The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 28, 1895, Image 3

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NOVEMBER 2S. 1895.
:irV for tho Jaded and 'wot
' Health Tor all JtAnklad,
I rfta, nnd
ru';-vax io
iUc n 1
drags or
deadly pOls
Carta partita
robs the
blood or all
Its impuri
ties, and
courses all
these import-
lies through
proper chan
nels, Joy's
cures Dy
Pcpla, Chronic
and Kidney
)y's YeeetaMo
Tents tired feel-
i before the
Dotreij, jpains
broth, piraple
ficstwdjr and
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
Rosxacxs, Ore., November SS, 135.
Basos rrxs 15 . ra. YxdZc Uae-aoxe.
5 p. cu Pacific tae-axu.
HtTinasi tesperattire, -.7
tflainsn tcspcratarc. 3.
Rainfall for the it boars eadlar. 5 p.rx, 0.
Total rainfall since 1st of soata, LO.
Average ralaiall for this tnosth lor iS rears.
Total rxInUil froa Sept. 1, ifaCv, to date -Arersse
ralalaEt Irora Sept. 1, lo date. fi.;s.
AccsBlalcd Ceauertcr frosa ix'pl. 1 L-3i
to date, iai
Areasc prcdpltatias lor is wet seaoas,
Thc. Giesos. Obstrcr.
PortLASO, Or., Sorcraber 2S. 135; a-n.
Weather forecast for the next S bona, for
Eoseburg aadTicisIiy:
Tcesday, lsir, followed by rala. Wcdaesay,
rain asd warmer.
Paget. Local Forecast OScil.
floney to Loan
la shies of $1003 to (5000 on veil ira
prored farms. D. S. K. Bcrci.
For Sale or Rent.
The Palmer sawmill. For parti cdars
address, E. C. Palsile, Train, O.
The Visvi Compaiy
Hare appainted Mrs. J.H. Shnpe as
local representative of the company at
Eoseburg. All orders bj rail promptly
Grain bags and twine f sale by So
Abraham, and the hi ghes market price
in cash will be paid by hn for grain,
delivered at Ms warehou at Eoseburg.
Where to Dine Tmorrow.
At the McClallen Bise tomorrow
there will be served a grid Thanksgiv
ing turkey dinner. Y" lovers of fat
turkey and cranberry sa take notice.
Is Marriage a Failure?
No. If yon wish tosarry, and will
Bend yoar address for pplication blank
and fall particulars tc
The Pacific Coebxspdixg Agency.
iseburg, Oregon.
Teachers' B lew Class.
Those not wishinto take either of the
regular courses in - Normal, can now
enter a class for tr Beview of the com
mon branches ar methods. Drills in
elocution and rei'ng daily. Address,
Ashland Normal.
Boy your cigars at the Rosoleat.
Go to C. V. Tarks for bargains in gro
11 T V...J .. i --t .. .
"Kira uu who oi reel are at
L. M. Lowenthall of Portland is at the
fto Al!.... ni t i .
"ntc iinKL-uucarii is a guest at
the McClallen.
W. R. and Bert Wells of Olalla arc
the McClallen.
Fresh oysters in any style, aud meals
at all hours at tlio candy factory.
u. a. Applegalo and F. W, Eoswell of
I ortland are registered at tlio Van Hon
R. J.. Matthewson of St. Louis and G.
W. Scott of Seattle are registered at tlio
E. M. Matthews of Reston aud C. L.
xrunian oi sugar Tine were in the city
n r .
i.J.ioronotUoawell, II. L. Kearn
and W. C. Kearn and wifo aro at the
an lloaten.
ThismomingatS:S0it began to rain
again and a good downponr has been the
order all forenoon.
The body must be well nourished now
tn .. . - t .
c)cuiwcsnu5s. ll your apoli:e
poor lane Uood's Sinparilla.
Wm. Astcll of Grants l'ass. Wm
Allen of Chicago, J. II. Andrews md V.
H. Lee of Albany aro at the Van Houtvn.
Get yonr candy at the caudv frfrv
There is no paint and chalk in it to wear
oat your slornach. It is dean and
Remember the Tnankszivinir masnnor.
ade ball Thurscay evenirn:. and mt in
and try for the prizes. You aro sure to
get one of them.
Hon. Geo, M. Brown and his bride
are guests at the McClallen. Thev re
turned this morning from Corvallis
where Mr. Brown, district attorney, has
been attending court.
lieople with iuJigestion and thefi
stomach worn oat want to stop and think.
liuisycome irorn ealici; groceiv stpre
who apprciated tlio scriptural injunctlorrT
"When thou givest thy alms, let not thy'
right hand know what thy left hand
doetli." Who is it? Tlio donor knows
inero will bo services each evening
of tins week at tlio West Rosoburg
church preparatory to tlio quarterly
conference service, which will Ikj libld
at that place next Saturday and Sunday
All aro cordially invited to attend these
son-ices. Wm. Stewart, V. E.
W.II. McLai.v, Pastor U.B. Church.
Tho funeral cortago of Mrs. Gilliland
passed through tho city at :5 p., nv
on its way to tlio Jinsomc cem
etery. Mrs Gilliland was an old pio
neer settler of Douglas countv and was
highly esteemed by a largo circle of ac
quaintances. Her husband, A. 15.
Gilliland, passed on .-everal years be
fore. She leaves three daughters, Mrs
Inez l oster and Mrs. Lilly Jamieson of
Portland and Mrs. llattio Ilannan of
this citv.
From Wednesday's Diilly.
II. Bright of Sacramento is at tho
At tho Square Deal store is where tho
deal "on tho snuare."
W. B. Foster of .,-.-u Francisco if leg-
iftored at the McClallen.
A. Woods and C. L. IIugi;ins of
Portland aro at tlu Dejct Motel.
W. 15. Drake if Myrtle Cruek was do
ing busings in the city yosterdav.
II. II. Reed iUid C. II. Carter of Port
land are registered at the McClallen.
Wallace, Mary, Attic, Seniu'and Ruby
Murdcck of Cleveland are registered at
the Central.
II. S. Weblwr of .tur.ction City and
Peter Scrogtins ci Yoncdla are gue!s at
tho Pepot Hotel.
I.ast night and up to noon todav it
raineil, Oregon stvle. This afternoon
the sun shines with a strong southwest
Compare tho ventle Oregon mist v.e
are now havini: with the blizrardv
eather in tin Ear and you will hav1
ciuse for TuaaVszivniff.
Married, at the court house. Tuesdav,
candy. The paint and chalk that is put Xovwnher 26. ISOo. James R. Overstre'et
m it will grmd out tho mucus membrane j i;d Kachel E. Baeyc, all of Doaslae
the stomacn
Bovs May be Had (aud sometimes
girls for tl) ordinary service at wages;
(2) upon indenture, to work, attend
school, and bs broueht np somewhat as
your own;; and 3 children may be
bad for legsl adoption. Address, W. T.
Gakdsee, Sopt. Oregon Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society, Portland, Oregon.
James Callahan, mine host of the Van
Houten, in the abundance of his big
heartedness invited the inmates of tho
county jail to partake of a Thanksgiving
dinner today; and, escorted by the
sheriff and his assistant, they tiled in
and partook of turkey and other edibles
to their satisfaction. James is magnan
imous as well as hospitable.
Froa TcesdaT' Daily.
R. F. Lendry of Omaha is in the city.
C. L. Inman of Sugar Pine is in the
E. Winston of Civil Bend was in town
H. Wray of Portland is at the Van
T. C. Waite of Round Prairie is at the
C. R. Spalding of Kiddie was in town
H. T. Thompson of Chicago is at the
31rs. Caldwell of Portland is at the
Van Houten.
E. W. Matthews of Re?ton is at tho
Van Houten. '
county. Judge Stearn officiating.
A. J. Birlow ami V. II. King of
Grants Fa, W. I. Nelson mid J Mc
Guire of Portland and J. li. Britt o( Ca'n
yonuille aro registered at tho Van Hou
ten. James Christeuson of Ashland, Mr.
and Miss Coon of Cama? Valley, II.
BoIienban;h, C. I. Rtifsel and W. J.
Yocuni of Canyonvillo are at the Cen
tra!. Rev. Mr. Hayes, oi La Grande, is said
to have a genuine curiosity in the
shape of a fac-sintilo of the death 'war
rant oi Jesus Christ, as ii;rned and wit
nessed. Tiie warrant was written on
coper-plate, and was discovered while
excavating at Jerusalem.
Today a gamo of billiards for the
cbampiofl&bip of Rosebarg was played
between George Zcmwalt and Philip
Reams, which resulted in Zumwalt's de
feat. The fcore stood Znmwall one,
Reams 92. The spectators were highly
amused witnessing the the game and
Beard ''set 'em np."
At Portland csterdav the IJrJiJd
States urand jary rendered u UubbUrTn
the case of Jameis Pool sad
indicted tor ho?duii;
cific train,
specinc ensro h "J-iavini;
Postal Clerk Cj'AvQjjnnoii and robbin
the Tnited StatesVtay"
Half Not Yet Told.
)STox, Nov. 20. Tho followingletter
haeen received in Boston fri3m h re
lialiKirson in Constnntinoplo :
"o Turks hnvo induced somo of tho
subdzed European paiers to upeak of
thesdmes as Arineniim outbreaks,
etc., I tho ambassadors have full re
ports deli they ought to publish that
refute eso, und show conclusively that
withinday or two after ho signed the
order frrcforms the sultan ordered the
Armenian bo massacred in order
that thereiould bo no question of an
Armenian tiority in any of the prov
inces. Tho pplu sought all the spoils
obtainable, aidid not execute tlio Bin
tm.'o ;.!. ir. i fullest. But tho loss
tttll W VI VI -
of life has beon ftul
"Moreover, tho feems to be no way
of preventing mo massacres of the
same sort. It is t! most awful crime
of the century, becrfc it is persistently
falsified bv it's nutho. Everywhere the
story is tlio samo: u Jiberato prepare
t ion and then a stoneent to Europe
that the Armenians aakeil the inoffen
dnced to ouler
after a fewhad been Jle
"Worsa thries aroln store hr us.
Europe is divided in "ancil, and the
Turks finding that ncbing is done for
this crime, will go w extremeties.
Tho highest and mofibleinn. court luis
declared that tlio sultil'cannot lawfully
Ihj restrained inltho exi5 of his will,
since he is the reprcsenjtive of God for
the whole earth. Jron'HOW to -v,vw
leoplo havo been laStcrwl during
the last month, and inoscquence no
less than 100,000 perso heretofore de
pendent on them for il'ir food are now
in want. The coming vmter win wit
ness a vast amount ol suffering. This
is the case, not alone atasso"". ullt a11
over the land where "e occurrences
have taken placet"
l-or 0p,IrI' Years.
as Old asd VtiL-TttJ Remedy. Mrs
Window Soothlns Sjiup w te" 'ur
overfiltv Tears br millions o motberi lor weir
children while eeihlnr. th perfect ucctw.
It oothes the child, ortenstie Kam,i allays 811
pain, cures wind colic, acd'l tb best remedy
for Diarrhaa. Is plcaiant-o tho taste, sow oy
drncilJts In ererr part of oe wo"u- ""J"
five cents n botUe. lis . alae Is IncaleolaUe.
Benrc and ask for Mr- Wlnslow s soothing
yrjp. aud tate no other kind.
l'ooria teporiH the storm still raging
and morions damago is feared.
At l'uirbiiry. 111., tho sleet Ihih caused
considerable dauiugu.
On Lako Michigan the gale was severe
iiml I ho tea is running vory high. Com
paratively few vessels are out and it is
not expected there will ho much loss of
life. No veseol left the harbor last
Tho storm blow down telophono and
Damage Done by the Storm.
Chicago, Nov. 27. For a time yester
day news fioin New Yoik traveled 7000
miles to reach Chicago, It went from
Nfw York to Montreal and alonif the Ca
diaii Pacific through Winnipeg :ml Van
couver to ij3ii Kraneifi'o. 'Iln-n it was
telegraphed down t ilm N'.edleM in
southern California and tust to AlUu
quurque, KausAH City, St Ixuis and
Chicago. Railroad, telegraphic aud
trolley wires in many places in Chicago, traveling men say it was the most coin-
and serious accidents wero narrowly ploto isolation tho city ban experienced
averted. As it was three horses were sinco the New York blizzard in March,
killed by coining in contact with trolley 1888.
wires. Several tires occured during the It would seem from talks with maua-
night, which mado great trouble for the gers of telegraph companies that the
department, as delays were occasioned in storm centered about Chicago and was
tho transmission of alarms. Chief serious aB far east as Toledo, bouth and
Sweeney, of tho flro department, said: eost of Toledo and Cleveland the snow
"Tho only thing we did not havo to con- and sleet were apparently heavy enough
teud with was freezing water. It has to snap the wires. New connections
Leen one of the worst nights, except in were secured all day and messages from
this feature, I have overseen in which to all over the country showed where the
Dght fire." storm extended. Tho woret seemed to
This dispatch was sent by the Postal be from Denver to Buffalo, north of St.
Telegraph & Cable Company, the only Louis.
wire working out of tho city at this time. City Electrician Harrow says that as
much damage was done to tho city elec-
iiucklcn'H Arnica Salve. trical plant by trolley wires as by the
Die Best Salve in the world for Cats- storm; that if the trolley is to remain,
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, tho city wires must be pat underground.
F ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands This, be estimates, will cost tho city
Chillbains, Corns, and all akin Erup, $500,000. Monday's damage will foot
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no up $10,000 and.the telephone companies
pay required. It is guaranteed to give sustained a loss from the samo cause of
perfect satisfaction or money refunded more than $50,000.
Price25 cents per box. For sale at A. Returns from outside show that the
0. Marsters & Co. storm did a vast amount of damage in
other parts of the country as well as in
Willing to Arbitrate. I Chicago's vicinity. Houses were blown
Loxdo.v, Nov. 20. Instructions, it is down or unroofed by the gale at Cleve-
announceu, Have been sent to tne unt- lanu, u., uovingtou, ivy., anu many
ish minister at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and
to submit the question of the ownership Michigan?
of the island of Trinidade to arbitration. The storm was felt over nearly half
the country.
Nervous Bnoclt. A thousand derricks were blown dowrj
K. V. Joy Comfant Gentlemen: This Is in th Findlav district.
iiiu mat ttiuv a ii.ib atw.uinu V aw.
thrw Tears. Have been so nervous and weak
that 1 hare laid In bed for most of the time.
.V mend who hail taken jour barsapanna
sent me two bottles. The second one Is moat
pone, and I have Rained 30 loimus. and surely
eel a new woman. I was pale, thin, no am-
reme5ie.1an1l&.Pbu1 oSSS KM er0 laid !ow' ,he oes reaching $100,000.
i uueuux in
ifoatVeru l'a-
, n.-ir Kiddlfjf July l?The
-srw U "J-iavini: assaulted
P a 50
Miss Jones of Sugar Pine is a guetjat
the Van Houten. " .
A- M. Stantnn nnrl wifi. ?r,. f-rrocf c ni
the McClaUen todav. --' arV
Mrs. Jackson of Red Bluff . CaL""
guest at the McClallen. jjr
Senator Mitchell has PlrgT - . .
obliiratioDs for vs!mW. .. . 1 "cred,
School Exercises at the Court
plt.e 'Ifaanksgiving exercises at the
-ccart bouse last night by the Rosebnrg
public school wero very entertaining.
The whole programme was well carried
The wig by the school was nicely ren-
J. P. Mum pel .ar,
ublic docu-
sill be re-
Spial Prize. 1
T. K. Richaton offers as a sped
prize at the .anfcsgiving maaqaeraj
ball, c due b'Jf $5 00 for tliejbestj
resenUtion Oe Crescent bicycl.
dne bill is trsferable and
ceived in pa payment
The acE7nr m "i" .
iemy includes a Einaergarceu.
. 1 1 1, C.4ln
fmar scnooi ana a tuuroc-uuiut
Pupils may prepare for the
eecond year in rnnceion or eueeiey.
Address: Rosebueg Academy,
Boseburg, Oregon.
OlK "a ov"j
53tr r" r"
Recitation by Hazel Jowett was good.
The drill bv first and second grades,
dA.N. Campbell of was largely movements, a la military
gnests at the an and was fine ; those little tots acquitting
J themselves with much credit.
Saturday, 23rd, fori Recitation by Bertha Seblbrede was
.11 I i
ounce. .Mexican aoiiars 1 kuu".
Recitation by Kdith Wilson was re-
Preparing For War.
Boston, Nov. 25 A dispatch to :
morniok patter Iron a special represcnta
tive in Venezuela ttveals a remarkable
state of affairs in tnat country. The ois-
patch says that fioVr. present appearances
ojwn collision with the llritish govern
ment is a mattpr of the neer future.
Over all the coanlry the ureatost ertl.usi
ajm ia manifested for tho approacinng
strorelo with Jlngland, and a military
fever has takiin hold ot the populace. So
iutenjw is this feeling tlutt constant cries
are befnc ni'ade lor advance in British
Guiana. '
The National Guards are drilling daily
and a ltirge number of recruits have been
ratheired at the srarrison towns aro
receiving instructions. The forces all
aver the country aro working day and
rpOit, and other warlike conditions tndi
.to that Venezaela has determined that
a struggle is inevitable, and that m spite
of the odds she will uphold her dignity
by engaging in a war agiinst the jower-
fu! aggressor.
The dispatch also says that the Eng
1 lish will not find it as easy a struggle as
they anticipate. In the first plac, it is a
very difficult country for an invading
army to traverse, anil the Venezuelans
have locked ail the strategic points and
are prepared for Xhi struggle, even so far
as to bo able to pour troops into Guiana
at once.
A large number of Americans having
mining interests in the country have
joined the government forces, and have
offered their services in case of war, and,
in fact, have had considerable to do with
the firm decision of President Crespo, for
with the large prize at stake it is to their
interest to do so.
$70,000, and farmhouses, outbuildings
and fences in the surrounding country
were damaged to the amount of $80,000.
In Hartford City, Ind., 500 derricks
you can) to publish this you hate my
(Signcuj Jitu.
it consent.
Alameda. CsL
Headache. BllUousnes and Torpid Urcr'dis-
appear when you take Joy's Vegetable Sarsa-patllla.
Three More Arrested.
Sax'Isco, Nov. 20. Three more
arrests were made last night in the
Latin quarter for outrage committed on
little girls. Thev were Joseph Garcia
Manuel Gomez, barbers, and G. U.
Risso, the proprietor oi a toy shop.
Risso got out on lail and went to his
room back of the shop about midnight
At Elmwocd, Ind., several buildings of
the Pittsburg glass works were demol
ished, and two meu were injured. The
loss is $15,000.
Tho Standard Oil Company loses
$150,000 by fbe destruction of a thousand
derricks and other property at Bowling
Green, and several business houses at
Fort Wayne, Ind., were unroofed.
The Woolen Mills Company.
Salem, Nov. 25. Tho Thomas Kay
Woolen Mills Company is in receipt of
This morning a policeman broke in the letters from many jwints offering induce-
uoor and found Risso dead with a bullet
through his head. He committed sui
cide to avoid disgrace and punishment.
He left a written confession of his guilt.
Killed Ills Parents, Too.
Albany, Or., Nov. 26. Late last
ments or asking for propositions to
establish a woolen mill. Tacotna has
$05,000 mill it offers to lease or sell for
any terms that the company may die
tate. Astoria asks for a proposition, and
states that that city will accept any rea
souable proposition looking to the e;fab
...... ... ! i - 1 . r til . , n-Z i -
nmg Lloyd Montgomery, unable longer luumeni wa iuui a. mai piste, mvaio
to endure the terrible strain utjon him. persons have written from Portland
made a full confession, admitting that he offering enaouragement from the metrop
had killed his father and mother, as well olis. Some prominent men estimate
as Daniel McKercber, a week ago today, that $50,000 in stock will be subscribed
near llrownsville. by Portland citizens as an inducement
He had shown great distress of mind to have a woolen mill located there
all day yesterday, and when visited in Dallas has a three-set mill ready to
the evening answered eeveral questions, operato that has never run a day. The
although stating that he had been ad- company has been offered the use of this
"V . " . ., r "T i i :
l IfWWTfiin isaviason oi lnuepenueuuc 13
ntown today visiting friends. He will
vhu. farther south before his return.
E. P. Thorp of the Cottage Grove
Echo-Leader made a fraternal call on
the PlaindCaleb while in town today.
T.J.Kearney and. family, who have
been visiting at Glendzle several days,
returned to to the city Monday morning
It began to rain this morning at 0 :30
and has leen drizzling ever since up to
the hour of going to press. It is real
Oregon weather and Oregonians rejoice
Football game at Rose's grove Thurs
day, 28tli, at 2 o'clock p. ni., by the pub
lic school and Dilworth accademy boys
and the boys of the city, under the
Rugby rules.
Cold, frosty nights, mercury down to
freezing point and clear, 6unshiney days
"Liverine," manufactured by the An
chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver,
ir.dnpv and Cons titration cure. An in
fallible remedy for all curable ionns of L 01d ha3
diseases of those organB. ihe zreaiest
knowB remedy for Indigestion. Try it.
For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store,
Eoseburg, Oregon.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to persons hold
ing Rosebnrg city warrants numbered
370, 380, 331, 3S5, 330, 387, 383, 389, 302,
and 303, indorsed prior to November 19,
1892, to present the same at the treasur
er's office in the city hall for payment,
enamored with Douglas county and em
braced here with his mildest osculations.
A.Johnson, D. A. Norton, Wesley
Smith and W. Martin of Oakland, Key.
A. D. Skaggs and wife of Junction City,
G. E. Lee of Grants Pass and Miss C. E.
Dunn of Camaa Valley are registered at
the Depot hotel.
European nobles have not taken all
the monev awav from the New York
Four Hundred, for the subscription sales
as interest will cease thereon
date of this notice.
Dated this 15th day of Noaember, 1895,
at Rosebnrg, Oregon.
J. A. Pekkixs, City Treasurer.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to November 2, 1891, to
present the eame at the treasurer's
office in the court house for payment, as
vised to say nothing of the mnrder.
Altera time, however, he broke down
and told the whole story of the crime,
adding that he slid not know why he
did it.
He said that he had been reproved by
his father for going away from home and
mill free for three years to start the
manufacture of woolen coods at that
place. Lewiston, Idaho, has also writ
ten for aproposition by the company
Letters are being received almost daily
from different sections, relative to the
location of the mill. The company pre-
Highest of all in livening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The remains ol tho captain of the
steamer Bandorille, who lost his life near
the mouth of the Umpqua last Thursday,
were transported to the railroad from this
place last Saturday. The remains were
accompanied by Captain Anderson of the
life saving station.
J. Patterson and wife have gone to
Coos bay to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Majory and her sister. Miss
Lillie Patterson, expect to make Gardiner
their home this winter.
D. U. Batler has gone to Drain to re
side for the winter months.
F. Barnes of Loon Lake is building a
boat for H. Lucksinger on Long Prairie.
The 4-horse covered stage from Drain
came down on Monday.
W. Spaulding is about to again carry
the mail horseback alternate days with
the stage.
J. Freyer, Sen., was in our section last
Miss.F. Sawyers has returned from
The thankful bird is so low in price
this year it is hoped the 23th will be dulv
December Weather.
The following data, compiled from the
Weather Bureau records at Rosebnrg,
Oregon, cover the period given for the
month named in 18 years, and should
prove of value and interest in anticipat
ing the more important meteorological
elements, and the range within which
such variations may be expected to keep
for the coming month of December,
Mean or normal temperature, 40.
The warmest month was that of 1880,
with an average of 47.
The coldest month was that of 1884,
with an average of 37.
The highest temperature was GO, on
the 12, 18S8.
The lowest temperatnre was 7, on the
21, 2879.
Average date on which first killing
frost occurred in autumn, Oct. 14th.
Average precipitation for the month,
0.34 inches.
Average number of days with .01 ol
an inch or more, 18.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 12.02 inches in 1891.
The least monthly precipitation was
2.73 inches in 1878.
The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
was 2.86 inches on the 4, 1879.
The greatest amonnt of snowfall re
corded in any 24 consecutive hours (rec-
State or Ohio, city or Toledo,;
Feask J. Chzexy makes oath that he is the I ord extending to winter of 1884-5 onlvl
senior partner o( the firm ol F. J. Chesey & I ,
Co., doing business In tho City of Toledo, was incnes on me 00, iooj.
inai 1
County and State aforesaid, and '
win pay tne sum 01
LARS for each and every
. said firm I
t 1 r j .1 .
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-I - uu-uiukzi. ui uwi uvyD, u,
case ol Catabbh I nartlv Plonrlv d.ivB. 10: plnnrlv days. 18.
8 worn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day ol December, A. D., 18S6.
Notary Pnbl c
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucuos tor-
races 01 the system, bena lor testimonials,
free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.,
sola by Druggists, tc.
The prevailing winds have been from
the southwest.
The highest velocity of the wind was
48 miles from the south and southwest
on the 9, 1878.
Tuos. Gibson, Observer.
How's Tills?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
Elda Wood Convicted. I for any case of Catarrh that can not be
A telegram to W. W. Catbcart, deputy cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
sheriff, from Sheriff Cathcart at Port- F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
land brings the information that Elda We the undersigned, have known F.
Wood, who was Indicted for robbing the J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
United State's mail on Camas mountain lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi-
laet Julv and August, has been con-1 ness transactions and financially able to
victed by the jury as charged. I carry out any obligations made by their
It will be remembered by oar readers I firm.
that tho stage plying between this city West a" Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
and Myrtle Point was held up and
robbed once on Hoover hill and twice on
the mountain. The robber was masked
and eluded for some time the officers
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding, Kixxax it Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
who were on his trail. The robber had I nally, acting directly upon the blood and
left the scenes of the robbery and went
south in the vicinity of Grants Pass and
other points on Rogue river.
During the interim the officers ever on
the alert found a scrap of paper posted
upon a tree not far from the scene of the
robbery on Camas mountain on which
was written: "Catch old
mucous sarlaces ol tne system, frice
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
neglecting his work, and that McKercher fers to rebuild in Salem, where it has
had si led SL-ainst him in tho nuarrel that the cround. water power and hands. A
ensued. His father finally slapped him
in the face, which so enraged him that he
number of Salem citizens met tonight and trial was set for the 20th which has
and appointed a committee to arrange resulted in his conviction as above
hardlv knew what ho was doing. He for a mass meeting to determine what
went into the house, picked up a rifle. Salem will do. The meeting will be
and going to the door, ehot his father, held in the opera-house Friday evening.
who was standing by tho fence talking to
McKercher. He next shot his mother, Is Not a Candidate.
who was near by, and then bred at Me- Xew York, Nov. 27. E. C" Benedict,
That Reading Room.
The institution of a reading room in
tvuuui vuu 1 me city snouio, anu no uouui win, meet
can I with the approval ol all well inclined
This scrap of paper led to the identi-1 citizens. It would add to the moral at-
lication of Wood and of his arrest. He I mosphere of the town, and would also,
was brought to Roseburg from Grants I have a tendency to improve the metal
Pass Sept. 29th and lodged in jail here. I faculties of the youths of the city, both
He had a preliminary trial before U. S. I male and female. 'Tis well known that
Commissioner L. Loughary, Oct. 3, and I our young men are subjected to influ-
was bound over to appear before the I ences, the tendency ol which is their
United States grand jury at Portland. I moral degradation. There are too many
The LT. S. grand jury found a true bill, I places of resort for onr youtLs to while
away their time and be subjected to
injurious influences. A public library
E. W. Jot Coscpasy Gentlemen: I have
suffered from kidney trouble for two or three
years. I would hare to get up in the night to
Kercber, who had .started to run. Just a coi personal iriend of President
offer of onera boxes this season atnounteu to
$190,000,000, or $50,000 more than was
realized last year.
W. Moore, son of Dayid Moore of this
city and son-in-law of Mrs. Phccbe Kitch
ell, of Tacoma, is dangerously ill at his
home, from the effects of an abcess on
the liver. He has had a surgical opera
tion but has not received much benefit.
He is in a precarious condition.
A christian with the genuine spirit
which constitutes that class of men in
interest will cease thereon after the this day and Keneration, viz: one who
date of this notice. believes "it is more blesBed to give than
Dated this the 14th day of November, r0cejTe," presented ye editor a turkey
1895, at Boseburg, Douglas county, today, after critically quizzing him upon
Oregon. Wm. A. Fbateb, DiB true christain character as a condl
County Treasurer. tjon 0f gift. While passing through
thn ordeal of examination we had an eve
The V. S. Gov't Reports aBkant at the contents of his wagon and
show Roval Baking Powder answered every question satisfactorily,
.,,-,,;, all others. and was rewarded as one of the brethren
ceived by the audience with applause.
Recitation by Mamie McUuruy was
The drill, "Pumpkin Pies" by third
grade elicitedjgreat applause. The solo
by Emma Seblbrede was fine. The drill
was executed by 4 boys and 4 girls, mak
ing floor movement in time with m'isic,
Vera Havnes as queen. Tho whole drill
was excellent.
The reciUtion by Birdie fclocum was
The recilation bv La Ami I rater was
Tlio recitation by 1 lardy Howard was
very good.
The exercises by pupils of tho fourth
grade was well executed and elicited ap
The recitation bv Maude Sheridan was
Bertha behlhrede a recitation was very
Tho exercises of the evening closed
with tho dramatic play, "Thanksgiving,
Past and Present," by 0th, 7th, and 8th
grades. This play was both highly en
tertaining and edifying, as it exhibited
the historic evolution of man's thankful
ness to deity from ancient times to the
present, for his blessings temporal in a
bountiful yield of tho products of tho
earth for both food and rainment.
This play, largely pantomime, exhib
ited the several phases of rites, cere
monies and customs of all people from
the most ancient times to the present,
demonstrating the all pervading idea
amongst tho more intelligent people oi
past age3, that Deity is the source from
which all temperal blessing flow. As
historic exercise it was very instructive
as well aspleasing and was highly en
joyed by the audience, which was large
and enthusiastic.
Tho teachers of this school deserve
great credit for the patience and per-
severence in training their pupils to
such a degree of proficiency, thus de-
velonint! tho mental capacity' for tho
acquirement of knowledge.
void nv urine from ten to
sleep was disturbed, and I became very thin
anu nervous. -o appcuie; Doeis consupaieu.
I have taken two bottles ana gained niteen
.1 t .1.- f . ... - . . . . . mounds, sipen wen. nave to eel ur aooui
as 111s victim was going mroun mi iron. Cleveland, intimated in an interview to- 'thnc umes during night, and am very much
door he fired at him a second time and ,iav that he had been misouoted in a better In every respect Will contlnueto take!
, , ,. , 1 jour egciaoie sarsaparuia, lor ocueve 11 niu
T..i amtiiip loll ntiir tho ilrtrtf I . T . i , . ) I . . ,. . it A i
- -' .v .. 1 nt'wvTuiTMT articiu u 1 1 11:11 reiireseiueu ivuureij tu wv. ici,utu.i
... . ..... " 1 W I
His mother, who had not been fatally as gaviug that Cleveland was not a
injured by the first shot, was running candidate for a third term.
from him through the house, and he bred "What I did say," he said, "was that
sumption and that there was no hope for again, killing her. lie used bis latner a Cleveland would not accept a third term
her; but two bottles Dr. King's New Dis- rifle, and fired five shots. under any circumstances. I don't state
coury CTuiiiwwij luiw u uu .ir ja Ills first impulse was to get away, anu ;t ns :i wrLiintv. Cleveland does not
usaveuuer me. jir. iuw. j-si,c i . . ... fiM v. ,,
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phcebe Thomas, of Junction City,
III., was told bv her doctors she had Con-
Stockton. Ca ,
c c, vn;.nr. nT,olI from 1 no ran oai mm iuu ueiu,
A lUlllilt al- W WW uuiivivu ... ..... , , ,
a dreadful cold, approaching Consump- saw tbe cluldien returning irom scnooi
tion, tried without result everything : else be went back 10 tbe bouse.
then bought one bottle ol Ur. King s In answer to a ouestion as to how his
New Discovery and in two weeks was ... w. ,,;. ,:..,, i,0,i
cured. He is naturally thankful. It is - """ -
., rnnii ni vrhirh tli.B.i nn s.imtilo!i. not been lloCed, but had had to work
that provejthe wonderful efficacy of tins hard all his life.
medicine in Uoucns anu voius. tree
trial bottles at 'A. C. Marsters & Co.
Drug Store. Regnlar.sizo 50c. and $.00s
it as a certamtv.
i mako me his confident. I canuot speak
for him with authority, and I don't like
to be placed in the position of acting as
his mouthpiece. What I did say was
that I felt that Cleveland does not want
to serve as president for u third term,
He feels he has done enough for his
country, anil no longer cares lor tne
successes or defeats oi politics. I feel
certain mind I don't say I am certain
On the Frontier.
New York, Nov. 20. A special from
Kingston, Jamaica, to the World say? :
The Maxim guns sent forward by
British Guiana on .request oi the im
perial secretary for the colonies have
reached tho Venezuelan frontier. Ad
vices from Damarara report that the
Venezuelan troops on the border are
said to have been greatly excited on fee
ing them. Their commander protested
against the guns being pointed his way
1"CIU!" invv-tv,. v. "-" "i " brigade, one sanitary
tnat. ine nuns were nut. iuauiw ,
they were meant for defense, not
gression. Tbe incident increases
fear of a collision.
General Campos' Forces.
New York, Nov. 20 A special from
Cienfuegos to World says :
Five hundred troops havo arrived
here. Tho new commander at Cieufue-
os, Colonel Arizou, who succeeds C. I.
Jule. of unsavory memory, is an accom
plished soldier and a high-minded geutle- "tide ot state, lie is counting tne days
Hint lu i-nnlil tint Im rwrstiailed to ac-
. .. : r r..i newspaper tbe (Jrcgooian is a
eein. a reuuiiiuuiuuu. i imi.t'uiu iu.u - .....
Cleveland is anxious to get out of poll
ties. Ho wishes to enjoy the sover
eignty of a citizen, rather than the serv
Knights of the Maccabees
The State Commander writes us from
Lincoln, Neb., as follows : "Alter trying
other medicines for what eeemed to bo a
very obstinate cough in our two children
wb trier! Dr. Kinz's New Discovery and
at the end of two days tho cough f ntirely
left them. We will not be wimout u
hereafter, aB onr experience proves that
it cures where all other remedies fail."
Signed F. W. Stevens. State Com. w ny
not give this great medicine a trial, as it
Including the troops are many volun
teers, most of thorn being infantry, there
are three battallions of infantry, thiee
regiments of cavalry, two batallions of
artillery, oue batallion of engineers, one
battallioti of sappers, one disciplinary
brigade, unu bri
gade of administration and 24 pieces of
mounted artillery. Thoro will be in ser
vice besides 4000 civil guards, gendarmes
who are the best eoldiere, and numerous
local forces of volunteer infantry nnd cav
alry. Then there its the naval forco.
Allogethor General Campos will have
under his command more than 140,000
men of all grades.
Shot Himself.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 20. Edward Brab
ham, son of T. J. Brabham, who resides
near Springfield, met with a fatal acci-
and hours until he can return to private
"There are some who say Cleveland
must accept a reiiouiination, was sug
"I feel he will not."
"Then he will have to make a declar
ation to that effect."
Sensible at Last.
The Oregonian has finally discovered it
cannot ruu the politics of Oregon. It
tried to defeat J. H. Mitchell twice and
failed. It tried to elect Sol. Hursh
United States senator and failed. It
tried to elect J. N. Dolph United Statea
senator and failed. It tried to elect D,
P. Thompson governor and failed. So it
has wibely come to tbe conclusion that
bossing the political machine is not its
forte. It savs it will "have no more to
do forever with persona! politics." As a
but as a political engineer it is a lament
able failure. It is said that wben a man
knows his weakness he is in a fair way
to know his strencth. Vie shall now
look to tho Oregonian for chunks of wis
dotn that will richly compensate its read
ers for tbe absence of its caustic diatribes
against meu it dislikes oi futile efforts to
foiBt Into place its personal friemds. It
has found it is not a successful eteerer in
politics and gives it up as a bad job,
Othello 8 occupation is gone. iSo more
shall it be said that "the Oregonian is
and reading room would attract their at
tention, and in a short time they would
become frequent visitors to the reading
room and thus be allured from the
haunts of vice and folly by which they
are surrounded.
Let the reading room be instituted, let
all moral inclined citizens give a hearty
support to those who are working to
effect such an institution, and tbe future
will prove the wisdom of contributing
their efforts to improve the moral and
intellectual faculties of the youths of our
beautiful city. Wherever you find a
library aud reading room in a city, there
you will find morality prevail to an ex
tent not found in cities destitute of such
a pleasant place of resort. Citizen.
It May Do As Much For You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also that his bladder was
affected. He tried many so called Kid
ney cures but without ar.y good result.
About a year ago he began use of Electric
Bitters aud founir relief at once. Elec
tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure
of all Kidney and Liver troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
ouly 50c. for large bottle. At A. C
Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store.
T lliiT.L- na !. rmiK' 1,1L clmi'lv
'that he will cither refu'te or confirm bringing out candidates, or will support
what I have said at an
his own signature."
earlv dav ovor
I this man or oppose that man.
The Climax Not Far Off.
Ciiic.uio, Nov. 27. A special from J
Winnipeg says:
Exciting oveuts are pending in Can
ada. Within a mouth parliament will
be summoued to pass a remedial order
directing the Manitoba government lo io
store the Roman Catholics their puroch
schools. Theh will como tho climax lo
is guaranteed and trial bottles aro free at dent somo time today, tho body being tho loug and bitter warfare, a climax that
A. U. MarsterBcc uo. BLirtig aiore. neg- loutm auoui .s p. m. mo young man may disrupt tho lederatiou ot UAimuiau
..I : rn. i 1 nn I. ....... .. ... .1
mar bizo ouc. uuu telt. ins latlier 8 liouso tins morning lor nrnvfnePH. To all entreaties lor a coui-
t iiunt, carrying a sbotgun. as no am pgomise to avoid trouble, it is said l':o-
Eastern Weather. not return when expected, search was mier Greeuway turiiH a deaf ear and it is
- . . I ; 4:....- 1 t i.r- 1....1.. , 1 M I . ..... t ...i
Chicago Nov. CO. The Btorm which niauuucu, anu ma uuuy was iuuuu inevitable tnat 11 1110 nonunion aumori
raced hero laBt night and early this a ieneu, wuu Krcui, ' ties restore uou uii iaiumic soiiooib iu
o 11 1 ...t ..1 1 ..r ..I...A I....1 I... . .. , . t I
mnrnlnrr n-Mnnnnf fho uorKt that over uiiui ui aiiuu uiu cmui i." . IU1B eouni ry uiey can uosooniy uy loree.
struck the city. The wind blew a galo Ut is thought ho was climbing through h,, Winnipeg there is wiid to bo a grow-
and thn Bnow fell iu great clouds. Street
K. W. Joy Company Gentlemen: I have
Just completed tho second bottle of your Vcjte-
titolc sarsapaiuia. 1 ume uau isiarru lur
vears wnieii aneeicu my eyes, neanug aim
stomach. Frequently would have dull head
ache for days at a time, blnce taking your
remedy I have felt uo dfcastreeable symptom.
Trustluc you will publish this as 1 want auy
one suffering from auy of the above symptoms
to be benotllteu. Kinujy tenu me two more
bottles by return express. (Signed!
MK. rKtUtlvlUK UL KltllJIUSU.
Seattle, Wash.
Evcrv mail brings a new batch of testimon
ials for Joy's Vegetable s'arsaparilla.
To Kill Fruit Pests.
The following will kill any fruit
100 lbs. sulphur.
100 lbs. unslacKed lime.
10 lbs. blue vitr I.
Put 30 gallons of water in a kettle.
Boil the sulphur first to hours. Put
the slacked lime in the kettle aud boil
one hoar, then put in the vitrei dissolved
and let all boil one and a half hours.
Stir well while boiling. Put in a barrel
to cool. Spray the trees before the buds
put out. Use one gdlon of thu tumid to
thirty gallons of .vater.
An interesting lino of stamped goods
may bo eeen at the Novelty Store, com
prising scarfSjSplaBherB, doylies, squares,
wall pockets, etc. Prices to suit the
times. Must bo seen to be appreciated
and railway traffic in greatly delayed
Dispatches received here show tho
name etato of affairs throughout Illi-
Quincey reports a howling blizzard,
with enow falling fast. Telegraph aud
lelenhono wires aro down in all direct
ions .
the fence, and Hint lus gun was acci
dentally discharged, Ho was about 23
years of age.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power as the Royal.
To the Public.
On aud after this date, I wish it under
Btood that my terms for oil undertaker's
goodtt ure cash with tho order. 1 find it
impot-sible tit do businesp on a credit
basis, and belivo that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for casii. P. Benedick, Undertaker,
Roeeburg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
ing movement in favor ol a secession
from tho dominion, which, in reality The I'eltou Water Motor
means the Hettiug up of a crowu colony Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse
entirely independent of Ultima author- power affords the most convenient, ecc
ity. It in rerluin that Premier Greeuway nomical and reliable power for all light
and those back of him will bitterly resist sorvice. One of these may be seen run
to tho utmost tho restoration of Roman ning at this office. Send for circulars
Catholic Kchools. Tho premier does not The Pelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
qualify his aasertious in this regard. St., San Francisco, Ca
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standards.
U fc-Arf