The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 11, 1895, Image 1

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Vol. XXVI.
No. 66.
An IraportaHtjWltness.
x I'Sak Fraxcisco, Nov. 7. Frank V.
loung, who conducts a bakery, in Ala
meda, promises0 begone of tho most
important witnesses forlue prosecution
in the trial of Durrant for the murder of
Minnie Williams. Young knew her well
and says that the day boloresbe was
murdered she explained iber depression
of spirits by Baying that she knew too
much about tho disappearance of Blanche
"She came to the (tore on Thursday,
the day 'previous to Good Friday," he
said, "and I noticed at once that she was
quite changed in manner from what I
bad always teen. She had always been
so lively and chatted and jested so good
naturedly. But I noticed on this day
that sho wore a very long face, was pre
occupied and eeemed very much wonied
about something, and being, as I say,
accustomed to talk with her on subjects
aside from the business she came ou, I
naturally asked her what was the matter.
I knew she bad been acquainted with
Blanche Lamont, and supposing that she
bad been quite intimate with her, I
asked, more in the way of saying some
thing than for any other reason, if she
was downhearted over the disappearance
of her friend. She hesitated a moment
and then replied: 'I know too much
about the disappearance of Blanche.' I
was somewhat surprised at the reply,
but I most confess that I did not say so.
Still I was surprised enough to be inter
ested, and asked her what she knew.
She acted as if she had said something
she bad not meant to, and making an
evasive answer, which 1 do not recall,
left the store.
"I gave the matter no attention until
Durrant was accused. Then that conver
Eation came back to me. I kept still
aboot it, however, as. I did not wish to
be drawn iato the case, for I knew it
wield- take me away froamy? hwan rwri
"' and thitl cosld Hot sbrdrl 'felt this
'ep8 jmy,"aa3 'then felf "relieved, for I
had also felt as thongh I should bare
offered my testimony. But after that I
decided to keep still and keep out of the
case, for I have always believed that
then would be enough evidence for con
viction without my testimony ."
The Issue In Manitoba.
Chicago, Nov. 7. A special from
Winnipeg sayB:
Of the scores of documents that have
been issued since the parochial school
agitation began, by far the most sensa
sational has just been published by the
Manitoba government. It baa been kept
by the government to bo sprang on the
eve, of the general elections, and the
effect of the startling documents is all
that had been expected. It arraigns the
Catholic hierarchy for falsifying.
The Soman Catholics have all along
contended that their schools were pre
served to them under the bill of rights
adopted when Manitoba entered the con
federation of Canadian provinces, in
1870. The p roles tan t contention has
been that while reference was made to
parodhal schools in a rejected bill of
rights submitted in 1873, there was no
such reference in the bill ratified and
adopted in 1870 by both provincial and
dominion government. In answer to
this Protestant contention, the Catholics
produced a manuscript, bearing date of
1870, which read that the rights of. Bo
man Catholics to their schools should
never be interfered with. This manu
script bore evidence of being definite and
authentic, and Eeemed conclusive. Now,
"' however, the government sbowB that the
date of the document was really 1873,
and a scientific photographic process re
veals that the figure 3 was changed into
a cipher. The original figure 3 is by a
photograph revealed in faded ink like
the rest of the document, while the
cipher u in fresher and blacker ink.
Strikers Enjoined.
Walla Walla, Wash., Nov., 7. At
midnight last night Jay H. Adams,- at
torney for the Great Northern at Spo
kane, applied to Judge Hanford of the
federal court, now in session here, for an
order enjoining the strikers from inter
fering with the operation of the road.
Accompanying the petition was an affi
davit, Setting forth that Dan Reardon
and other members of the A. K. U., had
been unlawfully obstructing and interfer
ing with the operation of (he road, in
cluding the carrying of United States
mails an J interstate traffic, by means of
intimidation, threats of violence upon
railroad employes, and threats of the de
struction of their property,
- Judge Hanford issued an order to de
fendants to appear before him in Seattle,
November 23, to show causo why they
.and other members of the A. R. U.
should not be restrained and enjoinod
from interfering with tho operation of
said road. Until such hearing Judgo
Hanford issued a temporary injunction,
restraining tho defendants and their
associates from molesting or causing the
destruction of tho buildings, or rolling
stock equipment of the road, or from
assaulting, threatening, or intimidating
the employes to cause them to leavo tho
employ of tho company. Thoy wero
also enjoined from further combining and
conspiring together unlawfully to ob
struct or embarrass the railroad com
pany in the conduct of its business.
