The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 05, 1895, Image 3

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Joy's for the Jaded and Oooa
Health Tor all Mankind. 9
tsmade from
licttx, and
rocta'.as no
n i n c r a 1
drurs or
dtidly pois
on. Joy's
robs the
K00J of all
Its impari
ties, and
courses all
these Impari
ties through
pro per chan
nels. Joy's
cures Dy-
Com plaints
and Kidney
ots ToeetaMo
events tired feel
fs, staggering sen-
th, pimples
.body and 1L
eases of thestoo
liver and kidne1
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
Bosxscss. Ore December 1, ISM.
S a. ta. FaciSc time axOV.
5 p. a. PAdSe tine-2).NS.
MaxiiaEra testperataxe,
yjnlxsuia temperature. 3S.
Rainfall for tie i hours ending 5 p. ta., 0.
Total ralnla: since 1st of raonth, .71
ATcraserair'aH fortius nontb for is years,
ToUl rainfall from Sept. 1, ISo, to date.&GS.
Arcane rainfall iroaa Sept. 1, to date. T.i
Acectsnlatcd deficiency fras Sept, 1, 15
10 date, .1.1 j ,
Avcrtre precipiuttea tor IS wet Karons,
Taos. GiaON. Oberrcr.
Portland, Or., December i. W; 8 a. za.
Weather ferccat for the next 3 boors, for
EoKbors and rieiHity:
Thcrrfay aad Friday rain, with stationary
Pagce. Local Forecast Official.
The VTavI Company
Have appointed Mrs. J. H. Shnpe as
local representative of the company at
Bosebnrg. All orders by mail promptly
attended to.
For Rent
A five-room cottage with hydrant and
convenient out booses, three blocks from
pee to See. Enquire at this office or at
405 Washington rtreet, west side of rail
road tract".
Is .Marriage a Failure?
2jo. II yoa wish to marry, and will
send your address for application blank
and full particulars to
The Pacific Cokkespoxdisg Agency,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Teachers' Review Class.
Those not wishing to take either of the
regular courses in the Normal, can now
enter a class for the Review of the com
mon branches and methods. Drills in
elocution and reading daily. Address,
ArllLAND Normal.
Trie reIton water Motor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse
power affords the most convenient, eco
nomical and reliable power for all light
service. One of these may be seen run
ning at this office. Send for circulars.
The Telion Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
St., San Francisco, Cal.
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. X find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, aad belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cask. P. Benedick, Undertaker.
Bosebnrg, Ore., April 12, 1S95.
"Liverine," manufactured by the An
chor S Chemical Co., the great liver,
Kidney and Constipation cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable lormsof
diseases of those organs. The greatest
knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store
Boseburg, Oregon.
Roseburg Academy.
Second year will open September 2d
The academy includes a kindergarten
a grammar school and a college-fitting
school. Pupils may prepare for the
second year in Princeton or Wellesley,
Address: Roseecrg Academy,
lioseburg, Oregon
riuclclcn's Arnica Halve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cnta-
E raises, eorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Phillbaias, Coras, and all skin Erup,
lions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to giva
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A,
0. Marsters & Co.
Hovr'tt This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chesey & Co., Props., Toledo, 0,
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
Here him perfectly honorable in all busi-
sea transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by tbeir
West a Trcax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
YVjilpisg, Kia-xas a Mauvik, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
fall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials 'res.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Go to Salzmau's for holiday goods.
Go. to Mrs. N. Boyd'd for your holiday
Have yon teen U10 Intet-t in silver
novoltiea at Salzman's.
A comploto line of holiday goods at
Salzman's. Prices the lowest.
Call on II. Easton for an "ExKrt"
cigar. They aro excellent,
Tho Gilvin soap is tho best on cuitli
and the cheapest in Oregon.
Henry Easton's teas, coffees and spices
can't bo surpassed for quality.
Fresh oysters in any style, and meals
at all hours at tlio candy factory.
Oranges, lemons, apples, sweet oln
toes, onions and potatoes at II. Eastou's.
A full assortment of cigars of all quali
ties, tobaccos and piic3 at II. Eastou's.
If you have daily mail service, try tho
daily Plainukalki: for a month. It will
cost only 25 cents.
Get your candy at the candy factory.
There is no paint and chalk in it to wear
out your stomach. It is clean and cheap
Colls, Japanese goods, hair ornaments
fancy goods, also numerous five und ten-
cent articles for iho Holidays at tho Nov
elty Store.
Do not take any substitute when you
ask for the one lure blood purifier.
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Insist ujou Hood's
and only Hood's.
Those ho purchaso the Scow Cap
baking powder at the People's grocer ,
have the first choice ot prizes which go
with every package.
N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson
opposite Marks iron front, baa choice,
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
Shilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in great dertand. Pocket siie
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents.
Children love it. Sold bv Druggists.
Mrs. G. W. Rapp, the accommodating
proprietor of the People's grocery, lias
just received a new invoice of groceries
which she will sell at a bargain. Give
him a trial and be convinced.
HOLIDAY GIFTS for December
month at the Noveltv Store comprise a
line gold watch with loignette chain, silk
piano scarf, and silk stand cover. Every
dollar purchase entitles you to a guess.
People with indigestion and t licit
stomach worn out want to slop an J think.
It may come from eating grocery store
candy. Tho taint and chalk that is put
in it will grind out the rnucus'mernbraue
f the stomach.
Mr- Geo. Carpy will furnish township
maps showing vacaut lands, if any there
in, for $1 per township, and not of farms
as stated in yesterday's paper bv mis
take. AU persons looking after govern
ment lands ought to have one of those
Preaching at the Pine Grove church
on next Sundav at 11 a. m. The ordi
nance 01 baptism will be observed im
mediately after preaching. Services in
the U. B. church at Roreborg in the
evening at t iS) p. m. r-urwav.
We are receiving staple goods now
uitable for the fall trade, including
boots and shoes, which we are offering
at bedrock prices. We think we are
c . ,
certainly don t want but one price for '
our goods. Call on II. C. Stanton. 1
Professor J. A. Underwood is making J
himself useful daring
. . ,
the time he is not I
employed in school work, by making a
r .1 a - . 1 i
. . . ......
aries 01 lue scleral rtuum uiauic, ;
n.:. : , i. At .-. :
. . , . , - .
the county maps .showe them in connect-1
ion with the road districts, which makes '
the map for eaih purpose rather compli
Cited. Mr. Underwood's map of the
districts only, will simplify the matter
'God's rezolar army" has taken up
its position in Roseburg and will make a
charge upon satan and his hosts soon.
This army has located headquarters in
the building vacated by I. F. like it
Co.'s real estate agency, on Jackssn
street opposite the Marks iron front.
Mr. W. E, Purdy is commander, and
will dedicate tbeir rooms, Thursday,
December 12, and continue regular
meetings thereafter. Hip hosts of sin
may expect their ranks to be decimated
from thence forward.
From Tuesday' Pally.
L. Bilyeu of Eugene is at the Van Hou
A. J. Kubn of New York is at the Mc
11. 31. Oat man of Myrtle Creek is iu
the city.
S. U. Wluteett ol .Myrtle Urcek is
the city.
John B. McGee of Cottage Grove is
the city.
W. L. Cobb of Dilhird ia stopping
the Van Houten.
J. A. Uawley of Portland is registered
at the McClatleti.
N. Selig of Myrtle Creek is a guest at
the McCiallen today.
Thos. Adams of Myrtle Creek ia reg
istered at the Van Houten.
Capt. G. W. Peters of Oakland is in
the city today on business.
Ay". B. Drake of 31yrtle Creek came
down on business Monday,
F. M, Gabbert of Myrtle Creek came
down from tbat village today.
J. F. Barker's is where you get bar
gains in groceries of all kinds.
Mrs. Alice Weaver and Miss Hattie
Dement ol Myrtle Creek are in the city
Judge Geo. W. Riddle of Glenbrook
made the Plaindzalep. a pleasant call
W. B. Smith of Oakland is ono of the
attendants at court, not at a litigant but
as an observer of the proceedings,
The masquerade ball by tbo Firemen
on Christmas nizbt. promises to be tbo
largeet of the kind ever held here.
There will soon be a catalogue of city
costumes for rent, in tho bands of the
committee, so every body can bate an
opportunity to mask,
James Clark, an old pianeef of Doug
las and long a resident of Canyonville,
but lately of Deer creek, is in the city to
day a looker-on in the temple of justice.
Albeit Pool, who was charged with
larceny before the.circuit court, was dis
missed and was rearrested immediately
for robbing tho United States mail last
July, lie will havo a preliminary hear
ing on that ehurgo Thursday at 10 a. 111.
beforo United States Commissioner L.
The Eloctrie Light Company turned on
tho current last night, after two weeks
and three days rest from its labors. It
was quito cheering to again behold the
District Attorney Brown received u
telegram from Salem Inst uignt notifying
him that tho supremo court had duuied
tho motion for a rehearing in tho Sam
Brown caso.
Hon. Mr. Bilyou of Eugeno of tho firm
of Bilyeu & Young, attorneys for Albert
.milker vs. Annio Consolidated Mining
Company, is attending court in tho inter
est of his client.
To any couple who may desiro it, the
county clerk, F. W. Benson, will issue a
license to wed free, and his honor,
Judgo Stearns, will tie the conjugal
knot free at tho masquerade hall to lte
given on Wednesday, December 25, 18115
Now hero is untuil opportunity lor
some enterprising couple.
From Wi-dncMlay's Dally.
A. J. Barlow of Giants Pass and II. M.
Oatmau of Myrtle Creek are at the Van
John Byrun and W. It. Wells .( Olalla
and Miss Mary Gcrmantl of Millwood are
guests at iho MiCluliuii
A. V, Stauton of Brockway, Fendel
Sutberlin and James Baty o( Oakland
are registered at tho McCiallen.
Dr. E.J. Page of Oakland, C. II. -Man-pin
of Kellogg anil J. II. Andrews of
Portland are at the Van Houten.
Tho supper for tifj griind Firemen's
mask ball will be in the same building
as the lall, so every convenience will be
The population of Douglas county as
per census, 1S95, by Jas. A. Sterling is,
males, 7USS; females, 0571. Total,
14,559. Number of legal voters, 4,ofH.
Fred G. Hatfkld ot Roberts Creek is in
the city today. He came near getting
his leg broken bv a kick of one of his
horses. He is able however to navigate,
though with much pain.
I.. Bnell of Looking Glass is in tho city
today. Mr. Bueil is an old pioneer, now
over SO years old. but is as jocular as
when be drove ox learns irom cottsburg
to Jacksonville 'M tears ago.
I. F. Bice A Co , real estate, sre mov
ing into th Taylor fc Wilson, on the
corner of Main and Washington streets,
where they will Ik pleaded to show all
persons their St.-1 of desirable properties
for sale. This is a reliable company to
whom we take pleasure in referring all
lersons desiring to sell or pcichase.
V. C. Ixitlja lias the agency for the
Fidelity Mutual Aid Association, a life
and accident assurance company. All
pe.-aona dining these accidental times
would do well in interviewing Mr. Ixn-
don and learn the terms of policies for
bath life and accident. "In prosperity
prepare for adversity,-' is a good maxim.
The case cf A. J. Bellows vs. F. M.
Burtis for trespass, is on trial today, in
the circuit court before the following
named jurors : C.F. Walson, J. F. Earl,
E. H. Otey, V.M. Ireland, D. H. Lenox,
J. R. Gilharn, Edgar Walker, J. H.
Foreman, Fr-1 Perkins, M. Agee, J. L.
Hunt and Fred Sanderson. J. W. Ham-
ilton attorney for
plaintiff and A. M.
Crawford for tMcixlaut,
Mother Goe has returned fron her
(.:.. tn )... . . l,n r n r.
till j tut: izsipuii .uu kii uti auu nts
', ... , ... ' ,
DM kin.. (..: ()nwn .if lUt 01,1
Grey Beard, Little Bed R.dding Hood,
Mmtile ;imon. Jack and Jul
iIarr. Ja?k Horner. Little Bo Peep
Lime uoy lime, win give an enieriain
. ,,
ment and at the armory ball Sat
urday, December bth. Admittance 10
and 5 cents a bait to fish in Simple Si
mon's Fish Pond. Proceeds for the I
T. L.
Probate Court.
In the matter of the rstate of Mary T.
Gililland dee'd, Lulu A. Willis, adminis
tratrix, was ordered to sell the personal
property at private sale. Dated Decem
ber 20, 1S95.
In the matter of the estate of Andrew
J. Chapman, deceased, the executor, J.
I. Chapman was ordered to sell persocal
property at private sale. Dated Decem
ber 2, 1S05.
In the matter of the estate of Geo.
Weaver, the administrator .Mrs. Weaver,
was ordered to sell personal property at
private sale. The property was invoiced
as follows: Of the estate projer $7121.13,
of the company Willis it Moore $371.07.
In the matter of the estate of Luanda
Bushncll, deceased, M. L. Bushnell was
apoiiitcd executor of the will.
The acreage of hops which go to Wil
bur for shipment h as follows, viz:
T. J. Gilham
Creed Gilliam...
Jack Chapman . . .
N. LaRaut
A.J. Chapman.
G. W. Gritbb. ..
E. H . Otey.
G. W. Short
20 acres
20 acres
20 acres
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
15 acres
23 acres
The reliable merchants, Wollonburg A
Abraham, can always be found -tt tbo
hquaro Deal store, ready to hand over
tho counter, all det criptions of first-class
dry goods at the mo3t reasonablo prices
They are receiving daily new additions
to their already fine stock on hand,
They manage their own business, with
out the aid of employes, thus saving an
expense which otherwise would have to
bo added to the price of their goods
Their motto is courtesy to all and the
least possible profit to warrant aconlinu
ance in business. Come one, como all,
to tbe Square Deal Storo with tho assur
ance that tbero you can make purchases
equal to any incrcantilo honso in Rose-
Mrs. N. Boyd, grocer, on tbo corner of
Cass and Jackson streets, has almost an
endlees variety of holiday goods, consist
ing of books, toys and nu extensivo
assortment of china waro just urnved
from tbo east. She has 50 conl child
ren's books for 25 cents. Also all kiuds
of fruit fresh from California. Call and
and examine her stock and bo convinced
of the great bargains sbo offers for cash
All canned goods at bed rock prices.
His honor, Judge Fiillerton, has
swept fifty-three cases .off tho docket
out of ono hundred and two, iu three
days. Thus showing that expenenco
and formality enabled him to epedito
b usinesa with more celerity.
A Disastrous Fire.
Indianapolis, Dec. 3. Fire in the
heart of tho wholesale district today de
stroyed property valued at moro than
half a million l im northwest quarter of
the block bounded by Meriden, Mary
land, Georgia and Illinois streets was
laid in ruins, and seven or eight great
business establishments wcro burned
Tho tiro began in the wholesale gro
cery storo of Schnell & Co. At SiliO tho
third floor of tho building fell in and the
heavy stock piled on it was carried to
tho first floor. Flames at once broke out,
and tho fire spread in all directions.
The employes got out without serious in
jury, though souio had narrow escapes.
Ilefore the department arrived the en
tire block ws doomed. Great clouds of
blsck stiioko were 'touring out of every
window, nnd by the time water was
I (trued on tho whole interior was ablaze.
There was much inflammable material
in iho stock, there was an insufficient
supply of water and the weather was
bitter cold'.
Second' and third alarms wero turned
in and in20 minutes after the Moor fell
all tho available men and apparatus in
the department were engaged in lighting
tho tire.' Ten streams of water that were
turned' on the burning building from the
front aud rear did not seem to have any
effect on the fire, which pas-scd to the
buildiug anjoiniog on tho south, occu
pied by Fairbanks, Morse, & Co. Tho
water joured on Fairbanks, Morse it
Co.'s building did not have any effect
aijain-t tho strong wind blowing from
the north, and soon after nino o'clock
the lat-t business house betweeu the tire
and the aUey, that was occupied by
Ward Bros , wholesale druggisls, look
At noon, when the lire had been placed
under control, though still fiercely burn
ing, tho burned territory extended from
No. 52 to 74.
The following firms were burm-d out:
Schnell fc Co , w liolesale grocers; Ward
Bros., druggists ; Fairbauks it Morse,
scales; Eckhouso Bros., liquors; Indiana
Coffee Company; Woodford it I'ohhnan,
liquors, aud the Hildebrand Hardware
Company. The buildings were ll brick
three and four stories in height.
Several firemen were carried down by
the falling walls, aud it is believed two,
who hare been taken to the hospital will
The lire caused practically a total loss
on buildings and stocks. The owners
estimate their lo.-ses on stock as follows:
Hildebrand & Co., feO.lKX); tlnre wlU be
some salvage; Joseph it Mosts Hot
house, f 11,000; Woodford It Poblmau,
n'G.WO; Schnell .t Co , 125,l00; Kair-
banks Scale Company, $15,000; Ward j
Bros., $35,000; Indiana Coffee Company,
The estimated total value of the stock
destrovedis $32,0J0, winch, together
with the buildings, will reach $000,000.
There is about $300,000 insurance.
State r Ohio, Cttt or Toledo.
Ucis codntt, "
Funk J. Cuie.xt makes oath that he Is the
lenlor partner of the arm ol Y. J. t ussev A
Co.. ilttin; butlncM in the HIT of Toledo,
Coantr and State aforesaid, and that ald firm
will par the mm of ONE HUNDKEU POL-
LA its for each and every ca.vs of Cat ecu
that cannot bo cared by the use ot Hall's
Catarrh CCtt FK.VNK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to bclorc me and ubcribed in my
presence thU Cth day of Dccerahvr, A. D., !.
Notary l'abt c
Hal"s Cttarrh Cure Is taken internally and
acts directlv on the btol and mucuirt tur-
faces of the system. SV-nd for testimonials.
free. r. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toicao.o ,
sold by UrogsisK.Tic
St. Louis Wants it.
St. 1-ot iN Dec. 3. A mass meeting of
! prominent business men was held at the
Mercantile Club for the purpose of mak
ing arrangements to secure ono or both
of tho two national conventions for St.
Louis next year. Twenty-five thousand
dollars was raised for that purpose and
$50,000 more will bo subecribed.
For Ocr Fifty Yearn.
An Old and well-Tried Rexedv. Mr
tVlnslow s toothlns S'IU( has been uwl for
otct fllty ytars by million? of mothers for their
children white teethln?, with pcifi-vt iucccsj.
It Kxjtt.cs the child, softens the sums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and Is the bet remedy
for Diarrh'ra. Is p!eaaut to the tsste. ;-oId by
rosijts in cTcry port of the world. Twenty-
fitc cents a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable.
Be sure and aik for Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothln?
syrup, nnd take no other Kind.
Horrible Accident.
h cattle. LVc. .1. As a result ot a
small lire at the new Washington state
university, in this city, at noon, Harry
.Vshenfclter of Spokane, a contractor
on the university buildings, was burned,
lis body being completely incinerated,
A workman named Frank Gallcgher was
severely burned alwut the hands and
arms. They were tarring the inside of a
ig water tank when the tar caught fire
The ladder broke and Ashenfelter fell
into tho flames.
Knights of the Maccabees.
The Stato Commander writes us from
Lincoln, Neb., as follows : "After trying
other medicines for what seemed to be a
very obstinato cough in our two children
wo tried Dr. King s New Discovery and
at tho end of two days tho cough entirely
left them. Wo will not bo without it
hereafter, as our experience proves that
it cures where all other remedies fail."-
Sinned F. W. Stevens, Statu Com. Why
not give this great medicine a trial , as it
is guaranteed and trial bottles aro freo at
A. C. MarstcrBfc Co.'s Drug Store. Heg
ular sizo 50c. and $1.00.
The Motion for a New Trial.
San Francisco, Dec. 3. Tho motion
for a new trial for Theodore Durraut pro
ccedccd to its close today. Both General
Dickinsou, for tho prisoner, and District
Attorney Barnea agreed to eubinit their
points and authorities without extended
Dickinson, inj his argument, held tho
court'and erred in not compelling Miss
Cunningham to revoal tho source of her
information regarding Mrs. Leake's tes
limonv. tbat the latter saw Durraut and
Blanche Lamont entering tho church.
Ho also held that every newspaper
should havo been cited for contempt for
publishing tho teetimouv of tho trial
when the witnesses bad been excluded
from the courtroom. Ho said tlio dis
trict attorney, in his aruutnent to tho
jury had prejudiced the jury against Dur
rant by his arraignment of (he prisoner,
Dickinson also held the court had orred
in allowing Juror Mutbau to go Into tho
box when ho had an opinion of any tort,
nnd the court erred in allowing the pros
ecution to peremptorily challenge Juror
Walter S Brown, because of accusations
against Brown in connection with
BrownV aciion uh a juror iu tho Howell
counterfeiting caso.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. l'mebe Thomas, of Junction Cliy,
III., was told by her doctors she hail Con
sumption and that there w:is no hope for
her; hut two bottles Dr. King's Now Dis
covery completely cured her and she says
it saved her life. Mr. Thos Eggera, 13!)
Florida St., San Francisco, Buffered from
u dreadful cold, approaching Cousum
lion, tried without result everything elso
then bought ono bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery and in two weeks was
cured. He is naturally thankful. It is
such results, of which those are samples,
that provoltho wonderful efficacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Freo
trial bodies nt A. C. Marstcrs & Co.'.
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $.00s
Washington, Dee. 3 The monthly
treasury statement of tho public debt
shows that November 30. 18D3. the debt,
less cash in Iho treasury, was $048,477,
(511, an increase for the month of $2,046,
593, which is accounted for by the de
crease of $2,541,011 iu tho cash in the
treasury. The debt is recapitulated as
lulerest-beariug debt. ... $
Debt on w hich interest has
ceased since maturity. . .
Debt bearing no interest. . .
Total debt . . .
Certificates and
notes, offset by an equal
amount of cash in the
treasury $
Cash iu tho treasury
Gold $
Bonds disbursing officers'
balances, etc
Total ..
Cash balance
Tho monthly treaeury
receipts and expenditures
show s :
$ 177,400,337
statement of
issued 'oday
Ddiicit $ 1,212,780
The deficit for the five months of this
fiscal year is $15,S69,327. lhe increase
iu the receipts for tho last month, as
compared with November, 1S94, was $0,
575,109, aud of the last five months over
1S01, $3,755,790.
Todaj's statement of tlm condition of
Hie treasury tliows: cash balance. . .$ 178.3ls.5o2
Gobi reserve 79 .'558,745
Sultan In Despair.
Constantinople, Dec. 3. It became
known today to tho eurprise of skeptics
Ku 13 reall- in accord with the
towers, ana tno suuan need loot tor no
sympathy from the cztr cr his advisers
in anything tending to thwart the deter
mination of the powers to have order re
stored throughout the Turkish empiie,
aud measures taken for the protection of
the lives and property cf all Christian
subjects of the sultan. This news has
cast a dismal spell over Yildiz Kiosk,
and the ministers have been iu almost
constant attendance upon the sultan ever
It is understood that the coucentra
lion oi i r oo pa at jriarasn is about com
pleted, and an advance upon Zeitoum
may be expected at any dav. It is be
lieved no mercy will be ehown the Ar
insntan insurgents there in spite of the
promise to tho powers.
A feeling of panic prevails at Caesarea,
All the Armenian stores arc closed and
the most valuable goods removed and
hidden. Tho Armenians as a rule are
barricaded in their houses, and tho peo
ple here are in dread of hearing of further
and much more extensivo outbreaks, in
spito ol the precautions the government
says the Turkish officials have taken
In the Upper House.
Washington, Dec. 4. In the senate
today Senator Mitchell, of Oregou, pre
seuted a letter aud accompanying records
to lhe senate, from II. A. Dupont, claim
ing the right to be admitted as a senator
from Delaware. Delaware's democratic
senator. Gray, moved the nrivaleces of
tbe floor to given bis republican quasi-
collcague, pending the determination of
tbe case, and Dupont was brought in
and introduced.
Chardler, of New Hampshire, pre
sented a mass of petition, alleging frauds
in Alabama, and claiming tbe election as
governor of Reuben F. Kolb.
"everal petitions for the recognition of
the Cuban insurgents were offered.
Squire, of Washington, iu introducing
a bill lor lorlilicatione at Atlantic, Pa
citic and lake ports, said the senate was
being asked to extern! recognition to
Cuban belligerents and to firmly reassert
lite Monroe doctrine.
'We aro talking ol these matters as
though we had a chip on our shoulder,"
he added, "ami as we go along in blissful
iguorance of, or inaction, as to tho un
fortified condition of our ports "
Hoar offered tbo following.
"Resolved, That tbo sonsto will sup
port the president iu the most vigorous
action he may deem fit to tako for Iho
protection and security ot American citi
zens in Turkey, and to obtain redress for
injuries committed upon such citizens
"Resolved, That the president bo de
sired to make known to tho government
of Turkey,- tho strong feeling of 1 egret
and iudignation with which tho people
of America heard of tho injuries inflicted
upon the persons of tbo Christian faith
iu Turkey, and the American people can
not bo expected to view with indifference
any repetition or continuance of such
wrongs." .
Tho resolution weut to tho committee
on foreign lelationB.
Auother resolution, by Hoar, request
ing information from tho president as to
correspondence with Turkey, was passed.
Allen's resolution delluing our foreign
policy was taken up und Allen urged
recognition of the revolutionists und tho
annexation of Cuba. He declared tho
foreign policy of the Uuited States had
ueon a niss uuu a by-word lor "5 years.
He specified tbe inaction in tho cuse of
Mrs. Maybrick and of ex-Consul Waller.
Tho scnutor Btrongly urged tbo re assert
ion of tho Monroo doctrine ho broadened
as to securo iho withdrawal of monarch
ical dependencies from this continent
Tho resolution was temporarially laid
asido and the semito, after 10 minutes
executive session, adjourned at 1 :35 p,
Proceedings of the December Term,
I. W. J. Brand vc. John Kroeiuau;
foreclosure, of lien. Continued.
29. Leo Cardwell t Co. vs. Win.
Lovens : to recover money. Settled.
35. J. W. Park etui. vh. interna
tional Nickel Mining Co. et ul. ; injunct
ion. Dismissed.
37. In the matter of tho estate of
James Chenoweth deceased; semi-annual
account. Seini-annnal account of
administrator approved.
39. Minnie Spriggs vs. J. L. Spriggs;
divorce. Default.
41. Geo. W. Nouh vs. Rebecca Noah ;
divorce. Default. Geo. Pctrequin, ref
eree. 47. Patrick Dunn vs. J. T. Arrant et
al ; to recover money. .' udgmeiit by de
48. School Commissioners vh James
T. Cooper; foreclosure. Continued.
02. School Commissioners vs. Delinda
Hill administratrix et al.; foreclosure.
$3,920. Decree of foreclosure $550, at
torney fees.
09. A.J. Bellows vs. F. M. Burtis;
trespass. On trial.
30. O. F. Godfrey vs. John Gotsill;
confirmation (foreclosure). Decree
31. 0. F. Godfrey vs. Johu Gotsill;
confirmation (action to recover money).
55. Geo. W. Kimball vs. J. S.
Fitzbugh, Admr. ; foreclosure. Decree.
50. Sheridan Bros. Hardware Co. vs.
iV. B. Brown; to recover money. Judg
ment for plaintiff.
91. Slate of Oregon vs. N. A. Foster;
recognizance, bcductiou, a truo bill.
102. State of Oregon vs. N. A. Foster,
Mary Jane Patterson; adultery. Dis
missed as to Mary J. Patterson.
78. W. E. Swentzel vs. Walter W.
Wheeler; foreclosure. Decree of fore
SS. State of Oregon vs. Wm. Redfield ;
No. 1. selling liquor without license.
S9. State of Oregjn ve, Wm. Redfield ;
No. 2, selling liquor without license.
90. Stato of Oregon vs. Wm. Redfield ;
No. 3, selling liquor without license.
r State of Oregon vs. Joseph Holtz;
recognizance. burglary, a true bill.
Verdict of guilty. Sentenced for two
91. State of Oregon vs. F. H. Skin
ner; .No. 1, recognizance. Charge ol ob
taining money under false pretense A
true bill.
90. State of Oregou vs. J. F. Rose;
recognizance. - bills, assault to commit
rape. Pleads not guilty.
33. I. E. Rice vs. Annie Maud Sutb
erlin; foreclosure. Default and contin
ued. 100. State of Oregon vs. Ro3a Pratt;
recognizance. ot a true bill. Defend
ant discharged, bondsmen exhonorated.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powde:
superior to all others.
Fanners are improving their oppor-
tunitv to plow.
Mr. Smith of Spencer, Clarke it Co. is
in Riddle buying prunes again.
W. Q. Brown is expected back from
Chicago this week.
Our schools will loth close the 0th in
stant. Grandma Mayes and little Philip
Biundell have been quite sick the last
week, but are some better at the present
Rev. Miller tilled his appointments
here Saturday and Sunday.
Nichols Bros, delivered a lot of fat
hogs to Mr. Jake Chadwick the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Riddle spent last
week visiting Airs. Riddle's mother,
Mrs. M. A. Rice, on Rice creek and vis
iting at Winston.
Stillev Riddle will ship a lot of fat
hogs .to Grants Pass in a few days.
Miss Blanche Riddle's school closed
on Rice creek the 3rd instant and she
has returned to her home at Riddle.
Mrs Powell of Myrtle Creek was here
several davs last week receiving medi
cal treatment from Dr. Rogue.
Rev. L. H. Palmer and wife of Yon
calla came up to eat Thanksgiving din
ner with their daughter, Mrs. William
Sanderson, and will spend a week or two
Miss Clara and Master l!ert Riddie
went to Roseburg on Friday's freight
for a week's visit.
G. K. Quine and family ami Geo. I
Riddle and wife ate Thanksgiving din
ner at Glenbrook far.11.
Mrs. Will (. Brown entertained her
brothers and a number of other guests
with a fine Thanksgiving dinner.
Daily Health Laws.
Don't cat so rapidly.
Sit on a chair and be quiet after eating,
Your stomach is not a coal bin.
When voti feel uncomfortable ufter
eating you hayo eaten too much, and you
need Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
If you suffer from rheumatism watch
tho sheets. Don't get between them
damp, dry them.
Curo your rheumatism with Joy's Veg
etable Sarsaparilla.
Keep Hies out of your bouse; they aro
germ carriers.
Wear llannel undergarments.
Keep your feet warm ; your bead cool
When your blood is thin you feol col
in tho least change. When our blood
is thin tako Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla
it will make 301 r blood red, rich and
Yes, it will do to take Jo's Vegetable
Sarsaparilla now.
When you get oil your bicycle after
long warm run, put on a coat.
If you aro guing on a trip luku Joy's
Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Strange food makes Btraugo stomachs.
Joy's Vegetablo Sarsaparilla reaches tho
stomach, cleanses the stomach, aud re
news the stomach.
No appetite'' Take Jo'n Vegetable
Sarsaparilla. Keen appetite.
Accept nothing but tho genuine when
you ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, baa Francisco.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Oregon's Treasure House
and Its
From the Salem I'ott.
Bohemia !
Not the Bohemia of which W. D.
Howells writes in his "Coast of Bohe
mia," nor yet the native country of the
mongrel class known as Bohemians, who
are the mainstay of the iron and coal
barons of the East, but a rugged, rock-
clad and mountainous district, which
ill undoubtedly prove to le the future
store of wealth for the great state of
Geographically described, the Bohe
mia mining district lies in the Cascade
itngo of mountains, in the eastern part
Lane and Douglas counties, the
ounty line dividing the district almost
To reach the district the most conven
ient route at present is via Cottage
Grove, but before another year rolls by
there will undoubtedly be a more direct
route from Oakland. Over the Cottage
rove route the distance to the Cham
pion mine, theIeading mining property
of the district, is about 40 miles, of
which 30 may be made by wagon and
the balance by an excellent trail, which
as put through on a wagon-road grade
by Millard and Spurre of the Champion
mine. This road and trail go up what
is known as Rowe river, a branch of the
coast fork of the Willamette river. It
is a current saying that Rowe river takes
its name from the frequent rows which
occur among the inhabitants along its
The Oakland route goes in by way of
Elk Meadows, a small plateau 25 miles
east of Oakland. A good wagon road
goes within four miles of the meadows,
after which the traveler must take'to the
trail for 25 miles. However, it is prob
able that the Douglas county court
will appropriate a sufficient sum to open
up a wagon road to the heart of the dis
trict. Of the resources of the district it may
In; said that there are distinctively gold
mining, the formation of the surface of
the ground making it unfit for any other
use. It is a succession of deep canyons
and precipitous ridges, with here and
there a sharp peak rearing its rocky
point above the clouds at an elevation of
from S.000 to 9,000 feet, the whole com
position seamed with quartz ledges,
bearing a good percentage of that glit
tering Midas-metal which men seek at
the risk of their lives.
In the phraseology of the miner, it is
what is known as a "base camp"; i. e.,
the gold is so closely amalgamated with
other mineral that it cannot be separ
ated without the use of chemicals.
However, enough "free milling', ore
hows up to pay good dividends, besides
piling up concentrates. The other min
erals showing, having a commercial
value, are iron, lead, silver and copper,
with traces of some others not of enough
consequence to enumerate.
The ore found in these mines runs as
high in some rare instances as $500 per
ton, but the average milling value is
from $10 to $25 in free milling. When
it is considered that almost all leads
how quite thick, from two to sixteen
feet, the practical miner will see .that it
is a profitable showing.
The development of the country has
been slow, owing principallv to the
crookedness in the management of the
Annie mine, the oldest mining property
in the district Twice has the property
been in litigation, and has given Bohe
mia a black eye on both occasions
This is now settled, however, by the
sale, by the receiver, to a Chicago syn
dicate which will undoubtedly open up
the mine and operate it to its full capac
ity. This mine has a 5-stamp mill of
old style, which was formerly used on
the Knott mine, but was removed to the
nnie mine years ago. So far this has
made the best showing in free milling
ore. It is located on the southern slope
of Grouse mountain, a little to the east
of the center of the district.
By far the most important mining
property is the Champion, operated by
Millard it Spurree, who came from
Michigan some time ago and have spent
a large sum in developing tbe property
A tunnel nearly 300 feet in length has
leen run in the Champion property, and
some shorter cuts driven on the other
claims owned bv tiiis firm, of which
they have ten. They have put iu a ten
stamp mill of improved pattern, includ
ing a wire-cabled tramway a half mil
in lemitli. running from the dump at
the mouth of the tunnel, where they
have enough ore to keep the mill run
ning the most of the winter. This mill
will be in operation by the first of next
week. The leads here allow enough
free milling ore to iiy a good profit, but
will undoubtedlv run to base at a great
er depth.
t Bohemia City, two miles west
the Champion, the Bohemia Mining it
Milling Co. have a five stamp mill which
has been in operation two years. Thi
was formerally controlled by Mr.Musick
who died recently in Salem. The mill
has paid for itself, paid operating ex
peuses, and for tbe development of tb
mine, besides a small dividend. J. W
Cook is president of the company, the
principal stockholder and is manager of
the mill. Ho has had a ton of ore and
a ton of concentrates shipped to 'Frisco,
where a thorough assay will be made.
If the returns warrant, a plant will be
put in for working base ore, "and possi
bly u largo mill. This company has
eight claims, all of which show rich ore,
and aro located on Fairview and Bohe
mia mountain.
Down in the western part of the dis
trict the Star mine has a five-stamp
mill, and Whipple it Hunt are putting
in a two-stamp.
Nearly everyone who has 11 location is
developing it, but an immense territory
lies unprospected, and such is the for
mation of the eountiy that new ledges
aro being discovered where it was sup
posed that thorough prospecting had
already been done.
From present prospects, next season
will witness a boom in Bohemia such as
has not been seen since .Virginia City's
palmy days. Arthur Brock.
Monte Rico Camp, Bohemia District.
TENNYSON could take a worthless
sheet of paper, write a poem on it, and
make it worth $(5.000.
VANDERBILT can write a few words
on a sheet of paper and make it worth
$5,000,000. THAT'S CAPITAL.
The UNITED STATES can take an
ounce and a quarter of gold, and stamp
upon it an "Eagle Bird" and make it
orth $20. THAT'S MONEY.
A mechanic can take material worth
$5, and make it into watch springs
orth $1000. THAT'S SKILL.
A merchant can take an article worth
5 cents and sell it for $1.50.
A lady can purchase a 75 cent hat,
but she prefers one that costs $25.
A laborer works ten hours a day for
three dollars per day.
The writer of this could write a check
for $800,000 but it wouldn't be worth a
But when we sell you HOLIDAY-
GOODS we are selling you the best
possible quality and up to date goods
obtainable for the price.
And prices at the Novelty Store are -
always reasonable.
School Report.
Following is the report of the Kellogg
school for the term ending November
28th, 1S95:
Sixth Grade Susan Smith, average
93 ; others above 85, Hattie Fisher, Mary
Dininny, Ernest Anderson and Bright
Fifth Grade Hilda Anderson and Ru
dolph Harness, average 93 ; -others above
85, Emma McCulIum, Millie Smith and
Nettie Anderson.
Fourth Grade Dora Corder, average
Third .Grade Laura Corder, average
91.5; others above SO, Walter Fisher,
Clifton Moore and Clay Probut.
Second Grade Em el Anderson, aver
age 93.5, and Roy Probut S7.
First Grade Edmocd McCoJlum,
average 92, and Clyde Probut 90.
Number of days taught, 60; number of
days attendance, 1497; number of days
absence, 367; number of times tardy,
255. Total number enrolled, 36; aver
age number belonging, 31; average daily
attendance 25 ; total number of visitors
W. Wright, Teacher.
It May Do As Much For You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that be bad a Severe Kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in hia
back and also that his bladder was
affected. He tried many so called Kid
ney cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he began use of Electric
Bitters and found relief at once. Elec
tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure
of all Kidney and Liver troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 50c. for large bottle. At A. C.
Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store.
CityTreasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to persons hold
ing lioseburg city warrants numbered
370, 380, 331, 3S5, 380, 337, 3S8, 3S9, 392,
and 393, indorsed prior to November 19,
1S92, to present tbe saaie at the treasur
er's office in the city hall for payment,
as interest will cease thereon after the
date of this notice.
Dated this 15th day of Nouember, 1895,
at Roseburg, Oregon.
J. A. Perkins, City Treasurer.
To the republicans of the second judi
cial district of Oregon being Lane, Ben
ton, Douglas, Lincoln, Coos and Curry
counties, Gentlemen' Believing my
past experienco a assessor of Douglas
countv fits me for the otfi -e as a member
of tbe state board of equalizttion for this
district, I respectfully ask that you nom
inate me for said otlice. as I will fill the
same without fear or favor to the best c
my ability if elected.
Jas. A. Sterling.
Assessor of Douglas county.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to November 2, 1891, to
present the same at the treasurer's
office in the court house for pay ment, as
interest will cease thereon after the
date of this notice.
Dated this the 14th day of November,
1S95, at Eoseburg, Douglas county,
Oregon. Wm. A. Frater,
Countv Treasurer.
From the general talk, there is no
dcubt of the Firemen's grand uutpk hall
proving the most interesting event of the
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standards