THE PLA1NDEALER OCTOBER 21. 1S95. fsr.r iho Jaded nnd fiooa Health for nil Mankind. lit S VEGETABLE SUKSAPARILLA. fsnidc (hm he nnd roe-alas no dlncral dmcs or deadly poll en. Joy's VcRCtable robs the Nood of aU Its lni puri ties, and coarse all these import ties through natare'sown proper chan nel. Joy'a Vegetable Sarsapaxflla cures Dys- gcpsl a, h ronlc liver Complaints and Kidney Affection. n mitifc it i oi's Ycsotablo rsaparilla events Urrxl fl Ci staggering pea- oars, spots before tie eves, LeadicLo, bil ioasaess,ooratipatjoa of bowels, pains in the badraelarxholv, tongue coiled, fjJol breath, pimples on i facebodj and limb, dedi&cofacrva force eases of thestomach, liter and kidney, t. QToj,s YejeUbJe Su :setlhetcs. U. S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau. RreXBUts, Ore-, Octobers, 1535. p.,,-,. 15 a. . racific time-3313J. a-lTSX , p- rx. PaciSc time SaiT. 11 axlraca tecpcratre, M. U2slns tesperatsre. -is. p.'-'.-! lor the 21 bosrs eagles 5 p. rs,, .a. ToUl rainfall ice 1st ol meath, . 6 Avcrtre nirJall lor this xseath far 17 years. Toul rilalaU trass rpt. 1. 1S&, to da:e,i.7- Average monthly rainfall from Sept. 1, lias, to datcrri. Aeeasslited exee&s irss Sept. 1, 1535, to date, Jft. Average predpitauea far IS vet souas. SSL Titos. Giesax. Observer. mako this tho event of the Beason. Full particulars later on. "1 differed with female troubles, but Hood'a Sarsaprilla has given nio good health." Mrs. A. 1). Barker, Kugono Oregon. Cabin passage to the city was adver tised last weok at $5. At one time tho price was 20, but tho figures luivo gradually been reduced. Coos Bay News. Hie Burglar at the Rosoburg theater last night was witnessed by a moderato eired and appreciative audience. It is a splendid play ami was fairly acted, thero being a notabble absence ot "sticks" in the company. Frank Bigger, the genial proprietor of the Central Hotil, is doing a flourishing business notwithstanding the general de pression. He seta a good tablo, his prices are low and he makes every effort to please his patrons. Children's clothing at eiwf ami some for les3 than cost. I have also, a nice line of meu's and young men's clothing which will be sold at very low prices. Call and look over our stock before buy ing. The Novelty Store. Doctor Strange will be in Myrtle Crock on Octolwr 27, 2S, 29 and 30,'and desires that those desiring his services meet him there. He will be prepared to make and insert plates, fdl and treat diseased teeth and extract without paitii Parties desiring monumental work will do well to call on D. l.oonev. at the Koseburg marble works on Oak street opposite the hardware store of Churchill, oolley A McKenxte. These works are turning out some fine specimens of mon umental work. The picture of style, beauty and relia bility, all the merits of fashions weaves and colors, all tho virtures that dress goods ouht to possess, are combined in the fabrics which we now offer. That the trices are the Lowes'- we leave von to judge. Novelty Store. The "perfidy and dishonor" Tariff has brought back to the farmers of tho corn ksus toe pnvuepe. or necessitv. or whatever it is, o! using their corn for fuel. The markets of the world are open to them, but the best market they find for their chiet product is in their own stoves. Ponujco, Or-, oetster :-L 13; i; a. c Weather iorecu. is? the aext 36 hours, lor Eixcbcrr. asd vkiahy: TbcrvUy aad Frjdxr. lair weather, stxlioaxry tcsparttorc. I'asCe. Local Kerecajt OScial. BRIEF MENTION. by some of the lea ling vocalists of Rose burg and by tho conductor Prof. V. C. Aylesworth. Judging from tho interest already manifested this will bo the music! event of this season. tho tho tho Krom Wednesday's Dally. Tho far mors aio sighing for rain. F. P. Jasmann of Portland is in city. J. I. Galvin of Grants Pass is in city. Curtis Levens of Canyonvillo is iu city. J. G. Fuller of San Francisco is in the city. Nels Peterson of Starveout is iu town today. J. K. Farmor of Wolf Creok is in town todav. W. P. Smith of Portland is in tho city today. B. A. Day of Klamath Falls Is iu town today. I). S. Tracy of Yoncalla is at the Mc- Clulleu. A. J. Seely of Marshfield is at the Van Houteu. B. P. Michelson of Situ Francisco is in the city. W. It. Falliu of Grants Pass is in the city today. Geotgo Gumbert of Kalatna is in the city today. A. Kirkland of Springfield is McClallen. I). Frank ell of San Francisco ia at Vau Houteu. J. L. Cameron of Anaconda is a guest at tho Van Houteu. 0. E. Clark of San Francisco is a guest at the Van Houten. The Shasta Limited went through ou time at 9:S0 last night. F. S. Moore and family of Gold Beach are guests at the McClallen. G. W. Peters of Oakland was in the city today on business of importance. Jas. Batty of Oakland made the Plain dealer & pleasant call while in town yes terday. N. 0. Albro of Canyonville, who has at the the TELEGRAPH NEWS been taking in the exposition at Port- Great thing this privilege of buy- land, is in the city. New goods at Caro Bros. Mrs. Long of Oakland is in the city. Bert Weyle of Rending is in the city today. John Davidson of Oakland is in town today. J. L- Blair of Santa Fe is at thf Mc- icg where yon can buy cheapest and sell ing where you can sell dearest until you come to try it. Mr. John Jamieson and Miss Lillie GQliland were united in marriage by Rev. Dilwcrth, at the residence of the bride's mother in this city, last night. Forty or more guest were present to wit ness the ceremonj and join in the festivi ties of the occasion. Both bride and groom have a large circle of warm friends in this community, who join the Puiin- dealek in wishing them a pleasant voyage on matrimonial seas. Dan Card well has a fac-simile copy of ftlie first pajr published in America, the Boston News Letter, dated 1701, also an original copy of the LTster Gazette containing the announcement oi Wash ington's death, printed 05 years ago. It Mrs. Abuer Riddle and Mrs. S. S. Catching of Kiddle are visiting Mrs. B. F. Lohr of this city. Mrs. C. 3. Cannon returned from Port land yesterday. Claude will remain in Portland and engage in business there. W. Taylor Dement, and Mrs. Louisa Dement and Mrs. Haines of Myrtle Point are stopping at the Van Houten. The second trial of tho Hoover-Prcct case at Looking Glass yesterday, resulted in a verdict of $11 in favor of the defend ant. Mrs. Hobson. an elderly lady, died suddenly last uight at the home of her son-in-law, Geo. Brown, at Brockway, of hemmorage of the lungs. C. L. Kester of Olalla made the Piu'- Dnvt-EU a pleasant call today. Mr. Kes ter is a wide awake citizen and conse- Bcginnlng of the End. San Fkancisco. Oct. Diek- iuson this morning iinnoun-ed that ho had no further witnesses to call In de fense of Theodore Durrant. Calling wit nesses in rebuttal was thoreforo begun by tho prosecution. Tho first sten was to refute llio siaie- ment of Durrant that tho trustees of tho church asked him to repair the gas fix tures at the church last April. l.D. Colo, C. G. Noble, Joseph Davis, Andrew Spaulding and A. D. Vogcl, trustees of the church, when called to the stand, testified that thoy did uot ask Durrant to inako repairs. C. V. Dodge, n medical student, testi fied that on the afternoon of April 13th ho saw Durrant at tho forty, and tho pris oner told him ho was waiting lor mem bers of tho sigual corps, whom he ex pected from Oaklaud. C. A. Dukes, who accompanied Dodge, corroborated this testimony. Tho testi mony is important, from thb fact that Durrant said when ou the stand that he was at iho ferry for the purposed search ing for Blanche Lament, who, u myster ious strauiier had told him. would cross the bay that afternoon A. A. Hobe, an old schoolmate of Dur rant, testified that on the same afternoon, he saw the prisouer at the ferry in com pany with a young woman who answered the description of Minnie Williams Minnie Williams came over from her homo in Alauieda that night, and next dav her body was found in Emanuel church. Tho theory of the prosecution is that, instead of being at the ferry to fol low up a clev of Blanche Latnont, Dur rant was there for thb purpose of meet ing Miss WilliamB and luring her to her death. E. A. Glascr. a Btudont at the medical college, testified that on April 10th, Dur rant asked him to read his notes to Dur rant, who devoted three-quarters ot an hour to writing them in his own note book. Defen-e tried to show that it was the custom for students to compare notes, bat G laser said Durrant read nothing that purported to be hi own notes. District Attorney Barnes said today at noon that ttie testimony in reouttai would be finished by tomorrow night The argument of the case will, therefore probably begin the last of the week. his natiio. He wants to fight JamoH J. Corhett, and ho wants to fight for the purso ottered by tho Florida Athletic Olub and stakes uf $10.00 J h side. If the Florida .Uhleliu Club is unwilling or tinahlH to cam- out its part of the con tract, in so us tho p'irr.o iHcomerned, president's carriage drawn ly four white thou Robert Fitziiuimons will, on Octo- horses, dashed around tho corner of tho bor 31, take James J. Cortiett to any Million, the crowd recognized I hu portly part of the glotio within tho reach of both form of the piesiJont, and a mighty men ami there and then fight him to a chter went up, which grow and de- finish fur a $10,000 side stako, each man veloped iuto a roar as the linoofcarri- tu select six men and those only to bo ages sped rapidly up Pryor street through present at the light. I do not care to the masa of enthusiastic humanity. mince matters. 1 simply want to state and btatu it strong, that if James J. Cor hett and Robert FitzsituiuotiH du not meet nud fight October 31 it will be by no reasoii or fault of Robert Filzsim-mons." Stuart and Vundig now state that in view of Fitzsimmons, arbitrary stand the contract between the club and fight er.', so far as it relates to Fitzsimmons, abrogated. The club now stands ready to offer a new contract which compre hends a modification of the purse offered i l - l . l. . ti . . .. . . . .1 u the original copies now extant, and lias 1ueau luo 1 been in the possession of the Cardwell I Rev. Worthen, the evangelist and Clalien, w T r!-rrr p.,ri,r,.i U .i iv,A Mr. thousands of fac-simnc conies of this fa- Gospel temperance lecturer, left on this ntallVn moos edition printed at the time of the mornin'a overland for Grants Pass, after n . r ns.i.i ; ,k .JCentenial Exposition, but the original giving yesterday. I copies are few and far between. Dave Magnes ofCequiile is at the Van Houten. II . C. Webster of Portland is a guest at the McClallen. R. P. Fabj f Portland is registered at the Van Hosten. J. L. Bowman of Salem is a guest at the Van Houten. Fred G. Waite of ML. Pleasant, Iowa, is in the city today. Mrs. M. Taylor ol l'ortland i regis tered at the Van Houten. Jack Dempey, the pugilist, is dying of consumption at bis home in Porland Blankets! Good qality at low prices; also baby blankets at the Noyelty Store. TV. F. Benjamin, who has K-en quite ill for the pan week, is tmprovin somewhat. H. M. Martin the grain merchant of Rceebnrg will pay cash for merchantable wheat and cats. Geo. McDocgel! of Scotts valley was an interested srctator of "The Burglar" at the Eosebarg theater last night. Hair OmamtnU, Purttt, Pocltt Booktl New line of the latest novelties. Call and see them at the Novelty Store. Call and examine the tew goods at the Varietv store, one block east of the depot, corner of Tine and I-ane Streets li yen don't waut to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. Lanzenburg's. Impairing neatly and promptly done. Our Oakland correspondence was re ceived to late for poblieation in Mon dav's issue. It will be found on the first page of today's paper. Dr. J. W. Stransre has leased rooms in embarked and woro escortod to carriages bv tho reception committees and driven lo the Hotel Aragou, thfir dunlination, before tho expectant crowds realized that tho distinguished visitors had reached tho rifv. Nevertheless, as the Highest of aU in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABMIAJVEUr PURE Mr. Cleveland was iu evident ixx humor and bowed responses to the con tinuum ovation ho received all tho way lo his hotel. Secretary Carlislo, who, with Mrs. Carlisle, rode iu the second carriage, was cheered frequently, and Hoko Smith, who lound himself on his native heath, was given a hearty recep tion. At tho Aragon tho party was made comfortable until 7 p. m. At that hour tho ladies were escorted to the Grand opera house, where they were the guests of Mrs. lloka Smith at a box RIDDLE. THE CITY COUNCIL. to $2,000 at most, and fixing tho dato of party to see Bice's "1402." Their pres- battle two or possibly three weeks later enco and the array of cabinet representa- than the original date. Vendig this morning got a telegram from J. J. Quln. Muhtr'a hacker, offering to bet 00J on tho Irishman if a match can he made. lives caused the house to bo packed. At 9 p. m. the president and his cabinet officers sat down iu the Aragou banquet ball to a dinner tendered iu their honor by Hon. Porter King, mayor of Atlanta. Covers were laid for 80, including the fair officials, the city council, the visiting My governors and other distinguished citi zens. The city is congested with visitors Kidney. E. W. Jov Company Gentlemen: I have Buffered from kidney trouble lor tnoor three years, l would nave to get up in ine ihsih to void my urine trom ten to fifteen times. My sleep was disturbed, and I became very thin I have taken two bottles and calned filteen lonmbt, and I lie superu weailier tuat pounds. Sleep well. Have to Ret up about . TO;a,i Drt , :nollrBa ,ha aaA. ance of 100,000 visitors tomorrow, In the morning at 11 o'clock, tho pres ident will be driven to the exposition grounds, where he will review the mili- wi.iv t.una uuiiiiK U1KUI. auu nut icij uuvu better In every respect. Will contlnueio taiel Slg entirely cure me. Jilt. ened.l EDWARD W. FRENCH, Stockton. Ca JOY'S FOR THE JADED. JOY'S VEGETABLE 8ARSAPARILLA. Farmers in this vicinity are all wishing i Proceedings for si good rain. Nichols Bros, shipped two carloads of tho finest beef cattle this week that liaye been shipped from Riddle. Miss Jennie Bealman of Canyonville was visiting friends at the Riddle House several days this week. Mrs. A. Kiddle is vinling relatives iu RoBoburg at the present writing. W. L. Nichols is busy hauling material to build a new house on his farm near town. Prof. F. A. Deau is at home after teaching ii successful term of school at Glendalc. Mrs. Dona Catching and son Roy are visiting Mrs. B. r. Lohr in Koseburg this week Mrs. J. D. Cornutt and fnuiily, Misses Maude aud Grace Riddle and Anua Bogue visited Mr. and Mrs. Win, Hack- ler on Cedar Flat the 20tii inet. and re port having a very pleasant time. Ernest aud Geo. It. Itlddlo and A. K. and Jake Nichols are camping ou Dutch man's Butto this woek looking after Regular tary, deliver a brief address, hold a pub-1 stock and having a good time. Would Fight at El Paso. El Paso, Tex., Oct. 22. A telegram was received here last night from the Fitzsimmons peoplo at Corpus Christi, stating that Corbelt would be invited to meet Fitzsin-mons for a fight to a finish at El Paso. Fitzsimmons refused to enter into a "pillow-throwing contest" with Corbett atHot Sprii.g", because of the assurance that a light to a finish could bo brought off at El Paso. lie reception , and make a tour of the buildings. Tomorrow night he will be tendered a reception at the Capital City Club, and at midnight will leave for Washington. All Free. A Desperate Battle. Nkw Yobk, Oct. 23. Reports of a des perate battle in tho San Jaun coffee-growing valley, Detween Holguin and Bara- jagua, were confirmed oy uispatcnes re ceived by the Cuban junta last night. Tho forces engaged were led by General Antonio Maceo, with 2000 Cubans, and General Echague, with 1800 Spaniards. Tho greater portion of the Cubans were not actually engaged, according to the Will Q. Brown left for. Chicago the 20th inBt., where be goes to essay a car load of nickel ore which was recently shipped from the mines. Mrs. J. W. Gil more is attending the exposition and visiting relatives in Port land this week. Mr. Harrison and wife of Brownsville are visiting Mrs. Harrison' sister, Mrs. Cutsfortb, this week. Emd. Ron's Tti I a? We offer Oni Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. - F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. 6tore. Frasa 1cday" Iaily. J. Wolf of Portland is in town. B. Mollv of Heifer Lake is in the city today. W. J. Malwnev of Oakland is m town to-lay. F. Brallev of Portland is at the Van Houten. The san broke through the Jog at 1 p. m., today. Wm. Irwin of Ten Mile was in town vefterday. Wm. Nolta came over from Oakland yesterday. For Over Fifty Years. As Old asd Wctx-TaitD Remedy. Mr. A'lcflow's Soothing Syinn has been used lor over titty years by millions of mothers for Ihel children while teethlnr. with perfect sccees. It soothes the child, toltens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Dlarrhiva. Is pleasant to the tssle. !ld by drugrfits In every jrt of the worM. Twenty- five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ak for Mrs. Inslow's Soothlne fyrup, and take no other kind. Compos not Insane. New York, Oct. 21. Dr. W. Shaw Bowen writes the World from the city where he is staying: "The report from Cuba that Cenersl Campos ii insane is probably uufounded Its value as news is on a par with four fifths of the so-called news of the Cuban rebellion. If there has been any depar- tnre t'oxa the normal inGencralCsmpo6' condition the change has occurred since I saw htm tast, a fortnight ago. The same report had been circulated by the Cubans for several weeks before my last i Barnes intimated a week ago that Dur- visit to him. It was whispered in my ! rant had shown Miss Cunningham an ear at Santiago and Cienfuegos. I after-J envelop ln-aring such an inscription, ward heard the same thing at Havana. 1 but ttie court ruled ttie question was im proper, and this matter was dropped Miss Cunningham was then tempo- riiose who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, aud those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Drug gist am! itt . Trial Hnttte. Frpo. Send your name and address to 11. t. uucklen report, nut continuea to auvanco lowaru t chenev for the last 15 vears. and be- & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of the west after a battle. Only 500 cavalry i:eVB him perfectly honorable in all bnsi- Ul . IIUL a C" ll'n vvi 3 I , Alan, A.I Iha ai .if Ihii ('nhn n wm t anrl I . r ..- m,.v nf ;.,?,!. in Hp.dth and HonS- " ' nesa trausacuons anu nuanciaiiy aoie to . . - J ... - ... . l-unl h&Wnnntana Imm nl,-T,nr. T i. . , , - , , I . I . hold Instructor. Free. All ot winch is "vwj...i.u. -v.Ub. carry out any onugaiions matie oy meir guaranteed to do you gol and cost you Spanish troOH hesitated at critical times flrra. noitnng. a. j. Jiarsiers x uo a urug- and did not tight with the valor which West Trcax. Wholesale DrueaisU. of the Last Meeting. At an adjourned meeting of tho !oard of trustees, Tuesday evening, October 22, 1895, the following business was trans acted: On calling the roll the following mem bers were found present: Mayor Marsters, Trustees Clements, Yates, 8tanton, Fletcher, Perry, Slocuin and Churchill ; Recorder Zigler and Marshal Cannon. Trustee Moore absent. Tho bonds of J. A. Perkins, J. B. Can non and F. M . Zigler were accepted and ordered filed. Tire following comiuiltuea were ap pointed: Ways and ineaus 1I.C. SIocuui, Kobt. Yates and F. II. Churchill. Current expense and accounts F. II. Churchill, Wm. Perry and Robt. Yates. Fire and water David Clements, D. Moore and Wm. Perry. City improvements Robt. Yates, F. II. Churchill and II. C. Slocuin. Health anu" police U, C. Stautou, H. C. Slocuin nnd Jas. Fletcher. City election Jas. Fletcher, D. Moore and David Clemen's. The following bills wero allowed: Holyfield & Heald, lumber ...47 12 C. M. Johnson, drayage ' 50 L. 8. Stanciiff, opening chauuel to sewer 2 50 Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie, hardware 14-5 Central Hotel, meals M. F. Rapp, stationery H. J. Wilkins, rent ou i poling place B. F. Page, lalor I). Patterson, hauling r . M. Zigler, recorde re lees . . . M. C. Ruckles, labor J. M. Fletcher F. W. Carroll, marshal fees The bills of Dr. B. L. Bradley. for 13 16 4 25 2 50 4 20 . 1 00 . 57 05 0 00 75 34 00 W. 8. iMiss Cunningham Testifies. Sax Fsanci.-co. Oct. 23. Dr. Gilbert F. Graham was recalled for further ex amination in the Durrant trial this morning, but was soon witbdrawu, and .Miss Carrie Cunningham, a newspaper reporter, was called. She testified that on August IS Durrant told her that while he was repairing the burners he looked through a crack in the wall and saw Blanche Lamont on the second land distinguished their ancestors. About 300 of their number were killed. General Maceo's westward movement was for the purpose of aiding the insur gent forces in Santa Clara province, as he had received word that they were threatened by the columns of Spanish infantrv, A letter was received from Acting Brigadier-General Rego, who, at Manicaragua, is holding a position in the mountains about midway between Cien fuegoe and Trinidad. Ho has about 1200 men. divided into seven companies of Toledo, Ohio. Waldisg, Klsxak a, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hamilton, J. C. Sheridan, Roseburg Electric Light Co., F. W. Carroll, salary bill; W. H. Carroll. J. W. Mullen aud A. E. Smith were referred to the committee on current expense and accounts for iu-vestigalion- Moved that the salary of the judges and clerks be fixed at $2.00, and the re corder draw a warrant for tiiat amount. The recorder was instructed to draw a warrant for $375 in favor of the German Savings & Loan Society, interest on Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter- sewer and city hall bonds. nally, acting directly upon the blood and Moyed that the treasurer be instructed mucous surfaces of the system. Price to deposit city funds in the Douglas 75c. per bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. County Bank. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. OAK CREEK. No further business the meeting ad- Mourned to meet Thursday evening, October 31st, at 7:30 o'clock. three ver entertaining and in structive Ievtnres here during the week. A. S. Batll of Looking Glass made the Plaimicalck a friendly call today anu reports all as pr-ssperuus there as ci ream - stances wilt permit, ine neaun oi me x. ...., i-amnn- incflnitv lias been people of the valley is good, the crops ..... wi,h SDeciUc 0.;, var- have Wen reasonamy uouniimi politics has not yet began to disturb the I u-te M mucll M (lrfjre wilj, the 8wor,l ( t0 rebut the testimony of tho preceding in? nf tho blfrv. An effort was then m.irf m nhtaln Hsht on the statement cavalry and ten of infantry. He stated id in l.av heh written bv Durrant to t General Maceo in his dispatch that 1.1. attornev-. "To be ooened If he " Spanish forces were massing at Cien cA I fueeoe. Trinidad and Villa Clara. There if he was acquitted." District Attorney are three roads to .Manicaragua irom these three places. Spies reported to General Rego that they were to make concentrated attack. In Villa Clara there are 1S00 Spaniards; in Cienfuegos about 2000, and in Trinidad 1500, mak ing in all a formidable force to be re- audi, ... , ,t n,.,;ia.M,iir.,irn.r.l ml Dr. Mavs as called pulsed DV the CllbiUS. 'MIU IU: kUUUV .tv,.(u ,-.; , . I .,.,..11 !. l . nsuai quietude. ; wretcueJ Cuba I In the "Senate" chamber on the corner I "Today Campc3 conlruls every seaport, of Jackson and Oak streets, the following every town, hamlet, and every point of notice is displayed : consequence on the railways; iu fact, 'pay today. I nearly every crossroad in the district In rcxE naiNKS tomokow. I revolt. He needs more troop3 for his This notice has given occasion to a few policy of guarding every important point, i nitnecs on the hallucinations of women and the effects of gas. He was asked what condition a man would be in if he enhaled iras from the burners. The wit ness replied he would l unconscious in three minutes. Farmers all ready for rain. Baseball is still the topic of conversa tion among the boys. Miss Pbinetta Blakely, who has just closed a very successful term of school on Rock creek, returned home last Saturday. The spelling hol Thursday evening was voted by all a success, aud it is sincerely hoped that another wilt W given in the near future. Mr. aud Mrs. Jerry Thornton of Cala- pooia are visiting relatives at this place. will occur in the nrovinioof Santa Clara. ue .Ml. bcolt school house is rapidly As soon as the suear cane fields are re- nearing completiou. The ca'peuter, Gus hpw I Bauch, will give a dance in it next Fri- "I. . . . .. rain, the insurgents will beein to burn to which all are cordially invited them. Gomez has given orders to de- a granu time is oxe-ie.i, m come Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. r ?, t r -l - J tSchloeman'slast ,-Lcr"ulc ""W,8 v."?"?i labl uonrb nun lime iuie:iu;uiuu snu it seemed as if flie could uot survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's Now Discovery; it was juick in its work and highlv satisfactory m results." Trial bottles free at A. C- Masters & Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size 50e. and $1.00. stroy everything. From Havana comes word that come all. one, OtfHK. it is at at at is G. "W. Peters came vesterdav. G. K. Burton of San Francisco is at tlie McClallen. Geo. M. Jenks of Datroit is a guest tlie McClallen. E. 31. Dudley of St. Paul is a guest the Van Houten. W. C. "Watkins of San Francisco is the Van Houten. B. F. Wellington of San Francisco in the city today. E. J. Arrant and wife were at the 31c Clalien yesterday. Jniin K. Sntherlin of Oakland was in the citv vesterday. 3Iartin Nasisco of Portland was at the Van Houten yesterday, P. T. McGce, the 3Iyrtle Creek mer- cliant, was in town yeiterday. Mr ami Mrs. Hunter and son are home from their trip to Portland. t n Ynnn" nnd C. Whitehead of Portland were in town yesterday. AT. TTiroins. K. 31. and R. H. Welch -- ' Mim Carrie Cunningham was then re thirsty souls to wait in anticipation for The total number ofimen In the Spanish 'called for further cross-examination, hut &e daily practice of the Spanish jailers elicited when I lo la several I'rieouem uui iuo jun and shoot them the morrow to fully satisfy their thirst, army in Cuba is less than SO.000, inclu- , nothing important was over from Oakland But let thero be fully persuaded in their djng all classes. Considering the diffi- ! court took a recess till 2 o'clock. minds that tomorrow never comes. So culties of the countrv, a prudent com-1 Geo'ge R. King is annoyed, but in no mander should insist on having at least way exercised over the rumor current in come right along and pay for the drinks today. The World's Fair Tests showed ao baking powder so pure or so great In leav ening power as the Royal. 50,000 more soldiers. At tho present time Campos is supreme." Menrouit HUock. E. W. Joy Coxmsy Gentlemen: This is the first time I have attempted to write for three years. Have been so nervous and weak that I have laid in bed for most of the time. A Iricnd who had taken your tarsapanna scut me two bottles. The second one Is most I cone, and I nave caintii JJ pounas. I feel a new woman, i was bluon. Had given up. remedies and doctors, but GLENDALE The overland fiver from San Francisco to Portland in 34 hours, made its first PnW,sn thlM&a WtuLvS r. il,rritf Itto Ti1m v.jtin1nv. anil liftri I Al&mctla. C . , 7 i7:. Headache, Billiousness and Torpid Llverdls- supier at noiei uiviniaii; .it u-w, mu i appear when you laae Joy s eReiaoie carta panua. Tragedy. , 22. Dr. J. Bay, was being the regnlar eating station for the tmin. With iroini? and returning "w ' "I Ter-i-! f rnm Mil Francisco. A CXaS IM T.-ikr. nf Whi-kirv creek, who has DALL.S, ICX., UCl .nt tl.WvMr :.t T.ikiview. came a prominent pnysician oi lianas, in on a bicycle" yesterday. He goes to shot and almost instantly killed last eve-! made the statement that he was at the his mines at Whiskev creek in a few n,n8 Cure For Crippled Children Tbe National Surgical Institute, Pa- The prisoners are stood cinc Uranch. 319 Bush Street, San Fran in a line; ten men are selected for dealh. -jsco guccvf-fullv treats all caees of Or Perhaps it is the first ten, perhaps the thopedic Surgery, Diseases of the Spiue, last ten, or the middle ten. The names jjjp ami Knee Joints, Paralj-eis, Piles, of tho condemned are not ascertained. Fistula, Nasal Catarrh, Bow Legs, They are simply penned up and treated Knock Knees, all Deformities and as animals. Chronic Diseases. Their success in In the province of Santa Clara, General treating these cases is shown bv thou- Lnquis is said to be rivaling the reputa- jj, 0f references from trustworthy tion of Garrido, the "butcher," iu the people all over the country eas'ern proviuce, according to letters re- Persona having afllicted children or themselves of the evstein of tured a mountain hospital near ban treatment Iv this Institute. One or Diego del Valle, after a fierce combat morc 0f tiK,se sur)reou3 will lie at the dent concerning tho reliability of his wh -W Cubans wno were gnanung me McClallen House, Koseburg, Monday, alibi, aud ridiculed tbe iwssibility of its ck and wounded. In the hospital were October 2Sth, one day to examine cases hfiimr shattered. He aavs he snent the 31 insurgents unable lo participate in the for circular. References may le eveninir. as he often did other eveniDijo. engagement. The Spanish soldiers put m. t;, i: ...i h. o nnihin.. ,,,,a oi everv one of them to the bayonet. Not occurred. To tha tiolico Georco Kioir one was left alive the Mission to the effect that he has no alibi for the night Minnie Williams was muidercd. The young man thinks he is more competent to settle tbe question of his wherealouts on the evening of the 13th of April than the residents of the ! mission. He claims that he can establish a com- ! rde? thi"n,dnonamr. plete alibi for that fateful night in April, ceived from Sagua Grande, on tho north friend rhouM convince t l nad'tried so rrniny aninhat he can produce witnesses to tell coast of Cuba. His force recently cap- the excellent results of ill found no benefit If ' !.,; l,aniil nMr S'an i i... .i.:.. t.....:i consent. , where he was at certain hourB and bow Alameda. cL : he passed his time, lie is very conn the Taylor & Wilson block for a term of q Gcn,aie are in the city today three years, and wul remove his oince brand new sidewalk in front of the mio me eame in a rnon nine. Ja .,, i,,t n street im- A competent dressmaker would like a Lrovement.. potition lo sew by tbe day, or wonid cut m:h. Jr.. Rufus and Russel da vs. F. A. Dean closed his school at this place last Friday. He has made an ex cellent record as a teacher here, and goes forth with a good recommendation from our school board. He is an mtel igent voung gentleman, who will yet fill a prominent place in the future hh torv of Douglas county. 3Irs. Jesse Dewey and her httlo niece, bv Marion Hardcastle, a well known resident of Dallas. The tragedy took place on 3Iain street, in the pres ence of a crowd of ieople. Hardcastle was arrested. The only statement he made was : "Ray has been my family physician for six years, and domesttc affairs was the cause of the killing.." Hardcastle met Ray today and thrash ed him, after attempting to cane him. and fit at home. Inquire of Miss Alice ' who bave 5n Eastern Ore- jnsaMaud Warner, went to Jacksonville The men were K-parateu. Later Ray Denaie ai rniucow ui aQ, BAVr,t mon hs returned to nn -tlav in vis t M ss Ed ith Uewev. P" ""u'"8 ; ....v.. - - - i , tUn naat oAvdril months Karl's Clover Root will purify yonr ... dl this morning on the overland. who ;3 a student at St. -Mary's Academy, ilardeastie sieppeu up, spokc a c Blood and clear vour Comolexion. regu-1 , . n . it, Ttan. 1 Wiv Tnllor. .m nlil resident of Cow late your Bowels and make your head as , ut wa3 not so brgely Creek valley, died at his homo at Tunnel Psto. to Ray a right temple and sent a bullet through his Drain, ino irageuy created an immense sensation. Dr. Ray came to Dallas from New Or leans. He was married to a Miss Well about four years ago, but was recently divorced. Hardcastle is also divorced from his wife. Tivoli on tho evening of April 13, aud that he was accompanied by Zach How ard. This statement is veritiod by How ard. That George Kiug and Durrant were both absent from tho Christain Endeavor meeting at the Vogcl residence on the eveningi.mnnic iiiiams met iier iragic fate has ever been a significant fact to the Mission peoplo. It is probably duo to this coincidence that the rumor was stattcd. King and Duriant wero inti- malo friends, aud it was natural for people accustomed to seeing them to gether to connect their names. clear as a bell. 25c, 50c and $1.00. oM,ii . Srindav night, but the C last Friday and was interred near his Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego Ladience waa more liberal when thecon- lato residence Sunday. Mr. Tuller was Cal.. eavg: "Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy . -Knf inn t- waa nassed. and so made an old pioneer nnd leaves a large numuer is the first medicine I have ever found 0onj. (nT lorf, Df number. of friends and relatives in this section to that would do me any good." Price 50c. worthen. the temperance mourn hiB loss. Niece & Williamson's oyster parlor Wttlr-r ,aVB that the members of the Hotel Glendale, which is now tho eat and TfKtnnrant 5s now Often, where YOU I about double the ine station ol all tho trams runnmg can get fresh oysters in any style and Lmount capita for the support of through this place, is conceded to be the meals at all hours. At the Canay iac- tbeir lodgesthat ChrifitianB do ior me Dest noiei m ouumcu vlcSuu. .. eupportofthe churches. A very goou the superior mauugomeu.. showing for secret societies. Clarke it could not be otherwise, as Mrs. .. i -vrr,. n. is undoubtedly equal to any one in Tk. nurrant trial waa reeuuicu i . - - xm. ... ... ,1 r i.r inr, boot black wm im mont. tory. TheLadieeAid society of the Presby terian church will meet at 3IrB. Bulck's In West Roseburz. at 2:30 o'clock on Thursday, October 24, 3Ies. Bisghaji, Bee. vp SiTfA ihnrmiffh bred Durham Ln at Emanuel church before the mur- bull, four years old. Price f20, or would der, in which Durrant, King, and half a exchange for a i?ood fresh milr cow, lnv. A little nigger probably bo called upon to give hii Mtint? testimony concerning the goings establish- Enquire of R. R. "Wilkinson, three miles east of Roseburg. The latest novelties from Europe, in the ebape of a shooting gallery. 3Iu eic3Iimicj. The music goes, the tiger roars and the lady plays the drum. No. 223 Jackson street. Grand masquerade ball on Thanksgiv ing night, given by the Rosoburg orches tra. There will be no palna Bpared to dozen or so young ladies of respectable parents cut quite a figure. The charming Operetta, "Snow While and the Seven Dwarfs," will be given at the Opera House on Thursday, October lint. It is said to be different from any in our city. Tho . hornsea are sung by about seventy-live children and young ladies, who havo been for several weeks under careful training. Solo parts will bo sustained MrB. Bell and Mies Edith Tuller of Pot Hand were called home on account of tho dangerous illness of their father, J. Tuller, who died last week. Mrs. Mary Wood is visiting her son, A. Miller, of Glendalo. Moluk. Cnturrli. E. W. Joy Company Gentlemen: I have lust completed the second bottle of your Vege table Sartacalllla. I havo had Catarrh lor vcars which aflcclca my eyes, ncarinc nnn stomach. Frequently would have dull head. acho for days at a time. Since talcing your remedy i navcicii no oisaurccauio yyinpiou. Trustlne you will publish this as I want nny one suffering from any of tho nbove symptoms to bo benellltcu. Ktnuiy senu me iwo more bottles by return express, (Signed) MR. FREDERICK DE KICHMU.MJ, Seattle, Wash Everv mall lirlnci a new batch of tcstlmoii' lau ior Joy s vcgeiaoie carsajiariim. State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. First term begins September lGth. Entire new faculty. Send for catalogue. Louih Uarsee, President. Fltz Wants to Fight. Hot SriusoB, Ark., Oct. 22. Martin Julian, manaeer aud backer of Robert Fitzsimmons, has made a stalemout to th uublic. of which the following is tho the most important part: "FitzHimmons todav stands ready to carry out to the letter every word con i tained in tho articles to which ho flignod In the Sunny South. Atlanta, Go., Oct, 22. For tho preB cnl, at least, the seat of tho government of tho United States may be said to have been transferred lo Atlanta, for the city harbors tonight tho president, vice-presi dent, and six members of tho cabiuet, not to mention Treasurer Jordan, Gov ernor Uoluu ot Joiiiiecticut, uoveruor O'Ferrall of Virginia, Governor Stono of Mississippi, and a long list of other dig nitaries of officialdom. Fifteen minutes after 4 this afternoon the presidential train rolled into the union depot. In accordance with the wiBh of tho presideut, and the d( Biro of the exposition officials, tho arrival of the party was deprived of any thing in the nature of a hippodrome. Ten thousand people had assembled in tho vicinity of the etation, crowding Iho streets as cloBcly as tho spaco allowed, and over flowing for blocks in ovory direction. Tho tools, windows, awnings, telegraph poles nnd every point of vantage in tho neihb:rhood had beeu utilized by eager onlookers. Tho special was stopped out side tho depot, however. Tho party dis- Sawyer on Sherman's Book. Di'ixth, Oct. 22 bx-benatcr fcawyer is in Duluth. A reporter asked him hie opinion of Senator Sherman's book. In reference to the part referring to ex- President Garfield, Mr. Sawyer said: 'Senator Sherman is totally in the wrong in saying that ex-President Gar field broke faith with him. I remember the dav before Garfield was nominated I lunched with him. At the tabic I said, 'Mr. Garfield, I'm sure you're go ing to be nominated.' He replied: 'I would rather be shot than to be nomi nated, for I could never pcrsuado Sher man that I kept faith with him.' "I went back to the Wisconsin delega tion, and we were the first to swing into line for Ganleld." had to- E. i. Yuiitig St Co.. Oakland. H. Liuder. Roburg. T. L. Thompson, Coles Valley. John Hall. Myrtle Creek, and dreds ot others. him- ROCK CREEK. is gelling in their niter Grading Dried Prunes. The work of grading prunes for the market is one of great importance. This grading is ou the principle of 40, 50 and GO dried prunes in a tound of some vari eties, while in others, as tbe Petite for example, it is GO, 70 andSJ to the pound. Consumers of prune3 prefer their fruit to be all of a uniform size. No. 10, (.40 to the pound; heinv; the more highly prized, No. 50 next an 1 No. GO of the lowest value of same variety. The Oregon Fruit Union has now in their warehouse a good many tons of dried prune's ready for packing as soon as Ihey cau be graded. Tho Union sent a grading machine here latweek for th8 grading of the fruit. Tim machine has been set up and this morning tho ma chine was set at work, but for some cause or other the thing won't grade worth a cent. So packing has beu euspeuded till tomorrow when Willis Brown will be hero lo straighh-n the thing out and put things lo rights. The Square Deal Store. The Square Peal rtore is now receiving a full and complete stock of fall and ' winter good.-, coiiMmiug iu part of cloth ing, hats ami caps, ladies' aud geuls' underwear, tine assortment of misses' and children' shoes, gents boots and shoes in eudles-s varisty, dry goods, fancy goods and dress goods, all of which aro offered at extremely low prices. They aro detent ined not to bo uuderbold by any uieicintilo house iu Southern Ore gon. Give thorn a call. Eercn supplies. Miss Emiua Couuine has been quite ill the past week. We hoiH! she will soon recoer. Quite a crowd gathered at the school . .. .... , . " dorsed Dnor to Oolober 14, lb'Jl to pre- exerciser, and an ueciareo inemseives .... ... tK:.. highly entertained. Much credit Is due Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given l all permim holding Puiulas county warrant iu- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Forty Years the Standard. Washington and North Dakota Land Harry Vau Homo came from North Dakota three years ago aud located on a small track of government land iu the lower aktma valley, uo lias 10 acres under cultivation, principally in fruits and vegetables, and euyB that he cau mako a better living from his 10 acres than he could iu Dakota from a half-see- j tioti, and with less work. His fruit trees will begin bearing next year, when he will begin shipping on an extensive scale. Oregonian. II a man can make a living fcr his family on ten acres of land in tho Yak ima valley where lie has to irrigate to successfully grow his products, he ought to lay up money on ten acres in tbe Umpqua valley where the climate and soil aro natural lor tho production of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. the teacher, Miss Pbinetta Blakely. The Misses Lou and I let tie Wilson of Glide aud Robert Blakely of Oak creek came up, last Friday, to be present at the last day of school. They wero the guests of MrB. Lilly, Friday night, and returned home Saturday highly pleased with their trip. Losr. Wholesale Thieving. Tacoma, Wash., Oet. 22. When S. R. Balkhill took formal possession of the closed German-American bank this morning, he found but $1.10, and no ac count books whatever. Tlie city had over $3S,000 on deposit, and it was the demand for this money that caused the bank to fail sent the same at the t-eap-urer's othce m the court house for payment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the 7th day ol Oetolwr, 1895, at the city of Roaeburg, Oregon. Wm. A. Fratek. County Treasurer. Sunday School Rally. The Sunday school of Pine Grove on Deer creek will hold a special service next Sunday, which will last all day. An interesting programme is beiug prepared and a good time is assured. Everybody is invited to come aud brim: your baskets well filled. The meeting will be under the management ol the county associa tion. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DU WIS CREAM BAKING POWDER 'Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard.