v IF YOU DOH'T READv ! The Plaindealer ? I IF YOU SEE IT Hi 59 The Plaindealer I 1 You Don't Get tub News. IT IS SO. l Vol.. XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1896. No. 84. t. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room t, Marstcn Buudlns. - ROSEBURG, OR. I C0Basincss before the U. 8. Land OEoo and I milling cases a spcciaitx- Lato RecclTCt U. B. Land Office. QKOBGE X. ESOTS. ruo. rAOt-Ttrns. jgBOWN & TUbTIN, Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 7 and S Ta o & Wilson Block. ROSEBURG. OR. R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, wai practice In all th coorU of the But. Of-1 Cm la the Court Uoaie, txnif ui eounix, ur. Q A. SEHLBRED33. Attorney at Law, OAs oxer the Foato&ee on Jaekacn (ttett. W. CARD WELL, Attorney at Law, ROSEBURG, OREGON. ti Fatote List. Jcnes L. locchaxy T ANE & LOTJGHABY, Attorneys & Counselors at Law KMfnrv, Oregon. Vi ill practice In all the eonrU ol Ortson. Of-1 See In the TTlor-WUm Nott. P R. OOFPMAN. Physician and Surgeon (U. S. Examining Surgeon.) nrnrE ten e and 7 ManScrs BoUdiax. Residence. First door South of Mrs. Currier 1 1 Boarding Uoosc. Special attention to Surgery and th N. J. OZIAS, ?1. D., Physician and Surgeon, BOSEBOT.G. OR. OSce in S. Huts & Co-'s Block, upstair. Calls prompt! j- answered da; or night. jg- l. mlller, m. d.. Surgeon and Homceopathio Physician, uhny, Oregon. CaJ-Chroaie disease a pccialtr. jQB. O. C. BALDY, Graduate Vetinary Surgeon and Dentist. LOCATED PERMANENTLY AT EOSEBUEC KesidECe, KOS Cass St. S. CLABABEBRY lias been appointed Manager for uoogiaa uouaty oj tne i VIAVI COMPANY. OSce in Tajlor & Wiboa Banding, Room 3, Hotm irom 2 to 5 p. m. 5atsrdaT,irora9a.B. loop. a. Will. p. hbydon, Qj-j-y- suryoyor l BnuNotary pabuc omcx: in cortHoase.j Orders for Sarreyin? and Field Notes should I be addresed to Will P. Hejdon, Conntr Sor, rejor, uosetinrff.ur. w. P. BRIQGS, U. 8. Deputy Mineral Sarveryor still Settarr Pnbllc Omcx: Connty Jail Balldlnj, op stain. I E&T Special at Nation paid to Transfers and I y uiaTejascei. Addnsa, ROSEBURG. OR. JERRY J, WILSOfi, 15 Watcbinaker and Jeweler, 2 4iz jacltson Street, At Lneraen's agar Factory. ROSEBURG. Itepalrinsr entruHted to my care -will be PROHPTW aad carefully done. j PRICES REASONABLE. -C5 2UC3 MM. Ctsll. WOODWARDS -THE 23 USTLE IK ROSEBURG Does Up ATT nnwiWTTvniia i JULUJJ WW AT A A JUL A. A JL UAW We aro blwayi in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Ilarvcst is npon n, and farm- era are trailing became Woodward losis to their intcrwt. RUGGV HARNESS Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted, SADDLES. At Reduced Prices. Conault yonr pane and be tare and seo Woodward before buying. W. G. WOOfrWARB A, SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JABKULEK. ) Pradk W Watchnukcr, : DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. Kejiaalpliiifl am. Hpcctnlty. oxxiiiup Brnzlliau IDj'o A COMPLETE STOCK OP Cntlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor and Hanngcr or Kosobnrg's Famous Bargain Store. -. , , , Jpfcsa TI70WH Oh! no; Not Ours, But you will certainly throw your old smoldj lllMjpSJlway if you once see the fine center draft lamps we have on exhibition. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and AND IMMEDLVTE jjtocK ranges, iiniDer x a uuv. uuu a. jlv jauu7 uj m quantities to suit intending prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. tosMlbavt, . SoaalaaB 1 THE PELTON- WATER MOTOR. Of capacities varying from i to25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. sicbob r?S?SS?iSiv3v5v If Business Is Not Good- ) A The Plaindealer's Advertising Columns Are the Rooters for the Business Jlenof Douglas County. Jeweler : aid : Optician. Glasses u ml Spectacles Wayj small, to Rent, POSSESSION GIVEN. juanas ana Aiming rroperues, w juaii j iu uuui.v iuv.ubiuujj purcnasers, at reasonable S- IC BUICK, ?."sv Ossfjtam i9inieiai(niiniMii Don't Squeal, But Root. TELEGRAPH NEW The Story Repeated. Nkw York, Jan. 9. A special to the Herald from Caracas eaya: The Government has rtcehed news from the Venezuelan boundary stations near the frontier of British Guina, to the effect that 100 men of the British colon ial politics have been sent to guard the EngltBh station, in thedispuled territory: The government regards this action as a direct menace on the part of England, following, as it does, eo closely the rues sago of President Cleveland relating to the boundary question. : The govern ment officials say, however, that notwith standing the report that Great Britain is fortifying her position, ju apparent de fiance of tho republic, great prudence will be observed by Venezuelan officers in tho territory, and an attempt will be made to avoid all perilous disputes. The point to which tho British police have been dispatched is that first point or dered to be fortified with Maxim guns by Mr. Chamberlain, English minister for the colonies. Startling reports have been received from Barcelona, to the effect that the British vice-consul in that city is concen trated in the revolution against the gov ernment. Barcelona, which is in the stato of Berrundez, while not directly on the Bhores of the Caribbean sen, is only a few miles distant from that body of water, has a port of its own, called Guz man, Blanco, and is a great rendezvous for revolutionary bands. If escape should bo cut off by sea, the insurrection ists woold still have the mountainous region to the eastward in which to find a refuge, should they be overpowered. Tho Koverument has already sent mtiuy troops to Bermudez, and is rapidly enrolling all citizens in the national guard who are fit fur service in tho field. Eleven thousand men have thns far been enlisted. Minister Castillo, who holds tie port folio of interior, baa addressed a letter to the president and governors of all the states, advising change in the law which shall declare every mau who engages in insurrectionary movements to be a traitor. Under the existing laws of the state, treason is punished Ly death. There has as vet been no official notice that such a decree will be issued by the government. The government is now makiug ar rangements to sell nil of its old cannon, which it has replaced with new ones of modern types. New Gold Discoveries. Bocloer, Colo., Jan. 9. Intense ex citement prevails in this city over the new gold fields, situated at South Boul der creek and Magnolia, and there are rumors of riches being uncovered by prospectors in holes not even five feet deep. The strike is alleged to be worth $100,000, and an offer of this amount is said to have been made and refused. Frank D. Baker came down from Walker's ranch, and reports that sev eral sacks of quartz had been sent to the sampling works from the claim dis covered by the White brothers. The gold was sticking out all over the quartz, and no accurate estimate could be formed of the value of the stuff, but it will be sold by tho pound instead of ton. The paunings made from the ore arc said to be wonderful, as great rings of gold form around the pan with each test of washing. The prospectors are wild over the outlook for a great mining boom, and 500 men are working night and day in search of veins. The new gold discoveries aro on the same mineral belt as the rich Tellurite mines of Ballarat, Jamestown, Gold Hill, Sunshine and Magnolia. In each of these districts mineral has been un covered at the grass roots. War Clouds Less Dark. London, .'an. 9. The chances of war between Great Britain and Germany are looked upon today as remote, there be' lug a decided tono of back down in the utterances of the German press toward Great Britain. The 1'all Gazctto eaya: "bteps were taken in the highest quarters to obtain by family influence a full explanation from Emperor William, and the com munications which passed have done moro than anything to bring about cbaogo of tone in tho Gepnan official press toward Great Britain. German newspapers, official, Eemi-ollicial and hostile, aro tumbling over one another in their anxiety to explaiu that the ten sions was tho fault ol England." Tho receipt of a dispatch from Pretoria, announcing tho extreme demands of the South African republic for tho surrender of nil British rights and suzerainty, etc, ovor Transvaal and Bolagoa bay, how ever, and has again changed tho com nlexion of affairs. Meantime there is liltlo or no abatement of tho anti-Ger man feeling hero. At a meeting of the Loudon radical federation hero today a resolution was paseud demanding tho re moval of Emneror William from tho British army and navy lists. A baseless that roport tho ofticora of tho First Dragoons, ia garrison at Dublin of which Emperor William was made honorary colonel by Queen Victoria, had burned his majesty in efiigy, was re ceived with cheering. The colonel of tho First Dragoons this afternoon telegraphed that thero is no ground for this story. It is Baid that before tho receipt of this official denial tho German ambassador, Count von Hatzfeldt Wildenburg, made representations on the subject to tho Marquis of Salisbury, asking to be in formed aetto the truth of the report. At tho foreign office this afternoon the dispatch saying that the Boers demanded the banishment of Mr. Rhodes from Af rica and the abandonment of the rights of Great Britain regarding the Transvaal and Delagoa bay were discredited on the grounds that Sir Hercules Robinson, gov ernor of Cape Colony, in his dispatches to the colonial office made no mention of any such demands or intentions. Favors Arbitration. London, Jan 10. The movement in favor of arbitrating tho Venezuela ques tion with tho United States is growing day by day. The Westminster Ga zette, after having interviewed states men of all parties, 'bankers and others, says this afternoon : "Everywhere there were enthusiastic expressions in favor of the proposal to establish a permanent court of arbitra tion." From diplomats who have had recent interviews with the foreign office, the Associated Press learns tliat there is a decided change of sentiment there. The unbending antagonism to arbitra tion of the Venezuela boundary dispute, first shown in high circles, has almost completely disappeared and matters look much more satisfactory than they have at any time since the dispute com menced. It is semi-oflicially stated today that no such movement of British forces to ward the boundary or in the neighbor hood of the disputed territory in Vene- uela, as indicated in the dispatch from Daracas, via Nicaragua, has been con templated by Great Britain, and no ad dition has been made to the small force tationed for some time in the Urnan district. Regarding the attitude of Ven ezuela, is added, that there is no reason to suppose hostile attion upon her part is intended. Anxious for War. Demon-, Jan. 10. The German press of this ciiy is red-hot for war between Eo gland and Germany, and wants it right away. Abenhorst, the German organ of the state, and intensely conserv ative, says that Germany must intist on her tights. It then says: "England won't fight: she will bluff awhile and then crawfish. The German torpedo fleet is a match for tho English any day." The Yolksblatt says : "The German emperor has made him self most popular by his unexpected movement. Germany needs colonies more ttiau tnglanu. .hnglanu is the enemy of Germany everywhere. "So long as Canada remains British we can never teel at home in our adopted couutry. It will be America's opportun ity. Canada must be ours. Oh, if only the German-English war would come!" Tho German citizens generallv are of the same opinion, and at an informal meeting mny declared their intention of returning to Germany to enlist if war should be declared. Favors the fl'KInley Law. Washington, Jan 10. Pritchard, of North Carolina, called up in the senate the amendments lie had offered to the revenue bill, to increase the duties on certain kinds of clays, marble, iron ore, tin-ber, live stock, cereals, fruits, wool and coal. Ho tavored the re-enactment of tho McKinley law and the free coinage of silver. He denounced tho Southern democrats for their recreancy to their own section. Their tariff law had brought unexampled prosperity to New England manufacturers and bankruptcy and ruin to tho farmers and producers of the South. When Pritchard had fin ished, Hill eluded the former for incon sistency in his statements. North Caro lina, he said, occupied a peculiar situa tion in congress, aud ho did not see how her people could be gratified. Some timo ago the same legislature in North Caro lina had elected two senators by the same combination. A faw days ago one of them (Butler) denounced tho detno cratic party for being falso to its pledges of tariff roform. Today the other end of tho combination told tho senate lie favored tho re-enactment of tho McKin ley law. The senate, oil Hale's motion, agreed to adjourn until Monday when adjourn ment was taken today. White consumed the remainder of the timo before expiration of the morning hour with n speech in favor of soma practical modification of the senate rules He did not mince words in his characterization of the rules and the ancient fictions" they perpetuated. The great evil he especially inveighed against was that which permitted an interminable debate on any question, and placed it in tho power of a singlo Ecuator.to hold the senate at his mercy for so long. At the conclusion of White's speech, Morgan, formerly chairman of tho com mittee on foreign relaticna, introduced a joint resolution congratulating tho re public of Transvaal for the stand for liberty which it had taken, and direct ing the president of tho United States to transmit this action to tho republic of Transvaal. Tho resolution was referred to the foreign relations committee. Jones niado n speech on tho free- coiuHgo substute for the house bond bill. Bought Deloaga Bay. London, Jan. 10. The most important development of the South African affai today is tho fact that in spite of nil de nials it is now believed in many quarters that there is some trnth in the rumor that Great Britain has purchased De logoa bay from Portugal. It may turn out to be an excuse for assembling such a powerful British fleet as the one wbicli will be anchored off Portland Tuesday next. As it is announced tho govern ment of Transyaal has demanded, among other things, that Great Britain forego her right to obtain possession of Delogoa bay, and as Germany may look upon this as a move which will serioualy threaten the future of the Transvaal, the situation, if the roport is true, will be come mere critical. A dispatch from Pretoria this morning says the governor of tho Transvaal has announced that ho has determined to foster mining, aud thoso interested in it need not sacrifico their holdings for the benefit of the "agitating clique" of the Rand. This dispatch says only 10,000 Boers are under arms, but adds signifi cantly that they will not disband until the conditions of the surrender of the Uitlanders of the Rand have been fully carried out. Great importance is attached here to an article in the Hamburger Nacbncn- ten, said to havr been directly inspired by l'rinco iiismardk, in wiucli it in directly disapproves of the government's attitude, and adds: "The duty of ibe government is more to defend the in- ternrl and external peace of the country against disturbances than to promote foreign enierprises." President Kruger has sent a telegram to Sir Hercules Robinson, governor of Cape Colony, ior transmission to Mr, Chamberlain, acknowledging the re ceipt of the queen's message and adding: "It is my inteution to hand oyer the prisoners so that Dr, Jamieson and the British under him may be punished by her majesty's government. I will make known to your excellency my final de cision in '.he matter as soon as Johannes burg shall have reverted to condition of quietness and order. In the mean time I request your excellency to assure the qneen of my high appreciation of her words, and in proffering my respectful good wishes, express my thanks for the same." British Advancing. Chicago, Jau. 10. A special to the Journal from Washington says "The report that the British are strengthening their outposts in Venezuela and advan- mg into enezueia is true. i nave my self received todav a private dispatch from there corroborating it." So said Congressman Livingston, of Georgia, this afternoon. He added: "I cannot show vou the dispatch ; it is private. Yon can, bow ever, rely upon it. I called on the Ven ezuelan minister this morning and asked him to use his influence with Crespo to keep back the Venezuela troops. Should they advance it would precipitate the conflict at once. That would render the Venezuela commission useless, We wouldlie compelled to back up Venezu ela, and we would tie plunged into war at once." A Breeze In the House Washington, Ian. 10. The committee on rules reported to tho house today and the rules were debated section by eection, The house refused to adopt the amend ment to tho rules providing for deduc tion from a member's pay for absences, not due to sickness. When the rule giving certain commit tees leave to report to the honse at any time was reachad, it created a decided breeze. Walker, chairman ot the com mittee on banking and currency, asked why that committee had heen omitted from the list and offered an amendment to include his committee. Bailey offered an amendment to Walk er's amendment, including tho commit tee on coinage. Alter a somewhat animated debate, in which Walker accused D.ilzell of having taken his committee to tho door and kicked it out. Biiley'.s amendment was defeated by 111 to 1S3. Walker'a amendment was then de feated, 112 to 1G0. A Third Encyclical. Nuw Yofk, Jan. 10. Special advices to the world from Rome say : The central object of Pope Leo's policy has always been to bring about or pre pare a grand reunion of the Christian churches. The holy father has already published two encyclicals devoted to that end, Ono was addressed to the princes and tho peoples. Tho other took tlia form of an appeal to Anglicans. A third etu-lyclical will shortly bo made known. It is to Lo addressed "Ad Omnes Chris tianos," (To All Christians.) Thus one moro innovation will be added to the others of the present pope. In former iimes it was tho custom to ad dress the papal documents "To the Bishop and the Faithful in Communion With thu Holy Apostolic Church." Leo XIII has defied tradition by dedicating his enclyclicals to non-Catholics as well as Catholics. To Trade. Two lota in Marshfield for hoga. Two and ono half lots in North Roeo burg, for stock ; hack or buggy iu part payment. Call on I. F. Rico & Co. . BEFORE HAMLIN'S COURT. One of the most exciting episodes in the history of Roseburg, transpired Thursday night, Jan. 9th. It has stirred the community from center to circumference, to such an extent that but little addition would have enkin dled mob violence. The occasion was that of an attempt of one R. B. Matthews to commit rape upon Grace, daugh ter of Judge Thos. Smith of this city, by forcibly seizing and thrusting her into the basement of the school house, through an open window, and there, be tween the honrs of 10 and 12 o'clock at night, trying to accomplish her ruin. Miss Smith screamed and struggled as appears by her testimony, corroborated by the testimony of Mrs. O. L. Willis and W. G. Woodward, who heard screams at about that hour. in the night. It appears Miss Smith had attended the meetings of God's Regular Army in com pany with Mns Nelly Wilson, and alter the meeting was out started home to gether. Matthews followed- and over took them on the corner of Washington and Rose streets, and went with them to the corner of the next street west, when the girls turned north across the Echool house grounds past the school house, where she parted with Miss Wilson and turned homeward. As she camo back past the school house Matthews, as it appeared, bad followed them, evidently knowing Grace would pass that way on her return home, and was in waiting for her. He met her, and at first tried to per suade her to enter the basement with him. This she refused to do. He then seized her and forced her through an open window of the basement and there kept her nearly two honrs, trying, by pei suasion and threats, to effect his hellish purpose. But she fought him, and, as admitted by himself to a com rade, he failed to accomplish his object, being interrupted by the appearance of parties in search of her. Laid to Rest. "Well, we bnried another old pioneer today. He was a good man, one of the best in Oregon." Yesterday, the above and similar ex pressions relative to John .Fullerton, so recently deceased, greeted our ears as we passed through tbe streets. What a consolation it must be to the relatives of the deceased to know that ne was held in so high esteem by his fellowmen, be ing at the same also, a guarantee that his memory will be ever green in the heart of bis surviving friends, who now lament the loss of his companionship. Pioneer, after pioneer is fast succumb ing to the grim monster Death, passing to the sleep that knows no waking, until the resurrection morn when the last trump shall echo and re-echo tbe declar ation that time shall be no more. An affectionate father, a devoted bus band, an honest and esteemed citizen has passed from our midst, and in the demise of John Fullerton, a valued and revered ineml-er of the community, tho city has sustained a loss that time only in its rapid flight can repair. Yet one consoling thought remains ; for, as at the close of day the sun, sinking behind the western gates, given a roseate hue to the evening sky, so at the close of life the knowledge that even death cannot sever the bonds of fraternal affection, lends a radiant glow of hope to the hori zon that marks ont the limits of our earthly pilgrimage. That glow of hope gives promise of fruition in the life to come, when a happy reunion shall have been effected. Financial. Washington, Jan. 10. A statement; prepared by the director of the mint shows the coinage executed at the United States mints during the calendar year just closed to have been as follows : Gold $59,016,357 Silver 5.5SG.010 Minor coins , SS2.430 Total $G6,S40.79S New York, Jan. 10. Exports of specie from the port ol New York for Jbe week amounted to $1,577,034 in gold, and $928,119 in silver. The imports were: Gold $ 124.S71 Silver 37,3St! Dry goods 2.973,827 Genr'l Mdse 8.104,302 Nsw Youk, Jan. 10. The steamship Paris, La Champagne and Aller. which are due at this port within tho next 10 days, will bring $1,500,000 in American gold coin ami gold bars to Zimmerman & Forshay of this city. Washington, Jan. 10. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance $l73,405,29i Gold reserve 62,6S6,393 Final Call. porsons are hereby All notified to make immediate settlement of their in debtedness to the lute firm of S. Marks & Co.; otherwise tho same will be placed in hands for collection. Please give this call prompt attention and thus avoid ad ditional costs. Asuer Marks, Administrator of Estate of S. Marks &Co. For Sale or Rent. The Palmer sawmill. For particulars address. E. C. Palmer, Drain, Or,