol
drugs or
ueadly pois
on. Joy's
robs the
Mood of alt
Its impuri
ties, and
courses nil
these impuri
ties through
nature's own
proper chan
nels: Joy'J
cures Dys
pepsin, Ch ronic
and Kidney
rrnn ii in 1 nil n
Joy'a Yege table
prevents tired feel
ings, tiagzenna sen
sations, palpitation I
01 heart, rasa oil
blood to the head, I
dizziness, ringing in I
ears, spots before tho
ejes, headache, bil
iousnesSjCOEStipatfon of bowels, pains in
tongue coated, foul
bream, pimples on
face, body and limb,
declineofnerre force
dizzy opells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, soar
risings, latigne, in
somnia, and all dis
eases of the stomach,
liver and kidneys.
4 Joj.5 Vegetable Sar
bapanlla is sold by all
druggists. Refuse a
substitute. When you
I pay for thebest see that
you get uc Desu
Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Rea
Property Under Foreclosure.
Abraham Jones,
Mary A. Drollinger. Arthur Cloak, ad
mlnletrator of the estate of II. C.
Drollinger, deceased, V. W. Drol
linger, Rosetta Granbr, Wilbur
Drollinger, Lucy Drollinger, Clara
DroUlngcr, Hattic Drollinger, Her
bert Drollinger, Henry Drollinger,
Allie Drollinger, Laura Drollinger,
Ashcr Marks as administrator of
the estate of S. Marks, deceased,
State of Oregon. ,
County of Douglas)
Notice Is herebr riven that br virtue of an
execution an order of sale duly issued out of the
above named Court and cause on the 6th day of
February, i8K, upon a judgement ana aecree 01
foreclosure made and entered of record in tald
Circuit Court on the 31st of December, fcflj, by
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of the above
named plaintiff and against the above named
defendants and against the hereinafter men
tioned ami described mortgaged property for the
sum of t6j0.03 with interest thereon at the rate
of 10 per cent per annum from the 31st day of
December, LV2, and the sum of IU5.C0 attor
ncrs fees, and ?3).5o costs and disbursement?,
and the costs of and upon this writ, and the
costs UIl'l cxwuh ui mis eaic
Now therefore I will on
Saturday the 14th day of .March, 1896,
at 1 o'clock I". M. ot said day at the Court House
door in Hosebunr. On-con. sell at nublic auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which, the said defen
dants or cither of them had on the 31st day of
December, the date 01 tne execution or
said mortgage, or at any time thereafter In or to
the following described real property, to-wit:
Commencing IS links north- f the northeast
corner of the John Leisure donation land claim
Xo. 33 iu Tp. 7, South of Range G West, on the
bank of the South Umpqua river one foot west
of a pine stump IS inches in diameter, thence
south 17.91 chains to a stake on the north side
of the countv road leading from Roscburg to
Coles V oiler, and 52 links north ot the south
west exterior comer 01 a. j. uciiows lanos;
thence south 71 dezrees west alonir the north
side of said road SJc! chains to a stake: thence
north 1S.07 chains to a post on the south bank
of said river: thence north 73 decrees east, alomc
said river bank to tho place of beginning, con
taining six acres, all in Douglas County. State of
Oregon, together with tenements, hereditaments
and appertenanccs thereunto belonging or in
Dated th is Sth dav of Februarv, li-36.
Sheriff of Douglas Countv, Oregon.
By D. K. Shambeook, Deputy. llOtd.
Sheriff Sale.
' for delinquent taxes for the year LJI.
Xo'.iee is hereby given that by virtue of a war
rant duly Issued out of and under the seal of the
County Court of Douglas County, State of Ore
gon, on the ISth day of October, 1SQ5, and to me
uirecteu ana ueitvcrcu. commanding mc to
levy njiou and make sale of the goods and chat
tels of the delinnucnt tax pavers named in the
delinquent tax roll of said county for the year
ls9t, thereto attached, and if none be found
then upon the real urotiertv as M't forth and de
scribed in said dclinqucnt'tax roll for 1MH, for
saia county, or so mucn as may oe 10
satisly the amount of delinquent taxes charged
thereon for 1S91, together with thecosts and ex
penses of making such sale, in pursuance thereof
1 have levied upon the following described real
property in said county and state which said
real property is owned, described ar.d assessed as
ioiiows, to-u 11:
And will on
rtonday the 9th day of .March, A. D. 1S96,
be tu ecu the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon
and 4 o'clock iu the afternoon, sell at public
auction at the Court House door in Roscburg,
Douglas county, Oregon, to the highest bidder
for cash iu band, all of the above described real
projtrty, or so much thereof as will be necessary
to sathly the amount of the delinquent taxes
charged therein for said Douglas countr, Ore
gon, for 1S94, and for the costs of this sale.
