- L f" IF YOU SEE IT IM ! The Plaindealer I IF YOU DON'T READ p Tlie Plaiudealer i You Don't Get tub News. IT IS SO. V01XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1896. No. 85. M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law. Roam S. SI inters BuUdlne. - ROSEBURn. or rsy-Buslnejs before the TJ. S. Land Office and raining cases a specialty. Late Receiver C. S. Land Office, run. rAQs-Tvrnjt, JgBOWN & TUSTHT, Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms T and 8 Ta o & Wilson Block. R03EBURG, Of- "y R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor atXaw, "Will TinvcUc in all tin eourU of tte St- Of. Sea la the Court House, DoufUs count. Or. A. SEHLBREDK. ' Attorney at Law, Kateiurff, Orrfn. OSes ott the FoatofiM on acksoa strt. 7 W. CARD WELL, Attorney at Law, BOSEBURG, OREGON. La Fiyxttje Lose. Judge L. Locoomst JQANE & IiOXTGEAHT, Attorneys & Counselors at Law Xottbnrff, Oregon. Vr ill practice in all tie court of Oregon. Ot ic ia tie Taylor-Wilson fcJoci. P R. OOFFMAN, Physician and Surgeon (C. 3. Eiaialalng Surscon.) OFFICE. Boons 6 and 7 Maulers' Building. Residence. First door South of Mrs. Currier i Boarding llouse. Special attention to Surgery and to Diseases: of Worsen. N. j. ozias, yi. D. Physician and Surgeon, KOSEBDEG. OB. 02cc in S. Marcs Co-'s Block, upstairs. Calls promptly answered day or night. J L. MTT.T.KR, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, Botebmrg, Oregon. Ei2r"CfcruaIe Ji-v"i a peeialtr. JB. O. C. BAIiDT, Graduate Vetinary Surgeon nand Deutist. 10CATID FEEMAXOiTlY AT ROSIBURC. Residence, 1003 Cass St. OLARA BERRY Uasbccn appointed Manager for ioagias tauaxy oy ue YTAVI COMPANY. OSce ia Taylor WiUoa Bailding, Room 3, Hours from 2 to 5 p. in. Sa tarda jt, f rora 3 a. ra. to5p.ro. w UL P. HZTD0N, County Sur'oyor. and Notary public Omcx: In Court House. Orders for surrerlng and Field Kotes should be addressed to Will P. Ueydon, County ur. reyoT, Eoeeburg, Or. P. BRIQGS, V. 8. Deputy Jllneral Scu-rcyor and JSotary Pabllc. Orncz: County Jan Building, up itairs. W Special attention paid to Transfers and Conveyances. Address. E03EB0RG, OR. JERRY J. WILSOfi, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 411 Jackson Street, At Luerasen's Cigar Factory. BOSEBURG. Ua-A.ll Repairing: eatmated to ray care will toe PROMPTLV aad carefully done. PRICES REASONABLE. WOODWARD -THI ROSEBUHG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We axe always in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Harvest u upon ns, and arm crs are smiling because Woodward locis to their intercut. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Beduced Price. Consult your purse and be suro and see Woodward bciore buying. W. G. WOODTVAR A. 'A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. Prit&k&I : Watchmaker, : DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKY, AND FANCY GOODS. 4 Cwcmiiuo Brazilian Eyo A COMPLETE STOCK OF Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' ArticleB. Also Proprietor and Manager of Oh! no; Not Ours, But you will certainly throw yOUV old smoJilf lamps JlWCl? if you once see the fine center draft lamps we have on exhibition. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MIKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware C6. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Prune and Hop Lands of best in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of id. THE PELTON- WATER MOTOR. Of capacities varying from 1 to25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street; San Francisco, Cal. K' H K H m M If Business Is Not Good S The Plaindealer's Advertising Columns Are the Rooters for the Business flenof Douglos County. JASKULEK.) Jeweler : and : Opficitin. Glasses mitl Hpccincles Rosebnrg's Famous Uargaln Store POSSESSION GIVEN. Lands aud Mining Properties, quality, in choice locations, s. kl bxjiok; Don't Squeal, But Root. ) ( TELEGRAPH NEW Helpless Armenia. Washington, Jan. 13. Today lieini; the second Monday of the month, was, under tho rules, set aside lor the consid eration of business relating to the Dis trict of Columbia. Beforo Chairman Babcock claimed tho day, Morse pre- sented the following resolution for refer ence to the committee on foreign affairs: "Whereas, The most mournful tragedy of tho 10th century baa been and is now being onacted under the apparent sanc tion of tho sultan of Turkey, .by which hundreds of thousands of Armenians aro beins ruthlessly slaughtered in cold blood ; women are being driven in cap tivity worse than death, and (lie inhab itants who have fled to the rnountaius are dying of cold and staryation, and "Whereas, Tho blood of these mar tyred dead cry to heaven for justice ; "Resolved, That the committee on foreign affairs consider the expediency of reporting forthwith some expression by this government in denunciation of these atrocities, and if they find we as a na tion are powerless to act, that we invoke the co-operation of the allied powers to wipe tho Turkish government off the face of the earth and secure the freedom and independence oi Armenia." Tho resolution was referred. The house then entered upon the con sideration of district business. Two un important bills were reported, nfter which the house went into a committee of tho whole for consideration of the pen sion appropriation bill. An Important Discovery. Washington, Jan. 13. Public opinion in Great Britain basclianged in the moat wonderful manner since the Mon roe doctrine was first'promulgated. An unexpected discovery in the old filc3 in the house of 'representatives has given to the state department a valuable state paper, with which Lord Salisbury's claim that the Monrcc doctrine has never been recognized by England, will be completely upset. In going over tho" old records Walter H. French, the file clerk of the house, discovered a collection of clippings from English papers, all beariug on the mes- sage-of President Monroe, in whicii he gave to the world the famous doctrice which bears hb name. The message was Senfon the ojv.nin!: of ggrerw-p. hc drst Monday" in December, 1S23. The British papers without exception, com mented on the message in the most fa vorable terms. France was then con templating lonquest in outh America and Great Britian was prompt to seize on the Monroe message as a notice to continental nations that conquest in America meant war witii the United States. Mr. Frenche's discovery has been copied and sent to retary Olney. Members of the foreign affairs committee say that Mr. Frenche's discovery is the most important made in the matter, as it presents contemporary evidence of tiie fact, which Great Britain lias since for gotten, that at the time President Mon roe's message was delivered it was ac cepted, and even welcomed as sound doctrine bv the people of England. More than that, the newspapers then distinctly pledged Great Britain to aid in the enforcement of the Monroe doc trine. Break In the Clouds. London, Jan. 13. It was learned this afternoon tiiat the cabinet council Sat urday considered the question of re-establishing diplomatic relations with Venezula, but no definite conclusion was arrived at. The Westminster Gazette this after noon, touching upon the misunderstand ing between Great Britian and the United States, says it sees a distinct break in the clouds, and hopes a settle ment satisfactory to Great Britian and the United States will be effected with Venezuela direct, and intimates that the Brazilian minister is closely identified with the latest proposed solution of this controversy. Torpcdos Being Planted. Chicago, Jan 13. A sjwcial from Washington jays: Torpedoes are beiug planted in the harbor of Havana and heavy siego guns are being placed in position. This was the private information received by the Cuban junta and given out by Senor Ruben3last night. As tho insurgents have not a ship afloat, the iuferenco is irresistable that Spain expects inteifer- ence by tho United Statos, and is prepar ing to defend tho capital from an attack by tea. Action by the United States looking to tho recognition of the bolligor ency ia expected. It is stated on apparently good author ity that President Cleveland's Venezuela message was a double-barreled affair, which hit Salisbury in two places at tho same time. Acconlihg to (ho secret agents of tho Cuban?, Spain is at the end of her resourcoB, aud will have to sus pend Bpecio payments entirely within tho next 30 days. With