The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 21, 1895, Image 3

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NOVEMBER 21, 1S95.
Joy's Tor tho Jaded and Gooa
Health for all Mankind.
Jsmade from
herbs), and
contains no
dmpj or
deadly, pois
on. Jo
robs the
tJood of all
Its impuri
ties, and
courses all
these Impari
ties through
nature "sown
proper chan
nels. Joy's
enrea Iy-
ge p a 1 a ,
h r onlc
Com platnta
and Kidney
oy'a Vegetable
events tared fed
SS, staggering pen-
before lie
Daweis, tain
declineomerre force
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Weather Bureau.
ROSESCE3, Ore, November 2", 15JS
(S a. m. Pacific Use 30-10
,5 p. m. Pacific timo-3
itaTlnara tcmpcraiare, 46.
Minlrsnrn temperature. Zi.
KfnftH lor the St hoars crsdlng 5 p. rx, .0.
Total rainfall since 1st ot month, LSi.
Average rainfall fortius month lor 15 years,
Total rainfall from Sept. 1, 1S, to date, H.
Averse monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, 1535, to
date. US7.
Accamulcted dependency from Sept. 1, l3i
to date, Ufl.
Average precipitation for Is net seasons.
TUcs. Gibson. Observer.
Poetlasd, Or., November 21, li33: iz a. m.
Weather forecast for the next 36 hoars, lor
Kasebnrg and vicinity:
Thursday and Friday, fair, coidcr weather.
Pacce. Local Forecast OrSdal.
A Salzman. the reliable jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, tbe Busy Watchmaker.
Get your school books at Marsters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
ol Oakland.
Harness of all kinds at low price." at
G. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the RoseleaL
Oysters in any style at the Candy
Factory. Niece & Williamson.
Myrtle Creek flour, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Honx
For holiday candies go to the Candy
Factory. Niece & Williamson.
For good substantial blacksmith ing
cheap, go to McKinney & planning,
New assortment of ladies' wrappers of
calico, flannelette and sateen at the
Novelty Store.
Selling oat at cost! Now is the time
to secure a bargain in all lines of goods
at Mrs. Osburn's.
$ $ $ saved by trading under tbe
Backet Cash System at Richards Broth
ers' Backet Store.
Jay Brooks, the one priced dry goods
dealer, opposite the postoffice, is the
place for bargains.
Ion can get a good meal for 23 cents
at all hoars at the Candy Factory.
Niece & Williamson.
A large assortment of gentlemen's
ties, furnishing goods, etc., for tbe holi
day trade. At the Novelty Store.
What's tbe use of payiDg 25 cents
when you can get a good square meal for
15 cents. Stop at the Central.botel and
be convinced.
Never before have we had such a line
of silk handkerchiefs. They will more
than please you. Call and see them at
the Novelty Store.
lire. Grace Osborn is selling out her
entire stock of general merchandise at
cost. Those wishing to secure bargains
should call at once.
If you don't want to suffer with corns
and bunions, have yoor boots and shoes
made at L. Langenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done.
Shilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup
Cure, is in great deriand. rocket size
contains twenty-five, only 25 cents.
Children love it. Sold by Druggists.
Airs, fcecuno ot ban irancisco is a
guest at the Van Houten.
II. II. Howard ami A.F. Wall of Port
land are registered at the McClallen
J. Eller of Portland ami M. Leauey of
Gilmoro are registered at the Van Hou
C. R. Hamlin of Chicago and J. L
Brovof Nilem are guests at the an
L. T. Thompson of Cclc.s alley is in
tho city today on business before tho
county court,
David Loring of tho land department,
0. C. R of Tortland was doing business
in the city yesterday
Tho official Kir docket for December
term is not yet made out. It will ap
pear in Monday's issue
Do not dally with rheumatism. Get
rid of it at once by purifying tlio blood
with Hood's Sarsaparillo. Bo sure to yet
A. E. Gibson of St. Louis, 0. L. War
den of Portland and G. W. Daly of
Grants Pass are registered at the Me
The masquerade lull to le given by
the Roseburg Orchestra on Thanksgiv
ing night, promises to Iks the event of
the season.
Ene Dixon, psvsident of the Douglas
County Agricultural Society, is upon
our steerts todav looking after its inter
The dramatic cantata entitled "Lost
and Saved" will be produced at the
opera house on Saturdav evening, No
vember 23d. Go and see it
Mahara'a minstels, at the Roseburg
Theatre next Wednesday night. The
press speaks very hiehh of them. New
songs and no old chestuuts used as jokes
Mrs. J. W. Sacry-Mullen has returned
from Portland and has opened her dress
making rooms at 420 Stephens siree
where she is prepared to do first-class
Geo. Mack of Elkton was brought to
town today by Constable Nels Rydell on
a charge of burglary. Ho is accused of
breaking into the house of Frank HarJen
on Smith river. He is now a boarder in
hotel de Cathcart
The U. S. Grand Jury at Portland has
indicted Elda Wood for robbing the
mail on Camas mountain. His trial i
set for November 26. Delia tv Sheriff
Dave Shambroot leaves tonight as
witness in the caae.
Tbe press again triumphant. Mr. J.
G. Callahan is in the city today. He in
forms us that that the neck yoke which
was clandestinely taken from those bec-
tree cutters last summer, Has returned
after seeing a call for it iu the Plain-
L. D. Carle, the reptile charmer, was
exhibiting his powers of lizzard charm
ing on our streets todav. The little
days. He has several sons desirous of
coming to this ceast upon a favorablo re
port from Webstor tho older.
On Tuesday evening Novouibor 2Cth
there will be a dime sociable at the resi
dence of Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrode. Every
body cordially invited to be present.
There will bo n grand Thanksgiving
ball at Frank Long's hall, Coles Val-
loy, Thursday, November 2S. All iu-
vited and a good limo ia anticipated.
Satuuol Smeed, who foil a fow days
ago and hurt his back, ia recovering
under tho treatment of Dr. Coffman and
is doing as well as could be oxpccled.
W, E. Thompson of Coles Valley ia iu
tho city today on his way to Southern
California to spend tho winter. "I will
return with the wild geeso in the apring"
hu said.
The discovery of rich gold mines in
Alaska and Vcnezuola was what started
England on tho warpath. Sho remem
bered how she might have had Oregon
and California if sho had bluffed a littlo
Col. Bob Ingersoll has stirred up a
hornets nest in Chicago. Ho lectured
there recently to 2000 people. To check
mate him the bible is to be reintroduced
into the public schools. Tho longest
pole knocks tho persimmon.
Tne daily Plalndkai.iiii contains short
biographies of eminent men and
women and of noted historical events.
Besides these it contains all local new a
for tho twenty-four hours and also dis
patches of news from nil the world.
We are iii receipt of No. 1, Vol. 1, of
the Myrtle Point Enterprise, W. Conner
editor, published at Myrtle Point, Coos
county. It is us bright nnd ecintilatiug
as when Mr. Conner published the Rid
die Enterprise. Wu wish Brother Con
ner abundant success in his new Enter
prise. From Wednesday's Daily.
W. S. Johnston of Crock way is in (he
city today on business.
Mrs. Hardy Elliffoi Glendale is iu tbe
city today on business.
Mrs. James Cook of Voncalla is a
guest at tbe Van Houten.
J. C. Stephens of Grants Pass is reg
istered at the Van Houten.
Mr. Sol. Abraham, who ha? been at
Glendale re veral days, returned home this
J. A. Willis of Deer Creek and J. T.
Galviu of Grants Pass are guests at the
A. King Wilson of Portland and J. L.
Corman of Tacoma are registered at the
Van Houten.
J. B. Riddle, mine host of the Hotel
Riddle, was in the city today and re
turned on the freight.
W. S. Harrington and family passed
through Boseburg today on their nay to
Myrtle Point to reside.
Go to Stanton'?, the oldest general
Abdul Hnmld Dead.
Iiunu.v, Nov. 19 A dispatch received
herefrom Sofia, Bulgaria, suys:
sultan of Turkey. Abdul Humid,
been iwisoned. No particulars
been received.
His Life Constantly ncnaccd.
for somo timo bos been in a slate of the
greatest alarm, which told terribly upon
his nerves. Rumors of tho discovery of
plots against his life became so frequent
that thoy ceased to attract attention.
Some of his miuistors have had to bo
kept constantly guarded by soldieia in
order to givo them courage enough to
transact tho business of their respective
Throughout tho night of Saturday, No
vember 10, tho most critical day for tho
Turkish empire, tho sultan was engaged
s-itting close to tho telegraph instrument
in the Yihliz Kiosk, personally dispatch
ing instructions to tbe provincial govern
ors to do their utmost to restore order
in their baliieta. This indicated that ho
hail filially detet mined to take the reins
of government iu his own hands.
A Terrible Revenge.
San Axtonio, Tex., Nov. 18. A
special from Bogota, Colombia, dated
November 15, says: Three weeks ago a
small body of soldiers were ambushed by
Indiana and killed while crossing tho de
partment of Cancan. General Keves im
mediately sant a large lorco in pursuit of
the Indiana, who wore surrounded iu a
canyon, both ends of which were hold by
troops, who hemmed tho Indians in
while uther soldiers went to tho top of
On Saturday evening November loth
Col. Taylor of the Victory mine, gave u
grand ball at his residence near the mine.
Tbe clito of this valley were present,
also several couples from Grants Pass
and Riddle, ull of whom are united in
praise of the gallant Colonel as un en
tertainer. The decorations of the danc
ing hall as well as the other rooms of
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Schlatter Cured Him.
Hoston', Nov. 19. A Bpccial to the
Standard from Westfield, Mass., says:
"Yes, sir, I am a well rami today. A
month ago I was dying from consump
tion, but, thanks to the magic baud of
Francis Schlatter, I urn well ogain."
This interesting announcement was
made by Edward O. Lynch, who has
just returned troni Denver, whither he
wont for the purpose of Ecekiug relief
at tbe bands of tbe new "Messiah."
Mr. Lynch has leeu suffering for several
years from a deep-seated pulmonary
trouble, and announced his intention of
leaving town. He was so weak that bis
folks at first were disinclined to allow
him to make the journey, but be per
sisted, haying he knew Schlatter would
cure bun. He relates his experience as
I reached Denver October 2S, and it
took me three diva to reach Mr. Schlat
ter. I said when I reached his side:
"Mr. Schlatter, I am a sufferer from lung
trouble." He did not anwer, but simply
took both my hands in his, and looking
me in the eyes a moment, finally let go
and rubbed my chest. Then be grasped
a ban kerchief 1 held out to him, and af
ter that I walkttd away. In about an
hour I began to feel like a new man.
Schlatter, to speak plainlv, is a great
physician and minister combined, and
when I was receiving his ministrations
the perspiration stood out on me like
glass beads. Now all my cough has gone,
and I fee! as htrong as Ajax.
the building were unique and beautiful.
the mountain, whence thoy throw heayy Tllu beautiful ferna which grow so lux
rocks on tho sleeping Indians, kiliinz urantly in the Cow Creek canyon were
... . .... l.f 1 . , .1
many, whilst those who tried to flee comoinuu wun ceuar anu cnoice roses,
from what tbov aunnoaed wub nn narth. and were festooned around the hall and
quake, were shot down in cold blood. It placed in pots, and roaes at every nook
is calculated bv an ovawitness of tho oi tho large building. The weird and
massacre that 200 Indians were killed,
not a Rolitary ono escaping death.
Close to Hell.
Sax Fkaxcisco, Nov. 18. The Rev.
Westwood W. Case delivered a sermon
at the Howard-street Methodist church
last night fairly burning with sugges
tion. He tuned his voice to run tho
gamut of the vice and crime of San
Francisco from the horrors of the Dur
rant case to tho revealed crimes of tho
Mahara's Minstrels.
Minstrelsy of the old-time colored va
riety held sway before a packed bouse at
Cordray's last evening and demonstrated
charming mistletoe' was a beautiful that tho familiar original minatrol show,
feature of the handsome adorning of the like the circus, holds a corner in the
hall, and reminded many of us of the hearts of every one that remembers the
Colonel's far away English home. At joys of youth. Mr. Mahara has gathered
11 :30 an elegant lunch was served after together an aggregation of conscientious
which the guests passed the hours in fun-makers, who display the saving qaul-
singing and listening to sweet music ity to all good comedians of not trying to
furnished by a line string band. In the do too much. The music is select and
morning the Colonel had his men go up well rendered, the jokes fulfiill their pur-
tho bulk head and turn on the water PO30 by making one laugh, and Uie
that set the great hydraulic mine in specialties are new and varied,
motion and the sight was a new and The individual efforts of Master Tim
novel one to many of those who were Anderson and the end work of Billy
tiast vpik nt'iiinfit. tlio infant ibimditprs
" I i ., ,i . , , i xt .. .1 11 v i . ,
of tho very poor. Hell, he said, was P 10 B nau seam at worn: xouug ..eusier were special
onlv 18 inches l.lrw tlinmiWlkiiof tho tearin8 out the huSe boulders and level- features of tbe fitst part. Mr. George L.
citv. nn.l i, m n onnallv PPrL-dn that inS the hillside, as it assisted the niners Moxley is a capital interlocutor as well
7 J I ' at. 1 t i.t a.rt si i I - 1 ' V 1 at
the young women or old, who rodo a " "'etr seareii ior weaiui. ai b o ciock iw k" uroinurs
bicvele on the Sabbath, was on the road all bade adieu to their genial entertainer executed many difficult acrobatic feats
' , . , ...... . I i ? . ? i
anu iook tne train lor nome. navingiauu cuuiuruun. ab iemaie
spent a beautiful cveninc at one of the impersonations of Leroy Bland received
to perdition. He appealed to the women
to assist in driving vice from off tho
earth, and his vast congregation
plaudcd as preachers are seldom
plauded in San Francisco.
A Brownsville Tragedy.
PoitTLAsn, Nov. 20. A triple murder
was committed in broad daylight near jrrs. A
brownsville, Or., yesterday afternoon.
Tho circumstances of the horrible crime
aro such that they cannot bo called other
than remarkable. Three eople were
shot to death by an unknown murderer,
whose motiye is unknown. Tbe yictims
are two men and a woman John Mont
gomery and his wife and D. B. Mc
Kerchcr. Very mysterious circum
stance:' surround the couimiio-ion of tho
triple tragedy. The shooting took place
at a quiet country farmhouse. Tbe shots
and screams of tho victims were beard;
fifteen minutes before tbe shooting there
had been callers at the housu and 800
yards away is a neighbor's house yet
nobody seems to know who did tbe
shooting and nobody saw the murderer
i go to tho house or leave it. There seems
to hi; no clew to tho perpetrator of the
i deed. His n.otivo does not appear when
tbe details of tbe crime arc told.
Tli at it is murder and suicide, loo, is
surmised, but the facts do not admit the
i suicide of the murderer. Tbe people of
j the Brownsville neighborhood are wild
with excitement. If suspicion pointed
' strongly to tbo perpetrator of tbe triple
killing his life would not last long
enough for final prayers.
most famous mines in Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kearney and fam
ily, who were so recently bereaved of
their beloved son and brother, are
guests of Sol Abraham at Hotel Glendale.
Mrs. C. P. Totten of Glenellen visited
Jacques today.
Mieses Ida and Fannie Wertz of
Grants Pass were visiting friends at this
place last week, and were the guests of
Mrs. J. L. Dewey.
Miss Ruth Roberta is at Myrtle Creek
the guest of her aunt and uncle Mr. and
Mrs. G. II. Stevenson.
Hotel Glendale i3 crowded with guests,
and is crowded in giving breakfast to
the host of travelers who are going by
the Shasta Limited. Moixik.
several encores. The "Ponce de Leon
quartet," composed of Mcsers. Moxley,
Stewart, Webster and Johnson, came in
for their slme of tho liberal applause
bestowed by the audiencejthroughout the
The evening's entertainment closed
with a funny song and danco, in which
the whole company joined and depicted
'Black America" in a striking sense.
The orchestra, composed of members of
tbe organization, is very satislactory, and
will doubtless play to packed houses the
blanco of the engagement. Oregonian.
At Roseburg Theater Wednesday eve
ning, iSov. L'tli. (jo.anU see them.
Elijah Kinnicntt sold his grub and
mining tools and left for parts unknown.
Grant Wells came in from Browntown
where ho has been all summer working
in the mines. His beet girl is now
John Byron butchered a number of
nice hogs last Friday.
George M. Rose tooir bi3 departure
from our midst yesterday.
E. L. Hooyer is plowing and sowing
his ground to oats.
V. R. Wells, Henry Busbnell and
others go to Portland this week to at
tend the United States court as wit
nesses in the Elda Wood case.
Miss Bessie Kester has returned home
from Roseburg and is again attending
school at this place.
Prof. Geo. Byron's school is progress
ing nicely. Allzs.
saurus seemed to enjoy the radiant ani-1 merchandise store in the city, for bar
mal heat of Carle's hand and was as ! giina in family snpplies.
docile as a kitten. Carl is a cliarmer.
it vou tiouot it, as tne holders ot in
surance policies.
Mr. Rakestraw the late manager of
the Indian school at Cbemawa, has been
made to step down and out on account of
bis unfitness for the place, and Mr.
Thomas W. Potter placed in charge.
Rakestraw, it is claimed, waa harsh and
cruel to tbe nation's wards, the Indian
boys and girls of the government.
Sam D. Evans, the prune grower of
Coles Valley, is in the city today. He
reports his output of dried prunes this
year at 23,S5o f rum his young orchard.
His Italians graded SO to 40 fcr a large
portion, the balance ranged 40 to 50.
He had only 100 pounds that graded GO
to 70. Most of bis crop graded 40 to 50.
Tbe trees are only 6 years old.
Programme of The Worsens Christian
Temperance Union mass meeting, to be
given Monday evening, Novembf r 25lb,
at the 31. E. church: Chorus, White
Rib'wa Vibrations ; prayer and scripture
Geo. K. (iuine of Kiddle, tbe prospect
ive candidate of his party for sheriff, is
registered at the McClallen.
A. Benson of Glendale, John Menin-
ger of Salem and J. S. Beckley of Oak
laud arc guests at the McClallen.
J. T. Spaugh of Looking Glass is upon
our streets, today. He biooght in a few
hundred pounds of dried prnnes for sale.
Chas. Curry of Riversido farm ii in the
city today, a- allable is his wont.
Charley is oi: of ihe solid
Joe Clough, long a of knight the whip
ami reins, but now an honest granger of
South Umpqua, is in the city on bust
Prof. J. A. Underwood, county school
superintendent, went to Oakland this
morning on business connected with
school matters.
Tbe Oregon Fruit Union shipped a car
load of dried prunes to their agent at
rhiiaueipbia, yesterday, with two or
Work of Wreckers,
Sykaccsk, N. Y Nov. 19. A deliler-
ate attempt was successfully made a few Filibusters Captured
miles west of Kome this morning to I Was iiixgtox, Nov. 29. Official infor-
wreck train No. t. on the New York Cen-' mation has deen received here of the
tral railroad, tbe engine and all tbe cars capture of tbo filibustering steamer
being ditched. Engineer Nate Hager I Horaa, and the arrest in Cuba of five
and two tramps were killed, and Fire
man Chris Wagner and Mail Clerks S.
Porter and M. J. McCarthy injured.
This is tbe second attempt within three
principal members of tbe expedition. A
dispatch from Havana states that Sun
day a Axml with five passengers and
crew arrived from Aguedores, six miles
weeks to wreck tne samo train near the i from Santiago de Cuba. They eaid they
same spot. It is on a heavy down grade,
and trains usually ran at the rate of Cj
miles an hour. It is believed the train
this morning must have been running
close to 75 miles an hour to make up a
few minutes' lost time.
The wreckers broke into tbe section
tool-house and stole tools with which
they removed tbe fishplates and pulled
out the spikes. The train consisted of
four mail cars and three sleepers. There
were 11 postal clerks and 13 passengers,
besides members of the crew.
Tbe engine was thrown into a ditch
and completely submerged in mud, only
were fisherman from Jamaica, but after
wards admitted they were on tbe way to
join the rebels and had thrown over
board their arms when discovered,
Their names are ; Fernandino Alvarez,
who hail the commission of general
from Venezuela; Fernandino Meldaz,
Francises Zaldivar, Manuel Uarotarena,
and Leonardo Vcnet, all Cubans.
As boon as the foregoing dispatch was
received the men under arrest were.ident
ified hero as well-known members of the
Cubau colony ot New York, who left
tbecity secretly on thejnight of Saturday,
November 9, boarding the steamer Horsa
reading; solo. Home of the Soul; recita- three cars more to follow soon.
tion; reading; select reading by Mrs.
hhambrook; chorus, prohibition music,
all around; recitation by Miss Laura
Smale; Tbe Oregon Builder, a general
rally ; music, a selection.
We are informed that several stalwart
republicans are about to organize a party
lodge, called the S. of S. 11. Sons of
Stalwart Republicans. They will initi
ate democrats without demits from
Jefferson Democracy, but A. P.JA'a.
must haye clearance cards from tbeir
lodges before they will be admitted.
TbeS.ofS. R. will labor to save the
union from destruction. The democrats
are urging this movement. They will
fleck to tbe S.of S. R. gladly. Any
thing to beat the A. P. A. who deny tke
right to worship God according to the
dictates of conscience.
G. W. Dement of Mvrtle Creek was in
the city yesterday. He reports that G
W. Wannacott's daughter was buried
Tucsdav. A young lady about 14 years
The Capital Journsl says: The Ore
gon Fruit Union lias packed end shipped
from Salem to the Eastern markets 43,
000 pounds of dried prunes. Is that all?
Why, that company has packed and
shipped 90,000 pounds ot dned prunes
from Roseburg already and are prepar
ing several car loads more.
The World's Fair Tests
showed no baking powder
so pure or so great In leav
ening power as the Royal.
the driving wheels on the left side being j off Cape Barnegut.
above earth. The forward mail car was i -
thrown two car lengths ahead of tho en- er0 Weather.
gine and rolled down the bank. The Caicago, Nov. 19. Snow fell heavily
second car, in which the mail clerks the lar northwest yesterday and
were working, was thrown on tho tender i chased along by a cold wave and a high
ot tho engine and badly demolished. . winu, came to tins section in a nurry
The third and ' fourth cars were also About 3 this morning snow and sleet
wrecked, the ends of both being broken, t began coming down here. The streets
The first sleeper was thrown from tho are covered with over three inches ot
rails, completely rolling over, the second ; mixed mud and snow. Telegraphic
tbe rear , communication with the Northwest and
Thomas Lasswell and family started
for Los Angeles, Cal., the 20th inst.,
where they go on account of Mrs. Lass-
well's health. They aro very much
afraid she has consumption.
Four carloads of prunes were shipped
from Kiddle this week to St. Louis.
G. K. Qaine went to Reseburg Tues
day evening on hie way to Portland to
the train robber's trial.
J. B. Riddle went to Roseburg this
week on business connected with the
Ball placer mines.
Quite a number of sick cases this
week, Grandpa Mayes is quite seriously
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and Grand
ma Cummings have moved back to Rid
die to live.
E. McBroom was visiting friends and
doing business in Riddle and Canyon'
ville Tuesday,
Mrs. Harriet Bogue is visiting Mrs.
Fiekert at Nichols Station this week.
Mr. Win. Sanderson and Little May iu
tend paying a visit to Ashland and vi
cinity in a short time.
Lr. liogue had a new barn put upon
bis property in town.
Rev. Gillett filled his appointments
here Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Iva Dean were visiting
Mrs. Dean's parents at Canyonville a
few days ago.
A. b. ic!icls of Mcuols btation was
doing business in Riddle Friday and
Mr. Martin, who lives at Mr. Hack-
lers on Cedar Flat, has been dangerously
ill but is reported some better.
Mrs. Sylvia Cutching's father, Mr.
Jones, from east of the mountains is
visiting bore. Enid
It May Do As Much For You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that be had a Severe Kidnev trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also that his bladder was
affected. He tried many so called Kid
ney cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he began use of Electric
Bitters and found relief at once. Elec
tric Bitters is especially adapted to cure
of all Kidnev and Liver troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 50c. for large bottle. At A. C.
Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store.
Darkness Prevails.
Since last Friday our city has been
without light at night. That too when
there is no "moon to rule the night."
Darkness prevails and will prevail till
probably next Saturday. An armature
of the dynamo of the Electric Light Co.
has burned out, and one to replace it
cannot bo had til! about that time. Our
nightwatch will have to carry a lantern
to avoid stumbling into the gutters and
to warn evildoers of bis approach. The
people should be doubly vigilant in fast
ening their doors, front and rear, and
fastening their nhutters. Watchfulness
is tho price of safety.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West a T&uax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Waldixo, KiN-XAX a Marvix , Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price?
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Society Doings.
Tuesday evening a social party waa
held at the residence of J. L. Fisher;
given by tbe Misses Minnie Fisher and
Helen Smith, where games and social
converse were engaged in for several
hours and was highly entertaining. Re
freshments were served to the happy
participants. Altogether it was a very
pleasant affair. The participants were :
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Sykes, Mrs. A. G.
Livingston, Mrs, 'Jrace Osburn, Misses
Ivy and Mabel Vau Buren, Pauline and
Selina Belfils, Snow Autenrieth, Fearle
Wright, Mamie Lindser, Hattie Bone
brake, Regina Rast, Nellie Wilson,
Emma Smith, Grace Smith, Mae Fisher,
Minnio Fisher, Helen Smith, Dale Wil
lis, Bert Benjamin, James Frater, George
Langeaberg, Lou Zigler, Harry Slocnm,
Claude Riddle, Dave Gelwick and Jesse
Two Lives Saved.
State or Ohio, city of Toledo,;
Franc J. Cheesy makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A
Co., doinjr business in the City of Toledo,
Conntv and State aforevd.l. and that said firm
will pay the sum of OSE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of Cataeeu
that cannot be enreu by the use of Li all s
CaTa&bii Cube. FRANK J. CUEXEY
Sworn to before me anil subscribed in my
presence mis otn uay ot ueceiuoer, A. v., i:o.
Notary Publ c.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood aud mucUos sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials.
tree. i. j. cheey & CO., Toledo, o.
sold by Drngjnsts, .oc.
Mrs. Pntebe Thomas, of Junction City.
III., was told by her doctors she had Con
sumption and that there was no hope for
tier; nut two Dottles Lr. runc'a iNew Dis
covery completely cured her and she says
it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139
Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from
a dreadful cold, approaching Consump
tion, tried without result everything else
then bought one bottle of Dr. King's
New Discoyerv and in two weeks was
cured. He is naturally thankful. It ia
such results, of which these are samples.
mat prove, tne wondertui emcacy ot Una
medicine iu Coughs and Colds. Free
trial bottles at A. C. Marsters & Co.'.
Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and t.COs
sleeper turned on its side, and
sleeper did not leave tbe track.
Two tramps found dead are supposed
to have been stealing a ride on tho for
ward end of ttie first mail car directly iu
tbe rear of the engine.
Anxiety Felt at Havana.
D .. ....... in t ol.nim in.
been received from a Cuban sympathizer j
in Key West which is highly pleasiog to
the colony here. It not only states that
inanv points in the West is seriously
interrupted. Trains are delaved on
several railroads in the west and north,
From the Manitoba line zero weather is
reported, rapidly moving south and east,
' All telegraphic communication with St,
Paul, Mitiucaiolis, Duluth and other
cities northwest have been cut off.
From Tuesday's Daily.
N. A. Neilson and W. W. Coburn
Portland are at the McClallen.
James Denning of Looking Glass is in
the city, a guest of the Van Houten.
P. B. Whitney and Robt. Cull of Port
land are registered at the Van Houton.
U. G. Smith, A. N. Smith, C. F. Beal-
mnn anil T. 1". (.oilman of l'nrllnnd nrn
Captain Sweeney, u. fc. A., ban Diego KsUa&1 McClallen.
J. H. Lee, G. W. Miller of Portland
Cal., cava: "Shiloh'fl Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50c.
II you are in need of a euit for the boy
you will appreciate a cut in price like
this. An all-wool f5-suit for $3.58, and
others in proportion at the Novelty
An interesting line of stamped goods
may be seen at the Novelty Store, com
prising ecarfs.splaehers, doylies, squares,
wall pockete, etc. Prices to rait the
times. 3Iust be seen to be appreciated
Subscribe for the Daily Plaindealeb
and secure the very entertaining serial
Btory, "Imperial Millions," by that en
tertainine writer. Julius Hawthorne
Thifl etory itself is worth the price ofeub-
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Cbatanooga
Tenn., saye, "Shilo's Vitalizer uaved my
life. I consider it the best remedy for a
and N. G, Engledon of Grants Pass are
guests at the Van Houten.
It is reported that 31 rs. Gihlland is
very sick at her residence, corner of
Stephens and Moeber streets.
Today the weather is rather chiliy. A
heavy fog rests over this valley. Mer
cury stands at 50 degrees Fabr.
T. B. Pitta of Drain, F. G. Tony of
Yoncalla and H. C. Rathe of Chicago
are registered at tbe McClallen.
Turkejs, turkeys roost ye high,
Cleveland wants a turkey pic.
His edict. It has irons forth,
Through the South, also the North,
Likewise the West also the East,
That your carcass' yield a feast.
so, jc gobblers, roosi jc hlsjb,
Or you'll make Thanksgiving pic;
For thanksgiving that the debt
Of tbe nation la bigger yet.
Than when on the throne he set
In eighteen hundred ninety-two.
And took the oath that ho'd be true
To ever interest in tho land
And for the rights of all would stand
Firm, unshaken, hot or cold,
And would not sell out for gold.
For thlr, thankfnl wc must be.
And snatch you Irom tho trie,
"tN'rlngyour neck, your caress roast,
And oer It make this thankful toast.
That the country Is prosperous,
Although the pops still make a fuss
And thank the Lord It Is not win.
A Populist.
Rumors Untrne
Havana, Nov. 20. Rumors that the
much anxietv nrevaila amonu tho officials! Spanish generals, Aldavae
at the Cuban-capital regarding the pos- ! aldez, had
School Report.
Report of Eldorado school, district 71,
for month ending November 15, 1S95:
Those averaging above SO per cent
First grade. Anna Conn 90, M iy Jones
SS, Mollie Jones S6, Creolee Conn So.
Second grade : Alex Conn SO, Henry
Conn SS, Willie Jones SO.
Third grado and others: Gracie Olm-
stead 96, Otis Conn 90, Rose Preschern
SO, Isidore Daniels 97, Waitie Jones 99,
Luther Daniels 95, Roecoe Conn 9
Lillie I'rcschern S9.
Number of pupils enrolled,
age attendance 17.
Sarah Noah, Teacher,
Qualified to Teach
The following applicants huvo been
Last week the sheriff tar collections granted certificates by tho oxumiuing
amounted to $2,290.95. There are about board at tho teachers' examination just
$7000 yet to collect, including tbe poll closed.
ax first grade: M. O. ilooton.
-a.m. nndnr fcewndgiwJe: Mary b. Hansen, Lit
siblo fate of Do Camios, whose head
quarters are gradually being surrounded
by the revolutionists' forces, but fears
are entertained for Havana itself, and
preparations are being hurried to
strengthen defenses. The message reads
as follows:
Key West. Nov. IS. Much alarm
exi3ts in official circles in cotisequeuco of i
the confirmation of a rumor that tho
chief of tho insurgents, Maximo Gomez,
is now five hours distant from tho head
quarters of Martinez de Cumpos, near
Santa Clara. Tho eldest son of General
CauqiOB, accompanied by an inepectorof
artillery, has today reconnoitered on
horeeback tho outskirtsof Havana, locat
ing the strategic injiuts where are to bo
placed tbe new batteries of heavy Krtipp
cannon which will shortly arrive and will
bo employed in dofenso of the city."
and Suaroz
liccn killed and General
Luquo wounded in an ongageuiont with
insurgents, has proved uutme, as has
also the report that Maximo Gomez, tho
insurgent commander, was drowned
while wading across the Zara river.
About Oregon Stock.
A 1-cent levy is soon to be made
the Sheepmen's Protective Union,
Gilliam county, and then there will
nmnle inonev on hand to pay off
able to be up again and reported off tho
sick list.
Subscribe for tbe daily now and ee
debilitated system I ever uBed." For cure me senai story -Amperau .muiuuo
DyroepBia, Liver or Kidney trouble it by Julius Hawthorn, a romance of thrill
xcels. Price 75c.
There will be services each evening
of this week at the Weet Roseburg
church preparatory to the quarterly
A, Giveus, Anna Barzce.
Third grado: Ida Harvey, Bessio
Smith, Elsie Cannon, Geo. W. Leeper,
Carrie Place, David Parker.
conference eervice, which will be held
at that place next Saturday and Sunday.
All are cordially invited to attend theEC
services. Wu. Stewabt, P. E.
WsB. McLAcr, Paetor TJ.B. Cliurcb.
ing interest.
Mr. aDd Mrs. T. J. Kearney and
daughters, Lena and Carrie, went to
Glendale Sunday. They will be absent
several days.
J. M. Webster of BurnBlde, ra., is in
the city looking for a suitable locality for
settlement, where ho can enjoy our
eanable climate the remainder of his
Lost and Found.
Tho greatest of all temperanco plays,
the cantata "Lost aud Saved," will be
given at the Opeia Hougo by home tal
ent under tho auspices of the W. C. T
U., by W. C. Aylswortb, on Saturdyy
evening, November 23. The cuntata
abounds in beautiful music, pathetic and
comic eccnees. Prices, 15, 25, and 35
Bible In the Public Schools.
Ciiit'Aoo, Nov. 18. Biblo reading in
the public schools was the subject of a
short but animated controversy ut the
meeting of the Chicago labor congress
last oyening. Delegato HoppB, secre
tary of tho congress, introduced a resolu
tion protesting against the suggested in
novation, on tho ground that tho schools
should bo devoted to tbo teaching of eco
nomic principles aud thiuga of practical
life, leaving tho matters of religion to
tho choico of tbo individual. Ho urged
that instead of "Eelect passages from tbo
Bible," tho school board should cause
"choico selections from writers on trade
unionism" to be read to tho pupils The
resolution was adopted with little opposition.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
The Democratic Party.
Henry Watterson is mightily disgusted
with politics and his party. When in
Atlanta recently ho said to a reporter:
"I am out of tho knock-down uud drag'
out politics which factionalism and fav
oritism aud hellish personal ambition
have projected Uou tbo country. I have
never had any stomach for the concrete
things of political life. I regard office as
a kind of bribery. As long as it seemed
that moral forces and organized ideas
were objectivo poititt), I waa ready to do
my part. But great policies have yielded
to petty wrangles. After my lecture is
ovor I am going abroad with my family
for a yoar. Per haps, when tbo inevita
ble result of tbo prevailing overflow of
rant and fustian has buen reached, tbo
democratic party may begin to put two
and two together with tbo aim of making
four. Ab it is, if one of tho prophets
Bhould riau from tho deaJ, ho could not
restore order out of this chaos. Wo bavo,
in fact, no democratic party at all
merely an ugglomeratiuii of quiddities
thrown together by tho upheaval of the
times a inonntor without a head run
ning wild through a wilderness of politi
cal iucurtituu.
covoto bounty claims. At present there
is shortage, owing to coyote scalps com
ins in with unlooked-for rapidity. The
bounty has been in operation a little
over two months, and sheepmen say
that no sheep to speak of have been
killed in the last month.
District Convention.
The district convention of the different
departments of the Christian church,
embracing church, Sunday School, Y
P. S. C. E. and C. W. B. M. for the Gth
District of Oregon, embracing the coun
ties of Douglas, Coos and Curry will be
held in the Christian church in this
citv, commencing on the evening of
Nov. 2Sth and continuing over Sundav
the 1st ot December, lho program is
being prepared and will be published in
a few days. Several noted church, Sun
day School and Christian Endeavor
workers from abroad will be present.
Knights of the Maccabees.
The State Commander wrtrta us from
' I ntlmr mpmiMmi fnr ivlinr. sppmiil In lw n
very obstinate cough in our two children
we tried Dr. king s New Discovery and
at tho end of two days the cough entirely
left them. Wo will not be without it
hereafter, as our experience proves that
it cures where all other remedies fail."
Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Whv
not give this great medicine a trial, as it
IB guaranteed and trial bottles are tree at
A. C. Marsters & Co.'s Drug fctore. Reg
ular size 50c. and $1.00.
A Soap Bubble Party.
List nielli about a score of juveniles
gave Master Clifford Benson a surprise
by calling upon him without sending in
their cards. The party of little folks was
entertained till a late hour, amusing
themselves, Montgolfier like, in Eending
aloft soap bubbles and watching them
ride the air like ininature worlds.
Though they did not philosophise upon
the phenomena, they enjoyed the spurt
more intently perhaps than did Newton
the falling appls. These little folks
were "as happy as happy could be." and
will doubtless after dream over it as oaa
of the happy events of their lives.
The Pcttou Water Motor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse
iower affords tho most convenient, eco
nomical and reliable power for all light
service. One of these may bo seen run
ning at this office. Send for circulars
The Pelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
St., San Francisco, Cal.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to persons bold
mg Koseburg citv warrants numbered
OlU, OiU, OOl, O50. oSU, OSl , OXI, O'J-
aud 393, indorsed prior to November 19,
1S92, to present the sujie at the treasur
er's office in the city hall for payment,
as interest will cease thereon after the
date of this notice.
Dated this 15th day ofNoueuiber. 1S95,
at Roseburg, Oregon.
J. A. Perkins, City Treasurer.
Nervons Shock.
E. W. Joy Company Gentlerocnr Thin l
the lirt time 1 have attempted to write for
three years. Have been so nervous and weak
that 1 have laid in bed for most of the time.
A iriend who had taken your Sarsaparilla
sent me two bottle. The second one is most
pone, and I have gained S pounds, and surelr
loel a new woman. I was pale. thin, no am
bition. Had given up, as I had tried so manr
rtmedica and doctor, but found no benefit. If
you care to publish this you have ruv consent.
(Slgneil) A. TXLXJIAN,
Alameda, CL
Uesdsche. Bllliousuess and Tornid LiverTdis-
appear when you take Joy's Vegetable Sarsa-
Will Rebuild.
Tho Capital Journal says Hon.
Thomas Kay will rebuild a woolen mill
at Salem, destroyed by tire a few days
ago. A number of prominent citizens
will contribute liberally for that purpose
and the employes will donate a month's
wages to assist him in rebuilding.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awvdcd Cold Medil Midwinter Ftlr, Sin Frtadsca.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned hereby tender our
friends and neighbors our heartfelt
thankB for their many acts of kindness
and sympathy during the illness, death
and burial of our loved sou Edward.
Mr. and Mus. E. L. Gn.viN.
Preaching at Pine Grove.
There will be services at Pine Grove,
Deer Creek, the beginning ot the years
work, on next Sunday at 3 p. ui. by
Rev. G. . Kennedy, pastor. A cor
dial welcome extended to all.
Treasurer's Notice.
-Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to November 2, 1S91, to
present the same at tho treasurer's
office in the court house for payment, as
interest will cease thereon after , tb
date of this notice.
Dated this the 14th day of November,
1S95, at Roseburg, Douglas countv
Oregon. Wm. A. IVvm:,
Countv Treasurer.
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrona and myself by selling strictly
for casiu T. Bknepick, Undertaker.
Roseburg. Ore., April 12, 1S95.
Awarded .
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
"Lost and Saved," at the opera house,
Saturday night.
Is Marriage a Failure?
No. If you wish to marry, aud will
send your address for application blank
and full particulars lo
The Pacific CoiiitEiiroNDiNii Agency,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream BaKing Powder
Forty Years the Standard.
Teachers' Review Class.
those not n ltdiing to take either i l U t-
regular courses in tint Normal, cut now
enter u class for tht Review of I hu com
mon briini'lmH mid methods. Drills in
elocution and reading daily. VddriR, Normal.
The Vlavl Company
Hhvh apiMiiiilMl ,Uk. .1. II. Simp as
local iiptt-'wubdiu' nl the company at
Koseburg. All orders by mail prumplly
ttended to.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.