The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 09, 1896, Image 1

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    P IF YOU SEE IT ffl
i Tke Plaindealer
i You Doh't Get tub News.
;. Attorney at Law,
HoomknarstcrsBulMUiS. KOSKBURQ, OR
H-Bntlness hcloro the U.S. Land OfflM Mid
raintng cases ft specialty.
Lte Receiver U. S. Land Office.
llooms 7 and S
T o & Wilson Block.
R. WlIiUS,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Wm mcUw la ail th coorU of Hi But. ON
Ice in the Court Hoate, Douglas county. Or.
Attorney at Law,
Ktfurj;, Orrffon. f
OiSre oTcr tic FoetoBss on Jackson atrael.
Attorney at Law,
La Fayette Lase.
Attorneys fc Counselors at Law
Hotbnrg, Oregon.
Will practice in all t&s ami ta of Urvn. Of
Sce la thf Tulur-Wilson Uoci. .
Physician and Surgeon
(C. S. Etamlnlcg eurgeoul)
OFFICE. Rooms 6 and 7 Maulers' Buildinc.
Residence. First door South of Mrs. Carrier I
EosrtUns Monte.
Special attention to Snrsery and th
Diseases of Woacn.
J. ozias, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
OSee in S. Marks Cc'i Block, upstairs.
Calls proraptly answered day or night.
Tg" L- MILLER, M. D.,
Surgeon and Homoeopathio
ESTCarocls diaeaaes a reeialty.
Uas been appointed Manager lor
iKxepas uoanij- oj iae.
Office in Tailor & Wilson BaUdis?, Room S,
llonra from 2 to 5 p. m. Satardaji, Iroa 9 a. ro.
to 5 p. a.
yiZL. P. HEYD0N,
County Snr-vc-or-.
and Notary Pabllc
Orncr: In Court Ilonse.
Orders for SurTerinr and Field Sola should
be addressed to Will P. liejdon, County Sur?
rejor. Roscbcrs, Or.
17. S. Depnly Mineral Surveyor
and Kotarj- Pabllc.
Orncr: County Jan BuHdls;. up stairs.
iV Special attention ptid to Transfers and
Address. ROSEBCRG. OR.
Watcliiuaker and Jeweler,
411 Jackson Street,
At LcersKn's Cigar Factory. ROSEBCRG.
CAAI1 Repairing eutrasted to
my care vrlllbc PROMPTLY and
carefully done.
E3JL-v& 2UCD mm. 7n.U.
Family Groceries,
Books and Children's Toys.
Fruils, Xats, French Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc
Mineral, Railroad. Aricuitural.
1106 G L, :.. Y. Washington, I). C.
For many years in the General Land Office
Examiner of Content. Mineral t. Mineral ts
Rallroa4 and Agricultural clalcu, and Late
Chiel ol tbe Miners Division.
r"-Ml-o!t. a. Eir'ailTclTritotTj.
xdrzaLLgcstobtirlnccro. Liberal
I eotucUticn t? locM part-
I tins at tfcts. Larzett
lcrewcr ot clean,
l J
I m . . . r V
vant TOO !KW. vial4 1
tbo fruit lnlmtrr If f
lmrarUnt. Good rhinra for
7.i.nfrMi. ErtOWSliKOS.CO,liur.
..r..n rort1nd. Ore. mis fcoat Is
fji.blc. Sm win yapcr.
Vol.. XXVI.
(Successor to J. JASKULEK.)
Practical : Watchnakcr, :
Gouulno liriucillnu Eyo
Cntlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' ArticleB.
Also Proprietor nud Manager of Kosebnre's Famous Bargain Store.
Oh! no; Not Ours,
But you will certainly throw IJOUV old smoky
laiivpslaway if you. -once see the fine center draft
lamps we on exhibition.
Roseburg Hardware t3o.
Real Estate. Bought and Sold
Farms, larg2 and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Tnirxber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop LandtS of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
jd. s- kl btjiok;
5" 3jaslM
Of capacities varying fronl i to'25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical ?md reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circula rs.
121 Main Street, Sair F rancisco, Cal.
J If Business Is Not Go od
S The Plaindealers
Column s
9) Are the Rooters for the Business Jlenf Dotfgla s County.
Jeweler : and : Optician.,
Glasses nud Spootaolcn
A Way !
7mBB.'Cys 'OvoAoaa.
S queal,
Btit Root.
Amoni; tba "dates to bo rememberad"
found in lbs New Year'a edition ot tbo
Roseburg Review is tbe following:
"August 1. Mrs. Langley Hall, p:o
neer of '53, died at her home east of Oak
land." Only two lines in a newspaper's col
umn, but wbo8bali moasure tbo space it
occupies in tho hearts of theso who knew
and loved ber.
"In somo far away land tho twilight
lingers longer than with us; tbe evening
clow pauses upon the hill tops, lies lov
ingly upon sea and shore, fades slowly
and is lost in btar-llt night." So was it
ordained that ber lifo should pass into a
sunsetbeauty that softened and mellowed
with a touch of tbe divine in all things it
Bhono upon. Her dear, aged face, that
tho passing years had touched so lightly,
seemed transfigured as she watched tbe
light of earth's sunset. Watched alio the
fading light alone? I think not. Often
for her the gates of the New Jerusalem
must have been in those clouds of glory,
and her heart been full of tho joy b!ib
looked for. Who shall say fcho saw uot
sometimes in her mnsingd, the tiny girl"
in dear, old England, going to school
and ii-.aUirjg glad tbe hearts about her,
acd then tho light-hearted English
maiden w bo there found ber early love
and, later started with biui forth ujon
the long lifj journey. They "climbed
the bill together" most time in sunshine,
sometimes in the shade. Many children
came to bless their home, and the bonee
was rilled with laughter. Her room was
the hoart of the household, and a great
heart it was. Strauger and friend camo
to her for comfort and care. Did her
patieuce and sympathy never fail? Was
there a store sufficient for all t ie deruan Js
upon it? If it failed none ever knew.
There whs Email time for work outside
tbe wide home circle. Who will say her
infloenco was- less great aud lc?s far
The years passed on and crowned her
face with white roses. Tho golden wed
ding came and went. After the gather
ing twilight night nine one. Her room
was bright with the sunshino and sll
that loving bauds could offer, and I think
that wo did not quite realize that tiod
had left with us one of his own, until her
chair was empty arid the blessed pres
ence had passed into a blessed memory.
The resurrection song was in the air
when tbe twilight for her had ended,
and she lay in eternal sunshine. A rtre
and wondrous legacy did sho bequeath
to ns to whom was given to know and
lovo her. An ideal she gave us. A 6tar
is set in our firmament to gnide us over
upward. It is an ideal of unselfish, beau
tiful womanhood, o! trusting, simple
faith, of bigh hope and patient endeavor,
od help us to move toward the star, to
keep" always in our hearts its golden
gleaming. lyoia.
Oakland, January 4, IS9o.
Gilvin'a soan at Gillei.'fl-
Subscribe for the Iui.vd'':au:k-
Go. to Mrs. N. Boyd's for you r bolide.?
Complete lino of holiday goods at
man's cheaper than ever.
Call on H. Easton for an "Export"
agar. Iliey are excellent,
Uavo you seen tbo latest in ladies' aud
gents' watches al Salzman'e.
Tho Gilvin soap is tho best on earth
and the cheapest in Oregon.
Henry Easlon's teas, coffees aud spices
can't be surpassed for quality.
Now is the time to advertibO holiday
goods. Printer's ink pays.
If you want a good corset get ihe
glove fitting at Jay Brooks'.
Munyon's Homa'pathic Remedies for
sale at Marsters' Drug Store
Buy your silverware at Salzman's and
get tho best at the lowest prices.
Go to Jay Brooks' and see the glove
fitting corsets. Best in America.
Fresh oystera in any style, and
at all uours at the canCy factory. i
Munyon's Homeopathic Remedies at
A. C. Marsters & Co.'s drug store.
II. M. Martin will sell you the Oak
land brand of flour and mill products.
Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens
and optical good a, at tho lowest prices at
Tho Umpqua nnd Roso Hose com
panies will give a grand ball on St. Val
entino's Day, February 14tb, at Marks &
Co.'s warehouse.
Those who purchaso thu Snow Cap
baking powder at tho People's grocer ,
havo the first choice of prizes which go
with every package.
A widower 31 years of ago with a boy
5 yoars old wants a wife willing to livo in
tho country. Good home to one mean
ing business. Address with real name,
J., caro box 07, Roseburg, Oregon.
Carlo & Richardson havo ordered
new lino of wheels, models for ISlHi,
which are on their way
Ye wheelmen
aud wbeclwomen bo on
ready to get first choice
thu alert and
when they ar-
Tho annual meeting of the stock-holders
of tho Douglas County Agricultural
Association will bo held at tho court
house in Roseburg on Saturday tho Sth
day of February, 1800, for tho election of
seven directors; also for tho transaction
of other business that may bo nocessary.
F. A. McOall, Secretary.
A Stubborn Fight.
Cape Tow.w Jan. 0. It is learned that
after Wednesday's fight Dr. Jamicaon's
column, containing originally about 700
men, moved southwards, fighting bard
all tho way throughout the night, and
eventually reached Viakvonteis, six
miles from Johannesburg, Thursday
morning, when the column was com
pletely surrounded by 4800 Boers. In
spite of this, Jamieson's followers
fought stubbornly until noon, when all
their cartridges were exhausted. In ad
dition they had not tasted food for '.2-1
hours and were worn out, but the white
flag was not hoisted by Jamieson's or
ders. It is known Jamieson expected
2000 Uitlander3 to join him at Krugers
dorf. The Dutch press is jubilant at this
lowering of British prestige, and advo
cates the incorporation of "Rhodasia"
with the Transvaal republic.
The news that Hon. Cecil lihodes, pre
mier of Cape Colony, has resigned is
conGrmcd. It is not known if his resig
nation lias been accepted by the gov
ernor, Sir Hercules Robinson.
Bonds Issued.
Wasiuxuton, Jan. G. The announce
ment last night that the secretary bad
asked for bids for a bond issue ot $100,-
000,000, was a surprise to the subordin
ate officials of tliu treasury department.
It is probable no one here lint tbe presi
dent, and probably Secretary OIney,
knew of Carlislo's intention. Indeed, it
is believed a conclusion was not reached
until latu yesterday afternoon.
The new bonds will not differ iu any
respect from those issued to the syndi
cate, and will be printed from tho old
Persons well qualified to judge of the
resnlt of the issue, do not look for large
subscriptions from private individuals,
and the opinion is expressed that tbe
syndicate's bid for tbo t ntiro issue will
be accepted.
His Loss Heavy.
Loxnov, Jan. 6. The governor of
Natal, Hir Walter Francis Healey Hutch
ison, telegraphs, upon Beor authority,
that 130 of Jamieson's followers were
killed, and 3" wounded. On the Boer
side, it is added, three were killed, and
five wounded. The statement cabled
tbe United States by a news agency that
Dr. Jamieson had been released from
custody at Pretoria is officially stated to
be without foundation. All sorts of
rumors are in circulation, due to tbe
delay in receiving accurate news from
Cape Colony.
It is reported the British government
is hurrying troops from India to Cape
Town, but there would seem to be no
necessito for such a step, as a concen
tration of military forces from other
British African colonies could be
quickly made there if necessary.
The City of Havana.
Havana, Jan. 5. Havana bus passed
a day of nervousness and anxiety, and
has been in hourly apprehension of an
attack by the insurgent army, or a part
( it. Yesterday, the bands commanded
Nulez and Bermudez were seen at
village not more than 12
miles fro IIavana- mast not 00 6UP"
nojed that . ue c"y 13 Pen 10 u,e aa
yancc of the isurgenta, or that there are
nonn within its 10 ouer reslsl
ancc. There lias b n 1,0 ovcrt a( t of
defiance of the autr,Uea w,lb!a the
citv. and there have
r.,.0 (vo, us in defense
-r :,, 0,i f them, tho
authorities say but there h'8 ben
comfortable conviction in the ni . 8 .
the residents of Havana from tho LBm
n5nE ol tlie insuirection that they
I in uu real uuucr ui uiuieauuuu iiuuj ui.
I insurgouts.
Manv hundreds of noncombatant in-
habitants of tho island havo come to
Havana to await tbo passing of tbe
storm. Still moro have sent their wives
nud families hero as-a safe refuge. This
class of tho opuation is iu a state of
consternation and dismay, and epreads
an infectious spirit of panic through all
other circles.
The authorities no longer make the
slightest concealment of tbo serious
viows thoy tako of tho situation, and
there are some who do not hesitato to
rail at tbe Spanish gonorals and tho
froops, nnd inako bitter criticisms of
Tho wholo island outeido of Uio city ot
Havana is now in the hands of tho insur
gent?. They havo not annihilated tho
Spanish forces, nor havo they routed tho
wholo army iu any single pitched battle;
yet tho situation is practically in their
hands, and so completely have they out
generaled tho Spanish that, to all up-
jwaratices, Martinez Campos army
intatit as woll bo iu Spain for any check
i it has upon the movements of Gomez'
Within Fifteen Miles of Havana.
Tampa, Via., Ian. 5. An American
passenger from Cuba reports that tho in
surgents nro within 15 miles of Havana.
According to his statement, Gomez has
22,000 men. Tho insurgents burned San
Felipe, Dtirnn, Molina del Sur and Guara
Friday night. Theso places are 20 miles
from Havana.
General Campos has issued n manifesto
to his officers ordering strict obedience
to his orders and threatening those dis
obedient with dishonorable roturn to
Sain within 48 hours.
At Johannesburg.
London, Jan. 6, Delayed dispatches
from Johannesburg arriving today show
that Tuesday last there was intense ex
citement there, peoplo hurrying into
town from tbe mines and outlying
country. The cential committeemen
constituted themselves a provisional gov
ernment for tbe town, and announced
that ample provision would be made to
defend it against any body of Boers.
The provisional government estab
lished iteclf in the tonsolidated gold
field building and three Maxim guns
were placed in advantageous positions
about it. The new govornment then
sent an ultimatum to tbe government of
President Kroger, who proposed a con
ference at Pretoria the following day,
Wednesday. Tbe committeo hesitated
to go to Pretoria without a conduct, and
Dr. Jamieson at that time was hourly ex
pected at Johannesburg.
Crowds surrounded the consolidated
gold fields building and the work ol re
cruiting was in full swing. Numerous
peoplo left town during tbe night in
bands of 50 each.
Later tho committee sent the following
communication to Sir Hercules Robin
son, governor ol Uupe tjoiony: "we
have obsolute information that a large
body of Boers have been commanded to
immediately attack Johannesburg and
snoot on sigut ail who nave Leen con
cerned in tho agitation. Affairs are so
critical that we ask you to intervene to
protect tho lives of citizens, who haye
long agitated legally for their rights."
Beautiful weather.
Leap year has come again, so look out
for some weddings.
Miss. Mary Atterbury is tbe guest of
her sister. Mrs. Strader at Glide this
Mrs. Connie of Rock Creok was visit
ing friends in tnis vicinity last week.
The dance al the Mt. Scott school
house New Year's was voted by all to ue
tbe most enjoyable affair of the season,
Messrs. Stearns, Agce and Atterbury
started for Caps Illibee Saturday, where
tbey expect to remain all winter. We
wish them a successful journey and
safe return next spring.
Robert Blakely spent a few days on
Peer Creek last week. He was tbo guest
of J. M. Ro wley.
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mrs. Scbloeman, onr genial store keep
er's wife. We hope Ehe will soon re
Miss Lizzie Ritzman, after spending
tbe holidays with her parents at this
place, returned to Roseburg Thursday.
Miss Winnie Tipton, who was visiting
relatives at this place last week, returned
home last Sunday.
Miss Belle McGeehee was the guest of
Miss Lucy Atterbury a few days last
Miss Annie Ritzman, who has been
sojourning on Deer Creek, for some time
past, has come borne to remain all
winter, much to tbe delight of her many
friends here. Ogee
Meddlesome England.
The English government by her policy
of self-aggrandisement is calling down
upon her the protests ot other govern
ments. Tho encroachments that govern
ment is making in various quarters bos
aroused tbe opposition and condemna
tiou of fair nnnueu people in every
quarter of the globe, tngland's en
croachment upon Venezuela is an index
of her polic moro marked and deter
mined. So much so that the United
States has vigorously condemned it and
the president voicing the sentiment fo
i o "people has reiterated the Monroe
jn- nne. was Baia oi oiu: wuom
. . t. , r . ii 1
tho go'" would destroy ho hrst makes
v,.i,r has becoiuo so intoxicated
uithiiower that sho has becomo super
has laid claim to
nuted territory in Venezuela, Alaska and
snfi. frirnHn.i refuses to submit her
.i;0r,nio,i .Oniina to arbitration, . deter
mined, by the force ol her assumed su
periority, to force w- ik governments to
In lipr claims. But she has
aroused the iro of freedom loving peopl
in every quarter, and alt'eneral protest
is sounded all along the line
Schilling's Minstrels.
Lovers of minstrelsy will welcomo the
roturn of Schilling's Minstrels to th
Roseburg Theater, Friday evening
Tan. 10th. Mr. Schilling claims that his
company this season is tho strongest he
has ever carried and as lie lias aiwaj
i,.i .i .rmvl camnanv. something ex
J traordinorv may bo looked lor.
wrta;niy has in Lew Spencer, Billy Prank Hammond and JMigene
Everett,:! list of comedians hard to
equal, and in tho olio of novelties, tho
brothers La Rose, the great English
iicrobats, Kinzo, the Japanese juggler,
aoid Carroll nnd Nealy, the India rub
Iwr twins, are a show in themselves.
T'Jio fust part settings and draperies and
tine costumes worn by tho company in
tluis part of the entertainment are the
fnaest ever seen in this city with an or
ganization of this kind.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Get your school books at Marsters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Harness of all kinds at low price? at
. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at tbe Roseleaf.
Myrtle Creek flour, only 80 cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hons.
For good substantial blacksmithing
cheap, go to McEinney & Manning,
Selling out at cost! Now is the time
to secure a bargain in all lines of goods
at Mrs. Osburn's.
$ $ $ saved by trading under tho
Backet Cash System atrRicbards Broth
ers' Racket Store.
Jay Brooks, the one priced dry goods
dealer, opposite the posloffice, is the
place for bargains.
If you have daily mail service, try tbe
daily for a month. It will
cost only 25 cents.
Get your candy at tbe candy factory
There is no paint and chalk in it to wear
out yonr stomach. It is clean and cheap
Mrs. Grace Osbtxrn is selling out her
entire slock of general merchandise at
cost. Thoso wishing to secure bargains
should call at once.
N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson
opposite Marks' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
If you don't want to sutler with corns
and bunions, have yonr boots and shoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done.
Karl's Clover Root will purify yonr
Blood and clear your Complexion, regu
late your Bowels and make your head as
clear as a bell. 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sbilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in great den-and. Pocket size
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents.
Children love it. Sold by Druggists.
Captain Swefcney, U. S. A., San Diego ,
Cal., savs: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that wonld do me any good." Price 50c.
L. Langenburg is still on top. He
carries a full stock of choice music, mu
sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord-
eons etc., violin strings of beet qnality
always on band.
Those having second band stoves,
furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
highest cash price by calling upon N.
Rice, the furniture and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
People with indigestion and their
stomach worn out want to stop and think.
It may come from eating grocery Etore
candy. The paint and chalk that is put
in it will grind ont the mucus membrane
of the stomach.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Cbatanooga
Tenn,, says, "ShiloV Vitalizer saved my
life. I consider it the best remedy for a
debilitated system I ever used." For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
xcels. Price 75c.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, nr garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
Tresspassers will bo prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aabon Rose,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1895.
First Mortgages on Improved Farm
Property Negotiated.
We are prepared to negotiate first
mortgages upon improved farms in Ore
gon, with eastern parlies at a rate of in
terest not to exceed 9 per cent, per
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address with stamp:
Mebvin Sworts,
Baker City," Oregon.
Final Call.
persons are hereby
All persons are hereby notified to
make immediate settlement .of their in
debtedness to tbe late firm of S. Marks
& Co. ; otherwise tbe same will be placed
in hands for collection. Please give this
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
ditional costs. Asuer Marks,
Administrator of Estate of S. Marks
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with tbe order. 1 find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belivo that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for casiu P. Benedick. Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
"Liverine," manufactured by the An
chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver,
Kidney and Constipation cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable forms of
diseases of those organs. The greatest
known remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.