The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 11, 1895, Image 2

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I'ubllshcd Dally, except Sunday,
C Y. 11KNJAM1N...
MutiHcrtptlou ItatcH.
One Year, by nialL,.............-..
Six Months, "
Thive Months "
One Month ........-
I'cr Week, deUttrcd by Carrier
..?3 00
.. 1 10
.. T5
.. 25
.. 10
Tiie Wcclily iMnlndcnlcr.
On Year K 00
Sis Months 1 00
Thwo Months
NO VK MB Eli 11. 1SU3.
If Hie campaign of 1S9G is not to be an
apathetic one, the republicans must
arouse themselves to the contest and
posh with all riiror to the front of the
protective policy to American iuduslries,
and American wcrkingmen. A division
of opinion may exist upon the currency
question, but it was never indispcufcible
that republicans should think exactly
a!it-i upon questions of minor consUer
a! ton. I lie only thing necessary lu a
lart's existence Is that when once,
started upon the general linu of belief or
policy, the members thereof shall refer
minor dillerecccs to majority decisions
and aci uith determined and concerted
earnestness in bthall ol the nominess
.supporting the main and fundamental
principals of tho party. The republican
1'irty totiax, as in the past, renires
nothing more than that its leaders main
tve and snbcrae to tins urst ana pri
niarr article of parly organization. The
repnbiican party ttands first iu regard
nith the people, united it has strength
to withstand the attacks of democracy
Let this strength be acted upon with or
dinary jcod tense, and the republican
party in the next campaign will sweep
everything before it, and gain a victory
most beneficial in its resnttd to the peo
pie of the whole union.
The envious rant of the lloaitiuf
Windbag whom the Kiddle Enterprise
recently referred to as "a wart on the
tail end of nothing," in Thursday's issue
while raging with jealousy at the moder
ate prosperity of this paper, vomited out
a fool mess of villain or traductions,
and closes with the statement tliat "the
Ilcview gives the news, the Plaixdealeb
does not." This envious runt who fills
his paper with boastings of its own
greatness ami increasing prosperity,
may think that such stuff is news, and
perhaps it would be if it were true.
But there seems to be grave doubts in
the minds of it3 readers that its circula
uon is increasing so last ana that it is
in such a very prosperous condition,
hence the necessity Jo? so much lying
and boasting, ami such agonizing efforts
to make people believe that it is the
only paper that gives the news.
The population of Texacapa, Mexico,
seems crazed by fanaticism. The town
judge sent his constable to arrest ten
persons whom Jie declared to be here
tics, locked them in the town jail and
set the bulling on fire, roasting the in
mates to death. lie declared that he
derived authority for the deed from a
vision. And this in the closing decade
of the nineteenth century ! The world
is still steeped in superstition, it would
geem. Toledo Blade.
One ci the arguments for a ship canal
from the Mississippi to the lakes is that
it would enable the United States to
quickly bring togother a fleet of gunboats
in the lakes in case of trouble with Eng
land, and the advance of her armed
ships by way of the Welland Canal.
But it is not likely that tho lakes will be
tho scene of any more battles with a
growing nation of 70,000,000 at hand to
guard them.
.Mexican politics is profoundly stirred
just now by a report that some of the
clesgy are working np a plot in favor of
'secret annexation to the United States,1
whatever that means. Tiie Mexicans
need not worry. Wc do not want their
country as an integral portion of the
A call has been issued for the repub
lican congressional cauens to meet on Sat
urday, November 00. Congress meets on
the following Monday, December 2, and
tho caucus Hill have the important work
before it of deciding on tho policy to bo
pursued by tho republican majority.
Tho people's party of Coos connty has
started the political hall. They are or
ganizing for the fray.
Approaching a Crisis.
London, Novvomber 9. Tho political
outlook in tho east became mora critical
and complicated during tho latter part of
tho week. Tho sultan seems to bo defy
ing tho powers in bestowing decorations
for "good sorvicos" upon the Turkish of
ficials held responsible for the recentout
rages in Armenia. Tho British Mediter
ranean fleet, uear Iho Dardanelles, is be
ing strongly reinforced. Italian warships
are said to bo ready to assist thoso of
Great Britain iu an emergency, and tho
division of tho French fleet, which
cruises in tho Levant in winter, will start
for thoso waters immediately, a month
earlier than usual.
Tho latest alarming reports from the
far east aro that tho rebellion of tho
Dungans, in tho northwest ol utitna, is
assuming alarming proportions, ine
rebels are said to bo armed with rifles of
Russian manufacturo and their leader is
reported to have sout an ultimatum to
tho imperial government at Peking,
threatening to march on that capital if a
favorable answer is not received, Tho
imperial troops aro stated to be pillaging
tows and villages, aru littering the Gelds
with the 'todies of men, women and
chilil ren.