Dated at Roscburg, Oregon, this Sth day of
February, 196.
Sheriff Douglas County, Oregon,
liyj). K. Siuubrook, Deputy. flOtd.
virtue of a decree and order of sale duly
made in the Circuit Court for Douglas County
State of Oregon, in that certain suit in equity,
wherein the undersigned. l"cter Hume, assignee
of U C Bcardsley, an Insolvent debtor. Is plain
tiff, and ti. C. Bcardsley, and Ada Bcardsley, his
wife, are defendants, which said decree and or
der of sale were duly filed and entered of record
in said Circuit Court for Douglas County, State
of Oregon, on the I7th dav of Julr, 1595: and.
whereas, it was duly found by said court that L.
C. Bcardsley was the owner 01 the following de
scribed real property, to-wIL: Lots 11 and 12 in
Brook's and Bcldcn's First Brooksidc Addition
to Roscburg, Oregon, according to the plat and
survey of said addition as recorded in the office
of the County Clerk of Douglas countr. State of
Oregon, containing is acres of landexcepting
therefrom a strip 32 feet wide off ot the north
end of said lots 11 and 12 for a street.
And whereas it was found bv said court that
the conveyance made to Ada Beardslcv, tha
wife of the defendant, L. C. Bcardsley, of said
property on or about the 11th da of December,
1S90, was fraudulent and void as to this plain
tiff as such assignee as aforesaid, and said plain
tiff is by said decree ordered and directed as
such assignee as aforesaid to sell said premises
as by law provided and npplv the proceeds of
the sole of said property as br law directed.
Now therefore, in pursuance of the said decree
so made and entered as aforesaid, I will on the
27th day ot March, 1S9S, at tho hour of 1 o'clock
p.m. of said dav, at the court house door in
Roscburg, Douglas countr, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand all of the right, title and interest of any
kind whatsoever which the said defendant, L.
C. Ileantsley, had in or to said premises herein
before described on the said 10th day of Decem
ber, 1S90, or at nnr time thereafter, and will
apply the proceeds" of said sale In payment of
the claims of said insolvent estate of L. C
Beardslcv as by law provided.
Dated this 27th day of February. 1S96.
U7td 1'ETER HUME, Assignee.
OTIOE U hereby given that the under
Kfiriitsl has Ih'cii nnuoiuted the executor
of tho estate of James Dixon, deceased. All
persons having claims against tho estate are
hereby notified to present them with the proper
vouchers to the utidersigned within six months
rom the date of this notice at his place of resi
dence which is in Deer Creek district, Douglas
county, state of Oregon.
Dated, XUU Clh day ot December, 1SK.
Executor ol the estate of Janies Dixon,' dc-ceaed,
Tullcr, J. G.. SEH, NE'i SW4, S'. XW.
SWi4 XWJ.. Sec. 32. Tp.32, R.8, Lot' 1,
E', NE'i SW't, SW. -E:NW;4', See.
19. Tp. 32, R. 7, Lot 4. N, SEt SV 1,SEA
SE.'4 SV4, Sec. to, Tp. 32, K.7.... 5TS 22
Sheriff Sale.
of Oregon for the County of Douglas.
Asher Marks, admlnIstratorIof thel
partnership estate lormeriy com-1
posed of Samuel Marks and Asher
Marks, doing business under the !
llrm name of B. Marksand Co.,
vs. !
Lee Archambcau,)Dcfendunt. J
State of Oregon, 1
County ot Douglass.)
Notice Is hereby clven that br virtue of an
execution ana order of sale duly issued out of
the circuit court, anu cause on tne 17 in uay 01
December. 1895. by virtue of a writ ot attach
ment duly Issued out of the above named court
on thc2Clh day of August, 1MB, in favor of the
above named plaintiff aud against the above
named acienaani, ana against the hcreinaitcr
mentioned and described attached property for
the sum of $500 00, with interest thereon from
the 17tHday of December, 1MB, at the rate of 8
per cent ler annum, and the further sum of
t-l 00 costs and disbursements, and the costs
of and upon this writ, and the costs and ex
penses of this sale.
Now, therefore, I will, on the 2Sth day of
March, 1890, at the hour of 1 o'clock P.M. of said
day, at the court house door in Roscburg, Orc-
?on, sell at public auction to the highest bidder,
or cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest
which tne said ucienaani nau, on tne atn cay
of August, 1395, or at any time thereafter, In or
to the following described real propertr, to wit.:
A one-twelfth interest In fee in and to the follow
lng described premises, being all the right, title
and interest ot defendant therein, to wit.: The
donation land claim of Francis Arcbambeaa
and wife, described as follows: claim number65,
being parts of sections 31 and 32, in township 26
soutb, range C west: and claim number 58, being
parts of sections 5 nnd 6, In township 27 soutb.
range i west, oounacu anu aescnoca as ioiiows:
beslnninsr at a point 17 cbaius north and s
chains west from the quirter-scction post on
mesouin uueoi sccuoudi, miownsnipusoutn.
ranee 6 west, and running thence south 17
chains to the township line, thence touth ZS
chains and C6 links, thence north 89 degrees and
45 minutes cast 13 chains and 23 links, thence
east 10 chains and 74 links, thence north 3 de
grees west 23 chains and 09 links, thence north
to degrees and 15 minutes west 14 chains and 71
links, thence north C7 degrees and 15 minutes
west 15 chains and 15 links, thence north S3
degrees and 15 minutes west 9 chains and 10
links, thence north 32 degrees and 30 minutes
cast 25 chains and 8 links, thence west U chains
and 31 links, thence south 29 chains, and thence
east 11 chains and 1G links to place of beginning,
containing 517 4G-10U acres, in the district of
lands subject to sale at Rosebnrg, Oregon.
Also, tne nnaiviacu one-tweiitn interest in lee
In and to the following described property, be
ing all of the right, title and interest of said de
fendant In and to lot number 7, the southwest
?uarter of the northwest quarter of section 31.
n township 2S south, range 6 west, containing
70 90-100 acres: lots numbers 8 and 9 in section
31. township 26 south, range 6 west, containing
(2 30-100 acres: a tract of land purchased from
the Oregon & California Railroad Land Com
pany, sitna ted In section 31t township 26 south,
range 6 west, containing 10 acres.
Also, the undivided one-twellth interest in fee
in and to the following premises, being all of the
right, title and interest of said defendant In the
donation land claim ot Hoy. B. Flonrnoy and
wife, described as follows: Claim number 2, be
ing parts of sections 20, 21, 23 and 29 in township
27 south, range 7 west, bounded and described
as follows, to wi:.: beginning at a point 2S
chains and 13 links south and 3 chains and 62
links west from the quarter-section post on the
line between said sections 21 and 23, and run
ning thence north 70 chains and 52 links, thence
west 86 chains and 37 links, thence south 75
chains and 31 links, thence cast C5 chains and
15 links, thence north 5 chains and 21 links, and
thence east 21 chains and 21 links to place ot
beginning, containing Ml acres, and In the dis
trict of lands subject to sale at Roseburg.Orcgon.
Also, all the right, title and interest of said
defendant, being an undivided 1-12 interest in
fee therein, in the following described real prop
erty, to wit.: the northwest quarter of the south
west quarter of section 2, township 27 south,
range 7 west, containing W acres, sitnate In
Douglas county, state ol Oregon.
Also, all the right, title and interest of said de
fendant in the following described real prop
erty, being an undivided 1-12 interestin fee in
said premises, to wit.: the southeast quarter of
section 30, township 27 south, range 7 west, con
taining 1G0 acres.
All of said above described real property being
situated in Douglas county, state of Oregon, to
gether with the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. And will app.y the proceeds
first to the payment of the Judgment amount
ing to $500 00, with interest thereon from the
17th day of December, 195, at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum, and the further sum off54 00
costs, and the payment of a reasonable attor
ney's fee, and the costs of and upon this writ,
and the costs and expenses of this sale.
Sheriff of Douglas Countr, Oregon.
By D. R. Siumbeook, Deputy. f20td
Notice of Sale of Beal Property
under Foreclosure
W. E. Swcntxd, Plaintiff, -
Walter M. Wheeler, The Lombard!
Investment Company, a corpora-
tion. The Portland Trust Com-i
pany, a corporation, and Douglas 1
Countr, Oregon, Defendants. t
State of Oregon,
County of Douglas.!
Notice is herebr given that by virtue of an ex
ecution and order of tale dulr issued out of the
circuit court of Douglas county, state of Oregon,
on the 14th day of February, 1SB, upon a judg
ment and deeree of foreclosure made and en
tered of record in said circuit court on the 1th
day of December. 1S95, by foreclosure of a mort
gage in favor of the above plaintiff and against
the above named defendant, and against tho
hereinafter mentioned and described mortgaged
property, for the sum of fs.471 50, with interest
thereon at the rate of s per cent per annum
from the 5th day of December, 1S95, and the fur
ther sum of fto) 00 attornev's fees, with interest
thereon from the 5lh day of December, 1S95, and
the further sum of ?G5 10 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, and
the costs and expenses of this sale.
Now, therefore, I will, ou Saturday, the 2sth
day ol March, toStf, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day,
at the court house door in Rosebucj, Douglas
countr, Oregon, scU at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right,
title and Interest which the said defendants, or
cither of them, had on the 4th day of March,
lS9),orat anytime thereafter, the date of the
execution of said mortgage, in or to the follow
ing described real property, to wit.: The north
east ouarter and the south half of section 11. all
and the whole of section 23, the north half of
section 21, and all that part of the south hall of
section 24 particularly described as follows, to
wit.: commencing at a point 16 chains south of
the northeast corner ot the southeast quarter ol
said section 24, running thence in a southwes
terly direction to a point 4 chains north of the
southwest corner of section 24, thence north 56
chains, thence east to chains, thence south 16
chains to the place of beginning. All of said
land being situate in township 24 south, of
range 5 west of the Willamette Meridian, con
taining in all sixteen hundred and forty acres
(16401 more or less, according to government
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R. Suambbook, Dcpusv. f20td
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Rea!
Property under Execution.
Ashcr Marks, administrator of the'
partnership estate formerly com
posed of Samuel Marks and Ashcr
Marks, doing business under the
firm name of S. Marks & Co., (
J. M. Dillard, Defendant. j
State of Oregon, )
f ss.
County of Douglas.)
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
execution and order ot sale dulv Issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Douglas county, on the Hth day of February,
1S96, upon a judgment mode and entered of
record in said circuit court on the 9 th day of
January, 1S96, by virtue of an execution in favor
of the above named plaintiff and against the
above named defendant, and against the here- '
inatter mentioned and described propertr,for
the sum of ?76 62. with J25 00 as a reasonable at
torney's fee for bringing this action, and for his
costs and disbursements taxed at fI7 00, and
the costs ot and upon this writ, and the costs
and expenses of this sale. Now therefore, 1
will, on the 2Sthdayof March, 1S96, at 1 o'clock
P. M. of said day, at the court house door in
Roscburg, Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the said defendant had
on the 23d day ol October, to9o, or at any time
thereafter, in or to the following described,
property, to wit.: All the right, title or interest
of the said J. M. Dillard in that certain frnit
dryer manufactured by J, W. Mote and J. M,
Dillard, and known as the J. W. Mote Fruit
Dryer, situated on the southeast quarter of sec
tion 29, township 2S south, range 6 west of Wil
lamette Meridian, in Douglas countr, Oregon.
Sheriff ot Douglas County, Oregon.
By D. R, Shasbrook, Deputy. fiotd
Assignee's Notice of Final Settle
ment. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the Estate of G. A. McKlnney, an In-
said matter, and Friday, the 27th day ot March,
. u uuui ui tu vj uw .v. ji. ot sam uay,
in the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for
hearing and passing upon the same. Therefore,
all persons interested are hereby notified to bo
and appear in said Court on said day and hour,
and show cause. If any there be. whv said ac
count shall not be allowed, and the said assignee
of said estate discharged.
Dated, February 27, 1S96.
. o.., H. C.SLOCIM. Assignee.
C. A. SEHTjBREDE, Attorney for Estate.