THE PLAINDEALER NOVEMBER 11, 1895. Xbo Churches. B&rTiR Chukck corner of Lug ui r0 itrceu. Sunday BcttIcc: Preaching, n a. ia. and 7:30 p. m.; Young People's Union. CSO run.; Mr. Q. N. Ann m. President; Sunday School, 10 c. a.; James Chamberlain. Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Thursday evening at 7:30. RT. Q. N. Akkks, Pastor. Residence, No. 821 Main BtrccL HmioDirr CacacH corner ol Mala and Lane streets. Sunday Bctrloo: Prcachlnx, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; F. V. Woollcy, Superintendent; Class Meeting at cloao ol tho morning scrrlcc; Epworth Leaguo 630 p. a. Claro Home, President. Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at730 p. m. Rsv. G.W. Kkcsidy, Pastor. Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. Pkxsbytks&c Cacacu corner ol Cass and Rows streets. Sunday Service: Pupllc worship, a-m. and 733 p. a.; Sabbath School, 10 a.m.; V. P. S. C. S.,7 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day, 7:30 p. a. R. B. DttwoatH, Pastor. The W. C. T. O. n eels every second and fourth Thursday evening at the residence, ol Mrs. Wa. Smith. Ths Lotal Taxrrsajscx Lroios will meet at tho M. E. Church Wednesday at S p.m. A. C. SupL U. S. Deportment of Agriculture Weather Bureau. R04IBCIG, Ore., November 10, IS 5 Rixoxrrea J? m- rciac time S0.ll. 15 p. a. Pacific Umc-30.23. Maligna temperature, SI. Minimum tcapcralarc tL Rainfall for the !l hours ending 5 p. m., .51. Total rainfall since 1st ot month, M ATtrsge rainfall for this month for IS years, 3.39. Total rainfall from Sept. 1. lSXi, to date, 2.79. Averapj monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, liOS, to date, L37. Accnmulcted dcCenelcncy from Sept. 1, 195, to dale. V. ATerage prcdpiuilon for IS wet seasons. Si CI. Tho. Giesox. Observer. PoartasD, Or., November 11. lias: 11 a. a. ncather forecast for the next 30 hours, for RoKburt: and Tldnltv: Monday and Taesdar fair and cooler weather. Pagcs. Local Forecast pari si. LITTLE LOCALS. Bay j oar dears at the Roseleaf. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Go to A. C. Mareters A Co. lor school books. Hunter & Hume, at the depot, keep the beet plows and harrows. Smoked eye glasses at J. T. Bryan's from 10 cents to 73 cents a pair. Spectacles and eyo glasses in gold, nickel and fteel bo at J T. Bryan's. II. il. Martin will pajr cash lor grain delivered at bis warehouse in Koseburg. Sakznan sells bis goods for cash. Boy of him and joa par for no bad accounts. If Dr. Strange cannot folly satisfy yon wilh dental work, there will he no charge. J est receii eu at Uie liosa blore a new inroice of choice clothing. Cheap for cash. If von have daily mail service, try the daily PuutDEiiTB for a montli. It will cost only 25 cents. Call and examine the new goods at tbe Variety store, one block east of the depot, corner of Pine and Lane Streets. Until XoTember the 15th I will make fine cabinet sized photographs of babies for $1,50 per dozen at the Photo Tent on Jackson streeL X. Bice, at bis ware rooms on Jackson opposite Harks' iron front, hat choice household fa mi tore and tin ware at prices to suit the times. Remember that tbe most successful and experienced dentist in Kosebarc is located in tbe Taylor & Wilson block. Call on him for your wotk. Dr. Strange, the dentist, has removed his office to the Taylor & Wilson build ing. Call and eeo him in bis new quarters if you want first-class dental work. N. Bice, one of our enterprising fami tare dealers has now on sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish Give him a call before purchasing else where. If your teeth ache or arc decayed, or if voa want an artificial set go to Dr. Strange in tbe Taylor & Wilson block, Tbe best of work, the lowest price and folly warranted. Dr. J. W. Strange will bo in Canyon ville from Sunday, November 10, until Wednesday, November 13, and desires tboee requiring dentistry to call on him while be is there. Wasted Cigar salesman. Good sal ary and expenses. New plan. Biggest inducements. Experience unnecessary. Sample furnished. Reply with stamp. L. SIkbiukdt a Compasy, Cbicago. The traveling public will be pleased to know that the McCallen house is now managed by the queen of the culinary art, Mrs. D. C. McClallen, whose table is sought by the votaries of good living. Jerry J, Wilson, Boseburg'a manufact uring jeweler, commonly called "81ow Jerry," for abort, on account ol his al ways having work intrusted to his care completed and ready for delivery at tbe time promised, has just received a large invoice of spectacles, and has now the most complete assortment of glasses in the city. Call and baye your eyea tested and get glasses to suit them. Any style of mounting desired, and prices very reasonable. BRIEF MENTION. M. S. and S. M. Cobb of Dilhird are at I tho McClallen, W. T. Knighton of Salem is reciRtered at Uie McClallen. J. L. Williams of Corvallis is n imcst at the Vanllouten. A new invoice of dry goods just re ceived at tho Boss store. Mrs. M. A. and Alzema Cod i rati aro registered at tho Vanllouten. If diplomas count for any thini:. Dr. Lowe is a good optician ho has four. Win. A. Wroo and wifo of Sulphur Springs aro registered at tho Vanllouten. E. L. Ingram, T. J. Whitsett, J. W. Bird and wifo registered at tho McClal len. Lost Five small keva attached to a chain. Finder will please leavo at tho depot. D. Patterson has tho contract for re pairing the north end of Deer creek bridge. The Daily Pl.undealkk will bo sent to all subscribers, paying in advance, for two dollars a year. The traveling public will keep its eyo on tho McClallen, kept by tho popular hostess, Mrs. McClallen. J, P. fiixBon, tho boss Bolicelor for men's wear is in tho city today, as affa ble as when times wero good. Lots of "well clad-' eyea to be seen on our streets these latter days. Guess Dr. Lowe is the cause. Ho is at the Van lloutcn. The teachers examination begins Wednesday at 1 p. m. Tho examination will be conducted in the court room at tho court house. Hon. W. S. Vanderburg of Marshfield has gone to Washington as a delegate to the general assembly of the Knights of Labor which meets tomorrow. The chief and only real issuo iu the next presidential campaign will be pro tection to American industries. All others will bo mere side issues. One of tho lurnacesia the school house for furnishing warmth to the school rooms has becomo so demoralized as to be useless, and stoves have to bo substi tuted. There will be preaching iu tho West Ro&eburc church on next Sabbath at 11a. m., and in the U. B. Church in Roseburg at 7:30 p. m. W. H. McLat.v, Pa stor. The case of Ed. Dompier, set for Salur- uay, was uiscnisseu by tuo non appear ance of Uio prosecuting witness. Such proceedings ought not to lw approved. He who brings charges against a person ought to le on hand at the lime set tor the triaL Married, at the residence of tho groom on Stephen street, tcday, Monday, Nov ember II, at 10 a. m., John W. Mul.'en and Mrs. Mary B. Sacrey, John Hamlin, J. P., officiating. This happy couple in stead of frittering away time and money on a useless bridal tour begin housekeep ing immediately no indulgence in youth ful sentimentality and settle down to businesslike sensible folks. Mrs. Helen Dickinson Harford will lecture this (Monday) evening at 7 :30 in the Presbyterian church, on the enact ment of the last legislature, "Shall the Women of Oregon be granted the Fran chise?" You are invited to attend. She will speak under the auspices of the Edenbower W. C. T. U. at their church, on Tuesday evening at i :30, and at Myrtle Creek on Wednesday evenin: Mrs. Harford is well known through the county and needs no recommendation You will be interested if you go to hear her. OAKLAND. Mr. McKesson's racket store oponcd Saturday. A. E. Maltby, attorney at law, has lo cated here lately. E. G. Young A Co. shipped ;two hun dred turkeys to Portland last week. Air. iiammiite a cmid, ol wiiom wo spoke somo time ago, is improving and getting along nicely. The Oakland Flour Mill Co. havo been blasting out the rock in the bottom of their well to form a basin that will givi them a larger storage for water to supply their engine. We learn that new furnaces lare being constructed for tuo cinnabar mmo Shoestring valley and it is tho intention to work the mines quite extensively as soon as everything is in working order. Meesrs. Ed., Elmer and Dave Parker and Harvo Mahoney expect to attend tho teacher's examination at Roseburg this week. Succces to you boys, W. T. Turner & Co. have sold their general merchandise storo to Messrs, Phil and John Beckloy, who will con duct the business. Thoy will bo pleased to have the patronago of the old and new customers. Willie, son ot Mr. James B. Mackay who baa been sick for some timo with brain feyer died Sunday morning about o'clock. Thore wai a goodly attoudanco at the funeral which took place Sunday afternoon. Tiuldv For Rent. A small farm near the school and iwst- ofOce. Reasonable terms. Address enauire of W. B. Wells, P. M., Olalla Douglas county, Oregon. A Trip to-flyrtle Creek. No. 2. :Vftor taking a general survey of this cosy little villago on tho creek whoso name it bears, wo began intorviowing the men to learn tho nature and extent of their hiiBine&a and prospects. Of courso tho postolfico of a town is the point from which radiates all tho infor mation needed for a newspaper man to begin his inquiries. Goo. W. Wannacott is tho postmaster horo, a genial gentleman ; and besides refilling with tho mail pouches and dis tributing mail to tho citizens, ho furn ishes them with groceries, stationery, patent mo'licino, tobacco, cigars, hard ware, etc. Goo. Weaver, recently deceased, erected last summer tho largest storo- building in tho town and had il well, ! stocked with goods of gcnoral merchan dise, and was doing a good business. Tho gentlemanly manager, John Motz, stated that ho understands tho widow will continuo the business. Hezekiah Dyer, at tho old stand of F. M. Gabbert, is also engaged in general merchandising. He carries quite an ex tensive stock of goods and keeps up with the times good democratic times ind is hopeful of the future. He evidently has an ere on the next change of admin istration as an earnest of letter times. A. Fenton it Sou nre just completing fino furniture store. They will also lo undertaking work. They will re move soon from their old stand to the new, where they will have more room. K. M. Duncan keeps a drug store near the post oflice. Ho has a neat lit tle store and carries nearly all articles usually kept by a druggist, such a3 paints, oils, chemicals and cigars. He is doing a good business. J. L. Bounds, tonsorial artist, lias par lors on Main stteet, where lie shaves and cuts hair for all who favor him with their mtronagv. Bounds is bound to prosper. John Frank, a live Dutchman, oppo- ite Bounds' and lower down the street, also plies the tonsorial art, and will give vou a clean shave or trim vonr locks for reasonable compensation. Wm. Powell, a son of Vulcan, has a mithy on Main street, where he makoo and mends farm implements, shoes horses and docs a general blacksmithing business. One of the most useitil tradesmen in a town is tho village black - niith. Chas. Kellcy, jeweler, on Main Btreet, is a liable and obliging, and will repair old jewelry, waU-hes, clo:ks, or sell new ones. Time keepers are needful, and Kelley keeps them. W. B. Drake has a smithy on Main treet, near the postotlice, where he carries on a general bloTrksmlthing husi- ness for the surrounding countrv. He will do you a good job and on reasonable terms, as a long residence in tho village attests, ami the extent and complete ness of his slwp shows. The TrtiMic institutions of the village are, three churches, a Presbyterian, South Metluxlift and Christian ample accommodations for all worshipers ; two hotels, a flouring mill, and last but not least, a school house where the youtlis are taught the rights, privileges ana duties of citizenship and obligations that attach to the elective franchise as well as a knowledge of those brandies of learning which enlarge and strengthen the understanding. Take the inchoat citizen tliroudi the public school curi- culum, sufficiently trained to get a fair knowledge of what there is taught, and he may be turned loose on the commun ity without fear of him becoming a bad citizen. The Myrtle hotel, owned by Mr. Georgo Deuient, is a good and commod ious house, a veritable traveler's home, with comfortable beds, a good table and plenty on