The injunction was telegraphed to Spo
kane immediately and given to a United
Slates marshal for service.
The Crime of a Century."
Sax FnAXd6co, Nov. 7. R. C. White,
author of "The Crime of the Century,"
the drama based on the story of the
Emanuel church murders, announces
that he will produce the play at a local
theatre next Monday night, notwith
standing the injunction issued by Judge
Mnrphy and served when the play was
produced on August 20. White con
tends that if thcro ever was any merit in
Judgo Murphy's injunction the order
ceased to have force when Durrant was
found guilty of the murder of Blanche
In order to make his work more rea
listic, White has rewritten much of it
and made an addition to the title. He
now calls it "The Crime of a Century;
or the Demon of the Belfry."
An exact representation of the ex
terior of Emanuel Baptist church will
be given in one of the scenes and the
story of the murder of Blanche Lamont
will be in accordance with evidence in
troduced in the trial. After Judge Mur
phy stopped the play at the Alcazar,
White took his play to tho interior, but
could not find a manager to produce it.
He found it necessary to wait until tlio
jury had rendered a verdict.
Now, however, ho feels that he is safe
in going ahead. T. K. Moore, the pro
priet5r'a theUu Jitorioa, believes also
much as the Minnie Williams case does
not figure in the play as it stands, and
as to the other case, tho law itself has
said all that the playwright says:
Advertisements announce the Monday
night event as "A realistic production
of the sensational drama of the age
'"The Crime of a Century, or the Demon
of the Belfry," an original drama by It.
C. White, author of "Evans and Son
tag." Eugeno Deuprey was surprised to
learn of White's intention, but would
not say in advance of consultation with
Dickinson what action wonld be taken
in the premises. He declared, however,
that if Mr. Dickinson agreed with him as
to what should bo done, he supposed
Judce Murphy would bo asked to pre
vent the presentation of the amended
At Devil's Lake.
Minneapolis, Nor. 7. A Devil's Lake
(N. D.) dispatch says: "The backbone
of the Great Northern striko was broken
this morning by the arrival of a train
with 70 special policeman, IS new con
ductors, 25 brakeman and three firemen.
Deputies are patrolling the yards and
trains have all been started out. The
recruits enlisted at Chicago by a detec
tive agency are a sorry-lookicg 16t for
clothing, but there has been no disiorb
anco and none is expected.
The Cuban War.
New Yobk, Novt 7. The Paris corres
pondent of the World cables the follow
ing. "I am able to send yon tho authentic
translation of copies of official cablo dis
patches now on file at Madrid, which
passed between Captain-General Campos
and Minister Ultramar at Madrid, They
"Campos to Ultramar Referring to
your cablegram of October 30, expressing
dissatisfaction at the newspaper inter
view in which I said that the United
States would recognize Cuban belliger
ency, I repeat my statement, and say
further that if this war is not brought to
a speedy termination by granting homo
rule to Cuba, the United Slates will
surely give aid to the insurgents and es
pouse their cause sooner or later. I urge
that autonomy be granted to the island,
believing this to bo the only means of
ending tho struggle without the loss of
many lives and tho waste of immenso
wealth on the island."
"Ultramar to Campos Tho question
ot autonomy is being considered, but we
fear the Cubans will not accept it."
Steamship Canada Ashore.
Quebec, Nov. 7. Tho German steam
ship Canada, Captain Hahn, of tho
Hamburg-American Packet Company,
from Hamburg and Antwerp for Queboc
and Montreal, with a largo passenger
list and cargo, is nshoro at Littlo Metis
light, 175 miles below Quebec. Tho
bottom of the steamer is cracked, nnd the
tanks are full of water, which is rising
in tho forchold.
Lato reports say tho Canada went too
near tho tho shoro whon passing Matane
and struck a reef, and it was necessary
to beach her to save her from", foundering.
