The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 02, 1895, Image 4

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    Uoach's "Dolphin," and Whitney's
Wo uoto with pleasnro tho r.rrival ol
tlio day when an inability (o construct n
battle-ship is taken as nu evidence of in
nbilily morely not of crime.
We recall with pain tho oxtatuncu of
the day when not the inability, but the
partisan suspicion of the inability, to con
struct a cruiser or a dispatch boat was
taken not as ovidouco of inability, but of
Wo aro jjlad that nobody calls William
C. Whitney a thief, or deprived him of
the dividend? of hi invest merit", or
drives him into bankruptcy or tho grave,
because his imported English (iu design)
."Texas" turns out to be a worthless tub.
Wo are sorry that William C. "Whitney
called John Roach a thief, rubbed him of
Ida dues, drove him into bankruptcy and
tl.ogravo because partisan dislike had
put in his mind tho belie! that John
RoachV "Dolphin," the Btanehest vea
i cl of her me that floats, was Euch a lop
sided, down-by-lhe-head, Lueiliup, tur-tle-tnrninR
(in posso) nautical mou
rtrosity as William C. Whitney's
"Texas" lias been Bhown to be.
The world moves. And in nothing
more is this fact shown than in tho con
duct of our navy. Not only would it be
impossible for any Secretary of the Navy
today to direct such a ruthless and base
less persecution as Mr. Whitney, in
pursuit of political capital, directed
agatust John Roach, but nobody thinks
of asking Mr. Whitney to leimburse
the government for the millions diverted
into the mass of old iron now lying in
the Brooklyn dry dock. Nobody
charges the costly failure of the "Texas"
to anything worse than Mr. Whitney's
Anglo-maniac ignorance. Press, N. Y.
The Presidency.
The Pl.vixde.vler in its issue of No
vember 2SUi has given expression to its
first choice for the presiedncy in 1S90,
that choice being Major McKinley.
Now let a subscriber make kuown his
choice. I present the name of Benj. F.
Harrison as my first choice, believing
him to be the most available man in
the republican ranks, and one whom all
the members of the part- can support
with the knowledge that he is a patriot,
a statesman, and a man of "unblem
ished moral aud political character.
Harrison, during his first term, mani
fested an earnest desire for legislation
in the inte tests of the people, and no
one of any political party called in ques
tion his strict adherence to doty and to
the constitutional principles of our gov
ernment. It is the privilege of every republican
to express his choice for president, Imt
it is the privilege of no man to propore
a new test of party faith. The jwrty
itself must speak before any partisan in
it can be charged with abandonment of
party faith. 1 merely here express roy
choice for the candidate for the presi
dency, yet also claim that no member
of a party, and no faction of a party can
exercise the powers of an ecumenical
I believe the success lieretofore en
joyed under republican administration,
can again Ie enjoyed and continued
under the conservative role of Hen. F.
Harrison. The party in convention
most name the man SrssouBiai.
The .Matter Settled.
Wm. Kyle, part owner and manager of
the Florence cannery, and P. J. Shistad,
tnsusger of the Kose Hill cannery, lo
cated on the Sinslaw, were brought to
this city Wednesday evening by Consta
ble T. D. Linton, on the charge of having
handled salmon oat of season. The gen
tlemen appeared before Justice Wheeler
the same evening and luid their fines,
which were imposed at f20 each and
costs, which amounted to f 2-3.00.
The gentlemen also paid I0 apiece to
the justice of the peace at Florence. They
had been informed that a warrant would
be issued for their arrest, and so appeared
and paid their fines. Eugene Guard.
At the residence of Mrs. Pauline
Young in Oakland, Nov. 23, 1805, James
A. Underwood and Mrs. Georgia Young
were united in marriage by Rev. A.
3Iarcellus, Presbyterian minister of that
Mr. Underwood is the county school
superintendent of Douglas county, an
office he has held with credit to himself
and efficiency and good repute for the
county lor several years. He has
found that "it is not good for man to
live alone." We wish the happy coup.
a long life of wedded bliss and that their
troubles be little ones and few.
flakes Jloney.
W. II. Miller lias a rich ledgo on
Soldier creek, not far from the Illinois
river, by which he mortars $10 to $12 a
day. He has no disposition to bond,
sell, form stock companies or put on a
big force of men and a 20-stamp mill,
but quietly pounds out the gold dust
from day to day, lives all alone, and is
as rich and content as a rich man can
lie. The ledge is there; he owns it ; his
wants are few, and he is as "independ
ent as a hog on ice." This dream of
wealth and content is realized 20 miles
west of Kirby. Ex.
During this week Herren it Levy of
Kalem have shipped 700 bales of hops
from valley points to the East. The
prices paid were from 3 to 4 cents a
Card of Thanks.
We, tho inmates of tho Douglas county
jail, wish to express our thanks to Mr.
and Mrs. Callahan of tho Van Houton ho
tel for their Thnnksgiving dinner given to
us at thoir hotel yesterday. Through their
goodhearledness and generosity they
mode us "thanksgiving." They may
rest assured that tho dinner waa greatly
appreciated and we thank them from tho
depth of our hearts. Wo hopo that
James and his wife may sco many more
happy Thanksgivings and enjoy them.
We also thank Sheritl' Cathcart for his
extreme kindness and thoughtfulncfB
fot pleasure on this and many other oc
casions. Lvmatks.
Fair Pay for Light Work.'
Theie are 10 candidates for tho positiou
of chaplain of tho houso of representa
tive'. Eight- of them are pattors of
churches in Washington, mid, of course,
have no objection to adding to their in
come the $000 salary attached to tho jkj
sition. Tho work is light, as tho holder
of the positiou is under no obligation to
ut tempt the regeneration of the congicss
men. Tho rush of applicants easily
could Lo lessened by trquiring the chap
lain to do missionary work araon; tho
stateftiirn. Washington Star.
Tho Ltulies' Aid Society of the M. E.
church will wive n dime sociable at the
residence of Mrs. O. F. Godfrey, Tues
day evening, tho proceeds to bo applied
in furnishing the parsorage. An excel
lent literary and musical programme
will be rendered and refreshments will
be served.
Bob iilust go.
Poor Bob must now give in. The
Christain Endeavors of the Dominion of
Caunda have been requested to unite in
prayer fur the conversion of Col. light.
G. Ingersol tomorrow. We await the
result with bated breath.
Executor's Sale.
-- umierstfrDcJ executor of th ls: ulll am!
tc-umeut ami oute i( Henry S. Mah, de
cwol, Ute of Diniffiaj counir, Oregon, has
U-cn duly llcectM awi directed by I be
Cocnty Court of IvmxUu twenty, Omon, h- an
onler of ufcl Court, m'aitc and entervtl of record
on tite tlh.daj of November. 1-ert, to felt ihe
hereinafter described real estate bclouda; to
tfcc estate oi the Mid Henry a. Mareh. de
ceased, which Mid order ytv Idea that taid ex
ecotor may sell the aM leal proper! r herein
after tally and jwrttcnUrijr detcrtbed, at pri
vate tale.
Now, therefore, in jmnsuancc of Mid lioetke
and order, which U rvcontal In volume .i. on
twure Kd, thereof of the Probate order book of
I km flat county. Orecua, I will, from and alter
the JMh day ot Jauoary, Its, proceed to k-U
at private taie, aeeordime to law in soch cotes
made and provided, lor cash in band, to tho
highest bidder, all the rlsht. title and iutrrol
which the laid Henry .-v Mirth, deceased, had
la or to the r erelnaher described nrenUcs at
the time of his death, towlt On the Sod dar
April. )fl. ton it:
rhe y. . ot the N. W. , of Section J. In
Township 23 south, of lunge 5 West of Wil
lamette Meridian, in Don elan county. Oregon.
Dated this :2nd day of November. IrSO.
J. S. Hl'XT. Executor.
C. A. atilUEEor, Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Sate.
In the matter ol the estate of HfaebSe Free
man, deceased.
Notice it hereby Riven that the nndersiened
administrator oi the estate nf Hlghley Freeman,
deceased, will, by onler ot tho County Coon,
from and alter the Xth day of November, 1"96,
proceed to seH the fotlowlnx describe.! premises
of the dcetaed. to-wit The south half of the
IVraaitoB land C!alm of John Kreeaan and
Hirhley freeman, his wife, lins Claim N. a
In Township S Sxath. Harare? West, at private
sale. The terms ol sale are one-fourth cash in
hand the balance in credit, to be secured by
note, and ntxtjajc of the purchaser ua said
Dated the 2Kb day of (Vtober.
