The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 09, 1895, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI..
No. 74.
The Atoka, Bawdary.
T.xcoiA. IM 6 The CwmHi'i goy-
n.mwii I lite le. n contract for the carry
nguf ni .1 tin pan, in Alaska, to
Forty-MiV c k. which Is also in the
territi rv 4iVki ( iniuid by the United
State? ! t Canada is now assert
ing h tlxin. . 1 1 is said that for a for
eign country iilt a contract for the
transmission t mail in the territory of
another vt-rnn 1 i t if something that is unheard of in international
afiVirs It would ncttn that it would
only n ean that the dominion of Canada,
Great DriiniuV d-endency, is bound to
uphold at all hzard her claim to that
strip of territory extending from and
taking in Junean to thef icb gold fields oM
the Ynton rivrr.
The contractor are Fred C. Gasch and
F. C. Heaney. the latter a resident of
Dyea, Alaska They will leave Juneau
on tbetr nrt trip to the Yukon country
iJeceni-'t-r is, at u expect to make a
round trip every two months. The Ca-
sadaif government thus executes a coup
d'etat in euMinbing communication
with ti. YnkiM country, the United
State Imvit-if rti- po-Ul service there,
and U e nil i.e- nr rav private earners
(1 pet lu-r I -r earning the mail. This
move, fltnn 'he tending of a detach
ment fi ni-M ( r-lii-e tv the Canadian
goverrruen U- h-iriy iiile, ts taken as
dearly iiid'cnting that country's deter
mination t rxe- the disputed tern
ever, it ts the determination ot mo
friends of the movement thnt this gov
ernment shall nbsolutcly conrtol the
project, but, owing to the subsidy
granted by the. islands, the ecopo of the
bill will bo modified in such a was as to
provide for n subsidized line, not built
by the government, but nt the disposi
tion of the United States a both ends.
California's Ice Palace.
Tbuckke, Cul., Dec. 5. Truckco is
preparing to have an ice palace to illus
trate the diversity of California's climate.
The business men of the town have
formed themselves into a stock company
and are now erecting buildings which
will be tho basis of the palace. Streams
of water sprayed on the building will
coat them with ice, Tall trees covered
with icicles placed on the roofs of the
buildings will give them a picturesque
appearance. An enclosed ice Bkating
rink, 800 feet long with a roof of solid
ice, will be one of the features. A sleigh
ride ot seven miles to Donner lake and
return is guaranteed every visitor. In
10 days tho palace will be completed and
excursion trains running.
Another Battle.
Kst Wkstr. H , Ifcv 6. Acordiog to
advice- u liirl. rech here from Havana,
the Ccen have oce more won a vic
tory ov-r i;.- ik)i troops. The bat'
tlewa- fought t-etween (Jamaguay and
Las Vil!. tJ. rera Gomez and San
chez, with aOCKi ii utgrnt. encountered
General n-hz. Valdez and Garriel,
commntidiKK 2-CO Spanish troops.
Three hoars- ol ;-p-raJe fighting was
waged ibf- latilp retiring with a Ion
of 200 killed i -l 300 wounded. Among
the kil ed were f-erl officers.
The io-ark-rni was about half that
of Ilia pnirl-i - - - . -
It is 4ertd ir. Havana that tho re
port Ul t'nnitz mid Maceo were rooted
wis orierwi cfled to the United States
by Campos to prevent, if possible, the
recognition of the insurgents by congress.
Hope of the Sultan.
CossTASTisoi-LX. Dec 4 Daring the
past 24 hnr have been frequent
cabinent ctv ii- at the palao, and sev
eral ex-lintf' 'pinion with represen
tatives o Mi- i -r, hut no derision
seems o have ifeu arrived at by the
porta on the subject of the firmans de
manded by the powere for the passage o!
extra guard ship through the Boephorot.
