The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 09, 1896, Image 2

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M atiagcr.
Subscription ltate:
One Yuki' psyabl t m ad van ce ...........
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"Shree Womb " '
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JAXUABY 9, 1S95.
There can be no doubt that as Ameri
can woolen manufactures dorelop and
the export trade in our woolens increases,
the demand for raw wool will increase,
and sheep raisers will Ret better prices
for their wool. X. Y. Herald.
No doubt, no doubt, in a woolly brain.
Hut let us present the facta for the in
tclligent brains of tlie American people.
Taking our exports of American
woolen goods down to September 30, the
lirst nine months of the woolen sched
ule, we find they compare with 1894 as
To Sept. SO. Value.
1S94 5G0,8S3
1S95 531,746
Decrease under free wool . . . $29,137
Free wool has, evidently, not yet en
abled us to capture any more of the
markets of the world than we possessed
last year. In fact we hart- lost some of
this foreign trade. Therefore that part
of Mr. Jatces Gordon Bennett's argu
ment is a mere flight of fancy and of no
earthly satisfaction to sheep raisers.
There has been no additional demand
for raw wool on this account.
Kow as to the development of Ameri
can woolen manufacture!. Since the
new woolen schedule, January 1, 1S95,
we have imported, in the nine months
ending September 30 last, foreign woolen
goods worth H3,SS2,303 as compared
with imports worth only (12,950,970
during the corresponding month of 1SJH.
This was an increase of 250 per cent.
During the fall fi?eil years of 1S92 and
1S93 our imports of foreign woolens av
eraged only $06,500,000 a year. Thus in
nine months of free wool we have bought
over $9,000,000 worth more foreign
woolen goods Una in an entire twelve
months of protection. Without taking
into account the enormous quantity of
cheap shoddy stuffs imported last year,
making the displacement of American
goods even greater than the value repre
sents, it is very clear that American
woolen manufactures are not developing,
hence the wool raisers have no consola
tion from this standpoint.
When we also state that, in addition to
the falling off in. our export trade in
woolens and the decrease in the heme
demand lor our woolens, we have im
ported, in nine months of this calendar
year, 135,030,033 pounds more wool than
in the corresponding months of 1S34, it
is evident tint the anticipation that our
"sheep-raisers will get better prices for
their wool" is a mere nightmare.
American Economist.
Kev. Mr. D. A. Roes continues to
preach at the SI. E. church, south. His
meetings arc quite largely attended,
3Ir. Kos3 is a fluent speaker of the evan
gelistic style. His theme Wednesday
evening was faith, lie said there are
two kiods of faith, a living and a dead
faith. He told the Christians that if
they did not live a living faith they were
no better than the devil, forthe deyil be
lieves. He said the devils believe that
if Christ said they must come out or too
hogs they would have to do it, and that
if he said they most go into the sea they
would have to go. So they begged to go
into the hogs rather than into the sea.
Christ granted their request knowing the
hogs would ran down and jump into the
sea, jost where he wanted them. So
Christ got the best of a legion of devils.
Mr. Boss said many hard words about
his Christian brethren. We have lived
aroonz Christians over half a century,
and wbiie we found them, as a rule,
about the same as other people, we never
said or believed they were so bad as Mr.
Ross made them no better than the
U. S. Senator McBride is fortunate in
the committee assignments given him,
they being said to be the strongest ever
given a new senator. He is chairman of
the committee on transportation routes
to the seaboard, and is a member of the
cotnmittc on public lands, coast defen
ses, Indian depredations and the select
committee on international exposition.
Senator Mitchell had the choice of pev
eral important chairmanships, but took
that of the coaimitlee ou privileges and
elections, one of the most important in
the upper house. He is also a member
of the committees on post-roads and
post offices, rules, claims and judiciary,
and the special Nicaragua canal commis
sion. Jacksonville Times.
The Monroe doctrine is an American
principle. It applies to America and
Americans. No one is to silly as to pre
tend that Europe has any sympathy
with it. We Americans would be pleased
if the great powers should give it
ungrudging recognition. Dut whether
they recognize it grudgingly, or not at
all, it is a principle which llio great re
public can and will enforce, through the
arts ol diplomacy if iwsaibio, by the stern
arbitrament of tho sword if necestary.
The American people have decreed that
the Monroe doctriuo must be maintained
and euforco-1 ugahiht England, or all the
potters ol Europe combined. Wo are a
oop!o working for the advancement of
our common country.
Tho case of Key. C. O. Brown of f?aa
Francisco is evolving the fact that the
while necklie fraternity should not
monkey with female members of their
churches. At last thoy bite liko a ser
pant and sting liko an adder. Tho
reverend gentleman may bo as innocont
us a dove, but the evidences developed
are rather damaging to his reputation,
The stato board of equalization for this
year cost the peoplo rooro than $90 a day
while it was in session. It is composed
of (en members, including the clerk, all
of'whom drew $10 a day each for thirty
days and mileage besides. Thus the
robbery of tho peoplo goes on. Why
wonder taxes are so high? East Ore
gonian. Now is the auspicious time for Un
united States to acknowledge the be
ligerencyof Cuba; and if tho Cubans
continue to bo victorious over Spanish
forces and declare a provisional govern
ment, to then acknowledge Cuba as an
independent republic. The time is rap
idly approaching for such a culmination.
The new tariff bill is not n partisan
measure and ought to be supported by
members of all parties in the senate as a
patriotic duty in order that tho country
may be provided with an adequate reve
nue and saved from tho necessity of
further running into debt.
It is now in order for congress to in
quire why Cleveland has offered so big
a loan as that of (100,000,000 in four jer
cents inetead of waiting until the wnato
had a chance to pass a bill providing for
three per cent bonds.
The cabinet crisis in Canada is uot a
big thing in itself, but as it vnn caused
by the religious controversy in Manitoba
it is likely to evolve into another crisis
that may reach a climax in civil war.
Senator Mitchell has placed this of
fice under obligations for valuable pub
lic documents of the department of agri
culture, and copies of bills he has in
trodnced in the senate.
In case of a war between England and
Germany the French would see the ad
vantage of occupying Egypt and Alsace
and Lorraine as spectators of the fray.
While Cleveland's interpretation of the
Monroe doctrine is generally accepted,
his financial doctorin' doesn't seem to
meet with general approval. Statesman.
Campos may not be a good general,
but hr is a good prophet. Ue said the
war in Cuba would become aggressive 03
soon as the cold weather set in.
Ross Sermon.
Wednesday evening Reverend Ross at
the Methodist Church, South, preached
a very forcible sermon of the subject of
faith. He scored the members un
mercifully for a lack oi faith. He said
those who do dot lire their faith are no
better than the devil. That was a hard
saying and had we said half as hard
words we would doubtless be drummed
out of town. But we are not so well
posted as Mr. Roes and can speak
only from observation, he from knowl
edge of his flocks. Wo doubt their bo
ing as bad as he painted them.
Coming to the Surface.
As the time approaches for another
election the friends of tnts, that or the
other candidate comes forward with their
favorite for nomination for the several
offices. Amongst those not heretofore
named, are Peter Hume of Roseburg for
representative; A. W. Hart of Drain for
commissioner, and S. IV. Oritt of Riddle
and O. II Buell of Liking Glass for
assessor. All good men and doubtless
would make good, efficient officers. We
can trust the convention for selecting
the beet men.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great in leav
enlng power as the Royal.
Special Notice.
The Bushey addition in North Rose
burg, consisting of 3X) acres of .choice
land, having been platted into large
residence lots and acreage property, is
now placed upon tho market at cut rates,
payable in yearly installments, bearing
six per cent interest per annum. The
title is perfect and every parcel sold will
bo released by the mortgager from the
operation of a certain mortgage now up
on tho property. To examine plats and
learn prices, etc., call upon
D. S. K. Rcick, Agent.
Roseburg Lodge No. 326, B. P. O. E.
Elks are requested to attend Schillings
Minstrels in a body and to meet in the
Lodge room immediately after tho enter
tainment, wbery Crother Schilling will
preside at a uag social to which each
member can invite one friend.
Fbed PaoeTustin, Exalted Ruler.
Hermann Mabks, Secretary.
Care For Hcndaclic.
As a remedy for all forms of Ilcadacho
Electric Bitters has proved to be tho very
best. It effects a permanent cure and
tho most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to its influence. Wo tirgo nil
who are afflicted to procure a lottle, and
give this remedy a fair trial. In canes of
habitual consumption Electric Bitters
enres by giving the nodcd tone to tho
Dowels, and few cases long resist tho use
of tbis medicine. Try it once. Largo
bottles only filty cents at A. U. Marstcrs
A Co. 's Drug Store.
To Trade.
Two lota in Marshfield for hogs.
Two and ono half lots in North Rose
burg, for stock ; hack or buggy in part
payment. Call on I. F. Rico & Co.
The Vlavl Company
Have appointed Mrs. J. H. Shupo as
local representative of tho company at
Roseburg. All orders by mail promptly
attended to.
Wo luyo had beautiful weather horo
for soveral days.
Uncle Noah Cornult is butchoriug 103
head of hogs this week.
Miss Etta Frater returned to Roseburg
Mrs. J. 15. Riddlo is homo again from
her yifit to Modford. Mrs. Jennio CroBby
and children returned with her and will
siend several weeks visiting her parents
Rovorond Jones preached a very inter
esting seriaon hero a wcok ago. All
were glad to hear Brother Jones ngaiu.
Mn. Win. Huggins wont up to the
Nickel mine to help cook for thn men at
work there.
Born, to the wifo of David I-enox ot
Winston, January 5th, a seven pound
daughter. Mother nnd child doing well,
and Dave very happy over tho event and
relatives and friends up this way aro very
proud and hnppy also.
Ernest Riddlo has ono of the finest
cases of dried pruno samples that can ho
fouud auywhetu. It is on exhibition at
Riddle A Scott's store.
Young Attorney Abraham of Portland
spent a day or two in Riddlo last weok,
looking after legal m&tlere.
George Riddlo enjoyed his trip to San
Francisco very much, but still thinks
Oregon can't bo beat in quality of prunes
Rev. Miller tilled his appointment
Saturday and Sunday. When he comes
back tho 1st of February he will continue
his meeting over a week. He will hold
a revival meeting.
We hear that lien Nichols and Miss
Ella Yarbrough Ail) lw married in Rose
burg. Thursday, the Jtb inst at tho
Episcopal church. Rev. Neil Wilson
The Woodmen ure talking of giving us
another drama, the -I'd of February.
J. L. Scott and Jake Nichols paid a
visit to Civil I'.cnd nnd Roseburg this
Will Nichols is building him a barn on
his place, Exid.
Bela Andrews ha had tl.o misfortune
to seriously injure an eye while using a
bow gun, ono of the arrows breaking.
If the ancieut spinsters and all the rest
of those who are getting so nervous about
the A. P. AV, will just quiet their neryes
with something soothing, thoy will hae
to seo there is room enough iu Douglas
county for tho A. P. A'a and them too.
Stillman N'ottage has two little folks
at home, new arrivals. Well, double
bleedings are turrly better than single
Walter Butler has returned to his
home on the Cowlitz. His etay among
his friends wa3 entirely too brief.
Trie Ioug Prairie Lyceum ha." again
resumed its sessions. The Monroe doc
trine will be ably discussed at tho next
Henry Sigabenl has been in Gardiner
for several days seriously ill.
The river has had its back up lately
and the wharf lias beeu down in the
deidbs. A diver could have had occupa
tion in the location thereof.
Pains Disappeared.
'I had boils and pimples which broke
out all oyer my shoulders and I also had
shooting pains that would begin at my
neck and run down rny left arm to my
hand. At times I could not laiee my
arms at all and to sleep was out of the
question. At last I decided to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 have taken only
three bottles and I am cured. The pain
all lelt me after taking one bottle, and
after I had taken the second bottle the
boils all disapeared. I hope those
atllicted as I was will try Hood's Sarsa
parilla." B. J. Byron, Olalla, Uregon.
Tlie I)lscotrj Hated Ills i.tfc.
Mr. G. Cailloutte. Druggist. Beavers
ville, III., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery 1 owe my life. Was taken
with La GripiKi and tried all the physi
cians for miles-alHJut, bnt of no avail and
was given up and told I could not live.
Having Dr. King's Now Discovery in my
store I sent for a bottlo and began its uso
and from tho first doso began to get bet
ler.'and after using three bottles was up
and about aiuiu. It is worth its weight
inzold. Wo won't keep store or house
without it." Get a free trial at A. C.
Marstcrs & Co.'s Drug Store.
Teachers' Review Class.
Thoso not wishing to tako either of tho
regular courses in the Normal, can now
enter a class for the Review of the com
mon branches nud methods. Drills in
elocution and reading daily. Address,
Asm, ami Normal.
Subscribe for hu I'i.aindealeii.
Hood's Is
At harvesting ttrr-o I took a sever? cold
which settled In my limbs, and in a short time
devolopod Into In
flnmmnlorr Rhen
matlini. After spend
ing a good sum ot mon
ey tor different reme
dies and suffering all
winter, I became so
crippled that I had to
walk with ths aid ot
crutches. Ily the kind
advice of a friend I was
prevailed upon to buy
six bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. I took th
medicine and It has ful
ly restored me to health
and I think It Saved
Mr. A. AV. Cooler.
Clifford, If. V.
my Xilfr. I will cheerfully answer all who may
wish to correspond about my. affliction or state
ment." A. Vf. Cooley, Clifford, North Dakota.
Hood's Sarsa-
JL Blw&$ parilla
Be Sure to Get ttfcic
Hood's Pills euro nausea, and biliousness.
Notice of Annual Meeting.
To tho shareholders of tho Odd Fel
low's Building Association of Roseburg,
Oregon : You aro horoby notified that
tho annual meeting of tho Odd Fellows
Building Association of Rosoburg, Ore
gon for tho election of a board of seven
directors to servo during tho ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may bo lawfully
brought licforo them, will bo held in
tho banquet hall of the Odd Fellow's
Temple, January 7, 1890 at 7 o'clock p.
m. By order of tho board of directors.
Joseph Micelli,
NorE. Owing to unavoidable circum
stances the meeting has beeu postponed
ono wcok. Joseph Micklli, Sec.
Agents Wanted.
In Douglas, Josophino and Jackson
countios, immediately, two or thrco on'
ergelic men in each of the foregoing
counties, to sell tho world renown Excel-
slur .Safety Humeri, which gives out a
beautiful gas light at one's own fireside,
with brilliancy mid eccnemy combined
Here is a chance for tho right man to
make from fiO to a $100 per month. As
delays are dangerous, you had better
apply for an agency immediately. Will
guarantee work all the year to a good
man, as we will soon havo other articles
to sell. Address S, H. Jackso.v, Dist
Agent, Hotel Van Houten, Roseburg,
Notice of Annual Meeting.
To the shareholders of the Roseburg
Building and Loan Association of Rose
burg, Or. :
You are hereby notified that the an
nual meeting of the shareholders of the
Roseburg Building and Loan Association
of Roseburg, Ore., for the purpose of
electing a hoard of seven directors and
an auditing committee of three to servo
during the ensuing year and for the trail
saction of such other business as may l
lawfully brought before it, will bo held
at the secretary's office in tho Marks'
brick building, January IS, 1S00, at 7:30
p. m., by order of the board of directors
C.tit&iE M. Svkes, Secretary.
Per H. Wolixxbekg, Deputy.
Xlucltleti's Arnica Halve.
Tho Best Salvo in the world for Cuts-
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Ctiillbains, Corns, and all ekiu Erup,
tions, and positively cores Piles, or no
Iay required. It hi guaranteed to givo
lerfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A
C. Marstcrs & Co.
rnooi:c.nnMni:Jrn fr ami'semext or
wiH " t"".i-i MATRIMONY. Send
uJitsi and description to racinc Convjn-
uence agency, lioselmig, Oregon.
A Bank
A general banking business is done hy
the human system, because the blood de
posits in its vaults whatever wealth we may
Klin from day to day. This wealth is laid
up against "a rainy day " as a reserve fund
7-we're in a condition of healthy prosperity
if we have laid away sufficient capital to
uiaw upon in ut nour 01 onr greatest need.
There is danger in getting thin, because it's
a sign of letting down in health. To rain
in blood is nearly always to rain in vchole-
some ucin. rne ojitis are in favor of the
Senas of consumption, grip, or pneumonia,
if our liver be inactive and our blood im
pure, or if our flesh be reduced below a
healthy standard. What is required is an
increase inovxgertn-jighting strength. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enriches
the blood and makes it wholesome, stops
the waste of tissue and at the same time
builds up the strength. A medicine which
will rid the blood of its poisons, cleanse and
invigorate the great orrans of the body,
vitalize the system, thrill the whole being
with new energy and make permanent work
of it, is surely a remedy of great value. Bnt
when we make a positive statement that cfl
per cent of all cases of consumption can, if
latcn in me cariy stages ot tne disease, be
cured with the r' Discovery," it seemslike
a bold assertion. All Dr. Pierce asks is that
you make a thorough investigation and
sattsiy yourselt ot the truth of his assertion.
By sending to the World's DisoensarvMed.
ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y you can get
a irec dook wntn me names, addresses and
photographs of a large number of those
cured of throat, bronchial and lung diseases,
as well as of skin and scrofulous affections
by the "Golden Medical Discovery." They
diso puuii5D a dook 01 100 pages, oeinpra
ucuicai ireaiise on consumption, Dronchitls,
asthma, catarrh, which will be mailed on
receipt ot address and six cents in stamp.
tn the circuit cooivr of the state
of Oit'Kon. In and for the County of Douglas.
Jane McDonald, 1
Plaintiff. I Sull , t,JllitT
William McDonald. I ,or a Divorce.
Defendant. J
To William McDonald, tho above named do
femlant. In tho name nf the Stale nf OrcRon. you aro
licrvby tviuinil to appear ami ansncr the com
plaint lilrd acthiet you In the above 61111111x1
suit, in the above entitled court, on or before
the lf.lli day of March, 1S.". that being the first
day of the next regular term nl said court, and
if you fail o to answer, the plaintiff will apply
lo the court for the relief prayed for In nald com
plaint, which ii a involution of the mnrrlitro
contract existing Iwtween yourself and said
This Mimmoiii Is published by order made at
Chambers, at Koseburjr, Douglas countv, Oregon,
by Hon. J. V. Kullerton, judge of said above
named court, which said order is dated Deccm
bcrlKth. lb'jj. c. A. SEHI.HUEDK,
dSCl" Attorney for rialntiff.
Executor's Sale.
undersigned executor of tho last will nml
testament and estate of Henry H. Marsh, de
ceased. Into of Douglaj county, Oregon, has
been duly licensed nnd directed by tho
County Court olDouglos county, Oregon, by an
onler of said Court, made and entered of record
ou tho ltd day of Novcmlwr, ls'JT, to tell tho
hereinafter described real estate belonging to
tho estate of the said Henry S. Marsh, de
ceased, which mill onler provides that said ex
ecutor 'may tell tho said real vropcrtv herein
after fully and particularly described, at pri
vate sale.-
Now, therefore, in pursuance, of said Hccnso
and onler, which is recorded in volume S. on
page t0, thereof of tho I'robato order tiook of
Douglas county, Oregon, I will, from and after
tho Ulth day of January, 1MKJ, proceed to sell
at private sale, according to law in such cases
made and provlited. for cash in lintnl, to tho
highest bidder, all tho right, title and interest
which the said Henry 8. Marsh, deceased, had
in or to the hereinafter described premises at
tho time of his death, towit: On the 22ml day
April, 1891, towit:
The N. E. i of the N. W. )i of Section a. In
Township south, of Itange ." West of Wll
lnmctto Meridian. In Douglas county, Oregon.
Dated this SJnd day ot Novcmlter, f93.
J. S. HUNT, Executor.
C. A. Skhlbbedb, Attorney for Eitate.
Daily Health Laws.
Don't eat bo rapidly.
Sit on n chair und bo quiet after eating
Your stomach is not a coal bin.
When you foel uncomfortable aftor
eating you liuyo eaten too much, and you
need Joy's Vcgetabio-Sarsaparilla.
If you suffer from rheumatism watch
tho Bheets. Don't get between them ; if
damp, dry them.
Cure your rheumatism with Joy's Veg
etable Sarsaparilla.
Keep flics out of your houso; they are
germ carriers.
Wear flannel undergarments.
Keep your feet warm ; your head cool.
When your blood is thin you feel cold
in the least change. When your blood
ia thin tnku Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla ;
it will make yoi r blood red, rich and
Yes. it will do to tako Joy's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla now.
When you get olf your bicyclo after a
long warm run, put on a coat.
If you aro going 011 a trip take Joy's
Vegetable SareaparilU.
St run go food makes Mrauge stomachs.
Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla reaches the
stomnch, cleanses the etomach, and re-
notvs tho stomach.
No appetite? Take Joy's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla. Keon appetite.
Accept nothing but tho genuine when
you ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla
Boys May he Had (and sometimes
girls) for il) ordinary service nt wages;
(2) upon indenture, to work, attend
school, nnd be brought up somewhat as
your own; and (3) children may bo
had for legal adoption. Address, W. X
Gaudneu, Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls
Aid Society, Portland, Oregon.
J)B. O. C. BAiDY,
Graduate Vetinary Surgeon
and Dentist.
Residence, lOOSCassSt.
"s rr lli Jaded. mid (iojio
:. ..!": liit all Manklud. 9
h ri'.''.e frmn
h r'jj, und
for: u as no
.3 1 n c r a 1
itr-igs or
Ucsdiy t
ca. Joy's
Sira parilla
robs th e
Mood ot all
Iu impuri
ties, and
courses all
these lapuri-
tics through
proper chan
nels. Joy's
curca Dys-
ge p a t a ,
h ronic
and Kidney
Joy's TctTCtablo
prerentj tired feel
ings, staggering sen
sations, palpitation
of heart, rush of
blood to the head,
dimness, ringing in
ears, bpoU before the
cyci, headache, bil
iousne:s,constipation of bowels, pains in
the bacineliEcholj,
tongne coated, foul
breath, pimples on
face, bodjr and limb,
dedineofnerre force
dizzy spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, sour
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis
eases of thestomach,
liver and kidneys.
, Joj,s Vegetable Sar-M-anlta
is sold by all
d.n;UU. Refuse a
siroililate. when you
pay for the best ec that
yoJ j-.:itnelx2t.
by dealing with
406 Jnchson St.
One door south P.O.
Choice Teat, Codecs,
rXf, Tobaccos and Cigars.
lull bUlU lM. IU
ineurocery nne.
Highest JIartct Paid for Country Produce,
Give him a call and be convinced.
An afrrccable laxative nnd Nrsva Tosrc,
byDrugjTista or 6cnt by mall. 25&,c
and JU0 per package. Samples Irec
ITft Ht ThoFn-vorlto TOOTS POTIIB
BXJ iorthoTcc th and Breath, 2c.
For sale by M. F. Rapp. Druggist.
A. Scientific "jmmjjfiifsj
Abiclmc Balsam
g rxiftecurc
Cold mlieto
by zr r.-?
Sold by A. C. Matters & Co.
Sheriff Sale.
of Orceon for the County of Douglas.
A. E. OzouOnalntlfT, )
Lott 8. Dlmmlclc, Cora E. Dim-1
raicK, Marina a. jiaupin, 3ira
ienora uingaon, flirn. Mary 1
risncr anu ra, tuner, am.
Bellna Ellsworth and Ben.
Ellsworth, Mrs. Ulna Benson
and V. W. Benson, C. II.Mau
iiln and Minnie A. Maupln,
Thomas '. Mauln, John U
Maupln, E. II. 1-Inknton, A.H.
I'cters, and C. II. Maupln, ad
ministrator of the estate of
O. B. Maupln, deceased,
Defendants. J
State of Oregon (
Notice la hereby elven that by rlflim of !
i;ountvnr uniiemii-t
execution and order of sale duly lsul mil ''I
thft fihnirp nitmpd ivinrt itml flttlKC. on 1I1H 4M(I
day of December, 1805. upon a Judgment m't
ana entereaoi recoru insaiticircuiicouriiiii "
11th flnv nr TlMm1up. Ift'LV liv fnffwdrMllfM of A
mortgage In favor o I the above named plaintiff
and against the above named defendant, slid
aeainat me nercinaiicr mcnuoncu sou
furlhrfl mnrtinurpfl nmnertv for thfl sum til
a.,4.M' mm interest incrcon at mo ram ui
ner cenL nerannnm from said date, and too
sum of I3S0.00 attorney fees, and 31V coU
anu uisDursemenis. now, tnereiore, 1 win m
Saturday, tlie 81b day of I'cliru
ary, 1090.
at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day at tho court Iioum
door in Koscbunr. Oregon, sell at public auction
to tne nignest Dtaaer lor casn in nanu, an mo
right, title and Interest which wld defendants or
either of them had ou the 1st day of February,
1SSS, the date of the execution of said mortgage,
or at any time tnercalter, in or to tne lollow in
described real nrnDertr. trv-wlt!
.Beginning at mc normwesi corner 01 me 1
Ij. Kellogg Donation Claim running thence
south on tne lino between the donation claim
of h. L. Kellogg and J. Kellogg to a point U.C0
chains south and 33-17 chains east of quarter
section corner between sections 23 and SO.
tbence west 17.&! chains, thence south iiD-
chains to a post on the bank of the river from
which a maple 'il inches in diameter bears
couth IG degrees east 1.20 chains distant ami an
ash 1C inches in diameter bears south W de
grees west XA chains distant, thenco following
tne name 01 tne river soum, Uivt degrees east
13.23 chains to a nost from which an ash 8
inches in diameter bears south 43 degrees west
1J2 chains distant, thence north 27 degrees east
3G.00 chains, thence south 33 degrees east 1.70
chains, tbence south degrees east TBXto
chains, thenco north 19 degrees east 16.28
chains to the north boundary of the A. B.
Kellogg donation claim, thence west following
same chains to the northwest corner of
said claim, thence north 13.73 chains to the
northeast comer of the L, L. Kellogg donation
claim, thence west 236 chains to place of be
ginning, containing 361.10 acres more or less.
Also the following described premises, to-wlt;
Beginning at the southeast corner of the John
son B. Gou donation claim and running thence
north 6J0 chains, thence west 3X10 chains,
thenco north 20.00 chains to the north boundary
of said donation claim, thence west following
said boundary 28.73 chains thence south 1C.2C
chains, thence west to the Umpo,ua river, thence
following the meander of said river south 34
degrees east 13.00 chains to the south boundary
of said claim, thenco east 820 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 132X10 acres, more
or less. Alio the south half of the northwest
quarter, and the west half of the southwest
quarter of Section 33 and lot 1 of section 33. All
of the tracts of land hereinbefore described
lying and being situated in sections 28, 23. 32, 33,
31 and 33 of townshlD 23 south of ranze 1 west
of Willamette Meridian, together with the ten
ements, nereoi laments ana appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in any wise appertain
ing, anu win apply me proceeas 01 cucn laie.
first to the payment ol me casts of such sale and
to the costs and disbursements herein taxed at
I31.C5, to the payment of $350.00 attorneys' fee
to the sum of S37 12.C0 due tilalnti ff toeether with
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum irom tne lttn asy oi iiecomoer, iso,
and the ovemlus. If anr there be. I trill car
into court under the order of this Court to be
paid to the said Lott S. DImmIck, and the heirs
of the said G. B. Maupln, deceased, according to
to their respective rignts therein, as by order of
iam umn in saia cxecauon to me directed ana
deUvcrcd commanding mc to sell said above
meuuoneu ana aecnDeu property in me man
ncr provided by law.
Dated this 31st day of December. U33.
S-herifTof Douglas County, Oregon.
Sheriff SaleT"
I- ai Orptmn. fnr tho fVinntv nf Dni.Ui
v. Aiiuuati, 1 laiuuu,
J.S. Fmhugb, Administrator
of the Estate of J. II. Rich
ards, laic of Douglas Couuty,
Oregon, dcccateii, and N. J.
Richards, S. J. Hounds, and
M. F. Lewis. Heirs at Law 0I
J. H. Richards. Deoeaed.
Defendants. 1
state or Oregon,
County of Douglas, i
hcreas at the remilar Dpcpmhsr tprm ivjs
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Douglas, to-wlt: On the 3rd day
of December, lSUo, plaintiff above named
recovered a judgment by foreclosure of
a mortgage against the above named
defendants and against the hereinafter
mcaiioacu ana accriDea mortgagea property
for the rum of m7.T, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent, ncr annum f mm niw
3. 1S33. and the sum of J IW.OO attorneys' fees and
f27.0U costs and disbursements. Now, therefore.
Saturday, tbe 8tli day of Fcbru
ary, 1896,
at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the court house
door in Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, sell
at public ancUon, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all the right, title and Interest
wmcn uia aeicnaann or either ot them had
on the SOth day of July. 1SS3. the dat- of th ri.
WHtiln nt baTH mfr,iA ... f .n . 1 . 1
after, in or to the following described real prop
erty, to-wit:
The east half of the northwest quarter and the
northeast quarter of Sec. 25 in township 23
m.uM.. vi i " 1.3 1, , uiauieiu, .nenaian, in
Douglas county, Oregon, containing 210 acres
excepting therefrom about four acres heretofore
deeded to H. C Simmons, together with the
tenements hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertain
ing; and whereas by said court at said time it
was decreed that the said mortgaged premises
be sold in the manner provided by law and it
m .uimer ueuveu uy saiaiQUCT at saia time
that plaintiff's mortgage deed had become ab
solute and at the sale of said premises the
plain tiff be allowed to become a bidder and
purchaser of said premises and that the pur
chaser or purchasers at such sale he placed in
the immediate possession of said premises and
that said defendant, and each and all of them,
be barred of all equity of redemption in or to
said premises, and I will apply the proceeds
arising from such sale: first, lor the payment of
mi; waul ui buvu Nut; uiu me costs anu ais-
ourscmcnts aercin taxea at to the pay
ment of 1100.00 attorney fees anil in thn
ment of the sum of &17.G3 due plaintiff with In
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum ffnm .. 1 . 1 I Tl " v . .
the overplus, if any there be. I will pay over to
the said J. S. Fiuhugh, administrator of tho
estate of J. If. Richards, deceased, or his legal
sheriff Douglas County, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
vAttM I, V, V 1 .1 ., .
..viiivi- imvujiiiicuiui mo unacrslgncd
has been by the County Court of Douglas
County. Orevon, appointed administrator of
... v.-..v ... iiivuiB,i.imiii, utveaseu. All per
sons haying claims against said estato are re
n ii i mi 1 tn iir,c.tit th mn ... i v. .....
.-- , ... cmv, ii i i n liii; proper
vouchers, within six months from date of this
noUce, to the undersigned, at Ten Mile Ore
gon, or at the office of Wm. R. Willis, in the
court house. Roseburg, Douglas connty. Oregon.
j vs. vnuuai , ij-i,
A.m,ii.. o ....:&xk .
Deceased i".-i luumasioats.
Attorney for Estate.
Administratrix Notico.
county, Oregon, appointed admiuUtmtrlx !
this PStAtiw.f Murr V f:i11ll.n.i .t"? T.4 Ml
. ----- j uauwtauua H"Wl5vU.
persons haTing claims against said estate arc
required to prcscnttho same, with the proper
vouchers, within six months from the date of
Km. R. WllUs, in the Court house, Roseburg.
Douglas county, Oregon.
uaieu, vui3 ota uay oi jueccmbcr, 1S3.V
T ITT IT , ..... . .
Administratrix of the Estato of Mary T'oil.
NOTICK is hereby Riven that the under-
-o"-- n'i-viutt.i virvuior
persons haying claims against the estato are
iiunuwiu i'tvMuuo(ra witn mo Proier
.V . . " ""-"'su niiuiu six m on ills
rom tho ilti nf thl vi. .1
dence which is in Deer Creek district, Douglas
xuievi, tun um uay ot lHxcmber, 1S9S.
T T.v.-.
Executor of tho estate of Jame's Dixon,' de-
Executor's Notice.
. undersigned has beea by tho County Court
of Douglas county, Oregon, appointed executor,
w 1th will annexed, of the estate of A. J. ChaS
wan, deceased. All parties having claims
against t no estate aro roiuesteil to present the
tamo within six months from tho date of this
tinlle nml nil ilnKt. ,1.... ,1 ... T..-I.
, , 1 . ,iiu VSIUIU must DO
paid at once to mo nt Roseburg, Oregon.
1 I
Clothing, Underwear, Etc.
Call and Secure a Bargain.
AipciI brand jlaudolterated Tea. Our
Is having a large sale "or styles ot
Glass and Delf Ware
avtunUhin luv nct. Out own auuied
Tonuoes &re Tery popular.
Has just received a new and extensive atocx o
Ladies' Dress Goods, Eibbons, Trimniiiifr;.
Laces, Etc., Etc
Of the best quality and finish.
Wood, Willow and Glasa Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Also on hand in lxnr quiatlti? and at prim to
ault the time. Also a large stock of
Custom-Made Clothing
Which is offered at eostprie. A full and
select stock of
Coastaatly oa hand. Also ths
General ageat for every Tarietr oi nbteriptlaB
Docb Up
Wo are alway, I U . VBA -esa
The GoMor. Hattwt ?
Theao art. all Udhw ak Vt,aWU
At Uetlueoi) rtleo.
Consult your imrso and l.o sure- and sr.
WoodTfard before bu-injj.
W. 6. WOODWARD ait3 i.u uoj u iiuvcraocr, isax
ulw Executor.