Administrator of the estate of
Highley Freeman, deceased.
W jr. K. Wim.
A ttorney for Estate. oSti.
Assignees Notice.
"VTOTTCE is hereby srtrrn that on the lh day
of November. li. at Knsrbur;, Ixmcla
coantr, Oreson.ti. A. !cKlnm-y ol Konibun;,
Dotnclas coonty. Oresron, duly assiencti ail his
property, both real and personal, and of every
nature and description, to the uoderslpned for
the benefit ota'.l of his rreditors: therefore, all
persons indi-btcl to said G. A. McKtnney. are
hereby notified to make Immediate payment to
the underdooi assUrnee, and ail peron hav
In: claims against said asaignor. ate hereby no
tified to present their r!alia, duly verlflrl, to
the nnderlsrn.l at Koeborsc. Dootlas county,
Oregon, within three months from this date.
Dated November l:th,
II. C. SLfXl il,
C. A. SzuistLCVt, Aspirate.
Attorney for Assignee. ulsUi.
Pinal Notice.
A Oregon, in Doaglas county.
In the matter of the estate ot Mason Wood
ruff", deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the above entitled estate,
has filed his final account In settlement there
of, and the court by onler duly made and en
tered of reconl, has fixed Monday, Jannary 6,
l-fJ-H at 10 o'clock a. m.. for hearing objections,
if any there be, to said account and the final
settlement of said estate.
K. A. WOODRUFF, Administrator.
Bbow.x a Tcsn.s. Attorneys for Estate.
x of Oregon, for Docglas County.
In the matter of the estate of Henry S. Marsh,
To Henry I- Marsh, Ethel Marsh, Martha J.
Jones, Mary E. Deboy, Nora Marsh, John R.
Marsh the heirs at law of said deccascl and all
others Interested, Greeting.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you arc
hereby cited and required to appear In tho
County Court of tho iitate of Oregon, for the
County of Douglas, In the court room thereof,
at Koxiburg, In the County of Douglas, on Mon
day, tho f th day of November, 195, nt 10 o"clock
in the forenoon of that day, then and there to
show cause If any there be why an order of this
court should not bo mode.dircctliig the executor
of said estate to sell the remaining real projicrty
of said estate, said real proiwrty being decrlbcd
as follows, to-wit: The KK!4' of the NW'i of
Section il in Township 23 .outh of Ratigo 5
West of Willamette Meridian, In " Douglas
County, Oregon.
Tuls Citation Is founded upon the petition,
now on file In this court, of J. 8. Hunt the ex
ecutor of raid estate.
Witness, the Hon. A. F. Strtims, Judge of tho
County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho
County of Douglas, with the Seal of said Court
affiled this. 'SOU) day of August A. D. IMC.
Attest: F. W. BENSON, Clerk.
C. A. cKHLiir.KDK, Atty. for Estate.
Executor's Notice.
undersigned linn been by the County Court
of Douglas county, Oregon, apjalntcd executor,
with will annexed, of tho estate cf A. J. Chap
rriiii, d' t'cased. All parties baring claims
again iu estate are reo,ucitcd to present the
Mm- "hln six months from the date of this
not'- mid nil debts due tho estate must be
paid i t oiieo to mo nt Roseburg, Oregon.
Dated this 4th day of 'November, lb'.v.
nit5 Executor.
of Oregon, for tho county of Douglas.
V. E.SwcnUel,riaIntlir,
Waller M. Wheeler: Tho Lom
bard Investment Co., a cor
poration; Tho IV.-tland Trust
company, a corporation,
nnd Douglas county, Ore
gon, Defendants.
To Walter M. Wheeler, ono of the nlwvo
named defendants.
In tho name of tlio Stato of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear nnd answer tho com
plaint of tho abovo named plaintiff in tho
abovu entitled Court, now on lllo with tho
Clerk of said Court, by thu first day of tho next
vijumr icruj oi mo aoovo entitled court to do
i "em ai mo city oi itoseburg, Douglas county,
I Oregon, on Moudav. thn luwimi itov nf lim-mii.
uvi, ikm, dim you uro nercoy noiuieu mat it
-you fall to appear and answer said complaint,
the plaintlll will npply to the Court for tho re
lief demanded therein, towlt: A decree against
alter M. Wheeler. First, for tho sum of 1.57.00
with interest thereon from February St, ls'J". nt
tho rate of 8 per cent per annum, that being
the suin and amount of taxes paid by this plain
tiff on the hereinafter described premises for
uw jnuiuuBiiu aim too sum oi iw.uu,
rvuMinablc nttorney s fees lor tho instituting
and prosecuting. ot this suit, with Interest at
tho rulo of per cent per annum on said last
named sum irom tho date of thn decree en
tered herein; second, for the sum of tfCrtW.OO
wuu uncivil thereon from tho 1st day of
March, ISM. nt the rate of 8 per cent per an
num, and the further sum ol JO9I.00. together
with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent
per annum from tho 1st day of March, 1I-8I, and
the costs and disbursements of this suit to be
taxed; and for n decree foreclosing the ntort
jaigo described In said complaint and ordering
the rale of the real property mentioned and
described In said mortgage and complaint, and
described as follows, to wit:
The northeast quarter and tho south half of
section fourteen (II): nil of section twenty
three 123): tho north half of section twenty
four (21) and nil that part of the south half of
section twenty-four (il) particularly described
as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a jiolnt
sixteen I1B) chains south ol tho northeast cor
ner of the southeast quarter of said section
twenty-lour 2t), running thence In a south
westerly direction to a point four (1) chains
north oi the southwest corner of section twenty
four (21), tbenre north thirty-six (361 chains;
thence east eighty (to) chains; thence south six
teen (16) chains to tho place of beginning; all of
said Wnd being situated in township twenty
lour (it) south of range tlvo (3 west of tho Will
amette meridian, containing In all sixteen hun
dred and forty acres, more or less, according to
government survey. That the proceeds arising
from said sate be applied, first: To tho payment
ot the costs and charges of making said safe, and
the costs and disbursements of this suit to bo
taxed, and of nco.00 attorney,! fees with inter
est on said attorney's fee nt 8 per cent, per an
num from the date, ot the decree, and the lur
ther sum of f-ST.lO taxes paid out a aforesaid . the payment to the plaintiff of ?6,(XO.0O
with interest thereon at the rate of S tier cent,
per annum from March 1st, lS'-M. nntil paid, and
thi fur, K.i nm nf tVtl fit .-1,1.
thereon at the rate of S per cent, per annum I
ironi me ui uay oi iiarcn, INI, until paid, all in
f. sf. gold coin, and the overplus if any, to the
defendant Walter M. Wheeler or his assigns;
and that the defendants, and each of them, be
forever barred and foreclosed of all riirht. title
interest, equity of redemption and right of
dower, of, in and to said real property, and eaeh
and every jort thereof, and In case the proceeds
arising from said sale be not sufficient to pay
the claims of plaintiff, then that plaintiff hae
lodgment against the defendant Walter M.
Wheeler for such deficiency and for such other
relief as luthe Court may seem Just and equita
ble. This summons is published in the Plain-'
dealxe for slxcouseoutlve weeks by order of
Hon. J. C. Fullerton. Judge of the Circuit Court .
ot the 2nd Judicial district of Oregon, made at
chambers, in the city of Roscburg, on the fourth
day of October, liXt. ,
olOC Attorneys for 1'Ulntiff. i
Sals Under Decree and Exe-'
Leonard btengtr, I'lalntltT. 1
William It. il arris i i
EslelU Harris and f I
Mary J. Alien, rial . ;
VOTICE is hereby given that under and by
virtue of an execution and order of tale
bsued out of the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon for the county of Douglas, dated Octo
ber lib. A. P., 1;5. in favor oi Leonard Stenger,
rla!:.t::r. mi osalast the property of William
I. Hams aad Este-la Harris defendants and
against the property of Mary J. Allen, defend
ant, If neewsary to sell the latter, commanding
me to make rale ot the certain mortgaged real
property in said execution and hereinafter ir
liculariy dribed to satisfy the demand of
the said plaintiff, towlt-
The sum ot titXM with Interest thereon at
HI percent per annum from February 10, Ml, '
making IJOi-U and tS Attorneys fees herein 1
and the cits and disbursements of this action 1
taxed at Jo7 and the costs and expenses of 1
this sale.
I will on
Tuesday, tlie 3rd Uny of Decern-!
ber, 1895. j
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the '
Court Houe floor In Ro-eburg, Douclas county, ,
Ornmn, otter for sale and sell at public auction I
to the higher! and best bidder for lash, all
righl, title ami Interests defendants Wm. 11.
Harris and Estella Harris bad on the lllh day ;
of February , 192, or may!at any time since have
aconired Itror to the following described lands !
and premises, towlt : I
Beginning at a point 17.10 chains North and ,
16-0 chains East of the quarter section post on
the North line of section 9, running thence '
Sooth AT-IT chains, tbence West il chains, I
thence North ST',T chains, thence East I chains
to the place of beginning, being acres of
land off of the East end of Claim No. 4S, In ,
township .v. South of Range I West ot the W".
M. and in Sections t and 0 In said Township and I
Range iu Douglas county, Oregon, save and i
excepting f rota said sale at that lime tho f"l
lowlng described premises subsequent to sa:d
mortgage conveyed by the dc.'enilants Wm. II 1
Hams and Estella Harris to the defendant ;
Mary J. Allt-D, towlt-
licglnnlng on the north line of the Alexander
Dummond IKina'.lon Land Claim No. 4tt, 15. is
chains West of the Northeast comer of said Do
nation Claim, running tbence South 5.SI
chains to the South Hue of said Donation claim,
thence West along tho South lino ot said Dona
tion Claim 13A chains, thence North 5m-I
chains to the North line of said Donation claim,
thence East along tho North line of said Dona
tion claim 13.69 chains fo the place of beginning
In Sections 4 and 9 In Township TO South, of
Range i West, In Douglas county, Oregon, con
taining S) acres ot land more or less, and if the
money reallied from the ale of the first des
cribed lands and premiH's shall be Insufficient
to satisfy the above mentioned claims and de
mands of the plaintiff, Leonard Stengcr, 1 will
Immediately thereafter at the same time and
place and upon the same terms and conditions
offer for sale at public auction aud sell the lu-t
described lands and premises to satl'fy any
sum ot money that .then may remain due the
said Leonard Stenger under this writ and order
olsate. CF. CATHCART.
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon.
I'er W. W. Catiicact, Deputy.
of Oregon, for the County of Douglas.
Minnie Sprlggs, 1
1'falntiiT. I
vs. i
John W Sprlggs. I
Defendant. J
To John L. Sprlggs the above named defen
dant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear am! answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit In the above-named court on or before tho
first day of the next regular term of said court,
to-wlt. Tho 2nd day of December, 18'JS.
And you will take notice that If you fall so to
appear and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for tho
relief prayed for In-said complaint, which is a
involution of the marriage contract now exist
ing between yourself and the plaintiff herein
and that the plaintiff be awarded the care and
custody of Mary E. Sprlggs, the minor child of
yourself and this plaintiff, mid that sho have
such other ami further relict as Iu tho opinion
of tho court she may be entitled.
This summons Is published by vlrtuo of in or
der made ut chombcrs nt the City of Kocburg,
Douglas County, Oregon, by Hon. J. C. Fuller
ton, Judge of said court, said order being dated
the :21st day of October, 1893.
2lt7 Attorney for VliUntlff.
rioncy to Loan
In Bums of $1000 to ifoOOO on well im
proved farms. D. S. K. Buick.
.fov'r. fur tho J;:;Scil aud Uoa&
iJenlUi for all Jlnukhttl.
herbs, nnd
contains no
in I n e r a 1
lies through
pro per chan
nels. Joy's
cures Dy
Se p s 1 a ,
h r onlc
end Kidney
drug or
deadly !ols
cu. Joy's
Saria par ilia
robs 1 1i c
Hood of oil
IU impuri
ties, and
courses all
these Impuri-
Joy's Vegetables
prevents tired feel
ings, staggering Ecn
sations, palpitation
of heart, rush ol
blood to tho head,
dizziness, ringing in
cars, snots before the
eye?, headache, bU
ioosness,constipation of bowels, pains in
1 t. t. i
tongoo coated, fool
Dream, pimples on
face, body and limb,
declineofnerve force
dizzy spoils, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feci and hands, soar
rising3, latigue, in
somnia. and s.11 Hi".-
rosea of tbeEtomacii,
liver and kidneys.
, Jos .3 Vccetablc Sar-
Ipu feap3ril!aia sold by all
StfCT "1 -utste. V."i-u yoa
fy,fe! p.-'forthcbestscsthat
iThe Question '$
is a ample one Easily
decided by reason and j&
common sense.
the new sdentiScally
prepared shortening h
made from pure beef saet,
and highly refined vegeta
ble oil. Lard is made, in
the majority of cases, in
the packing-house, and
not as of old, from the pare
leaf cf tie hog. Which is
litely to be the most
healthful? Dccida fir
yourself. It must fas
Send three cans 13 stamps to K.
K. FairfKick & Co., Oucazp, f r
hicdiai CoueJeae Coci iiot-fe,
cLurnc' siv hesdred recipes,
pcrpirrd by cicc c:ncr.t zutho-m,escac-uVn
Ccailtst i s to! i by a3 grocer.
Kcfcsc ill sabsututu.
ilatls only by
1 a$
ThU cxtro
crdlnnry Ee
Jurcaator is
tho most
discovery of
tho age. It
h been ca-do-ed
by tho
Fa'.llns Scn
fations.Xtrv ous twitching
of the eves
and other
and tones tho
entire syt tea.
Htidian cures
Deb ility,
and restores
weak organs.
Pains in the
tck, loEsei
tine iscn of
Purely YC3C
Huijan stnps
5f tho rtls
chargo in SJ
days. Cnres
or d&r nr
night stopped
r4.iIcSlr. OrcriCOO private endorsements.
Pteuutnreaefg inrani tapotenry la the first
ftur It U a tymp'.om of seminal weakness
'.-d Imrrrnni-s. It can bo stopped In SO days
ihe use o f Hudyan.
Thei.ew dlcnvety vra3 msde ly thoSncclal
Wtrf the iJfl famous liaison Medical Institute.
It U fho etrotigrst vitallzer uiade. It is very
powerful, but haimless. Sold for S1.00 n pacS
nre rG rackases for SS.C0(plainse&Iel boics).
Wr tteu guaranteo given for a care. I f you buy
six tMxcsuad nro not entirely cured, more
wl'llwsent to you free of nil charges.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
Jtiucttou Stockton, Jlarltct & IZUh SVi,
Saa t'rauclxco, Ct.1-
1'roniDtlr secured. TrMiliwMni k. f 'nnrtli-li,
and Labels registered. TwontT-flvo years ex
pcrlenco. Wo report whether patent can ho
secured ornot, frcoofcharcu. Ourfeo ni tOuo
mittlpatfntlSKllnwc1. .'I-Jpngri Itnoli l-'rec.
H. B, WILLSON &. CO., 4tturw.T at Law, WASHINGTON, D.C.
nsist on
; arm h
I in
Costs no more than inferior pad age soda
nv.i cpoib the flour, keeps soft, and is uni
vrsally acknowledged purest in the world.
FL-iis only by CHURCH tc CO., Nctt York.
SoU by croceri ererywtcre.
'iiV r Arte or I !Inini?rI!ojIcff rlaUo ltfcijx FREE.
. 1 t
L H-,kLJ.
. Hgricuumist
Only $1.00 a Year!
All thu Leading Features that have made the monthly bo popular are retained
and tnany Jsew Features added, such as General and Local Market Prices, Crop
iteports in their season, Condensed Farm News, and Letters Among the Farmers.
Its Fapm Features.
. Live Stock, Dairying, Horticulture, Toaltry, Market Gardening, and other
?i1CVVrItn - ?ractica and Successful Farmers, supplemented with Illustra
tona ,by able artists, combine t make it invaluable to those who "farm it for a
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