Tho dilatory policy of the palace people
is continued, apparently in the hope that
a hitch i'I occur bich may pat an end
to the Hccord of the power
The amba-.dori do not attempt to
deny that the iccord of Europe is liable
to bfi disturbed at any moment, and it la
to attain this end that Tcrkeyis working
nitrht and dav with all the skill and
aobtleiees ! oiprn diplomacy. Cer
tain rumor sbont the "real designs of
Great Briuin im takn to he Ros-ian
emlw y ot thp torte. and an
noying Itinntiations i-onceming the ulti
mate aims of Buma find their way
tbrouah the pnrte' agents into the Brit
ish ettra8y lu torn the French am
bassadors hears fly rport about the do
ings of the German ambassador and vice
versa. Bo th game continues, with
rnrkev still ahead, in spite of the efforts
of apparently nnit Europe. However,
unless all ign" e misleading, or the
unexpected happens, there will be a de
cided change in the situation by Bator-
England Will Arbitrate.
Chicago, Dec G. A Washington
specLil to the Journal-Press savs:
It is rumored that the president has
been informed that Lord Salisbury's re
ply to Secretary Olney's note asking that
the Venezuelan question be arbitrated
is favorable. The reply is expected Sat
urday. In Panama.
Nkw Yokk, Deo. 5. A dispjtch to the
Herald from Panam-t Bays :
President Caro will retire temporarily
from the presidency. Ueneral Rafael
Reyes, minister of the interior will act
as president.
The Herald's correspondent in Guaya
quil tends word that the government
forces nnder command of Colonels Mo
rses, Alfaro and Avellsno, defeated the
derial troops near Chapoy after two
hoar's heavr fii-hline. The rebels fled
taking refuge iu Colombian territory
Many rebels were killed.
Northern Pacific litigation has called
attention to the necessity of legislation
to regslate tho appointment of receivers
and the judicial sales of railroad, parts
of whoso lines aro in tho different Bute?.
Ho points out tho desirability of the in
vestments of n sinxle court witti control
over tho entire properly. Prompt action
is timed toward tho working out and ko-
Intion of the problem presented in tho
covcrnment's relation to the Centrnl and
Union Pacific railroad, and, as it may
become necessary or advisable for the
government to institute proceedings
against ono or both cf these companies,
ho bIiows the necessity of a law giving
some court in tho District of Columbia
jurisdiction over the entire properties.
The attorney-geuorl says the principles
established by the opinion of tho eupretno
court in the Debs case aro of the highest
value and importance.
Morea About the Message.
Dknteii, Dec. 5. The Hon. C. S.
Thomas, national democratic committee
man from Colorado, expressed his opin
ion regarding the prueident's message to
day as follows:
"On foreign offers he is democratic,
and, therefore, right. His attitude is
that of the vast body of nis countrymen.
On financial affairs he is consistent with
bis past policy, but eo radically and vi
ciously wrong that none save the Wall
street interests can regard it otherwise
than as the expression of an obstinate
man whose theory is that he mut be
right, and therefore everybody else must
bo wrong. His party platform and tradi
tions are thrown oveiboard. and the
ultra-radicalism of tho Sherman school of
finance is unconditionally approved and
recommended. He may succeed in se
curing its adoption, but only through tho
sacrifice ot the democracy."
A Cable to Hawaii.
Chicago. Dec. 5. A special to a morn
Ing paper says :
Senator Hale's project, which had its
origin at the last session, for the estab-1
In the Lower House.
"WASiusaioxj Oec. 6. When the house
met today Terry, dem., of Arkansas, and
Boatner. dem.. cf Louisiana, belated
members, were formally sworn in, and a
motion for a committee to pass on the
members' mileage accounts was passed.
Baker of New Hampshire asked unani
mous content for the immediate consid
eration for a resolution tilling on the
secretary of agriculture to report whether
he had expended the whole or any part
of the appropriation made Dy the list
congrets for the distribution of a farmers'
bulletins. McMillin of Tennessee, ob
Walker of Massachusetts offered a pe
tition in form of la resolution, from the
naturalized Armenians of the United
States, nine-tenths of whom, he said,
lived in his district, and requeste 1 it to
be printed in the records. After reciting
the alleged oppression and outrages of
the Turkish government, it cor.cluuctl:
"Resolved, That the people of tLe
United States, through their representa
tives in congress assembled, hereby ex
press their deepest abhorrence and con
demnation of the outrages thus com
mitted on their American fellow-citizens
as well as the Christian subjects of Tor
key. "Resolved, further, That this house,
composed ol immediate representatives
of the American people, pledge its sup
port to the government in evf ry measure
justified by international law and com
mon humanity to vindicate the rights ot
oar fellow-citizens and their families in
Turkey, and to hinder and prevent, as
far as practicable, the continuance of the
outrages and massacres in that land."
The petition was referred to the com
mittee on foreign affairs.
At 12:30 the house adjourned until
Congress Will Do Nothing.
Washington, Dec. G. Although there
was talk before congress met that South
ern republicans might try to bring about
congressional action on the state consti
tutions of Jrouth Carolina and Misiis
sippi, which they claim are designed to
disfranchise their party, there does not
seem to be much likelihood that any ef
fective step in that direction will be
talked with the house veterans on the
subject and become convinced that there
is nothing this congress can do, and
that the only practical measure would
be to bring the questions involved into
the supreme court. In the next con
gress, if there be a republican house,
the status will be different. Already
there is talk among Southern republi
cans that members to bring credential.
from South Carolina to the next congress
will be refused their seats on the ground
that the senate lias not the republican
form of zovernmcnl truarantecd by the
Mr. Murray of South Carolina, who
was the only colored member of the last
congress, is back as a contestant for his
old seat, the certificate to which is held
by a democrat. He claims to have
been counted out, and says he has not
the slichtest doubt that he will be
! slated. The renublicaus of the State
he savs. notwithstanding their recent
rebuff in the supreme court, are prepar
ing to bring the question of tho validity
of the constitution before the court in a
form which they think will require a de
cision on the main issue at stake
General opinion among the house re
publicans appears to be that this con
gress will be conservative in unseating
the 32 members whose seats are con
tested. The republican majority is so
large that there is no need to strain a
point in unseating any.
Fr6m Friday's Dallj.
H. V. Classfoid of Coos Hay is in town
I. Hermann of Portland is at the
J. II. Russell of Gold Hill is at
Van Houtcn.
W. J. Kelluian of Portland is nt
Van llouten.
J. McGuire of Portland is stopping
the Van llouten.
W. H. Lincoln of Chicago is a guest
utthe McClallen.
Wm. Russel aud wife of Gold Hill are
in the city today.
G. H. Carter of Genera, Ohio, is stop
ping at the McClallen.
C. W. Johnson and C. Greenwood of
Lake Chelan are in the city.
T. J. Jackson of Astoria, who has been
n the city several days visiting friends,
returned Tuesday on the overland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Drake of Myrtle
Cieelc were in the city this week on bus
iness, and returned home this evening.
Miss Clara and Bert Riddle, who have
been visiting the family of O. L. Willis
in this city, returned home to Riddle
this afternoon.
J. It. Harrison of the Grants Puss
Mining Journal, dropped in on us today
for a moinent'a chat. He reports things
lively at tho Pass.
O. D.Turner of San Francisco, solicitor
for the America's Wonder Lands, 6on of
D. C. Turner of D-.-er Creek, is in our
city. Mr. C. D. Turner is the right man
in the right pl.tce, and when ho appears
with his fascinating smile and asks vou
to take a copy of his Wonder Land, yon
should remember Davy Crockett's ad
dress to the Coon, "Come down or I'll
shoot." Yes, come down or vou'd be
shot, for C. D. is loaded to the muzzle.
So write down your name. He will allow
you a choice of binding, that is all. His
book of wonders is wonderfully full ot tho
wonders of America It will make a fine
holiday present.
Wednesday night about 11 o'clock
some unknown person or persons hurled
a couple of rocks of about three or four
unds weight through the windows oi
li llUl'K! CgejpicU Uy Kin. Will n'Jt.t,
and Lee Way, the Chinese Christians.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Attorney-denei-al's Report.
Wabiiixotos, Dec. C The annual re-
lishmentof a cable line between thblport of Attorney-General Harmon, sent
rt 1 .1 11. V
Country ami Hawaii, ouuer gmciuuicu'
tal control, is to be pushed onward
this winter, and, it is believed, with a
chance of success The original propo
sition passed the senate in the consular
and diplomatic bill, but was left out in
the house on account of the president's
animosity, a sentiment that developed,
it was alleged, out of the criticism passed
upon the executive in connection with
the Hawaiian situation. Senator Hall
has prepared a new bill, which he will
introduce at an early date.
It is learned that the Hawaiian gov
ernment, de8irious of the establishment
of this cable connection, has guaranteed
a subsidy of H0.000 a year.
This makes the prospect of enacting
the new rneararc more favorable than
RoYal &-
deal of money has changed hands in that
sectiou recently and lota of new money
brought into the country. Observer.
Wm. Ruble has commenced work on
Coyoto creek in good earnest. They are
running three giants and working in very
rich gravel. S. C. Ruble, who superin
tends the work, says he has taken out as
high as $10 and $12 to the pan, in some
parts of the mine. Observer.
The committee favoring San Francisco
hold the balance ot power un the com
mittee. If they see that San Francisco
can't secure it they will favor St Louis
before allowing tho convention going
cither to Pittsburg or Chicago. They are
determined it shall go as far west as pos
sible. Miss Fern Orcutt went to Gravel Ford,
Coos county, Thursday, to take charge of
a district school there after clcsinga
successful term near Jep Greens, this
county. Miss Orcutt is one of Douglas
count 's good teachers. We congratu
late Gravel Ford on seeming Miss Or
cutt's services.
The noted case of the State of Oregon
vs. N. A. Foster for seduction has otcu-
p;ed the time of the coait for some time.
The jury has rendered the verdict of
guilty as charged in the indictment.
In view of the extenuating circumstances,
that of the seduced being a widow, we
opine the penalty will be as light as
ofsible. A n-oman who is of mature
years and is a widow, cannot with much
show of innocence claim she was seduced
by a promise of marriage. She is her
self, measurably guilty. The sedui-er of
course onght to be punished as a penalty
for his violation of law forbidding illicit
Lee Way is under the Impression that
the assault was made with intent to
kill, but who the assailants were he can
not guess. The rocks came in through
the windows with terrific force, in both
instances breaking through the blinds
and bringing up on the further side of
the room. Some people are a little too
handy throwing rocks, and if they hap
pen to get caught it will go hard with
to congress today, shows there has been
an increase in the number of criminal
cases pending in the federal courts, as
well .is an increase in the expenses of
the courts, from 13,865,898 in 1S33, to
!5,G2S,223 in 1S95. A strong argument
is made for the abolition ot the fees sys
tem. He says too much of tho time of
the supreme court ii occupied by crim
inal appeals, and suggests that such ap
peals be disallowed save in capital cases.
Tho attorney-general also calls atten
tion to what he regards as a growing
abase of writs of habeas corpus, and sug
gests the allowance of a stay by tho su
preme court, or one of all Us judges be
reqnired on at least all appeals after tho
first. Ho asks for -additional circuit
judges in the fifth and tixth circuits.
Not A Miner's Paradise.
Icon-wood, Mich., Dec. G. Letters just
received from Captain William A.
Knight, who left here last September
with a party of miners for the gold fields
of South Africa, indicate that the dark
continent is not the miner's paradise it
has been painted. The Ironwood men
were promised desirable positions at sal
aries ranging from $5 per day to foOOO
per vear. Many of them have been un
able to secure anv employment, and are
in Johannesburg, which they describe
as "a human bee-hive, composed prin
cinallv of sharners of both sexes and
dust." The mines are manned princi
pally by native Kaffirs, who work for
about 30 cents a day, and it is difficult
for a white man to secure employment
at living wages. They will return to
Michigan as soon as they can get money
to pay their passage.
Roscburg Academy.
Second year will open September 2d
Tho academy includes a kindorgarton
a grammar school and a college-fitting
school. Pupils may prepare for tho
second year in Princeton or Wellesloy
Addresn: RosKiiunu Academy,
Rosehnrg, Oregon
rron S4tunl-' Pally.
Harry Pratt charged with larceny will
be placed on trial Tuesday next.
L. S. Shipley of Yonalla returned
home after several day's sojourn iu this
N. A. Foster, indicted on charga oi
adnltery with Mary Jane Patterson, was
The Oregon Fruit Union shipped yes
terday to its agency at Philadelphia an
other carload of dried prunes.
X. A. Foster, convicted of seduction
yesterday, was sentenced by tho court to
one year in the penitentiary and costs of
J. F. Rose, tried for attempted rape,
was convicted yesterday and will bo ar
raigned before the court for sentence
Monday at 0 p. m
Lovely weather today after the good
down pour last night. Tho thermometer
ranging up to G5 degrees, and tho ladies
are promenading the streets enjoying tho
E. H. David ol Glenada on Siuslaw
An estaBIfshed lnfitltntion of this char
acter placed upon a nrm antlituraWc
basi would be of immense financial ben
ut to our city, to sav nothing ol the in
tellectual and moral advantages it would
have. An academy building suitable to
accommodate 200 or 300 students would
form a nucleus around which would clus
ter other institutions of a humanizing
character, besides attracting a large
number of families for educational pur
poses. They would become consumers
of products and commodities for which
money would be paid, and thus swell
the volume of business to the general
advantago of all. Mr. Dilworth is doing
what he can as a venture, and is doin
what he can on a small scale, but if his
work could be augmented by the erec
tion of an academical building it would
add much to the good name of Rosebnrg.
Honored by the Militia.
The members of.Company A last night
a fev minutes after complettng a short
regular drill at the armory, excused J.
A. Underwood on account of bis changed
relations in life having recently joined
the benedicts and, "unbeknownst" to
bim, proceeded to his residence and fired
three volleys, which made the bills
shake and Underwood quake, notwith
standing his bravery, fearing perhaps,
that his bride's nerves would bo un
strung. He plead piteously for relief
and so the boys in uniform shouldered
arms and retreated.
Proceedings of the December Terra,
39. Minnie Spriggs vs. J. L. Spriggs ;
divorce. Default. Decree of divorco.
64. Asher Marks, admr., vs. J. H.
Whitsett; to recover money. Demurrer
withdrawn, answer to be filed. Judg
ment for plaintiff.
G9. A.J. Bellows va.F. M. Eurtia;
trespass. Verdict for $1.00.
71. Abraham Jones v. Mary A. Drol-
linger et a!.; foreclosure. Default. L.
Loughary, guardian adinterim for minor
S2. Jacob Brown vs. John Jackson et
al.; foreclosure. Demurrer withdrawn.
Decree of foreclosure.
87. State of Oregon vs. Chas. A. Ben
nett; larceny. Appeal from joatics
court. Dismissed.
91. State of Oregon vs. N. A. Foster;
recognizance. Redaction, a true bill.
Verdict of guilty as charged.
9G. State of Oregon vs. J. F. Rose;
recognizance. - bills, assault to commit
rape. Pleads not guilty. On trial.
93. State of Oregon vs. Harry Pratt;
recoguizance. Larceny. A true Dill.
99. State of Oregon vs. K. M. Dan-
can ; recognizance. Ztot a true bill.
101. State of Oregon vs. R, E. Strong ;
recognizance. jSot a true bill.
103. State of Oregon vs. Robert Hia-
man ; assault with a dangerous weapon.
Why Maryland Went Republican.
Senator Gorman in the N. Y. Press of
November 16, says r
"The state (Maryland) went republi
can because the republican vote naa
'"v't inrm"""! ft Tfr obvious and
somewhat sliraiucJOit riaSS!
fulJn vote a
year ao
throughout the state "was 3,000 larger
than the December vote, and nobody
pretended to assert then that the result
was due to any personal causes or to op
position to any one man. The fact is
that the protection sentiment in the
state has largely increase In my own
county, for example, we have ajnumber
of woolen mills. Until very recently
they have been run upon a rough and
cheap class of goods. In the last two or
three years, however, they have under
taken a higher grade of work, and in or
der to do it they have been obliged to
import a large number of skilled labor
ers from Massachusetts and other New
England states. Most of these men are
republicans. A like condition of affairs
exist in other counties ofjhe Btate, and
here we have a very considerable increase
in the republican vote accounted for.
There has been a change, too, among
democrats, who are naturally inclined
toward protection, and who believe that
republican supremacy will more cer
tainly insure a permanent protective
policy. There is no question that the
protection sentiment among all classes
is now very strong, and many who be
lieve in the doctrine have been dis
gusted by the business depression of the
last two years. Naturally they turn to
the party which is not in power for re
lief, especially in view of the fact that
that party has a consistent protection
An Umbrella fTorgue.
Our city fathers ought to establish an
river, made the Plaisdeaixh a pleasant umbrella morgue and make it a penal
call today. Mr. David is interested in
the lumber business and manufacturing
of furniture.
Just as wo go to press it is learned tho 1
coutt instructed tho jury to find a verdict
of not guilty in the case ol State of Ore
gon vs. F. H. Skinner on trial for ob
taining monoy under false pretenses.
Sam. Brown, now in j.iil under verdict
of guilty of murder, will bo arraigned in
court next Monday to ro eivo sentence
of the death penalty for the murder of
Alfred Kincaid at Oakland, August 12,
Robert Uiman, tried before his honor,
Judgo Fullorton, for assault with a
dansierous weapon, and convicted as
charged, was fined $100, and in detaull of
payment to be confined 30 days in the
county jail.
Kerby country will yield up a great
deal moro gold this winter than she has
for years. All tho old mines will run,
together with a good number of new
hydraulics recently fitted up. A great
offense for persons finding an umbrella
not to deposit it in the morgue for identi
fication By such a method umbrellas
could be reclaimed. Apropos of this, we
were reminded of the finding of a couple
of silk umbrellas in a certain merchant's
barn, a few mornings ago, and until said
umbrella morgue is established the own
ers of the abov umbrellas can have
them by provim property. No charges
for advertising.
House Burned.
Drain. Or. Dee. 5. D. E. Warner of
Smith river, the agent of the Pacific
Home Supply Company, had his house
burned down a few davs ago. They
saved nothing. Ho had his winter sup
plies in the house and it all burned. As
Warner is a poor man, he is left in a bad
shape. I did dot learn the partiulars
Warner has a wife and two children.
Bring your clocks and watches to Slow
Jerry tho reliable jeweler lor repairs.
The Planter's Wife,
Next Saturday at the Roseborg thea
ter, Roseburg amateurs will present tho
thrilling drama entitled "The Plantart
Wife," after several weeks of careful re
hearsal, and will no doubt score a great
success. Some of our best talent ii in
the cast, which is as follows :
Albert Graham E. L. Fisher.
Harry Livingstone F. M. Zigler.
Arthur Blake or Rev Balcomb. . .
L. A Sanctuary.
Simeon Sitncoe J. L. Fisher
Tomette and J. A. Walters
D. Willis.
Edith Grey, afterward Mrs. Graham,
Inla Bradley.
Dora Graham (sister of Albert Gra-
ham( Blanche Autenreitb.
Angie Gordon Snow Autenreitb.
Mrs. Gordon (Angie'a mother).....
Mollie Ruckle.
Grain bags and twine for sale by So
Abraham, and the highest market price
in cash will he paid by bim for grain,
delivered at his warehouse at Kosehvtrjf.