Passengers and crow aro safe, as the ves
sel lies on u oandy beach.
An Oregon Beach Aline.
The best paying black sand beach
mine that has been discovered on this
coast, says tho San Francisco Mining and
Scientific Pross, is near the Port Orford
lighthouse. The claim when first dis
covered, nearly 40 years ago, was yellow
with gold for over 20 teet in width and
three feet in depth, nnd paid $200 a day
to tho man. The claim is being worked
this year for tho fourth time by leasers
Tho sand is thrown on u grizzly, carried
over amalgamated plate? to catch tho
gold, and over mohair cloth to catch tlx
platinum, which in worth $4.50 an
Don't Want Autonomy.
New Yoiik, Nov. 8. "No, sir; we will
not accept autonomy under any circum
stances," said Senor Palma, the Cubau
minister plenipotentiary, when epoken
to regarding tho report that Spain might
be willing to grant Cuba autonomy, but
feared tho Cubans would not accept it.
"If Spain wants to make terms with us,"
ha continued, "sho will have to offer
better conditions than she professes to
make. In the first place, we do not be
Have Spain wants to gi vo Cuba autonomy.
She only waots to deceive us, a? in 1SC3.
We want absolute independence, and to
mak an absolutely free republic of
Cuba. We would not even accept such
conditions as those governing the Domin-1
ion of Canada."
Reaping the Harvest.
Pariujos.Neb., Nov. 8. Judgo Am
brose, of the district court, has sentenced
iThargAijMcCaity toJiLyesrs in the pjnrr
tcntiary at hard labor, for participating
in a murderous assault upon Adam Kas,
a farmer. Victor McCarty and others of
the Rang Here held for trial. Thev are t
the subject rf an investigation cf serious
charges preferred by the British govern
ment. Last summer the Dawson family,
en route by wacon'to the Pacific coast,
camped near McCartr's place, and were
brutally maltreated by tho gang. Daw
son notified tho British consul at Kansas
City and later the British mininster at
Washington demanded a thorough inves
tigation, which Governor Holcomb or
dered. The inquiry was held at South
Omaha, with indifferent results. A sec
ond hearing was called for, pending
which the McCartye were arrested for the
assault Uon Kas. It is said they have
for years terrorized! the eopie of Sarpy
county. .
Postofflces Affected.
Washington, Nov. Sth The;president
today approveJ,'an amendment'Ito tho
civil service which will result in bringing
many postmasters and employes within
tho classified Eervice. The .amendment
is as follows: "And whenever, by order
of tho postmaster-general, a by-office
shall be consolidated,, with and made
part of any pestoffico where free delivery
is established, all employes .of) the office
thus consolidated whoso names appear
on the roll of said office, and including
the postmaster thereof, shall, from the
date of said order, be employes of the
said frets delivery office, and the person
holding at tho dato of said order the po
sition of postmaster of the office thus
consolidated with said free delivery office
may be assigned any position therein
and given any appropriate designation
under tho classification act which tho
postmaster general may direct."
It is the intention of the post office de
dartment to consolidate many offices.
This consolidation will not necessarily do
away with the offices, but establish them
aa stations of some central point. It is
probable that presidential, as well as
fourth-class offices will be included in the
Visited Madrid.
Paius, Nov. 8. United States Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts,
has returned to this city from Madrid.
Owing to his .expressed views that tho
American congress should take a definite
stand in behalf of tho Cuban insurgents,
it was rumored this his visit to tho Span
ish capital was to ascertain whether a
proposition to purchase Cuba -bv the
United States would be entertained by
the Spanish government. To a repro
sentativo of tho Associated Press Sonator
Lodgo said that vbilo at the Spanish cap
ital he was fortunato in raeotinz manv
men prominent in public life, includinz
Scnor Canovas de Castillo, tho Spanish
1 premier, but he did not broach tho sub
joct of the purchase of Cuba. Tho sen
ator added that he had visited Madrid
simply as a tourist, and desired emphat
ically to deny that lie had gono there for
any political purpose or expressed any
views regarding Cuba.
At tho samo time, it is understood the
senator while at Madrid studied the
Cuban question from a 8panish stand
point and guthered much information
which may bo of ueo to him when the
matter comes up for discussion in tho
United States senate.
Josie iTansfield Again.
New York, Nov. 8. Tho Herald eays
The following notice has been printed in
the official law journal of Paris:
"A divorce was grauted by the fourth
chamber of tho civil tribunal of the Seine
on August 1, 1S95, to Mine. Helene
Josephine Mansfield, wife of M. Frank
Lawler, and wi.o by a second marriage
of M. Robert Livingstone Ueade. tho
woman 'h legal residence being with her
husbamt, but she residing as a matter of
fai t at No. 83 Rue Amiere, Paris, and
M. HoVrt Livingstone Reade really liv
ing in Paris at tho Hotel Brighton."
It uppeaia that theIfvorce was granted
between the Reades at the reqnest of and
for the benefit of M. Reade. Reado first
met Josie Mansfield at Carlabad n the
summer of 1891. He was there 'with his
mothor, Mrs. Robert Reade, who was
vieiting her cousin, Mrs. Levi P. Morton,
also n visitor at Carlsbad with her two
daughters. Josio Mansfield called her
self Mr. Frank Lanier, the name of her
first husband, and despite her uge, was a
belle in the famous watering place, and
constantly surrounded by hosts of ad
mirers. Reade fell a victim tu tho
charms which had captivated James
Fink, Jr., and besought Mrs. Lawler to
marry him. but she was not so easily
won. She told Reade to go homo aud
sleep on hia proposal and take time to
consider it carefaly. She was sure, she
said, that the precautions must cure
hiiu. Reado did consider, and even re
turned to New York city in an effort to
conquer his love for Mrs. Lawler. It was
all in vain, and upon IiL-oieium to
Europe he gave a dinner to his intimate
acquaintances. When coffee wss reached
and all hande were feeliui; pretty good,
Mr. Reade said:
"I'm going to marry Josie Mansfield.
I'm drinking myself lo death, r.s jouall
know, and Josie Mansfield is the only
person that can save me. I'll marry her
if she'll have me, for I think tho's moro
sinned against than sinning."
The official announcement of tho di
vorce constitutes the last chapter of the
Freight on Turkish Prunes.
Tho following, compiled by thu Cali
fornia Fruit Grower from a Government
publication of Austria-Hungary, will en
able prune-growers to compare the cost
of delivering prunes raised on the con
fluents of tho Upper Danube with that
of delivering our Pacific coast products lo
the same market. Tho prunes from this
district are of low grade and derivo their
trade name from tho fact that tho coun
try producing them formerly belonged to
From Brcka to Trieste, on the Adri
atic sea, tho freight by rail is 1.5C florins
per 100 kilogrammes, or say $0 per ton ;
from tho same place to Fiume, another
port on the Adriatic a little south of
Trieste, tho rate is 1.42 florins per 100
kilos, or $5.40 per ton of 2000 pounds.
From Brcha to Hamburg, Germany, by
rail, the rate is C.07 marks por 100 kilos,
or $13.27 per ton and by the river route
via the Elbo tho rato to Hamburg is
110.00 per ton. From Brcka to Now
York yia Hamburg by water, tho rate is
$14.72 per ton, while from Brcka via
Fiume the rate to New York is but 4.54
marks per 100 kilos, or $9.90 per ton of
2000 pounds.
From the above it appears that the
Bosnian prune-grower can put his goods
into the New York market via Finme at
less than half the freight rate paid by
growers in California to send their fruit
to the eamo market at the lowest rate
yet named by the railway company, to
wit, $1 per 100 pounds or $20 per ton in
boxes. It shipped in bags the rate is $24
per tou as against $14. 72 from Bosnia to
New York by tho most expensive route
named in our information.
Durrant Writes a Book.
Durrant who has been convicted of
murdering Blancho Lamont in Emanuel
church at San Francisco, has written a
book giying'.his experience and sensations
while being tried for the crime of tho
century. Other parties have dramatized
the murder and trial and soou the people
of tho country will be called upon to pur
chase tho one or witness the other and
thus bleed their pockets and feed a mor
bid curiosity. Ameri;nn3 love humbugs
and will pay well for tho delightful sen
sation it affords.
Graphic Description of Its Beauties by
an Enthusiastic Tourist.
So much has been said of the magnifi
cent scenery of foreign countries, the in
comparable beauties of Italy, Switzer
land, the Rhine and other points of
interest across the "big pond," that I
want to tell you of just a few of the
glorious sights to be seen in our own
loved America, not so very far from the
grand old Pacific. This may not be new
to some of you, indeed, specially to the
favored people of Oregon, who had al
ways lived "near to nature's heart,"
just within the lights and shadows of
these mountains and wild river canyons,
I sometime think you do not see and ap
preciate this eden of America quite as
fully as they who have been used to city
life and the flat boundless stretch of
prairies in the East. It was my good
fortune this summer to spend three
short weeks on an outing from Rose
burg, north, throuch the Sound country
into the British possessions, passing
through Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and
Puged Sound to Mission Junction where
we reached the Canadian Pacific. The
observation cars afford an unbroken
view of the ErazierRiver's dark canyons,
the wildly trembling waters of the Co
lumbia, thelovely valleys, some of them a
thousand feet sheer down from the ievel
of the track, and up again at the snow
peaks and glaciers that lay against the
sky. Although this resort is' very fa
miliar to Canadians it seemi little known
to us farther south. Fifty thousand acres
of this particular part ot tins country has
been appropriated by the government
and set aside as a national park in
worthy imitation, no doubt, of our own
ruaguifieient Yellowstone. Two very
largo botels'afford the traveling public
first-class accomodations, while from
every window and the broad verandas
charming views aro to be enjoyed.
Torn Peak, Sulphur, Squaw and Tunnel
mountains close in with thining sides of
rock and forest, the wide and lovely
valley of tho Bow. This river, teacock
blue, now raprd, now rippling, winds
gaily beneath the lofty crests of its su
perb protectors. The distance every
where is lit with gray peaks, many out
lined with perpetual snow, and at sach
an elevation the atmosphere is wouder-
lully clear and inspiriting. I was told
that side by side with large patches of
snow, were stripes of green where nestled
loyely lilies. It seems almost too strange
to beleive, but I had no reason to doubt
it. Thero is boating of a mild and easy
sortonthi3 navigable part cf the Bow;
fishing, too, although at this time, on
account of high water, tho bitea were
few and far between. Subjects for all
sorts of sketching affording an artists per
fect paradise aud making mo wish that I
could bring away for my friend?, the
lovely pictures that are iudelibly
in my mind, for, try asjrou may, the pen
cannot do them justice.
Skirting the toot of Twin Peak and
Tunnel mountains for several miles a
smooth drive loops through a wide val
ley, nnd returning crosses the lower Bow
just above the falls and almost directly
m front of the hotel. Nothing in that
line can be more striking and beautiful
than thin drive, when an intense blue
bends over the surrounding!, and the
mountain peaks rise before you thou
sands ot feet hih, in scarred, richly col
ored grandeur, springing fiom the low,
green forest and rising into the faintest
blue of perfectly delicious atmosphere.
Another little di iye of a eouple of miles
brought us to the Hot Springs where
clear sulphur water, with a mixture of
other properties and all at a temperature
of about 120 degrees, flows from the
mountain side and is conveyed through
pipes across the valley to. tho baths of
the hotel and sanatarium where marvel
ous cures are creditibly reported. In
front of one odd littlo bath house up in
the mountains were hanging several
crutches, with dato ot cure, which some
happy mortals had left to encourage the
coming invalids, and gone on their way
rejoicing. Other baths are the Cave and
Basin, which are under government
supervision, and the small sum of 25
cents is charged for a bath, with dress
ing room, to wela and bathing suits. In
a wonderful high arched grotto, possibly
one hundred feet in circumference, said
to be an extinct geyser, conical shaped
and dimly lighted by an opening in the
rock overhead, through which looks a
patch of blue sky, lie the waters of the
cave, reached by a short tunnel through
the rock in which lamps twinkle, light
ing up the sparkling sides of tho rock in
a beautiful manner.
It is all delightfully warm, dim and
mistcrious, and although I did not go
into the water, it surely makes a most
delicious bath. Eight miles in another
direction down the park lies Lake Min
ncwauka or Devil's Lake, :i long narrow
beautifully colored water, with a blend
ing of liquid tints, the general result
being a peculiar greenish blue. It is
hemmed in straight up from the waters
edge by extremely wild and rugged
mountains. Accommodations for sports
men and fishermen are found in a large
log house on the shore. A steam launch
and several row boats are floating at the
wharves, and for a consideration they
will furnish you with all the fishing
tackle, even to the bait necessary to
tempt the appetite of the fish supposed
to be in these waters. I say supposed,
for by actual experience we failed to see
them, although we followed the pre
scribed rules and trolled for hours," but
I think they are a more loyal fish than
those we have in Oregon and will not
take any but British bait, you know.
However it cost us but seven dollars to
find that out, and we had plenty to eat
at the hotel without fish that day, and
besides they have a very interesting
museum at Banff where you can see all
such things, and it is not half as cruel as
it is to catch them. And right here
just in the way of advice, I would say to
those going to Banff to see the sights,
it should be with well-filled pocket
books, and to those expecting to make a
living there, it can be made' off the
tourist3 and nothing else, but in the
way of scenery it cannot be surpassed
and is a perfect success. Take it all in
all we had a very delightful outing and
our time being nearly up, with many
regrets that Banff and Rosebnrg were so
far apart we left for home, and like so
many other bright spots in our life, it
became just a sweet memory. G.
Back From Seattle.
General Fred Page-Tnatiu returned
this morning from a professional visit to
Seattle and Portland and upon being in
terviewed said:
"The citizens of Seattle retain their
spirit of energy and determination to
make it the leading city of the coast. A
great deal of work is being done on
Front, Second and Pike streets. The
old planking is b'ing removed and vitri
fied brick upon a concreto foundation is
being laid which will be a great improve
ment to tho city.
"The work on the canal from the bay
to Lake Washington is progressing, and
at present about ten acres of the tide
flats adjacent fo tue city have been filled
with sand from the channel This will
in the near future be the manufacturing
"I watched the election returns with
much interests and when it be
come known that Kentuckey had gone
republican it was an occasion of ceneral
hand shaking, the Seattleites looking
upon tho results of the recent elections
as au omen to better times.
"I am told there is a little improve
ment in sale of real estate aud the Oueen
City of the Sound still holds its prop
erty at a high figure.
"Portland has the same steady safe
gait and the great success d urine the ex
position has made business men feel that
there is m reality an improvement of
business in Oregon, and the ceneral
feeling is thaPwith a change of the pres
ent administration, which seems to be an
assured fact, confidence will be restored.
and we will yet see a repetition of tho
good old times.
"I met my partner, Geo. M. Brown.
in Portland yesterday in company with
with a lady whom he int roduced to mo
as.Miss Bertha Bellows. Later in the dav
I met the eame couple as Mr. aud Mrs.
Brown. They had taken a quiet trip to
Vancouver and cast their lots together.
The couple will not return to Roseburg
until after the Benton county term of
court, which commences at Corvallis
next Monday."
County Court Proceedings.
In the matter of South Slough road
upon the reqnest of the petitioners the
case was continued to next term of court.
J. W. Spaulding was allowed $20 to
corduroy a portion of the county road on
Parkers Creek hill road.
The court appropriated $100 for a con
tingent fund.
The court decided to allow $3 for
coyote scalps, upon condition that the
secretary of the "Coyote Killing So
ciety" furnish a certificate accompany
ing the scalp that the society has paid
the killer of a coyote five dollars.
The court visited the poor farm Thurs
day and report the farm in a good con
dition and conducted by its manager,
Mr. Churchill, efficiently and economic
ally. Thero are now ten occupants, two
of whom are children.
In tho matter of graveling the Win
chester road the court agrees to pay la
borers half wages. Shovelers 75 tents
per day and teams $1.50 per day for
hauling gravel.
A dispatch says President Clevland
has quit wearing gloves. It is not likely
that he will handle tho coming congress
without gloves, however.