it, well prepared in the cook ing department. This house is popular with the traveling public. The Overland, owned by Mr. George Stephenson, is also a popular inn where the wearv traveler finds n home. The host and hostess are affable and cour teous and spare no pains to make their guests comfortable. Good leds, good, fare, well-cooked and served, make this house one of the indispensibles of a thriving town such as Myrtle Creek has become. Willis Kramer it Co., have here an ex cellent roller mill. Its manufacture is very iopular and finds a ready market all alons the line of the railroad It is one of the lest mills in tho county. There are many fine residences in this village which indicate that the people are measurably contented and happy. Long live Myrtle Creek. Prompt Payment. Kecorder J. B. Cawlfleld of Koseburg Lodge, No. IG, A. O. U. , received this morning from tho Grand Kecorder a draft for $2,000 payable to Mrs. Katie D, Bunnell, widow and assignee of Dr. N. P. Punnell, who died October lltb Thus, in less than a montli, tbe A. O. U V., of which Order tho decedent was an honored member, fulfills its obligation by confenngn substantial benefit on tho widow- and orphan. Teachers' Review Class. Those not wishing to tako cither of tbe regular courses in tho Normal, can now enter a class for the Review of the com mon branches anil methods, frills in elocution and reading daily. AddrcsR, Ashland Normal. NOTES OF INTEREST. New goods at Caro Bros. Now is tho time to Mibecritio. Oysters at tho Kaudy Kitchen. Caro Bros, aro the boss merchants. School books at Marstors' drug store. Go to tho Roseleaf for tho best cigar. Wood taken on subscription at this oflice. Pure fresh candies, fruits aud nuts at tho Roseleaf. Silver blouso sets and silver mounted watch guards at Salzman's Plows. Go to Hunter & Huuio for your plows and harrows. For Sale' Old papers, at this office, at 25 cents per hundred. Havo you seen tho latest in Longnetto watch chains at Salzman's. Just Received at J. T. Bryan'H, Roger's first-grade silver-plated ware. Daily Oregonian only 15 cents a week. Leave orders at City News Stand. A cottage to rent. Inquiro at this oflice or of owner at 405 Washington street. Fine cabinet photographs, $1.50 to $2.50 per dozen, aUbe the Photo tent. Daily and Sunday Oregonian, reduced to 20 cents a week. Delivered at your door. Everybody is pleased who buy their jewelry and have their watches repaired at Salzman's. H. M. Martin the grain merchant of Roeebnrg will pay cash for merchantable wheat and oats. Do you read. If so, try the Daily Oregonian, only 15 cents a week. Sun day included, 20 cents. Remember that cheap watch work is very expensive, halzman uoes good watch work at lowest prices. For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg It Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of head gear. Subscribe for tho Daily Plauukaleii. It is the only livo paper in Southern Or egon. It furnishes tho latest news up to date. Kiiug your job work to the Plaixoeal- kr office We are prepared to do the j cheapest and best work south of Port-, land. E. Du Gas. Physician aud Surgeon, office iu Marsters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered night or day. Dr. F. W. Haynes, tho graduate den:- , ist, does all dental work in a most scien- 1 tifie manner. His work speaks for it-: self. Dental parlors in Mark's building. ' Tho J. G. Flook Co. is prepared to do I any kind of mill work ut the lowest liv- j ing rates, and thoso who are preparing ; to build should consult them. They can : save you momy. Grand masquerade ball on Thauksgiv-; ing night, given by tho Koseburg etches tra. There will Iks no pains spared to ! make this the event of the season. Full j particulars later on. ; Tho J. G. Flook Co., is prepared to ' fill orders for all kinds of mill work on short notice. Estimates on contracts; furnished promptly. Give them a call if you are thinking of building any kind ; ot a house. Good pastureage for stock at reason-! able rales by the month. All stock taken absolutely aud entirely at owner's risk in every particular. For , particulars enquire of C. A, Blackmail, 1 Roberts creek. SinriONS Have leased aud remodeled Depot and are now prepared to do a First Class Livery Business. Ilaj anil Oat.uer night, per span Hay, over night, per span . Hay,ilurin;(lay, per (pan .. ..11.00 Livery ihorw rigs, per day 15.00 IIOKSliS nOAKDEI) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .DO YOU REALIZE THAT If you are in a position To do Business Let the People Know it. The little Special Notice and the regular Business Ad Make the Mighty Merchant and his Patrons Glad, The Aud The Plaindealer is read By Everybody. Advertise in it. It will Pay. . Xffl-WHEN YOU WANT HOOI) JU11 I'RlNTlNd DONE. AND YOU SOMETIMES lit). YOU SHOULD CONSULT THE" I'UVlNbE.VLER.SS 44UUUUa444444U4UU4iUU4UU44U41444UU4444U4444i Teachers Examination. Notice iti nereby given that fur the j purpose of making an examinaliuu of all persoiiBwho may offer themselves as candidate for teachers of the pchools of this connty, the county fcdiool superin tendent will hold a public examination at Ro3cburg, iu tho court lioune, begin ning at 1 o'clock, Weduesday, Nov. 13, 1895. Recommendations will be given, and an examination held at this lime for teachers who aro eligiblo and may wish state certificates or diplomas. J. A. Undkbwooo, Supt, Dated Ibis 3l8t day of Oct., 1885. State Normal School, Dkai.v, OnEdojf. First term begins September 16th. Entire new faculty. Send for catalogue. Louis Barzjjk, President. FOR Pure Drugs GO TO A. C. HARSTERS & CO., URVGGI8TN. OILS HND GLHSS STATIONERY AND WKLL PHPER CHOICE PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES. The Bureau Saloon Formerly Merchants' Exchange, lias Ilccn Renovated and Fitted tp In Klrst-ClnBH Style. Choice Wines and Liquors, Best Cigars. COHMODIOUS CLUB ROOHS. ACCOMMODATING BAR TENDERS. Give men call. GREEN McKIXNEY, & TOOLEY the old Feed Stable oppsite the Hay, tlurius day, jrliorc Oat, ir fcol ... . Teams to stall over night .3) livery l-horserin, pcrday MJ0 AT ItKASO.VIli: RATES). THE MISSION OK THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS TO DON'T GfMSE OUT OF TOWN FOR SOMETHING FOREIGN I Plaindealer. the eager Public gathering in throngs Leave their Business Orders where the Trade belongs DOES THE BEST JOB PRINTING AT LOWEST RATES. Situations wantal or helo wanted ailtertitemenU iiuerted in this column free'of ehafne. Other aits ajfive lines or lets under this head SS jtcnts per month: each additional line 5 cents per moiUh. yo advertisement taken for less than i5 cents. For Sale. IJOR SALE Old newspapers, Apply at l'lainclcnlcr oflice. ' cents per 100. O. DEZENDOBF, Attorney at Law AND NOTABYil'OBUC. Special attention given to COLLECTIONS and matters in i'robate. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Money LoaucJ auil Borrowed. Rooms 4 and 5 Markers' Bld'g. KOSEBUU. JBA B RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, OrricE : Taylor & Wilwra Block, Rooms 7 and 8, KOSEBURG, OREGON. E. D. STBATFOBD, Attorney at Law, Rooms S anil -1 Taylor & Wilson Block. R03EBURG, OR J L. BRADLEY, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. Ofllco Hours, Jrom U to 3 r.Jt. Taylor & Wikon Brick. ROSEBURG. JJ)R. J. W. FBAZEY, Physician & Surgeon. OFHCE: Rooms 1 and 2 In Marks Building, at top of ttair?, to thsleft. RESIDENCE. Cor.ot Chadwick and Washington St. KOSEBURG. NEW FEED STORE CAWLFIELD & CAWLF1ELD Have i us t opened a first-class Kcol Store and bare on hand n lanro invoice of the best Koxeburc and Valler Flour. Baled Hav. Grain and Feed of all kinds. AH purchases delivered free. Cor. Cass and Rose Street. T. T. WEBB SECOND BGY8 or A.ND liAlNJJ ALL SKLLS GOODS KUSOS. UZ7 3IAIK STRKKT. CIVE HE A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE HOTEL. Van Houten JAS. CALLAHAN, Propr. WILL BE CONDUCTED STRICTLY FIRST-CUSS Tho Dining Koom will be undo the personal supervision of Mr. Callahan, who will guarantee all old and new cus tomers the best the market atTords. Come and see me. Churchill Hotel OAKLAND, OR. KATIE CHURCHILL, Propr. Board aud Lodging per week $2.50. Meals, 20 ceuts. Beds, 20 cents. INVITE YOiniT'ATRONAtiETI If you have anything You want to Sell Let the People Know it. The sure road to success Always leads Through the Printing Office