P IF YOU SEE IT IM l IF YOU DON'T READ , ,,, ffi'f;" if-. x 1 Tlin PloiTiflnnlAV rue minaealer I JLJlLV JL- Jil.Vl.M.J.VJt.J X . i You Don't Get the News, j - die- .V - - I IT IS SO. Vol.. XXVI. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. No. 61. GENERAL DIRECTORY atk or O&EGOS. U.s.Scn&U I j. ii. micncu J J. N. Dolph , tninpcrllermann npcriicn .K. Kim v. Governor- ..William 1 Lord Secretary of Stale- 1I. II. Kilicaid l'hll Mcttchan G. M. Irwin W. II. Leeds state Treasurer.. SupU rub. Instruction .. suite ranter- Attnrnev tionrral C. M. Idlcman Member Board ot KqulUvJonA . C. Woodcock SF.A. Slooro C K. Wolvcrtoa R.S. Bean SA. B. Oompa.u J. B. Kddj I. A. JIacrum Clerk ol Railroad Commission Lyxlell Baker SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Tn.ip. t , i C Fnllcrton ProsecuUnj: Attorney - Geo. SI. Brown v. s. u.s ornci, boskdc&o. nir R- s. Sheridan ScgUter B. M. Ycatch C. S. WIATHEK EUUAC. Trios. Gtoson Observer.. D0CCLX3 COCSTT. Senator llcnir Becklcj SJ. i- ifiundcll C.TVehfbrcde Ucxk K.W.Benson -hcriff- r. Cathcart W. A. Fratcr J. A. TJndcnrood I. A. Sterling rttasnrer School Snperlndcnt- County Judge. A. y. Stearns Wilson laupin HtyJou r. K. L. Miller Sheep Inspector. .Thos. Smith rttaxrr orncos. Justices- .John Hamlin "kinsUblcs. CTTT Or KOSXBCEO. IW.T. Wright J. H. Shupe jI.K. Rapp B. W. Strong 1. F. Rice Recorder F. SI.Zlslcx Marshal W. K. Carroll Treasorer J. C Sheridan cocxr sessions. The Circtilt Court lor Douglas County meets three times a Tear as follows: The 3a Mon day In March, the 4th Monday In Jane, and the in Monday in December. J. C Fnuerton of Koscbcr? atse. Geo. M. Brown, ot Koscburg, prosccnuus attorney. ConntT Court meets the 1st Wednesday after a, ...it r r if ,.. September and November, A. F. Stearns, ol Oakland, jndfe; C H. Manpin of Klkton and W. I. Wilson, of Riddle, commissioners. Probate Coart is In session continuously, A. F. Steams, icdse. Society Electing. LAUREL LODGE. A. F. i A. JI-, REGULAR meetings the 21 and 1th Wednesdays in each month. J. K. Wexz, W. ii. C. W. Kaex, Sec'y. TTMPQUA CHAPTER, SO. 1L R. A. M., HOLD LJ their regular convocations at Masonic hall on the Srstand third Tuesday of each month. Visiting "T--'"- are cordially invited. M.F.RAPP, H.P. Isasoee Caxo, SecreUry. pHILETAKIAS LODGE, NO. 8, L O. O. Y A meeUSararday crenlss of each week at 7 o'clock In their hall at Roscbors. Members ol the order la good standi nt are Invited to attend. Geoece Caett, X. U. WiTsi Joxes, Secy. ttXIOX ENCASHMENT. NO. 9. MEETS AT U Odd reUon hall nn aecnad and tonrJa ThTrwlayt ol each month. Visitins brethren arc turcica 10 auesa. JOSEPH HICELL1, Scribe. J. SL FLETCUEB. C. 1. rOSrnCEfi LODGE. NO. Jfi. A. O. U. YT. ifXilBMeta tte seeesd sadiiosnh Slosday ot eih at730 T TE. xt Odd JtVxm ' tCL Members ol the order in good i?thHtic are in Tlted to attend. pXNOrOST. N0.r9, G. A. E ilEETS THE JV a-jt and third Thersdaya pleach month. TITOMENS KFIJFy CORPS NO. 13. MEETS ' " wcond and fourth Thursdays in each TJAEiTE ALLIANCE Secular Quarterly MecUnxr will be held at Grange Uau, Brxeburs, the first Friday in and June, and the third Frid December. March iday in September. T OSEBDEG CHAFTEE. NO. S. O. E. S MEETS av the second and fourth Thursdays ol each rasnth. BERTHA CABO, W. M. pOSEBCEG AV tnertaen DIVISION NO -ITS, B. OF L. E-, I meets every second and fourth Sunday. pOSEBUBG R. D. LODGE, NO. 41, L av rsceta on Tuesday evening ol each the Odd Fellows haTL Vhdtins alst E. D.LODGE, NO. 41, L O.O. F. sen weex at sisters and nreihiEn arc invited to attend. DOE A FLETCHER, N. C. IVY VAN BCREN. K Sec A LFHA LODGE, NO. 7, K. OF P., MEETS ii. every Wednesday evening at Odd FeUom hii Yuiung Dretnren in cuoa siTiqinc cor- ulally tsvltea to aoesa. The entireties. Battut Cbtbcb comer ol Lane and Eos streetSv Sunday Service: Prcachlsz, 11 a. m. and 730 p. m.; Youn? People's Union, 6:30 run.; Mrs. G. S. Annes, President; Sunday School, 10 c o.; James Chamberlain, Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Thursday evening at "30. Err. G. N. Ajrhs, Pastor. Residence, No. fSt Main Street. Kxtcosist Cecech corner ol Mais and Lane streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7-30 p. m.; Safcbsth school, 10 a. m.; F. TV. Woolley, Superintendent; Class Meeting at close cl the moTalng service; Epworth League 633 p.m. Clare Hume, President Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at "30 p. m. Rev. G. W. KiscyaKr, Pastor. Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. PEXSBTTXEIAS Chcech comer ol Cass and Rose streets. Sunday Service: Puplic worship, ajs. and 730 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.; 1. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day, 730 p. a. R. B. DU.VOKTH, Pastor. The W. c. T. U. meets every second and fourth Thursday evening at the residence ol Mrs. Wo. Smith. The Loyal TrxriUKCE Lzciox will meet at the M. E. Church Wednesday t 3 p.m. A. C. BCCKXES. scpL J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS - ., A SPECIALTY. A special brand jl unsdulteratd Tea. prise Onr COFFEE Is having a large salt 2?ew styles ol Glass and Delf Ware astosishlnr low vrlces. Toms iocs are - Qnr own canned I SnrttTor Will P. T. CRAWFORD, Attorney nt Law, Room 2. Markers Bulldlnc. - KOSEiiUT.li, OR. rap-Business before the U.S. Land Office and nuniug cases a specialty. Late Receiver U. 3. Land Office. CEOEGE 31. BEOWN. rum. rAcr-TcsTix. TjKOWlf & TUSTHT, Attomej's-at-Law, Rooms 7 and 8 o i WIImju Block. Ta ROSEBURG. OR. w. R. WILLIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will practice in all th courts of the State. Of flee in the Court House, Douglas county, Or. Q A. SEHT.BREDK, Attorney at Law, Office over the ItoBle3 on Jaekaou street. w. W. CARDWRLL, Attorney at Law, ROSKBUKG. OREGON F. R. COFFil AN, Physician and Surgeon (U. S. Examining Sunrcou.) OFFICE. Rooms G and T Mantcrs' Buildlnc. Residence. First door South of Mrs. Currier Boarding House. W Special attention to Surgery and tb Diseases of Women. jf J. UZ1AS, .n. V., Physician and Surgeon, ROaEBURG. OR. OSre in S. Marks A Co-'s Block, upstairv. Calls promptly anwcrvtl day or nigbL La Fayette Lane. JPDOE L. LolV.MJt.UY JANE & LOTJGHARY, Attorneys it Counselors at L:iw V ill practice ia all the etrarU uf Oitruo. Of fice in the Tiltr- WiLuo Muck. YLLX- HEYDON, Count'"' Surveyor. anil Notary l'ulillc. Omci: In Court House. Orders for Surrerine and Fidd Notes should be addressed to Vt ill 1. Ucydou, County Sur; veyor, Bosebnrj.Or. F. BRIGGS, TJ. S-Deputy Mineral Sancyor and Notary Public Ornci: County Jail BaQdicz. cp atain. V Special attention paid to Transfers and Conveyances. Address, K05KBUKG. OIL L. MILLER, 2d. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, ftjg' Chnwiir iffaraara a pccialty. JERRY J. WILSOM, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 4ii Jackson Street, At Lncnscn's Cisar Factory. KOEBUEG. VaWAll Kepalrluc cutruntcU to my care will be PROJIPTtY and carefully done. PRICES REASONABLE. aars rtle aa 12a H H. C. STANTON Has just received a new an! tsteniivc stock o DRY : GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladles' Dress Goods, Kibbons, Trimming?, Laces, Lie, Etc -ALSO A PISE STOCK OP BOOTS AftD SMOJKS Of the beat quality and flniah. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Also on hand In larg quanlitle and at prices to jalt the tunc. Also a urge stoca ox Gustom-Made Clothing WTilch la offered at coat price. A fell and elect tuck uf SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on hand. AUotbe LATJST NOVELTIES IN STATI0XEH). Oeneral urent for everr variety oi abacrlpUon books and periodicals published In the United mate, rersona wianinz resainz mailer oi any auia wiu ao 10 give me a eau. COPYRIGHTS, CAff I OIITAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an boneat opinion, write to Si lis M a.- nt.. who bin bad nearlrflftT Tears' experience In the patnit baalnpes. Commanlca firm frir.lv rnnflrtpntlAl. A llnndbook of formation conccmlna I'nlrn: and bow to ob tain tbem aent Itc. Also a caulogao ot mechan ical and scientific books ncnt free. Patents taken tbrouuli Mnnn & Co. receive r pedal notice in the Hclentlflc Ainrrirnn. and thos are brought wlrtelr before Ibn pnMlcwlth ont coat to the Inventor. Tbls snlcndld pspr, Itaned weekly, elegantly lllnf tratel,baa by far tbe Unreal nrrnlallrm of anr scientific work In tho world. 83 a year. 6mn1; coplw I I a year. Hlnzlo tifnl nl.tM in Volora. Rnd nhntneranha nf new ea. T25 cents. Kvery namiKT contains reu. bonaes, wltb plana, enabling builders to ahow tbo tsteat dealenaand aecor contrarta. Anoreas MUN.V A CO, New VOIIK, 3UI IlllOADWAT. EalarraDJxi't,na!;l'lwok!''i n tn.l. reruacentKMitlbn. riclaalTr Unltuy. KircrlMc unntcwaorr I'"rtil.'ar dranAKstobe;itntira. UVrl rommlnlon to oal part- llfn. arrnta. Lar?Ht , !.. G'jr Corn xs: j&LK m (V fortboirrhard. lawn and cardrn. vremntyouDw,wbile V'W' (lie fruit luooitry ia o dranctDie'it. Otitflt andfnll par .u nnnwM bkcis. txj.. nur. rclitblr. Nairn Ibla pajxr. Ed .rrrr.en. I'ortuna. uviv A. masWTrTro TD l nciiiTIsdr mkVM CHI 0. 1 nAUL lYlAKKSaW A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKUU:K.) Practical : Watchmaker, ; Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELUY. AND FANCY !OODS. Cwouuiito lirtivillluii li2yo Glsets autl Spcctttcles A COMl'I.KTE STOCK Of Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Uroprlotor and Manager of Kosoburg's Famous Hargain Store. AHu: f, V l. v.f. ill, ll,..Ji. SPRINKLE, SPRINKLE, SPRINKLE. II! THIS IS FIRST CLASS PLOWIHG WEATHER. We have just received a large shipment of the famous O L I XZ E R PLOWS. These are the BEST ON EARTH. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & HNZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Raugcs, Timber Lauds aud Mining Properties, Prime and Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locatious, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasouable prices and eas' terms. Inquire of ID. S- KL BXJICKI, alCaw? H mat beL9 XaaaaM eilZEIlBKei0l0H0alBlIaBICIlSieiBBB THE I DPI TOM WATER MOTOR. Vt capacities varying ironi i to 25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. THE THIRD ADDITI0M BK00K5IDE. The JIOIVC Farm, ted and is now ou the market 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wantiug a or a suburban home eau 4 a -a terms. All lots sold in First thau doubled iu value. The the future. More fortunes ing town or city thau any tuuity. For information or Estate Office, or on G- T. mt k ysBflBjsX JBBBBaaflanICf7lflBfniflflflCIBwMSMn THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS. U Warren BV, New YOTk. IMco to ets.1 181 II I POSSESSION GIVEN. . ' . Jar east of town, has beeu plat iu Lots and Blocks coutaiuiug fruit, vegetable or chicken farm now be accommodated on easy 4 . -4 Brookside addition have more prospect is much better for are made in lauds near a grow other way. Sieze the oppor conveyance, call at ony Rea BELDEN, Propr. MS S0tl CALAPOOIA. Edward Kidiurd has been hurdini; U. W. Stoplion'u turkoya during Iiis ubseuco nttuuding tliu fair ut 1'ortland. hast week wo noticed C. A. McNabb liuuliug n load of sidewalk lumber to Hosoburg to repair Bidewalks witli, uever- ttiolcss, wo nro glad to note tbo favor T. W. Willin'o lumber is gaining daily. Ed. Thompson passed tbrougli tho valley, last week, en route to Green vul Ioy after an absonco of one month at Baudon bench. A number of the young people of Cala pooia attended the daneo at T. W. Wil- lin'8 mill, anil report having had u good time. G. V. Stephens, Joo. Farnsworth, HoblrWiniford, Ed. Stearns.Frtsd Bishop, Mesdames Dwight Kcod, G. W. Stephens, Miss Kittio Farnsworth. Tho above is a list of the Calapooia people who attendod the Mechanics Fair ut Portland, last week. Anyone acquainted wilh tho above, kuow them to be a fair represenla toiii of the buoinesi iiiltribls uf this place, aa well as a fair social representa tion. O. K. accompanied thu party as a kind of balance wheel to control the ex clamations of surprise of tho parties on viewing the metropolian city. Uu the night of the ISth, at about l'J o'clock, the hop dryer and 6lore house of & Hay was discovered to be ou fire. A number of ueigbbors mahed to tho scene, but to no avail, as the entile structure, hops and all were consumed by the flames. Tho origin of the Ore is unknown as then- had leen no fire about the premisei since the hops were dried, over a month ago. Every fhin; seems to have been partly covered with insurance. L. Perdue, proprietor of thu Kvchcster Flouring Mill, is running his mill to its utmost capacity on cuetoiu wjik, and will manufacture a large amount of wheal ho has pnrcli&jeil iuto flour as soon as possible. By fair dealing and good work, Mr. Perdue has built up his mill trade far beyond his expectation. J. P. Slarr, our road supcrvirir. has done a god lot of work in the 6liae of graveling. To the satisfaction of all con cerned, the old feeling lor a division ol this dbtrlcl has died out under Jim's good management, and the county board should be Given crvUit lor so etucicnt a selection for road supervisor. T. P. Gossip shipped his bacon to tho Portland market. Foggy mornings and sunshiny after-j noon?. Church at the Calapooia school hougo on the 20ih, by Hcv. John L. Jones. Dtigut Ifeetl ia fattening about onts hundred head of ho. Jesso Shambroofc of Colc9 valley (visseil through this valley, last week, with a uand of hogs he purchased in the vicinity f Klkton. Jess will feed his entire corn crop to hogs this season. County Commissioner JIaupin passed thioogh Ihis valley, lait week, after the Deardortr band of cattle that he pur chased. Kobert Wilcox uml Edward Ellison of loscburg paid us a tlyius vi-jit on their heels on the -0th. Mrs. E. G. and J. E. Youug wero visit ing on tlie Ualapoota, lost week, tne guests of Mrs. C. A. McNabb. John Ellisou ha; leased one hundred ncrea o! . I. Day's i.illlo leunesseo farm and will plant the same to wheat. A farewell jwtrty was given to the nu merous friends of Mr. John Kcrley and family at their residence, ou the night of the l'Jth inst.,andthe numerous friends of the family bid tbem farewell ere their departure for Grants I'ass, of which we made mention before. Mrs. E. G. Biughu will aceomiany tho Kerley fam ily as far as Jump-off-Joe. U. P. Jack. OAKLAND. Itov. Jones of Koscburg was on our iireots Saturday. George Shaiubrook of Umpqua Feiry was iu town several daja last week. Mrs. E. II. Henderson went to Albany riday to visit relatives. Miss Lillian Hall leaves soon to visit relatives iu Portland. Mrs. Dave Clements of Hosebuig was visiting relatives here last week. Wo are pleased to nolo that Mrs. C. II . Medley is nble to get out mid enjoy eome of thu sunshine. E. G. Youn;: & Co shipped a tine lot of veal lo Portlaud last Thursday moru- ing. Messrs. S. ICelloy and P. Parker went into the mountains on a hunting aud camping outing last week. Hevereud Waul, tho Adveut minister, left with his family Tuesday of laet week for Walla Walla. They will stop in Portland a hhort time. Mr. McFarland, our undertaker, made a tiip to Portland recently to have his eyes examined for the removal ol cata rjcts that aro growing over them, but found it too soon to havo the" operation pjrformcd. Hob Medley returned on Sunday's lo cal from thu Portland excursion. Miss Maud Ueokloy was tho recipient of a new piauo last week, and judging from tho molodics that eminate irom that source, Miss Maud is enjoying her present very much. Itov. Shauglo's youngest child, whom wo mentioned last week, has been suffer ing uulold agonies from tho hum. At last accounts tho child was resting quito easv. but it will bo several weeks before it can recover its usunl health. Wo wish to correct our last week'B statement as to Sunday services iu add! lion lo those given, ltev. Junes of Koso burg, Southern Methodist minister, holds Eurvi.-e on tho first Sunday of each mouth, morning and evening. Mr. T. J. Wilson, attorney at law aud notary public, has lately located here Wo wish him success. It was quito a lively time at the depot tho morning of the excuruion last Wed nesday. There were about -10 excursion ists from hero and vicinity. The train came in from Kuseburg with three cars well filled with excursionists, thu Oak land car making four coaches of passen gers from Douglas county. Wosawfjuite a number of familiar faces from Rose burg. Mr. E-iloa, thu S. P. agent, was out in all his glory. Everybody eeemed to 'e well pleased aud glad they wero going to see the sights. No doubt they will feel well paid for time and money speut on the trip. Tkiliiv. OLALLA. The health of this valley is excellent. Tho furmers arc all making the best of this fine weather by hauling in their winter supplies, preparing ground for tho plow, fixing fences, etc. Bill Reynolds has his house pretty well advanced towards completion. John Byron has been making some improvements on the Wells' place. Mr. Newland's new house is beginning to loom up like "six bits in a fog" and looks as though Tom does not intend to be left behind iu the way of improve ment. James McCulloch has just completed an extension to the stage-barn. James Byron, thu Olalla rustler, is creating quite a smoke ou his farm just now. He too is making some substan tial improvements. Mr. Olliyant'a new house is nearly complete. I am informed that Hamilton Bushncll will occupy the same when it is finished. In the r.'-UNDEALKi: of the 17th itistin the Olalla items. "Occasional" accuses me of emoothing over and of making unjustified asseitions. I will simply say, (inasmuch as I am to be held by the shoulder while Billy and Occasional slaps me in the face) that my stamps cost Occasional nothing, and while it is a fact that stamps are greatly needed at home, I have not drank up nor gambled olT, nor had our home sold under moit- gago aud if Occasional could truthfully say the same, I would ask him for the loan of a postage stamp. Allen. Oregon aud Happy Homes. Oregon climatn is simply getting in and showing Eastern visitors how fair the sun can shine in Otober, the season of the "sear and vellow leaf." Our cli- mate incomparable, the old myth about iou ieremai rainy seasons is no longer reriously spoken of in the East. Oregon climate has its distinct seasons spring, eumineti autumn and winter, but the weather ia seldom extreme -heat, wot or cold. Cotuo and see us and you will be satisfied that Oregon, and especially Douglas county, excels all other lands in healthful climate, fertile soil, aud every thing to make happy homes, and to the iudustrious toiler that competence eo hardly gained in other lands. Come, visit Douglas county and test the truth of the above. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. The warrant for the collection of de linquent taxes for the year 1S94 has been placed in the hands of the sheriff In order to make legal return of the warrant, the sheriff will necessarily Iks compelled to commence levying upon property for delinquent taxes by Oc tober 21st, lS'Jo. To avoid the costs of levying and mileage, delinquent taxes must bo paid before that time. The law in regard to delinquent poll taxes will bo strictly enforced and costs and mileage added. A. F. SmAims, ' C. II. M.vun.v, W. L. Wilson. McC! alien Hotel Leased. Hoseiickg, Or., October 14, IS'Jj. To (he Public: On account of poor lealth, I have leased the McClallen House and retired from business. D. C. McClallen. KoKiiri;u, Or., Octolier 14, 1SI5. To (if Public: I have leased the Mc- Clalleu House aud will take possession on the loth dav of October, 1S'J5, and hope to havo the patronage of the pub ic, as I shall keep the house and its surroundings first class. Mus. D. C. MlCl.Al.LKN. What Will the Harvest Be? The above is an important question, and one the solution of which involves the weal or woe of the Oregon farmer. Another question of equal importance is, where shall we go to lay in our sup plies of clothing and drv goods? The answer to the latter question might be readilv answered bv saving, 'Go to the Square Deal store of Wollenberg & Ab raham, where aro kept large supplies suitable for the wants of all, and which they will dispose of for greenbacks, gold or silver, at very reasonable rates." "Livcrinc. Liveriue," manufactured by the An chor S Chemical Co., tho great layer, Kiduey and Constipation cure. An in fallible remedy for all curable tonus of diseases of those organs. The ureatcst knows remedy for Indigestion, fry it, For salo at M. F. Kapp's drug store, Roseburg, Oregon. State of Ohio, citv of Toledo, lccas uountv, 1 Frank J.Ciieeny miikcsoath that lio is (lie minor imrlner of tlio lirm of F. J. Liiksky ... .I..!,.., t.ti.lti..u- fit !... I'tt.. ..f County nixl Statu ulorvMtM, nnl 0m t miUI Una win l'iiy iuu sum 01 u.e iiu.Miur.n dul- IjAKs for each 11ml every ohm: of i'atarrii that cannot bo coral by tho use of Hall's CATAKIlll CURB. Fli.VMv J. CHENEY sworn w boloro mo and subscribed in mj- lircscuco mis 0111 nay 01 iwceniuer, a. v., ism. seal A. V. CI.EASON. Notary l'ublic. Hall's Catarrh Curu is taken internally ami acta ulreetlv on tho blotxl ami muctios sur faces of tho system, soml lor testimonials Irce. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, sold uy uniEgiMs.7sc. Notice. Grain bags and twine for salo by Sol Abraham, and tho highest market price in cash will bo paid by him for grain, delivered at his warehouse at Roseburg. New S. P. Cut Rates. To .San Francisco by rail in 24 hours for $20, including Pullman, or for $10, including tourist accommodations this was the news contained in a dispatch from .San Francisco published yesterday. Inquiry at thu local offices of the South ern Pacific confirmed the dispatch. Commencing Monday, October 21 that company will operate an extra pas senger train, made up exclusively of five Bleeping cars, to be known as the "Shasta Limited," which will make one round trip every five days between San Francisco and Portland. All tickets sold for the passage by this tram will include sleeper privileges, so that passengers will have berths whether they want them or not, as on ocean steamers. Practical!) the Southern Pacific cells its usual first class ticket to San Francisco and throws in Pullman privileges free. This means a saving of f5 on the trip to passengers by this train. The ordinary second-class fare, including tourist sleeper, is $16.50 but by the Shasta Limited it will be $10. The Shasta Limited will be the fastest tegular train ever run lietwceu Portland aud San Francisco, making the trip, ac cording to the dispatch, iu au even day; but local officials think it will not be under 28 hours. This is a great saving in time as against the 38 hours required by the ordinary trains to make the dis tance. The Shasta express will not in any way interfere with the present Oregon-California service; that is to say, the other trains will run as usual, with day coaches, Pullman's and tourist sleepers. The Shast-t Limited will change en gines attout five times between Portland and San Francisco. Formerly engines were rarely run over 100 miles, but with the huge modern engines such as first class railroads have now in service, runs of about 200 milrs are the role. Probably the only stops which wiil be made by the Shasta Limited between Portland and Saa Francisco are Salem, Albany, Eugene, Hoeeburg, Ashland, Dunsmuir, Keddiug, Ited Bluff, Marys- ville and Sacramento. Oregonian. Touch Them On the Raw. We. are constrained once more to feel around the short ribs of those gentlemen who do not like to have us go abroad for fads regarding the lottery industry in England, and state that according to the Staffordshire Sentinel of August 3, 1895, the pottery manufacturers over there are pushed to keep up wilh orders. Tbe shipments of earthenware from Liver pool to the United States in the week ending July 20th were 2,SoO packages, as as against 1,37 packages in the cor resiouding week last year, being rather more than Unable the number. The total shipment; for the eriord from July 20th, were 07,011, :u compared with 31,55G in the same period last year, be ing an increase of 32,450 packages. Trenton Gazelle Bough a Laugh For $50. A society girl, one of whose greatest ! attractions is a soft, little musical laugh, I entertained an interested group lately with au account uf how that prominent charm of hera was acquired. "Very few persons have, as you ail know," she said, "an agreeable laugh. I had simply nothing that could be cdled such in my possession. The lack made me seem grim and loo far from merry to bo a sue cessful companion. So I took lessons of au actor and learned the mechanism of forced laughter. This I practiced and improved myself till I had the art to er fection, and it became second nature. It cost tne $50 to buy my laugh, but I would not part wilh it for thousands." It is a great satisfaction to the readers of the boastful "twice a week Review.1 to scan its col u 111 us and thus gain a knowledge of its extensive circulation autl uf passing events. Were it not for the daily Plainuealek the Review would be at a loss for much of the news items ontained iu its columns. The Plain- dealek willingly furnishes these items to the Review, aud without any braggadocio submits its claims to the favor of the reading public, knowing that its true worth is appreciated. Louisiana has just sold some state bonds at par for the first time since the war. llus improvement ol Iter credit is due to the adjustment of much of he de linquent indebtedness by compromise ind the prompt payment of interest on her obligations for the past twelve years ; and it is quite likely that the removal of the lottery reproach has also helped to give her a better financial standing. American workingmon to the number of several million aro still waiting for a restoration of th' wages which they re ceived during protection' limes iu IS'.)-, and they kuow thoy will not get them until the tariff' law lus beeu revised 011 protection lines oy a republican con gress, aud the bill has been signed by a republican president. The Massachusetts, Democrats com mend the Cleveland administration for its conduct of foreign affairs; but such 111 inducement counts for nothiug in a stalo where it is certain to bo voted down by 11 large majority Uncle Sam exacts the coming session of congress to provide him with a sufli cient revenue and woe lo to tho free traders if the obstinate man they hayo put in oltlce bhould veto the bill that pio vides it. It is edifying to learn from the Porte's reply to the j iui note of tho Bit p iwers that the TurWc are inoffensive victim- of Armenian ferocity. It ii the duty of the powers to see that tho lowly Turk u pro lected. Cleveland has guno back to Washing tou, but the vigorous foreign policy still fishing. The Cubitis are doiug the striking, but it is the Spaniards who will have to walk out. For Sale or Rent. The Palmer sawmill. For particulars address, E. C. Palmer, Drain, Or, BUSINESS LOCLAS. A Salzuiati. thelreliable jeweler. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. Go to A. C. Marsters & Co. for school books. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oakland. Get your fchool books at Marsters' drug store. Thc'best of low price hats and caps at the Novelty Store. Harness of all kinds at low prices at G. W. Woodward's. Ladies Oneita 60110," 50 cents per suit, at the Novelty Store. Key West, imported aud domestic cigars at the Roseleaf. Myrtle Creek flour, only 180 cents per sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hons. Guess the price on'our all wool shirt ing ; tho price will surprise you, at the Novelty Store. For good substantial blacksmithing cheap, go to McKiuuey & -Manning, Oakland. The GOLDEN fleeck brand of yarn and zephyrsais the 'Jjest. Sold only by the Noveltv store. $ $ $ saved by trading under tbe Racket Cash System at Richards Broth era' Racket Store. When in need of an.umbrella 'call at the Novelty Store, for the best, cheapest and neatestlin town. Call at the Novelty Store fordry goodB, furnishing goods, etc. We will sov be unokbsold. Noveltv Stoie. Choice lot of patterns and colorings in outing flannels, opera flannels, eider down, etc., at the NoveltyJStore. What's tbe use of paying 25 cents when you can get a good square meal for 15 cenls.Stop at the Central .hotel and be convinced. Pretty as a picture might well be said of our baby'eui and blanketsgand no one grumoies at tne price, novelty Store. Farmers: We have a large line of underwear both cotton and woolen at ex traordinary low rniCES and you will Bay so. Novelty More. Sbilo's Cure, thegreat Cough and Croup Cure, is in great deaand. Pocket size contains twenty-five, only 2o cents. Children love it. Sold bv Druggists. , L. Langenburg is still ou top. He carries a full stock of choice music, mu sical instruments, violin, guitars, accord- eons etc., violin strings of best quality always on hand. Ten cents saved is ten cents earned. Save -ten cents by stopping at tbe Cen tral hotel. A good square meal for 15 cents, beds the same. Board and lodg ing only $3.50 per week. Those having second hand Btoves, furniture, etc., for sale can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 221-J3 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Look in our windows, or better still, call iu. You are alvays welcome. Look aDout you, our store is crowded with mric jw.U; inquire piices. We are ever willing to serve you, even though you do not buy. Yours, the Novelty Store. We are receiving staple goods now suitable for the fall trade, including boots and shoes, which we are offering at bedrock prices. We think we are dealing as square as our neighbors, and certainly don't want but one price for our goods. Call on II. C. Stanton. Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaron Bosk, Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, lS'Jo. MONEY LOANED. First Mortgages on Improved Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon improved farms iu Ore gon, with eastern parties at a rate of in terest not to exceed ! p-r ccut. per auuutu. ' Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamp: Mekvin Swouts, Baker City, Oregon. The Grand Excursion From Roseburg to Portland and return on account ot the Oregon Industrial Exposition has been definitely settled for Oct. 10th, over fifty excursionists having purchased tickets. Tickets for the excursion are now 011 sale at the depot and Mr. Estes requests nil who intend going to purchase tiekets as early as possible, in order that a suffi cient number of coaches may be pro vided to carrv the excursionists. Final Call. persons are hereby AU persons are hereby noticed to make immediate pettleuient of their in- delitedness to the Iuto firm of S. Marks & Co.; otherwise tho same will be placed iu hands for collection. Please give this call prompt attention and thus avoid ad ditional costs. Asuek Makks, Administrator of Estate of S. Marks & Co. m Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chatanooga Teun.. says, "cMuloV Vitalizer saved my life. I consider it tho best remedy for a debilitated system I over used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kiduey tiouble it excels. Prico 75c. For Rent. A small farm near tho school and post offico. Reasonable terms. Address or enquire of W. R. Wulls, P. M., Olalla, Douglas county, Oregon. For Salo" Old papers, at at 25 cents per hundred. this office,