3D. DOflPlER'S ARREST. . -Thursday Ed. Pompier of East Umn- t'.qim waa arrcetcd for tbo murder of Isaac Lehuherr a few weeks ago, and is now iu jail awaiting his preliminary trial, Sat unlay, Nov. 9th. Tho management of I he Plaixdkalku had aa good .facilities for learning the facta in this case as liad the Review, and knev of as much reliable information with regard to tho arrest and tho evidence against tho accused as did tho Review, but at tho request ot the sheriff it prudently with held all it had learned with regard to tho matter, believing that these news-paper trials, aro detrimental to tho cause of justice. The Royiow disregarding tho wishes of the officials, proceeded to draw upon its imuiagination and to pub lish matter wholly unreliable with re gard to Do m pier's guilt. Dompier may or may not be guilty, and no hearsay second-hand stories bandied about by person not under oath to tell the truth, should bo given by a newspaper. Rumors are uot rcliablo and when given publicity by a nowspa !er they tend to complicate tho case and prejudice tho minds of the public against the accused, without any corresponding good to the people. Not only that, but each damaging notices causes increased expense to the county, esivcially fn criminal cases as the history of criminal trials in this country show beyond dis pute. The Placcdealer condemns all such newspaper trials aa mimical to the cause of justice. It makes unnecessary ex pense to the county, which, by a moro prudent course, could bo avoided. The Pjlaixdealer offers no excuse or palliation for jcrime but believes in try ing all criminals by due process of law without trying to bias a case by news paper comment based upon rumor. THE NEXT CONQ RESSfl AN. The democratic papers aro trying with all. their pony might to make it appear that there is a big fight brewing in the republican party, and that Mr. Hermann 'will have to step down and out this time sure. We would advise these soidisant savants that they would do well to save their breath to cool their own broth -"Binger is in the hand of his friends who are counted by thousands, and tho trumped-up opponents by such papers &3 the Review will cut no llnw in the campaign. The people are looking alter thes jUiinga an 4 are well satisfied to let well enough" alone. They prefer to keep a tried and efficient servant at their job. Mr. Hermann is the choice of the people and will succeed himself beyond the pos sibility of a reasonable doubt. J Oar friend Joel P. Geer says ho be lieves that if half the hop yards of the world were plowed up, there would Le an immediate raise in the price of the product of at least four cents a pound No doubt there would. Probably more than that. But wo insist that the other fellows plow np their yards. Let's not plow np ours. "We can raise hops cheaper than the people of any other country, We can make a profit where other .ec - tidns will cultivate at a loss. Let them plow np their yards. They would not thank ns or admire our good sense if we plowed up our for their benefit. We hope that not a bop vine in tho Willam ettfl valley will be either plowed up or neglected. Every one of them ought to be found bearing a hundred yeara from now. Statesman. Some parties who bate been prospect ing for coal on the Illinois river in Curry county, have run a tunnel in near Shasta Costa, where there are pxxl oul-crop- pings which had been prospected before, They now have a tunnel about forty feet deep and have a six-foot vein of coal, which is pronounced by experts to bo a first-class quality of bituminous coal The ledge is an extensivo ono and the ont-croppings are easily followed for miles. The assessor is allowed till the Cr3t of January, 1S96, to complete the census roll, Wo have been shown by ilr. JJmith, deputy, tho modus operandi of compiling the census. Itia very accur ate, and when completed will show a vast amount of valuable information That of the .fruit industry will be verv valuable as well as interesting to the seeker after a knowledge of our natural resources. Slowly but nnmistakaly tho Vatican is extending its apostolic power. Mon aignore Satoli has been crowned witti the red hat, thus elevating him to the car .linilato of America, tho first in Ameri can history. American Catholics will . doubtless rejoice oyer this innovation of the pope. '"Protection to American Industries" will be the overshadowing issue in tho next presidential election, with the early ..construction of tho Nicaraugua Canal and a rigid enforcement of the Monroe doctrine of next importance. All other issues will bo mere side shows. The lato czar of Russia, Alexander III is safo now. Mass for the repose of his soul has been said by Father Smir moffof London, assisted by the Russian bishop of San Francisco New goods at Caro Bros. A Parting Shot. That puny, contcniptihlo cur on the Roseburg Roviow, prompted by n sel fish, depraved naturo peculiar to the canino, comes out with u dirty, under handed editorial in his lost itsuo directed at tho Enterprise. That so-called editor is a disgrace to tho fair city in which ho is allowed to reside, a buzzird in human shapo feasting with ghoulish glee upon overy vilo morsel which it is iwspiblo for n brain steeped in iniquity and tilth to conceive. Time nnd again has Ibis un principled rako attempted to slur nnil belittle tho Enterprise and us many times has ho been out-gonoraled. Ho now cornea out with tho btatoniBiit (hat tho Enterprise has been working all this time to "down" the Review, when tho fact is that never has one word been uttered by us detrimental to that sheet nnlesj at times when wo were coniellod to vindicate ouraelf of somn of itu false and libelous utterances. It is 'rue however that we did deprive the Renew of tho patronage hitherto obtained from this eection iu the way of job printing and advertising, but this was accomplished by fair aud HUiaie business methods Lien, lite litllo chickens, como home to roost, and the cowardly nnd unEcrupnlous methods adopted by that paicr has becomo a topic of public discussion, and so btrong has become the sentiments of many of our citizens against it, that they have de clined to allow that paper to enter their homes, even as a gilt. Ita insinuation that the Enterprise was "starved out" is as falsa as it is ridiculous. The Enter prise np to this day has enjoyed a liberal patronage, Taud its removal was only brought about by a written guarantee of a patronage nearly doubling its present annual income, from the citizens cf a much larger aud more prosierous town, and it is only a matter of business that we accepted their proposition. There fore, if it U possible for a thought to end nate from a vaccm, wc trust that the editor of the Review will "retlect" and finally arrive at the conclusion that, il there ever was a wait on the tail nd of nothing, he is it. Uiddio Enterprise. For Cuba's Freedom. Chicago, Nov. 1. Disja'cbe3 to a lu- cil paper indicate that yesterday was a popular day for meetings in smpathy with Cuba. Among other ;4aces. Hlootit ingtou, Kauakee, Ottuinwa, Marshal- town, Fort Wayne and leeatur, III., held successful ilemonitrationi. Resolu tions generally "urge the people of the United Slates to express themslvee upon ihii subject so that congress shall know that the American heart beats for the oppressed of all lands," and requests members of congress to do all they can to promote Cuba's liberty. Mayor Me Ken a presided at as enthusiastic meet in? in Pittsburg. Dun-ant Found Guilty. The people of the United States, ayv and of the whole enlightened world, have been wrought np with feverish an xiety oyer the Durrant trial at San Francisco, for the last three months; and, no doubt. they now breathe easier over its termina tion. They will also feel that the jodge and jury in this case have done their duty in finding this iiend in human form guilty of the murder of l:Unche Lamont, an innccent selves! girl, iu Emanuel church last April. The annals of crime cannot show so heinous and diabolical a disregard of human life as was brought to light by this memorable trial. Change of Base. It is with no small degree of regret that we note the removal of W. C. Con nor the sharp and .incisive editor of the Riddle Enterprise, from Riddle to Myrtle Point. We think Mr. Conner has made a grand mistake in thus changing ids base of operation. Cooa county may have greener pastures but none produc ing more ambrosial sweetness than south Douglas. Our loss is Myrtie Point's gain. McClallcn Hotel Leased. Kosebukg, Or., October 14, 1S93 To the Public: On account of poor health, I havo leased tho McClallcn House and retired from business. D. C. McClallen RoscnrKo, Or., October 14, ISt'j. To the Public: I have leased the Mc Clallcn House and will take possession on the 15th day of October, 1S93, and hope to have tho patronage of tho pu3 lic, as I shall keep the house and its surroundings first class. Mhs. J). C. McClallkx Special Notice. The Rttshey addition iu North Rose burg, consisting of 'J00 acres of choice land, haying been platted into largo residenco lots and acreage property, is now placed upon tho market at cut rates payable in yearly installments, beariug six per cent interest per annum. Tho title is porfect and every parcel Bold wil be released by tho mortgager from the operation of a certain mortgage now up on the property. To examine plats and learn prices, etc., call upon I). S. K. Buick, Agent "Livcrine. "Liverino," manufactured by tho An chor S Chemical Co., tho great Liver, Kidney and Constipation cure. An in fallible ''meily for nil curable lorms of disea'" l thoso organs. Tho creates' knoub lemedy for Indigestion, fry it For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store; Roseburg, Oregon. THE WOOD DUCK'S FIRST SWIM. Uow tho Mother Gets tho Uttlo Ones l'rom tho Nest to tho Water. A fow miles from my homo thoro is a Inko that has for years been tho nbiding placo of a colony of -wood ducks. I lwvo epent honra along tho shores -watching tneso prettiest of vmtcr fowls. Tho wood duck has ono peculiarity not possessed by other members of tho duck family it builds its homo high up in tho cavity of somo decayed limb, usually ono that Juts out over tho water. Tho eggs, from soven to 13 in nam- Icr, nro creamy whito in color. House keeping is bognn in May, and tho young aro ready to lcavo tho nest early iu Juno. 1 was curious to know how tho httlo ilncks reach tho water from thoir lofty homes. I had often Keen them, when hardly clear of their shell, swimming about with their mother nnd folt con vinced that they never could havo left homo unaided. Ono bright Juno morning fortune fa vored ma I had rowed along tho lako Bhoro to pay u visit to a houseful of noisy red wing blackbirds. My boat was lying motionless among tho toll cat tails that fringed tho shores of tho lako. Suddenly I heard a loud splash behind mo, ami turning to look I saw on tho water n. phort dist.mco nway, just shak ing tho spray from her wings, a femalo wood duck and near her two tiny yellow balls, so small that they resembled wa ter lilies floating on tho surface The old bird took wing, hovered and circled abovo her babies for a few min utes nnd then flew to a cavity in a tall tree, a short distanco away. In a short timo the ma!o bird, arrayed in tho hand somest cf plninago, joined his mate. Thou for a few minutes I could hear a soft oooing noise, which reminded mo of husband nnd wife discussing como im portant point rclativo to tho wclfaro of their children. The cooing soou stopped and tho moth er duck appeared iu Uio doorway of her homo. Then sho dropped toward tho wa ter at a slight angle. As her breast struck tho snrfaco sho immediately dived, and where her body had been I was surprised to so two little ducklings swimming about as unconcerned as though they had been traveling in tho water for years. Tho routine of Hying to tho nest wa3 repeated four times in rapid succession, ami each timo it resulted in mi addition of two to tho family in thowntcr, which kept growing until it numbered 12. Then tho mother duck swam out in tho lake, followed by her brood, whilo tho taalo bird brought np tho rear of tho procession, acting, no doubt, as a guard and protector. C. S. Shiok in Phila delphia Times. II o Cot tho Sucar. The following anecdoto of a tame monkey, to whom was given a corked bottle with a lump of sugar inside, in dicated that the animal, though unablo to invent, could imitate. A phrenologist would sav that tho monkey had "pcr- ?cptiou." but not "causality." How to get at the sugar was a problem that bado fair to drivo him crazy. Sometimes in an impulse of disgust he would throw tho bottle out of his resell and then bo distracted until it was given bock to him. At other times he would sit with a countcnanco of in tense dejection, contemplating tho bot tled sugar, and then, as if pulling hlra Eolf together for another effort at solu tion, would sternly tako up tho problem afresh and gaze into tho bottle. Ho would tilt it ono way and try to drink tho sugar out of the neck, and then suddenly reversing it, try to catch it as it fell out at tho bottom. Under tho impression that ho could capture tho sugar by surprise, ho kept rasping his teeth against tho glass In fa tilo bites, and warming to tho pursuit of tho revolving lump used to tlo himself into regular knots round tho bottle. Fits of tho most ludicrous melancholy would altcraato with spasms of delight a3 a new idea seemed to suggest Itself, followed by a fresh series of experi ments. Nothing availed, however, until ono day a light was shed upon tho problem by a jar containing bananas falling from tho tablowith a crash and tho fruit roll ing about in all directions. His monkey- ship contemplated tho catastrophe and reasoned upon it Lifting tho bottlo high in his paws, ho brought it down upon tho floor with a tremendous noise, smashing tho glass into fragments, nftcr which ho calmly transferred tho sugar to his mouth and munched it with much satisfaction. Youth's Companion. Marriage of tho Dead. Astrango custom pro vails among a certain tribo in tho Caucasus. When a singlo young man dies, somo ono who lias carried .to tho gravo a inarriagcablo daugii tcflu tho courso of tho year calls upon tho bereaved parents and says : "Your son is Euro to want a wife. I'll givo you my daughter, and you shall deliver to mo tho marriago portion iu return."--"' A friendly ofTer of this description is never rejected, mid tho two parties dooii como to terms as to tho amount of tho dowry, which varies according to tho advantages possessed by tho girl in her lifetime. Cases liavo been known whero tho young man's father has given as much as 30 cows to secure a dead wifo for his dead son. Bucli fur Alle. Croupier. Tho croupiers of Monto Carlo havo a Fcliool of gambling m .which they learn tho ins and outs of tho games, thoincth wis of defeating trickery, manual dcx terity in clearing tho boards mid paying tho stakes, readiness in reckoning and in dealing and shuttling tho cards and so ou. Most of them como from Alsace. Venezuela means ''Littlo Venice. Tho early explorers found tho natives living in houses placed on piles in tho marshoR In 183! the llrst .patent for water gas was taken out in England by Cruick-Bhanks. J.-; '. ' - '.;. ,:t ' ' ' 1 Health for ail Ali.i&w-J. G i3VS VEGETABLE 3SR3AiV.uH.LA. tain i !. froia iRllil, ucd cosUl:i:j :io .nlucral lies UiroiiRh jmture'aowu proper chan nels. Joy's Vegetable Sart-aparilla cures Dya- Scpsia, li r o n 1 c reiver Complaints nnd Kidney drugs or JeaiUy pois on. Joy's Venetablc Bona partita robs the Mood or all IU impuri ties, and courses all these impuri- tiiJ Auccuon?. Joy's Vegetables sarsnnnrllln prevents tired feel in cs. sloe serin i? sen- Isations, palpitation I of heart, rush of uizziDesj, nugmg la cars, snots before tho eyes, headache, bil- lQnsnPfi.tmnst5nf.tIon of bowels, pains in the bacK,melancnoly, 1 tongoo coated, foul breath, pimples on declineofnerve force dizzy spells, faint cnem nnltl. elammv feet and hands, sour risings, laiigne, ln I Eomnia, and all dis CE3CS of thcEtomach, I nvcr ana Ktuneys.c ! ! eT0J-s VejetsMe Sar- j ! i.ra is scM by all ! .1?. W!: -a vmi j fori .eh....-elhat j i'ldo notMPastryj pi How often you bear this expression, and the ex- planation that usually s follows: "I am troubled 9. ji explanation is not far to S" seek. In the past Lard jt fcf. has been used as the prin jS cipal shortening in ill . 'j pastry, the result dys- Z jfi iwpsia. Tite dyspeptic ?N. need no longer be f troubled, providing a a sis a r?y COIUT highly refined vegetable & S oil and beef suet. When C" & used as a shortening, it ; ei5 nroduces wholesome and Ji pro yX healthful pastry- Physi- 5 cians and expert ccoks indorse it. Keis rstatitstia. jSa xni three cems ia stamp ta i K frc v - .v Den: auiacniKi oa cooluoc. 'fl C'c ttalrne u oU by all croctn. 1 1 SMi rtaJj only by y rrN. K. FAIRBANKS CO., 3 g ST. LOUIS end v y-JjcHicaao. new yobk, Bosror.v a Kbam Juvecator is Falllajr Sen tho most wonderful lUscovcry of tho age. It has been cr dorsed bytha men of 'Europe and America. Hudjin is porcly vego Uble. tludran s'sps rrenalaren's 5f the (J lt atif,n.T.;;.tv- ctwItchiD of tee eyes ana oiao: puts. Strcactheia, tnvicomtC! and tones the er.Urenitea Hudjan cures Debility, Ktrvosaess. Kmlisions, anddcvelopts and restores weak orgscB. Vtlca ia the t-aci, losset chargo m 20 days. Cures LOST MANHOOD bv dav o alfaht stopped 'fei qcicttv. 0-crJ,CCfl private cnitorscmeT:'?. ftr.mtnri'ns r.irsns imrotency iu the Cnt Etaca U is a ryuiptoni of remlnal weakness d bMTenni-s. Jt can bo slopped in 3 days .thoiaooiiiuiiyan. fhm.rvT rilvovcrv was cifttlo bv theSrccial- .fimfthooM famous lladson Medical Institute. JtU Iho ttronges-t vitailzer made. It 13 very pow iful, but bainuess. sold lor si.eu u psc2 ir..nrfi ipka-s for S5.00(rlainscaled boxes). Written Kuariuileo Riven for a cure. Ifyouboy rixb.eia:id are rot entirely cured, sis mora iiiil lici.nt In tnii frt'o of all ebftrccs. i"!n 1 f ir clrcularsand testimonials. Ad'ircss A HUDSON' BlEDICAti INSTITUTE, Jtiuctloi: Stockton, .HurUc t & E11U Sti, Salt I-raticlsco, Vromptly secured. Trmle-Miirfc-, Cori and Labels rciiUterod. Twcnlj-Cv) t pocurodornot.freourcbnrKC Oitrfco t until patent Is allowed. Cl'JpntrH fttnlt . M. B, WILLSON & CO.. Mtur.i.. -Orp.u.B.louoaco. WASHIKCTOK, illi Is is substituted for lard in the preparation of all food. It i; roniTiu- I irictlv nf This extm- KSlH Coasuu.a onunary ko- I'TOiL'CSM Is mm. mm 3 rSL rpr -r- P -r n. -.r.. --r- .-V BEWARE ot Imitation trade marks and labels. is the whole story about P HAW llfl 1?l5"3rty!3STA?C Css 110 morc another package soda never spoils ia! PuI(2w3. flour universally acknowledged purest In tic world. Made only by CHURCH fi: CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for Arm and Hammer Book ot valuablo KeclpcsFXEE. . HGWC ULTURIS Only $1.00 a Year! All the Leading Features that have made the monthlv so popular are retained and many New Features added, such Jteports in their season, Condensed iarm Its Fatm Features. Live Stock, Dairying, Horticulture. opics, written by Practical and Successful Farmers, supplemented with Il'ustra icnsiby able artists, combine t make it invaluable to those who "farm it for a ivini:." Tho Latest Markets and Commercial which the Agriculturist is not excelled. Reliable Special Correspondents at '.lie General and Local Market Centers all over the United 'States enable ns to report the latest pricea on everything the Farmer has to sell. This Department alone is worth many times tho cost of a year's subscription to any farmer. Tpi-rTv TPrH'Hrma T To he"" adapt the Agriculturalist to the VC JUHiUlvJlXCJ special interests of each section, five editions are country. Eastern, Middle, Central, Western, Southern. Each Edition contains special Local Features characteristic of its section, per fectly adantinc it to tho wants ot the farmers of tho different states in that section. Thuii each edition becomes to the Farmers as though published at their own state The Family Features, Short Stories, latest Fashions, Fancy Work, The Good Cook, Talks with the Doctor, Puzzle Contests and Young Folks' Page, combine to make thid Department of as special t amity l ars. Questions answered on Law, Medicine, Veterinary and other topics 'FREE. THE MAGAZINE FORM. Each issue comes out with a neat cover, the number of pages varying from !2S to 3C. Anildeal Farm and Family Weekly. FREE SAMPLE COPY sent on request. American Agriculturist, ;S Columbian Building, - SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER. Tlie I'lntntlealcr, - - Sz.ooi American Ajricnltarlsts, x.ooi If Business Is Not Good The Plaindealer's Advertising Columns Arc the Rooters for the Business Flen of Douglas County. (9 9) ( ( ( DRINK THE Days of '49 Whisky. ForTSale at all HIV THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. C8 VTsma St, New York. Prlcacoct: 1 kMD HA a,. Original, a Progressive, -- Practlcot. as General and Local Market Prices, Crop Jiews, and Letters Amonz their armers. Poultry. Market Gardening, and other Agriculture are Leading Features, ir issued for live different sections ot the as much their home agricultural paper capital. much value and interest as most of the Oar price $2.50 Botb lor only Papers. Don't Squeal, But Root- CELEBRATED -f First-Class Bars. rV rli ,?r A. fL 'r-- 9