bankruptcy staring her in tho face, Spain, it is said, made a proposition to sell tho island of Cuba to Great Britain. Lord Salisbury, it is intimated, according to Cuban authority, sounded tho United States on the subject, and the reply was President Cleveland's vigorous enunciation of tho Monroe doctrine. The senate comrnitte on foreigu rela tions has bec.u holding several confer ences of lato. Senator Davis of Minne sota, at the head of aBub-commitleo hay ing the matter in charge, is now drawing up a formal definition of the Monroe doc trine, which expands the original decla ration and makes it clear ns the formal doctrine of the American congress. Those who claim to know, gay that this declaration is intended to meet both the Cuban and Venezuela cases. As the dry season ends in March, it is now said if Spain does not succeed in stopping the rebellion by that time the United States will certainlv recognize the insurgents as belligerents. The Cuban colony is in a ferment over rumors that recognition by the United States is at last at band. OAKLAND. Cap, Maupin was in town Saturday. Mrs. Thomas weut to Portland Sun day. L. D. Carle of Koseburg was in town one day last week. Mrs. Bloomfield was quite ill last week but is much better now. If you are troubled with a cough or a cold, call on Gary Young and he will giyc you the latest remedy. Cap. Hall was taken seriously ill last week, and has suffered a great deal. The latest reports stato a marked change for the better. Kev. Leonard assisted by Rev. Day is holding protracted meeting at the Bap tist church. The meetings are well at -tended. Dick Nease is erecting a larce wood house, when completed it will be a great convenience and quite an improvement to Inck's property. The ladies of our village are making preparations for a ball at Young's ball next Friday night in hotior of the present year. We wish them success. John Canaday left Sunday night for I'hiunix, Arizona, wherohewtd remain until ulter the leap year ball. 5Ir, Batty returned the first of last week from the search after Sam Brown, the man that was sentenced to be hung, and escaed from thn jail at Itoseburg a short time ago. Large quantities of steel head salmon are. Lcius shipctl from here to 1'oilUnd. These flsh are caught in me Umpqua river and hauled hero by the fishermen. Mark A. Katz, of the firm of Chas. Jacobson & Co. of San Francisco, was here during last week "making arrange ments with E. G.Young & Co., for a part of a carload of chickens to be shipped this week. The car will leave Eugene partly loaded and will stop here for the above lot to be put aboard. This Sau Francisco company will run a car once a month hereafter, gathering up poultiy along the road from Portland to San Francisco. This will be a great con venience to shippers. Tr.iLnv. OLALLA. Mining is rather tedious jnst now owing to the scarcity of water, yet there is some work going on. All the old mines are in operation ex cept the Bushnell claim, Nevens & By ron's claim and the old K. B. Ireland claim. Pursuant to previous noti.-e a few of tho citizens of Olalla met at the school house and organized a social club or lit erary society. 0. II. Flook was elected president; II. Z. Ireland, vice-president; G. Byron, secretary; Zelia Byron, treas urer and W. L. Short, sergeant-at-arms. A committee having been appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, handed in their report, which was read and adopted. There being no further no fur ther business tho meeting adjourned to meet Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2 o'clock p. m. Allen. When the civil war opened the wealth of this country was estimated at $16, 000,000,000. In 1S00 it had reached $03,000,000,000, and in case of a foreign war we should now be an undivided peo ple. The most remarkable fact con nected with these figures is that the United States accumulated three times as much wealth during the thirty years ending with 1S90 as in the 230 years preceding 1SG0. The receipts of the American Bible Society last year were over $228,000, but this was much less than was needed for its purposes. It prints the Bible in ninety-live different languages and dia lects, and while many are of a high class and purchased by the well-to do, the most of them are cheap, and find their way as gifts into the homes of tho poor Since 1801, there has been an aggregate of 230,000,000 Bibles printed in the world. The fact that the exports to the United States from Sheffield, England, during 1S'J3 were $750 000 larger than thoso of 1S9I is worth uoting as au example of tho way in which a democratic tariff policy does not bonellt tho manufacturers and laborers of tho United Statos. Fiuo hand-engraving by the Lightning Engraver at 25 cents per name. Leavo orders or jowelry with A. Salznian the jeweler. ' BRIEF MENTION. From Tuesday's Daily. Robert Anlaugh of Comstock is at the Van Houten. R. B. Mathews has not given the re quired bonds and is still behind the bars. Jack Brady and Jas. Melvin and wife of Oakland arc registered at the McClal len. G. J. Green, D. S. Lashier and C. W. Cotton of Portland are registered at the Van Houten. Cal Simmons who was sent to the asylum a few months ago has been dis charged and is now in the city. J. L. Cole of Oakland, H. B. MUler of Grants Pass and C. A. Foster of New York are registered at McClallen's. John Canady of Oakland left this morning lor Arizona to spend three months, possibly longer, on a tour of pleasure and recreation. At the house of G. W. Benedict. Jan uary 1st, 1806, Frank Elliott and Effie J. Benedict were united in marriage; J. A. Smith, justice of the peace, of ficiating. "The Poket house" referred to in the testimony in the case of the State vs. R. B. Matthews was to the vacant building on Stephen's street formerly occupied by Sir. Poket. The directors of Roseburg school dis trict No. 4, have called a meeting of the district at the school house on January 20th for the j urpose of levying a tax to defray the expense of the school re quired in excess of state and county ap propriations. Following is a list of the A. O. U. W. officers installed at the regular meeting last night: C. L. Hadley, 31. W.; C. Y.Benjamin, Foreman ;. J. W. Mullen, Overseer; W. T. Wright, Receiver; J. B.Cawlfield, Recorder; C. E. Happer sett, Guide; II. S. French, I. U. At the residence of Mrs. E. J. Ham lin of Portland, January' 8th, 1S96, the prettiest wedding of the season was solemnized by the Rev. Mr. Bovd. the contracting parties being Mr. Andy Hamlin, a highly esteemed and popular employee of the S. P. R. R., and Miss Ethellinie Warde, one of Oregon City's fairest daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Ham lin departed for a short trip south. Resolutions of Condolence UiKin the death of Hon. John Follerton, ajt rnpoHcd by tho comiltw-nf tPhilo. tanan LodgoXo. S, i. O. O. F.: Whereas, In pursuit of a divine and mysterious purpose the Supreme Ruler has removed from the scenes of earth to the Grand Lodge aboye, our well-beloved brother, John Fullerton, Past Grand, who, at the time of bis death, was a member of Douglas Lodge, No. 14, I. O, O. F. of Canyonville. Oregon, and WiiEnEAS, Our deceased brother be came a member of this Lodge at its or ganization in 1S30 and labored earnestly and zealously in laying the foundation upon which this Lode is builded, incul cating its noble teachings, advocating its broad and charitable doctrines and ex emplifying in life its fraternal principles, and Whekeas, While the deceased brother has been for many years past a member elsewhere, he was of late a citizen of Roseburg, and an attendant upon the meetings of this Lodge so that in the early days of its existence he was a zeal ous member thereof, and of late years a warm friend, wise counselor and living example of all that is noble and good in the order. Therefore be it Resetted, That in tho deaih of Brother Past Grand Fullerton, not only has his own Lodge lost a faithful and active member but the loss is equally as great to this Lodge and to the Order in gen eral, and. Resolved, That his family loses a lov ing and devoted father and the com munity a valued citizen. HetoUtd, Further, That the charter, as also the portrait of onr deceased brother, lately presented to this Lodge, be draped in mourning for thirty day; that theso resolutions bo spread upon tho Journal of the Lodge and that copies thereof bo furnished the city papers for publication. R. M. Conkling, J. W. Stkaxge, W. T. Wright, Jos. Micei.li, Committee. The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav ening power as the Royal. The State Levy. The stato board to levy tho state tax, composed of governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, have determined the stato lovy for 1S03 assessment at 4 and eight-tenths mills, Followiug are the levies for tho last nine years. Levy. Revenue 18S7, 5.1 mills $ 441,420 00 1SSS, 4. mills :4o,573 71 1SS9, (. mills 009,584 04 1890, 4. 