It is not astonishing, under these cir
cumstances, that the London stock mar
ket closed very flat today; that the con
tinental bourses were m a mnicKy con
dition and tliat there was a 'general de
clinu in foreign funds.
Everv indication points to the fact
that the affairs of Turkey are approach
ing a crisis and it is significant tliat only
two solutions 'of the difficulty are dis
cussed by the European press the en
tire dismemberment of Turkey or the
deposition of the sultan. The powers
aro now showing that thev will no
longer be hoodwinked bv the sultan's
promises, which are never intended to
be kept.
The final stage of the diplomatic pres
sure was reached when Germany, Aus
tria and Italy, which had hitherto stood
aloof, joined the other powers iu a men
acing note which lias just K-cn pre
sented to the sultan. The next step
will undoubted!? bo a conference of the
representatives of the great powers.
which will discuss not merely the ad
ministration of Armenia, but the fate of
tho Turkish empire. The powers are
in complete unison, and this fact is ac
knowledged everywhere, except at the
Yildz Kosh, for the sultan in appointin
the Halt Hifat cabinet, composed of pup
pets and reactionists, is simply courting
(.oxsTAxn.vorLX, :ov. 10. It is un
derstood the British fleet has been rein
forced by a number of battleships and
tliat it is intended to bring it up on
point ot strength to the lighting power
of any combination of fleets which can
be formed in the Mediterranean. The
British fleet, it is also reported, will
shortly be reinforced by several Italian
Progress of the War.
Havana. Nov. 9. It is now admitted,
even in official circles, that the insur
gents have recently made such progress
in the different provinces they are operat
ing in and they have received such
quantity of arms, ammunition and dyna
mite, Uiat affairs may be said to bo reach
ing a crisis. There is no doubt that the
headquarters of Captain-General Campos
in th? city of Santa Clara, capital of tho
province of that name, is being slowly
but surely invested by the insurgent
forces. They are advancing from all
sides, but mainly from the province of
Puerto Principe.
.Vs cabled a few days ago, General
3Iaximo Gomez, tho insurgent comman
der in chief, has crossed tho border with
a large body ol men, and is camped near
Sigueana, south of Sanctus Esperitu
which is occupied by a considerable body
of Spanish troops and which is one of tho
points where the Captain-general re
cently established a heliograph station
to try to keep up communication between
tho cities of Santa Clara and Puerto
Principe, but tho route is held by the in
surgents and tho roads traversed by the
captain-general, when he so narrowly
escaped death or capture, a bullet going
through his saddlebag and eight bullets
going through his long military cloak
aro now in possession of the insurgents,
and it will be very difficult, if not irrpoH
Bible, for tho Spanish commander to
maintain communication with Puerto
Principe. In addition, tho Roloff and
Uespcdes expeditions, well armed and
equipped, have joined tho forces, and
aro preparing to enter into active co-op-eperation
with Maximo Gomez in Santa
Then, again, the insurgent commander,
SeriOno Sanchez, is in strong force, en
camped at Abrcus, near Uicnluegos, tho
north town of tho province of Santa
Clara, and one of tho Important cities of
Cuba. Ho is openly recruiting his fob
lowers, and has just burned all the
houses of Laraninto, Estados, Unidos
and Heras, their valuable- farms and th
property of tho Marquis do Aspcstigua
Ro'uff and Ccspedes are making things
very lively for tho captain-general in tho
province of Santa Clara, whero moat of
tho ir- ".rgents' activity is being dis
play' They ore driving the farmers
nwny Irom the towns under penalty of
being idiot, and tho lattor cannot be in
duced to return, even on promise of
lauds uud protection held out to them by
Camp os.
In tho direction of Rumodiosand Sagua
la Grande tho insurgents aro also active,
and it will thus bo Been that they are
making for different points in Santa
Clara, which is garrisoned by some of
tho best troops of Spain, and the most
reliable volunteers.
All insurgent leaders, including Max
imo Gomez, aro sending messengors and
circulars to the big farmers aud planters.
ordering them to contribute to tho treas
ury of tho Cuban republic, undor penalty
of having their properly destroyed by
flro. Tho result is, tho insurgents are
cally better supplied with funds than
tho Spanish government officials
hore. Tho money thus obtained from
tho government's friends, tho planters
and big farmers, is in time forwarded to
New Yoik or other American ports,
where it is used for the purchase of arms
and ammunition, and tho equipping of
additional expeditions. Tho Spanish
government is well aware of this, and
has done all possible to provent the in
surgents from raising funds, as well as
trying to capturo tho messengers which
they sent to tho United Statss and else
where In spite of the Spanish blockade
tho insurgents' expeditions found little
difficulty in landing, and they havo also
succeeded in maintaining an uninterrup
ted lino ol communication with their
friends in the United States.
Nez Perec Lands Open.
