IF YOU DOH'T READ IF YOU SEE IT Hi w Tlie Plaindealer The Plaindealer You Don't Get hie News. IT IS SO. S3 I Ta let r M. ORAWFOBD, Attorney at Law, Room 2, Slarstcrs BuHdlac, - ROSEBURG, OR Ctf-Bmlness betoro the U. S. Land 0 nice and nuiytij cases a spraauj. Late Receiver D. S. Land Office. O SOROS X. WS0T rues. nos-TTSTuf. THROWN & TUST1N, XJ Attorneys-at-Law, Roods? and S o & Wilson Block. ROSEBURG. OR. B" J-1---1 Attorney and Counselor at Law, wuirntueeiaauuieconruof umbuu. of- M In tie Court Hook. DoujUj county. Or. I C. A. SEHIiBREDJv Attorney at Law, Xotetmrjg, Orrffon, OCace oTcx tie Foatoffiee oa Jadaoa atrtet. w. W. CABDWELL, Attorney at Law, ROSEBURO, OREGON. La Fatette-Lj.sk. Judge L. Locoexst JAKE & LOUGHABY, Attorneys fe Counselors at Law Katebnrg, Oregon. Vila nraetie la all the rcorta of Orecsa. Of- 3 in tit Tailor-Wilaon block. Fa R. COFFMAN. Physician and Surgeon (U. S. Examining Surgeon.) orrrr.r. nnnu fi and 7 ManterV Buildlne. Residence. First door Soath of Mrs. Ccrrier 1 1 Boarding Uoase. tf Special attention to Sarserj- and In Diseases of Women. N. j. ozias, yi. D., Physician and Surgeon, ROSEBURG, OR. 0ce In S. Harts &. Co.a Block, upstair. Calls proapUr asnrcred flay or nicnt. jg- L. MTTiT.KR, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathio Physician, ar-Chroalt diaeiwea a peeialtr. JQS. O. C. BAJJY, Graduate Vetinary Surgeon and Dentist LOCATED PERMANENTLY AT RDSEBBK. Residence. 1EWS Cass St. yr. Aft a BEERY Has been appointed Manager for Douas uoontr oy tae VIA VI COMPANY. OSce in Taylor Wilson Bolldics. Boom 3, Honrs from 2 to 5 p. m. Saturday, from 9 a. ra. todp.ro. w ILL. P. HEYDON, County Surveyor. and Notary Inbllc. Omci: In Court House. I -Ortlera Tot carreyiz-r and Field 5otes should P. BB1GGS, jj. s. Deputy Mineral aarTcyor and Notary pafeUc. Orncz: Connty Jan EaUdlnf, up lUln. XV Special attention paid to Tiaatfen end I conveyances. Address. E0SEBCRG. OR. JERRV J. WILSOH, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 4 ix jaclcson Street, At Laersscn'i Cigar Factory. E0SEBUEG. 0k.AII Rcpalrlns: cutrustecl to my carc-rrlll toe PROMPTLY ana carefully done. PRICES REASONABLE. WOODWARD -THE ROSEBURG -Does Up .ALL COMPETITORS! iXnara alwsvs in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Harvest it upon u. and farm er- are smiling because Woodward Io?i to their intcrcat. HUOOV HARNESS -Full Trimmed- TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Eednced Prices. -Comnltyonr pane and be ure and set Woodward before baying. W. 6. WOORWAR A. Vol.. XXVI. A. SAL2MAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK.) PrariS&t: Watchmaker, : .... DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND FANCY GOODS. oriuino Brnziliun Eyo A COMPLETE cutlery, lotions, Tobacco. Cigars and Smokers' Articles. aiso i-ropnotor and Ranngor or Koseuurfrs Famous liarealn Store. "WE SELL Charter Oak AND COOK STOVES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. WYLIE PILKINGTON, 'Successor to G. W. NOAH 1 General Blacksmithing jmJXM a-cojuiaisiaiscojBX-arcs. rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. Sliop on Corner WaHlilticton If Business Is 5BT The Plaindealer's Advertising Are the Rooters for the Business rien of Douglas County. ROSEBURG, Jeweler : and : Optician. Grln.s&ct and Spectacles STOCK OF THE FAMOUS Superior POSSESSION GIVEN. Lands and Mining Properties, S. KL BTJIOK, and Kane Bin., RoBehurc. ) ( ) Not Good- Don't Squeal, But Root. Columns 1 m ( ) m ( OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1896. TELEGRAPH NEWS War Within War. Key West, Jan. 10. EfloitB Lave been made to Iinab the matter up, but it is evident there is a good deal of friction between tbe tno insurgont generals, Gomez and Antonio Maceo. Macco leads the negroes and Gomez tho whites. Whiloithoy operate in harmony, and, on occasion, join forces, the differences be tween them are said to bo irreconcilable, and it is feared will lead to a civil strife if tbe independence of Cola lb won. T.ie stories of dissensions in tho camp were at first discrrdite'd, -bat they now find many bell8versrHio insurgents make no secret of tho fact that there is friction. The white men declare they aro ayailing themselves of negro assist ance to attain their ends, but that no ne gro will be allowed to participate in the direction of public affairs. Maceo, it appears, learned of this some time ago, and now there aro'two distinct insurgent cam pa. Recently Maceo is said to have vetoed Gomez' promotion of Lieutenant Masco to the grade of general, intending to back up his veto by force if necessary. Gomez compromised by accepting for Masco tho position of viee-pretldent of the provisional government. Maceo has eofar bad the advantage in strength. He has a large command, three times the sits of Gomez' column, the Cubans say. Some time ago Maceo is said to have declared that if uuablo to carry out his programme near Havana he would re turn to the eastern provinces and set up a republic with himself as president. Without consulting Gomez oi any mem ber of the provisional government, Ma ceo, so tbo story goes, appointed his sec retary minhter of foreign affairs. The secretary was killed in tattle a few days ago. Gomez complained to tlie bead of tho head of the provisional government. Marquis do San Lucia is now trying to patch up tho quarrel between tho two leaders. Air Full of Rumor5. Hav.v.va, Jan. 15. Tbo air is full of rumors regarding negotiations going on between the captain-general and the in surgent leaders, but the general opinion is that even if they are taking place, there will be no result from then. It is reported that whPu Maceo was moving along the northeru roait of Pinar del Rio, he received considerable addi tions to his supply of arms and ammuni tion. A schooner loaded with arms, etc., is said to have awaited the insurgents at La Mulata, and other such consignments are said to have been received at various parts of tho coast. This is denieu by the Spanish authorities, who say the coast is thoroughly patrolled by tbo Spanish navy. The cause oi the heavy artillery firing heard yesterday in tlie vicinity of Beju- cal, south of this city, and about half way between Havana and Batanavo, re mained a mystery nntil about noon to day. It appears that insurgents, under Gomez, were twice repulsed in attempt ing to capture the city. It is said the principal object of Gomez' aUack on Bejuca! and other places south of this city is to create a diversion under which his lieutenant, Maceo, may retire from tbo province of Pinar del Rio. Vt hen last neara irom, the second insur gent army under Generals Jose Marco, Rabi and others, was believed to be pusbiDg on through to tbe Sagua la Grande, district of Santa Clara, toward the border oi Matanzas. Efforts are be iug made to check its progress at o; about Colon. Further news from Gomez was received this evening from San Antonio de los Banos, to tbe westward of Salud, and in a southwesterly direction from Br jucal, where ho was repulsed yesterday. Mov ing apparently toward La Ceciba, Gomez has burned the railroad station at Sebor ncal, west of Sau Antonio de ios Banos, and when last heard Irom was moving so rapidly that it is not thought the tioops under General I.inearz will be able to catch him. From tho direction Gomez is taking, ho may contemplate an attack upon Guananajay. In the province of Matanzas, the insur gents are again becoming active in untici palion ot the coming ot the Eeconu or Eastern army of tho insurgents, under Generals Rabi and Joso Maceo. Small bands aro reported to bo on the move in the vicinity oi Canasi, Carmejoalroque Bolondron and Jovellanos (Bomba), who are seriously interfering wilii tho plans of the Spanish commanders to collect a force of troopB in the district of Colon with the view of trying lo bring about a pitched battle with tho insurgeuls ad vancing to tho province of Santa Clara, Tho distress in the province oi Matau zas and other places devastated by the insurgents is very great, and the local authorities in various districts have been granted necessary permission to collect funds by public subscription for the re lief oi tho sufferers. In addition, all the Bcldiers and all tho employes of the different branches of tho government havo agreed to givo one day's pny each mouth toward tho fund being collected to rcliove tho distress referred to. iho prices ot provisions, etc., aro rising very rapidly here, and tho expense oi living is fully 50 per cont more than month ago. At tho rato things aro going though tho Spanish authorities are still hopeful oi driving tho insurgents east ward aud weatward of Havana, the city of Hayana wilt be the most expensive in the world to live in. If this is the case, with the insurgent force now in this vicinity, it may be judged that matters ill be woreo if tho Spanish command ers are unablo to check the advance west- ard of the second Cuban army. Busi ness is suffering terribly, and tbe mer cantile community is heartily tired of tbe insurrection and everything connected with it. Still another report of an encounter with Maximo Gomez, at a point near Sebarucal, has been received, This time was General Pratt, who reports he had another engagement with Gomez, and that ho lias also put the Cuban forces to flight. No details of the en gagement are given, nor is anything stated as to the amount of losses inflicted but it is said Gomoz is proceeding west ward, and that he goes to relieve Maceo and to reinforce him. The Spanish authorities claim that they bad pressed Gomez hard for two days, and that they havs succeeded in doing what they sought in driving him back into tbe heart of Pinar del Rio province. They say that the combined forces of Gomez and Maceo are now in a seriously com prised position, and they do not fail to disseminate the impression of their confidence that they have at last got the insurgents at a disadvantage, and will be able to prevent their escape irom Pinar del Rio. Havana is Isolated. Maorid, Jan. 1C. Dispatches from Havana say the insurgents have cut off all means of land communication between that city and the interior, except by a short railroad from Havana to Marianao, in the province of Havana, and over a still shorter railroad between Pagla and Gunabacia, suburbs of that city. Consequently steamships are tho only means of communication between tbe capital and ttie provinces, which remain at tho disposal of the authorities. Foraker Elected. CoLCJiBfs, Jan 15. The two houses of the legislature today in joint session, at o'clock, confirmed their respective acts of yesterday by electing J. B. Fora ker United States senator, his term to begin March 4, 1S97. The senator-elect addressed the general assembly briefly. Campos' Recall Asked. Madkid, Jan. 17. Dispatches from Havana say constitutional unionists aud reformists have cabled the government emandingthe recall of General Cam pos. Loyalists Disheartened. New York, Jan. 17. The World prints a special from Havana, giving the editorial of the Diario de la Marina, which has attracted much attention. Tlie editorial says : "in onr auuition vesleruay we re ferred to a dispatch from Madrid, stat ing that news received from here had caused the greatest anxiety there. If such is the case in Spain, where, owing to tlie fact tliat the dispatches had been received by way of the United States, they could entertain hopes as to their falsity or exaggeration, and where they could receive adequate coloring at the hands of the pemier, and having reached there just after the minister of war had tated at a public banquet that the end of tlie war was near, owing to tlie po sition of tlie troops and the supposed ex haustion of tlie enemy's ammunition, wliat shall we, the loyal residents of this island, say we who aro daily dis appointed in our hopes of receiving some decisive and favorable news, but whoso often receive instead, not the news of the final blow, which is utterly impossible, but some unwelcome news? "In vain have we advised, time after time, confidence and serenity. In vain, not because one can doubt ultimate sue cess, but because the families that have. lost their all. be it great or small, those who havo witnessed the assassination of husband, father or brother, and the merchants who have seen their capital disappear, cannot find consolation in confidence and serenity. The final triumph is sure. Who loubts it? But tlie conviction of final triumph cannot prevent lamentations over tho- present state of affairs and cause one to refrain from wishing to ap ply an efficient remedy. The present condition, without being desperate, is very critical, and this fact is hidden only to those who do not wisl to see. Whenever our columns have succeeded in bringing about an engage' ment, our triumph lias been as complete as our enemy's resistance would permit But tlie latter, eluding battles, disband ing only to unite again, and availing themselves oi tho superiority oi their cavalry, have managed to put large dis tance between our columns and them selves, extending their ravages from one ex t re mo end of the island to tlie other, "The lines of defense have proved use less. Notwithstanding them, Gomez lias marched from tho east, over ruins to the vicinity of Havana. "The material ioss may be placed at between ifoO.OOO.OOO and $10,000,000. But far inoro precious aro tho lives which havo been sacrificed in defense of tho country. "And after all this, is Iho nation to bo satified with tlie cry of confidence and serenity just because wo uphold order and desire that our government should bo invested with all Iho prestige due liim, and because we do not cure to dis- No. 86. -cuss our geueral just when he is in the presence of circumstances which would prolong this war. We wish to dissipate the dense atmosphere which it is said on what authority we know not sur rounds the palace and prevents public opinion and a knowledge of existing de ficiencies penetrating therein, as well as to bring forth the treasures that could bo employed to render less unbearable the present state. "To reach a practical solution in this direction we believe that representative persona should present themselves to the general and lay before him the exact course in which public opinion is flow ing, and state with all due respect all they think could be done to conduct to tbo re-establishment of peace." Bound For Bermudas. Portsmouth, England, Jan. 17. The flying squadron is assembled at Spithead. is reported the destination of the squadron, after leaving Bantry Bay, Ire land, will be the Bermudas. Not Believed at Washington. Washington, Jan, 17. The cable re port today from Portsmouth, England, whence the British flying squadron is about to sail, that its destination may be the Bermudas, cannot be confirmed in any official quarter here. The British equadron already at and about the Ber mudas coniists of 1C ships. Should tbe Portsmouth report be true it would in crease the squadron to 22 ships, or 2S in cluding the six torpedo-catchers. It is doubted that Great Britain would send such a powerful fleet into American wa ters at at this time, when their presence would almost certainly be regarded as a hostile demonstration, certainly not called for, as long as diplomacy has not yet exhausted its resources in the settle ment of the differences between the United States and Great Britain. Leo as Arbitrator. Washington, Jan. 17. Cardinal Sa- tolli has not tendered the services of Pope Leo as arbitrator of the Venezuela controversy, nor has the cardinal re ceived, up to now, any intimation that he will be called upon to offer theservices of the pope. This is the answer given at the residence of the cardinal in response to inqoiries as to the report of the Lon don Chronicle that the pope has taken this step through the American delegate. That Extra Session. , To the Editou: I notice that there is some talk now of an extra session of tbe legislature, and for myself I would be in favor of it only one way; and that would be without any expense to the state whatever in any way, for the reason that they were all paid for forty days in which they could have given the tax payers soma relief in these good demo cratic times, bad they so desired. And the blame does not rest on tbe members of tbe house either, for they passed the bill abolishing the railroad commission and cut down several appropriations. Also passed a good tax bill with an ex emption for indebtedness, which, when they reached the senate, the appropria tions were raised and bills abolishing the railroad commission and the tax bill were both killed. So I say that in view ol these facts I think they ought to meet if they do at all, for the purpose of reducing the expenses of the state and without any more expense on the tax payers. If they are not willing to do this, for toy part I think they had better all stav at home. J. T. Bridges. Correction. In the Plaindealer. of Wednesday, the 15th, through an oversight in com piling from a mass of records of the courts of Douglas county; we were in error in two of the murder cases therein given. In the case of Mathias Helringer indicted for murder of Lewis Jones, We said Helringer was acquitted. It should have read, sentenced to pent' tentiary for 5 years. Also the case of James F. Leveus for killing his son Thomas F., we stated; he was acquitted, whereas, lie was sentenced to prison for life. The Soldiers' Home. From the inarterly returns of Com mandaut Byars of tho Soldiers' Home, for quarter ending December 31 st, we take the following statistics: Average number present (soldiers of the late war), 50. Average cost per capita, $54.12. Average number present (including state Indian war veterans), 09. Average cost ot ration, 10 1-3 cents. Average cost per capita, $47 Mirror Lodge, No. 57. The officers of Mirror Lodge, Xo. 57 at Looking Glass was duly installed last Saturday night as follows: J. H. Har tin.N.G.; J.L.Grimes, V. G.; J. E Williams, Sec. ; J. T. Goodman, Treas. A. S. Buell, AV.; J. II. Hartin, Con.; I B. Howard, I. G.; Eli Norcross, 0. G Jet Williams, R. S. X. G ; It A. Fel lows, L. S. X. G.; C. Donning, It. S. V G.; J.O. Xewland, L. S. V. G.; Win Voohis, R. S. S uudJohn West, L. S. S Tlie Pultou Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 liorse power affords the most convenient, eco nomical and reliable power for all light service. One of theso may bo seen run ning at this office. Send for circulars. ThoPelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main St., Sau Francisco, Cal. THE JURY LIST. Following are the names of tbe jurors drawn at the January term of county court: Myrtle Creek Marvin Hervey, Rob ert Powell, 15. J, Jones, Chas. McGee, Miio Kelly, J. B. Harris, J. F. Steph ens, M. F. Rice, W. M. Heard, Thos, L. Brewer and 0. C. Ludincton. Wilbur R. J. Farnsworth, A. D. Ot- tinger, Wm. Leatherman, 0. P. Hender son, E. E. LaBrie, Creed Giliam, and ' Narcisse LaRaut. Scottsburg Fred Weatheriy, E. J. Patterson, Ben Batlerand M. D. Thomp son. Glendale-Geo. Elliff, J. M. Trimble and J. A. Jacques. Lake W. H. Service, S. B. Colvin. Elkton J. A. Haines, Wm. Cheever, ' Chas. Binder, John Hancock, S. H. Brown, A. E. Cooper, F. Weatheriy, Geo. Hyde, Geo. Elliott, C. W. Hud dleston and Pitzer Beckley. Ualapooia H. L. fctephens, J. H. Dearling, L. T. Sherman, W. A. Taylor, A. G. Estes, Chas. Wilbur, Wm. Bain- bridge, Ben. Pilkington, Edgar Rone, F. J. Smith, A. D. Hawn, Jas. P. Starr, Geo. Theile, Chas. Whitney, Jno. !A. Winniford, Edward Stevens, A. F. Dun can, Harry Rees, A. L. Goff, E. E. Axx, C. J. Grog, Austin Albright, W. J. . Mahoney and Dwight Reed. Coles Valley Geo. Scott, Wm. Kamp. Mort. Woodruff, Jno. E. Wilson, Dan B. Hall. S.L. Forti. W. E. Marsters and W. W. Thompson. Looking Glass TJ. S. Morgan, S. D. McCoy, P. G. T. B. Williams, G. W. Marsh and A. R. Mathews. Civil Bend Wm. Buxton, M. C. Weatherford, E. Winston, L. F. Smith and W. G. Miller. Ten Mile D. A. Brock, Asher Ire land, W. S. Short, S. R. Brisbin, H. E. Bushnell and T. F. Fisher. S8 Creek Geo. Hedrick, D. R. Warner, S. J. Richey, Fred Allen, W. W. Traglor, S. W. Cellers, H. Bidenour, Walter Kent, B. H. Miller, I. W. Gardi ner, C. C. McMakin, Horace Putnam, J. Cowan, Wm. Sweringen, Chas. Mc Coy, Frank Anlauf, F.M. Stewart. Riddle Thoa Dyer, E. D. Riddle, A. L. Catching, J. H. Cutsforth, Perry Lasswell, Henry Marmon, J. D. Comut, A. E. Nichols. Camas J. R. Wilson, Geo. Slater, B. Trowbridge, John Standley, A. Mar- Ltindalo. . Yoncalla J. G. Sainler, Henry Burt, Lon Letsom, Z. L. Cox, Oliver Huff, Jokn Kinger, Walter McKee, A. P. Rus sell, Cbas. Westenhiser, Matbew Sebr, Jerome Smith, Archy Adams. Ralph Lamb. Millwood Geo. Knarr, Wm. Powell, Wm. Black. East Uinpqua-G. W. Shram, W. H. Bond, M. B. Hughes, Chas. Clark. Canyonyilie E. L. Goodridge, Dayid Hughes, Riley Butcher, John Arzner, Jr., W. E. Bntler, A. Brooks, Morris Raymon, Jacob Brown, Jas. Overstreet, Retnic Fate, J. L. Boyle. D. C. McCarty, W.D.Terrill. Gardiner Grant Balderee, Louis Sey mour, C.E. Picket, Wm. W. Bay, F. M. Spencer, Peter Cowan. R. McKinnev. Peter Blake and Peter Dolan. ML Scott Will Singleton, Owen At- terbury, H. A. Blakely and J. J. Thbra ton. Deer Creek Arthur Cloake, A. L. Kidder, J. K. .Gilkeson, B.C. Yates, John Juvenal, E. A. Krnse, V. C. Lon don, E. A. Hinkle, H. T. Blumb, V. S. Patterson, M. T. Mende, Andrew Youn , E. Hatfield, A. J. Starmer, R. J. North, F. W. Brundige, CP. Barnard, Wat son Davis, F. M. Appelhoff, F. W. Wool ley, C. W. Parrolt, H. Parry, R. L. Mc Loughlin, S. H. Dodson, John McKean, Otey Boon, R. L. Ingram, 0. N. Bene dick, Joseph. Wharton, Free Johnson. J. H. Wiles, C. E. Happersett, James Templin, H. D. Conn, Jas. Fletcher, S. Guptill and E. Dixon. Democratic State Convention. Mr. David W. Sears, chairman, and Napoleon Davis, secretary, of the state democratic central committee, have is sued a call for-tho next democratic state convention : "The democratic state central com mittee, at its meeting held at Portland, Oregon, January 7th, 1S06, determined that the representation at the demo cratic state convention, to be held at the city of Portland on Thursday, April 9, 1S90, at 10 o'clock a. m,, should bo as follows: One delegate-at-large from each county, and one delegate for each 100 votes and each fraction of 50 votes or over cast for Hon. A. S. Bennett for Supreme judge at the last regular election. Douglas county will be entitled to 12 delegates. Officers Installed. D. D. G. M., H. Parry, installed the officers of Umpqua Lodge, No. 37 at Oakland last Wednesday, as follows: C. L. Chenoweth, N. G.; R. L. Stearns, V. G.; R. L. Stephens, R. Sec; Z. L. Dimmick, T. Sec; J. H. Dearling, Treas. and W.; J. C. Hutchinson, Con.; L. M. McFarland, I. G.; J. S. Batty, R. S. N. G.;.J. O.Gilmour, L. S. N. G.; C. A. McNabb, L. S. V. G. ; , R. S. V. G. ThoD.D. G. M., H. Parry was as sisted by three brothers of Philetarian Lodge, No. 8, T. Alexander, Joseph Micelli and James Fletcher. An in teresting time was had by the brothers.