12-33 mills 405,423 52 1S91.3. mills 73S.500 99 1S92, 7. mills 1,121,843 52 1893, 4.3 mills 022.7S2 29 1S94, 3. mills 451,198 15 1S03, 4.S mills 093,33S.00 Munyon Remedies are taking tho lead over all other medicines. Sold at Mars ters' Drug Store. Roseburg B. & L. A. To the officera and stockholders of the Roseburg Building and Loan Associa tion of Roseburg, Oregon : Your secretary respectfully submits this, the seventh annual statement of the Association, for the year ending December 31, 1895: RECEIPTS. Cash, on hand last report 455 59 Monthly Installments 4828 00 Expense fees 192 00 Interest 3212 41 Fines 229 33 Total f8917 33 DISBURSEMENTS. Real estate mortgages $2675 00 Stock mortgages 5804 90 Surrendered stock 93 36 Secretary's salary 120 00 Printing 7 00 Safe repairs l 50 Attorney's fees 10 00 Rebate to Orcut 200 00 Total $8911 76 Bal. on hand Dec, 31 , 1895 ... . $5 57 ASSETS Notes and mortgages $35,925 00 Notes secured by stock 10,108 70 Delinquent dues 37 00 " interest 79 71 " fines 55 25 " expense fees, 8 50 Safe 125 00 Cash on hand 5 57 $46,374 73 LIABILITIES. 337 shares of stock for 84 months $31,668 00 Unearned interest 937 35 Unearned dues , 120 CO Unearned expense fees 5 00 Balance duo borrowed 225 00 $32,955 35 Gain 13,419 58 No. of shares on roll last statement. .378 No. of shares canceled 1 Now on the roll 377 Actual cash value per share. January 1, 1896 $ 119 59 Actual cost value, 1806 123 09 No. of share holders 66 No. of loans made, 1895 14 No. of loans made to data fis Highest No. months advance interest. 21 Lowest No. months advance interest. . .1 Average 14 6 7 Jo. of shares borrowed on 82 Largest loan $1,000 00 SmaUig - - -' , lUUalir; Withdrawal value 181 79 Cahrik M. Svkes. Sec. Per H. Wollenbubg. Deputy. Rosebubg, Ore., Jan. 13, 1806. To the officers and stockholders of the Roseburg Buildingand Loan Association: e, your auditing committee, hereby certify that we have examined the books, vouchers and reports of the secretary for the year ending. December 31, 1S95, aud find the same correct. F. W. Benson, K. L. Miller, F. M. Rapp, Auditiiig Committee. Marvelous Results? From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund erman, of Dimondale. Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. .King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I wa3 pastor of tho Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. C. Masters & Co.'s Drng Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Special Notice. The Bushey addition in North Rose burg, consisting of 200 acres of choice land, haying been platted into large residence lots and acreage property, is now placed upon the market at cut rates, payable in yearly installments, bearing six per cent interest per annum. The title is perfect and every parcel sold will be released by the mortgager from tho operation of a certain mortgage now no on the property. To examine plats and learn prices, etc., call upon D. S. K. Buick, Agent. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between J. A. Hein and C. G. Meyer under the firm name of Roseburg Brewing Co., is this day dissolved. C. G. Meyer will continue the business, collect all ac counts and pay all bills of the laie firm. J. A. Hein. C. G. Meker, Roseiicrg, January 11, 1S96- Flnal Call. All persons are hereby notified to make immediate settlement iof their in debtedness to" tho late firm of S. Marks & Co. ; otherwise tho same will be placed in hands for collection. Pleaso give this call prompt attention and thus avoid ad ditional costs. Asuer Marks, Administrator of Estate of S. Marks &Co. Household Furniture For Sale. The undersigned, on account -of re moval from Roseburg, offers her house hold furniture for sale very cheap. Mrs. L. Belfils.