The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 11, 1895, Image 4

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    . A Trip to MyrtlcCrcek.
Wednesday morning General Bjnrs of
tho Soldiers' Homo took in his back fivo
other members of tho Mystic Order, J ,
Wobb, S. Caro, Pap Patterson, 0. Gn
lmni and ye reporter, and that other citi
zen, G.W. Kimball, and started for Myr
tlo Creek to attend tho funeral of n de
ceased Mason, George Weaver, of that
A Salruiau, J. I. Chaptnaii, Clone
Parrott, N T. Jowctt, J. It. Gawfield and
J. Giyens had preceded us on tho same
mission in buggies.
The morning air was cold, crisp and
frosty, rendering overcoats and mittens
comfortable adjuncts to our apparel. We
enjoyed the rido hugely until we came to
ltobert's Hill. Here it was found advis
able to "hoof it" to tho summit. As wo
went puffing and wheezing up the hill,
visions of a ''hold-up" wero intruded up
on our minds and a fear more chilling,
than the cold air caused seme of us to
tremble. Tho matter was duly canvassed
at the foot of the hill before starting on
tho fearful climb. We say fearful be
cause on this hill the "lone highway
man" has been known to order "hands
up" of morothan one traveler, and "gone
through him" and relieved him of his
hard earned coin. After comparing notes
on tho state of our several finance, it
was fonnd that if held up the robber
would not reahzo much that would bo of
vilae to him. Ono brother had a bogus
halMulIar, which he proposed to savo
by putting it into the shoe cf his corned
foot, increasing his lameness and thus
elude the robber'u grasp Oco had a
nickel, another had "nary a nickel."
Ona had a jack-knife he could part with
if demanded. Ye reporter had nothing
but a copy of tho Plalndealek of any
valne, so he consoled himself with the
idea that, as he vras soliciting subscri
pts for the Puiindealek, ho might find
a man to "take it," and thus get a bulge
oa the Review, where its teachings
might do some good ; and so with this in
spiring idea went bounding up the steep
hill noted for "hold upa."
After half aaTjour'a climb no arrived
at the summit safe and sound without
the less of a nickel, hot the waste of a
little muscle and eatra breath. When
we arrived at the summit and looked
over Round Prairie and the South Ump
qua beyond, glinting in the sunlight like
a burnished silver 1-and set with dia
monds, our company with one accord
involuntarily ejaculated "Isn't that a
grand sight:" "It is beautiful." After
enjoying the enchanting scene a few
moments we all "piled in" aud bean
the serpentine descent, Jehu like. The
general being an old pioueer pointed oat
to us all along the route places of inter
est. He pointed cut one of more interest
to him than to his listeners. It was the
place where he wooed, won aud wed one
of Umrqua's lair maidens 40 years ago,
when his locks, now silvery, were aub
urn. Yes. General Brars has seen and
experienced much of the Hps and downs
of Douglas county life He has fought
the Indians and endured many hard
ships bnt the greatest ordeal of his
eventful life was "popping the question."
While thus enjoying remenicecces of
pioneer life we came to the village of
Myrtle Creek and reined up at the Orer
land hotel mine host, George
Stephenson, where we ail refreshed tho
inner man with tho good things which
gladden the hungry soul. Hero ye re
porter made it his temporary abode and
bfgan to do the town. Being the first
visit in Eve years wo were favorably im
pressed with the extent and substantial
improvements of the village. We were
informed that there were erected thirteen
new buildings last summer, mostly dwell
ings. Probate Proceedings.
In tho matter of John Schram, de
ceased, administrator, John Von Pessl
was authorized to erect a monument for
?50 and pay same out of funds of tho
estate. Sale of property was confirmed
and administration ordered to make
deed to purchaser.
In the matter of the estate of Stephen
Howard, time continued for final settle
ment for the term.
In tho matter of Henry S. Howard, de
ceased, Geo. Carpy was appointed guar
dian of minor heirs.
In the matter of the petition of A. C.
Marks requiring additional bonds by A.
Marks, administrator of tho estate of S.
Marks, deceased, time was given till
Xov. IS.
In matter of estate of Albert McGuire,
deceased, E. A. Hinkle was appointed
administrator. Probable value is $1300.
In matter, of guardianship of Wm.
Young, an incompetent person. Andrew
Young was appointed guardian, giving
bonds for $130.
In tho matter of Ellen Hendricks, in
sane, T. It. Sheridan was appointed
guardian, bonds for $1500 filed and ap
proved. F. B. Waite of Roberts creek met
with a burglarious loss Thursday night.
His smoke houso was forcibly entered
and COO pounds of pork taken therefrom.
Those fellows are doubtless going into
tho pork-packing business; at all events
they packed it off and will euro it for Mr.
Waito. Thus a new enterprise has been
instituctd in Douglas county, with what
results wo will learn later on.
An avalancho in Utah. Tho Gentiles
havo slid down upon tho Saints and
over-whelmed them, ami woo is mo,
eaith Crane, the democratic candidato for
From Friday's Dally.
C. F. Briggs of Portlaud is in tho city
F. J. Younger of Cottage Groyo is in
tho city.
J. A. Wmldlo of Portland is at tho
Lloyd Mynatt of Riddlo was in town
John Disou of San Francisco is tho
city today.
W. T. Creason of Oak Creek is in
town todny.
W. A. Williams of Castlo Rock is in
town today.
A. P. Brown of Fisher is a guest at the
Van Houten.
Annio Reed of St Paul is a guest at
tho McClallen.
J. L. Clmney of Mjrlle Creek was in
town yesterday,
G. R. Atteberry eame down from Mt.
Scott yesterday. ,
Maurice "Winter of Portland is stop
ping at tho McClallen.
E. and L. Marx of Portland arc reg
istered at the Van Houten.
G. J. Atkins and G. E. Milligon of
Chicago are registered at the Van Hou
ten. E. Trowbridge, Thos. Dayton and Thos.
Sickles of Camas Valley wore in town
Miss Zclia Zigler returned on last
night's overland from her visit to Jack
sonville and Medford.
G. W. Peters of Oakland, who has just
returned from Portland and the expo
sition, is hi the city today.
H. P. Hayes, the Fall creek school
teacher, was sentenced to ono year in
the penitentiay for incest committed
upon his niece.
J. H. Skifftngton and Jake Chadwick
passed through Roseburg this morning
with an engine to bo used in the Green
Mountain mines.
Cha?. Kirk, who resides near the fair
grounds, hasjast traded ranches with
Jack Wilson of Canyonville and will
leave with his family for his new home
The executivo uummitte of the Sol
diera' Home beard Uja uudited the bills
of that institution for October. The ex
penditures were $1203. Of this, $ 100 was
for repairs.
James Williams of CorvallLs, tho jail
builder who has furnished all but four of
the steel jiils built in Orecon, Washing
ton and Idiho for the past twelve years,
is taking in the sights about town today,
in company with his old friend, Jmlco
Froa fatnnlif " Ittlly.
I. S. West does insurance. Office
.opposite the post office,
A. W. Stanton and wife of Brock way
wero doing business in town today.
A. J. Darlow of Grants Pass, and J. U.
McGee late uf Bohemia are guest3 at the
Van Houten.
D. McWillianis, R. L. Ingram and S.
D. Whitsett of Deer Creek are registered
at the McClallen.
S. J. Brent of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and
Robert Scott of San Jose, Cal., aro guests
at the Van Houten.
W. Lowden, Geo. Whitlow, X. Whit
low and H. L. Engles of Peel are regist
ered at McClallen's.
R. Pullen and wife of Camas Valley
and C. E. Scovern of St. Louis are
registered at the Van Houten.
The Sugar Pine Mill &. Fixture Com
pany, of Albany, made ila first shipment
of chairs from the chair factory last Mon
day. Prof. W. Elmer Spoon, one of Douglas
county's progressive teachers, now of
Brockway, made us a pleasant call to
The city is full of country folk today
They avail themselves of the fine weath
er to do their shopping before the
rains begin.
W. T. Emery and D. J. Collins of
Oakland, and W. R. Wells and Miss
Sada Wells of Olalla are registered at
the McClallen.
Tho preliminary trial of Ed Dompier,
sot for today, has been continued till 1
o'clock on account of the absence of im
portant witnesses.
W. T. York has scvored his connection
with the Medford Mail, having sold his
nterest to A, A. Batterson, formerly of
Ellensburg, Wash.
W. E. Cochran of Looking Class, D
W. Collins of Wardton, W. C. Winston
of Winston and John Hall of Mvrtle
Creek arc registered at the McClallen,
The Churchill, Woolley & McKenzic
Hardware Co. have just received the
largest and best assortment of lamps
ever brought to Roseburg. They make
a fine display. They aro reasonable in
price. Take a look at them.
"Oh Kentucky, yo hunters of Ken
tucky, what havo yo found?" Con
ceivo yourselves quito lncky upon that
bloody fground, thoso noblo steeds aro
plucky are pawing up the ground,
where Bonurbon drinks aro plenty and
blue gras does abound. Thoro, for tho
first ti- in history, a republican gov
has b i elected. "Oh Kentucky, yo
hunturo of Kentucky."
Subscribe for tho Plmndealeh.
The Veterans Ratify.
Friday afternoon tho old soldiers of
tho Homo dragged their artillery upon
tho hill above tho bridge in West Rose
burg, and in tho presonco of tho assem
bled multitude fired Bovoral salutes in
honor nf tho republican victories iu tho
recent election, and afterwards listened
to an address by Hon, Eingor Hermann.
Mr. Hermann's remarks woo replete
with patriotic sentiment, nud wero lis
tened to with marked attention by tho
old veterans. Ho dwelt particularly up
on the principals of protection, as laid
down by tho republican party aud car
ried out by them in tho past, and con
trasted it with tho ruinous freo trade
policy of tho present administtation, and
assured his hearers that the result of tho
elections just past wero hut the forerun
ners of a still greater victory in 1890.
D. S. K. Buick and John II. Shupo also
tnado brief and appropriate speeches en
dorsing tho sentiments expressed by Mr.
It pai-l in lulrancc
JHN, 1597
io eat ara
sfi'fl better When
tnzxde witfi
or mev ara
Yd are easfy d
roffoLEME t's better
Genuine made cn!y by
iJe- 'li for nil 9
tics throngS
natures own
proper chan
nels. Joy's
cures Dys-
Ce p 8 1 a ,
b r on Ic
Co c: plaint
and Kidae?
I.. . '., aud
ii : ,5.55 00
r2S or
dcadiy poU-c-
Joy 3
robs tfce
Mjcxl cf all
Its impari
ties, and
co"irJ alt
these Uapurt-
Joy's Vegetable
prevents tired feel
ings, BtagRerine sca-
Eations, palpitation
of heart, rush of
blood to the head,
dizziness, ringing in
cars, spoU before tho
eyes, headache, bil
ioasncE3,conjti potion
of bowels, pam3 in
tho backpnelancholy,
tongQQ coated, foul
breath, pimples oa
face, bodV and limb.
declineofnervo force
diay spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
fect and hands, sour
r bines, fatifrue. in
somnia, and all dis-
, Joj ,9 VesstabJe Sar-
i-4i , ui.i 13 -ciu uj ail
5r -liiij. Refuse a j
ggP ray fur i :ehcstscela2t !
KStSiKs Tea tttae best, c I
This extra
ordinary Kc
JOTenjUcr 1.1
lb9 most
discovery of
tho age. it
liu been en
dorsed by tli 0
men of
Smrpo cad
Hndjan is
curcly vegts
table. Iladjan rtops
of tfco dls-
FalUcg Sen.
of the eyes
acu oiaor
and tencstto
Hadjan" cures
end restores
cbtrgo in CO
days. Cans
wcas orcacs.
Fains in the
bner, losct
by dar 01
rn!pfclr. OrsrifMDrlrntacEdo-EaaoEtj.
I'.fjictnrenos rif res iairotenry in l!io Ertt
ttise. It is a tvaplcsn of seminal wcatness
.nd barrenness "It am to slopped ia CO days
7 tho co o f Hndysn.
Tliorcw discovery vras maiJo by thoSpeclat
istjof tho old fruncniSHuSsoa Medical Institute.
It is tfco slionBCrt vliallztr made. It is very
rowirftil, but baini'i.-ES. Sold for S1.C0 a paci
BccerG pactases for SA.C0 (plain scalwt boxes).
Written Kiaranteo given for a euro. Ifyoubuy
fixbixe-spid are net entirely cured, edx mora
will tnicont to vou frro of all cbarses.
Bondfjr clrrulrs,ind tCTtlmnnialj. Ad-lrcss
timctiuu Stockton, Clarke t A: Kills
Kan I-ViiiiclKro, Cut-
lromptly eccared. 'iTntle-Mark. CopyrljrMj
nod Isabels reiclstcrcil. Twent7-flvo years -perienco.
Wo report whether patent cpn
sccurod or not, rreo of charvo. Our teo r,'t
until patent Is Allowed. UVSpusit llnoli Krr
H. B, WILLSON &. CO., Atun.i Kt Law.
Opp.U.B.lnt.oaico. WASHINGTON, CV.
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t Costs no more than inferior ipackage soda
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American Agriculturist
7S Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
Tiic Plaiudealer,
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If Business Is Not Good-
The Plaindealer's
Are the Rootersgfor theBusine&sflen of Douglas County.
Days of 49 Whisky.
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