Washington, Nov. . Tho president
has signed the proclamation opening the
iez 1 erce ceded lauds to settlement on
November 18th. The proclamation re
cites the provisions of the law and directs
that under the regulations issued by the
secretary of tho interior the lands shall
bo opened to settlement according to the
terms ol the treaty. The priceof agricul
tural lands is fixed at $3.75 and of tim-
beied lands Jo. It is not anticinatpd
there- will be a great rush for lands.
'Returning Prosperity."
R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of
trade savs:
"Many woolen mills are closing to
wait for orders, though the demand is
fairly satisfactory for some dressing
goods aud wastes, but tho prices of most
qualities of wools are still uncertain, for
the manufacturers do not know yet
what they have to meet.
"Wheat falls lack with great reluct
ance from its summer riso of 20 cents,
but lias declined 1 li cents for a week.
The rapid marketing of supplies of
wheat from Russia and Argentine and
larger exports of corn from this country,
both tend to lessen the future demand
for American wheat."
Failures for the week are 90 in the
United States against 61 last year, and
-19 in Canada against 4 last vear.
Tttc I'clton Water Motor
Of capacities varying from 1 to 5 horse
power affords the most convenient, eco
nomical and reliable power for all light
service. One of these may bo seen run
ning at this office. Send for circulars.
ThePelton Water Wheel Co., 121 Main
St., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale or Rent.
Tho Palmer sawmill. For particulars
address, E. C. Palmer, Drain, Or.
sA Rcqular-Advltrti.semcnt
0 " 'D- J
Of capacities varying from i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal.
County Court Proceedings.
D. Patterson whb given tho contract to
robuild tho roadway on north sldo of
Deer creek bridge and put up banisters,
for $10.
Geo. Carpy waB employed to make a
set of maps of all townships of tho county
and check off all lands assessed, for 1G0.
Said maps to be up to date in new sur
veys. In the imso of Pat Murphy and Deckor
road, it was discontinued.
In tho road case of A. T. Ambrose it
was ordered to pay James Ambroso
$77.50, and A. T. Ambroso 26 more
than was allowed by aesessors of dam
ages, when case was dismissed and all
damages paid by them.
Amount of bills allowed was $183.10.
Court adjourned Saturday evening,
November 0th, 1303.
Roseburg Academy.
Second year will open September 2d.
The academy includes a kindergarten,
a grammar school and a college-fittini:
school, Pupils may prepare for tho
second year iu Princeton or Wellealey.
Address: RosEiiuito Academy,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Grain bags and twine for sale by Sol
Abraham, and tho highest market price
in cash will bo paid by him for grain,
delivered at his warehouse at Roseburg.
For Rent.
A five-room cottage with hydrant and
convenient out houses, three blocks from
postoffice. Enquire at this office or at
105 Washington street, west side of
road track.
1. S. West docs insurance,
opposito tho poet office.
Roseburg Market Report.
Potatoes, new, per bushel.. . .40
Eggs, per dozen .25
Butter, per pound .20
Cheese, per pound: 15 (3 .20
Flour, per sack .75
Bran, per ton 15.00
Sugar, granulated, 16H 1.00
Sugar, extra C, 17o 1.00
Rice, per pound, 14B 1.00
Canned fruit, 2tt cans
Peaches, per dozen $2.00
Tomatoes, per dozen 1.25
Coffee, green, per pound .25
Costa Rica, roasted .32
Moca and Java .40
Teas 35 .75
Apples, dried, per pound... .00
Prunes, dried, per pound... .06 ,03
Apples, per bushel .40
Beef, on foot, per pound
Cows, Steers,
Sheep, per head
Chickens, per doz. cash..
Bacon and ham, per tt. . .
Shoo ders
Lard in bulk..-
Lard in cans
Sirloin steak
Porter house..
.11 -mf I 1 I rm v I I r I I I 1 ri
M. F. Rapp,
Jackson Street, Roxburz, Oregon.
Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles.
Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Clothing for
House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.,
And it will pay you to see
wish to buy or not. Yours truly,
ROSBnuRC, ore.
The JETOWe Farm, east of town, has been plat
ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing
3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100
per acre.
Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm
or a suburban home ean now be accommodated on easy
All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more
than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for
the future. More fortunes are made in lands near a grow
ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor
tunity. For information or conveyance, call at ony Real
Estate Office, or on
G T. BELDEN, Fropr.
Cleveland Distilln Go.
Manufacturers o! and Dealers in
Goods delivered In quantities ol one frallon or more. Orders from Town and Country
Solicited, and will bo promptly attended to.
Office and Salesroom.
riEYER & CO.,
Roseburg Brewers
Keep your money at home. Drink only home made Beer
The Best in the Market.
Marble and Granite Works.
JTor Cemetery L,ot.
Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work,
Office nna Bnlcsroom, 7n Oak Street.
and Children.
Men and Boys,
and get prices, whether you
O 3E
Dealers la all kinds of
Marbic aud Granite Monuments
and Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing