The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 09, 1895, Image 3

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DECEMBER 0,1895.
The cbarctie.
BirrisT CnCRCit corner ot Lano and Rot
itmU. Sunday 8crrlce: Preaching, 11 a. m.
aadTtSOp. ra.; Yount Pcople'i Union, 6 :30 p.m.;
Sin. E. W. Black, PrcalJent; Sunday 8chool, 10
c ja.; Jaiao Chamberlain, Bapcrtntendent
rrart MeMlnc. Thursday ercnlns at 7:30.
RiT. Q. W. IJlack, l'Mtor.
Bcaldencc, No. 31 Main Street
Hcthomh Church -corner ot Main and Lano
strata. Sunday SerTlce: '"reaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:S0 p. ra.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; F.
T. Woolley, Superintendent; Class Meeting at
dota ot the moraine service; Kpworth League
63) p. b. Clare Hume, '-resident, l'raycr Meet
ing, trdnlay, at 30 p. m.
Kir. Q.W. KB3.t3.DT, Pastor,
rartonagc, corner Main and Lane.
ItisVTtaUH Cuoacii -corner ot Cass and
Rosa streets. Sunday Service: PupUc norshlp,
a-m. and 730 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. ra.:
T. I. S. C. 2., 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes
day, 730 p. m.
R. B. Dawotm, Pastor.
The W. C T. V. meets every second and
tourth Thursday evening at the residence ot
Mrs. Tm. Smith.
Tin Lotal TxxruLtxcx Lrotos will meet at
th M. E. Church Wednesday at 3 p.m.
A. C. &CCX3EE. Sept.
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
Roskcm, Ore December 7. ISDi.
Biaoarrra J !!2S3l
Maximum temperature, O.
Minimum temperature C
Rainfall tor the II hours ending 5 p. m., a.
Total rainfall since 1st ot month, 1.15.
Average rainfall for this month for vi years,
Total ralnlaU from Sept. 1, isai, to date, 7.47.
Average (rain fall from Sept. 1, to date. &61.
Accumulated deficiency from Sept. 1. 1SW
to date. LIV1
Average precipitation for li wet seasons,
S3. 61
Tuos. Gitso.t. Observer.
PoaTLutn, Or, December 7. U3S; s a. a.
TTnthtr lorccart for the next X hours, for
Soseburg and vicinity:
Monday and Tncolay. rain, and stationary
Fjlgcc. Local forecast OQdal.
Bay joar dtii &i the Roselesi.
Ask j oar grocers (or the Gil Tin soap.
For a cood 5-oent cigar call on Slrs.N.
Go to A. O. Marsters & Co. (or school
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. West.
Clarke seedling eirairberrjr plants for
sale at JJcCall'a (arm.
1. S. West does insurance. Office
oppocite tbo pott office,
Ilonter A Home, at the depot, keep
the best plowi and harrows.
Remember tho People's grocery is on
corner ol Cass and Pine street.
Spectacles and eye glasses in gold,
nickel and steel bona at J T. Bryan's.
II. M. Martin will pay cash for grain
delivered at bis warehouse in Kooeburg.
Candies, note, dried fruits of all kinds
and of the beet quality. Call at II. East
onV. On and after November 25th a mer
chants' Innch will be eerred at the Beer
Hill Saloon between tho boars of 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m.
Extracts of all kinds; sugar, 16, 17 and
18 pounds for 11.00; lard, 10 pounds for
SO els. ; orange and lemon peel and citron
at 11. Eastern's
All goods bought at the People's
grocery on the comer of Cass and Pine
street delivered to any part of the city
free of charge.
Dr. fitrange, the denlizt, has removed
his office to the Taylor & Wilson build
ing. Call and sen him in his new
quarters if you want first-class dental
". Bice, one of our enterprising turni-
tare dealers has now on sale a line lot of
furniture of tho latest style and finish.
Gire him a call before purchasing olec-
We want our good friends from tho
country to participate in tbo Firemen's
grand mask ball Christmas night, as the
best country caller will assist on that
Keep your cyoon the popular hotel,
the JlcClallen House, on tho. corner of
Main and Douglas streets, Roeeborg,
Free 'bus to and from the (rains. Charges
Geo. Langenberg has as large a stock
of Xxnaa magazines as there is in Ore
gon. With each magazine he gives you
one of those fine large pictures. Call
and see them.
Mrs. J. W. Sacry-MuIIen has returned
from Portland and has opened her drese
makiog rooms at 420 Stephens street,
where sho is prepared to do first-class
If your teeth ache or are decayed, or if
you want an artificial set go to Dr
Strang in tho Taylor & Wilson block,
The best of work, the lowest price and
fully warranted.
Cosmopolitan, Munsey, McClure, Pe
terson's, Godey'e .Strand and numbers
of other magazines for only $1.00 per
year, or 10 cents per copy, at the the
City News Stand.
Mrs. G. W. Rapp, the accommodating
proprietor of the People's grocery, has
Just received a new Invoice of groceries
which she will sell at a bargain. Giro
her a trial and be convinced.
Now toys at Salzman'a.
New pluBh goods at Salzman's.
Now celiuliod goods at Salzman's.
Call and oxamino CaRniMw'a l,.
and lartl.
Ask your merchant for the 1 n. a.
When you onco wear tho P. C. C. cor-
you'll havo no other.
New, in fact everything nnw in n.
ay of goods at Salzman'a.
Tho P. C. 0. corset I i-lmni,
... ,,,,vu
but not in quality. Have no otlior.
For workmanship, ounlitv. iinm.;ii
and fit, tho P. C. O. corset can not 1
F. Earl of Conistock. ntn nf tin.
jurors at the present term term of court,
made a pleasant call on the Plainukalkk
Slow Jerry is not so liberal as au item
Saturday's paper would havo it an-
pear. Ho will give awav. on N'w Ymr'.
eve, a lady's fino 14 carat gold watch,
dui not an unlimited nnuntitv nf Iipi
For further particulars, call on Jerry.
Sheriff Calhcart went to Salem Suml.iv
morning on tho local with two convicts,
A. Foster, convicted for tho crime of
Eeducing Mary Jane Patterson, and sen
tenced to ono y;ar in tho twniloiitinrp-
and Joseph Holtz convicted of burglary
Lotus bmith's blacksmith shosi. nnd
sentenced to two years iu tho pen.
W. W. Cardwell has scored a iint in
tho trial of his client, F. II. Skinner,
the adroit deceiver. Like codl'm-.
great are the mysteries of law, and
Cardwell has struck it. Skinner did
not violate" the law of the State of Ore
gon by obtaining money under false
pretenses, because he did not do it, but
ine men who were skinned of their
money can't see it in that light.
Mrs. N. Boyd, '.nicer, on the cornnr of
Cass ar.d Jackson streets, has alnic&t an
endless variety of holiday goods, consist
ing of books, toys and an eitensivo
assortment of china ware iast arrived
from tho east. She has 50 cent child
ren's books for 25 cents. Also all kinds
of fruit fresh from California. Call and
and examino her stock and bo convinced
cf the great bargains she offers for cash.
All canned goods at bed rock prices.
G. M. Moore of Drain, a miner of
twentv vears exiwrienct? in the- Mrlr
days of the mining success in California
and Arizona, has discovered a rich ledge
in Lohenua carrying lead and sold in
large quantities. It is near the Silver
Kmc and a half mile west of thu Cham
pion and two and one hall miles from
ineuoiuen Mar. lne new discovery
was made at the roots of a Linn? tn-o.
- 1
Timber and water are near enough to
make things interesting for this great
mine. A ledge carryinc antimonv is
found near the new discoverv. With
lead, antimony, timber and fine water
power there are fine opportunities to put
a smelter in that part of IV hernia, and
with the rush of new mills gone in this
fall and the ones to co in next Snrin.
there will be lively times for the boys
next year, w e are pleased to ece things
looking up so well in Bohemia for the
ooys wno prospect tiiere deserve
fortune. Uottagc Orove Leader.
The Dog Had the Best of It.
A well-known German-American citi
zen of Koseburg often talks to his dog,
Last week he was overheard to thus ad
dress the animal: "Mien tog, there is a
great difference from you and me. Now,
ven I gets up in the morning I has to
wash myself and bring in der kindling
before I get a bit of breakfast. But its
different mit you. Youst as soon as you
gets up all you has to do is to stretch
and den somebody gifs you a Lreakfast.
Veil you play all tay, but I haf to vork
all der rile, you youst haf fun. Veil the
time will como already ven you haf to
die, und den, mein tog, dat is all of you,
but it is different mit me, I haf to go to
hell yet."
Proceedings of the December Term,
Tin: wocKirr.
27. S.Hamilton vs. J. J. Farquar;
foreclosure. Decree of foreclosure.
34. J as. A. Cox, insolvent debtor;
assignment. Final account approved
and assignee discharged.
3G. John B. McGec va. Annie Consoli
dated Mining Co, et al. ; confirmation
Judgment for plaintiff. Sale of mino
to Z. E. Milliken by receiver confirmed
Purchase prico, $11,SU0.
50. Caro Bros. v8.Wm. Copley et al.;
to recover money. Default. Judgment
for plaintiff.
8-1. Jaa. A. Davie, respondent vs. A
F. Brownappellant; to recover money
Appeal from justice court. Continued
for tho term.
93. State of Oregon va. Fannie M
Austin; recognizance. Not a tnio bill
98. State of Oregon va. Harry Pratt
and Bern. Ray; recognizance Pleads
not guilty. December 10th for trial
102. Stato of Oregon vs. N. A. Foster,
Mary Jane Patterson; adultery. 1Mb
missed as to Mary J. Patterson. Foster
dismissed also.
103. State of Oregon vs. Robert II ins
man; assault with a dangerous weapon
Fined f 100 and costs.
rnoDcconflfinMpt: for amuhemknt or
uvJliwfV.ii..Ui. MATU1MONY. Kcil'l
addreu anil description to 1'aclUc CorrcsiKjn
nence Agency, uneun?i uregon.
K. B. Ireland and sons returned homo
Monday from their mine near Brown
town. They arc well satisfied with
their summer's work.
Your reporter gathered ripe wild
strawberries last Thursday on tho Tom
Nevetis' ranch iu Olalla.
Hider brothers and Mr. Winningham
have resumed work on their road and
intend to keep at it until it is com
John Cooper commenced work on his
mine Saturday.
George Hoover went up to his claim
on Coarsegold to day.
William Davis of Camas Valley is
prospecting in Olalla.
Notwithstanding the hard times theru
appears to bo lota of work in Olalla.
The farmers as well as minors are all
busy. There are no idlers here. Some
are plowing, and others arc cutting
wood, slashing brush, grubbing, rcpair-
ng fence, etc.
Thos. Coats of Tenmile had the mis
fortune to lose his right hand last Thurs
day. One of his fingers got soru and
lecamc so painful that he had to call a
doctor who, upon making an examina
tion, pronounced the disease gangrene,
and finding amputation of the hand
necessary to save Mr. Coats' life. Al
though the operation was skilfully per
formed by doctors Bradley and Miller,
Mr. Coats is in a very critical condition.
It appears from an interview your re
porter liad with a farmer of Upper
Olalla, that somebody lias a boy who
amuses himself and dogs by going into
other people's inclosures and shooting
acd killing hogs not his own, and some
one will get into serious trouble if such
base business is not stopped. There
is a law against wilfull and malicious de
struction of property of all kinds, in
cluding stock. If parents can have no
better control over such boys the laws
of G.-egon will be resorted to. A word
to the wise is sufficient . Allen.
Don't Forget It.
The Bankrupt Shoo Store has arrived
and opened for business in the store
220 Jackson street, Roseburg, commen
cing Wednesday, December 11, atUa
m. to close out a bankrupt stock of
ladies', gents' and children's shoes rrt a
reduction of llltv cents on the dollar of
their former price.
Burt's, Packard's, Buckingham. A
Hecht's, and other leading brands, "will
bo sold at 50 cents on the dollar.
All slices arc marked in plain figures,
just fifty cents on the dollar.
All the Ladies' French Kid button
shoes that were $0 can be bought afc this
sale for ?2.50.
These low prices are made in order to
close out every pair in a short a time as
twHsiblc. Do not wait until tho sizes
are broken, but come at once.
Anyone desiring to purchase Uie stock
as a whole can do so by applying to the
J. F. Rose's Sentence.
As announce! in Saturday's daily, J
F. Rose was arraigned for sentence to
dav at ! a. m. At the time set Rose
was ordered to stand up to receive sen
tence. The Judge asked him if he had
any thing to say why sentence should
not be passed upon hhn. His attorney
L. Loughery, stepped forward and an
swered for him, saying, Nothing, your
honor, except that he asked for the
lightest penalty allowable, as ho thought
the circumstances in the case warrant
ed. Judge Fullerton then proceeded
to state that next to murder, the viola
tion of female chastity was one of the
mostheineous under our statutes; but
as his crimu was not so flagrant as the
commission of rape, but only of attempt
ed rape, he would give him two years in
the penitentiary .
Holiday Goods.
Young Sam has a fine assortment ol
holiday goods, which ho ia selling very
cheap. Fino china ware of all kinds
albums, silk handkerchiefs, jewelry
dolls, toy8, etc. Call and boo them and
Sam will givo you a bargain. The bo?t
and cheapest goods in town.
T. K. Richardson
Has built a i mile cycle track for
winter or summer use in West Rose
burg, and invites all cycle riders to take
their wheel over and try the now track
Ho will also have wheels to rent at tho
grounds. .
Wanted to Exchange
A good grist mill (valued at $2000) for
city property, or will sell, for ono-fourth
cash, balnnco at 8 nor cent. For further
particular- inquiro at tho Plaixdealer
For Sale or Rent.
Tho Palmer sawmill. For particulars
addrc'B, E. 0. Palmer, Dram, Or
Now goods at Curo Bros.
Gilvln'a soap at GilleU'n.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Oysters at tho Kandy Kitchen.
Caro Bros, aro tho boss merchants.
School books at Marsters' drug store.
Go to tho Roscleaf for tho best cigar.
Wood taken 011 subscription at this
Pure fresh candies, fruits and nuts at
thu Rcselcaf.
A now invoico of dry goods just ic-
coived at tho Boss store.
Plo'ws. Go to Hunter & Hume for
your plows and harrows.
For Salo. Old paiwro, at Ibis ollice,
at 2"j cents per iiundred.
Just Received at J. T. Bryan's, Roger's
firat-grada silver-plated waro.
Smoked eye glasaes at J. T. Bryan's
from 10 cents to 75 cento a pair.
A cottage to rent. Inquiro at this office
or of owner at -105 Washington street.
Remember that cheap watch work is
cry expensive, fealzman does good
watch work at lowest prices.
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
m Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Call and examine the new goods at
th Variety store, one block east of tho
depot, corner of Pino and Lano Streets.
Subscribe for the Daily Plaixdealer.
It is the only livo paper in Southern Or
egon. It furnishes tho latest news up to
Bring your job work to the Pla ccdeai.-
er otEco Wo aro prepared to do the
cheapest and best work south of Port
land. E. Da Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or dny.
What is nicer for a Xmas present than
a year's subscription to some good mag
azine. Call at the City News Stand and
look them over.
Dr. F. W. Haynes, the dentist, does
allkinds of dental work in a most scien
tific manner. His work speaks for it
self. Dental parlors in Mark's building.
Parties wishing to have boots or shoes
made or mended will please call on L.
M. Stubblefield opposite the depot.
Good work guaranteed and at bed rock
prices. .
Subscribe for the Scientific American
and learn how to invent and secure
Intents. It is well worth the money,
$3.00 a year, published by Munn & Co.,
New York.
A. C. Hoxie is selling 10 lbs. of granu
lated sugar for $1.00, Hour at 73 cents a
sack, and 10 pounds of lartl for 90 cents.
Peoplo should take ndvantage of these
prices and give him their patronage.
Some of the latest novels by Dumas,
Dickens, Lever, Stevenson, The Duch
ess, Cooper, Doyle, Jerome, and a hun
dred other authors for only 10 cents per
copy at the City News Stand.
Good astureage for stock at reason-.
able rates by the month. All stock .
taken absolutely and entirely at .
owner's risk in every particular. For
particulars enquire of C. A, Blackman, ;
Roberts creek. 1
Boys May be Had (and sometimes
girls) for vl) ordinary service at wages;
(2) upon indenture, to work, attend 1
school, and bo brought up somowhat as
your own ; and (3) children may bo
had for legal adoption. Address, W. T.
Gardner, Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society, Portland, Oregon.
A. C. Hoxie,
Wholesale and
Goods delivered free to all
parts of the city. Leave
your orders with me and
save mone'. Roseburg, Or.
5z We are Pleased to Announce the Arrival of our
r Suitable for Old and Young.
We will save you something on every purchase z
Zz from our Splendid Assortment of
NoyELTies, ETC,
Come and see that Holiday Bargains do exist,
and that prices are so low that everybody
To be Awarded at the Firemen's
Grand flasqueradc Ball.
For (lie three best dreesed ladies: .An
elegant Imported dress pattern, by Mrs.
M. Jopepheon ; a fino silk, pearl handled
umbrella, by Wollenberg & Abraham; a
pure solid silver handled manicure scis
sors, by A. Salzmjn.
For tho three best sustained lady char
acters: A gold embroidered eilk table
cover, by Novelty store; a fine moquette
rug, by Alexander & Strong; a set of
decorated plates, by J. F. Barker.
For tho lliree best dressed gents: A
box of fifty BeluiontB, by the Roaeleaf ;
a fine pair of patent leather pumps, by
Parrott Bros.; a fine leather hand grip,
by Caro Bros.
For the three best sustained gent char
acters: A hat, by Jay Brooks; a Rus
sian leather collar box, by Hamilton
Drug Co.; a leather pocket book, by A.
C. Marsters.
Prizes are ou exhibition at Parrolt
Bros. Boot and Shoe Store.
"Liveriuo," manufactured by the An
chor S Chemical Co., tho great Liyer,
Kidney and Constipation enre. An in
falliblo remedy for all curable lorms of
diseases of those organs. The greatest
knows romedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
For Rent.
A five-room cottage with hydrant and
convenient out houses, three blocks from
postoilice. Enquire at this office or at
403 Washington street, west side of rail
road track.
Retail Sealer in
1 Flour, Feed,
MB, Hi, WWi
can have Christmas by calling at
Sitttalinnt wanted or heto wanted advertisement
Ituerted in this column free of charae. Other ai!t
ojfive lines or leu under this head IS fenls ptr
month; each additional line S cent per month. Ho
aatenucmeni laxenjor less man zj cents.
WANTED To buy a good, strong second-hand
bucev. or lleht nne-horsc farm wnmn.
Address II. LEM31EU, Koscbure.
For Bale.
f OR SALE Old newspapers, Z't cents per 1C0.
Apply at l'lalndcaler office.
Attorney at Law
Special attention given to COLLECTIONS and
matters in l'robatc.
LOANS NEGOTIATED. Monuv Loani! nnd
Rooms 4 and 5 Marsters' Bld'g. UOSEBUKG.
Attorney at Law,
Omcc : Taylor & Wilson Block, Rooms 7 and s.
Attorney at Law,
Rooms S and -1
Taylor & Wilson lilocic.
Physician & Surgeon.
Office Honrs, from 12 to S p.m.
Taylor & Wilson Brick. ROSEBURG.
Physician & Surgeon.
OFHCE.- Rooms 1 and 2 In SlarksJBuildinj,
ai top 01 stairs, 10 iceieii.
RESIDENCE: Cor. of Chadwict
and Washington Sts. ROSEBURG.
Have just opened a first-class Feed Store and
have on hand a lanre invoice of the best
Roseburg and Valley Flonr Baled Hay, Grain
and Feed of all kinds. All purchases delivered
ksw war. anu ftc ucci.
BUYS v-'-w OF
Van Houten
The Dining Room will be undei the
personal supervision of Mr. Callahan,
who will guarantee all old and net cus
tomers the best the market affords.
Come and see me.
Churgiill Hotel
Board and Lodging per week
Meals, 20 cents.
Beds, so cents.